Sano Yuji, a black company employee, is summoned to another world while finishing his work at home. His profession in the other world, a Monster Tamer, is considered a job that makes it difficult to become an adventurer. However, thanks to some slimes he met, which read several magical books, he gained magical powers and the second profession, Sage.
Yuji acquired overwhelming power, but is he conscience of his strength? Blindly becoming unparalleled and strongest in the world!
Sano Yuji, a black company employee, is summoned to another world while finishing his work at home. His profession in the other world, a Monster Tamer, is considered a job that makes it difficult to become an adventurer. However, thanks to some slimes he met, which read several magical books, he gained magical powers and the second profession, Sage.
Yuji acquired overwhelming power, but is he conscience of his strength? Blindly becoming unparalleled and strongest in the world!
Tensei Kenja No Isekai Raifu ~Daini No Shokugyo Wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou Ni Narimashita~ Manga
(91 Votes)
Alternative: Life as a Reincarnated Sage in Another World ~Gaining a Second Profession and Becoming the Strongest in the World~; 転生賢者の異世界ライフ ~第二の職業を得て、世界最強になりました~
Sano Yuji, a black company employee, is summoned to another world while finishing his work at home. His profession in the other world, a Monster Tamer, is considered a job that makes it difficult to become an adventurer. However, thanks to some slimes he met, which read several magical books, he gained magical powers and the second profession, Sage.
Yuji acquired overwhelming power, but is he conscience of his strength? Blindly becoming unparalleled and strongest in the world!
Comments 4
Chapters 137
Sano Yuji, a black company employee, is summoned to another world while finishing his work at home. His profession in the other world, a Monster Tamer, is considered a job that makes it difficult to become an adventurer. However, thanks to some slimes he met, which read several magical books, he gained magical powers and the second profession, Sage.
Yuji acquired overwhelming power, but is he conscience of his strength? Blindly becoming unparalleled and strongest in the world!
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Jul 06, 2024
Paula Fox
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The series Tensei Kenja No Isekai Raifu ~Daini No Shokugyo Wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou Ni Narimashita~ Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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