July 13th, 1995

July 13th, 1995

The next day, I met Oscar and Miles with Ryan at a bar and talked about sports and movies. I don't want to be judgmental but I've noticed Miles orders a lot of drinks. He drank more than the others.

We discussed the product and the trip we took to explore The Black Camp. According to his research, Ryan explained that in years past, the camp was like any other; parents dropped off their kids, and campers spent their days engaging in activities and preaching Christ. However, things changed when the newly hired director took over.

The new director implemented rules that were much stricter than before. They enforced daily bible study, limited interaction with other campers, and implemented a dress code. These changes made the camp feel more like a prison than a fun place.

It gave me a shiver when Ryan said a fire had broken out. The fire spread quickly, and everyone was evacuated. Unfortunately, that day, all the staff were killed and children were nowhere to be found.

No one knows what happened to them. Some say they were taken by aliens, while others believe they were taken by supernatural entities. Whatever it is, no one has returned from the Black Camp.

Fire-fighters searched the area for hours, without success. The fire had destroyed everything in its path. It was a tragic day for the community and one that would never be forgotten.

Despite this, it has become overgrown and abandoned since the incident. Ryan wanted to explore it and solve the mystery of what happened that day. However, I don't know if anyone has been permitted to enter it.

I asked Ryan if we were allowed to enter The Black Camp and he said we are as long as we don't get caught. Ryan gave us a map to get to the camp and told us to be careful. Lastly, he warned us to take this project seriously, as we don't know what the possibilities will be.

Ryan then said we don't have to tell anyone we are exploring the campsite because they might stop us from doing so. He told us we had to lie to our parents that we were embarking on a field trip and returning for a few days.

The plan was to leave on Thursday and return within a week. We'd take all the necessary precautions, like bringing a first aid kit and wearing protective clothing. We'd also each take a map with us so we could find our way home.

Miles agreed but Oscar couldn't join us. He changed his mind because he was afraid of getting lost. He said he's scared of wild animals and wouldn't risk it. I was also sceptical about investing in private property.

Ryan then assured him there was nothing to worry about because we'd carry guns if we ran into trouble. He told him he had researched all the potential risks and had a plan for every possible scenario. Ryan also told me that if I had the chance to escape my strict stepfather.

I decided to take the risk and join them, while Oscar decided to join us and face his fears. Later that evening, after we dropped off Oscar and Miles, Ryan informed me that he had only brought two guns. He advised me to carry my stepfather's gun. I told him no, I would not bring a gun on a camping trip.

He argued that it was for our protection and god knows what would happen if we entered. Ryan argued that it was the greater good to invest in the missing children and solve the campfire case.

Plus, he reminded me about the ten thousand dollars for those poor parents they'll give us. It will be enough for me to move out of the house and start a new life.

I thought for a moment and agreed with him. If we could find the missing children and solve the campfire case, it would benefit many people and me.

At 11:30 p.m., I waited for my father to sleep and searched his office till I found a gun in one of his drawers. I quickly put it in my backpack and sneaked out of his room.

I'm still nervous about having a gun in my bag while writing this journal. The stupid road trip is just two days away. I'm scared about what I'll find when I get to where I'm heading. I'm also scared of getting caught with this gun in my bag.

I'm just hoping I can reach my destination safely.

Chapter end

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