Devil's Rise 103 Alchemy of The Lost Ones

Devil's Rise 103 Alchemy of The Lost Ones

I looked at the pages of Alchemy of the Lost Ones with an open mind.

'Alchemy of the Lost Ones' By Navy Alchemist Pharaon

Many people, when they think of alchemy, view it as simple pill concoction. Young readers, remember this, an Alchemist is so much more. True alchemy is the study of matter, what it consists of, what its properties are, and how it changes. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space, that is, anything that is physically real. An example is the book you are reading now for example. Because of this, alchemy has its hands in just about everything.

The simplest form of alchemy is cooking. Being able to describe the ingredients in a cake and how they change when the cake is baked, is alchemy in its earliest form. Alchemy is a branch of cultivation, the process in which we learn about the natural universe by observing, testing, then generating models that explain our observations. Because the universe is so vast there are many unique types of alchemy.

I'll simplify the process for now to give you an understanding of what Alchemists accomplish. The beginning of every pill concoction begins with the creation of a pill core. When you make pill cores, it's all about creating alchemical reactions. You add your alchemical ingredients into your alchemy furnace or cauldron, you then mix them and heat them so they start reacting with each other. As an Alchemist, your job is to control this reaction!

If they react properly a stable pill core will be formed and you will be able to take your pill core and form pills, potions, injections, or whatever you think is the best way for your consumers to take this medication. If not, you'll probably end up with wasted materials, an explosion, or in the worse case death by your own design. We, as Alchemists, are the creators of life, who deliver medications to the poor populations who do not have the pleasure of learning this Dao themselves.

Some wayward alchemists even like to use suppositories as their preferred method of delivering medication. If you are unfamiliar with the term, a suppository is a medicine delivered straight up the bottom. We should not pass judgment on these Alchemists on their strange fetishes as alchemy is a personal journey. As an Alchemist, it's your job to make your medicines most effective to your consumers. If sending them through the rear works for you then, by all means, shove your pills straight up your customer's ass.

Now back to alchemy. Creating a stable pill core is what separates the levels of alchemy. Pill cores change colors according to the level of the core formed. The pill colors I have experienced in my life are as follows:

Tier 1- Light Violet

Tier 2- Violet

Tier 3- Dark Violet

Tier 4- Blue Violet

Tier 5- Light Blue

Tier 6- Blue

Tier 7- Dark Blue

Tier 8- Blue Green

Tier 9- Light Green

Tier 10- Green

Tier 11- Dark Green

An alchemist is ranked by the highest color of pill core he can form. Even though our profession is so much more, creating pill cores is the most fundamental thing to define an Alchemist. Every subsequent color of pill core requires a better understanding of the Alchemy Dao to be created successfully. Alchemist ranks for your pleasure:

Tier 1- Orchid Alchemist

Tier 2- Violet Alchemist

Tier 3- Grape Alchemist

Tier 4- Indigo Alchemist

Tier 5- Ice Alchemist

Tier 6- Blue Alchemist

Tier 7- Navy Alchemist

Tier 8- Cyan Alchemist

Tier 9- Lime Alchemist

Tier 10- Green Alchemist

Tier 11- Forest Alchemist

As of this writing, I have reached Navy Alchemist, so as a beginner you can almost take my words as law. But when you reach the higher levels of alchemy, you should be confident enough to use your own judgment as an alchemist.

I only met one Forest Alchemist in my lifetime. His mastery of alchemy was so great he shocked the entire Lost World. He'd even have to fight back powerful Heavenly Tribulations whenever he created forest pill cores.

Many things affect the final pill core formed during pill concoction. Every pill core created by an alchemist is unique. When an alchemist starts their pill concoction, they start with a pill embryo. A pill embryo is formed by your own innate qi or essence, this makes every pill unique; depending on the type of qi or essence used to form the pill embryo.

After creating an embryo, comes the process of core-forming. A litany of things will decide what color core is finally formed after the pill core concoction is complete. Alchemists master these steps to ensure the best core is formed on every attempt.

The most central things to master when concocting pill cores are the type of ingredients used, the quality of ingredients used, The order in which the ingredients are added to the embryo, how the ingredients are heated during core forming, the quality of your alchemy furnace, your fire source, and your control of your fire source.

These are just a few things that can affect the pill core formed during pill concoction. But mastering these few things can lead to the most improvement to successfully creating pill cores.

To be a great Alchemist, an Alchemist must learn to find and source great alchemical ingredients. Alchemists source the majority of their ingredients from herbs. However, pure herbs are rarely a part of pill core concoction. A great alchemist must learn to transform raw herbs into usable alchemical ingredients.

An example would be the Tier-1 ingredient Cabbage Hair, it is an alchemical ingredient created by the boiling and curing the common herb Sweet Cabbage. When consumed raw Sweet Cabbage grants a minor increase in strength to the consumer. By boiling and curing the herb, an alchemist separates the central part that makes Sweet Cabbage grant this strength.

By taking this Cabbage Hair as an ingredient and mixing it with other supplemental ingredients, an alchemist can then create a Tier-1 Light-Violet Core that has the properties of granting strength. After this core is created comes the finalization process. Pill cores are much too potent to be consumed after forming.

It's the job of the alchemist to turn a pill core into something that is safe and effective to be used by consumers. This strength pill core can either be turned into a strength potion, strength pill, or whatever you think is the most effective way for your customers to consume it.

To form a pill, you would turn the pill core into a crystallized sediment called a slurry, the slurry is filtered to get rid of more liquid forming a crumbly dough. The dough is then dried into a powder, and the powder is then used for formulation or preparation.

After you have your alchemy powder created it comes time to add excipients. Excipients are substances included with pill manufacture not for their direct therapeutic action, but to aid the manufacturing process, to protect the pills, to support the active ingredient, or to enhance stability.

Solvents like water and binding agents are common excipients added in a mixing machine. The moist mix is then dried again in a fluid dryer until it becomes dry grains a few millimeters in diameter. You then add these dried grains to your tablet compression machine to press into pills.

If you wanted to create a potion, you would take the slurry and continuously refine it for purity, eliminating harmful dregs to create a strength potion. You could then add other excipients to this potion to modify the effect of the strength potion.

Every pill core created by an alchemist is unique, so the strength pill created by different pill cores will have varying effects. Pill core formulas are the lifeline to every alchemist. Alchemists guard their pill core formulas closer than they would guard their own lives.

Alchemists spend the majority of their time researching and discovering new types of pill cores. By creating new pill cores they not only increase their understanding of the Alchemy Dao but they also give themselves a substantial source of income. Since alchemists spend so much time researching, it is a very competitive profession.

A unique pill that is only 5% more effective than its competitors can allow an alchemist to corner the market. At 10% more effective, an alchemist can fully control the market in a pill. At 20% more effective, an alchemist will gain great renown for their skills. At 50% more effective, an alchemist would have made a breakthrough in the profession.

Everyone wants to be recorded in the annals of history, so alchemists work hard to be masters of their craft.

After looking over 'Alchemy of the Lost Ones' I had a greater understanding of what it would take to become an alchemist. The only thing now was to experiment and find out where my talents lay in this profession. I closed to book and headed to Zat's alchemy lab and was not a bit surprised by its thoroughness.

Everything I could ever hope and dream to form pill cores was right in front of me, available for my use. The entire lab was filled with different colored alchemy cauldrons and furnaces, all with labels and instruction manuals for their use laid out in front of them.

This was a very fair testing ground. If you couldn't have any results here in your profession you deserved to be served on Zat's platter for your incompetence. If I had a blacksmith shop like this when learning blacksmithing, I'm sure I would have already crafted a Viscount weapon.

After reading over the instruction manuals to several cauldrons and furnaces, I choose 'The Champ' as my companion for the next few years. 'The Champ' was a massive beast of a furnace weighing in at over 1200 pounds. It was powered by fire jade crystals, with mechanical controls at the side.

I was in a rush to finish my task of becoming an Indigo Alchemist within 5 years. I didn't want to become some phallus wielding Satyr's midnight snack. Learning the hard way with a cauldron and properly controlling my fire essence would be much harder than learning to use a machine. Especially since I had to reach the classification of Indigo Alchemist.

Right now my fire essence had not broken into Viscount. Without Viscount Fire Essence, there was no way to form a Blue-Violet pill core. If I could learn to control the fire essence created by this machine, there was hope for me to escape this death trial.

I headed towards the garden to pick up some Tier-1 herbs to start my quest in alchemy mastery.

Chapter end

173 Dawning the Mask, Shi Da Returns to Moon Dusk!
172 Building a Better Tomorrow!
171 Lord Soulless, Mayor of Lakeview City!
170 Thrown off a Cliff by the Crypt Keeper
169 Disembarking at the Western Frontier
168 His Excellency, Lord Soulless
167 Soulless' Masterpiece, Fate Forged!
166 His Excellency, Lord Soulless
165 Soulless' Masterpiece, Fate Forged!
164 Weakness is Sin
163 Mother is Too Overbearing!
162 Soulless Crashes The Wedding!
161 Soulless Rejoins His Favorite Lackey!
160 Silly Bunny Tricks are for Kids
159 Soulless, Break Thru! Soul Splitting!
158 Maiden Dancing Under The Autumn Leaves
157 Soulless Ponders The Sword Dao
156 It Was An Honor To Die By Your Blade!
155 First Blood! The Return of Soulless!
154 Libra Thru the Years Interlude
153 Beautiful Woman Shamelessly Robs the Cradle
152 Shi Da Beats Up A Beauty!
151 Shi Da Challenges A Beauty
150 Shi Da Goes Gate Crashing
149 Shameless Old Beggar Teachs the Dao
148 Shi Da, The One Sword
147 Jurrath Vs Dex Round 1 Fight!
146 Beaten By A Little Girl
145 Mother is Too Fierce
144 The Western Frontier
143 Little Sister You've Grown
142 A Revered Connoisseur of Booty
141 Subduing The Booty Warrior
140 New Codex Who Dis
139 Guardian Aspect Dex Unleashed
138 Troll Revenue Service
137 A Savage Departure
136 A Savage Betrayal
135 A Savage Domain
134 A Savage Form
133 A Savage Seclusion
132 A Savage Dao
131 A Savage Enlightenmen
130 A Savage Phallus
129 A Savage Promotion
128 A Savage Minion
127 A Savage Beggar
126 A Savage Though
125 A Savage Survivor
124 A Savage Failure
123 A Savage Slaughter
122 A Savage Execution
121 A Savage Reward
120 A Savage Companion
119 A Savage Punishmen
118 A Savage Pursui
117 A Savage Tree
116 A Savage Map
115 A Savage Screech
114 A Savage Land
113 A Devilish Troll
112 A Dryads Descen
111 A Strange Herb
110 Ah Pills & Potions
109 An Orchid Alchemis
108 A New Hope
107 A Display of Strength
106 A Troll x Wolf
105 A Toxic Challenger
104 A Phallic Prime Subscription
103 Alchemy of The Lost Ones
102 A New Legend
101 A Test Chapter
100 A Battle of Will
99 A Lord's Descen
98 A Cat's Boat Interlude
97 A New Skill
96 A Treasure Hun
95 A Tremor Worm
94 A Quest for Booty
93 A Lord's Ship
92 A New Weapon
91 A Two-Year Strike
90 A Void Owl
89 A Devil's Methods
88 A Wolpertinger Parley
87 A Cat's Tale Interlude
86 A Devil's Methods
85 A Wolpertinger Parley
84 A Cat's Tale Interlude
83 A Devil's Departure
82 A Rift's Hold
81 A Cat's Tale Interlude
80 A Devil's Departure
79 A Rift's Hold
78 A Rift Warrior
77 A Nother Religion
76 A Electric Boogie
75 A New Religion
74 A Deserved Reckoning
73 A Serpent Tattoo
72 A Girl With
71 A Succubus' Descen
70 A Jerky Run
69 A New Religion
68 A Deserved Reckoning
67 A Serpent Tattoo
66 A Serpent Tattoo
65 A Succubus' Descen
64 A Jerky Run
63 A Ghost Taming
62 A Prisoner's Dilema
61 A Haunted Hill
60 A Daylight Robbery
59 A Haunted Hill
58 A Daylight Robbery
57 A Young Apprentice
56 A Beloved Shop
55 A Commoner's Life
54 The Head
53 The Lord
52 The Council
51 The Dawn
50 The Escape
49 The Butler
48 The Sins
47 The Grandsons
46 The Ambush
45 The Schemers
44 The Scheme
43 The Hotsauce
42 Chapter 42 - The Enlightenmen
41 The Destiny
40 The Change
39 The Rookies
38 The Tropics
37 The Paradise
36 The Weapons
Devil“s Rise Chapter 35: The Warfron
34 The Division
33 The Threads
32 The King
31 The Withering
30 The Trap
29 The Relic
28 The Emotions
27 The Hand
26 The Chattel
25 The Otherworld
24 The Otherworlder
23 The Elves
22 The Libra
21 The Fraud
20 The Departure
19 The Prince
18 The Freeloader
17 The Badge
16 The Thief
15 The Exile
14 The Wipeou
13 The Talk
12 The Inn
11 The DMV
10 The Skill
9 The Felweed
8 The Beating
7 The Escape
6 The Flame
5 The Plan
4 The Sigh
3 The Wastrel
2 The Ligh
1 The Gathering
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