The Strongest Businessman 78 Chapter 78: Outside of the Test Center

The Strongest Businessman 78 Chapter 78: Outside of the Test Center

The gazes of 10,000 people fell upon Roland as he spoke those words. They wondered who this Dylan Ford was? How could someone bet on a nobody? The crowd started asking for information regarding the background of a nobody.

"Hey, elder brother, do you know who this Dylan Ford is?" A girl wondered the identity of this Dylan Ford. Since someone had confidently bet on him, he would at least be a grand character at that. But she wondered how come she never heard of this youth named Dylan Ford before?

"Not sure. How about you, Master? Do you know him?" Her fellow apprentice could not give her the answer that she desired and instead, he diverted the question to their master.

"I am uncertain as well." The master was caught by surprise and could only give an unsure reply to his disciples.

"Dylan Ford? I think he is the owner of that new herbal store, Soaring Garden." A near fatty had a sudden realization and voiced out his guess which grabbed the attention of the entire crowd.

"A Herbal Store? A new establishment?" The majority were knitting their eyebrows when they heard the fatty's statement.

"Yeah, I remember he was the charmingly​ calm, handsome young man who always treated his customers with a smile." An old woman weakly said with an amiable smile. Evidently, she had visited the store once or twice.

"Right, he was also spontaneously devising ways to make the services of the store more convenient for their customer." Another elder spoke.

"So... Basically, they are voting for a novice businessman? And a pretty boy at that? Hahahaha, hilarious!" No one knew who said those mocking words but once it was heard, the nobles gave hearty laughs at the small group.

"I remember now! I saw them working in that store as well! They must be his employees." A naive girl spoke aloud.

"Pfft, hahahaha! Now that's shameless! His loyal dogs are betting for him to show support! Hahahaha, this is has got to be the best joke today!" An arrogant noble from a great clan looked at them with condescending gaze as he cruelly laughed at them. He and dozens of nobles approached the small group of Roland.

He then continued making a mockery of Roland's groups actions: "Hahaha, you even went to the extent of betting him to be first?! Hahaha what naivety and blind devotion for your dog master! Hahahaha."

Due to his statements, the other nobles mocked Roland's group who were standing near Old Weller's booth. The hearty laughs reverberated to the entire square and contemptuous gazes of the nobles surrounded the group as their faces turned read from the blatant mockery.

They could not help about those several times those arrogant and spoiled nobles caused trouble within their stores while speaking how impotent and degraded the herbs that they sold were. But, they were eventually driven out by Dylan as he calmly disproved their claims in front of his customers.

From the embarassment of being publicly proved to be liars, they could only curse as they left with their tails between their legs while Dylan was met with recognition and applause. Unfortunately, Dylan was not hear to verbally spar with them and they were all alone in front of the antagonizing crowd.

But, they did not falter and endured their anger as Ronald boldly spoke:" Then, let's make it a bet then!"

The nobles were suddenly attracted by Ronald's sudden declaration.

"What's​ this?! Hahaha where did a servant like get the courage to speak in front of us, nobles, huh?" A good dog should know where to aim his barks!" Another female noble met him with disdain.

"A servant does not have the authority to negotiate with nobles! You should hide and go back to your mother's tit and drink milk from it all day! Hahahaha!" One more pudgy noble supported as he made a joke of Roland's attempt to negotiate with them.

For nobles, servants like them have no place in their eyes and are no different than ants! Especially when they scanned their cultivation levels, they became even more unbridled knowing that the object of their mockery was only at the peak of the Spirit Veins Realm. After hearing those words, the nobles laughed sarcastically at these ant-like peasants.

"Why, you bastards!!" A young man named Orion scowled as he prepared for battle but he was held back by Roland. Although Roland wanted to tear then to pieces, but when met with the current situation, he knew if their Sir Dylan were here, he would advise them to hold back their anger.

So as the leader of this group, Roland had the responsibility of keeping everybody in check and away from harm. "It's fine, Orion. Leave these jerks to me."

"Okay. You better make them pay!" Orion emphasized.

"Hahaha, of course! Being with Sir Dylan just infects you with his bravery and calmness! Don't worry, I got this." Roland smiled.

"Hahahahaha, what's this? The dogs are trying to bite us? The same arrogant noble mocked them.

"Really, now? Hahaha, it seems like you group of nobles are nothing but chickens who can't even take a bet while spouting off nonsense." Roland calmly said.

Those bold words shocked the nobles. They never thought that these plebeians would actually talk back to them. This type of defiance enraged them even more.

"What bet?" The pudgy noble held his anger as he spoke.

"Simple, if my boss Dylan becomes first, then you should all apologize and kneel directly to him. If not, I would do anything you want me to do!" Roland's​ conditions stunned the crowd were a bit extreme to exchange his freedom for the sake of the reputation of his master. It was truly a moving sight. Some businessmen could not help but feel envious with this kind of devoted follower.

"Bah, I just told you that you don't have any right to negotiate with us! If you knell and kiss my foot right now, I can consider forgiving you and your group!" The arrogant noble said.

"That just proves what type of chicken you are! You aren't even a rooster at most you're a hen." Orion sneered.

"Insolent dog! I want you to grovel under my feet and apologize! Otherwise, die!" The arrogant noble could no longer contain his anger and pounced at him but he was immobilized by a stationed Thundercloud Guard immediately.

"Aarrrggghh!" The arrogant noble shouted.

"Stand down!" The Thundercloud Guard completely suppressed the arrogant noble to the ground with his face pressed downwards to the ground.

"How lawless. It seems like you forgot that you are within the Thunder Clouds City which is under the impartial security of the Thundercloud Guards." Roland sneered as he looked at the​ suppressed noble.

"How idiotic. You are a citizen of this city ever since you were born yet you don't even know it's most basic rules. Are all nobles this stupid?" A cold and arrogant voice coming from the back of the crowd said. When he arrived, he gave others the feeling that they were looking at a cold-blooded blade that is ready to vanquish all evil and crimes. He adjusted his glasses as he appeared as heroic and valiant as his stories were! The ninth of the Mythical 10, Lancelot Pierce!

The crowd was then silenced at the arrival of this young man. They knew that the Thundercloud Guards were impartial but there was still little leniency when it comes to citizens. However, Lancelot Pierce, was not someone who was lenient to anyone! He even imprisoned his uncle due to murder within the city! He was then recognized to be the Impartial Spear of the city which represents the weapon that will purge all evil without any bias or reconsideration if proven to be guilty.

The Imperial Spear proved his mettle countless of times and his most notable achievement which was felling Animo of the Northern Mountains and his Ten Thousand Origin Beast horde. Not only gave him the right to be placed at the Mythical 10 but it also awarded him the right to become the youngest Captain General in the history of the Mystic Red Cloud State.

In the every city, a city guard organization is also found. There are five ranks within the city guards: Knight, Captain, General, Captain General, and Marshal Paladin. A Captain General can command 5,000 knights and have his own private squadron that are handpicked by him. For Lancelot, his private squadron was the well-known, Squadron 48! He, who was known, to be the youngest Army Captain of their city was received by the guard who was suppressing the noble which was then followed by his colleagues.

"We greet Sir Lancelot's arrival!"

"We greet Sir Lancelot's arrival!"

"We greet Sir Lancelot's arrival!"

"We greet Sir Lancelot's arrival!!!"

The guard that were stationed near the four sides of the Noble Test Center greeted him with thunderous cheers one after another! Due to the large size of the Noble Test Center, the Guards in duty were stationed around the vicinity of its four sides for them to be able to maintain peace and order all throughout the duration of the test.

As Lancelot went to the quarters of the guards, he left a warning to all, "To those who seek to cause trouble during my watch, be ready to be detained depending on the weight of your crime but if you resist, my spear will taste your blood. As for the Noble who attacked the commoner, he is charged with attempted murder and will be detained for 5 years!"

His overbearing and cold demeanor left the group of nobles who antagonized Dylan's employees shuddering from fright. The guard then knocked the arrogant noble senseless and carried his unconscious body to the headquarters of the Thundercloud Guards where he will be detained.

After he left, the crowd was completely silent. His reputation as the Impartial Spear was truly befitting. He couldn't care less if the criminal was a noble or not, he either detains them or slaughter without mercy. The crowd knew that this was because of his outstanding talent but more importantly his master, the unbeatable Marshal Paladin of the Thundercloud City!

Roland's group could not even fathom what type of monsters the other 9 who are equally strong or even stronger than this guy.

"This is not​ the end of this, you commoner scum!" A noble gritted his teeth knowing that they could not act wantonly with the Impartial Spear assigned to oversee this test. If it were any Captain General or General, their families would have been able to bribe them or negotiate with them to let these matters slide. But with the unruly and just Lancelot here accompanied with the backing of his master, they could only restrain themselves.

"Hahaha, what are you going to do then, huh? You want to bite me? Come!" A plump employee of Dylan arrogantly said. This plump guy's name was Ron. He became courageous knowing that the Thundercloud Guards were impartial and righteous at doing their jobs at this place. He was the type of guy who knew when to fight and have the ability to adapt regardless of the situation for survival.

"Shameless pig! I can kill you with one slap!" A female noble angrily said. Her cultivation of the Initial 15th level Awakened Spirit Realm burst forth as she threatened to end the life of the fatty Ron.

"Then, I dare you to kill me, hahaha! Oh right, before you could, you would be detained! Hehehe, you may call me shameless but I consider myself as smart! Only those who have the ability to use the swift changing tides to their favor will survive and for those who can't, death and humiliation is what they will meet! As long as I report your words to the guard and act helplessly, I'm sure Sir Lancelot would imprison you for your​ crimes, hehehe." The unrelenting eloquent mouth of Ron exhibited his shamelessness. His shameless speech made both the neutral nobles and numerous comoners to laugh and made them feel a sense of satisfaction while for the nobles who supported the arrogant noble's group were all burning with anger wanting to tear this pig apart, limb from limb.

"But, I am quite benevolent you know hehe. I see that you are quite pretty and sexy too. How about be my girlfriend~ Ouch!" Ron was eventually stopped by Ronald's smack on his head.

"I... I.. I'll never forget this!!!" The girl was as red as tomato as she dashed and exit the square to escape that humiliation.

"Hey, bro Roland, why did you hit me? What did I do?" Ron massaged his head and looked indignant as though he had done nothing wrong.

"You!" Roland could only utter that one word and smile wryly. He knew the difficult attitude of this fatty. When he's in trouble, he act like nothing has happened and hide on his sheep like a turtle but if luck is on his side, his eccentric dominating shamelessness comes into being. Although Dylan could keep him in check, but even Dylan found it slightly difficult to restrain this fatty when he backs it up with his shameless yet logical claims.

The other employees were giving him a thumbs up. The sense of satisfaction they felt when Ron shamelessly flaunt the protection given by the Thundercloud Guards to them. They were fuming with rage when they heard the mocking words of the nobles but Ron's speech was a fulfilling retort and comeback for them.

When the crowd saw this, they could not help but laugh out loud but when the arrogant noble's group saw this, they almost vomitted blood from shock and anger. This level of shamelessness could be considered as heaven defying!

Chapter end

188 Chapter 188: Avatar Mutation
187 Chapter 187: The Thirteenth Leaf
186 Chapter 186: Eight Unknowns
185 Chapter 185: The Fusion Incites Heaven's Wrath
184 Chapter 184: The Poison Demon
183 Chapter 183: Heavenly Twelve-leafed Lotus
182 Chapter 182: Barry Does Business
181 Chapter 181:Compromising 2
180 Chapter 180: Compromising 1
179 Chapter 179: Visit to Eagle Sec
178 Chapter 178: You Will Never Understand!
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
164 Chapter 164: Celestial Arrow
163 Chapter 163: Ten Seconds 2
162 Chapter 162: Ten Seconds
161 Chapter 161: Plan B
160 Chapter 160: The Chase, Leaving Dreamy Fores
159 Chapter 159: Bloodline Suppression
158 Chapter 158: Night Arachnid
157 Chapter 157: Hidden Foe
156 Chapter 156: Shared Memories
155 Chapter 155: The Domineering Rian
154 Chapter 154: Ligtning Breaker Piercing Blade!
153 Chapter 153: Battle at Dreamy Forest 4
152 Chapter 152: Battle at Dreamy Forest 3
151 Chapter 151: Battle at Dreamy Forest 2
150 Chapter 150: Battle at Dreamy Forest 1
149 Chapter 149: The Dreamy Fores
148 Chapter 148: Increase in Power!
147 Chapter 147: Entering Ancestral Veins Realm
146 Chapter 146: Threa
145 Chapter 145: The End of the Auction 2
144 Chapter 144: The End of the Auction 1
143 Chapter 143: The Last Item
142 Chapter 142: Profitting Big Time
141 Chapter 141: Decode
140 Chapter 140: Madman of the Nigh
139 Chapter 139: Astronomical Price
138 Chapter 138: The Brown-Cloaked Person
137 Chapter 137: Twin Origin Creation Pill
136 Chapter 136: 9 Supersects 2
135 Chapter 135: 9 Supersects 1
134 Chapter 134: Body Refining White Flower 2
133 Chapter 133: Body Refining White Flower 1
132 Chapter 132: The Auction 2
131 Chapter 131: The Auction 1
130 Chapter 130: Before the Auction
129 Chapter 129: Organizing a Auction House
128 Chapter 128: Gamble
127 Chapter 127: Like Madmen
126 Chapter 126: Slander
125 Chapter 125: Challenge from All Sides
124 Chapter 124: Res
123 Chapter 123: Unknown Choice
122 Chapter 122: Assessmen
121 Chapter 121: Shocking Talen
120 Chapter 120: Mystical Techniques
119 Chapter 119: X-Grade Magna Magnate
118 Chapter 118: Accepting a Master
117 Chapter 117: Competition
116 Chapter 116: Reality
115 Chapter 115: The Second Phase 2
114 Chapter 114: The Second Phase 1
113 Chapter 113: Body Strengthening
112 Chapter 112: Millenial Stones
111 Chapter 111: Remnants
110 Chapter 110: Clearing Things Up
109 Chapter 109: Discussion
108 Chapter 108: Checkpoints
107 Chapter 107: Negotiation 4
106 Chapter 106: Negotiation 3
105 Chapter 105: Negotiation 2
104 Chapter 104: Negotiation 1
103 Chapter 103: Expansion
102 Chapter 102: The Tomb
101 Chapter 101: A Great Brother
100 Chapter 100: The Final Wave
99 Chapter 99: The Heavenly Tribulation 2
98 Chapter 98: Facing the Heavenly Tribulation 1
97 Chapter 97: A Puppy as a Partner
96 Chapter 96: Voice Inside My Mind
95 Chapter 95: Evolution!
94 Chapter 94: A Dream 2
93 Chapter 93: A Dream 1
92 Chapter 92: Sworn Brothers
91 Chapter 91: The Vernon Clan
90 Chapter 90: The Survivor
89 Chapter 89: Tyrannical Thunderbolt Clouds Ar
88 Chapter 88: Strength of the Legendary Core
87 Chapter 87: Discovered
86 Chapter 86: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 2
85 Chapter 85: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 1
84 Chapter 84: You Should Have Listened
83 Chapter 83: Three Reminders
82 Chapter 82: Worries
81 Chapter 81: Thundercloud Monarch Ar
80 Chapter 80: Thundercloud? Kings Inheritance
79 Chapter 79: The Mystery within the Tes
78 Chapter 78: Outside of the Test Center
77 Chapter 77: The Difficult Tes
76 Chapter 76: Noble Tes
75 Chapter 75: People Flocking For Herbs
74 Chapter 74: Ancient Veins Realm
73 Chapter 73: Evil Scheme
72 Chapter 72: Recording Mirror
71 Chapter 71: Turning Black to White
70 Chapter 70: Synchronized Battle Skill
69 Chapter 69: Seniors Bullying the Newcomers
68 Chapter 68: Conditions for Partnership
67 Chapter 67: Thunder Clan Main Family
66 Chapter 66: Four Alchemy Saints of Mystical Clouds
65 Chapter 65: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 3
64 Chapter 64: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 2
63 Chapter 63: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 1
62 Chapter 62: Dylan's Plan 3
61 Chapter 61: Dylan's Plan 2
60 Chapter 60: Dylan's Plan 1
59 Chapter 59: Dylan's Brand New Business
58 Chapter 58: Dylan Takes Advantage of the Mansion
57 Chapter 57: The Realms above Spirit Gathering
56 Chapter 56: The Thunder Clan
55 Chapter 55: Do You Dare?
54 Chapter 54: The 14,000-kilometer Journey
53 Chapter 53: Starting Anew
52 Chapter 52: Unlocking The First Volume!
51 Chapter 51: The Light After Darkness! Creating a Law: Primoridial Law of Business!
50 Chapter 50: Separation
49 Chapter 49: The Sacred Flame Fox Clan
48 Chapter 48: Consumed by Darkness
47 Chapter 47: Leila's Last Words
46 Chapter 46: Despair
45 Chapter 45: Deathmatch: Dylan versus Andrew
44 Chapter 44: Andrew Appears! The Deathmatch Begins!
43 Chapter 43: Attack!
42 Chapter 42: Darkness Comes
41 Chapter 41: The Magical Table of Contents
40 Chapter 40: Unexpected Discovery! The Need to be Stronger!
39 Chapter 39: Let me say it again
38 Chapter 38: Don't Compete with Me
37 Chapter 37: Andrew's Insanity
36 Chapter 36: Turning the Tables Around
35 Chapter 35: Low-key Face Slapping
34 Chapter 34: Confrontation! Andrew gets lectured!
33 Chapter 33: Invitation
32 Chapter 32: A Giant Killing
31 Chapter 31: It's time for a COMEBACK!
30 Chapter 30: Origin
29 Chapter 29: Declaration of War
28 Chapter 28: A New Brand in Town
27 Chapter 27: A Mystical Magnate arrives
26 Chapter 26: The Rock that Fell from the Sky
25 Chapter 25: The Second Page
24 Chapter 24: I am Already a Mystical Magnate?
23 Chapter 23: Meeting the Three Giants
22 Chapter 22: Visiting my Investors
21 Chapter 21: Deca-Stone and Centurial Stone
20 Chapter 20: Breakthrough? to the Spirit Veins! Another Function Unlocked!
19 Chapter 19: In Job Training
18 Chapter 18: Breakthrough! Perfection!
17 Chapter 17:Conducting an Interview
16 Chapter 16: The Mischievous turns Mysterious
15 Chapter 15: Getting Employees
14 Chapter 14: Elder Frank gets Slapped to Death
13 Chapter 13: People Misunderstood Dylan?
12 Chapter 12: The Legendary Occupation
11 Chapter 11: The Herbal Shop turns to a Restaurant?
10 Chapter 10: Cosmic God
9 Chapter 9: Discovery Under the Moonlight and the Break of Dawn
8 Chapter 8: The Rise of the Broken Down Herbal Shop.
7 Chapter 7: Getting More Customers with a Single Tea
6 Chapter 6: My Mischievous Little Sister Unlocks the Mansion?
5 Chapter 5: The Mansion in My Mind, is it a Treasure Trove or a System?
4 Chapter 4: Unwavering Determination
3 Chapter 3: First Obstacle to Greatness
2 Chapter 2: Reincarnated as a Small-ass Store Owner in a Very Strange World
1 Chapter 1: The Tragic Tale of Brothers
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