In order to receive love from her father, Keira tried her hardest to live the life of a perfect, submissive daughter.
However one day, Cosette appears claiming to be his real daughter and Kiera is executed under the assumption that she is a fake.
In the last moments of her life, Cosette whispers to Kiera “Truthfully, you were the real one”.
Kiera, recalling those words, returns to the past.
Although revenge is important, what does it matter who is fake and who is real?
Now that I have been given a life again, I will live it freely for myself!
A coming age of romance of a cute female protagonist who has never made friends.
In order to receive love from her father, Keira tried her hardest to live the life of a perfect, submissive daughter.
However one day, Cosette appears claiming to be his real daughter and Kiera is executed under the assumption that she is a fake.
In the last moments of her life, Cosette whispers to Kiera “Truthfully, you were the real one”.
Kiera, recalling those words, returns to the past.
Although revenge is important, what does it matter who is fake and who is real?
Now that I have been given a life again, I will live it freely for myself!
A coming age of romance of a cute female protagonist who has never made friends.
In order to receive love from her father, Keira tried her hardest to live the life of a perfect, submissive daughter.
However one day, Cosette appears claiming to be his real daughter and Kiera is executed under the assumption that she is a fake.
In the last moments of her life, Cosette whispers to Kiera “Truthfully, you were the real one”.
Kiera, recalling those words, returns to the past.
Although revenge is important, what does it matter who is fake and who is real?
Now that I have been given a life again, I will live it freely for myself!
A coming age of romance of a cute female protagonist who has never made friends.
Comments 11
Chapters 148
In order to receive love from her father, Keira tried her hardest to live the life of a perfect, submissive daughter.
However one day, Cosette appears claiming to be his real daughter and Kiera is executed under the assumption that she is a fake.
In the last moments of her life, Cosette whispers to Kiera “Truthfully, you were the real one”.
Kiera, recalling those words, returns to the past.
Although revenge is important, what does it matter who is fake and who is real?
Now that I have been given a life again, I will live it freely for myself!
A coming age of romance of a cute female protagonist who has never made friends.
The music's slow, the atmosphere is inviting... what if we rewrite the rhythm of the night with a touch more... unspoken desires that translate into something unforgettable? f1nd me on sandragardner_mooo_com change _ to dot
Sep 02, 2024
This silence is getting a little too loud. Let's see if our bodies can speak a more interesting language... with a touch that ignites a fire that lingers long after the last word is spoken. f1nd me on carolinedixon_mooo_com change _ to dot
Jul 27, 2024
I love this Novel so much i feels, likes uh i don't know anymore 😂❤
The series Actually, I Was The Real One contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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