The Strongest Businessman 20 Chapter 20: Breakthrough? to the Spirit Veins! Another Function Unlocked!

The Strongest Businessman 20 Chapter 20: Breakthrough? to the Spirit Veins! Another Function Unlocked!

Dylan was satisfied with the performance of Gardenford Restaurant today because he had a total income of 25,000 silver coins. Nearly double than his income earlier that was 15,000. He was also extremely satisfied with the improvement that every one of his employees have shown.

Among his employees, Leila, Allana, Ronald and 3 more people were doing beyond his expectations while the rest performed as per his predictions. There was one employee, who he was shocked with, however, for she showed astonishing display of talent in regards to business management. She was a woman called Diane.

Diane, from the very start, was able to carry herself with finesse. She was fully capable of welcoming her guests and did not meet with many problems at all. She was a costumer favorite and men would want her to be the one to entertain them. The main reason for this is that she was a beauty herself. She had misty gray hair and storm gray eyes. She also possess an excellent body for a girl her age. Dylan was completely surprised by her rating because it was 8.6 already!

The others could barely score a 7 but she was already near nine? How incredible was she? Dylan even considered that she might be a scion from a great clan judging from her demeanor and outstandingness. She also gets along well with her fellow workers although with only women.

So when Dylan received the tabulation of the ratings. He was shocked to see that there were others who gained an 8 as well?

Diane Sky, 8.6

Leila Hemsworth, 8.25

Jack Hale, 8.1

Ronald Mcneil, 8.0

Mary Aaron, 8.0

Marie Aaron, 7.9

Allana Sloe, 7.8

Rick May, 7.75

Jason Bateman, 7.6

Larry Murray, 7.5

That was the top 10 and all the rest was able to have a rating of 7.4 -7. There was not one of his employees that was rated below 7. This made him to be really satisfied with the fruits of their training.

'Jack Hale, huh? Let's see... Oh, he did perfrom quite excellently.' Dylan recollected the scenes which enfolded the restaurant. Being the Greatest businessman of Earth, Dylan needed to read and scan various data in regards to his company's different branches. So in order to cope up with such mentally exhausting exercise, he used it to hone his memory and mind to be near photographic.

By doing so he would only need to slightly read the pages and he would be able to remember the entirety of It's content. The same with occurences and happenstance, all he needed was to be able to quickly observe a scene or event. That was why he was able to remember Jack Hale's performance during tonight's service hours.

But being able to attain a photographic memory was not an easy task. He needed to train his mind to be able to picture any document or any event indefinitely. He was only able to achieve this after 2-3 years of repeated mind conditioning. That was why he is able to compartmentalize his memory based on event or content. As he progressed in his work, he was finally able to achieve a memory near perfectly photographic.

He was also shocked to see that the Aaron Cousins were doing quite well too.

"Okay, everyone​. That is all for today. I know it was quite a tiresome. Thank you for all the services and help all of you have rendered to me." Dylan thanked them earnestly.

"You're welcome, sir!" The employees said in unison.

"Let's have another great day tomorrow. See you all in the morning. You are all dismissed!" Dylan joyously said.

"Sir, yes, sir!" The employees acknowledged and slowly left one by one.

After they left, he went to check up upon Scarlet. Surprisingly, Scarlet was still asleep so she carried her on his back and transported her to her room. He also checked how Frank was faring and he was glad to see his steadily getting better.

Seeing that everything went well, it's time for him to advance his cultivation! He went into the depths of the forest to cultivate. When he found an inconspicuous cave, he went inside and he caught a sight of a green serpent as big as a car! The breath the green serpent exuded was of Peak 6th level of Spirit Veins Realm.

The green serpent suddenly​ opened its' eyes as it sensed a presence in its' habitat. It's eyes shone with viciousness and wrath for a measly human has entered its' territory. It's strength of 6th level Spirit Veins was fully displayed as it tried to intimidate this human. The human has not even reached the Spirit Veins Realm and it was brazen enough as to barge to its' homes. It was also a perfect timing since this serpent was thirsting for some human meat. It's slim tongue slipped through its scaly mouth as it thought of the sumptuous meal he would have. It's eyes were now completely bloodshot as he wanted to devour this insolent human as it used an incredibly horrifying hiss.

The green serpent was confused this human was completely ignoring as it tried to scan his surroundings. The strange stale atmosphere continued when the human thawed the ice as he spoke.

"It's not bad for a cave! Hey, serpent, you're the one staying here, right?" Dylan asked the serpent.

"..." The serpent was extremely confused. Why was this human suddenly talking to it?

"You've already reached the Spirit Veins Realm so you must at least have developed intelligence already, right?" Dylan spoke.

"..." The serpent awkwardly nodded.

"Then, stop acting dumb!" Dylan reprimanded.

"!!!!" The green serpent was shocked to the extent it's mouth was widely opened.

"Can't you see that I want this cave? Now leave!" Dylan demanded.

" The serpent nodded in a daze as it went towards the end of the cave when it suddenly realized what happened. Angered by this he went forward to charge at Dylan but when he was charging he saw that Dylan was not dodging but instead scratching his head.

"What a troublesome snake." Dylan remarked as he silently disappeared in front of the serpent and he appeared right on top of it.

"[Boulder Breaking Fist- Perfection]"

"?!?" The serpents​ eye's were bulging as he knew he should not have offended such a person and he only caused his own doom.


A loud explosion happened and the serpent died without a head as it was smashed.

"Finally some peace and quiet. Now, I advance!" Dylan spoke as he raised two hands and circulated the "Cosmic God's Business of Galaxies" cultivation technique.

Two white stones appeared in each and he crushed them as soon as they appeared. He had a total of 175 Primal Stones! Dylan decided to name it as annual stones because they were stones which started his cultivation path. His aura quickly rose as he broke through!

Peak 4th level Spirit Core

Pinnacle 4th level Spirit Core

Initial 5th Level Spirit Core

He was shocked to find out that he required 10 Primal Stones just to break through the Initial 5th level but he still gritted his teeth as he continued.

Intermediate 5th level Spirit Core

High 5th level Spirit Core

Peak 5th level Spirit Core

Pinnacle 5th level Spirit Core

Dylan was even more shocked that he needed 20 to advance from the Initial to the Intermediate, 25 for Intermediate to High, 30 for High to Peak and 35 to reach the Pinnacle stage. Using the "Cosmic God's Business of Galaxies" was really different to the Mysterious Cloud Technique. It's grade is higher and it's consumption rate was higher too! He was also schocked to see that his natural energy was of high grade already!

"Ughh, I still have 45 more! I hope it's enough to break through!" He started using all remaining Primal Stones and decisively pushed through but he was lacking by a bit.

"If only I had 5 more, I could easily breakthrough then." Dylan felt bitter about his lack of Primal Stones.

"Wait, from some light novels I have read. A lack of accumulation of Qi, Magic, or Spirit Power could be remedied by concentrating the accumulated energy to a single point and let it burst forth to the entire body. The sudden influx of energy would cause a qualitative leap on energy to but is an extremely dangerous task to do..." Dylan remembered some of his memories of the light novels he has read and tried suggesting it for himself.

"I need to risk it!" Dylan had that unwavering determination in his eyes like what the past Dylan had.

So Dylan executed this method. He concentrated all of his natural energy to the center​ of his Spirit Core! He accumulated it to the point where the energy felt like a bomb waiting to explode. Dylan waited for the moment where the energy would try to burst the most to release it. After several minutes, he said, "NOW!"

The sudden explosion of energy flowed throughout his body as a excruciating pain followed. He gritted his teeth as blood sipped from his mouth.

"I have to endure!" Dylan was showing his tenacity while blood continued to sip from his mouth.

"Arrrrrghhhhhhh!" He roared as he broke through to the Spirit Veins Realm!

After half an hour, Dylan's​ complexion became better as he reinforced his cultivation with several circulation of Cosmic God's Business of Galaxies cultivation technique.

"So this is... Spirit Veins Realm." Dylan smiled because he finally brokethrough. He felt extreme happiness in cultivation and deesired to become even stronger.

"This... Is the life I want." Dylan said to the wind as a handsome smile appeared on his face.

"Time to leave.. Huh?" Dylan stood up and prepared to leave when he saw something inconspicuous in front of the mansion gates.

"What are those?"

He saw gray colored stones and there were 17 of them he saw a single silver stone slightly bigger than the rest.

"17? Could it be that this are stones awarded for every 10 costumers while this stone is for a hundred costumers?" He quietly deduced. It was highly likely that it was the case because 175 Costumers had 17 tens and 1 hundreds. So, it was the most probable theory for now.

"I wonder what they do?" Dylan grabbed one gray stone and crushed it. The energy flowed through his body and felt extremely comfortable.

"Oh, it's just like the Primal Stone... WHAT?! I advanced?!" Dylan was even more shocked. Because he was initially only initial 6th level Spirit Veins Realm and now he was a Intermediate 6th level expert?! How ludicrous was this?!

"I- it- it's... A higher grade of Primal Stone?" Dylan was dumbfounded by this new function he discovered!

Chapter end

188 Chapter 188: Avatar Mutation
187 Chapter 187: The Thirteenth Leaf
186 Chapter 186: Eight Unknowns
185 Chapter 185: The Fusion Incites Heaven's Wrath
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183 Chapter 183: Heavenly Twelve-leafed Lotus
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180 Chapter 180: Compromising 1
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178 Chapter 178: You Will Never Understand!
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
164 Chapter 164: Celestial Arrow
163 Chapter 163: Ten Seconds 2
162 Chapter 162: Ten Seconds
161 Chapter 161: Plan B
160 Chapter 160: The Chase, Leaving Dreamy Fores
159 Chapter 159: Bloodline Suppression
158 Chapter 158: Night Arachnid
157 Chapter 157: Hidden Foe
156 Chapter 156: Shared Memories
155 Chapter 155: The Domineering Rian
154 Chapter 154: Ligtning Breaker Piercing Blade!
153 Chapter 153: Battle at Dreamy Forest 4
152 Chapter 152: Battle at Dreamy Forest 3
151 Chapter 151: Battle at Dreamy Forest 2
150 Chapter 150: Battle at Dreamy Forest 1
149 Chapter 149: The Dreamy Fores
148 Chapter 148: Increase in Power!
147 Chapter 147: Entering Ancestral Veins Realm
146 Chapter 146: Threa
145 Chapter 145: The End of the Auction 2
144 Chapter 144: The End of the Auction 1
143 Chapter 143: The Last Item
142 Chapter 142: Profitting Big Time
141 Chapter 141: Decode
140 Chapter 140: Madman of the Nigh
139 Chapter 139: Astronomical Price
138 Chapter 138: The Brown-Cloaked Person
137 Chapter 137: Twin Origin Creation Pill
136 Chapter 136: 9 Supersects 2
135 Chapter 135: 9 Supersects 1
134 Chapter 134: Body Refining White Flower 2
133 Chapter 133: Body Refining White Flower 1
132 Chapter 132: The Auction 2
131 Chapter 131: The Auction 1
130 Chapter 130: Before the Auction
129 Chapter 129: Organizing a Auction House
128 Chapter 128: Gamble
127 Chapter 127: Like Madmen
126 Chapter 126: Slander
125 Chapter 125: Challenge from All Sides
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119 Chapter 119: X-Grade Magna Magnate
118 Chapter 118: Accepting a Master
117 Chapter 117: Competition
116 Chapter 116: Reality
115 Chapter 115: The Second Phase 2
114 Chapter 114: The Second Phase 1
113 Chapter 113: Body Strengthening
112 Chapter 112: Millenial Stones
111 Chapter 111: Remnants
110 Chapter 110: Clearing Things Up
109 Chapter 109: Discussion
108 Chapter 108: Checkpoints
107 Chapter 107: Negotiation 4
106 Chapter 106: Negotiation 3
105 Chapter 105: Negotiation 2
104 Chapter 104: Negotiation 1
103 Chapter 103: Expansion
102 Chapter 102: The Tomb
101 Chapter 101: A Great Brother
100 Chapter 100: The Final Wave
99 Chapter 99: The Heavenly Tribulation 2
98 Chapter 98: Facing the Heavenly Tribulation 1
97 Chapter 97: A Puppy as a Partner
96 Chapter 96: Voice Inside My Mind
95 Chapter 95: Evolution!
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91 Chapter 91: The Vernon Clan
90 Chapter 90: The Survivor
89 Chapter 89: Tyrannical Thunderbolt Clouds Ar
88 Chapter 88: Strength of the Legendary Core
87 Chapter 87: Discovered
86 Chapter 86: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 2
85 Chapter 85: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 1
84 Chapter 84: You Should Have Listened
83 Chapter 83: Three Reminders
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79 Chapter 79: The Mystery within the Tes
78 Chapter 78: Outside of the Test Center
77 Chapter 77: The Difficult Tes
76 Chapter 76: Noble Tes
75 Chapter 75: People Flocking For Herbs
74 Chapter 74: Ancient Veins Realm
73 Chapter 73: Evil Scheme
72 Chapter 72: Recording Mirror
71 Chapter 71: Turning Black to White
70 Chapter 70: Synchronized Battle Skill
69 Chapter 69: Seniors Bullying the Newcomers
68 Chapter 68: Conditions for Partnership
67 Chapter 67: Thunder Clan Main Family
66 Chapter 66: Four Alchemy Saints of Mystical Clouds
65 Chapter 65: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 3
64 Chapter 64: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 2
63 Chapter 63: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 1
62 Chapter 62: Dylan's Plan 3
61 Chapter 61: Dylan's Plan 2
60 Chapter 60: Dylan's Plan 1
59 Chapter 59: Dylan's Brand New Business
58 Chapter 58: Dylan Takes Advantage of the Mansion
57 Chapter 57: The Realms above Spirit Gathering
56 Chapter 56: The Thunder Clan
55 Chapter 55: Do You Dare?
54 Chapter 54: The 14,000-kilometer Journey
53 Chapter 53: Starting Anew
52 Chapter 52: Unlocking The First Volume!
51 Chapter 51: The Light After Darkness! Creating a Law: Primoridial Law of Business!
50 Chapter 50: Separation
49 Chapter 49: The Sacred Flame Fox Clan
48 Chapter 48: Consumed by Darkness
47 Chapter 47: Leila's Last Words
46 Chapter 46: Despair
45 Chapter 45: Deathmatch: Dylan versus Andrew
44 Chapter 44: Andrew Appears! The Deathmatch Begins!
43 Chapter 43: Attack!
42 Chapter 42: Darkness Comes
41 Chapter 41: The Magical Table of Contents
40 Chapter 40: Unexpected Discovery! The Need to be Stronger!
39 Chapter 39: Let me say it again
38 Chapter 38: Don't Compete with Me
37 Chapter 37: Andrew's Insanity
36 Chapter 36: Turning the Tables Around
35 Chapter 35: Low-key Face Slapping
34 Chapter 34: Confrontation! Andrew gets lectured!
33 Chapter 33: Invitation
32 Chapter 32: A Giant Killing
31 Chapter 31: It's time for a COMEBACK!
30 Chapter 30: Origin
29 Chapter 29: Declaration of War
28 Chapter 28: A New Brand in Town
27 Chapter 27: A Mystical Magnate arrives
26 Chapter 26: The Rock that Fell from the Sky
25 Chapter 25: The Second Page
24 Chapter 24: I am Already a Mystical Magnate?
23 Chapter 23: Meeting the Three Giants
22 Chapter 22: Visiting my Investors
21 Chapter 21: Deca-Stone and Centurial Stone
20 Chapter 20: Breakthrough? to the Spirit Veins! Another Function Unlocked!
19 Chapter 19: In Job Training
18 Chapter 18: Breakthrough! Perfection!
17 Chapter 17:Conducting an Interview
16 Chapter 16: The Mischievous turns Mysterious
15 Chapter 15: Getting Employees
14 Chapter 14: Elder Frank gets Slapped to Death
13 Chapter 13: People Misunderstood Dylan?
12 Chapter 12: The Legendary Occupation
11 Chapter 11: The Herbal Shop turns to a Restaurant?
10 Chapter 10: Cosmic God
9 Chapter 9: Discovery Under the Moonlight and the Break of Dawn
8 Chapter 8: The Rise of the Broken Down Herbal Shop.
7 Chapter 7: Getting More Customers with a Single Tea
6 Chapter 6: My Mischievous Little Sister Unlocks the Mansion?
5 Chapter 5: The Mansion in My Mind, is it a Treasure Trove or a System?
4 Chapter 4: Unwavering Determination
3 Chapter 3: First Obstacle to Greatness
2 Chapter 2: Reincarnated as a Small-ass Store Owner in a Very Strange World
1 Chapter 1: The Tragic Tale of Brothers
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