The Strongest Businessman 114 Chapter 114: The Second Phase 1

The Strongest Businessman 114 Chapter 114: The Second Phase 1

Hours passed, Dylan finished his training routine and sat cross-legged on the floor. He seemed to be circulating his spirit energy in order to alleviate stress and fatigue from training. As he opened his eyes, he stood up as his gaze coincidentally fell on the window and saw that the sun was already starting to radiate sunlight to the sky as half of its body was already seen on the horizon.

"It's already morning. Hm... I'm quite in a good mood after breaking through to Pinnacle 10th level. I guess I can make breakfast for everyone for a change." Dylan mumbled to himself.

After going out of his room, Dylan went downstairs and to the kitchen. It was about 5:30 in the morning and his employees were still fast asleep so there was noone to greet him.

Dylan washed his hands first before starting to cook. He gathered the ingredients and cooking utensils he needed to cook the food.

"Now that I think about it, it's been a month since I lasr cooked for them. Hope I didn't get rusty, though." Dylan smiled as he picked up the ingredients and started to slice them.


The sound of the oil frying the eggs of the Morning Fowl that Dylan cracked and the bacon he sliced from a Hill Swine. He also cooked a couple more meat and fish dishes for for breakfast because he knew how much some of his employees eat.

Dylan was also preparing​ a salad made from freshly cut fruits and healthy vegetables. He also made coffee for his employees by using the Kofi Beans and milk from the Ground Cows.

His cooking produced fragrant smell that even his stomach was uncontrollably growling, yearning to eat already.

Half an hour later, Dylan set the eating utensils on the table by himself and placed the food in the middle of long tables they have at the dining room.

"Finally done! I guess it's about 6 now. They should be waking out by now." Dylan stretched his body and smiled.

After several minutes, Dylan heard a sound of a door opening upstairs and heard the groggy voice of the speaker.

"Hm? Something smells good. Whoa!" It was Ron. When he went down, he saw Dylan standing there while preparing the table.

"Sir Dylan, did you prepare all of this?!" Ron loudly gaped when he saw all those mouthwatering food that Dylan prepared! He stood there dumbfounded at the lowest step of the staircase.

"I did." Dylan simply answered.


"What? Sir Dylan made our breakfast?!" Larry, who went down with Ron, was a bit startled. They have long scheduled who was going to cook from now on and they made sure to exempt Dylan from the list so that he could focus on matters of the Soaring Herbal Garden.

"Really?" The others at the second floor who just woke up and still had some drowsiness found in their eyes, all of this dispersed and was replaced​ with excitement!

"Sir Dylan made the food for today?! Hurray!" The boy's were fast and immediately went down the stairs as soon as they heard Ron's shout. The boy's knew how good Dylan cooks so they were delighted to get to eat the meals Dylan cooked.

"Sir Dylan already cooked breakfast?" The Aaron cousins looked blankly at each other. They were supposedly the ones to cook the food for today. But, they did not feel bad about not being able to cook. Instead, they anticipated Dylan's cooking even more.

"Hehehe, excuse me. I'll have the first bite on Sir Dylan's cooking!" Audrey used her movement skill and swiftly moved past the girls within the corridor.

"No fair!" Beverly complained as she moved as quick as she could.

"Hey, wait for us!" The others did not want to lose and also proceeded to the ground floor.

"What's happening? Why are they all running? Whoa! Something smells delicious!" Rian who just woke up, jumped in joy and headed downstairs.


Everyone ate happily and savored the taste of Dylan's excellent cooking skills. Barry also joined them after hearing the commotion caused by Dylan's cooking.

"Boss, your cooking knows no match! Everything was simply delicious!" Ron shamelessly gobbled a lot of meat and rice!

"Less sucking up and finish your food. Today's your shift you know." Dylan reminded with a smile.

"Hehehe, I know. I know." Ron sheepishly said. After saying those words, he immediately went back to eating.

"Dish ish ameyzhing fwod! ( This is amazing food!)" Rian said as he chewed a large amount of meat.

"I didn't know you were an amazing cook!" Barry shot a glance at Dylan. He gave him a thumbs up and laughed with Roland and the others.

"There's a lot of things you still don't know about​ me." Dylan spoke while a smirk emerged on his face.

"Is that so?" Barry had a questioning look as he looked at Dylan.

"That's not all! Sir Dylan also sings really good! Hahaha." Roland revealed with a good laugh.

"Oh! How did you know of this?" Barry exclaimed.

"It was more than a month ago when we were still on our way here. We all played a kiddy game like Truth or Dare. He was unwilling at first but we were finally able to convince him to join. Eventually, it was Sir Dylan's turn and he picked the Dare . It was Mary who suggested that he sung. Despite being embarassed about it, we were able to persuade to do it. Everyone was shocked how good Sir Dylan sung. We all wanted an encore but unfortunately we were attacked by spirit beasts, so we needed​ to kill them all first. We tried to get him to join but he didn't want to no matter what we did." Roland narrated the past events.

"You rascal." Dylan looked angrily at Roland who suddenly realized what he did.

"Oho. Now, I'm intrigued! Bro, you have got to sing then! Not just for me, for your employees as well. Hehehe." Barry was interested in this topic when he heard it. He used a teasing look to get Dylan to do it.

"It's a shame. Your teasing and gaze won't work on me." Dylan indifferently said.

"Then, you would be disappointing the anticipating looks of your dear family." Barry said with a frown.

"Then, I am afraid that I might have to disappoint you for this time." But to his surprise, Dylan maintained his indifference and talked with Jack about some things on business.

"This guy..." Barry felt defeated by the attitude of his brother. It seemed impossible to make him do things that he doesn't agree to.

"It's okay, sir Barry. That's just how Sir Dylan is when he doesn't want to do something." Scott comforted him.

"He's too composed and indifferent at times but within those calm facade is kind and caring heart for his loved ones.. He would be smiling and laughing most of the time but that's what make him so charismatic ." Barry said with a smile.

"Right." Rick agreed.

"Hahaha, throw your unnecessary thoughts aside and enjoy this amazing meal!" Ron said while shoving another batch of meat into his mouth. But after eating it, he choked because he did not chew the meat thoroughly.

"Kaaackkk... He.. elp me..." Ron asked for help while he pounded his fist to his chest several times. Tears started to flow down his face as he begged, " Can't... breath... don't... wa... na... die..."

"Hahahahahaha." Everyone laughed at Ron who was struggling​ but Dylan immediately performed the Heinrich Manuever before Ron lost consciousness.

"Haaayst, you're truly a lifesaver, boss. I almost died there." Ron smiled and gave Dylan a thumbs up.

"Didn't I tell you to chew first before swallowing?" Dylan reminded with a serious look.

"Hehehe." Ron wryly smiled.


After breakfast, the whole crew prepared themselves. The ones with the shifts today went up and took a bath and changed their clothes while those who were supposed to stay within the residence did their chores.

"I'll be going now. I'll drop by in the afternoon after my endeavor. Barry, rest when you need to if you get bored, you can read some books. Rian, behave yourself​ okay?" Dylan told the crew that he won't be going to the store this morning because he has some important business to attend to.

"Yes, sir." The employees said and waved.

"I will. Good bye." Barry waved.

"Sheesh, I am perfectly well-behaved you know." Rian shrugged.

"Bye." Dylan waved back to them before leaving.


Within the Premier Hall, Executive Office...

A man wearing a black long cloak which covered the entire body entered the room and saw the usually serious Azelmek, the Hallmaster of the Premier Hall.

"Sir Null, what a wonderful surprise! You came to visit once more. Please have a seat!" Azelmek stood up the moment he saw the black figure and respectfully greeted. Azelmek went forward and offered Dylan a seat in front of his table.

"Mn." Dylan slightly nodded and sat on the comfortable chair.

"Master Null, the method you made was just astonishing! We would be able to yield profits 30% more than our usual weekly profits for the last 20 years ! What's more this type of profit increase was not the type where it would die down the next week! Currently, we are earning half of the amount the method promised!" Azelmek joyfully reported and gave the financial and status reports to Master Null.. He was extremely grateful to Master Null for giving them such a valuable advice.

Dylan was reading the financial reports before saying in his Null voice, " Azelmek."

"What is it, sir?" Azelmek​ suddenly became nervous as he heard Dylan's tone.

"You are doing the method I prescribed incorrectly. The matter by which it was implemented and the level of output in both goods and worker performance!" Dylan stated coldly

"What do you mean by this, sir?" Azelmek shuddered when he heard this.

" The flow of weapon exchange and marketing within the city is mostly controlled by Premier Hall! You should be able to reach out 3 and not just 2 of 5 of the most profitable business districts for selling weapons within the city each week with​ varying propositions of trade that I mentioned in the method! Not only that, according to my method, you could also conduct a total of two trades per week not just 3 per 2 weeks! Clearly, your workers' efforts are substandard according to these reports! Only 200 spirit stones after selling 7 Mid Earth Rank Weapons?! Your delegation of the assigned men for this steps should be those that you truly know could deliver and is capable! Otherwise, you are wasting the method I gave you because if you keep this up you will barely able to gain 15% profit increase!" Dylan reprimanded ruthlessly as he pointed out the mistakes done with the implementation of his method.

"I... I..." Azelmek stood there staring blankly and as he remembered Master Null's words, the greener his complexion became from regret! Dylan was right! The method's potential was being wasted with the way it is being executed.

"I humbly apologize. Disciple's view of things are far too narrow compared to the vast perspective that Master has shared with me. Thank you for enlightening your disciple master." Azelmek humbly bowed and gratefully apologized. Because without his words, he wouldn't have realized the problem sooner.

"Good." Dylan approvingly said.

"Master, may I ask what is the reason that you have decided to visit me?" Azelmek asked respectfully.

"The reason for me coming here is because I wish you to train Dylan Ford and take him in as your disciple." Dylan coldly uttered.

"Why? Can't Master just take him in as his own disciple?" Azelmek asked.

"That is my wish. However, the boy still needs some polishing in order to become a true gem. I will make you guide him and refine him into a gem while I will wait after the end of his refinement, only then will he be worthy of my guidance and make him transform into a incandescent diamond!" Dylan haughtily answered.

Chapter end

188 Chapter 188: Avatar Mutation
187 Chapter 187: The Thirteenth Leaf
186 Chapter 186: Eight Unknowns
185 Chapter 185: The Fusion Incites Heaven's Wrath
184 Chapter 184: The Poison Demon
183 Chapter 183: Heavenly Twelve-leafed Lotus
182 Chapter 182: Barry Does Business
181 Chapter 181:Compromising 2
180 Chapter 180: Compromising 1
179 Chapter 179: Visit to Eagle Sec
178 Chapter 178: You Will Never Understand!
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
164 Chapter 164: Celestial Arrow
163 Chapter 163: Ten Seconds 2
162 Chapter 162: Ten Seconds
161 Chapter 161: Plan B
160 Chapter 160: The Chase, Leaving Dreamy Fores
159 Chapter 159: Bloodline Suppression
158 Chapter 158: Night Arachnid
157 Chapter 157: Hidden Foe
156 Chapter 156: Shared Memories
155 Chapter 155: The Domineering Rian
154 Chapter 154: Ligtning Breaker Piercing Blade!
153 Chapter 153: Battle at Dreamy Forest 4
152 Chapter 152: Battle at Dreamy Forest 3
151 Chapter 151: Battle at Dreamy Forest 2
150 Chapter 150: Battle at Dreamy Forest 1
149 Chapter 149: The Dreamy Fores
148 Chapter 148: Increase in Power!
147 Chapter 147: Entering Ancestral Veins Realm
146 Chapter 146: Threa
145 Chapter 145: The End of the Auction 2
144 Chapter 144: The End of the Auction 1
143 Chapter 143: The Last Item
142 Chapter 142: Profitting Big Time
141 Chapter 141: Decode
140 Chapter 140: Madman of the Nigh
139 Chapter 139: Astronomical Price
138 Chapter 138: The Brown-Cloaked Person
137 Chapter 137: Twin Origin Creation Pill
136 Chapter 136: 9 Supersects 2
135 Chapter 135: 9 Supersects 1
134 Chapter 134: Body Refining White Flower 2
133 Chapter 133: Body Refining White Flower 1
132 Chapter 132: The Auction 2
131 Chapter 131: The Auction 1
130 Chapter 130: Before the Auction
129 Chapter 129: Organizing a Auction House
128 Chapter 128: Gamble
127 Chapter 127: Like Madmen
126 Chapter 126: Slander
125 Chapter 125: Challenge from All Sides
124 Chapter 124: Res
123 Chapter 123: Unknown Choice
122 Chapter 122: Assessmen
121 Chapter 121: Shocking Talen
120 Chapter 120: Mystical Techniques
119 Chapter 119: X-Grade Magna Magnate
118 Chapter 118: Accepting a Master
117 Chapter 117: Competition
116 Chapter 116: Reality
115 Chapter 115: The Second Phase 2
114 Chapter 114: The Second Phase 1
113 Chapter 113: Body Strengthening
112 Chapter 112: Millenial Stones
111 Chapter 111: Remnants
110 Chapter 110: Clearing Things Up
109 Chapter 109: Discussion
108 Chapter 108: Checkpoints
107 Chapter 107: Negotiation 4
106 Chapter 106: Negotiation 3
105 Chapter 105: Negotiation 2
104 Chapter 104: Negotiation 1
103 Chapter 103: Expansion
102 Chapter 102: The Tomb
101 Chapter 101: A Great Brother
100 Chapter 100: The Final Wave
99 Chapter 99: The Heavenly Tribulation 2
98 Chapter 98: Facing the Heavenly Tribulation 1
97 Chapter 97: A Puppy as a Partner
96 Chapter 96: Voice Inside My Mind
95 Chapter 95: Evolution!
94 Chapter 94: A Dream 2
93 Chapter 93: A Dream 1
92 Chapter 92: Sworn Brothers
91 Chapter 91: The Vernon Clan
90 Chapter 90: The Survivor
89 Chapter 89: Tyrannical Thunderbolt Clouds Ar
88 Chapter 88: Strength of the Legendary Core
87 Chapter 87: Discovered
86 Chapter 86: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 2
85 Chapter 85: Upgrade to Legendary Core! 1
84 Chapter 84: You Should Have Listened
83 Chapter 83: Three Reminders
82 Chapter 82: Worries
81 Chapter 81: Thundercloud Monarch Ar
80 Chapter 80: Thundercloud? Kings Inheritance
79 Chapter 79: The Mystery within the Tes
78 Chapter 78: Outside of the Test Center
77 Chapter 77: The Difficult Tes
76 Chapter 76: Noble Tes
75 Chapter 75: People Flocking For Herbs
74 Chapter 74: Ancient Veins Realm
73 Chapter 73: Evil Scheme
72 Chapter 72: Recording Mirror
71 Chapter 71: Turning Black to White
70 Chapter 70: Synchronized Battle Skill
69 Chapter 69: Seniors Bullying the Newcomers
68 Chapter 68: Conditions for Partnership
67 Chapter 67: Thunder Clan Main Family
66 Chapter 66: Four Alchemy Saints of Mystical Clouds
65 Chapter 65: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 3
64 Chapter 64: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 2
63 Chapter 63: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 1
62 Chapter 62: Dylan's Plan 3
61 Chapter 61: Dylan's Plan 2
60 Chapter 60: Dylan's Plan 1
59 Chapter 59: Dylan's Brand New Business
58 Chapter 58: Dylan Takes Advantage of the Mansion
57 Chapter 57: The Realms above Spirit Gathering
56 Chapter 56: The Thunder Clan
55 Chapter 55: Do You Dare?
54 Chapter 54: The 14,000-kilometer Journey
53 Chapter 53: Starting Anew
52 Chapter 52: Unlocking The First Volume!
51 Chapter 51: The Light After Darkness! Creating a Law: Primoridial Law of Business!
50 Chapter 50: Separation
49 Chapter 49: The Sacred Flame Fox Clan
48 Chapter 48: Consumed by Darkness
47 Chapter 47: Leila's Last Words
46 Chapter 46: Despair
45 Chapter 45: Deathmatch: Dylan versus Andrew
44 Chapter 44: Andrew Appears! The Deathmatch Begins!
43 Chapter 43: Attack!
42 Chapter 42: Darkness Comes
41 Chapter 41: The Magical Table of Contents
40 Chapter 40: Unexpected Discovery! The Need to be Stronger!
39 Chapter 39: Let me say it again
38 Chapter 38: Don't Compete with Me
37 Chapter 37: Andrew's Insanity
36 Chapter 36: Turning the Tables Around
35 Chapter 35: Low-key Face Slapping
34 Chapter 34: Confrontation! Andrew gets lectured!
33 Chapter 33: Invitation
32 Chapter 32: A Giant Killing
31 Chapter 31: It's time for a COMEBACK!
30 Chapter 30: Origin
29 Chapter 29: Declaration of War
28 Chapter 28: A New Brand in Town
27 Chapter 27: A Mystical Magnate arrives
26 Chapter 26: The Rock that Fell from the Sky
25 Chapter 25: The Second Page
24 Chapter 24: I am Already a Mystical Magnate?
23 Chapter 23: Meeting the Three Giants
22 Chapter 22: Visiting my Investors
21 Chapter 21: Deca-Stone and Centurial Stone
20 Chapter 20: Breakthrough? to the Spirit Veins! Another Function Unlocked!
19 Chapter 19: In Job Training
18 Chapter 18: Breakthrough! Perfection!
17 Chapter 17:Conducting an Interview
16 Chapter 16: The Mischievous turns Mysterious
15 Chapter 15: Getting Employees
14 Chapter 14: Elder Frank gets Slapped to Death
13 Chapter 13: People Misunderstood Dylan?
12 Chapter 12: The Legendary Occupation
11 Chapter 11: The Herbal Shop turns to a Restaurant?
10 Chapter 10: Cosmic God
9 Chapter 9: Discovery Under the Moonlight and the Break of Dawn
8 Chapter 8: The Rise of the Broken Down Herbal Shop.
7 Chapter 7: Getting More Customers with a Single Tea
6 Chapter 6: My Mischievous Little Sister Unlocks the Mansion?
5 Chapter 5: The Mansion in My Mind, is it a Treasure Trove or a System?
4 Chapter 4: Unwavering Determination
3 Chapter 3: First Obstacle to Greatness
2 Chapter 2: Reincarnated as a Small-ass Store Owner in a Very Strange World
1 Chapter 1: The Tragic Tale of Brothers
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