Sky Fall Legend -1 The Heavenly Grimoire

Sky Fall Legend -1 The Heavenly Grimoire

Sage Martial Path - the path of those who study the elemental arts and mental cultivation, or Sage class martial artists.

Saint Martial Path - the path of those who study destiny and body transformation cultivation, or Saint class martial artists.

Immortal Martial Path - the path of those who use cosmic forces to break through the limits of mortality. or Immortal Class martial artists.

Titanic Path - the path of the members of the heavenly slaughter race

Immortal Law Compendium - law practice that involves the immortal path.

Celestial Body - people born with Celestial Bodies have bodies made up of a heavenly energy and their own unique celestial power, or Divine Spark. This ability, however, prevents them from fusing any hollow souls with their host soul, as the divine spark is already in the host space. For that reason, celestial bodies can't practice dual cultivation, nor do they need too.

Sage Body - Also known as "heaven blessed" body. Some people are born with hollow souls fused into their host soul already. As a result, when their bodies begin to form they will absorb origin energy from inside the womb, so that their physical form can withstand the powerful souls housed inside. Sage bodies have no resistance towards absorbing true essence, thus making them fundamentally different from saints.

Seated Elder - Elders who sit on the Executive Council of Elders. The most powerful or capable Honored Elders in the House.

Honored Elder - Elders in a House with the most strength and authority, under the Seated Elders. The criteria to become an honored elder is to have a strength that exceeded the typical elder's rank, and a certain amount of merit points within the House.

Titled Honored Elder - the noble elders with the highest position outside of the House Lord and the three Grand Elders

Fate Gem - magic gemstone infused with the laws of fate. Able to determine the potential of the soul, and resonate with destiny.

Combat Soul - the ancestors of the human race had excessively high attainments in the divine. They created a method of binding different souls to one's own host soul as a way to bolster ones strength and affinity with the laws. These are called combat souls. The abilities of Combat Souls can only be utilized by using a source artifact as a medium, and through the process fusing or synchronizing through the medium to the Main Soul's Source Spirit, or the Host Soul.

Main Soul - the main soul is a fusion of the host soul and the combat souls forming one entity.

Host Soul - the host soul is the dominant source spirit of the of the main soul.

Source Spirit - also called soul flame. the core of one's soul, containing your memories, emotion, and force genesis. Some source spirits are special and contain the Force Genesis, born for elemental laws of the world during a child's conception, which provides the child with a certain level affinity with said laws.

Battle power — used to measure the purity and strength of ones force. It can be calculated easily by measuring the heavenly phenomenon or ones aura. Every point of battle power is equivalent to 100 lbs. of physical strength. Represented by small marble sized aura light spheres

Advanced Power — used to measure more powerful forces. Every 1,000 bp is 1 AP. Represented by fist size aura light spheres.

Heaven and Earth Primary Force Phenomena - The the forces of the heavens synchronize with the forces of the earth it causes a phenomenon in the sky.

Force Genesis - a force crystal your body naturally produces, which determines which laws you are compatible with

Combat Seed - magical sphere of power in the origin pool directly linked to the combat soul. The power it provides grows as the combat soul evolves.

Divine Spark - special divine power, a dao path that is born within a person.

Force Baptism - the fusion of new forces from the heavenly fate artifacts as well as the combat souls or other external sources into the body's Force genesis.

Source Artifact - when a heavenly fate artifact fuses or synchronizes with a source spirit it becomes a source artifact.

Source Gem - once a fate gem encounters a large destiny it was explode and become reborn as source gem due to the mysterious laws of fate.

Perfect Synchronization - when the combat soul and the artifact resonate with each other perfectly.

Contract Beast — a beasts whose soul is bound by a contract to obey.

Vicious Beasts — vicious beasts are animals that are able to absorb and refine the forces of the heavens and earth. As a result they are far more powerful then the animals who can't.

Trickster — when a level 9 vicious beast with a god beast bloodline reaches level 10 they begin to evolve into low level demigod beasts possessing superior intelligence. They do not have their own complete demigod physique, forced to take on the form of others to obtain the 'life force' required to condense a monster core by collecting a dense enough of god beast bloodline.

Origin - one of the 9 original formless energy masses that existed within primal chaos before the universe was formed. Also known as the 9 layered heavens or Heavenly Ennead. Origin Energy is the milky white mysterious and unfathomable energy of the first layer. Every layer originate from the first layer.

Origin Veins - hold the spiritual energies of heaven and earth, or force. They not a necessity for life. Origin Veins start growing at birth and reach maturity around age ten or eleven. For sage bodies age four - eight depending on Combat Souls ad force baptism.

Doors of Origin - origin gateways in the body that origin energy can enter the origin veins from.

Divine Spirit Source — third layer of the 9 original formless energy masses that existed within primal chaos before the universe formed, the Heavenly Ennead. Divine power can be viewed as a universe without a will of its own, and thus, no laws, only pure divine soul power.

Astral Might — Fourth layer of the 9 original formless energy masses that existed within primal chaos before the universe formed, the Heavenly Ennead. Astral Might is the source of space, light, and the stars. Also known as star power.

Legendary Realm - the legendary realm would be what mortals consider the heavens. However, the immortal experts possess a deeper understanding. The legendary realm if the true core of this universe where the laws and forces are far more powerful.

Dao — one's own system of laws.

Law — the rules and principles that create, govern, and maintain the energies of the universe. When laws come into harmony they form different systems naturally, with as many functions as the laws in harmony. The condensation of law energy produces what is known as Force.

Immortal Law Formula—— a systemic formula based on the usage of certain laws to create special abilities and/or powerful physical attributes using immortality laws as a foundation

Force — term used to describe energy condensed by the laws of the universe when in harmony

Pure Force — Energy of the heavens and earth, created by the harmony of fate laws energies of the earth. The more powerful the laws in harmony, the thicker the energy produced. However, when the laws are in disharmony the energy no longer forms. Saint Warriors must use pure force to cultivate and comprehend laws.

Cancer Force — when the laws of a given zone enter disharmony, pure force is no longer condensed. However, this doesn't mean that force stops getting produced since the laws still exist. But the force that is produced by disharmonious laws is malignant and will seek to corrupt all normal laws it encounters, the laws within are volatile and poisonous to practitioners. When the forces within an experts body become cancerous the experts vitality will begin to rapidly bleed away.

Chaos force — highest class energy of heaven and earth under the origin laws, a fusion of the laws created by the Divine dao's of destruction and creation. Chaos force cultivation, while twice as powerful, takes twice as long to develop.

Voodoo Death Force — a sub variation of chaos force containing all great laws born from the law of Voodoo Death, also known as dark magic or voodoo power.

Magic Life force — a sub variation of chaos force containing all great laws born of the Law of Magic Life, also known as magic power. Magic power is so popular because it can be used to interface with the elemental laws, which are normally hard to comprehend.

Spiritual/Soul force — energy produced by the source laws, or the laws that govern our individual souls. These laws are independent from the universe and exist in symbiosis with the energy of the third heavenly layer, Divine Spirit Source

Battle Force — the energy and pressure released by powerful physical strength is known as battle force.

Law Concept — the beginning of law comprehension. Law concepts allow the soul to connect with the force genesis to galvanize the power within. The nascent concept level is the first level of law comprehension. By comprehending a nascent concept a cultivator is then able to use that concept to draw upon the powers of the laws that the concept is based in. Only powerful concepts can continue to grow.

Medicinal Herbs - panacea containing pure spiritual energies for martial training in the fundamental realms.

Spiritual Herbs - panacea that contains spirit source energies

Origin Flora - panacea containing pure origin energies

Combat Gear - weapons, armors, or other battle-related accessories that are forged using spiritual energy or the primary forces or the heavens and the earth.

Combat Arts and Skills — Combat Arts are the main battle arts that experts cultivate while Combat Skills are the skills that can be utilized when a Combat Art has been cultivated to a certain degree. Combat arts were separated into Origin arts for origin Energy, True arts for True essence, or Profound arts which could be utilized using any form of heavenly energy.

Serenity Crystal Earrings - combat gear accessory that cloaks energy waves in behind a screen of serene energy. This screen and the energies behind it can only be detected by the strength that exceeds 10 ap.

Brave Fang Collar - Combat gear that increases mental focus by 30%

Chapter end

160 Sigma's Farewell 6
159 Sigma's Farewell 5
158 Sigma's Farewell 4
157 Sigma's Farewell 3
156 Sigma's Farewell 2
155 Sigma's Farewell 1
154 Black Heart 6
153 Black Heart 5
152 Black Heart 4
151 Black Heart 3
150 Black Heart 2
149 Insidious 5
148 Insidious 4
147 Insidious 4
146 Insidious 3
145 Insidious 2
144 Insidious 1
143 Isis 4
142 Isis 3
141 Isis 2
140 Isis 1
139 Priestess Frozen Night 3
138 Priestess Frozen Night 2
137 Priestess Frozen Night 1
136 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 4
135 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 3
134 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 2
133 Vice-Sect Master Garuda 1
132 Slaughter State 5
131 Slaughter State 4
130 Slaughter State 3
129 Slaughter State 2
128 Slaughter State 1
127 The Battle At Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 5
126 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 4
125 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 3
124 The Battle at Purple Sky Tower Plaza! 2
123 The Battle at Purple-Sky Tower Plaza! 1
122 Attacked!
121 The Sincerity of a Senior
120 Coldheart Star Stone 3
119 Coldheart Star Stone 2
118 Coldheart Star Stone 1
117 Hollywood Angel 4
116 Hollywood Angel 3
115 Hollywood Angel 2
114 Hollywood Angel 1
113 You know...little Morph? 2
112 You know...little Morph? 1
111 The Purple Sky Secret Fair Begins 2
110 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair Begins! 1
109 Monstrous
108 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique 4
107 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 3
106 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 2
105 Triple Breakthrough! Chaotic Thunder God Physique! 1
104 Little Deity of Thunder 2
103 Little Deity of Thunder 1
102 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 3
101 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 2
100 Lightning Purgatory Array and the Mystic Wand 1
99 Divine Awareness Obtained 2
98 Divine Awareness Obtained 1
97 Jupiter Vs. Vik Saver 3
96 Jupiter vs. Vik Saver 2
95 Jupiter vs. Vik Saver 1
94 Smells Like Trouble 3
93 Smells Like Trouble 2
92 Smells Like Trouble 1
91 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 3
90 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 2
89 The Purple-Sky Secret Fair 1
88 The Heavenly Star's Apprentice 2
87 The Heavenly Star's Apprentice 1
86 Freedom of the Mind
85 Capture or Recruit?
84 Ethereal Ring of Rah 2
83 Ethereal Ring of Rah 1
82 Two Doves in a Cage
81 The Eighteenth Star!
80 Old Sigma 2
79 Old Sigma 1
78 Making Out Like a Bandit 2
77 Making Out Like a Bandit! 1
76 Where is Mr. Mercy? 2
75 Where is Mr. Mercy? 1
74 Oulan Mercy Attacks!
73 The Magic of Viral Qi
72 Dark Jumble Fruit 2
71 Dark Jumble Fruit 1
70 You idots have really done it this time...
69 Well? Shall we go and see?
68 The Beginning of Phase Three
67 Opening of Destiny's Path
66 Chaotic Thunder Annihilation
65 Defense, boys, defense.
64 It appeared, Divine Spark! Saving Aiken Moon.
63 Wyven's tragic fate, Jodye's new powers!
62 The day I died
61 Life
60 Recontructed memories
59 Treasure Sword Autumn Saver and the Immortal Heiress
58 To turn a damsel into a war machine!
57 The new mayor of Little Oasis
56 The massacre at Little Brothel
55 Rescuing Damsels
54 Calamity at the Chimes Estate
53 Could it be that you want to fight?
52 Spirit Source, Divine Senses
51 The advent of Jupiter, the forgotten star!
50 Crisis averted? To wish upon a fallen star!
49 The Night That The Sky Fell 3
48 The Night That The Sky Fell 2
47 The Night that the Sky Fell 1
46 The Happening 2
45 The Happening 1
44 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 3
43 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 2
42 The Young Wolf's Pilgrimage 1
41 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 3
40 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 2
39 A Conceptual Journey To Nascent Force 1
38 Peak Freshman Rank 2
37 Peak Freshman Rank 1
36 Elevate 2
35 Elevate 1
34 The Teacher's Promise and the Student's Weapon 2
33 The Teacher's Promise and the Students Weapon 1
32 Eureka 2
31 Eureka 1
30 The Consequences of Being Born Amazing 2
29 The Consequences of Being Born Amazing 1
28 Dao Partners, Forever Sek Si
27 Isis Enraged!
26 The Underground Bazaar 2
25 The Underground Bazaar 1
24 New Partners 2
23 New Partners 1
22 Awakening Sage 3
21 Awakening Sage 2
20 Awakening Sage 1
19 Destiny's Platform and the Bond of Fate 2
18 Destiny's Platform and the Bond of Fate 1
17 Life at House Trilleck 2
16 Targeted! 2
15 Targeted! 1
14 Targeted! 3
13 Suspicious 3
12 Suspicious 2
11 Suspicious 1
10 SLY
9 White Demon Hidden in the Clouds
8 The Birth of a Legend
7 Path of the Hero
6 Force Genesis
5 Far From Normal
4 Clean this up for daddy
3 The Event III - Not Even The Main Character
2 The Event II - The Great Escape
-1 The Heavenly Grimoire
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