Sky Fall Legend 92 Smells Like Trouble 1

Sky Fall Legend 92 Smells Like Trouble 1

Cassan was the first to react, pulling Jodye's arm slightly, "Young master, are you certain you want to sell such a precious resource? In a mere few months, you could probably consume this yourself."

Jodye Trill was slightly touched, Cassan seemed to really be looking out for his well-being. He made a mental note to treat this old worry-wart more sincerely in the future, "Do not worry, my only-the-ghosts-know-how-old friend. There are some things at this auction which I must acquire."

"You…" Cassan desperately resisted the urge to flatten this brat into meat paste. Why was he so stubborn? Why was he so willful? Why hadn't Master Octanis taken all his personal belongings to do an inventory? It was excessively common for apprentices to surrender their wealth in exchange for tutelage, "We are here to assist you in this. Must you be so willful?"

Jodye's face turned serious as he looked Cassan deep his hazel eyes. Those ocean blue eyes staring at himself put Cassan into a slight daze, but he instantly recovered. 'Nascent Charm laws?'

Jodye spoke in a low but severe tone, "You must both learn to trust in my judgment, or this friendship will be very short-lived."

Cassan was speechless for some reason. Friendship? Indeed, his master treated this brat more as a young friend than an apprentice. There was obviously some secrets to this brat that Sigma was currently unwilling to divulge. Thinking up to here, Cassan merely retreated half a step as his face resumed its indifference.

"Young… young master Jupiter do you truly want to auction this item? I can…" Elder Wuhen wanted to shoot his shot as soon as he saw Cassan relent.

However, he was interrupted immediately by Elder Jackel, "WUHEN! Another word and you are absolutely no brother of mine!"

"You…" Elder Wuhen looked seriously annoyed. Why did he have to endure this farce? Of course, since he didn't have the Vice-Sect Master's permission, he wouldn't break ties with this man. It might alert their so-called 'master.' Wuhen immediately backpedaled as well, "My apologies, brother Jackel. Such temptation is… very hard to resist."

"Hmph," Elder Jackel was far from satisfied. How could this senior-disciple brother of his put personal gain before the clan's interest? Elder Jackel had every intention to report this to the Patriarch. Merely right now he was simply too excited.

Dark Jumble Fruit?

Rich, he was rich!

"Little brother, please. We would love to auction this item for you. The comiss…"

"I'm sorry Elder Jackel, are you confused?" Jodye Trill smiled slyly, "There is no commission on this item, that was the previous agreement. Does the Purple-Sky clan intend to go back on their words?"

"This…" Elder Jackel was stunned.

No commission?

Doomed, he was doomed!

Elder Jackel had indeed said this. What a bother! How could he have known this brat was shrewd to the max? That C-grade combat gear should have been more than what a brat like this was capable of obtaining on his own, much less a Dark Jumble Fruit! This must have been a gift, or perhaps it was found on a corpse! Elder Wuhen sneered at Jackel's misfortune. Elder Jackel felt that this damn lucky brat was going to get him killed for missing out on such an item, "Of course not, esteemed young customer, of course not. We will auction this item for you for…for zero percent commission."

Elder Jackel was visibly pained when speaking up to here.

"Pfft," Elder Wuhen couldn't resist the snicker in his throat.

"In that case, thank you, Elder Jackel." Jodye Trill replied while looking Elder Jackel deep in the eyes. Actually, Jodye had a lot more items he could sell here. However, he didn't trust this elder very much, so he decided to end it here. Besides, rare items sold for a lot more than uncommon items. If he sold more than one Dark Jumble Fruit, he wouldn't necessarily make a too much greater profit then selling one alone.

"You are most welcome, young master," Elder Jackel would, of course, be cautious and polite when dealing with these formidable strangers. This brat pulled out an Earth Science class origin fruit. It seemed even his attendant was unaware of the item! The showed that the brat's background was far from simple. Such characters were bound to be abnormal. Elder Jacker had to bite the blade on this issue. He waved his hand, and the magical barrier faded and the rest of the room was revealed once more. Elder Jackel turned and spoke to not to Vanessa, but to the girl on the right from before, "Tina, escort our guest to the V.I.P. Area backstage and get him registered. The Secret Auction will be held in two days."

"Yes Elder…" However, before Tina could finish her sentence, Vanessa interjected. "Elder Jackel, as this is my commission, the guest and I already have a previous arrangement. Please allow this lowly one to finish her mission and register him."

"Hmm?" Elder Jackel was startled for a moment. Did this punk Vanessa really want to monopolize the commission for herself? Was that possible? Secret Auctioneers should avoid being seen right? Elder Jackel felt he could no longer understand this younger generation, why were they so opinionated? "Do you know what your asking, Vanessa?"

Vanessa nodded resolutely, "This customer is my merit, no? With such a great guest I no longer need to scout for any others at this time."

"Indeed!" Elder Jackel's eyes shined. That was right! This wasn't even his merit, he was truly thinking too hard before. He just did his duty as an elder, he wasn't necessarily responsible for the outcome. Originally he wanted to intimidate this young customer, giving face to young master Hakeem Purple-Sky, the House Lord's third nephew, Grand Elder Shareem's son, and Honored Elder Akeem's younger brother. This would allow him to curry favor with two elders at once. Vanessa Veto was the love interest of Honored Elder Akeem, so his efforts would be appreciated. This was why he thought to remove Vanessa from this scenario altogether.

In addition, Elder Jackel had obviously intended on stealing this sale the moment he saw rare items. However, if it were this girl Vanessa who took the fall, the clan would only be slightly disappointed. They would likely still reward her greatly for having caught a big fish. "That's fine. Be swift, return and finish today's report."

"Yes! This way please, young master Jupiter," Vanessa smiled seductively at Jodye Trill as she sashayed past. Jodye was disgusted and labeled her as a pedophile in his mind. Who flirts with a child? After all, how old was he? Due to this thought, the [Cosmos Revolving Grimoire] suddenly appeared on its own in a purple flash of runic light.

"Eh? I should really pay more attention to that..." Jodye Trill was stunned that his heavenly grimoire was growing more responsive. Such a simple thought triggered a reaction, this source artifact could summon itself for some reason.

[Name: Joseph Goldwolf]

[Age: 6 years, 11 months.]

[Status: 110% Health, 5:00 pm]

'Immortal Sage Path: Scholar Realm, Perfected Sophomore rank, 27 BP.'

'Titanic Rage Path: Wimpy Man Realm, Level 9, 90 BP (dormant).'

'Heavenly Saint Path: Fledgling Saint Realm, Four Star Revolving Force rank, 26 BP.'

[Guardian 1: Cosmos Devouring Sky Wolf]

'Compatibility rating: 5%.'


[Guardian 2: Mighty God Sky Jackal]

'Compatibility rating: 2%.'


"That is?" Elder Wuhen was startled by the grimoire's sudden appearance. He had heard of source artifacts in the form of books. They were known to be heavenly, and their owners were all top genius elites! Elder Wuhen made up his mind to thoroughly investigate this boy, and avoid falling out with him at all costs. If he lived then he would become a legend! However, if he died then his killer would surely inherit a great destiny. Wuhen frowned, his eyes swimming with indecision.

To rob, or not to rob?

Jodye Trill frowned as the [Cosmos Revolving Grimoire] imprinted information into his mind. Why was his source artifact moving outside of his will? How was that even possible?

"I'll answer you, host!" Trippy's voice suddenly rings in Jodye's mind. "Host's primary Source Artifact is a heavenly grimoire. The heavenly grimoire is perfectly synchronized with the Host's main soul, therefore the host's thoughts will influence it directly. It will grow based on your own thoughts and personality. Once the host reaches a certain level of strength, the heavenly grimoire will develop full sentience."

"No shit? That's amazing!" Jodye Trill was thrilled, and temporarily forgot why he was upset. "What level would I have to reach for that?"

"I cannot answer that host!" Said Trippy. However, a thought suddenly floated to the front of Jodye's mind as if it were his own.

'Celestial Mapping Realm.'


Jodye Trill wasn't sure what this 'Celestial Mapping realm' meant. It should most likely be a mystic sage path cultivation realm. Meanwhile, Vanessa led Jodye and company to register at the secret fair's backstage. Afterward, they met up with Sigma and Aiken and found lodgings for the night. That night, Jodye Trill sat behind Dessa Chimes wearing nothing but a loincloth. Dessa wore a thin kalasiris that only covered her most private areas, as starlight poured down from above.

Jodye ran two fingers down Dessa's lower back as he resolved the seal in her origin pool. He was about 83% complete at this point. This speed was due to him using astral essence to slowly temper Dessa's skin and muscles in the process of refining the cursed fate seal. Jodye planned on letting her cultivate the Titanic Rage Law as soon as he broke through to the Puny Man Realm!

At that point, he would be able to share his knowledge of the first stage with others. It was impossible otherwise, for Jodye had already tried once. Once he managed to breakthrough, Dessa would definitely become his sharpest weapon!

"Young Master, what will happen once my seal is gone? Will I practice the same origin technique as you?" asked Dessa Chimes as she turned her pretty little head to face Jodye. It was at this moment that Jodye remembered that Dessa had spent her entire life as a slave. She was completely unaccustomed to making her own decisions. Her unwavering loyalty was admirable, but such an attitude would become a burden. This would need to be fixed.

"Indeed… I think that would be for the best currently," replied Jodye Trill absentmindedly. He had decided to let Dessa train in the Bright Star: Battle Book until they found something more suitable for her. Although Sigma Octanis had been excessive in his kindness, Jodye wouldn't give his Hand a gift from another lord. He wanted to fight for his own resources! Perhaps Autumn Saver had its own plans as well, but Jodye didn't mind. Autumn Saver could make up for Dessa's lack of ambition temporarily, "After a few more nights you'll be free of this seal. Your cultivation will likely undergo various changes as a result of this."

"Will I be able to use the thunderbolt magic like you?" Dessa Chimes was beginning to get excited. She initially didn't have any expectations. However, these nightly sessions and conversations with Jodye had awakened her inner curiosity. She was ready to experience what being talented and influential felt like. Her strength was rising noticeably after every night session like this one. She had not only reached the Three-Star Revolving force rank, she even had a total battle power of 20 BP. For a normal Fledging Saint 20 BP was the peak of the realm! Yet, Dessa possessed such strength at merely the mid-stage Revolving Force rank. She knew that this was due to her master's astral essence!

Previously, Dessa had spent her entire life under the control of someone else. To finally be living according to her own desires was pulling out her latent potential!

"Well… who knows. We won't know your potential destiny until you return from the platform," Jodye Trill was calm and collected as he slowly tempered Dessa's body with astral essence. He suddenly had an idea and asked Trippy inwardly. "Hey Trippy, is it possible for you to pass the Titanic Rage Law on to Dessa?"

"I'll answer you, host! This can be accomplished rather easily, what a silly question! However, the host's primary source artifact could obviously accomplish the same thing with more ease eventually, host," responded Trippy. Jodye was instantly annoyed speechless. So he was the strange one for not knowing? No, these artifacts were strange for being so capable! They may not have any attack power like some sages' source artifacts, but their abilities were transcendent, "This artifact spirit is capable of transmitting any of your memories in any format you choose. However, you must have the energy available to facilitate this action, host!"

"Do I have the energy available for such a thing?"

"Host would need 1,000 times your current origin energy to pass the entire Titanic Rage Law to the hero known as Dessa Chimes," Trippy's casual response completely flipped Jodye's mind upside down.

Chapter end

160 Sigma's Farewell 6
159 Sigma's Farewell 5
158 Sigma's Farewell 4
157 Sigma's Farewell 3
156 Sigma's Farewell 2
155 Sigma's Farewell 1
154 Black Heart 6
153 Black Heart 5
152 Black Heart 4
151 Black Heart 3
150 Black Heart 2
149 Insidious 5
148 Insidious 4
147 Insidious 4
146 Insidious 3
145 Insidious 2
144 Insidious 1
143 Isis 4
142 Isis 3
141 Isis 2
140 Isis 1
139 Priestess Frozen Night 3
138 Priestess Frozen Night 2
137 Priestess Frozen Night 1
136 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 4
135 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 3
134 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 2
133 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 1
132 Slaughter State 5
131 Slaughter State 4
130 Slaughter State 3
129 Slaughter State 2
128 Slaughter State 1
127 The Battle At Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 5
126 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 4
125 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 3
124 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 2
123 The Battle at Purple-Sky Tower Plaza! 1
122 Attacked!
121 The Sincerity of a Senior
120 Coldheart Star Stone 3
119 Coldheart Star Stone 2
118 Coldheart Star Stone 1
117 Hollywood Angel 4
116 Hollywood Angel 3
115 Hollywood Angel 2
114 Hollywood Angel 1
113 You know...little Morph? 2
112 You know...little Morph? 1
111 The Purple Sky Secret Fair Begins 2
110 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair Begins! 1
109 Monstrous
108 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique 4
107 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 3
106 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 2
105 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 1
104 Little Deity of Thunder 2
103 Little Deity of Thunder 1
102 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 3
101 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 2
100 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 1
99 Divine Awareness Obtained 2
98 Divine Awareness Obtained 1
97 Jupiter Vs. Vik Saver 3
96 Jupiter vs. Vik Saver 2
95 Jupiter vs. Vik Saver 1
94 Smells Like Trouble 3
93 Smells Like Trouble 2
92 Smells Like Trouble 1
91 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 3
90 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 2
89 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 1
88 The Heavenly Star's Apprentice 2
87 The Heavenly Star's Apprentice 1
86 Freedom of the Mind
85 Capture or Recruit?
84 Ethereal Ring of Rah 2
83 Ethereal Ring of Rah 1
82 Two Doves in a Cage
81 The Eighteenth Star!
80 Old Sigma 2
79 Old Sigma 1
78 Making Out Like a Bandit 2
77 Making Out Like a Bandit! 1
76 Where is Mr. Mercy? 2
75 Where is Mr. Mercy? 1
74 Oulan Mercy Attacks!
73 The Magic of Viral Qi
72 Dark Jumble Fruit 2
71 Dark Jumble Fruit 1
70 You idots have really done it this time...
69 Well? Shall we go and see?
68 The Beginning of Phase Three
67 Opening of Destiny's Path
66 Chaotic Thunder Annihilation
65 Defense, boys, defense.
64 It appeared, Divine Spark! Saving Aiken Moon.
63 Wyven's tragic fate, Jodye's new powers!
62 The day I died
61 Life
60 Recontructed memories
59 Treasure Sword Autumn Saver and the Immortal Heiress
58 To turn a damsel into a war machine!
57 The new mayor of Little Oasis
56 The massacre at Little Brothel
55 Rescuing Damsels
54 Calamity at the Chimes Estate
53 Could it be that you want to fight?
52 Spirit Source, Divine Senses
51 The advent of Jupiter, the forgotten star!
50 Crisis averted? To wish upon a fallen star!
49 The Night That The Sky Fell 3
48 The Night That The Sky Fell 2
47 The Night that the Sky Fell 1
46 The Happening 2
45 The Happening 1
44 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 3
43 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 2
42 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 1
41 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 3
40 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 2
39 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 1
38 Peak Freshman Rank 2
37 Peak Freshman Rank 1
36 Elevate 2
35 Elevate 1
34 The Teacher's Promise and the Student's Weapon 2
33 The Teacher's Promise and the Students Weapon 1
32 Eureka 2
31 Eureka 1
30 The Consequences of Being Born Amazing 2
29 The Consequences of Being Born Amazing 1
28 Dao Partners, Forever Sek Si
27 Isis Enraged!
26 The Underground Bazaar 2
25 The Underground Bazaar 1
24 New Partners 2
23 New Partners 1
22 Awakening Sage 3
21 Awakening Sage 2
20 Awakening Sage 1
19 Destiny's Platform and the Bond of Fate 2
18 Destiny's Platform and the Bond of Fate 1
17 Life at House Trilleck 2
16 Targeted! 2
15 Targeted! 1
14 Targeted! 3
13 Suspicious 3
12 Suspicious 2
11 Suspicious 1
10 SLY
9 White Demon Hidden in the Clouds
8 The Birth of a Legend
7 Path of the Hero
6 Force Genesis
5 Far From Normal
4 Clean this up for daddy
3 The Event III - Not Even The Main Character
2 The Event II - The Great Escape
-1 The Heavenly Grimoire
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