I Shall Steal the Heavens 50 Chapter 49: Return to Chun Xiang Village

I Shall Steal the Heavens 50 Chapter 49: Return to Chun Xiang Village

I was surprised when I set foot into Chun Xiang Village. It had been less than a year since I had left, but there were so many changes.

For one thing, the village was even more ruined and dilapidated than last year. Some of the houses had caved in and collapsed completely, but they were left in their wrecked state. Probably because the villagers simply couldn't afford repairs.

The kids, who used to play openly on the roads, were gone. The number of people farming was also diminished, and there clearly was a gloom and an air of despair that hung over the few villagers visible in the open.

"This is awful…"

I felt a chill run down my spine as I inspected the condition of the village. This was worse than I imagined.

Taking a deep breath, I shook myself out of my stupor and proceeded toward one of the villagers. I needed to get to the bottom of this, and perhaps find out who was responsible. Even if I couldn't fight the culprits, I could provide information…

Don't be naïve. What makes you think the Imperial Guard hasn't already dug all the information out of these villagers?

Speaking of which, there was no sign of the Imperial Guard or enforcers. On my way here, I spotted sporadic patrols, of soldiers and veteran martial artists driving around the borders to keep an eye out for bandits and rogue martial artists. However, as I went further away into the rural areas, the patrols dwindled until they were gone completely.

Chun Xiang Village was so remote that it was almost forgotten by the great Zhou Empire. I guess even a continent-spanning empire didn't have enough resources to patrol and protect every single village and citizen within its territory.

Well, of course. The amount of manpower you need for this would be insane…

I couldn't help but feel depressed. But now that I was here, I should do something. Speak to them, offer moral support…anything. As long as I didn't just stand here like an idiot doing nothing and looking totally lost.

"You are…"

I perked up at the familiar voice and turned around. It was Old Man Yi, limping forward on his walking stick. He glanced up at me, his expression twisted into a confused frown. It was clear that he didn't remember me.

"I'm Fei Wu. I was here around last year…you helped me out a lot when Lu Shun found me collapsed near the riverbank."

"Ah…the outsider from last year! The young boy!" Yi brightened up and then hobbled toward me excitedly. "It's been a long time!"

"Yeah. How is everything?"

Even as the question left my mouth, I immediately felt stupid. Of course everything wasn't fine. I could see the devastated state of Chun Xiang Village for myself.

"Well…could be better."

Yi took no offense, and then turned away. He gestured for me to follow, and I apprehensively stepped after him.

"Well, let's head to my home for some tea and catch up on stuff."

"Yes, sir."

This was my only chance to get some information, so I had no reason to refuse. That didn't lessen the discomfort and feeling of helplessness, though. That feeling increased as I followed Yi through the half-destroyed paths and collapsed houses of the broken village.

"Hey! Aren't you that boy from a year ago?!"

On my way there, yet another familiar figure popped up. Turning around, I caught sight of Lu Shun stumbling through the broken pathways and waving at me. I smiled and waved back, only for the warm greeting to die in my throat when I caught a good glimpse of him.


"Ah…ha ha ha, yeah. I look pretty terrible, don't I?"

Lu shun had been battered and beaten into a terrible condition. Blue and black swelling throbbed under his heavily bandaged face, he seemed to be missing a few teeth, and one of his eyes were covered in gauze. The other was black. Below, one arm was wrapped in a cast and bound to a sling, and a sleeveless vest hung over a heavily bandaged body. Lu Shun was limping on a crutch, for one of his legs were set inside a brace.

"Are you all right?" I finally asked lamely, not sure what to say. Lu Shun smiled humorlessly and waved at his injured arm.

"Do I look all right?"

"No, I'm sorry. I mean…" I swallowed and shook my head. "What happened?" then I suddenly realized. "Don't tell me…those demonic martial artists…"

"It's a long story," Yi told me as he continued strolling back toward his house. "We'll talk more inside my house. Take a seat."

"Yes, sir." I wasn't sure what to say, so I nodded and followed him. Yi also turned toward Lu Shun with a grave expression.

"You should go home. I told you that you shouldn't be moving around in that condition."

"Eh…but it's rare that we get any visitors!"

Yi sighed and shook his head in exasperation, giving up. "Then at least come to my house and have a seat. Stop walking and making your injuries worse!"

"Yeah, yeah…"

Lu Shun obeyed despite his complaints. Not knowing what to do, I ended up subconsciously keeping a distance before setting foot into Old Man Yi's house.

"As you correctly surmised, the demonic martial artists were the ones who beat Lu Shun into a pulp like that," Yi informed me as he sank into his wooden chair. He gestured for us to sit, but since there was no other furniture in the house, I took a seat on the carpeted floor. The fabric was torn and dusty and I was pretty much sitting on the floor, but I was used to it. On the opposite side, Lu Shun settled in the corner of the room with a grunt.

"Those bastards…" he struck the wall with his uninjured palm. "They came and raided us and took a bunch of women and children away. I tried to fight them…"

"…and ended up like that." Old Man Yi sighed. "You're too reckless, Lu Shun."

"But I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? Watch as those bastards take our women and children!?"

Bellowing furiously, Lu Shun struck the wall with his fist again and gritted his teeth. I could literally here the popping of his veins as he seethed.

"I didn't say that, but you would have accomplished nothing if you died."

"I'm glad you survived, though." I breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Shun barked out a bitter laugh at that.

"I only survived because I escaped. If it weren't for Old Man Yi's medical skills, I would have died from my injuries!"

"You escaped?" I asked. Lu Shun nodded and then shrugged as best as he could with his bandaged shoulder and slung arm.

"To be fair, they weren't interested in chasing me down. They had far more important things to worry about. Like trafficking women and children or something. I have no idea what they plan to do with them, but I can't forgive them!"

"The Tian Sha Sect is known for draining the qi essence from women and children and processing that into demonic pills," Yi informed us coolly. He scowled as he glared into a space faraway. "I've firsthand witnessed the terrible drugs that they concoct. They grant the people who consume them berserk strength."

"But why have they only been active recently?" Lu Shun demanded sourly. "They've never attacked us and the other villages on such an unprecedented scale before. They've usually left us alone, hiding deep within the Southern and Western Mountains. Why did they suddenly become so much more active and aggressive?"

"I…wouldn't know," Yi admitted. "I'm guessing they wanted revenge on the Martial Arts Alliance for destroying so many demonic sects in the previous war."

"But that war was over a decade ago! Why wait until now?!"

Old Man Yi gave Lu Shun an exasperated glare. "How would I know? Why don't you ask them the next time they come?"

"They'll be coming again?" I asked, surprised at that. "What for? Didn't they already raid your village?"

Yi snorted. "Only to take our women and children. But they quickly left when a nearby patrol of Imperial Guard happened to chance upon us. Now that the patrol has moved on to another village that has been assaulted, they will return sooner or later.

"But for what reason?" Lu Shun demanded, his voice trembling with unbridled hatred and fury. "Haven't they already taken everything?"

Yi glanced at him, his gaze sad. "Not everything. Not yet."

"What do you mean by that?" Lu Shun demanded, turning pale.

"They don't just drain essence and qi from women and children to make demonic pills. They will attempt to directly suck the qi from us men to cultivate their demonic techniques. The reason why they prioritized the women first was because they need more yin qi than yang qi for their demonic techniques, and women have a lot more yin qi than men."

"…but it won't be enough, and they want every drop of qi they can get," I muttered, horrified. From what I learned from Wu Ling Academy, the vast majority of demonic techniques did rely on infusing their methods with yin qi.

"That's right."

"We can't let them do that!" my voice rose. "We've to stop them!"

"'We'?" Lu Shun scoffed. "What can we do?"

Then he blinked and stared at me, as if suddenly realizing something. His jaw dropped and his eyes narrowed.

"Don't tell me, you accepted our request?"

"That's too reckless!" Yi turned to look at me sharply. "I appreciate your thoughts, but right now you're no match for those demonic martial artists. You should leave this matter to the veterans and the Imperial Guard."

"They won't be coming." I sighed and shook my head. "The Imperial Guard and enforcers are stretched too thinly across the border. The demonic sects aren't just targeting this village but the entire Chun Ling region. They just don't have the manpower to patrol and protect every village."

"I'm aware of that, but what can you do? It's pointless if you get killed along with us. You're not even a part of the village!"

"Yeah!" Lu Shun agreed wholeheartedly. "I appreciate your sentiments, but you're too reckless! You're still young! There's no need to throw away your future!"

I wasn't sure if he should be telling me that, given that he was the one all hurt and bandaged up like a mummy.

"Just leave the mission to veterans and more senior martial artists," Yi told me as he leaned out of his seat to place a reassuring arm on my shoulder. "This is not a mission meant for children such as you."

"…they won't take this mission."


Lu Shun stared at me. I glanced up and met both his and Yi's gazes evenly. Clenching my fists, I gritted my teeth.

"I know you can't afford to provide a higher amount of reward, but 10 gold isn't enough for a mission of this level. No veteran martial artist will accept it, not when there's such a high level of risk and danger involved!"

"…we know."

There was an air of weary resignation in Yi's voice as he leaned back in his chair and sighed. His shoulders slouched and he closed his eyes.

"You know?" I repeated incredulously.

"Yes." Yi nodded. "Even so, we sought to try. We thought that if there was even the slightest chance that a martial artist would come to help…"

"It might have been a bad idea," Lu Shun remarked with a shake of his head before turning to give me a sad look. "We ended up dragging you into this village instead."

"You didn't drag me into anything," I protested. But neither men was listening to me. Yi was nodding in agreement.

"Yes, this is our fault." He turned to fix his stern gaze on me. "Young man, you should leave this village as soon as possible. Don't get caught up in our mess. I'll escort you out first thing tomorrow. You shouldn't stay here any longer."


"Don't worry." Lu Shun smiled and waved dismissively. "We survived their raid once. We'll survive it again. Who knows, we'll probably get lucky and an entire battalion of Imperial Guard will come across our village in time to crush them."

I was sure he didn't believe what he was saying.

"It's late now, so you can stay the night." Old Man Yi gestured toward one of the rooms. "Help yourself to one of those rooms for tonight. Make yourself comfortable. But make sure you leave first thing tomorrow."


I crawled to my feet and exhaled deflated. Glancing out at the twilight filtering through the windows, I clenched my fists.

"Do you mind if I visit a few people?"

"Oh? Who?" Lu Shun asked curiously.

"Hu Shi. I have yet to repay her for taking care of me the last time."

"Oh, you have done more than enough. Helping us hunt down Wild Boars and allowing us to stock up enough food for the winter…I daresay you've done more than what is required of you." with a smile, Yi patted my shoulder again.

"Besides, it's impossible."

There was a bitter tone in Lu Shun's voice that made me glance up. I stared at him, my mouth dry.

"What do you mean?"

Old Man Yi nodded gravely, his eyes darkening.

"In the last raid, Hu Shi and her son, Hu Hai, were among those who were abducted by the martial artists from the demonic sect."


The next morning, I woke up and stretched myself. Putting my glasses on, I crawled out of bed and shivered in the cold, autumn air. Summer had ended, and fall had begun. The temperature had begun to drop, and mercifully so. It had been an intense summer, after all. I blame global warming even though we didn't have fossil fuels in this timeline.

I was pretty sure we had greenhouse gas emissions, though…

"I hope you don't mind this meager fare." Old Man Yi spoke up when I left my room, lading a cup with steaming water. Next to it was a pathetically small piece of bread. Apparently they had run out of meat. I offered to hunt some, but they didn't want me to. Yi told me that the villagers planned to leave Chun Xiang Village in the near future.

"We won't be able to stay here for much longer, not with the demonic sects running rampant and raiding villages…"

As such, they wouldn't be able to store the meat that I would have procured for them. With the ongoing raids, the abduction of their women and children, and being forced to scrounge up 10 gold coins, the villagers were subsisting on the bare minimum of food.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

"Thank you."

Yi nodded as he passed me a cup of tea. He passed a stern gaze over me.

"After breakfast, you are to leave immediately."


The old man shook his head, cutting me off before I could protest. I fell silent, not knowing what to say under that gaze.

"I appreciate your sentiment, but you're just a boy. No matter how desperate we are, there's no way we'll drag an innocent outsider who's underage to fight for us. If anything happens to you, we'll be unable to face your parents."

"You don't even know my parents," I pointed out. "And my parents don't know you either. You don't have to worry about that."

"Even so…I couldn't face the academy and tell them that I got one of their students killed."

"The academy sends students out on missions like this all the time." I waved Yi's concerns away. "We sign an indemnity form, so both you and the academy will be absolved of all responsibility in case anything happens. Besides, we've already made our resolve."

Yi stared at me pitifully, but shook his head.

"You're still too young," he muttered mournfully. I didn't argue. To be honest, I didn't take this mission. I was officially here to collect herbs. Only high school students could accept three star missions and above, so technically Yi was correct. I was too young to handle this mission, and I wasn't even supposed to be here.

"I understand." I shoved the last of the bread into my mouth and downed it with tea. Placing the now empty cup on the table, I rose to my feet and bowed my head gratefully. "Thank you for the meal. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with."

"Sure. Now go home."

With one final look at the elder, I departed the house.

I had hardly taken more than a few steps when something exploded behind me.


Whirling around, my jaw dropped as I watched something smash the house a few blocks down. As a cloud of dust blossomed into the air, villagers ran down the battered pathway, screaming. Even as they barreled past me, I stayed rooted to the spot, studying the destruction in awe.

I could sense an enormous amount of qi proceeding toward my direction. Someone extremely powerful had arrived. And this chill…the overwhelming amount of yin qi…this was definitely the practitioner from a demonic sect.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A massive guy lumbered into view. With a single swipe of his huge hand, he smacked a house off its foundation and sent it collapsing. While he indulged in his appetite for destruction, several more figures came into view.

They kept their distance, but I recognized one of them. That silhouette, that hairstyle, and that face…I would recognize him anywhere.

"Qi Fu Ren!?"

The bully was the last person I expected to see in this remote village. But now that I thought about it, it shouldn't be surprising that Qi Fu Ren joined a demonic sect. he had learned a demonic technique, and his horrible personality fitted them perfectly.

"What are you doing?!"

Lu Shun yelled at me as he limped forward. A few of the villagers had grabbed hold of him and hauled him forward. Despite that, they were too slow. The giant was going to catch up with them soon enough. Well, he wasn't that much of a giant, to be honest. He was about six feet tall at most, but as wide as a bodybuilder.

Calling him a giant was an exaggeration.


I turned to Lu Shun, who was bellowing at me. The two villagers supporting him turned to look at me in disbelief and fear.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward while performing several calculations in my mind. At the speed the huge guy was traveling, the villagers wouldn't be able to outrun or escape him in time. He would overtake them in a few minutes. Already, a few of the villagers had been caught by him and he hurled them over his shoulder for the figures behind to take them.

…right. They had no intention of killing the villagers. They needed them alive so that they could suck the qi and essence from the villagers, in order to strengthen their demonic cultivation and hone their demonic techniques.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"



Swallowing, I turned back to Lu Shun and shook my head.

"Go," I told him and the two villagers supporting him. "Don't worry about me. Run from here, as fast as you can."

"What about you!?"

I pushed my glasses up as I turned toward the huge demonic martial artist and took a step forward.

"I'll buy you guys the time you need to escape. I'll delay that guy for as long as I can."

"You're crazy!" one of the guys blurted out. Lu Shun nodded in agreement.

"Don't be an idiot! Hurry up and escape!"

"If I don't face that guy and delay him, then none of us will be able to escape."

The horror on the three men's faces were evident. I put on a brave smile.

"Don't worry. I'll figure something out."

"But he's too strong!" Lu Shun argued weakly. He knew I was right, that the rogue martial artist would catch up if no one stalled him, but he didn't want me to sacrifice myself. "You can't beat him!"

"I don't need to beat him," I reminded him, my smile still frozen on my face. "I only need to delay him. Once all of you have escaped, then I'll find a way to flee."

The three guys looked pretty bleak when they realized that they were actually holding me back. Without further delay, they took off. Lu Shun gave me a last nod.

"Make sure you survive at all costs."

"I'll try."

Giving a vague response, I then turned around and confronted the approaching and rampaging rogue martial artist.

Chapter end

Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
265 Chapter 264: Heaven and Earth Reversal
264 Chapter 263: Reversal
263 Chapter 262: One-armed Demon
Chapter 262
261 Chapter 260: The Innocent and the Faithful
260 Chapter 259: Battle-automata Reinforcements
259 Chapter 258: Getting Whipped
Chapter 258
257 Chapter 256: The Dark Sage
256 Chapter 255: Wild Dogs
255 Chapter 254: Infilitration
254 Chapter 253: Heaven and Earth Strike
253 Chapter 252: Ambush
252 Chapter 251: Black Venom Toxin
251 Chapter 250: Poisonous Duel
250 Chapter 249: Rescue mission
249 Chapter 248: The enemy of my enemy
248 Chapter 247: Black Venom Cul
247 Chapter 246: March into Marsh
246 Chapter 245: Nine Heavens Annihilation Strike
245 Chapter 244: Hot Spring
244 Chapter 243: Energy Dark Dragons
243 Chapter 242: Bluffing
242 Chapter 241: Rules of Engagemen
241 Chapter 240: The CEO's Wife
240 Chapter 239: Terrifying Charm
239 Chapter 238: Song Ting Yu
238 Chapter 237: Shadow Fox
237 Chapter 236: Back to school
236 Chapter 235: New Prodigy
235 Chapter 234: Various Reactions
234 Chapter 233: Aftermath of the War
233 Chapter 232: Reinforcements
232 Chapter 231: Damage Control
231 Chapter 230: Divine Origin Spiri
230 Chapter 229: Darkest Despair
229 Chapter 228: Tragedy
228 Chapter 227: Nukes
227 Chapter 226: The Sharpest Spear against the Sturdiest Shield
226 Chapter 225: Deathmatch
225 Chapter 224: Re-encounter with Jiang Jun Hao
224 Chapter 223: Battle between the gods
223 Chapter 222: Maximum Carnage
222 Chapter 221: Cornered
221 Chapter 220: Rescue Mission
220 Chapter 219: The unknown
219 Chapter 218: Trump Card
218 Chapter 217: Hostage Situation
217 Chapter 216: Counterattack
216 Chapter 215: Defense of Tushan City
215 Chapter 214: Upheaval
214 Chapter 213: Cleaning out the City
213 Chapter 212: Revelation of Identity
212 Chapter 211: No Forgiveness, No Mercy
211 Chapter 210: Negotiations for Surrender
210 Chapter 209: Schemes and Leadership
209 Chapter 208: Heaven and Earth Ancestral Master
208 Chapter 207: Assassination Attemp
207 Chapter 206: Old Demon
206 Chapter 205: Tian Yu Di
205 Chapter 204: Skeleton in the Close
204 Chapter 203: The Sealed Old Man
203 Chapter 202: Under the Spirit Engraved Pillars
202 Chapter 201: Preparing for war
201 Chapter 200: Into the Darkness
200 Chapter 199: Fortress
199 Chapter 198: Loser Lu Li
198 Chapter 197: Crossroads
197 Chapter 196: Fight between Friends
196 Chapter 195: Shameless Hypocrites
195 Chapter 194: Love versus Loyalty
194 Chapter 193: Scorched Earth
193 Chapter 192: Against All Odds
192 Chapter 191: Old Grudge
191 Chapter 190: It's a Trap!
190 Chapter 189: I want them dead!
189 Chapter 188: Embers
188 Chapter 187: Pure Yang Flames
187 Chapter 186: Fight Fire with Fire
186 Chapter 185: Sinking Ship
185 Chapter 184: Danger
184 Chapter 183: Martial Arts Alliance
183 Chapter 182: Women
182 Chapter 181: Request for Spirit Armaments
181 Chapter 180: Scorned
180 Chapter 179: Experimen
179 Chapter 178: Entry into the sec
178 Chapter 177: Aurora
177 Chapter 176: Bloodbath
176 Chapter 175: Snow and Stars
175 Chapter 174: Emergence
174 Chapter 173: The Dragon King's Palace
173 Chapter 172: Drowning
172 Chapter 171: Research Group
171 Chapter 170: Redo
170 Chapter 169: Dark Shadow
169 Chapter 168: Blood Blade Lang Xie
168 Chapter 167: Rules are Rules
167 Chapter 166: Literature Studen
166 Chapter 165: Double Standards
165 Chapter 164: Absolute Zero
164 Chapter 163: Fighting against a Genius
163 Chapter 162: Raid on the Divine Shadow Sect base
162 Chapter 161: Sacrifice
161 Chapter 160: At the Range
160 Chapter 159: It's a Trap!
159 Chapter 158: The next move
158 Chapter 157: Intense Battle
157 Chapter 156: Fighting with Spirit Armaments
156 Chapter 155: Free Trade Stree
155 Chapter 154: The Shadows Stir
154 Chapter 153: Man and Machine
153 Chapter 152: Blood Blades shenanigans
152 Chapter 151: Discussion
151 Chapter 150: Recognition
150 Chapter 149: Battle-automata
149 Chapter 148: Heavenly Way Sect Elder
148 Chapter 147: Might of the Battle Puppe
147 Chapter 146: Stalker
146 Chapter 145: How troublesome
145 Chapter 144: Master of the Tomb
144 Chapter 143: Matters of Yin and Yang
143 Chapter 142: Nascent Soul Hear
142 Chapter 141: Sea of Fire
141 Chapter 140: Battle-automata
140 Chapter 139: The Wrong Guy
139 Chapter 138: Dine and Dash
138 Chapter 137: The Millennial Milkstone Pool
137 Chapter 136: Icy Tomb
136 Chapter 135: Death Trap
135 Chapter 134: Separation
134 Chapter 133: Xianxia Villain Logic
133 Chapter 132: Snatching Treasures
132 Chapter 131: The Spirit Treasures
131 Chapter 130: Charging into the tomb
130 Chapter 129: Breaking the Seal
129 Chapter 128: The Four Top Young Practitioners
128 Chapter 127: The Elite Martial Artists
127 Chapter 126: Heavenly Fire Mountain Range
126 Chapter 125: Family
125 Chapter 124: A year later
124 Chapter 123: Back to the presen
123 Chapter 122: Prodigy
122 Chapter 121: White Tiger Sec
121 Chapter 120: Flashback
120 Chapter 119: Blood Blades
119 Chapter 118: Party
118 Chapter 117: After the tournamen
117 Chapter 116: Champion
116 Chapter 115: Breakthrough
115 Chapter 114: The Final
114 Chapter 113: Day before the Final
113 Chapter 112: Golden Kirin Sacred Beast Technique
112 Chapter 111: Semfinal
111 Chapter 110: The Green Dragon's True Nature
110 Chapter 109: Shadow Dragon
109 Chapter 108: Two Dragons
108 Chapter 107: Conspiracy Crushed
107 Chapter 106: Dark Figh
106 Chapter 105: Conspiracy
105 Chapter 104: Outcome of the match
104 Chapter 103: The Dragon and the Phoenix
103 Chapter 102: Descent of the Phoenix
102 Chapter 101: The Weight of Victory
101 Chapter 100: Three Thousand Lightning Movemen
100 Chapter 99: Mad Tiger
99 Chapter 98: Fox against Tiger
98 Chapter 97: The strongest girl
97 Chapter 96: The Round of Sixteen
96 Chapter 95: Blade against Armor
95 Chapter 94: Esoteric Five Elements
94 Chapter 93: The tournament heats up
93 Chapter 92: Unbreakable Shell
92 Chapter 91: Brute Rabbi
91 Chapter 90: The tournament begins
90 Chapter 89: Return to Wu Ling Academy
89 Chapter 88: Return journey
88 Chapter 87: The Void Whale
87 Chapter 86: On the hun
86 Chapter 85: The Void Ring
85 Chapter 84: Seeing the Sea
84 Chapter 83: The hunt for Void Whale
83 Chapter 82: Date
82 Chapter 81: Level 6 Tes
81 Chapter 80: Conspiracy
80 Chapter 79: A New Prodigy
79 Chapter 78: Blacksmith Assistan
78 Chapter 77: Trial
77 Chapter 76: Bugging
76 Chapter 75: Holidays
75 Chapter 74: Danger
74 Chapter 73: The Ice Soul Python's lair
73 Chapter 72: New assignmen
72 Chapter 71: Jealousy
71 Chapter 70: The sect leader's daughter
70 Chapter 69: Hard Work
69 Chapter 68: The Nine Spirit Engraved Pillars
68 Chapter 67: Examination results
67 Chapter 66: Cold Shoulder
66 Chapter 65: Frozen Solid
65 Chapter 64: Outer Sect Disciple Examination
64 Chapter 63: Tushan
63 Chapter 62: Crimson Lava Frui
62 Chapter 61: Aftermath
61 Chapter 60: Vengeance
60 Chapter 59: Interlude
59 Chapter 58: Rescue
58 Chapter 57: Monster
57 Chapter 56: Counterattack
56 Chapter 55: Descent into insanity
55 Chapter 54: Tragedy
54 Chapter 53: Inner dialogue
53 Chapter 52: Torture
52 Chapter 51: Abduction
51 Chapter 50: Confrontation
50 Chapter 49: Return to Chun Xiang Village
49 Chapter 48: Mission reques
48 Chapter 47: Academy Mission
47 Chapter 46: Darkness Falls
46 Chapter 45: Bullying and Revenge
45 Chapter 44: Heaven and Earth
44 Chapter 43: Overwhelming difference
43 Chapter 42: Artificial Qi
42 Chapter 41: Spring
41 Chapter 40: The Evil Within
40 Chapter 39: Principal of Wu Ling Academy, Xiao Zhang
39 Chapter 38: Qi Burst Pill
38 Chapter 37: Vicious duel
37 Chapter 36: Official Match 2
36 Chapter 35: Official Match
35 Chapter 34: Challenge
34 Chapter 33: Burden of Proof
33 Chapter 32: Turning Defeat into Victory
32 Chapter 31: Shadow Leopard
31 Chapter 30: Dangerous Creatures
30 Chapter 29: Return Journey
29 Chapter 28: Awakening
28 Chapter 27: Reunion
27 Chapter 26: Exi
26 Chapter 25: Hellfire Badger
25 Chapter 24: Nemesis
24 Chapter 23: Feas
23 Chapter 22: Survival
22 Chapter 21: Abyss
21 Chapter 20: Behemoth
20 Chapter 19: Sen Lin Fores
19 Chapter 18: Academy resources
18 Chapter 17: The next step
17 Chapter 16: The Announcemen
16 Chapter 15: Talent Restored
15 Chapter 14: Revelation
14 Chapter 13: Dark Shadows
13 Chapter 12: The Mysterious Elder
12 Chapter 11: Golden Amule
11 Chapter 10: Relentless Assaul
10 Chapter 9: A fight against 3 seniors
9 Chapter 8: Martial Arts Manual
8 Chapter 7: First day of class
7 Chapter 6: Fei Wu the trash
6 Chapter 5: Talen
5 Chapter 4: Martial Academy
4 Chapter 3: Recovery
3 Chapter 2: Reincarnation
2 Chapter 1: The acciden
1 Prologue: Cultivation is Boring
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