July 29th, 1995

July 29th, 1995

I almost forgot I had a journal with me. I couldn't write with all the stress I've been experiencing for the past few days. Christ, how do I put this? Today was a complete failure. I can't believe how I let things get this out of hand. I need to find a way to get back on track.

The first thing to point out is that we are STILL here at this bloody ass campsite in the middle of nowhere! And we've been here for the past fucking two weeks and still have no idea where we are.

Back then, I had a long talk with Ryan, and me and Oscar switched places. I was in charge of checking on the compass. I made sure we were on the right track and the compass pointed in the right direction.

But for days, we walked in and out, but couldn't find our car. I started to believe that we were lost along with everyone else. Oscar will begin bitching or blaming someone for his troubles every night.

Ryan will remain with him - HE was the one who agreed to be in this project but Oscar will just yell out it was him for dragging him into his stupid project because Ryan promised him he had everything covered.

I just wanted to get out of this place and be back on the road. We were all tired and frustrated with the situation.

Today, we were hungry and we have food or water. We had to make a tough decision - someone has to hunt for food or we'll try and find a way back home. We decided to split up. Ryan and Oscar went looking for food while I stayed with Miles.

Miles slept on rough grass while I checked the compass and tried to figure out what was wrong. That's when I heard it - the sound of rustling leaves. I looked up and saw no one. I had a feeling somebody was watching us, but I wasn't sure.

I called for Ryan or Oscar but they didn't answer. I started to feel uneasy and kept Miles close to me. I loaded my gun, ready to protect us if needed. I looked around, but couldn't see anyone. I could still feel a presence, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

The noise was getting louder and louder. I was sure something was wrong. I tightened my grip on the gun and prepared to defend myself. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling my name.

It was Ryan holding up a few rabbits with Oscar covered in...blood? I released my grip on the gun and ran over to them. Ryan quickly explained that Oscar had gotten into a fight with a rabbit and wasn't adept at defending himself. There was nothing more serious that had happened, or better yet, I might have been killed if they hadn't shown up.

I told them about my justification for what I just heard. They asked why Miles didn't come to help me when there was something or someone in the forest. I said that he was sleeping through it all and they seemed unconvinced and I could tell that something was wrong.

Ryan and Oscar investigated further and checked Miles in his tent and what they found blew me away. We caught Miles lying in his sleeping bag eating a bag of chips, a box of chocolates, a bag of marshmallows, and tons of beer cans.

While we struggled to find food, Miles had been hoarding food all this time. We were shocked and angry at the same time. We asked him why he hadn't shared the food with us.

Miles replied that he was too scared to share the food and wanted to make sure he had enough for himself. We were so angry that we decided to take away all the food and leave him with nothing. We decided that we would split the food among ourselves and make sure that everyone had enough.

Then Ryan fought him and told him things like he's a loser and he'll never make it in life since he is a school dropout. Ryan explained to us that Miles was caught by one of the teachers smoking and selling to the lower classes, and that's why he had to leave. His parents had money problems and couldn't afford to send him to school. So Miles dropped out and asked Ryan for help.

Ryan said if Miles was smart, he should have stayed in school and worked hard to make something of himself. Miles was so angry that he punched Ryan in the face. All I knew was Ryan and Miles got into a fistfight while I and Oscar tried to push them away.

Eventually, they stopped fighting and Miles walked away. Ryan was still shaking with rage, and his knuckles were red and swollen. Oscar and I tried to calm him down, but he was too mad to listen.

I watched Miles walk away, and I could tell he was just as angry as Ryan. He just walked without saying a word. I wanted to call out to him, to tell him to stop and talk it out, but I could tell he wouldn't listen.

The sun is almost setting and Miles still hasn't come back. I'm starting to worry, but I don't know what to do. I wish I had done something to stop him when he walked away. I just hope he returns soon.

Chapter end

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