Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items Chapter 87

Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items Chapter 87

Published at 26th of March 2022 12:45:11 PM

Chapter 87
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The Germania Empire’s Army, which has made the City of Spike fall, is advancing toward the royal capital along the highway, looting the villages of Viscount Oracle’s domain.

After the villagers have evacuated along with their food and fodder, “nymph poison” has been casually planted in the villages’ wells.

It would be nice if we could reduce the strength of the enemy even a little but that is only a comforting thought.

Meanwhile, we were having our final strategy meeting for the decisive battle in the brand new royal castle as the repairs had finally been completed.

「With that, Marquis Danavan will be the commander in chief while Viscount Ortholet will be the front line commander and the second in command.」

Lyle-sensei is explaining the lineup for the campaign against the Germania Empire in a brisk voice.

Marquis Danavan’s face was pale with nervousness while Viscount Oracle was listening calmly.

You wouldn’t notice who’s the real commander in chief and second in command.

Garan, the mercenary leader, who is in charge of the front line, will be the first to hit the enemy, is also given simple instructions by sensei and he only replies with “oh”. He is quite a powerful and dynamic man.

In the back of the operation’s room, outside the mosquito net is Marquis Pipin Nant Burgund, who is attending on behalf of the local nobles in the south.

He doesn’t hide his discontent as he rubs his long black beard on his long chin.

Pipin is a very unusual-looking old man. His chin looks like the tip of a French bread and I can’t help but stare at him in amazement.

Even with such a weird face, he must be a prestigious noble since he is the one representing all local nobles in the south. He’s also wearing a splendid armor.

Still, that’s one hell of a chin. It’s so sharp that if he suddenly flew away, he’d be mistaken for a missile.

「Hero-dono, is there something on my face?」

I must have looked at his chin too much.

Of course, I wouldn’t say something like “your chin” or the nobles in the south might have revolted on the spot.

「Chin…I mean, I’m delighted that Marquis Pipin has come to support us.」

「Well, our Burgund Family is a family of the former chief vassal of Founding King Renz. It is only natural for us to come to your aid if the kingdom is in crisis.」

His face looks funny and his mouth is saying good things but he is not someone that can be trusted.

Sensei said that 500 cavalry knights of the local nobles led by Marquis Pipin and his first and second corps, with a total of 2500, can’t be counted as allies.

They will probably surrender or flee if the situation turns bad so we can only have them stay quiet in the royal capital at best.

We should already be thankful that they did not turn against us seeing the Empire’s huge army.

At the end of the strategy meeting, Lyle-sensei called Princess Silhouette.

Princess Silhouette, dressed in a pure white silk dress and crimson cape decorated with gold thread, stood before everyone.

Next to the princess is Lyle-sensei’s father, the prime minister. Given the situation, they threw away their father and child discord.

「Then, let’s evaluate the coronation of Princess Silhouette as the queen of Silesie.」

「What did you say?!」

Marquis Pipin, who had been listening silently in the last row and looked dissatisfied with that arrangement, stood up in surprise.

「What is it, Marquis Pipin? Do you have any objections?」

「We won’t let that happen! We, the local lords, will never agree to the princess’ coronation! I will not permit that selfishness.」

「The biggest crisis of the country is happening. A powerful army is marching towards the capital as we speak. This is the best time to crown the princess to a queen in order to unite the people. Marquis Pipin, are you sure with what you are saying?」

「……that, ugh.」

Marquis Pipin breaks out in a cold sweat and busily rubs his beard.

He realized that if he said anything bad here, they would be considered as traitors immediately.

Marquis Pipin and his 500 knights, all of whom are members of famous local noble families, are in the royal castle.

If they were deemed treacherous here, the walls of the royal capital would immediately become a wall around them.

I’m sure even Germania wouldn’t expect that we would bring up the queen’s coronation at this point of time.

If the local nobles turned against us, it would trouble the royal army. Therefore, no one would expect that both the regent and the prime minister’s factions would force the coronation of the queen now.

「I, the prime minister, and Hero Takeru-dono, as well as all military people of Silesie, are demanding the coronation of her highness Princess Silhouette as queen. Does Marquis Pipin have a just cause to oppose this?」

「I, don’t….」

Even though we are asking for a just cause, the two great families, Burgund and Aquitaine, who were vassals of the founding King Renz, find it more convenient if the royal family’s power is not yet decided.

For example, if the empire appoints someone from the Blanc family, a branch of the royal family where Brynie was, to be the new king, it would not be advantageous for them.

The weird-looking Marquis Pipin is a shrewd man or else he won’t be the representative of the south nobles.

He thinks that it would be better if the kingdom wins but he also thinks we will lose


If that happened, the local nobles would sway to the Empire’s side and the queen would be only in name.

We thought, let them do as they please.

「Then, you will recognize Princess Silhouette as the queen as the representative of the local nobles, won’t you?」

「I am a member of the Burgund family, a chief vassal of Founding King Renz. I do not oppose the coronation of the princess as the queen. She is a “legitimate” descendant of Renz-sama.」

He put so much emphasis on the word “legitimate” as sarcasm as he was thinking “How can a half-elf be the queen?”.

For a prestigious noble who values tradition and customs, he probably wants to spit the words he just said. For them, it was the downfall of the nation.

Unmoved by the hostile gaze of Marquis Pipin, Princess Silhouette stood before the panel of the kingdom’s most important ministers. Her blue eyes are fixed on the table.

Perhaps she was trained by Prime Minister Nicola to behave like a queen. The negative princess has become a strong woman.

Prince Silhouette declared loudly in a voice that echoed in the large room, where even Marquis Pipin had fallen silent.

「Everyone! This one is Silhouette Silesie Alber. This one is the daughter of Gauis Silesie Alber, the 17th king of the Kingdom of Silesie and the only heir. I hereby declare that I will be the 18th queen of the Kingdom of Silesie!」

Although it was still, it was a brilliant declaration as a queen.

As I was thinking that this should be done in the throne room, Lyle-sensei handed me a gold crown decorated with jewels.

「Eh? Me?」

「Takeru-dono, you are a hero. Only you have the right to crown the princess as the queen.」

I’m not even a citizen of the kingdom. I’m an outsider. However, I have to show everyone that I’m backing her.

I placed the crown on the strawberry blonde hair of the princess, who bowed down with grace.

Lyle-sensei led the ministers and shouted, “Long live the Queen!”. Applause and cheers spread throughout the hall.

Even Marquis Pipin clapped his hands reluctantly.

From this moment on, she is no longer a princess, but her majesty Queen Silhouette.

The princess in a crown smiled. She’s a pretty queen.

「Then, your majesty Queen Silhouette and Takeru-dono, you will take your oath from the balcony of the castle, in front of the people.」

There, I whispered something to Lyle-sensei as we made our way to the balcony.

「Sensei, I have s suggestion, let’s take this opportunity to distribute all the gold and silver in the warehouse of the royal castle to the soldiers and civilians.」

「That’s one drastic measure.」

Sensei looked at me dazzled. It seems like even sensei, who had forced the crowning of the queen behind the local noble’s back, had not thought of this.

I just casually thought of it when I remember Toyotomi Hideyoshi (or was it Hideyoshi Hashiba at that time) had done so during the Great Return from China. It should work.

「Since they will be taken by the enemy once the royal capital falls, we should just distribute them all to celebrate the queen’s accession to the throne and to reward the soldiers and civilians who will be at war.」

「That’s a wonderful idea and it will lift up morale even higher. I’m can proudly say that Takeru-sama, who understands the hearts of his people, is a king of kings.」

「Well, it’s just a copy of Hideyoshi’s Great Return from China.」

「Chi-what? Hmm….then, let’s open up the food warehouse and distribute all the food too.」

「Oh, sensei has taken the plunger. However, can we do that?」

「It’s okay. There will never be a siege war since everything will end here.」

If sensei says so, that should be the case.

「Sensei is a great military strategist.」

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「To be praised by the king of kings, I’m very happy. Then, I will ask you to give the people a firm greeting.」

Ah, yeah. I’m going to make another speech like I did when I was recruiting for the volunteer army.

The existence of Princess Silhouette is not well known to the people while my name as the hero permeates to the people so this is something that can’t be helped.

I pulled out “Napoleon’s Words and Deeds” from my repertoire in my head.

Since Silesie is a French-like kingdom, referring to Napoleon’s speech for the sudden coronation of the queen will receive the people’s approval.

Queen Silhouette stands before the people as she receives the royal scepter that symbolizes her royal authority.

The 40000 citizens of Silesie are already gathered in front of the balcony of the newly renovated royal castle.

Although her earlier greetings to the ministers went well, the little Queen Silhouette is like a pea in front of the 40000 people.

Although the people may not notice it, Silhouette’s legs are trembling.

I quietly walked behind her and held her hand.

「Citizens of the royal capital of Silesia. This one is Silhouette Silesie Albert, the sole heir of Gaius, the 17th king of the Kingdom of Silesie. Just now, this one was enthroned as the 18th queen of the Kingdom of Silesie.」


With the help of the loudspeaker magic, her voice echoes throughout the royal capital of Silesie.

From the other side of the balcony, the murmurs of the citizens can be heard.

It must have been a shock to them since they were suddenly gathered together and were told that a new queen had just acceded to the throne.

Moreover, it is Silhouette, who has never appeared in public before.

However, Queen Silhouette has already said what she has to say.

It will be my turn next. Standing next to the princess, I shouted as loudly as I could.

「 Soldiers, volunteer soldiers, and the citizens who protect Silesie. I am Sawatari Takeru, the hero of Silesie!」

I stood in front of the crowd, folded my arms, and stopped talking. I waited patiently for the murmurs of the people to quiet down at the sudden proclamation of the queen’s coronation.

Shining mithril armor. I guess even at a distance, they can tell that I’m a hero given my outfit.

I started hearing voices in the crowd saying “Yeah, it’s hero-sama” but I let it pass.

I will not say anything until the children stop talking. This is a speech technique that school principals often do.

After the people finally quieted down, I finally took a deep breath and spoke slowly in a quiet voice.

「As you all know, a large army from Germania Empire is now moving toward the capital. I and you, my brave soldiers, will be there to intercept them before they reach the capital.」

It was still quiet so I continued.

「Soldiers, volunteer soldiers, citizens. You are all my friends who have fought and lived with me since Gale’s coup. The empire is powerful and this battle will be unprecedented in history but we have new weapons that our enemies don’t have, guns and cannons. And if we combine that with your courage, I am confident that we can win.」

I’m getting a little confused with what I’m saying myself but let’s continue to talk passionately.

「240 years ago, the legendary hero Renz stood on this land you are stepping on and proclaimed the founding of the Kingdom of Silesie. This battle was not merely to protect the country from imperial invasion. It’s a battle to overthrow the depressive rule of the past and to obtain a new kingdom of you, by you, and for you!」

I don’t understand the meaning of what I’m saying but I’ll make it sound like I do.

The crowd started cheering due to excitement so I put all my strength into my diaphragm and raised my voice once more.

「Brave soldiers, volunteer soldiers, and citizens of Silesie! A new queen stands before you and a new county is being born for you. For the sake of your country, for the sake of your own, I’ll you once again to lend me your strength!」

Whooooaaaahhhhhhhhh! The cheers of 40000.

I could have ended it right there but I decided to hug Queen Silhouette and add a few more words.

「I decided to marry Queen Silhouette after winning this battle so I’ll definitely win!」

Along with the cheers of the people, loud laughter and cheers of applause echoed.

I had just raised a death flag with all my might. However, only I will find it hilarious.

The great hall overlooking the balcony is filled with the cheers “Long live the queen” and “long live the hero”.

Perhaps Lyle-sensei, who was waiting at the side, smiling evilly, had sent people in the crowd to lead the cheers.

I look at Queen Silhouette. She’s smiling with tears in her eyes.

She opens her tiny lips to say something but the cheers of the people are too loud for me to hear anything. Even if I can’t hear her, I know what she was saying.

From Silhouette’s blue eyes, sparkling tears like the stars spilled out.

I hugged her tightly and shouted as loud as I could.

「Today is the prelude to tomorrow’s victory and marriage. The castle’s gold storehouse and food storage will be open for everyone to enjoy!」

I was overwhelmed by the cheers of the people and my heart was racing.

Queen Silhouette is saying something again so I brought my ears closer to her and she kissed me.

「You promised to marry me so please win.」

「Yes, of course.」

I finally heard the queen’s voice as I brought my face closer to her. I’m happy to be kissed but I feel like it should be the other way around.

Oh well, we can kiss as much as we want at the wedding. However, the first step I should take is to win the war against the empire.

I, the hero, and Silhouette, the queen, continued to lean with each other while waving at the cheering crowd at the city’s grand hall. The banquet has already started.



Chapter end

Chapter 114.1
Chapter 113.4
Chapter 113.3
Chapter 113.2
Chapter 113.1
Chapter 112.3
Chapter 112.2
Chapter 112.1
Chapter 111.3
Chapter 111.2
Chapter 111.1
Chapter 110.2
Chapter 110.1
Chapter 109.2
Chapter 109.1
Chapter 108.2
Chapter 108.1
Chapter 107.4
Chapter 107.3
Chapter 107.2
Chapter 107.1
Chapter 106.3
Chapter 106.2
Chapter 106.1
Chapter 105.3
Chapter 105.2
Chapter 105.1
Chapter 104.3
Chapter 104.2
Chapter 104.1
Chapter 103.3
Chapter 103.2
Chapter 103.1
Chapter 102.2
Chapter 102.1
Chapter 101.4
Chapter 101.3
Chapter 101.2
Chapter 101.1
Chapter 100.3
Chapter 100.2
Chapter 100.1
Chapter 99.3
Chapter 99.2
Chapter 99.1
Chapter 98.4
Chapter 98.3
Chapter 98.2
Chapter 98.1
Chapter 97.3
Chapter 97.2
Chapter 97.1
Chapter 96.2
Chapter 96.1
Chapter 95.2
Chapter 95.1
Chapter 94.3
Chapter 94.2
Chapter 94.1
Chapter 93.2
Chapter 93.1
Chapter 92.3
Chapter 92.2
Chapter 92.1
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82.5
Chapter 82.4
Chapter 82.3
Chapter 82.2
Chapter 82.1
Chapter 81
Chapter 80.9
Chapter 80.8
Chapter 80.7
Chapter 80.6
Chapter 80.5
Chapter 80.4
Chapter 80.3
Chapter 80.2
Chapter 80.1
Chapter 79.4
Chapter 79.3
Chapter 78.2
Chapter 78.1
Chapter 77.4
Chapter 77.3
Chapter 77.2
Chapter 77.1
Chapter 76.3
Chapter 76.2
Chapter 76.1
Chapter 75.2
Chapter 75.1
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 66
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.6
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.5
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.4
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.3
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.2
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Chapter 1.1
Kokugensou wo Item Cheat de Ikinuku Vol 1 Prologue
Chapter 67
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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