Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items Chapter 88

Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items Chapter 88

Published at 26th of March 2022 12:45:11 PM

Chapter 88
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The Germania Empire Army, which had dropped the City of Spike, moved forward, leaving the “Oracle’s Great Cave” in its rear which is a cause for concern.

The army left was 10000 less. There are those who had fallen sick due to the effect of nymph poison which also affected the horses. There are also territorial troops that had stopped following orders out of wariness. In addition, there are also the logistic corps that were left in the city to prepare.

With a total force of 60000 men, they marched into the royal capital of Silesie and they were already within sighting distance.

The composition of the imperial army was:

On the left-wing, 500 flying dragon knights, 20000 mercenaries(including 1000 cavalrymen), and in their rear were large weapons such as ballista and trebuchet.

In the center is the main army led by Freed himself. It has the 10000 immortal imperial guards, 4000 heavy infantry, and 5000 royal knights.

On the right-wing are a total of 20000 knights and infantry recruited from various territorial states and cities.

The overwhelmingly big Germania Empire Army formed a crane wing formation in order to surround and annihilate the enemy.

The Silesie royal army, which intercepted them, numbered 17700 in total.

They are in a goose formation diagonally.

The composition of the kingdom’s army was:

On the left-wing, 5000 mercenaries were in the front line, and 1000 modernized volunteer army with guns and cannons in the rear.

The center has 3000 men, mainly the 3rd, 4th, and 5th battalion.

On the right-wing are 500 royal knights.

And behind the center, hiding in the Devil’s Mountain, there are 1000 volunteer corps.

Behind the left flank, in the royal capital, there are 2000 men from the 1st and 2nd corps in addition to the 500 knights of the local nobles. However, they are noble forces which aren’t something that can be relied on.

The real defense of the capital is said to be 500 volunteer corps with cannons, 300 castle soldiers, and 3000 citizens who responded to the emergency call.

In the fortified City of Ox, behind the right-wing are 3 magic Armstrong cannons with long-range and explosive power and six more cannons which are manned by veteran cannoneers. There are also 500 gunners and 400 civilian soldiers who are waiting for their turn to fire.

As I have said, this was a battle between the 70000 expeditionary forces, most are elite of the Germania Empire, and the 17700 defensive forces, including recruited civilians, of the Kingdom of Silesie.

Looking at the numbers alone, the Silesie side was at an overwhelming disadvantage.

The “Battle of Silesie”, as it would be called in later times, began.


—Scene Change—


I flew with the help of my Oracle-chan booster and shouted loudly in the air in front of the 60000 Germania troops who were deploying their crane-wing formation.

「Freeddddd! This is the decisive battle. Let’s fight one on one as heroes.」

The enemy army, which seems to be about to rush to me, heard my shout and became noisy.

Now, where is Prince Freed in this formation?

「Fuhahahaha, you are here at last, Silesie’s hero!」

I heard a scream from below.

Fluttering his purple cloak that has the emblem of the Germania imperial family, the golden lion prince breaks through the center of the line while riding a white horse!

Alright, we can win this.

It would be a shame if Freed just crushes us with numbers since he has 60000 men behind him.

He has pestered us for so long but now, I can only hope that he has enough pride to keep his promise.

「Then, golden lion! Now is the time to decide who is right and who is wrong.」

「Selesie’s hero, let me show you my power so that you will know your place!」

Riding his white horse like a rampaging general, Freed’s face shows a bit of madness as if his voltage were turned to the max.

I don’t know how much power he broke through but if he relaxes his guard, I might be able to get him.

Freed is not alone as he advances in front of the 60000 strong imperial army.

He is accompanied by a man in big black armor.

He is wearing a black helmet and an iron mask so it’s hard to tell who he is but he is certainly not the one with an orichalcum shield.

This is my first time seeing him. Who is that?

「Freed, this is a one on one battle.」

「Of course. I am only going to show you this guy since you probably miss him.」

Freed then took off the iron mask of the man next to him.

His swollen, pale, and ugly face looks like Frankenstein given he was full of stitches all over.

「Hmm, who’s that?」

「You don’t know? Well, it is reasonable since he has become a monster. He is Count Brynie, the king of Silesie.」


Brynie is supposed to be dead.

Ah, could this guy possibly have used the demon king’s core on Brynie’s corpse?

「Hahaha, you seemed surprised! Of course, you would. I had to destroy two cities to make this.」

「You’re unbelievable, do you know that? To think you’ll use the demon king’s core just to create such an ugly creature.」

Freed laughed more and brushed back his shiny blonde lion hair.

He gave out the most smug-looking expression anyone could find in this world.

「Yes, it’s all to go up against the immortal king Oracle over there! Show them your twin black sword Brynie, the super demon king!」

When Freed Said that, Brynie, who moved awkwardly like a mechanical robot, generated swords of darkness on each hand.

So, if you embed the demon king’s core in two places, you can produce two swords?

It looks like Freed still believed the bluff of the immortal king’s twin black sword that Oracle-chan previously did.

So, he opened up the miasma hole twice as a countermeasure….even I forgot about that.

I wonder why.

「Hahahaha, now, you have three swords but we have four! There is no doubt that I’m currently the strongest in the world in every aspect!」

「Yeah yeah, but only the two of us will fight in this decisive battle.」

I waved my hands in a theatrical tone and shouted some more.

I tried to stimulate his self-esteem and lure him into a fair duel.

「Look, Freed! A total of 80000 soldiers on both sides, will be watching this duel. We are standing on the summit of history. There is no better stage to decide which hero is better.」

「Silesie’s hero, I wish you do your best. Now is the time to show the world that I’m the strongest!」

A very proud Freed shouted to those around him. “This is a one-on-one duel, don’t interfere!”. And then, as if in a show of force, he produced a sword of darkness and a sword of light in his hands.

I generated only one sword, which is the sword of light, and held it in before my eyes. I faced him silently and adjusted my breath.

「Bow down to the strongest man in the world, Germanicus-style, sword of the furious emperor!」


Without a moment of hesitation, I slashed back with all my might.

The absolute confidence of the golden lion prince, who believes that nothing in this world can hinder his path to supremacy, is the source of power in a battle of imagination sword.

However, I, too, have always imagined it.

The more solid the imagination is, the more power the imagination sword has.

That is why it is very effective to shout out the name of the technique as if you are using magic.

However, what I’m about to do now is a surprise attack and I can’t let my voice leak out.

I remain silent and concentrate on my movements. I go through Freed’s first all-out blow and deflect it with a full-on swing with my sword of light.

Freed’s attacks are basically large swings so it’s not hard to evade them.

It is natural for him to let his guard down since he is being protected by the world’s hardest armor, an orichalcum armor. And then, I stabbed it at one point.

「Tremble before….what the heck!」


I cut through his violent slash and tackled Freed. I then pushed my left hand against the chest of Freed’s armor.

Only when I hug him that Freed will be defenseless.

I only have one chance to launch my surprise attack.

I am not so naïve to aim for the joints of his armor and the only way to take advantage of this situation is to stab him at zero distance with something that can penetrate an orichalcum.

I imagine dripping water that eventually shatters rocks.

Even if it is deflected by a thick orichalcum wall, the neutral sword can pierce a hole in it!


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Freed, who felt severe pain in his chest, began to slash in a hurry.

A violent slash hits my back and shoulder.

Even though I’m wearing mithril armor, I felt a shuddering shock but I won’t let him go.

I will kill you before I die!

「Die here, Freed.」


My neutral sword finally pierced Freed’s chest.

At that moment, my left arm that should be holding Freed was suddenly freed.

Freed’s body, which had flown backward, is being held by an S&M mage oneesan in a black cloak.

The court mage “Time-Space Gate” Jenny Walpurgis’ instantaneous movement magic!

「Oi, wait!」

She kept casting instantaneous movement magic so I won’t be able to catch her no matter how fast I run.

Perhaps I have killed Freed but there’s no way for me to confirm it now.

Originally, we were going to end this futile battle by showing that I had defeated Freed in front of his entire army.

Unfortunately, the plan is not perfect.

Just as I was regretting it, a shock hit me.

It was Brynie, who had been standing there like a toy whose batteries had run out. He slashed me with his twin black sword.

I received a decent heavy blow to the torso.

Somehow, I managed to deflect the next slash with my sword of light but I was shocked by something else.

「Brynie is this strong….?」

I can’t believe it.

However, since it is a strong enemy, I have no choice but to defeat it here in order to avoid any disaster.

With all my might, I wield the sword of light and neutral sword to defeat Brynie, who is now in a frenzied state.

Brynie was able to take all my slashes.

Ridiculous, is this guy really that count?

It’s strange that he doesn’t even say a word even though he is Brynie.

No, no, he’s saying something.

He’s no longer alive so he’s not even breathing but he’s muttering something as he opens his mouth.

I listened carefully to what Brynie was muttering.

「…..oja oja oja oja oja」


I even had goosebumps. It is similar to when I met the furukisha.

Brynie’s brains would be far from rotting away after his head was used as a soccer ball.

Sewn and connected together with his corps, Brynie was implanted with two demon king’s cores and was completely swallowed by chaos.

He is not even considered as an undead but a mysterious beast of chaos.

「Damn, what kind of monster have you made for us, Freed! 」

「ooouuu, oja oja oja oja oja…..」

Raising another strange voice, Brynie continued to slash me with his twin black sword. What a heavy slash. I’m already struggling parrying them.

In addition, he doesn’t even move like a human.

His arms and legs were twitching in a strange way. His sword reach is long so if I use a normal sword technique, I’ll be whittled down.

「So this is the super demon king Brynie」

「ooouuu, oja oja oja oja oja oja oja」

Strong but can’t even understand human language!

I couldn’t even do my usual attack routine of getting my opponent to talk and then, take advantage of any opportunity.

While I was thinking of that, Brynie, the super demon king, was making irregular slashes that were difficult to read. They are not even attacks that regular creatures can make.

Brynie’s rotten and swollen hands are wrinkled and although he seemed to be full of openings, I can’t even find the opportunity to attack.

「Takeru, that thing is really dangerous, you’d better run for your life!」

Oracle repeatedly released shockwaves but Brynie, the super demon king, didn’t even seem to feel them. It is comparable to a mosquito bite.

He just stood there as his body shook, catching all the shockwaves.

Damn it, why am I fighting against this mysterious beast when I’m supposed to be having my decisive battle with Freed?

It’s still acceptable though since it’s an enemy that’s trying to kill us with all its might.

Brynie’s attack had no killing intent, not even a clear intention. His sewn-together face is expressionless and we can’t even tell what he’s thinking.

And yet, none of our attacks work while his random swing has the power of a demon king.

「Damn it! Alright, we’re pulling out, Oracle!」

「Yeah, let’s get out of here, Takeru.」

「oja oja oja oja oja oja oja……..」

Oracle-chan carried me and we retreated through the air.

I heard a soldier’s scream from behind me so I turned my gaze there to see the super demon king Brynie swinging his twin black sword while plunging straight into the center of the imperial army which was supposed to be his ally.

There is nothing more terrifying than bottomless madness.

Chapter end

Chapter 114.1
Chapter 113.4
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Chapter 113.1
Chapter 112.3
Chapter 112.2
Chapter 112.1
Chapter 111.3
Chapter 111.2
Chapter 111.1
Chapter 110.2
Chapter 110.1
Chapter 109.2
Chapter 109.1
Chapter 108.2
Chapter 108.1
Chapter 107.4
Chapter 107.3
Chapter 107.2
Chapter 107.1
Chapter 106.3
Chapter 106.2
Chapter 106.1
Chapter 105.3
Chapter 105.2
Chapter 105.1
Chapter 104.3
Chapter 104.2
Chapter 104.1
Chapter 103.3
Chapter 103.2
Chapter 103.1
Chapter 102.2
Chapter 102.1
Chapter 101.4
Chapter 101.3
Chapter 101.2
Chapter 101.1
Chapter 100.3
Chapter 100.2
Chapter 100.1
Chapter 99.3
Chapter 99.2
Chapter 99.1
Chapter 98.4
Chapter 98.3
Chapter 98.2
Chapter 98.1
Chapter 97.3
Chapter 97.2
Chapter 97.1
Chapter 96.2
Chapter 96.1
Chapter 95.2
Chapter 95.1
Chapter 94.3
Chapter 94.2
Chapter 94.1
Chapter 93.2
Chapter 93.1
Chapter 92.3
Chapter 92.2
Chapter 92.1
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82.5
Chapter 82.4
Chapter 82.3
Chapter 82.2
Chapter 82.1
Chapter 81
Chapter 80.9
Chapter 80.8
Chapter 80.7
Chapter 80.6
Chapter 80.5
Chapter 80.4
Chapter 80.3
Chapter 80.2
Chapter 80.1
Chapter 79.4
Chapter 79.3
Chapter 78.2
Chapter 78.1
Chapter 77.4
Chapter 77.3
Chapter 77.2
Chapter 77.1
Chapter 76.3
Chapter 76.2
Chapter 76.1
Chapter 75.2
Chapter 75.1
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 66
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.6
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.5
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.4
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.3
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.2
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.1
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Prologue
Chapter 67
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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