They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 144-148

They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 144-148

Chapter 144: After School Call Out

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

With the lesson over, our school day came to an end.

I was packing away my school supplies and preparing to go home. When suddenly- 

"- – -Fari. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

My Onee-sama called out to me.

"Yes? What is it Onee-sama?"

"I'd like to talk t for just a little while after school."

"Okay. . .Um, is this about Rig and I?"

"Yeah, that is right. There is something I'd like to discuss privately."

My Onee-sama said as she glanced at Rig. She was preparing to go home as well.

"It's okay Fari. I'll see you later."

"Alright Rig. See ya."

"Fufu, I wanted to go back to gather. So how will you make up for it?"

"Oh, u-um. . ."

"I'm just joking. Don't worry about it."

With that, It was decided.

I did want to go home with my beloved Rig.

But instead, I'll have to be generous when I get home.

"Well then, Pardon me."

Rig said as she left to return home.

"Nyah, I'll return home as well. Bye bye!"

Anne-chan then said as she left the class room.

We waited in the classroom until the remaining students left and it was just Onee-sama and I.

School is over, so we don't need to worry about anybody walking in.

"So Onee-sama, what did you want to talk about?"

I asked as Onee-sama gave a troubled expression.

". . .I'll just get to the point. Does Fari like Rigurett-sama?"

Isn't it obvious?

"Yup. I love her. Rig is my number one friend."


She had a suspicious look on her face, along with a hint of sadness.

Why is she doubting that I like her?

"I really like her."

"Ahh. No, not like that."

My Onee-sama then gave a bitter smile.

I simply tilted my head in confusion.

"Does Fari really like Rigurett-sama, just as a”Friend" ?”

She was definitely emphasizing the word friend.

My heart jumped when she said that.

"I'm going to just jump to the point. Does Fari like Rigurett-sama as a woman?"

My Onee-sama just asked the question I was terrified of.

I can't worm my way out of this.

I decided to nod honestly.

"Yes. I like Rig. She is my number one. I love her." 

After she heard that she sighed.

"I understand, but do you really understand what that means?"


What does she mean? I don't get it.

"You like Rigurett-sama, alright. . . Let's say it gets further, and one of you becomes an entering wife to another. Do you understand what that would do?"

"Umm. . .If I get married to Rig, we would be very happy and I can flirt and act like a couple with her everyday."

"Hahh. . .Okay. I see."

As if my answer was the wrong one, she heavily sighed in an exhausted voice.

Chapter 145: The Grand Duke and the Viscount.



My Onee-sama suddenly said in a firm voice.

I was caught off guard and replied like that.

"What is your name."

"Umm. . .Fari, Fari von D'azell."

"Now what is Rigurett-sama's name."

"Um, Rig's name is . . .Rigurett Beuze Crausus."

"So then, what would it become if you guys get married?"

"Then umm. . .If Rig became my entering wife, it would be Rigurett Von D'azell?"

"Right. Have you ever thought what it would mean if a Crasus daughter married a child from the D'azell family. Aka the strongest military family in St Valeria? Do you understand how serious that is?"

I don't get it? So I simply tilted my head.

The D'azell family is a viscount, and it has the strongest army. So they have a strong trust with the royal family.

And the Crasus is a new Grand Duchy and has a deep royal lineage. In addition to that, one of Rig's mother is also a former head priestess of the world's largest religion, Classic Heroism.

"Um. . .It's surely a marriage between an Archduke and a viscount. But the D'azell already have a strong relationship with the royals. And a strong military. So what's the problem?"

"No no no. . .Fari. You should really study world politics much more."

My Onee-sama is calling me stupid again, so I bloated my cheeks.

Yeah yeah. I know I don't know much about politics. So I can't really retort that.

"Ok Fari. Let's say you and Rigurett-sama marry, it doesn't have to do with your personality or family relationship. It is more so about the "balance" of the kingdom."

I don't get it still.

I simply looked at her with a confused face.

"The D'azell family supports the military power of St. Valeria. It supports it not only with military soldiers, but also magical research and engineering. Have you ever wondered why we have a Viscount status despite these achievements?"

". . .No."

"Then I'll tell you. Because mass internal unrest with the other nobles will occur. The D'azell family could easily get the title of Duke with these achievements. If it became a duke, it's political power would be immense with its military might as it's force. So even if the other dukes form a group, they couldn't stand up to the D'azell influence. It's even said that it matches the Archdukes and Royal family."

I'm starting to understand little by little.

Perhaps it's a problem with getting too much power.

"It's a problem for a single noble family or dukedom to have power comparable to the royal family. It could shake the legitimacy of the Royal family. Nobles that also strongly influence the Royals will definitely revolt. Those who are simply wary the power concentration in the D'azell family will be outspoken. Those who want even more power will see this as a chance to undermine some. Those who already see the danger the D'azell family will have more ammo to fuel their concerns. All of them will be alarmed all at once. The response will be massive. . .This isn't an exaggeration, but I'm confident to say that a civil war will occur."

Civil war. Which means soldiers and civilians will die. Fellow country women will kill each other.

I could not forgive myself, as it is my responsibility as a noble daughter to govern them.

"If Fari and Rigurett-sama marry, that will surely result in the same thing happening. So do you understand now? It's a deadly civil war if you get married. So many people could die."

I understand.

"Onee-sama. . .I didn't understand the consequences of falling in love with Rig."

"Caution is good. However both of you will just be unhappy if it is left as it is. That's why I won't meddle, but I just wanted you to understand your situation."

Onee-sama the gave me a gentle smile.

Chapter 146: Responsibility

What my Onee-sama said has been bouncing in my head.

If I get married to Rig, it will surely be the spark that starts a civil war.

Knowing that, it could even be risky if a rumor spreads about us being engaged or in love.

This could put a lot of unrelated people in risk.

"- – -Should I just give up on Rig?"

There would be such an easy solution if it was just a story about two village girls.

But Rig is sort of a princess. And I am the second daughter of a Viscount family that gives much of the country's military strength.

I love Rig. I like her a lot.

But. . .If I let these feelings continue it could ignite a conflict, a lot of people would get hurt.

Perhaps it just can't be helped.

"Fari. It seems like you are thinking about it the wrong way."

My Onee-sama told me in a gentle voice.

I guess she can tell that I was going through a mental crisis.

"I didn't mean that it was bad for you to like her. Rather it's up to you to decide what you want to do."

"What I want to do?"

"Yes. Do what your heart tells you to."

What my heart desires? Well that would be for a future with Rig.

But that would come with the death of many.

Just thinking about that sends a shiver down my spine.

I can't risk the lives of people who aren't involved just for me.

I'm just not that sort of person.

"Hey, you have that troubled face again."

My Onee-sama said as she pinched my cheeks.


"Don't overthink it too much. No matter what you choose, I will be behind your decision. I'll always stick to you. Even if that means a rebellion. I will stand with you."

"Oh. . .Thank you."

That just embarrassed me from how direct she is.

But nevertheless, I am happy that she is behind me so much. So I'm thankful.

"But. . .Why would you be okay with a rebellion?"

Naturally that comes to mind.

"Onee-sama is in a position where she can stop our relationship. So why would you simply stand aside?"

Onee-sama is also a member of nobility, and the eldest daughter of the D'azell family. So shouldn't she choose national stability over anything else?

Furthermore, she was the one that pointed out a future Rig and mine marriage could lead to a civil war.

So isn't it strange for her to tell me that- – and then say she will be an ally to the person who would cause that war?

"That's simple."

She said in a calm smile.

"Because I love you."

Chapter 147: Quella's heart.

"Umm. . .Onee-sama?"

I don't get it.

"I mean. Of course I love you too as a sister, isn't it normal for families to love each other?"

"Fufu, Well yes. I certainly do love Fari as a sister and a family member as well."

As she said that, she brushed a finger down my chest.

It wasn't strange, but felt kind of good.

"But Fari."

Hmm? What is it?

"I also love you as a girl."

As a girl?

As a girl. . .That echoed through my head. 

I thought about it over and over again. . .Hmm. . .Then it clicked.

". . . Onee-sama. Do you like "like" me?"

"That's right. I want to kiss you. I want to feel you. I want to touch you."

My Onee-sama started to describe perverted things.

I could feel my face getting red.

"Onee-sama is a pervert!"

"Huh, why are you reacting like that?"

She said as she gave a troubled smile.

"Because you just said you wanted to touch and kiss me! I can't respond to such a naughty request!"

"Ah- Of course. I don't want to do it to you right now. So can you calm down?"

I was told to calm down. So I took a deep breath and tried to.

"But um, Onee-sama. . .When did you start liking me like um, "that"?"

"Ahh. I've always wanted to be Fari's lover."

"But. . .Since when?"

"Hmm. I don't remember when, I just feel like I always have loved you like that."

"I-I see. . ."

She said it so calmly. . .

How do you stay so calm, while I'm in a panic.

Anyways I tried to calm down so I can listen more to her explanation.

"From the start Fari. I wanted to protect you. As an older sister, It was my duty to be the protector. But, then I started to feel something, something in my heart. I kept watching you, and viewing you like a crush. Those feelings just sprung up."

This is really embarrassing, but I listened calmly.

"I started to yearn for your earnest personality. Your gentle yet clumsy personality. You were so delicate, and vulnerable without me. Always wary and scared of others, as if you were sorry for being alive. So immature and pained. Until recently that is."

As she continued, I got more and more embarrassed. My ears were getting hot.

But I kept calm.

"You and I were closer than anyone. So I saw your fear and sadness. For that reason, I wanted to protect you. I wanted to be your support. I wanted to be your sword. That's the reason I started to train. Father prepared me to be a Royal Guard Knight, a Military Officer, or a Commander. But that's not what I really wanted."

I…Can't listen to this calmly!

This is such an embarrassing confession, my heart feels like it's going to explode.

"I wanted to be your knight. And you to be my life companion. I wanted to cut through our difficulties just to see your smile. So I trained. I entered the Hunter's Academy. . . All for you. . .Although now Fari is much stronger than me."

Onee-sama gave a shy laugh at the end.

No No No! You are in no position to be shy!

Chapter 148: The Reply. 

"—Geez Onee-sama how can you say something so embarrassing so calmly!?"

I was in a panic.

"Ah, because I'm used to it."

"Used to. . .Confessing?"

"Ahh. No. I actually confessed, I don't know how many times to girls at this school already."

"And yet you like me?"

I raised a frustrated voice.

That actually caused a pain in my heart. 

"Fari, Have a peace of mind Fari. Although I have had a number of "conquest" you have always been the girl I devoted myself to."

". . .I don't know if that is the real issue here. . ."

Apparently my Onee-sama is a womanizer.

How is it that she has always secretly loved me, while at the same time having multiple secret girlfriends.

Maybe that's just the way she is.

Well actually, marriage is a natural thing for nobles in this country.

However, even if you are not the family head, it's not uncommon to have multiple entering wives or simply lovers.

But in most cases, it is just monogamous.

In Onee-sama's case. She wants to be my Foundation Wife and have me as her Entering bride. But at the same time still having many other lovers.

Honestly, I only started to feel weird about polygamy in this country recently. Ever since my previous memories came to me I've noticed how weird it is. But I know that it is not a taboo thing in this world.

Although it is unusual if that lover is your own sister.

". . .I understand Onee-sama's feelings, but I-"

"No, you don't have to say anymore."

My Onee-sama cut me off.

"I already know the answer. You like Rigurett-sama, right?"

". . .Yes, that's right."

"And I know Fari's personality well enough already. I know you aren't the type of person to just have anybody be your lover."

"Onee-sama. . ."

She already knew I would refuse. So why did she confess?

"I just want to tell you Fari. There are many people that care about you. And there are people other than Rigurett-sama that love you. I'm sure you will meet many more people in the future. I just want you to remember that."

A lot of people care about me?. . .Are there really that many?

It's hard to believe Onee-sama's words. But she seems so confident.

". . .Well, It seems like you still have your doubts."

She seemed to figure out what I was thinking from my expression.

"Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. I didn't expect to steal you from Rigurett-sama, or to get a reply. I simply wanted you to know this. Not to lecture you or tell you want to do."

As she said that, she put her hand on my head, and gently brushed it.

"The rest is up for you to decide."

Those words stabbed into my heart. I could feel the pressure being built.

Now these are the chapters I like. Pure character development and plot. Also nice fluff sort of. I knew Quella loved Fari, but I didn't know if she actually just wanted her to be a part of her harem. Also I think this whole "romeo and Juliet thing", with the danger of Rigurett and Fari being together is a cool plot. I am looking forward to see what Fari decides.

While we're on it. I hope you guys had a good holiday season. Hopefully it was fun, or at least not annoying. But I do want to wish you guys a happy new year. I guess this will be my last update for the rest of the year. It was a fun twisty year. From one of my favorite novels being dropped. To another being entirely wiped off the internet and the author vanishing. To then finding a new odd gem. I hope the next year will be as fun.

Anyways happy new year.

If you'd like to donate a coffee. Here is a link.

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age. Also Fari uses, 私 aka female pronoun watashi. Her Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior. Quella von D'azell. Fari's older sister. Is 16, has silver hair and red eyes. 2 horns on her head, and two fangs in her mouth. She also uses the more masculine "Boku" refer to herself. Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a god. Has silver hair and red eyes. Gave Fari, Exscolibur Rigurett Beuze Crausus or simply Rig: She is 14 Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic. She actually speaks polite and proper, but that's hard to translate. Anne Cowlman: Half human half cat-girl. Has a normal human face with short brown hair but with cat ears and red cat like eyes, then has fur from the points of her hands, legs, and chest. Fur is striped with light brown on her brown fur, her tail has the same pattern. Kent El Lizzarth aka Katie: Plump Rich Boy. Basic C ranked earth magic. Gender bent to busty short haired girl. Count Raizenstein aka Ria: Was a tall slender man, with pale skin,black eyes and black hair. Now beautiful girl with long black hair and a slender physique They are students of St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy. Lilina Mumberg is a magic's teacher. Also Girl X Girl can have babies. And zero "life" doesn't equal death, just fainting. Team name is Pure Ruby Translator/Editor: Mamuni ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter end

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