The Strongest Businessman 18 Chapter 18: Breakthrough! Perfection!

The Strongest Businessman 18 Chapter 18: Breakthrough! Perfection!

The new employees of Gardenford Restaurant finally calmed down their "out of this world thinking". Dylan explained to them the technicalities of the contract. The contract shook the employees even more when they heard this.

"The salary will increase depending on the performance and service rendered by the employee to the customers..."

"Huh? Is this true, sir Dylan?" Dylan's new employees almost simultaneously asked.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Dylan spoke.

"Uh, no, sir. But how does the performance of an employee be evaluated?" A man named Jay questioned.

"Oh, that? I was just about to discuss it to you. An employee's performance will be evaluated by me and the customers themselves." Dylan replied.

"The customer's?" The employees exclaimed.

"Yes, they will evaluate you with an evaluation form that I will entrust to you to make as your first task. Each one of you will make a total of 30 evaluation forms which has your name written on it. The parameters for the evaluation of employee performance and service are: Attitude, Interpersonal Relations, Degree of Skill, and Customer Satisfaction. They will evaluate in a scale of 1 to 10. If you have a rating of 7 from at least 10 customers, you will have one fold greater salary. If you have 8, two fold greater salary. If you have 9, you will have three fold. If you have 9.5, you will have four fold. If you have 9.8, you would have five fold. But if you get a perfect rating, you will receive tenfold salary and not only that, you are to be directly promoted to a higher position."

"It's that simple?!" The employees were shocked. 'Is this job real? Why does it feel like it's​ just a dream?'

" If you will it to be simple, then it will. If you will it to be hard, then it will." Dylan spoke wisely.

"Yes, sir!" The employees excitedly said. They couldn't help but tremble in excitement. There salary is still able to increase! They would do anything just to not be fired with this kind of job which has such a generous boss.

Dylan smiled because of this. Because this was the reaction, he was aiming his employees to have. He developed this type of method back when he was in Earth. This method targets the necessities of a human and human greed. What does people need most in any world? What ignites greed and passion most? It is money! Dylan planned to use this very nature of humans to provide greater performance from his employees within a short amount of time.

This would also drive his newly acquired employees to try learning more for the sake of getting a raise. This would also imply that they would work just as Dylan predicted them to be.

When Dylan executed such a method back in Earth, his employees became more motivated to better their performance in their works. Even the most unproductive people in his company, started working better than they used to. Although there was situations, wherein his employees forced costumers to evaluate them greatly, he simply fired them for doing so. He knew such a situation might happen at moments of desperation and extreme greed. So he strictly prohibited:

"None shall coerce their customer to evaluate them with high remarks, else I will terminate his contract immediately and have him fired! Am I understood?!" With an indifferent expression in his face, Dylan prohibited. Hinting that if they do so, he would mercilessly fire them without a shadow of doubt.

*Yes, sir!" The employees knew that it was just fair to prohibit them to do so because it is part of being an ethical business. If a customer dislikes a certain matter, of course, the workers will be unable to do anything about is because it is the freedom of opinion of the customer to perceive different matters. The same way other way around, if the consumer, finds it likeable there would be no reason why he or she would not rate it highly.

"Okay, so let me finish discussing the contracts then..." Dylan continued.

After several minutes, Dylan finally finished discussing and ordered his workers to work with their forms. After an hour , they then were finally able to finish 15 evaluation forms which they would gift to the consumers. It was already approaching night as the sky accentuates the setting of the sun. From Gardenford Restaurant, the sky looked gorgeous while the three moons were further accentuated by the bluish hue covering the skies.

The crowd was mesmerized by this scene as they felt they were witnessing a natural phenomenon occurring here. The sky became contrast with one another but it formed a painting like scenery in their very eyes. They would never had thought that such an inconspicuous place such as this would have such a scene to impart to them.

"Okay, it's fast approaching night which means supper will be the next battle we are about to face so get ready in approximately 40 minutes. So all girls, please prepare dresses with a matching apron on your lower extremities then proceed to cleaning the whole area while all boys help me with chopping wood first. Understood?" Dylan commanded them as he separates them in a group in order to maximize time.

He delegated that the girls change first and clean. Because of three reasons: First, it was not because he discriminated girls but it was because he knew that most men are not as good as cleaning as ladies ,whom are meticulous with every detail, would be. Second, men are more suitable with dirty work compared to girls.

Lastly, all of this girls were beauties so when the costumers arrive and see them on their uniforms, they would be attracted to them. Uniforms were legendary attires that would cause anyone to love them especially with beauties wearing​ them. They would cause a commotion that would incite greater consumer population later on.

He knew that costumers would arrive while the ladies are cleaning. A scene that more than 15 ladies wearing apron while cleaning a restaurant could only be described as heavenly. As a die-hard Otaku, Dylan felt his blood boil because it is one of an otaku's dream to catch a glimpse of beautiful scene. He also knew that the girls would be surprised and would bashfully greet them out of not knowing what to do.

He smirked because he knew this would give a positive impact on both man or woman, child or old. Such an ingenious plan, Dylan truly deserved to be called the greatest businessman of Earth.

After a while, the were now able to reach the woods. He delegated the boys to group themselves by threes and started to chop. The boys were shocked at how strong and proffecient​ Dylan was he was able to solely chop a tree by his own and turn it into lumber. Such a strength was not what a High 4th level Spirit Core expert would have because they felt it was already at the Spirit Veins Realm already.

This caused the boys to feel somewhat frightened but they also did not delay on their work as they worked hard to finish also. But, suddenly.


"What?!" The boys were shocked as they saw a large bear who exuded the strength of an Initial 7th level Spirit Veins Realm. They were scared witless. They knew they were going to die because all of them were only 4th level Spirit Core Realm.

'How could we be so unlucky?'

'We just wanted to earn a good job with a good salary.'

'What did we do wrong?!'

'I wish I should not have taken this job!'

'Are we all going to die?'

'Mommy, you were right! I should not have taken this job!'

All of them thought hysterically. They could not accept they were going to die and cursed this job. But they were dumbfounded, when a person walked in front of them and towards the Bear.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Dylan said reassuringly.

'What? How could we not worry that bear is an Initial 7th level of Spirit Veins Realm while you are just comparable to an expert who just broke through to the Spirit Veins Realm. You must be jesting with us?'

They thought that money was nothing compared to their lives so they decided to ran for their lives when they saw a scene that caused their eyes to bulge. The bear fell down from a punch from Dylan.


As the bear fell, the thought, "How is this possible?". They were all dumbfounded but their expressions panicked when they saw the bear stood up and bellowed angrily. "Oh, no, sir Dylan watch out!" They warned when they saw the bear charging at him.

"Hehehe, [Boulder Breaking Fist]!" Dylan smirked and punched with all his might.

The bear also pounded furiously. When both forces met, it created a loud explosion that scared of all the spirit beasts around and fled. Fists and paws were exchanging blows continuously. Dylan maneuvered his movement technique continuously. He found enjoyment in this fight as his blood boiled ragingly.

The bear found it harder and harder to deal with this human. So he struck out with all his might! That strength carried a force enough to seriously injure Dylan. He struck his fist without care as his mind became clear and his understanding about [ Boulder Breaking Fist] broadened while his strength increased abruptly.

"Is this enlightenment? Hehe. My [ Boulder Breaking Fist] has broken through Perfection! Hahaha!"

His fist's might doubled, no tripled. When the two all out strikes met, an explosion even louder than before resounded. The bear felt his arm was breaking. The large bear felt ominous as he realized that he had offended someone he should not have. He could only roar miserably as his entire arm was destroyed and another fist with the same strength landed on his chest.

Fog covered the two figures while the boys were left shocked as the shockwaves forced them to fall over their butts.

" amazing..."

The boys now had a new found respect towards Dylan. Not only because of his strength, but also because he saved their lives. Their eyes glittered with respect when they saw a figure carrying a dead bear's carcass on his back and smiled at them. They swore to never betray this man and serve until their very last breath.

"What's with those faces? Let's return immediately. You carry the lumber while I carry this large bear. We're going to add another menu tonight and that is Bear Meat! Hahaha!" Dylan laughed. He looked extremely wrecked. His hair was a bit off a mess and his clothes were partially tattered.

"Yes, sir!" The boys said in unison with their new found respect for their boss and followed him to exit the forest.

When they returned, they saw a large crowd who was just about to arrive on their store.

"About a hundred huh? Hehehe okay. Let's do this!" Dylan smiled joyously. He was really happy because he was finally able to breakthrough to the Perfection stage.

He entered his house and changed for a bit and walked with his business mode on.

"Welcome to the Gardenford Restaurant, Every one I hope you enjoy your meal!". As he ordered his employees to line up and greet the customers. They all were their uniforms and bowed.

"We hope you enjoy your meal!" The employees repeated.

The large crowd came bustling into the restaurant and the employees guided them to their seats while Dylan commenced his cooking.

Chapter end

188 Chapter 188: Avatar Mutation
187 Chapter 187: The Thirteenth Leaf
186 Chapter 186: Eight Unknowns
185 Chapter 185: The Fusion Incites Heaven's Wrath
184 Chapter 184: The Poison Demon
183 Chapter 183: Heavenly Twelve-leafed Lotus
182 Chapter 182: Barry Does Business
181 Chapter 181:Compromising 2
180 Chapter 180: Compromising 1
179 Chapter 179: Visit to Eagle Sec
178 Chapter 178: You Will Never Understand!
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
164 Chapter 164: Celestial Arrow
163 Chapter 163: Ten Seconds 2
162 Chapter 162: Ten Seconds
161 Chapter 161: Plan B
160 Chapter 160: The Chase, Leaving Dreamy Fores
159 Chapter 159: Bloodline Suppression
158 Chapter 158: Night Arachnid
157 Chapter 157: Hidden Foe
156 Chapter 156: Shared Memories
155 Chapter 155: The Domineering Rian
154 Chapter 154: Ligtning Breaker Piercing Blade!
153 Chapter 153: Battle at Dreamy Forest 4
152 Chapter 152: Battle at Dreamy Forest 3
151 Chapter 151: Battle at Dreamy Forest 2
150 Chapter 150: Battle at Dreamy Forest 1
149 Chapter 149: The Dreamy Fores
148 Chapter 148: Increase in Power!
147 Chapter 147: Entering Ancestral Veins Realm
146 Chapter 146: Threa
145 Chapter 145: The End of the Auction 2
144 Chapter 144: The End of the Auction 1
143 Chapter 143: The Last Item
142 Chapter 142: Profitting Big Time
141 Chapter 141: Decode
140 Chapter 140: Madman of the Nigh
139 Chapter 139: Astronomical Price
138 Chapter 138: The Brown-Cloaked Person
137 Chapter 137: Twin Origin Creation Pill
136 Chapter 136: 9 Supersects 2
135 Chapter 135: 9 Supersects 1
134 Chapter 134: Body Refining White Flower 2
133 Chapter 133: Body Refining White Flower 1
132 Chapter 132: The Auction 2
131 Chapter 131: The Auction 1
130 Chapter 130: Before the Auction
129 Chapter 129: Organizing a Auction House
128 Chapter 128: Gamble
127 Chapter 127: Like Madmen
126 Chapter 126: Slander
125 Chapter 125: Challenge from All Sides
124 Chapter 124: Res
123 Chapter 123: Unknown Choice
122 Chapter 122: Assessmen
121 Chapter 121: Shocking Talen
120 Chapter 120: Mystical Techniques
119 Chapter 119: X-Grade Magna Magnate
118 Chapter 118: Accepting a Master
117 Chapter 117: Competition
116 Chapter 116: Reality
115 Chapter 115: The Second Phase 2
114 Chapter 114: The Second Phase 1
113 Chapter 113: Body Strengthening
112 Chapter 112: Millenial Stones
111 Chapter 111: Remnants
110 Chapter 110: Clearing Things Up
109 Chapter 109: Discussion
108 Chapter 108: Checkpoints
107 Chapter 107: Negotiation 4
106 Chapter 106: Negotiation 3
105 Chapter 105: Negotiation 2
104 Chapter 104: Negotiation 1
103 Chapter 103: Expansion
102 Chapter 102: The Tomb
101 Chapter 101: A Great Brother
100 Chapter 100: The Final Wave
99 Chapter 99: The Heavenly Tribulation 2
98 Chapter 98: Facing the Heavenly Tribulation 1
97 Chapter 97: A Puppy as a Partner
96 Chapter 96: Voice Inside My Mind
95 Chapter 95: Evolution!
94 Chapter 94: A Dream 2
93 Chapter 93: A Dream 1
92 Chapter 92: Sworn Brothers
91 Chapter 91: The Vernon Clan
90 Chapter 90: The Survivor
89 Chapter 89: Tyrannical Thunderbolt Clouds Ar
88 Chapter 88: Strength of the Legendary Core
87 Chapter 87: Discovered
86 Chapter 86: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 2
85 Chapter 85: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 1
84 Chapter 84: You Should Have Listened
83 Chapter 83: Three Reminders
82 Chapter 82: Worries
81 Chapter 81: Thundercloud Monarch Ar
80 Chapter 80: Thundercloud? Kings Inheritance
79 Chapter 79: The Mystery within the Tes
78 Chapter 78: Outside of the Test Center
77 Chapter 77: The Difficult Tes
76 Chapter 76: Noble Tes
75 Chapter 75: People Flocking For Herbs
74 Chapter 74: Ancient Veins Realm
73 Chapter 73: Evil Scheme
72 Chapter 72: Recording Mirror
71 Chapter 71: Turning Black to White
70 Chapter 70: Synchronized Battle Skill
69 Chapter 69: Seniors Bullying the Newcomers
68 Chapter 68: Conditions for Partnership
67 Chapter 67: Thunder Clan Main Family
66 Chapter 66: Four Alchemy Saints of Mystical Clouds
65 Chapter 65: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 3
64 Chapter 64: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 2
63 Chapter 63: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 1
62 Chapter 62: Dylan's Plan 3
61 Chapter 61: Dylan's Plan 2
60 Chapter 60: Dylan's Plan 1
59 Chapter 59: Dylan's Brand New Business
58 Chapter 58: Dylan Takes Advantage of the Mansion
57 Chapter 57: The Realms above Spirit Gathering
56 Chapter 56: The Thunder Clan
55 Chapter 55: Do You Dare?
54 Chapter 54: The 14,000-kilometer Journey
53 Chapter 53: Starting Anew
52 Chapter 52: Unlocking The First Volume!
51 Chapter 51: The Light After Darkness! Creating a Law: Primoridial Law of Business!
50 Chapter 50: Separation
49 Chapter 49: The Sacred Flame Fox Clan
48 Chapter 48: Consumed by Darkness
47 Chapter 47: Leila's Last Words
46 Chapter 46: Despair
45 Chapter 45: Deathmatch: Dylan versus Andrew
44 Chapter 44: Andrew Appears! The Deathmatch Begins!
43 Chapter 43: Attack!
42 Chapter 42: Darkness Comes
41 Chapter 41: The Magical Table of Contents
40 Chapter 40: Unexpected Discovery! The Need to be Stronger!
39 Chapter 39: Let me say it again
38 Chapter 38: Don't Compete with Me
37 Chapter 37: Andrew's Insanity
36 Chapter 36: Turning the Tables Around
35 Chapter 35: Low-key Face Slapping
34 Chapter 34: Confrontation! Andrew gets lectured!
33 Chapter 33: Invitation
32 Chapter 32: A Giant Killing
31 Chapter 31: It's time for a COMEBACK!
30 Chapter 30: Origin
29 Chapter 29: Declaration of War
28 Chapter 28: A New Brand in Town
27 Chapter 27: A Mystical Magnate arrives
26 Chapter 26: The Rock that Fell from the Sky
25 Chapter 25: The Second Page
24 Chapter 24: I am Already a Mystical Magnate?
23 Chapter 23: Meeting the Three Giants
22 Chapter 22: Visiting my Investors
21 Chapter 21: Deca-Stone and Centurial Stone
20 Chapter 20: Breakthrough? to the Spirit Veins! Another Function Unlocked!
19 Chapter 19: In Job Training
18 Chapter 18: Breakthrough! Perfection!
17 Chapter 17:Conducting an Interview
16 Chapter 16: The Mischievous turns Mysterious
15 Chapter 15: Getting Employees
14 Chapter 14: Elder Frank gets Slapped to Death
13 Chapter 13: People Misunderstood Dylan?
12 Chapter 12: The Legendary Occupation
11 Chapter 11: The Herbal Shop turns to a Restaurant?
10 Chapter 10: Cosmic God
9 Chapter 9: Discovery Under the Moonlight and the Break of Dawn
8 Chapter 8: The Rise of the Broken Down Herbal Shop.
7 Chapter 7: Getting More Customers with a Single Tea
6 Chapter 6: My Mischievous Little Sister Unlocks the Mansion?
5 Chapter 5: The Mansion in My Mind, is it a Treasure Trove or a System?
4 Chapter 4: Unwavering Determination
3 Chapter 3: First Obstacle to Greatness
2 Chapter 2: Reincarnated as a Small-ass Store Owner in a Very Strange World
1 Chapter 1: The Tragic Tale of Brothers
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