Sky Fall Legend 118 Coldheart Star Stone 1

Sky Fall Legend 118 Coldheart Star Stone 1

"80 Million Silver Crystal Notes!" called out Roger Flankz from Private Box Number 13. At the same time, he sent a sound transmission to Sigma Octanis, "Do not cause tension over a bored junior who competed with the wrong side. He deserved more than what he got, be glad we were merciful."

"Merciful? Do you believe I will come and show you the meaning of mercy?" Sigma Octanis was now incensed. He responded with an aggressive sound transmission of his own. "Continue to disrespect me, and I will not hesitate to flatten you and everyone with you today. I know you consider yourself very powerful with Garuda here, but I am not afraid of a mere Garuda."

"You…," the enraged Roger Flankz was about to rebuttal, but he was stopped by a heavyset elder to his left. Sigma sneered and placed a protective barrier of magic qi around Jodye Trill.

Jodye was not utterly oblivious to the content conversation between these experts. It was merely that transmitting one's voice through qi was an upper-level technique that only experts could grasp. By the upper realm's standard, Jodye had only just become a rookie, so he didn't know how to do this yet. In fact, if not for the fact that a thin stream of his divinity covered most of this Purple-Sky Tower, Jodye wouldn't even know they were communicating. Thus, he didn't mind them. He was doing as Joovee Nile had instructed and studying his current state. Unlike his companions, Jodye knew precisely what was going on! Each stage of the Titanic Rage Law resulted in cultivating the corresponding Titan Power or Rage Power. In Jodye's memory, this alternated starting with the first stage.

The Titan Power of the first stage the Wimpy Man Realm is the Fist of Might. The Fist Of Might was an ability that allowed all the astral qi in the body to be concentrated into one point for an explosion of force. The Rage Power of the Second Stage is the Slaughter State! The Slaughter State uses rage power to create slaughter qi from the astral light in the astral passages, before fusing the slaughter qi into the body. The longer the body remains in Slaughter State, the more slaughter qi is merged into his flesh and blood, and the stronger the Slaughter State becomes. The only drawback is the strain it places on the body. Right now, Jodye could perceive that Slaughter State increased his astral combat strength by 10%.

Somehow, Jodye had awakened the rage power Slaughter State early, in spite of only being in the Wimpy Man Realm.

After understanding his own body, Jodye sifted through his memories trying to understand how that bastard Crash Bandit had attacked him just now. After a few seconds, a golden light flashed in Jodye's eyes, and he raised up his hand up once more.

"90 Million!"

Silence swept the room as Jodye's small but mighty voice echoed through the hall.

"Brat, I'll kill you!" Roger Flankz grimaced as he currently couldn't find an excuse for spending 100 million on a Hollywood Angel. Even if this would be the perfect supplement in creating the cure for the curse that the secret treasured sword had placed on many of the elders a few months back. After all, although these men were currently his subordinates. Although, that was only because Oulan Mercy suddenly got himself killed leaving them without a Vice-Sect Leader to follow. Roger had no choice but to pick up half of his leftovers while Garuda ate the rest. This was last until a new Vice-Sect Leader was appointed.

Old man Crash Bandit had a sinister look in his eyes as he stared down Private Box Number 7 as if he could kill everyone there with just a stare. This brat was wearing a powerful serenity ice combat mask, Crash Bandit's perception had no way to piercing it. Serenity qi had exceptional sealing properties, this brat had a quality mask indeed. He knew he was destined to miss out on the 1,000-year-old B-grade Hollywood Angel this time. Crash felt that if he could have been the alchemist to cure the path regression curse, then the Sect Master would definitely promote him to take up Oulan Mercy's vacant post.

"No matter, I will definitely be taking this treasure back," spat Crash Bandit hatefully.

"90 Million silver going once… going twice… sold, to the young man in Private Box Number 7." Vanessa Purple-Sky smirked as she thought she had made the auction quite lively so far. "Our next item is a scarce one. Today we have many experts in the building. Picture, if you will, being stuck at the same rank for decades. Constantly trying to improve your rank step by step but always falling short. Today could be your lucky day. I'm pleased to present one of our three grade showcase items, an Earth Science Realm origin fruit, the Dark Jumble Fruit!"

"WOW!" the crowd went crazy with shock and excitement.

"I must get this Dark Jumble Fruit!"

"If my direct disciple could consume this fruit, it would reduce the time he needs to become an elite by ten years!"

"Bidding starts at 50 million silver crystal notes!"

"60 million!"

"80 Million!"

"95 Million!"

"120 Million!"

There were substantial dollar signs in Jodye's eyes as he listened to the price continuously rising, he was growing terribly excited.

"Ah! Dark Jumble Fruit, it's really the Dark Jumble Fruit!" Aunt Miran hopped to her feet and exclaimed. "Your martial-aunt simply must secure that Dark Jumble Fruit for you. If you can promote your strength before we return to Rodinia, our family may get precious materials in the form of cultivation resources. They may even let us move into the Seven Spirit Sect's territory."

"But aunt, I do not believe that is either master or my father's intention," replied Bilan Moon softly. It could be easily seen that Bilan was very unwilling to argue with her aunt.

"Do you want a Dark Jumble Fruit, Bilan?" asked Jodye Trill suddenly. Aunt Miran sneered and turned her nose up to treat Jodye like a bumpkin. Jodye, on the other hand, paid the woman no mind. He possessed several of these fruits, after all, merely he wasn't sure just anyone could consume one. For instance, he would never give this Aunt Miran one. However, Bilan had a master protecting her! Refining the Dark Jumble Fruit shouldn't be a problem, as the expert by her side would protect her, "Your bother is one of my people. That means you're under my care as well. Here."

Jodye casually removed a magic pouch from his space ring and tossed in on Bilan's startled lap.

Bilan blushed at the offer, as she had never had a member of the opposite sex buy her something before, and after his breakthrough, this Jodye was far taller and more muscular than she recalled. In fact, her interaction with males was totally limited. Bilan was only 12-years-old currently, and due to her cultivation method, her body developed a little slower. This was actually the opposite of Jodye's Chaotic Thunder God Physique. Due to the influence of his titanic dao practice, Jodye had the body of a sixteen-year-old young man. In fact, he also had the hormones to go with it. Jodye was finding the opposite sex harder to deal with suddenly. How many years had it been since he felt bashful? Luckily he was experienced in overcoming these emotions. This made little Jodye feel funny lately.

In reality, Jodye was just a six-year-old child. Merely, his body was not that of a six-year-old at all. At the tenth level of the Wimpy Man Stage, Jodye looked a full decade older than he actually was. Such was the greatness of his physique. His size as a six-year-old was already so impressive, what would he look like ten years from now? Nonetheless, Bilan Moon mistook his age once and then re-evaluated incorrectly a second time.

'My life has been a little tough lately, at least there's such a cute older boy trying to flatter me and cheer me… up? Eh…? Eh?! What's this? It's really there??!' Bilan Moon's mind short-circuited when she claimed ownership of the magic pouch and peeked inside. She looked at Jodye Trill puzzled. Who in the world was this young man Jodye Trill?

The villain in question anticipated this reaction, and just held a finger up to Bilan's lips and shook his head. It wouldn't be safe if too many people knew what Jodye had done was for real. Bilan's face turned beet red as she tried to give the magic pouch back, but Jodye ignored her as if she was air. He was like an ice statue that could not perceive her existence at all. Helpless, Bilan could only sit back and stare at the bag in a daze.

'A Dark Jumble Fruit ah… by refining this origin fruit, I can really step into next rank ahead of schedule. By converting the yin properties of the fruit into yang with my divine spark, Aetherland, I can bring out the max potential of this fruit. This is amazing…' Bilan couldn't be more excited than she was at this moment. Her brother was found, and she would see him soon. Her first crush was even being super friendly to her, she felt like she was on a cloud because of this. Not only that but now she could elevate her strength by a lot in a short amount of time. At this point, she completely believed that her brother was indeed okay.

'No, I must remember my master and martial aunt Bluleaf's warning. The Voodoo Priests of the Pangaea are all charming and manipulative. However, I do believe him about little Moon...' Bilan Moon was torn. At the very least, her brother and this young man were unlikely to be on bad terms, otherwise wouldn't Jodye be losing too much here? She was certain to discover the truth. Bilan tried to remain skeptical since they were in the voodoo state. Bilan Moon simply didn't know how to repay Jodye for all of these things.

Would she have to marry him?

It was starting to seem like her only option if she ever wanted to repay him. Of course, this was a sacrifice she would just have to make then. She steeled her heart like the warriors of old.

How could she offer a fortune to someone more wealthy than herself? How could she offer assistance to someone with more talent than herself? It's not like she could provide the young man her body, as she was currently only a child. Bilan Moon was at a loss, and this was why she didn't dare accept this gift. However, Jodye was now treating her like air, and Bilan definitely didn't like this. The auction no longer even mattered to her, she just wanted this boy to look at her again.

"180 million!"

"250 million!"

"300 million, and all of you be damned!"

"Allow this prince to join in the fun. 400 million, bwahahaha," Joovee Nile threw in his bid for fun, this was getting super interesting. Furthermore, he already recognized that look in Jodye's eyes at this point. This was likely another item auctioned off by the brat, although the Neofrost Master just couldn't figure out what would possess the kid to give away such a treasure.

"400 million going once!"

The crowd was suddenly silent, as many people grit their teeth in rage. Who was willing to compete against an imperial prince? Especially since this was the first item to have caught his interest. No one was willing to offend the infamous Neofrost Master, this lunatic. However, there was at least one person who was eager to offend the Neofrost Master. Master Grey Willow's voice cut through the silence, "480 million!"



Everyone near the old woman scattered immediately as if she carried a plague. Was this the effect of prolonged fear? Jodye wondered what level of cultivation did he need to possess to make people so cowardly?

Chapter end

160 Sigma's Farewell 6
159 Sigma's Farewell 5
158 Sigma's Farewell 4
157 Sigma's Farewell 3
156 Sigma's Farewell 2
155 Sigma's Farewell 1
154 Black Heart 6
153 Black Heart 5
152 Black Heart 4
151 Black Heart 3
150 Black Heart 2
149 Insidious 5
148 Insidious 4
147 Insidious 4
146 Insidious 3
145 Insidious 2
144 Insidious 1
143 Isis 4
142 Isis 3
141 Isis 2
140 Isis 1
139 Priestess Frozen Night 3
138 Priestess Frozen Night 2
137 Priestess Frozen Night 1
136 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 4
135 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 3
134 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 2
133 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 1
132 Slaughter State 5
131 Slaughter State 4
130 Slaughter State 3
129 Slaughter State 2
128 Slaughter State 1
127 The Battle At Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 5
126 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 4
125 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 3
124 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 2
123 The Battle at Purple-Sky Tower Plaza! 1
122 Attacked!
121 The Sincerity of a Senior
120 Coldheart Star Stone 3
119 Coldheart Star Stone 2
118 Coldheart Star Stone 1
117 Hollywood Angel 4
116 Hollywood Angel 3
115 Hollywood Angel 2
114 Hollywood Angel 1
113 You know...little Morph? 2
112 You know...little Morph? 1
111 The Purple Sky Secret Fair Begins 2
110 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair Begins! 1
109 Monstrous
108 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique 4
107 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 3
106 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 2
105 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 1
104 Little Deity of Thunder 2
103 Little Deity of Thunder 1
102 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 3
101 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 2
100 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 1
99 Divine Awareness Obtained 2
98 Divine Awareness Obtained 1
97 Jupiter Vs. Vik Saver 3
96 Jupiter vs. Vik Saver 2
95 Jupiter vs. Vik Saver 1
94 Smells Like Trouble 3
93 Smells Like Trouble 2
92 Smells Like Trouble 1
91 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 3
90 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 2
89 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 1
88 The Heavenly Star's Apprentice 2
87 The Heavenly Star's Apprentice 1
86 Freedom of the Mind
85 Capture or Recruit?
84 Ethereal Ring of Rah 2
83 Ethereal Ring of Rah 1
82 Two Doves in a Cage
81 The Eighteenth Star!
80 Old Sigma 2
79 Old Sigma 1
78 Making Out Like a Bandit 2
77 Making Out Like a Bandit! 1
76 Where is Mr. Mercy? 2
75 Where is Mr. Mercy? 1
74 Oulan Mercy Attacks!
73 The Magic of Viral Qi
72 Dark Jumble Fruit 2
71 Dark Jumble Fruit 1
70 You idots have really done it this time...
69 Well? Shall we go and see?
68 The Beginning of Phase Three
67 Opening of Destiny's Path
66 Chaotic Thunder Annihilation
65 Defense, boys, defense.
64 It appeared, Divine Spark! Saving Aiken Moon.
63 Wyven's tragic fate, Jodye's new powers!
62 The day I died
61 Life
60 Recontructed memories
59 Treasure Sword Autumn Saver and the Immortal Heiress
58 To turn a damsel into a war machine!
57 The new mayor of Little Oasis
56 The massacre at Little Brothel
55 Rescuing Damsels
54 Calamity at the Chimes Estate
53 Could it be that you want to fight?
52 Spirit Source, Divine Senses
51 The advent of Jupiter, the forgotten star!
50 Crisis averted? To wish upon a fallen star!
49 The Night That The Sky Fell 3
48 The Night That The Sky Fell 2
47 The Night that the Sky Fell 1
46 The Happening 2
45 The Happening 1
44 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 3
43 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 2
42 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 1
41 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 3
40 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 2
39 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 1
38 Peak Freshman Rank 2
37 Peak Freshman Rank 1
36 Elevate 2
35 Elevate 1
34 The Teacher's Promise and the Student's Weapon 2
33 The Teacher's Promise and the Students Weapon 1
32 Eureka 2
31 Eureka 1
30 The Consequences of Being Born Amazing 2
29 The Consequences of Being Born Amazing 1
28 Dao Partners, Forever Sek Si
27 Isis Enraged!
26 The Underground Bazaar 2
25 The Underground Bazaar 1
24 New Partners 2
23 New Partners 1
22 Awakening Sage 3
21 Awakening Sage 2
20 Awakening Sage 1
19 Destiny's Platform and the Bond of Fate 2
18 Destiny's Platform and the Bond of Fate 1
17 Life at House Trilleck 2
16 Targeted! 2
15 Targeted! 1
14 Targeted! 3
13 Suspicious 3
12 Suspicious 2
11 Suspicious 1
10 SLY
9 White Demon Hidden in the Clouds
8 The Birth of a Legend
7 Path of the Hero
6 Force Genesis
5 Far From Normal
4 Clean this up for daddy
3 The Event III - Not Even The Main Character
2 The Event II - The Great Escape
-1 The Heavenly Grimoire
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