I Shall Steal the Heavens 62 Chapter 61: Aftermath

I Shall Steal the Heavens 62 Chapter 61: Aftermath

"Over here!"

"Don't let them escape!"

"I saw them go this way!"

The orthodox martial artists of the Imperial Guard chased down the fleeing stragglers of the now decimated Chinese Tree Parasol Sect. having exterminated approximately 98 percent of the demonic sect, they proceeded to hunt down the survivors.

One detachment was hurtling down the basement, intent on flushing them out, when they stumbled upon me. I was holding the last of the small group of demonic martial artists who encountered me during their escape, draining the last dregs of their qi, when they came to a screeching halt to stare at me in disbelief.

I silently let go of my victims and turned to face them.

"Hands up!" One of the martial artists – a commander, judging from the lapels on his military uniform – shouted, pointing his sword at me. Seeing that they were from the Martial Arts Alliance, I complied and raised both my hands up.

"Hey, wait, isn't that a kid?"

"What's a kid doing here?"

"And he looks…hurt…"

"But earlier, he was…"

The orthodox martial artists were staring at my bloodstained clothes – most of it was not mine, but I did sustain injuries earlier, especially when fighting the likes of Ba Yun and Qi Fu Ren. But my wounds had healed after I sucked the qi from over a hundred enemies.

"They attacked me," I spoke up. "I was only fighting back."

The orthodox martial artists went still for a moment, then the Imperial Guard commander glanced at the corpses of my victims.

"Those are indeed the bodies of the Chinese Parasol Tree Sect rogues…" he acknowledged, looking unsure.

"You did all this?"


The Imperial Guardsmen looked at me skeptically, but I had no reason to lie. If they didn't believe me, that was their prerogative. I had no obligation to convince them.

"Wait," the Imperial Guard commander ordered, keeping his sword pointed at me. "Keep your hands up."

The rest of the orthodox martial artists remained wary of me, their weapons held in defensive stance. Their commander studied the bodies of my victims and frowned.

"The way these Chinese Parasol Tree Sect members were killed…they seemed to be killed by a demonic technique." He turned to stare at me. "And you're the one who killed them, correct?"

"I told you, they attacked me." I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice. "I fought back in self-defense."

"So you're a demonic martial artist!"

I shrugged. "Depends on how you define demonic."

"Kill him!"

The commander lunged at me, swinging his sword. Frowning, I raised my hand to materialize an ice sword to defend myself, but the Imperial Guard commander's power sword never reached me. Instead, some dark wisp of demonic qi lashed out from another direction and impaled him before slicing his body into two at the waist.


The commander looked bewildered as he stared at his disembodied bottom half before his top half toppled onto the floor. His subordinates jumped back, completely caught off guard by the new assailant. Spinning around, they gaped at An Dou.


Swallowing, I kept my cautious gaze on one of the leaders of the Chinese Parasol Tree Sect, but he was paying no attention to me. Instead, he disappeared from the corner and reappeared in the midst of the surprised orthodox martial artists. The group of orthodox martial artists immediately assumed defensive stances, but it wasn't enough.



Blood splattered and limbs flew as An Dou butchered the soldiers of the Martial Arts Alliance. They struggled to fight, but they were no match for him.

"That's a Chinese Parasol Tree Sect elder!"

"He's too powerful!"

"Fall back! Retreat!"

Broken and taken apart by just a single demonic martial artist, the morale of the orthodox martial artists collapsed as they watched their comrades massacred. As much as I was supposed to be on their side, I couldn't feel sorry for them. After all, despite supposedly being the paragons of justice, they were about to kill me just because they judged my techniques as demonic. Even though I didn't attack or provoke them.

I wondered just who was the real demon here.

As the orthodox martial artists fell, An Dou turned to face me. He noticed Qi Fu Ren's headless corpse nearby.

"You…you're the one who killed all my fellow sect members here?"

There was no point denying it. It was clear that An Dou knew the truth, so I merely nodded wordlessly.

An Dou narrowed his eyes, and then raised his sword and flail. The former was in his right hand and the latter was gripped tightly in his left hand. An Dou had quite a unique fighting style, combining his swordsmanship with lethal whips of his spiked flail.

"Don't blame me for avenging my comrades' deaths."

I had no intention to blame him for anything. I merely nodded again and raised both hands to freeze the water vapor in the air into twin ice swords. However, nothing happened. Instead, I dropped to a knee.


My inner qi was churning ferociously within my body, swirling like an untamable whirlpool. The massive amount of qi refused to obey me, instead clashing with my innate qi in a mutinous manner and refusing to be integrated.

Ah…I see…the elemental affinity and essence of qi that I absorbed from over a hundred Chinese Parasol Tree Sect members are very different from mine.

Not only did I absorbed an excessive amount of qi that threatened to overload my qi circulatory system, I needed a huge amount of time to assimilate all the qi I had just absorbed. A "digestion" period, to put it simply. Unlike Ba Yun's qi, which was fully compatible with mine because he used similar techniques and had the same elemental affinity, the Chinese Parasol Tree Sect members possessed vastly varied skills. Just like Qi Fu Ren, who used lightning techniques from the White Tiger Sect, the Chinese Parasol Tree Sect seemed to be an amalgamation of rogue martial artists who either broke away or were exiled away from their original sects, and came together to take revenge on the Martial Arts Alliance who ousted them.

Meaning that not everyone used the same Demonic Shadow techniques that Ba Yun used, and they used from fire to lightning to earth to wood techniques, or their variants. That meant it was impossible for me to fully assimilate their qi the same way I did for Ba Yun's qi.

Furthermore, I had absorbed and stole a hundred cultivators' worth of qi. No matter how I looked at it, I was going to require a very long time – it wouldn't surprise me if I needed many months or even years – to assimilate all that qi.

This is one of the weaknesses of Qi Absorption techniques, I realized in resignation. There's a period of vulnerability where I can't use any of my techniques because I'm unable to integrate and assimilate all the newly absorbed qi, and they're interfering and hampering my ability to channel my qi and materialize them into techniques.

Worse, I was actually in deep danger. Normally, no ordinary mortal could withstand absorbing such an avalanche of qi within such a short time. If I didn't quickly assimilate the qi I had just sucked from over a hundred cultivators, the overabundance of qi would overload my system and rupture my qi channels, causing me to implode from the inside out. To put it simply, I would die a grisly death from my greed.

An Dou did not seem all that sympathetic, and he was actually relishing the window of opportunity that my blunder provided him.


Even so, I wasn't going down without a fight. Taking a deep breath, I adopted a defensive stance. Even without qi and the ability to use martial arts techniques, I was going to find a way to survive this battle. I had survived Ba Yun's torture and attacks. I had prevailed over Qi Fu Ren's bullying and abuse. I was going to overcome this new challenge as well.

An Dou punched at me, black dragons made completely of qi coiling around his arms. He meant to punch me, and I tried to dodge it. However, without my qi, I couldn't use any footwork techniques or follow An Dou's movements. The black dragons surged toward me, their deadly jaws wide open as if to clamp down on my flesh.

An Dou's fist never reached me.


I was buffeted my shockwaves as two tremendous forces collided. Shielding myself, I caught sight of Teacher Jiao standing in front of me. He had caught An Dou's fist before it struck me, completely stopping the blow.


An Dou's eyes widened when he saw Teacher Jiao. Teacher Jiao merely smiled briefly before countering with a powerful flaming fist that detonated against An Dou's chest. The latter spewed blood as he was hurled across the air, his body scorched by the intense heat.

"I won't let you harm any of my students," Teacher Jiao declared.


The demonic martial artist glared at Teacher Jiao for a moment, and then backed off. He then snickered as he cast a glance at me.

"Really? Your student over there will most probably die. He did quite the stupid thing."

"What are you talking about?" Teacher Jiao glared at An Dou. The latter merely laughed loudly as he continued to withdraw.

"He absorbed over a hundred martial artists' qi. The avalanche of qi will kill him eventually. Looks like he got too greedy!"


Closing my eyes briefly, I then stood up and took a step forward. Clenching my fists, I got ready to retaliate against that smirking villain.

"Fei Wu."

Teacher Jiao placed a firm hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back.

"You've done enough. Rest."

"But I haven't defeated all the Chinese Parasol Tree Sect members yet."

I continued to keep my eyes on the retreating An Dou. I was burning with vengeance against these bastards. They made me suffer. They caused me excruciating pain and almost killed me. Ba Yun, Qi Fu Ren and even Tuo Ta La. The rest might not have a direct hand in my suffering, but they stood by and approved of the main culprits' sadistic behavior. By that, they were involved and implicated in my torture, whether they actively tormented me or not.

"You can leave that to us. You have done more than enough. You've done very well, in fact, and made Wu Ling Academy proud."

"By getting captured and tortured?" I snorted. "No way."

"You survived," Teacher Jiao corrected simply. "And you defeated a large portion of their sect by yourself. Any more and you'll burn yourself up. You're no longer in any shape to fight, so you should just rest. Just believe in us and leave the rest to the Martial Arts Alliance."

"No longer in any shape to fight…?"

I realized my legs were shaking uncontrollably. Unable to stand any longer, I dropped to a sitting position while the qi raged inside my body. My vision blurred and I swayed, growing feverish. That was right. The warring seas of qi within my body was wreaking havoc on my system and causing my internal organs to overheat.

"Just rest there and watch. I promise you, we'll destroy the Chinese Parasol Tree Sect."

With that, Teacher Jiao used Jin, one of the footwork techniques he taught me, and suddenly appeared in front of a stunned An Dou. An Dou tried to defend himself with his sword and flail, but Teacher Jiao sliced through both weapons with his spear, and then kicked him in the chest, breaking the demonic martial artist's ribcage. While An Dou doubled over, coughing blood, Teacher Jiao beheaded him with a swipe of his spear.

I watched the brutal carnage through hazy eyes before I finally kneeled over and completely lost consciousness. As I blacked out, I vaguely heard Zhu Jiao and Tang Qi Hong calling out to me from a distance as they finally descended to my position.

The next thing I knew, when I woke up, I was in the infirmary. Blinking my eyes groggily, I reached out for my glasses, then realized that they had been destroyed by Ba Yun. I hadn't worn any glasses for over two weeks now.

When did I…?

The Martial Arts Alliance must have brought me back to Wu Ling Academy while I was unconscious. Just as well. After spending two weeks being strapped to a chair and tortured, it was a relief to find myself waking up on a bed.

"Fei Wu!"

Turning around, I caught sight of Tang Qi Hong, Zhu Jiao, Ban Zhang and Tong Xue entering the room. Tang Qi Hong was rushing in, closely followed by Zhu Jiao, while Ban Zhang and Tong Xue hung at the back, joined a few seconds later by Lian Rou.

"Hey, guys." I waved at them. "Sorry to make you worry."

"That's right!" Tang Qi Hong snapped at me. "What were you thinking, pulling a stunt like that?"

"I wasn't thinking, actually," I admitted. "Just wanted to save the villagers from being attacked by those bastards."

"Well, you certainly succeeded in saving them," Zhu Jiao assured me with a smile. "They came looking for us, begging us to save you."

"They did?" I looked at him in wonder. Lu Shun, Old Man Yi and the others must have gone through a perilous journey in order to reach Wu Ling Academy. "How are they now? Are they all right? Where are they staying?"

"They're fine," Tong Xue informed me. "Martial City has provided them and the other village refugees shelter and accommodations. They're going to try and integrate them into the city and find them jobs. We'll bring you to visit them when you get better."


"Still, that was a very reckless thing you did," Ban Zhang told me disapprovingly. "I mean, what you did was noble and all, but you almost got yourself killed!"

"But I saved the villagers."

"That you did," Lian Rou agreed quietly.

With not much stuff left to say, I asked them about what happened over the past two weeks while I wasn't in school. There didn't seem to be much, which was a relief. I nodded as I listened, but I wasn't paying much attention to the conversation.

My mind was somewhere far away.

"Ah, good to see that you're finally awake."

After some casual conversations, Teacher Jiao strolled into the room beside Teacher Yi. Apparently the latter had called the former when she saw that I was awake, but she decided to leave me to my friends instead of checking on me.

Most likely because she knew that I was beyond medical help. I wasn't injured in any sense of the word, but my situation was…still perilous.

Catching the look on Teacher Yi's face, Teacher Jiao turned somber. He glanced at the other students in the infirmary.

"If you don't mind, Teacher Yi and I would like to have a word with Fei Wu."



"All right."

My five friends gave me one last look, and then exchanged glances. Zhu Jiao patted my shoulder reassuringly, then they complied and left the infirmary. Once they were gone and out of earshot, both teachers turned to race me.

"You realize what sort of condition you're in, right?" Teacher Yi asked quietly.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"You seriously don't know?"

Teacher Yi frowned in concern. Teacher Jiao stepped forward and placed a comforting arm on her shoulder, and she took a deep breath.

"You know you will die if you keep this up, don't you?"

"Keep what up?"

"You absorbed the qi from over a hundred cultivators, didn't you?" This time, it was Teacher Jiao who spoke up. He watched me carefully, and I nodded.

"That's foolish of you!" Teacher Yi reprimanded me sharply. "Don't you realize how dangerous that is?! That excessive amount of qi will kill you!"

"Unless I assimilate all the qi," I replied. Both teachers stopped and stared at me.

"You…what do you mean?"

"I mean what I mean. All I have to do is assimilate the qi." I shrugged. "The lab couldn't customize the appropriate qi for me, but I found a way around it. Don't worry," I added when I saw their perplexed and half-shocked expressions. "I don't intend to go around sucking qi from everyone. Just those who try to kill me, and even then…I don't want to do it too often. As you can see, it has enormous drawbacks."

"That's right. It's too dangerous!"

Teacher Yi nodded fervently. Teacher Jiao hesitated before concurring.

"Even if you do it, make sure you do it in moderation, and not absorbing over a hundred cultivators' qi in one go."


"Still…" Teacher Yi looked a little troubled. "How are we going to cover this up? Student Fei Wu won't be able to use his qi for a long time. Will the school kick him out?"

"I'll talk to Principal Xiao," Teacher Jiao offered, but he looked uncertain of himself. "I'll convince him to give Student Fei Wu a chance."

"But he'll notice the changes, won't he?" Teacher Yi sounded worried. "He'll realize that Student Fei Wu is unable to use his qi. What if he…?"

"I won't let the principal kick Student Fei Wu out of the school. I'll try to explain everything to him." Teacher Jiao looked determined, but then he blinked in dismay when he realized that something was amiss.

Teacher Yi seemed to notice it too, and she shook her head.

"Are you seriously going to tell Principal Xiao that Student Fei Wu went and absorbed over a hundred cultivators' qi?"

"…good point."

Teacher Jiao also realized that it was not a good idea to inform the principal of Wu Ling Academy – one of the Martial Arts Alliance's premier schools – that one of the students had resorted to using demonic martial arts. Even if it was to survive.

"Then what should we do?" I asked, but honestly I couldn't be bothered. I had just survived hell on earth. Getting kicked out of the academy was no big deal. I would find some other way to survive, as I did during my stay in Ba Yun's torture chamber.

Teacher Jiao frowned as he contemplated. He glanced at Teacher Yi before he offered the plan he was formulating in mind.

"Nothing. I'll speak to Principal Xiao and negotiate for some time. I'm sure I'll be able to bargain for at least a few months. You did survive the clutches of a demonic sect and even defeated over a hundred cultivators. And we found signs that you defeated not only the traitor Qi Fu Ren, but also one of the leaders of the Chinese Parasol Tree Sect, Ba Yun."

"How do you know that?" I demanded. I didn't remember telling anyone about that, at least not anyone from Wu Ling Academy.

"Your qi was all over the room. And the wounds on Ba Yun…they were done by your Ghost Shadow Sword." Teacher Jiao looked as if he wanted to say that it was useless for me to deny it when they had overwhelming evidence. I didn't.

"Is that true?" Teacher Yi asked, skeptical because she wasn't on the scene. I sighed and nodded reluctantly.

"Yeah. He tortured me and tried to kill me, so I slew him in self-defense."

"You did more than slay him, didn't you?" Teacher Jiao studied me. "You absorbed his qi. His dantian was ripped out and his corpse resembled the hundred or so cultivators that you exterminated in the basement."


There was no point denying it. I was already prepared for the consequences. At that time, I wasn't even thinking about the consequences, to be honest, but having been through such a hellish experience I wasn't in a position to worry about the aftermath. I was more invested in surviving, even if it meant resorting to "demonic" martial arts.

"Does anyone know about this?" Teacher Yi asked worriedly. Teacher Jiao shook his head.

"I didn't inform the Imperial Guard. Besides, it's not as if the Martial Arts Alliance know what kind of qi that Student Fei Wu possesses. They're not as familiar with him as I am. They probably assumed there was some sort of infighting."

I recalled how the orthodox martial artists, the so-called good guys, attacked and tried to kill me just because they assumed I used a "demonic" martial arts technique. Despite me informing them plainly that it was done in self-defense.

There was no reason to trust them, and I was glad that Teacher Jiao didn't provide them the information regarding me.

"So for now this info is only between us." Teacher Yi nodded. "Let's keep it that way."


Teacher Jiao didn't manage to finish his sentence when the door to the infirmary opened. Xiao Zhang strode in with a somber expression.

"Principal Xiao! Wait…!"

Teacher Jiao tried to stop him and explain, but Principal Xiao waved him off. He stopped by my bed and stared at me. For a few seconds, no one said anything.

Then the principal of Wu Ling Academy nodded.

"How long will you need?" he asked me quietly. I scratched my head and pondered for a bit, and then straightened up.

"About two years."

"Good." Principal Xiao nodded curtly and turned away. "You have two years. After that, you'll have to prove to me that my faith in you was not misplaced."

"I understand," I replied as I watched him leave the infirmary room, even as Teacher Jiao and Teacher Yi gaped at his abrupt appearance and even more sudden departure.

Chapter end

Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
265 Chapter 264: Heaven and Earth Reversal
264 Chapter 263: Reversal
263 Chapter 262: One-armed Demon
Chapter 262
261 Chapter 260: The Innocent and the Faithful
260 Chapter 259: Battle-automata Reinforcements
259 Chapter 258: Getting Whipped
Chapter 258
257 Chapter 256: The Dark Sage
256 Chapter 255: Wild Dogs
255 Chapter 254: Infilitration
254 Chapter 253: Heaven and Earth Strike
253 Chapter 252: Ambush
252 Chapter 251: Black Venom Toxin
251 Chapter 250: Poisonous Duel
250 Chapter 249: Rescue mission
249 Chapter 248: The enemy of my enemy
248 Chapter 247: Black Venom Cul
247 Chapter 246: March into Marsh
246 Chapter 245: Nine Heavens Annihilation Strike
245 Chapter 244: Hot Spring
244 Chapter 243: Energy Dark Dragons
243 Chapter 242: Bluffing
242 Chapter 241: Rules of Engagemen
241 Chapter 240: The CEO's Wife
240 Chapter 239: Terrifying Charm
239 Chapter 238: Song Ting Yu
238 Chapter 237: Shadow Fox
237 Chapter 236: Back to school
236 Chapter 235: New Prodigy
235 Chapter 234: Various Reactions
234 Chapter 233: Aftermath of the War
233 Chapter 232: Reinforcements
232 Chapter 231: Damage Control
231 Chapter 230: Divine Origin Spiri
230 Chapter 229: Darkest Despair
229 Chapter 228: Tragedy
228 Chapter 227: Nukes
227 Chapter 226: The Sharpest Spear against the Sturdiest Shield
226 Chapter 225: Deathmatch
225 Chapter 224: Re-encounter with Jiang Jun Hao
224 Chapter 223: Battle between the gods
223 Chapter 222: Maximum Carnage
222 Chapter 221: Cornered
221 Chapter 220: Rescue Mission
220 Chapter 219: The unknown
219 Chapter 218: Trump Card
218 Chapter 217: Hostage Situation
217 Chapter 216: Counterattack
216 Chapter 215: Defense of Tushan City
215 Chapter 214: Upheaval
214 Chapter 213: Cleaning out the City
213 Chapter 212: Revelation of Identity
212 Chapter 211: No Forgiveness, No Mercy
211 Chapter 210: Negotiations for Surrender
210 Chapter 209: Schemes and Leadership
209 Chapter 208: Heaven and Earth Ancestral Master
208 Chapter 207: Assassination Attemp
207 Chapter 206: Old Demon
206 Chapter 205: Tian Yu Di
205 Chapter 204: Skeleton in the Close
204 Chapter 203: The Sealed Old Man
203 Chapter 202: Under the Spirit Engraved Pillars
202 Chapter 201: Preparing for war
201 Chapter 200: Into the Darkness
200 Chapter 199: Fortress
199 Chapter 198: Loser Lu Li
198 Chapter 197: Crossroads
197 Chapter 196: Fight between Friends
196 Chapter 195: Shameless Hypocrites
195 Chapter 194: Love versus Loyalty
194 Chapter 193: Scorched Earth
193 Chapter 192: Against All Odds
192 Chapter 191: Old Grudge
191 Chapter 190: It's a Trap!
190 Chapter 189: I want them dead!
189 Chapter 188: Embers
188 Chapter 187: Pure Yang Flames
187 Chapter 186: Fight Fire with Fire
186 Chapter 185: Sinking Ship
185 Chapter 184: Danger
184 Chapter 183: Martial Arts Alliance
183 Chapter 182: Women
182 Chapter 181: Request for Spirit Armaments
181 Chapter 180: Scorned
180 Chapter 179: Experimen
179 Chapter 178: Entry into the sec
178 Chapter 177: Aurora
177 Chapter 176: Bloodbath
176 Chapter 175: Snow and Stars
175 Chapter 174: Emergence
174 Chapter 173: The Dragon King's Palace
173 Chapter 172: Drowning
172 Chapter 171: Research Group
171 Chapter 170: Redo
170 Chapter 169: Dark Shadow
169 Chapter 168: Blood Blade Lang Xie
168 Chapter 167: Rules are Rules
167 Chapter 166: Literature Studen
166 Chapter 165: Double Standards
165 Chapter 164: Absolute Zero
164 Chapter 163: Fighting against a Genius
163 Chapter 162: Raid on the Divine Shadow Sect base
162 Chapter 161: Sacrifice
161 Chapter 160: At the Range
160 Chapter 159: It's a Trap!
159 Chapter 158: The next move
158 Chapter 157: Intense Battle
157 Chapter 156: Fighting with Spirit Armaments
156 Chapter 155: Free Trade Stree
155 Chapter 154: The Shadows Stir
154 Chapter 153: Man and Machine
153 Chapter 152: Blood Blades shenanigans
152 Chapter 151: Discussion
151 Chapter 150: Recognition
150 Chapter 149: Battle-automata
149 Chapter 148: Heavenly Way Sect Elder
148 Chapter 147: Might of the Battle Puppe
147 Chapter 146: Stalker
146 Chapter 145: How troublesome
145 Chapter 144: Master of the Tomb
144 Chapter 143: Matters of Yin and Yang
143 Chapter 142: Nascent Soul Hear
142 Chapter 141: Sea of Fire
141 Chapter 140: Battle-automata
140 Chapter 139: The Wrong Guy
139 Chapter 138: Dine and Dash
138 Chapter 137: The Millennial Milkstone Pool
137 Chapter 136: Icy Tomb
136 Chapter 135: Death Trap
135 Chapter 134: Separation
134 Chapter 133: Xianxia Villain Logic
133 Chapter 132: Snatching Treasures
132 Chapter 131: The Spirit Treasures
131 Chapter 130: Charging into the tomb
130 Chapter 129: Breaking the Seal
129 Chapter 128: The Four Top Young Practitioners
128 Chapter 127: The Elite Martial Artists
127 Chapter 126: Heavenly Fire Mountain Range
126 Chapter 125: Family
125 Chapter 124: A year later
124 Chapter 123: Back to the presen
123 Chapter 122: Prodigy
122 Chapter 121: White Tiger Sec
121 Chapter 120: Flashback
120 Chapter 119: Blood Blades
119 Chapter 118: Party
118 Chapter 117: After the tournamen
117 Chapter 116: Champion
116 Chapter 115: Breakthrough
115 Chapter 114: The Final
114 Chapter 113: Day before the Final
113 Chapter 112: Golden Kirin Sacred Beast Technique
112 Chapter 111: Semfinal
111 Chapter 110: The Green Dragon's True Nature
110 Chapter 109: Shadow Dragon
109 Chapter 108: Two Dragons
108 Chapter 107: Conspiracy Crushed
107 Chapter 106: Dark Figh
106 Chapter 105: Conspiracy
105 Chapter 104: Outcome of the match
104 Chapter 103: The Dragon and the Phoenix
103 Chapter 102: Descent of the Phoenix
102 Chapter 101: The Weight of Victory
101 Chapter 100: Three Thousand Lightning Movemen
100 Chapter 99: Mad Tiger
99 Chapter 98: Fox against Tiger
98 Chapter 97: The strongest girl
97 Chapter 96: The Round of Sixteen
96 Chapter 95: Blade against Armor
95 Chapter 94: Esoteric Five Elements
94 Chapter 93: The tournament heats up
93 Chapter 92: Unbreakable Shell
92 Chapter 91: Brute Rabbi
91 Chapter 90: The tournament begins
90 Chapter 89: Return to Wu Ling Academy
89 Chapter 88: Return journey
88 Chapter 87: The Void Whale
87 Chapter 86: On the hun
86 Chapter 85: The Void Ring
85 Chapter 84: Seeing the Sea
84 Chapter 83: The hunt for Void Whale
83 Chapter 82: Date
82 Chapter 81: Level 6 Tes
81 Chapter 80: Conspiracy
80 Chapter 79: A New Prodigy
79 Chapter 78: Blacksmith Assistan
78 Chapter 77: Trial
77 Chapter 76: Bugging
76 Chapter 75: Holidays
75 Chapter 74: Danger
74 Chapter 73: The Ice Soul Python's lair
73 Chapter 72: New assignmen
72 Chapter 71: Jealousy
71 Chapter 70: The sect leader's daughter
70 Chapter 69: Hard Work
69 Chapter 68: The Nine Spirit Engraved Pillars
68 Chapter 67: Examination results
67 Chapter 66: Cold Shoulder
66 Chapter 65: Frozen Solid
65 Chapter 64: Outer Sect Disciple Examination
64 Chapter 63: Tushan
63 Chapter 62: Crimson Lava Frui
62 Chapter 61: Aftermath
61 Chapter 60: Vengeance
60 Chapter 59: Interlude
59 Chapter 58: Rescue
58 Chapter 57: Monster
57 Chapter 56: Counterattack
56 Chapter 55: Descent into insanity
55 Chapter 54: Tragedy
54 Chapter 53: Inner dialogue
53 Chapter 52: Torture
52 Chapter 51: Abduction
51 Chapter 50: Confrontation
50 Chapter 49: Return to Chun Xiang Village
49 Chapter 48: Mission reques
48 Chapter 47: Academy Mission
47 Chapter 46: Darkness Falls
46 Chapter 45: Bullying and Revenge
45 Chapter 44: Heaven and Earth
44 Chapter 43: Overwhelming difference
43 Chapter 42: Artificial Qi
42 Chapter 41: Spring
41 Chapter 40: The Evil Within
40 Chapter 39: Principal of Wu Ling Academy, Xiao Zhang
39 Chapter 38: Qi Burst Pill
38 Chapter 37: Vicious duel
37 Chapter 36: Official Match 2
36 Chapter 35: Official Match
35 Chapter 34: Challenge
34 Chapter 33: Burden of Proof
33 Chapter 32: Turning Defeat into Victory
32 Chapter 31: Shadow Leopard
31 Chapter 30: Dangerous Creatures
30 Chapter 29: Return Journey
29 Chapter 28: Awakening
28 Chapter 27: Reunion
27 Chapter 26: Exi
26 Chapter 25: Hellfire Badger
25 Chapter 24: Nemesis
24 Chapter 23: Feas
23 Chapter 22: Survival
22 Chapter 21: Abyss
21 Chapter 20: Behemoth
20 Chapter 19: Sen Lin Fores
19 Chapter 18: Academy resources
18 Chapter 17: The next step
17 Chapter 16: The Announcemen
16 Chapter 15: Talent Restored
15 Chapter 14: Revelation
14 Chapter 13: Dark Shadows
13 Chapter 12: The Mysterious Elder
12 Chapter 11: Golden Amule
11 Chapter 10: Relentless Assaul
10 Chapter 9: A fight against 3 seniors
9 Chapter 8: Martial Arts Manual
8 Chapter 7: First day of class
7 Chapter 6: Fei Wu the trash
6 Chapter 5: Talen
5 Chapter 4: Martial Academy
4 Chapter 3: Recovery
3 Chapter 2: Reincarnation
2 Chapter 1: The acciden
1 Prologue: Cultivation is Boring
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