Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items Chapter 4

Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – The Completion of the Bomb and the Conclusion on its Exclusive Agreement

“So you plan to make soap? Even though you had come up with gunpowder just recently, you still have lots of ideas, don’t you?”

As usual, I commuted from the inn to the office. During our break, I told Lyle-sensei about my plan to make soap, which left him astonished.

For some reason, my mind wouldn’t stop flowing with ideas once I began to think about making gunpowder.

Because I lacked experienced subordinates and skills required as an alchemist, the manufacturing of gunpowder wouldn’t go well in practice, but, I had decided to count on Lyle-sensei’s extensive knowledge.

“Surely, from what I’ve heard, there’s a city in which soap is produced using olive and canola oil. I’m not well-informed about that alkaline mentioned by Takeru-dono, but, it’s certain that ash and quicklime can combine together and solidify, right?”
“As I thought, it might be not possible for us to obtain olive oil, but, apparently we can use monsters’ oil as a replacement.”

The only animal oil which can be obtained for free in Rosugo is that from monsters.
There are 3 types of monsters that live nearby this village, these are: Crazy Dogs, Gray Rat-Men and Blood-sucking Bats.

In case there are too many monsters to deal with, we file a petition for monster extermination in the Adventurer’s Guild and have Louise-san accompany us with hunting. The spoils would be then divided between us and I would be able to extract the oil from my part.

I’ve seen how oil and ash can be mixed together to make soap in the past, but, right now, I’m continuously failing in doing so.

I managed to create a soft, soap-like thing, however, it didn’t make lots of bubbles and gave off a bad stench, similar to that of clay.
Making a high-grade product using olive oil is out of question, but, as long the soap is affordable and usable by commoners, it should sell well.

“That is to say, Takeru-dono wants me to assist with the production of soap, right?”
“Well, if you put it frankly like that, then it’s just as you say.”

Even a wooden bucket is feasible as long as its method of production is established, but, as one would expect, I’d rather have a much experienced alchemist assist me.

Fufufu – Lyle-sensei burst into laughter as soon as I humbled myself and put my hands together.

“Even though we have yet to make gunpowder, Takeru-dono is really a slave driver.”
“I apologize.”

Despite me receiving my job through the good offices of Louise, I kept doing nothing but causing problems for Lyle-sensei.

“Ah no, I was just kidding. In fact, I’m glad that my skills can be of any help. There is nobody in this village with whom I can talk to regarding alchemy, so if it wasn’t for Takeru-dono, I wouldn’t even come up with things like making gunpowder or soap.”

Putting up with my troublesome talks and smiling while being carried away by our conversation, I thought there would be no good-hearted person willing to help me out.

Naturally, I was straightly refused when I tried to offer to wash Sensei’s back as a form of gratitude.
It was a minor joke, so please, stop drawing back while looking at me with a serious expression.

Anyway, a decent prototype of a bomb was done.

I was even ready to give up because of the amount of hardships I had to endure in order to reach this final stage.

Ah, but I guess that’s fine as long as it’s just once, right?

Far from sulfur, it was much harder to create niter. That’s because it’s something you obtain from throwing in human and cattle’s waste.
We built a small hut and buried the waste with grass under the soil. Then, we waited for the niter to start be produced by microorganisms and collected it. Apparently, you can also use corpses as a replacement for the waste, but, it’s smelly either way.

Not to mention, you would need at least 2-3 years for the bodies to decompose and release niter, which is impossible for us to wait. Therefore, to make the bomb, we received some soil from the Rhod household’s cattle hut and extracted the niter from it.

If this was medieval Japan, people would have, supposedly, built places designated for collecting waste, such as cesspools, however, in this world, nobody seems to use manure made from humans’ excrements.

This might sound dirty, but, apparently people here would just store their waste in jars and throw away their contents on a road’s surface in suitable amount….
Oh, thinking back, the harshest thing to deal with when I arrived here for the first time was the toilet.

There was no toilet paper; the only thing I could use to wipe were leaves.

I discussed with Lyle-sensei on the matter of making paper, however, it turns out there are actually no defined methods of paper manufacturing.
Certainly, even in the office, we do use paper despite its bad quality.

Since the paper is bad and starchy, we will at least use parchments for truly important matters.
When I asked Sensei as to why paper isn’t common here, it turned out it was due to the lack of materials, rather than technical problems.

Was it because of the dry climate? Just like in my hometown, Japan, it felt as though trees here wouldn’t grow back after being cut down and become a bare hill.

Even with my modern knowledge, material shortage is the only thing I couldn’t help with.
As expected, what is needed is the power of money.

By the way, when I tried to ask Lyle-sensei about what they do after using the toilet, his face turned red as he answered ‘Using magic….’
That’s mean, Lyle-sensei. I wanted you to confirm that for me, but, with my magic skill being close to zero, my hopes for that have become even smaller.

If I possessed a magic tool or a magic gem, even someone like me could become able to use magic. However, that being said, the price of such things was unreasonably high.
As I thought, even in this world, everything comes to money, money, money when you want do something.

Now, let’s return to the main topic.

The mine was even smaller than what I had thought at first.
There were few, small caves from which laborers transported minerals on small goods wagons. The laborers were exhausted and wore worn-out clothes. Iron-made chains were attached to their legs.

“Are they possibly…?”
“Slave miners. They are the one who work this mine, you see.”

Several of them were carrying minerals on wagons.

The chains attached to the slaves’ legs were most likely intended to limit their freedom of movement and hinder their escape.

“Since the conditions in a mine are severe, having a disposable labor force is very vital. Takeru-dono, don’t you have slaves in your country?”

Lyle-sensei spoke to me as if noticing my silence.

Judging from the way the usually gentle and graceful Lyle-sensei could watch this scenery with composure, slaves were probably common in this world.
However, for me, who was brought up in times long free from slavery, this was a shocking view.

According to Lyle-sensei’s explanation, slaves are generally considered to be those who are unable to clear their debts.

The me right now was living in a society run by slaves.

Still, this scenery burned into my memory.

“I apologize, Sensei. Let’s proceed.”
“Takeru-dono, over there, you will find the mansion of this place’s governor.”

At the entrance of this mine, the surroundings resembled that of a small village.

And then, there was the mansion of this mine’s governor, which was the tallest in this shabby village.

The furniture here was splendidly made. The interior was lined with stuffed monsters from the vicinity, and even decorated with vivid tapestries.

These weapons were probably crafted by someone even more skilled than the blacksmith in our village.

Honestly, I don’t think the person who decorated this very boorish room has a refined taste, but, it may be that being a governor of a mine is beneficial.

Once the door opened, a half-naked, muscular man entered inside.
The man was in his prime and his head was smoothly becoming bald. His physique was even larger than that of the female warrior, Louise.

“Looks like I made you wait. My name is Natal Dacall, and I’m this mine’s governor.”

So it was this guy? At first I thought it was some miner as he was wearing a pair of simplistic Farstian trousers while being half-naked.

I gazed at those piling up muscles in admiration. As I did so, the man bowed his head apologetically. Did he misunderstand something?

“I apologize for appearing like this in front of you. I’ve just returned from the mine’s actual location, so….”
“No no, we too have come here uninvited, therefore… by the way, my [Ore], that’s not right, my [Watashi] name’s Sawatari Takeru. Nice to meet you.”

I too introduced myself while bowing down deeply and hurriedly.
To think that this mine’s governor, named Natal, would genuinely bow his head toward a shabby, 17 years old greenhorn like me. Could I really afford that?

For this elegant man in his prime, not to mention, a personage of a high social status to treat me this politely, I felt ashamed of myself.

What a great person he is to work in a mine despite being the governor of this place.

Apparently, Lyle-sensei and Natal are acquainted with each other, since both of them were appointed to the same village as civil servants.

However, even if I’m cautious of him, I can’t help but have a good impression of his straightforward attitude. Not to mention, Natal, with his beautifully balding head, greatly resembles a favorite actor of mine from a western movie.
I’m fond of beauties, but, I’m also quite weak toward good-looking adult males.

“Then, without further ado, can I have you demonstrate to me that thing called a bomb?”

So as to show him in practice the effect of the bomb, I blew a newly dug tunnel inside a quay to atoms.

For me to create such a fearsome thing. (Obviously, the one who took care of the compounding was Lyle-sensei, but whatever.)
“Uoooohhh!” – Was Natal agitated by his first in a lifetime blast? He held aloft both his arms while shouting that.

“What’s your impression?”
“This thing called a bomb has splendid power. I guess we would save lots of time, were we to use it wisely.”

Checking on the huge hole left by the explosion, Natal gathered minerals, which had been hurled, and touched them one by one.
It would be nice were he to take a liking to the bombs and buy them at high prince, but.

“For each bomb, I’ll pay you with a silver….. No, how about one gold coin?

I took a deep breath. A single gold coin is a large amount of money.

Since bombs are considered a rare item in this world, perhaps, I should increase their price….

“Honestly, you aren’t going to overcharge me more than this, right? I place my trust in you as a fellow working for the same country. What’s more, I told you before I can barely afford this much, didn’t I?”
“Haha, no way. Of course, please do so.”

I broke in a cold sweat while laughing. Natal most likely saw through my expression.
As one would expect from a veteran governor, his ability to negotiate was quite sharp.

“Also, I’d like to place a condition on your purchase. I’d like for you to pay me afterwards.”

“I would be troubled if I were to supply you with defective products, so you will only have to pay for items that work properly. Otherwise, rumors might spread in the village about how ineffective my bombs are if you fail to successfully use them in practice.”
“Ah–, well, I guess you’ve got a point. Right.”

I made a wry smile as soon I looked at Lyle-sensei next to me.
Certainly, there have been lots of cases where a bomb would fail to explode despite it emitting smoke.

With Lyle-sensei’s effort, we should be able to adjust the bomb’s compound as we wish, so it’s hard to imagine it could fail, but, nothing can be said for sure in regards to gunpowder.

As long there are no defective products, it should be no problem for customers to pay afterwards.

“And then, there’s one more condition.”

‘You still want to complain about something?’ – Natal took out a golden coin for the bomb while wanting to say that, which made me endure patiently.

“Despite Rosugo’s ore mine being a small one, it’s actually state property. You do understand that we…. plan to promote these bombs, right?”

He probably won’t understand even if I say it in a suggestive tone.
Unable to watch me becoming astonished, Lyle-sensei whispered in my ear.

–Let’s form an exclusive agreement with the Kingdom of Silesia. I think there’s no need to worry about others merchandising this bomb, but, wouldn’t it be fine to do so either way?–

Hmm, I see. Certainly, it’s just as Lyle-sensei says. I agree this is a favorable opportunity to form an agreement, considering the fact we can use Lyle-sensei’s position as a state secretary.

“Well, if you make an exclusive agreement, you will be able to build a market for bombs in other mines and places, where the use of bombs is essential for public works. I see no harm in doing so.”
“Then, I’ll accept your offer.”

Bowing down my head, I was still reflecting on my carelessness.
That’s because, despite making every effort to create gunpowder, I didn’t consider the idea of expanding our market for that.

After all, this place here is just a rural area. I need to merchandise this bomb in other regions of this kingdom, so there’s no way for me to let this chance slip away.

Is there no good solution for that? I shall ask Sensei, who’s a fountain of wisdom, later.
More importantly, there’s something else I should mention.

“Afterwards, please pay utmost attention so as not to get yourself involved in an accident. There’s also the fear that a tunnel might collapse from an explosion.”
“Haha, haven’t I told you already? I’m a mine engineer, so I won’t commit such a blunder. Still, well, I agree with you about paying more attention when handling these things. I’m grateful for your advice.

Even if Natal was to estrange someone due to his nagging, I thought I had to give him at least some advice.

I’d have an uneasy conscience if those miners from before died because of my bombs.
The black powder, which I’m selling, has a low level of safety. Therefore, it’s necessary to have Natal pay enough attention.

Chapter end

Chapter 114.1
Chapter 113.4
Chapter 113.3
Chapter 113.2
Chapter 113.1
Chapter 112.3
Chapter 112.2
Chapter 112.1
Chapter 111.3
Chapter 111.2
Chapter 111.1
Chapter 110.2
Chapter 110.1
Chapter 109.2
Chapter 109.1
Chapter 108.2
Chapter 108.1
Chapter 107.4
Chapter 107.3
Chapter 107.2
Chapter 107.1
Chapter 106.3
Chapter 106.2
Chapter 106.1
Chapter 105.3
Chapter 105.2
Chapter 105.1
Chapter 104.3
Chapter 104.2
Chapter 104.1
Chapter 103.3
Chapter 103.2
Chapter 103.1
Chapter 102.2
Chapter 102.1
Chapter 101.4
Chapter 101.3
Chapter 101.2
Chapter 101.1
Chapter 100.3
Chapter 100.2
Chapter 100.1
Chapter 99.3
Chapter 99.2
Chapter 99.1
Chapter 98.4
Chapter 98.3
Chapter 98.2
Chapter 98.1
Chapter 97.3
Chapter 97.2
Chapter 97.1
Chapter 96.2
Chapter 96.1
Chapter 95.2
Chapter 95.1
Chapter 94.3
Chapter 94.2
Chapter 94.1
Chapter 93.2
Chapter 93.1
Chapter 92.3
Chapter 92.2
Chapter 92.1
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82.5
Chapter 82.4
Chapter 82.3
Chapter 82.2
Chapter 82.1
Chapter 81
Chapter 80.9
Chapter 80.8
Chapter 80.7
Chapter 80.6
Chapter 80.5
Chapter 80.4
Chapter 80.3
Chapter 80.2
Chapter 80.1
Chapter 79.4
Chapter 79.3
Chapter 78.2
Chapter 78.1
Chapter 77.4
Chapter 77.3
Chapter 77.2
Chapter 77.1
Chapter 76.3
Chapter 76.2
Chapter 76.1
Chapter 75.2
Chapter 75.1
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 66
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.6
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.5
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.4
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.3
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.2
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.1
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Prologue
Chapter 67
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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