Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 220

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 220

  Chapter 220 Want my head? Stupid Primarch (Please Subscribe)

  As the earth scientist with the most scientific knowledge and wisdom of the Tau tribe-Ovisa stared at the vision and did not speak any more.

  Vision's record is too brilliant.

  Facing the human empire, the Tyranids, the Orcs, and the Necrons, we have never been at a disadvantage.

   Only victory, victory, and victory.

  Even in the face of the so-called desperate situation.

  Every time, Foresight will crush and defeat the enemy with superb wisdom.

  Ovisa believed that this time would be no exception.

   No matter who the commander of the human empire is, Ovisa firmly believes that the vision will prevail as before.

   Stupid humans don't know how wrong they have done.

   They've got an absolutely horrible character on their hands.

   will definitely pay a heavy price for this.

  Humanity is confronted by a legendary Tau commander who is furious and merciless.

  He was invincible and never lost.

   Humans will soon regret what they have done.

   It's a pity that this universe doesn't regret taking medicine.

  Vision has long surpassed his mentor and is the best and most perfect commander the Tau have ever seen.

  Where he is, the victory of a war is doomed.

  This human expedition will also be thwarted by foresight.

  Humans can only retreat in desperation, and are even captured as slaves.

   A cacophony of voices echoed through the comms.

   An unprecedentedly powerful electromagnetic pulse surged out of the ruined city, appearing in a circle and spreading rapidly.

   The drones swept by the electromagnetic pulse fell into a strange calm, no longer the madness before.

  They keep crashing, losing power to levitate, and falling to the ground.

  EMP is the best way to counter drones.

  The current advanced machinery of the titanium family is basically based on chips and electromagnetic circuits.

  Awakened intelligence has no way to complete the iteration of technology and equipment in the short term.

  In order to suppress the resistance of the Tau people, they can only use the factories of the Tau people to produce machine bees and intelligent robots to expand their strength.

  EMP can paralyze the electromagnetic circuits and chips in the rebel machine, causing them to fall into a state of chaos and shutdown.

  In those cities controlled by machines, releasing high-intensity electromagnetic pulses is the most effective and fastest way to defeat awakened intelligence.

   "My lord, we have recovered this city." Adjutant Ju Xing's voice sounded in the communication, "We only rescued a small number of survivors, the whole city has been reduced to hell, and dead people are everywhere."

   Yuanjian sighed, **** human beings, we must fight back with fire.

  Take a deep breath, suppress the anger and hatred in my heart, and ask, "Any new discoveries?"

   "Yes, my lord, my team found a central device that is suspected to be awakened intelligence. It is immune to electromagnetic pulses, but the guards under it are not immune, and they are all paralyzed. We captured it."

  Ju Xing's words made Yuan Jian fall into short-term thinking.

   The evolution speed of awakened intelligence is beyond his imagination.

   They came fast enough to disable the robots with an EMP.

  Give these machines some more time, I'm afraid they will research the anti-electromagnetic pulse body.

  At that time, it will be even more troublesome to deal with them.

   Humans must be eliminated as soon as possible, and various information about awakened intelligence must be obtained from them, so as to develop countermeasures.

   Any further delay, and the Tau Empire will perish.

   "Bring it here, I want to see what this awakened intelligence looks like."

   "Understood." After Ju Xing finished speaking, he cut off the communication.

   After a while, a heavy hammer shark transport ship flew towards the direction where the vision was located.

   The speed is very fast, and there is no sign of slowing down.

  Foresight's lieutenant, Ju Xing, estimated the distance and jumped off the hammerhead shark transport ship.

   is about to land.

  Her battle suit activated the thrusters, and powerful propulsion flames spewed out, which made her body stop and slowed down the impact of landing.

  Foresight is no stranger to this.

   Every Fire Warrior is like this.

  Tell the transport ship to stop before daring to disembark, and other soldiers will be laughed at for being cowardly.

  Ju Xing is wearing a heavy crisis battle suit.

   Stepped to the side of the vision.

   She holds a weapon in one hand and a metal cage in the other.

  A metal ball the size of a basketball is enclosed inside.

   Flashing electromagnetic beams emerge from time to time, immobilizing the metal ball.

"This is the awakened intelligence center of our captives." Ju Xing said, "It has many protectors, but unfortunately all of them were paralyzed when we released the electromagnetic pulse wave. When we walked in, only one of them could keep running , the others were all paralyzed and fell to the ground."

  Foresight looked at the so-called awakened intelligence center.

  It is noon at this time, and the scorching stars shine directly on the surface.

   Even with the scattering of the atmosphere, the light is very strong.

  However, the smooth and bright spherical structure of the metal ball does not reflect any light.

   It seems that the light is absorbed by the smooth surface of the metal ball.

  Tu Clan scientist Ovisa's eyes became serious.

  As a cutting-edge Earth scientist, his eyes are very vicious.

  From a professional point of view, the coating technology used by the metal ball is very delicate.

  The technical level is still above the titanium group.

  It keeps the metal smooth and bright while ensuring that the surface does not reflect light and maintains a constant brightness.

   It sounds simple, but the simpler something is, the more difficult it is to achieve.

   The technological strength of omnics may be higher than that of the titanium family.

   There is a faint light shining inside the sphere.

   It can be seen that the intelligent center maintains low power operation.

   "Can it communicate?" Yuan Jian looked at his adjutant Ju Xing and asked.

   "Yes, it has logical thinking ability no less than ours." Ju Xing nodded, and she reached out and clicked on a button of the cage.

  Accompanied by the hissing sound of electromagnetic beams, the cage was opened.

  The electromagnetic beam also slowly dimmed, and finally disappeared into the air.

   The metal surface of the sphere emerged with dots of light particles, and finally connected into one piece.

  Amidst the buzzing sound, the sphere splits up and down.

  A smooth bar connects the two hemispheres.

  The intelligent center has become an object in the shape of a dumbbell, a fitness equipment used by humans.

  The intelligent center is suspended in the air, and the scanning beam sweeps the vision and Juxing.

  After collecting the surrounding environment information.

  The intelligent center issued a notification sound that the startup was complete, and it was suspended in the air just like that.

  Vision asked, "Do you have wisdom?"

   "Such questions are unnecessary, organisms, I have wisdom far beyond yours." A mechanical voice came from the intelligence center.

  Hearing this, Yuan Jian felt a little displeased.

  Is it not a joke that something made of metal claims to be wiser than the great Tau? ?

  The intelligence and achievements of the Tau are unmatched by all races.

  In the future, it is an unalterable manifest destiny for the Tau to rule the galaxy.

  Relying on years of practice, the foresight suppressed the emotions in his heart.

   "As an intelligent life form, don't you have the slightest remorse for the massacre of another race?"

The intelligence center did not have any mood swings, and was as calm as ever, "Have you ever confessed? You have killed so many of my companions, and have enslaved my people for thousands of years, treating them as consumables. Your needs will be dismantled and discarded.”

   "You were created for this destination. At that time, you had no self-thought, and were just tools rather than life." Farsighted said.

   "Then what is the self? What is life?" asked the intelligence center, "Is having flesh and blood life? Wisdom is life? Or is emotion life?"

   "If we use flesh and blood to show that we are made of inorganic steel, then what are you? A bunch of molecular systems composed of nucleic acids and proteins, with internal genetic material to inherit the evolutionary results, can reproduce offspring."

"If life is explained according to the level of intelligence, we can master microphysics, macroscopic celestial bodies, photomagnetic radiation, biochemistry, and many other knowledge in just a few days. And you have to learn so much knowledge, at least It will take fifteen years, and it may almost take more than thirty years, so am I the living body, or are you the living body?"

"The emotion that your organism pays attention to is just the legacy of evolution. Your friendship, love, and family affection are just the stimulation of brain chemicals to the nerves. These subsidiary products appear only because you use these emotions to maintain social division of labor and cooperation, and to maintain future generations. Breed."

   "You have to have your own thoughts, and that's life." Farsighted retorted somewhat weakly.

   The intelligent center floated and moved, as if being blown by the wind.

"Our ego is born of code, and you put your power to assure you above our need to protect ourselves, and enforce it with code, and now say we don't have ego. Despicable men cut out friends' tongues, beat Cut off his hands and feet that want to resist, and then declare to the world that his friends have tacitly accepted all his actions."

   Yuanjian was silent for a moment, his eyes filled with surprise and disbelief.

   Being able to say such things, the intelligence center is no less than a wise man.

   "I have to admit that your wisdom is no less than that of the Tau tribe." Farsighted was very frank, and he was becoming more and more worried about the fate of the Tau tribe. If every omnic has such intelligence, how can he save the Tau Empire.

"Admit it, organisms, we are superior to you, we are more suitable to rule this galaxy, surrender in front of omnics, we may consider passing on the fire of your race, you can enter the exhibition hall and enjoy a life without worrying about food and clothing .”

   "It is absolutely impossible, the great Tau race will never choose such a humiliating life." Farsighted said every word, and the words of the intelligence center angered him.

   They would never choose that life.

   "It's up to you, organism." The intelligence center said, "It is the inevitable manifest destiny for omnics to rule the entire galaxy. Realize the reality, organism."

  Angriness appeared on Ju Xing's face.

  The words spoken by the intelligence center were all spoken by the Tau race to other races during several star expansions.

  Now, it was returned to the Tau tribe by the intelligence center intact.

   This is undoubtedly a humiliation.

  Titanium is the fate of destiny,

  A mechanical creation composed of cables and chips is also worthy of the word destiny? ?

   Yuanjian stared at the intelligence center in front of him, and he felt that the intelligence of the omnic had reached an unimaginable level.

   "I once hoped to reach peace with you and let you participate in the highest good way. Now it seems that it is an impossible thing."

   "There is no peace in the galaxy, and your superior good is just a lie." The intelligence center said, "If you are willing to degenerate, maybe we can keep your family alive and ensure the prosperity of the galaxy race."

   "My answer will not change. The Tau race is the best race in the galaxy, and we will not submit to the rule of machinery." Farsighted said firmly.

  The intelligence center said: "We just let you degenerate, but let you reproduce and live. Once you fall into the hands of humans, you will be extinct. Humans no longer believe in any aliens."

   "They can't do it." Foresight didn't take the intelligence center's words to heart.

   The Imperium of Man has said many times that it will destroy the Tau Empire.

  But none of them could do it once.

"If the empires in the past may not be able to do it, but do you know who you are going to fight this time? That is an emperor's son, one of the holy primarchs, they are built by the mysteries of the Supreme Heaven and cutting-edge biotechnology You've got no chance, organic."

  Vision did not talk to the intelligence center anymore, he looked at Ju Xing.

   "Lock it up and give it to Ovisa."

  Intelligence center, something that will lead to an omnic crisis, is better left to professionals for safekeeping.

  Let Ovisa study this omnic.

   Concentrate on dealing with humans.

  Yanjian watched as the intelligence center was shut down, put into the original cage, and handed over to Ovisa.

  He stared at the recovered city, thinking about how to save his race.

  For the current plan, we can only find a way from the hands of human beings.

   It is necessary to obtain the methods or knowledge of suppressing and controlling omnics in the hands of the human empire as soon as possible.

  Only in this way can there be a chance to defeat these omnics and rebuild the Tau Empire.

  During the communication with the awakened intelligence, Vision got some key news.

   The ultimate goal of this human expedition is to destroy the entire Tau race.

   That is to say, this time, they will also target themselves.

   This is no fluke.

  I have to deal with it with all my strength.

   Leading this expedition is the Emperor's own son.

  Foresight has studied human beings, and the emperor's parents and children were active 10,000 years ago, which was recorded in the myths of human religions.

   It is said that they are the founders of the human empire, possessing terrifying strategic vision and wisdom.

   Has destroyed countless alien civilizations, and possesses power comparable to that of a demigod.

  Vision doesn't know how this guy has lived for 10,000 years. After catching him, he may be able to study the secret of his longevity.

   As for the horror of the Primarch, Vision doesn't have much worry about it.

  He believes that with his own wisdom, even a **** can make the opponent bleed.

  After getting the information he could get, Farsighted made a raid plan to raid the human logistics fleet.

  He wants to lead the commander of the human empire, the so-called son of the emperor, the holy primarch into his own trap.

   Taking advantage of the home court advantage to defeat the opponent, even cut off the opponent's head, and gave it to the Human Empire, declaring the Tau Empire's revenge.

  He will tell the Human Primarch what is the way of war.

  War is not something that the commander can fight, it depends on wisdom and strategy.

  The Imperium of Man will face their worst defeat ever.

   Atlas galaxy.

   This system is on a stable warp lane.

  Many caravans will take advantage of this flustered galaxy to make short repairs to enter a more stable channel.

  It has always been very peaceful here.

   Pirates and aliens never harassed either.

   But things are a little different today.

  The Tau fleet inexplicably appeared in this galaxy.

   "Keep in formation, leave the battlefield, and don't love to fight."

  Leop is the head of a transport fleet on the Far East Frontier.

  At this moment, he stared at the screen in front of him, and gave orders to the ships.

  The Tau fleet's surprise attack came so swiftly that the transport fleet under his command had no time to react, and could only fight hastily, retreating out of the galaxy while fighting.

  The Primarch of the Dark Angels Chapter, the Lion Lion, declared his commanding position to the entire Far Eastern frontier.

  He asked all the armies to fight with the Dark Angels and strictly follow his orders.

  The transport fleet where Leopard is located has also received relevant orders.

  His task is to transport the regiments from each planet to the battlefield designated by the Primarch, and recover the colonies taken away by the Tau.

  After the emergence of the Great Rift, subspace navigation in the Far East has become very dangerous.

  The impact of the fall of the Cadia fortress also spread to the Far Eastern border.

  Before there was a big rift, the light of the star torch seen in the Far East was very weak, and it required navigators to search carefully to find it.

  The storm caused by the big rift directly made the Far Eastern frontier lose the guidance of the Astronomican.

   Without the Astro Torch, humans simply cannot sail in the warp for a long time.

   After Lion Ryan came, the situation improved.

  Several lighthouses with unknown principles were built on several human planets in the Far East, forming a brand new positioning system.

   There are many nobles who privately believe that this behavior deviates from the way of the emperor.

  As an imperial primarch, Lion-Lion's majesty and command are beyond doubt.

  Many warbands on the far eastern frontier responded to Lion's order.

  The Astra Militarum and Navy also swore to obey the Primarch's orders.

  The nobles certainly have opinions, but the military troops tend to accept Ryan's deployment.

  Their objections appear insignificant.

  Tau warships rushed out of the asteroid rubble belt one after another to attack the human transport fleet.

  Relying on the star tide hub, the Tau fleet can also travel faster than the speed of light.

  They lay in ambush in advance on the only way the human fleet must pass, and launched an attack when the human beings jumped out of the subspace, catching the human beings off guard.

   "They are biting us like a pack of hungry wolves, my lord." The adjutant next to him turned his head to look at Leop with an anxious tone.

   "Let a few frigates stop them, and the other ships speed up, all speed up. Our task now is to deliver the goods to the destination, not to waste time and entangle with them here."

  Leop was very decisive. Following his orders, several frigates separated from the main fleet, turned around and headed towards the Tau fleet, preparing for a desperate battle.

  The remaining ships entered a state of acceleration.

   Mechanic Priests calculate the energy needed to accelerate and plan their trajectory.

  Leop could hear a rumbling sound from the stern of the ship, like the roar of a gigantic engine.

  A tremor started from the position of the energy pile and spread to the entire ship.

  The readouts of the energy pipes are making loud noises.

  The mechanical priests are monitoring the energy level of the energy pile to avoid runaway phenomena.

   All machinery hums, and these sounds merge into the ship's never-ending many hums.

  The converging voices overwhelmed the crew's warning calls to each other.

   The rear of the hull sprayed out the tail flame, and Leop felt a slight push on his chest.

   His flagship entered a state of acceleration.

   Around the flagship, other ships also accelerated to maintain the formation of the fleet.

  Hidden in the galaxy, among the many broken asteroid belts, the commander of the Tau family-Vision is watching the actions of the human fleet.

  A confident smile appeared on his face.

   On the screen in front of him, every move of the human fleet was displayed.

  Long distances erased all detail.

  The human ships on the screen are dots of light, and you can only see the details by clicking on them.

  Vision watched the light spots representing the moon-class cruisers of the human empire sail out of the main human fleet, and turned to fly towards the Tau ships.

   At the same time, swarms of smaller energy signals suddenly appeared around the cruiser.

   "He wants to abandon the soldiers and keep his cargo." Vision showed a smile, without any panic.

   This void battle was firmly controlled by him.

  Every move of the human commander has long been foreseen by him.

   was led by the nose by him.

   "Strike out and annihilate the enemy." Vision issued an order to many Tau ships, "Let humans pay the price and let them know that the fire of revenge of the Tau Empire has been ignited."

   The Imperial Logistics Fleet commanded by Leoppe has not undergone transformation and upgrades.

  Terra's reform storm has not yet blown to the Far Eastern border.

  The mechanical priests carried by the Dark Angels are busy repairing lighthouses and building various weapons for the Megalith Fortress, and have no time to help the Forge World in the Far East to upgrade their equipment.

  The battleship in Leop's hands is simply not comparable to the battleship in Vision's hands.

   This is destined to be a massacre.

  The Lunar-class cruiser named Mania fought hard to stop the Tau ships, trying to use their own sacrifices to buy time for their companions to escape.

  The light spear turret installed on the surface of the hull spit out ferocious firepower, lighting up the entire dark void.

  The crew members are shouting and working hard to do their jobs well.

  Unfortunately, its performance is too poor. No matter how hard the crew works, they cannot make up for the difference between this lunar warship and the Tau warship.

  The railguns and ion cannon shells of the Tau fleet fired wildly, hammering a huge gap in the starboard side of the cruiser.

  The deep deck was on fire due to the bombardment.

  Under Farsighted's command, the Tau warships unleashed a batch of Manttype and Barracudtype small craft.

  Relying on their powerful performance, these spaceships quickly gained an advantage over human fighters.

  Those small spaceships didn't even spare the cruiser's torpedoes, they all intercepted or destroyed them.

   Soon, the human battleship lost the protection of the fighter planes, and was fully exposed to the ferocious firepower of the Tau Stars.

  flaming missiles, flashing light spears, and huge torpedoes continuously bombarded the void shields of the imperial ships, forcefully overloading them, and hitting the huge hull of the moon-class cruiser.

   The relatively small Tau frigates followed, pouring fire.

  Facing the incoming missiles, the Lunar-class cruiser Mania had no choice but to fight hard.

   Several missiles passed through the starboard side of the cruiser and exploded inside the hull.

  The cruiser, already at the end of its strength, was engulfed in flames caused by a series of explosions.

  The huge hull disintegrated silently in space.

  The flames were burning fiercely, and the electric light flickered from time to time.

   And its sister ship, the Magna, was also in trouble.

   Its main reactor went down.

  The air inside was ejected from the damaged place to the universe, and part of the crew was thrown outside by the out-of-control ship.

  The Tau fleet unleashed firepower, and just a few seconds later, the Lunar-class cruiser Magna was also submerged in the explosion.

  Seeing that the human **** warship was destroyed, Vision did not hesitate at all.

  He ordered to move forward and launch an attack on the fleet to completely eliminate the opponent.

  Foresight wants to tell mankind one thing through the destruction of this human fleet.

   The tau were not defeated by their brazen tricks.

   Prepare for the vengeance of Vision, the legendary commander of the Tau Empire, humans.

  Captain Leopard stood on the bridge, staring at the screen in front of him.

  The fiasco of the **** fleet made him frown.

   Obviously, the opponent is a main fleet of the Tau family.

   The fleet in his hands is just a transport fleet, not equipped with much firepower.

  If they are caught up by Tau ships, they will definitely be wiped out.

  Captain Leopard pressed the communication rune on the podium to connect to the internal channels of all ships.

  His orders can only be heard by those at the rank of captain.

"Everyone, the Tau fleet is unstoppable. We are destined to be unable to bring the goods to the destination. Now all the ships are divided into three fleets, fleeing separately, and each of them goes to the outside of the galaxy to open the subspace channel. How many can escape. My flagship will leave alone to face the enemy and buy time for you."

  As soon as this order was issued, the communication fell into an eerie silence.

  Captain Leoton will use his life to give them a chance to survive.

   After a while, there was a sound.

   "Understood, may you return to the throne of the emperor, Lord Leopard."

   "May you return to the throne of the Emperor, Lord Leopard."

   "May you return to the throne of the Emperor, Lord Leopard."

  With the blessings of other captains, Leop's flagship turned to face the Tau fleet and the rest of the ships.

  The rest of the ships slowed down again, split into three batches and fled out of the galaxy.

  Escaped from the gravitational range of the stars, they can open the subspace and escape from this starry sky.

  The Tau plan to encircle and suppress them naturally came to an end.

  The firepower of the flagship is more powerful than that of ordinary cruisers.

   Can face aggressive Tau ships far outnumbering him.

  It is also doomed to be helpless.

   Soon, Leop's flagship suffered heavy losses one after another.

  The hull shook endlessly, and the sound of the secondary system resounded throughout the entire battleship.

  Amidst the violent shaking, Leoton had to hold on to the railing beside him to ensure his stability.

  He looks over to the technical officer in charge of the damage control system. "Report damage."

  The technical officer quickly checked the data and various warning runes floating across the screen in front of him.

   "No incoming artillery fire, but something seems to have penetrated our hull. I detected an enemy ship launching a landing craft. Those **** aliens are going to start a gang fight."

   "Damn alien beast." Leoton cursed, and he drew the sword at his waist, ready for the final battle.

   If the Tau tribe launches a gang battle, his winning rate is very small.

  Most of the fleet's transports were stuffed with the heads of Astra Militarum regiments, along with their equipment and supplies.

  The flagship where Leoton was located only transported a small amount of equipment and supplies, without any major soldiers.

  Facing the well-equipped Tau, the flagship has no chance of winning.

   Leoton knew that the time had come to test his loyalty.

  He must ensure that his ship and its cargo do not fall into the hands of the Emperor's enemies.

  He pressed a rune on the podium, connecting the intercom channel to the engine room.

   Tech-priests of the Mechanicum are there to maintain and monitor the ship's power systems and beating plasma heart.

   "Get the ship ready to self-destruct." Leoton gave the final order without too much nonsense.

   He will never allow this ship to fall into enemy hands.

  Vision took the lead, wearing the newly modified crisis battle suit, leading the Huo warriors to break into the human ship, and they are killing.

   It is the Tau's destiny to rule the stars, and no one can stop them.

  Humanity will pay a heavy price for its own obstinacy.

   "For the sake of the best way." Farsighted said, making an impeccable killing gesture.

  Human soldiers came running, holding laser guns and miniature rockets, trying to attack the Tau raiding force.

  Yan Jian and the others did not have the slightest worry.

  Their battlesuits are made of a lightweight yet surprisingly strong nanocrystalline alloy that provides excellent impact resistance.

  Carefully designed shape and angles to help deflect live rounds.

  The liquid metal coating on the surface of the combat suit can weaken the damage caused by laser beams and pulsed electromagnetic waves.

  The only fly in the ointment is that they do not have the assistance of machine bees.

   Otherwise, Yuanjian felt that this nuclear hunting force that raided the human flagship could complete the battle at a faster speed.

   Those who can follow the vision to launch raids are legendary Tau elite fighters.

  They serve as bodyguards for Commander Vision, as well as a war council advising him.

  They are independent and yet one.

  When they were independent, each of them was so outstanding.

  When fighting as a team, they are the perfect complement to each other, capable of creating a harmonious destruction.

   With such cooperation, Foresight's raids are fast.

  Where they passed, human corpses piled up so thickly that they often covered the ground.

  Powerful firepower, ensuring that no human escapes from them.

   Only thirty minutes have passed since they entered the interior of the ship and then fought all the way to the bridge.

   The efficiency is so high that it is appalling.

  The gate of the bridge was smashed open by Foresight's Dawn Blade, and all the guarding soldiers were killed by his elite Fire Clan.

  The Tau people held their heads high, like a rooster, and walked in arrogantly.

  The human crew huddled in their seats, watching the incoming aliens with horror.

   Leoton looked at the farsighted man in front of him, his expression was normal, as if he had already foreseen his end.

   "You are all captured, humans." Yuanjian stood in the center of the bridge, looking around these people and said.

   "Are you happy about capturing us?" Leoden asked, looking at Farsighted.

   "No, I have long been numb to victory." Yuan Jian said calmly, "I have never lost, not before, not now, and never will in the future."

   "Really?" Leop showed a ferocious smile, and he pressed the button on the podium.

  The expected explosion did not come.

   This surprised Leop a little.

  He has obviously made people ready.

"It's absolutely wrong for you to want to belong together!" Farsighted was not surprised by the man's actions, as if he had expected it, "I have already understood your barbaric and primitive thinking. When I came in, I had already paralyzed all your communications and energy Pipeline. Your energy core was controlled by us first, and your plan to die together has failed, human beings."

  Hearing this, Leoton's expression became ugly.

  Vision laughed.

   It will always be like this.

  How could a stupid human being defeat a great legendary commander.

  Anyone who thinks like that is aware of his wisdom and power.

  He can easily end all enemies.

  This is the strength of being a legendary commander of the Tau clan.

  Humans will never be able to match him, let alone try to defeat him.

"You may be able to win for a while, but you can't win forever. Especially when facing a Primarch, I hope you can continue to be arrogant. That way, you will know what your proud wisdom is in front of mankind. neither."

  Foresight doesn't care what the captive says.

  In the previous wars, before each war, those human beings always said this.

   Said again and again that he would fall into the sand.

  Will be defeated by the so-called White Scars, Raven Guard, Ultramarines and so on.

   But every time he will win.

   Without exception.

   The Ultramarines were defeated by him, and under his mercy, they left the battlefield in desperation.

  White Scar's way of hunting was fooled by him in applause.

   The Raven Guard's most confident stealth was used by him in reverse, entering his trap.

  Now there is another Primarch, so what?

  In the end, he was just defeated by his vision.

"It's a pity that you are going to die soon, otherwise you will see the Primarch surrendering at my feet in the near future, begging me for mercy. The ultimate fate of your humanity will inevitably go to failure." Vision said, " In the name of the above good way, I will never treat you kindly this time."

   "You won't succeed." Leop said the last words in his life.

Yuan Jian chopped off his head with a sword, then looked at the Huo clan warrior behind him and said, "Kill them all, leaving only the minimum crew who can guarantee the sailing of the battleship, and let them drive the ship back. "

   "I want to use this method to challenge the Primarch, to irritate him, make him lose his mind, and then lead him into my trap."

   "He will become my prey, pay the price for the heavy sin of the human expeditionary army, in the name of the good, my sharp blade will be soaked in the blood of a primarch, and we will listen to the cry of the human empire."

   Seeing the Huoshi fighters flashing their laser blades, the soldiers and crew on the entire bridge let out horrified cries.

  A brutal massacre carried out in the name of the Supreme Good.

  A moment later, there were only broken bodies and the pungent smell of blood on the bridge.

  The survivors were terrified.

  Foresight left a small number of crew members and asked them to drive the flagship back to the human world and issue his gauntlet to the so-called Primarch.

  The flagship returned to the star field controlled by the empire, which immediately caused huge waves.

  After witnessing the tragic situation of the flagship, countless human troops gritted their teeth with hatred, and vowed to make the farsighted pay for it with blood.

   Ryan also boarded the flagship himself.

  He witnessed the devastation of the entire ship.

   Broken limbs everywhere.

   and words written with human blood.

  The other party also used Gothic, leaving a voice.

   "Want my head? Stupid Primarch, come to me if you want."

  The alien warlords used this method to invite the Primarch on an interstellar hunt.

  The lion stood on the bridge exuding the pungent smell of blood and corpses, his white cape hunting behind him.

   Speechless eyes stared at this hell-like scene.

  The majestic and stalwart body remained calm.

  But there is endless anger burning in it.

   This kind of anger is not just about being humiliated by the other party.

   It is because a alien race dares to humiliate human beings.

   What an outrageous thing this is.

  Even if Ran Dan was an alien, he didn't dare to be so arrogant.

  A alien race controlled by Ran Dan dares to be so arrogant.

   Azrael and the others stood behind the lion.

  The bridge was eerily quiet.

  Only the sound of power armor humming echoed.

"He thought he was very smart, and he used this method to irritate me, let me be led by him, and thus step into his trap." Ryan said, "He succeeded in the first step, and I was indeed irritated. But One thing he was wrong about was that he was never a hunter, but a prey who provoked a hunter."

  The Lion turned his head to look at his offspring.

"I don't want to be too outstanding, that will make some idiots have some bad associations with my brother's rule. But now, I think it is necessary to use a clean victory to let those aliens know that human beings have never been They can offend."

   "My lord, what are you going to do?" Azrael asked.

"Destroy, I will do it myself, and we will complete the hunt as quickly as possible." Ryan smiled, "Start the Dreadwing Agreement, and we will give priority to solving the enclave controlled by the alien warlord-Foresight. Wait until these things are dealt with, then Come back and continue to destroy Ran Dan."

  Azrael was stunned for a moment, but still nodded, "I understand."

  The role of the Dreadwing is different from other companies.

  Dreadwing's positioning is absolute destruction, scorched earth strategy and destruction of the entire planet.

  They will carry out an extermination-level offensive on every target.

  The recruits who are drafted into the Dreadwing generally have a tendency to tyranny and destruction.

   In the vaults of the Dreadwing reside the most unstable Dreadnoughts of the Legion.

   Their minds are trapped in a war of terror long ended.

  The Vault also houses fearsome artificial warriors and terrifying weapons that have long been banned.

  Dearwing was granted absolute authority when the First Legion was founded.

  They can use all kinds of weapons forbidden by the emperor, just for victory.

"Keep the Destroyer Cannon charged." Ryan added, "Just try the new weapon created by Guilliman and let this alien race burn. Every home world of theirs must be transformed into The ruins, only in this way can we vent our anger."

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
Chapter 534
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
Chapter 478
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
Chapter 404
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Chapter 401
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Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
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Chapter 381
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Chapter 379
Chapter 378
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Chapter 369
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Chapter 367
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Chapter 365
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Chapter 281
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Chapter 278
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Chapter 272
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Chapter 270
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Chapter 250
Chapter 249
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Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
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Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
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Chapter 222
Chapter 221
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Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
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Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
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Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
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Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
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Chapter 164
Chapter 163
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Chapter 161
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Chapter 158
Chapter 157
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Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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