July 25th, 1995

July 25th, 1995

I'm still here at camp, 14 miles away from home. Good grief, how did we end up like this?

Around 7 or 8 this morning, we had already packed up and headed for our car. It was exhausting for me and I wasn't sure how long I could keep up.

We've been walking for hours - HOURS. Last time, it wasn't like this when we arrived here it to us about 45 minutes to get here. It's frustrating, and I just want to get to our destination so I can rest. I'm not sure what's taking so long.

Ryan and Miles had their map while Oscar had a compass. I don't see WHY I should have a compass. I'm the one who knows how to read a compass, so why did he get it? I'm not sure if they're taking the right route or not.

I mentioned it to them, but they said it's not a big deal. We've been walking for hours and I'm starting to get worried. I checked the compass with Oscar. The needle still points south. We should have seen our car by now. I told Ryan about this and he was also confused.

We all stopped and tried to get our bearings. Nothing looked familiar. We asked Miles and Oscar if they knew which way to go, but they didn't. We decided to walk south, hoping to find our car. We were all getting anxious as it got dark.

I don't know if I'm mad or crazy but I feel like we're being watched. I don't know why I'm feeling this way but I can't shake this feeling. I'm starting to get a little worried, but I don't want to say anything and make them think I'm paranoid.

But after a while, since it was getting dark, we decided to camp here for the night and try to find our way in the morning. We ate our last beans and cornbread before going to bed. I asked Miles if he had any left over beer but he said we - or he drank it all.

How did this all happen? How did we end up camping here again? We should have found our car by now. Whatever, tomorrow is another day. I'll get us out of here, I always do. I just hope that we can still find our car and get back home.

Tomorrow, I'll be holding on the compass.

Chapter end

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