The Strongest Businessman 51 Chapter 51: The Light After Darkness! Creating a Law: Primoridial Law of Business!

The Strongest Businessman 51 Chapter 51: The Light After Darkness! Creating a Law: Primoridial Law of Business!

It has been 12 hours since Gabriel, Scarlet and the Elder left. Dylan cried for an hour before passing out. Dylan awoke after 8 hours of sleep. Dylan instructed his employees that no matter who came and looked for him, regardless of status or strength, they must decline no matter the reason of their arrival. He also said that he will go to the forest by himself and find himself first.

Meaning that he wanted to be alone in order to be able to find his true purpose in life. He left before dusk alone and said his farewell to his employees.

"I'm sorry that I must trouble all of you. You can leave if you want. I have nothing to offer to you guys any longer. But if you stay, I thank you for doing so. I hope you understand me for doing this but I must really find what purpose do I have in life. And if someone comes, as per my instructions, you must all reject them. I do not know how long it will take but I will not force you all to stay. As I have said earlier, you are all free to leave." Dylan said with a faint smile but that smile did not have the confidence and calmness it usually had.

" Don't worry sir Dylan. We have all decided to stay." Jack spoke

"Sir Dylan, if you are still wondering what your purpose is, I'm pretty sure it is to lead us." Larry spoke.

"But the Gardenford Restaurant is now all gone..." Dylan spoke bitterly.

"True, but didn't you build the Gardenford Restaurant from scratch?" Mary smiled for Dylan.

"What's more is that you were able to make this newly established restaurant into the number 1 business in the Soaring Cloud City and dominated the entire city through business in just one month?" Marie added as she smiled to encourage to Dylan.

"That's right if it weren't for some disruptions, I'm sure it would have towered the entire Mystic Red Cloud State in just half a year to one whole year and in the next year or two, the entire Mystic Clouds Country!" Roland ambitiously claimed with an encouraging smile.

"That's right, sir Dylan..." Beverly encouraged.

"Sir Dylan, you truly were amazing. Even without any support from your​ cultivation, you are still able to do everything of that!" Scott gestured a thumbs up with his right hand as he spoke.

"You guys..." Dylan was teary-eyed when he saw how everyone encouraged him. Thanks to the encouragement of his colleagues, Dylan was finally able to smile and said.

"Thank you for everything, everyone. When I return, I promise that I will lead all of you and establish together with all of you, a business and brand that all of you will be proud of!" Dylan said confidently as he showed that smile that gave confidence and calmness to everyone once more. He turned around and head to the forest.

As Dylan was walking towards the forest, he thought of something call to say and do. He remembered what Naruto would always say to encourage everyone so he decided to quote and raised his right arm in a flexing manner with his hands enclosed and his thumb point back at him.

"Believe it!" Dylan said confidently.

But later on, he found what he did a bit cliche after personally doing it. Being somewhat embarrassed, Dylan hastened the pace of his footsteps. As he moved forward, Dylan submerged to the forest of trees.

Dylan might have found it cliche after he actually did it but to Jack and the others, it was a ray of hope that their peerlessly skillful and charismatic employer would come back and not just any type of comeback but a grand comeback!

After Dylan's departure, the employees made a temporary house for them to be able to stay and live until Dylan comes back. The boys opened the underground storage room of the Gardenford Restaurant where half of its ingredients are stored but it was covered by rubble and debris. After the boys got the food, they gave it for the girls to cook.

Around 8 in the evening, a carriage arrived at the broken walls of Soaring Cloud City. A figure came out of the carriage. The figure was a female that possessed devilishly attractive curves and a porcelain face. This woman was Amanda Cross.

"What happened to the city? How could it have been reduced to this state? It has only been three days since I was gone. There is not even a single citizen of the city that was left here." Amanda was shocked beyond belief. She could not fathom what type of disaster had befallen to the city to devastate the city to such a state.

"Amanda, what's the matter?" A voice from the carriage called out.

"Sir, there has been a problem. The Soaring Cloud City is now deserted and is no different to a dead city. I would like to ask sir Jake to scan the city because I fear to do error and embarassingly myself in front of sir Jake." Amanda apologized.

"Okay... Unfortunately, it is what you have feared, the city has truly been deserted but 2.5 km north of the city I sense a house filled with 79 people that is in the middle of a destroyed infrastructure." Sir Jake stated.

"A house? 2.5 kilometers? Coachman, take us there immediately!" Amanda went inside the carriage as the coachman nodded and drove the carriage. The steeds were called as Whirlwind Steeds that are able to travel as fast as 100 km/hour! So it only took the coachman to lead the Whirlwind Steeds to the direction that Sir Jake mentioned.

When they arrived, Amanda saw the remains of a business establishment known as Gardenford Restaurant which was able to climb the top of the Business Industry of the Soaring Cloud City in just one month. She only saw a house that was built well at the center of the debris. She ordered the coachman to park the carriage beside the house. Once the carriage parked, Amanda got out of the carriage and approached the door to knock it.

After she knocked, Jack opened the door and inquired who she was.

"Who might you be?" Jack asked.

"I'm Amanda Cross from the Mystical Magnate Tower to bring Sir Jake who was the one assigned to kill Andrew Vigor. I am also here to invite Dylan Ford to become a disciple of the Mystical Magnate Tower. May I know where the two of them are?" Amanda answered.

" Oh you must be the ones​ that sir Dylan refered to, right? The one who was going to invite him?" Jack asked for the sake of confirmation..

'It seems like Dylan Ford was expecting us.' Amanda thought briefly as she spoke, "Yes, we are."

"Okay. That makes things easier. I would like to ask you all to leave now." Jack said with a straight face.

"Thank you for the warm welcome. Wait, what did you just say?" Amanda was shocked when she heard that Jack was asking her to leave.

"I told you to leave." Jack replied straightforwardly.

"What audacity! How dare you disrespect me! Bring this Dylan Ford in front of me and make him beg for mercy for the audacity that you have shown! Does he not know who I am? I am Jake Rodstein, heir of the Rodstein Clan, a fifth tier Mystical Magnate of the Mystical Magnate Tower, and the disciple of Lord Randolf! I want him to beg and kowtowed to me this instant." Sir Jake went out of the carriage and spoke.

He wore an aristocratic robe that was the same as Andrew but the only difference was that he had five stars on the crest of the Mystical Magnate Tower.

Sir Jake is an aristocrat of the capital. He came from a noble clan and is considered a genius in Mystical Magnatism. Being praised and adored by many, this made him more proud and self-centered.

"I'm sorry you must have misunderstood what I have said. Then let me elaborate. According to Sir Dylan, anyone who comes to invite him would be rejected regardless of his status. Now, I would kindly ask you all again to leave. Currently, Sir Dylan is not here so you won't have the chance to get a look at him. You were the one sent to kill Andrew, right? Unfortunately, he has already been slain by my master. I don't care of you believe me or not but my point is that you can just leave since Sir Dylan has already killed Andrew and he doesn't​ want to be a disciple of the Mystical Magnate Tower." Jack replied.

"What?!" Sir Jake felt that his face was burning from the embarassment. He felt that numerous face slaps happened to him from what Jack said.

"Fine! If he doesn't want to, then it is his lost. Let's just see what a country bumpkin like him could do! I bet he is nothing but a waste who would not be able to reach the level of Mystical Duke! Hahaha. Amanda, let us now leave!" Jake insulted Dylan in front of Jack.

"What nonsense...*Bang*" Jack left a message as he closed the door.

When Jake saw how Jack disregard him, he couldn't help but be angered as he shouted to the coachman to leave immediately.

"Dylan Ford, I will not forget this. Just pray that we never meet or else, I will torture you first before I kill you! You think you can become strong without the backing of the Mystical Magnate Tower and rely on your talent? You must be dreaming! If I ever see you, I vow to show you the gap between the two of us!" Jake vowed in his heart.

Somewhere in the middle of the forest...

A young man could be found sitting cross-legged at a small piece of land wide enough for two-three people to sit on which was situated at the middle of a large lake. His eyes closed and his expression was serene. This young man was none other than Dylan.

Dylan being unable to use cultivation swam to the middle of the lake when he saw the small piece of land. Dylan thought that it would be a great idea to contemplate on this peaceful looking place so he decided to make this small islet as his cultivation spot. When he was sure that no beast lived in it, Dylan became even more sure to cultivate here.

Time passed. Minutes turned to hours and hours turned to days. Dylan has been sitting in that small piece of land for two days already. He sat there unmoved despite birds and insects landed on his body. It just seemed like Dylan was detached from any sort of distractions and has truly become one with nature.

In Dylan's mindscape, he was similarly doing the same thing. He was unmoved by anything and silent. But, suddenly his eyes opened. His eyes were clear and felt like it received enlightenment.

"I see.. " Dylan said. After he said those two words, he self-contemplated by himself.

"What is my purpose in this life?"

"What is my goal in this life..."

"Am I supposed to become the strongest expert like what I have dreamed iwhen I was on earth..."

"Or should I continue in the path of business and become the richest man and the most successful businessman in this world..."

"What is the purpose of me gaining strength.."

"Is it too prove that I can be the strongest.."

"Is it to rule the entire world or even the cosmos.."

"Is it to be able to protect my loved ones..."

"Is it to vanquish all evil in this world..."

"Just what should I be..."

"Just what path should I follow..."

"That's what I thought earlier... but now it's different."

"Who says I cannot do it all at once?!"

"Who says I cannot be the strongest expert and the most successful businessman at the same time?!"

"My goal can be anything as long as I my heart and soul feels that it should be this way! Thus, I can be the strongest businessman!"

"My purpose of gaining strength is everything that I have said because that is what my heart and soul dictates!"

"But what does it mean to become the strongest businessman?"

"To dig deeper, just what is business to me?"

"It's denotation is that it is the practice of making one's living be engaged in commerce or trade."

"To me, it is the same as well, it is to engage oneself to the trade of goods and earn from it."

"But is business really limited to the exchange of such material goods?"

"My employees, Leila and Frank, died for me. All of my other employees were injured for my sake. But why did they do this?"

"They told me it was because of the way I took​ care and treated them that they were able to arrive at the decision that they were ready to risk their lives for mine. I also risked my life for them because they are all good and kind-hearted people."

"Every relationship and interaction has a cause and effect. But what if I rephrase it, what if I said that it is the exchange​ of the cause and effect that caused the relationship or interaction to happen. Then, if I were to say that cause and effect are personas and conducted an exchange, it could be said that a relationship is a form of business between individuals."

"If this is so, then the relationship between life and death is also a business. Because there is an exchange that happens in this cycle. Life could only end with death and death could only start with life. Therefore, I could also say that there is a relationship between the two which is also a form of business."

"Reincarnation, Heavenly Bodies, Life and Death, Fate, Suffering, the world, even the whole universe has relationship with each other. If relationship is business and all of mentioned has relationship with each other, then this means that everything​ within the universe is business!"

"In conclusion, to become the strongest businessman, I must be able to gain control of the business that is known as the universe!"

"Reincarnation? Planets? Galaxies? Life and Death? They are nothing but commodities and businesses for me to manage when I become the strongest!"

"Now, I understand why master named himself as the Cosmic God because it was his ambition to rule the entire cosmos as well!"

Dylan's thoughts caused a great change in the surroundings.

The birds and insects flew away from Dylan as something mysterious was happening with Dylan as of this moment! The sky gave birth to a torrent of light and shot it towards Dylan! Dylan felt a qualitative change happening in his body as he bathed in this light.

The seal that Byron set in his Magnate Strength was destroyed! But, it did not stop there, Dylan's Magnate Strength was being continuously nourished by the light and made it even stronger than it was before!

But Dylan also felt that it was not only​ strengthening his Magnate Strength, the light opened an additional route for his Magnate Strength in his eyes. His eyes felt like it was receiving vast amounts of energy that opened his Heavenly Eye!

As Dylan was enjoying this type of reward, in the capital, a tower was so high that it's peak could not be seen because it was being covered by the clouds and this tower was the superpower known as the Mystical Magnate Tower. On the peak of the tower, four individuals were conversing when they sensed the torrent of light that Dylan was able to summon.

"That light... It couldn't be?! The light that comes from the cosmos?! This is the Birth of a Primoridial-level Law into our world!!!" The white haired man with a long beared stiffened from shock!

Chapter end

188 Chapter 188: Avatar Mutation
187 Chapter 187: The Thirteenth Leaf
186 Chapter 186: Eight Unknowns
185 Chapter 185: The Fusion Incites Heaven's Wrath
184 Chapter 184: The Poison Demon
183 Chapter 183: Heavenly Twelve-leafed Lotus
182 Chapter 182: Barry Does Business
181 Chapter 181:Compromising 2
180 Chapter 180: Compromising 1
179 Chapter 179: Visit to Eagle Sec
178 Chapter 178: You Will Never Understand!
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
164 Chapter 164: Celestial Arrow
163 Chapter 163: Ten Seconds 2
162 Chapter 162: Ten Seconds
161 Chapter 161: Plan B
160 Chapter 160: The Chase, Leaving Dreamy Fores
159 Chapter 159: Bloodline Suppression
158 Chapter 158: Night Arachnid
157 Chapter 157: Hidden Foe
156 Chapter 156: Shared Memories
155 Chapter 155: The Domineering Rian
154 Chapter 154: Ligtning Breaker Piercing Blade!
153 Chapter 153: Battle at Dreamy Forest 4
152 Chapter 152: Battle at Dreamy Forest 3
151 Chapter 151: Battle at Dreamy Forest 2
150 Chapter 150: Battle at Dreamy Forest 1
149 Chapter 149: The Dreamy Fores
148 Chapter 148: Increase in Power!
147 Chapter 147: Entering Ancestral Veins Realm
146 Chapter 146: Threa
145 Chapter 145: The End of the Auction 2
144 Chapter 144: The End of the Auction 1
143 Chapter 143: The Last Item
142 Chapter 142: Profitting Big Time
141 Chapter 141: Decode
140 Chapter 140: Madman of the Nigh
139 Chapter 139: Astronomical Price
138 Chapter 138: The Brown-Cloaked Person
137 Chapter 137: Twin Origin Creation Pill
136 Chapter 136: 9 Supersects 2
135 Chapter 135: 9 Supersects 1
134 Chapter 134: Body Refining White Flower 2
133 Chapter 133: Body Refining White Flower 1
132 Chapter 132: The Auction 2
131 Chapter 131: The Auction 1
130 Chapter 130: Before the Auction
129 Chapter 129: Organizing a Auction House
128 Chapter 128: Gamble
127 Chapter 127: Like Madmen
126 Chapter 126: Slander
125 Chapter 125: Challenge from All Sides
124 Chapter 124: Res
123 Chapter 123: Unknown Choice
122 Chapter 122: Assessmen
121 Chapter 121: Shocking Talen
120 Chapter 120: Mystical Techniques
119 Chapter 119: X-Grade Magna Magnate
118 Chapter 118: Accepting a Master
117 Chapter 117: Competition
116 Chapter 116: Reality
115 Chapter 115: The Second Phase 2
114 Chapter 114: The Second Phase 1
113 Chapter 113: Body Strengthening
112 Chapter 112: Millenial Stones
111 Chapter 111: Remnants
110 Chapter 110: Clearing Things Up
109 Chapter 109: Discussion
108 Chapter 108: Checkpoints
107 Chapter 107: Negotiation 4
106 Chapter 106: Negotiation 3
105 Chapter 105: Negotiation 2
104 Chapter 104: Negotiation 1
103 Chapter 103: Expansion
102 Chapter 102: The Tomb
101 Chapter 101: A Great Brother
100 Chapter 100: The Final Wave
99 Chapter 99: The Heavenly Tribulation 2
98 Chapter 98: Facing the Heavenly Tribulation 1
97 Chapter 97: A Puppy as a Partner
96 Chapter 96: Voice Inside My Mind
95 Chapter 95: Evolution!
94 Chapter 94: A Dream 2
93 Chapter 93: A Dream 1
92 Chapter 92: Sworn Brothers
91 Chapter 91: The Vernon Clan
90 Chapter 90: The Survivor
89 Chapter 89: Tyrannical Thunderbolt Clouds Ar
88 Chapter 88: Strength of the Legendary Core
87 Chapter 87: Discovered
86 Chapter 86: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 2
85 Chapter 85: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 1
84 Chapter 84: You Should Have Listened
83 Chapter 83: Three Reminders
82 Chapter 82: Worries
81 Chapter 81: Thundercloud Monarch Ar
80 Chapter 80: Thundercloud? Kings Inheritance
79 Chapter 79: The Mystery within the Tes
78 Chapter 78: Outside of the Test Center
77 Chapter 77: The Difficult Tes
76 Chapter 76: Noble Tes
75 Chapter 75: People Flocking For Herbs
74 Chapter 74: Ancient Veins Realm
73 Chapter 73: Evil Scheme
72 Chapter 72: Recording Mirror
71 Chapter 71: Turning Black to White
70 Chapter 70: Synchronized Battle Skill
69 Chapter 69: Seniors Bullying the Newcomers
68 Chapter 68: Conditions for Partnership
67 Chapter 67: Thunder Clan Main Family
66 Chapter 66: Four Alchemy Saints of Mystical Clouds
65 Chapter 65: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 3
64 Chapter 64: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 2
63 Chapter 63: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 1
62 Chapter 62: Dylan's Plan 3
61 Chapter 61: Dylan's Plan 2
60 Chapter 60: Dylan's Plan 1
59 Chapter 59: Dylan's Brand New Business
58 Chapter 58: Dylan Takes Advantage of the Mansion
57 Chapter 57: The Realms above Spirit Gathering
56 Chapter 56: The Thunder Clan
55 Chapter 55: Do You Dare?
54 Chapter 54: The 14,000-kilometer Journey
53 Chapter 53: Starting Anew
52 Chapter 52: Unlocking The First Volume!
51 Chapter 51: The Light After Darkness! Creating a Law: Primoridial Law of Business!
50 Chapter 50: Separation
49 Chapter 49: The Sacred Flame Fox Clan
48 Chapter 48: Consumed by Darkness
47 Chapter 47: Leila's Last Words
46 Chapter 46: Despair
45 Chapter 45: Deathmatch: Dylan versus Andrew
44 Chapter 44: Andrew Appears! The Deathmatch Begins!
43 Chapter 43: Attack!
42 Chapter 42: Darkness Comes
41 Chapter 41: The Magical Table of Contents
40 Chapter 40: Unexpected Discovery! The Need to be Stronger!
39 Chapter 39: Let me say it again
38 Chapter 38: Don't Compete with Me
37 Chapter 37: Andrew's Insanity
36 Chapter 36: Turning the Tables Around
35 Chapter 35: Low-key Face Slapping
34 Chapter 34: Confrontation! Andrew gets lectured!
33 Chapter 33: Invitation
32 Chapter 32: A Giant Killing
31 Chapter 31: It's time for a COMEBACK!
30 Chapter 30: Origin
29 Chapter 29: Declaration of War
28 Chapter 28: A New Brand in Town
27 Chapter 27: A Mystical Magnate arrives
26 Chapter 26: The Rock that Fell from the Sky
25 Chapter 25: The Second Page
24 Chapter 24: I am Already a Mystical Magnate?
23 Chapter 23: Meeting the Three Giants
22 Chapter 22: Visiting my Investors
21 Chapter 21: Deca-Stone and Centurial Stone
20 Chapter 20: Breakthrough? to the Spirit Veins! Another Function Unlocked!
19 Chapter 19: In Job Training
18 Chapter 18: Breakthrough! Perfection!
17 Chapter 17:Conducting an Interview
16 Chapter 16: The Mischievous turns Mysterious
15 Chapter 15: Getting Employees
14 Chapter 14: Elder Frank gets Slapped to Death
13 Chapter 13: People Misunderstood Dylan?
12 Chapter 12: The Legendary Occupation
11 Chapter 11: The Herbal Shop turns to a Restaurant?
10 Chapter 10: Cosmic God
9 Chapter 9: Discovery Under the Moonlight and the Break of Dawn
8 Chapter 8: The Rise of the Broken Down Herbal Shop.
7 Chapter 7: Getting More Customers with a Single Tea
6 Chapter 6: My Mischievous Little Sister Unlocks the Mansion?
5 Chapter 5: The Mansion in My Mind, is it a Treasure Trove or a System?
4 Chapter 4: Unwavering Determination
3 Chapter 3: First Obstacle to Greatness
2 Chapter 2: Reincarnated as a Small-ass Store Owner in a Very Strange World
1 Chapter 1: The Tragic Tale of Brothers
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