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I'm A Fake NPC

4 Votes
Games are now more immersive than they have ever been since fully diving into a game is perfectly possible! But what would you do... If you get spawned as a NPC Blacksmith? SuFei begins his everyday bitter and dull Blacksmith life together with a beautiful female player and his Loli assistant. Every time when he coms across a player he will put on an act and say something like: Dont come near me, Im a real NPC! or What do you mean? I dont understand that weird word you just used or even Abolish the players absolutism! The world belongs to the NPCs!
4 Votes
Games are now more immersive than they have ever been since fully diving into a game is perfectly possible! But what would you do... If you get spawned as a NPC Blacksmith? SuFei begins his everyday bitter and dull Blacksmith life together with a beautiful female player and his Loli assistant. Every time when he coms across a player he will put on an act and say something like: Dont come near me, Im a real NPC! or What do you mean? I dont understand that weird word you just used or even Abolish the players absolutism! The world belongs to the NPCs!

I'm A Fake NPC


I'm A Fake NPC

(4 Votes)
Action;  Adventure;  Comedy;  Fantasy;  
Games are now more immersive than they have ever been since fully diving into a game is perfectly possible! But what would you do... If you get spawned as a NPC Blacksmith? SuFei begins his everyday bitter and dull Blacksmith life together with a beautiful female player and his Loli assistant. Every time when he coms across a player he will put on an act and say something like: Dont come near me, Im a real NPC! or What do you mean? I dont understand that weird word you just used or even Abolish the players absolutism! The world belongs to the NPCs!
Comments 2
Chapters 61
Games are now more immersive than they have ever been since fully diving into a game is perfectly possible! But what would you do... If you get spawned as a NPC Blacksmith? SuFei begins his everyday bitter and dull Blacksmith life together with a beautiful female player and his Loli assistant. Every time when he coms across a player he will put on an act and say something like: Dont come near me, Im a real NPC! or What do you mean? I dont understand that weird word you just used or even Abolish the players absolutism! The world belongs to the NPCs!
aw HELL NAW you ain't Paula Fox so I don't want ya
Jan 09, 2025
Hearing your laugh makes my heart skip a beat. Perhaps we can create a new rhythm together, a little closer? f1nd me on albertabraden_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 17, 2024
The series I'm A Fake NPC contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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