Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 458

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 458

  Chapter 458 The invincible Nagash was brought down again 22 (for subscription))

  "I will restore the glory of the Ratman Empire, I will make humans pay for their stupidity, and I will become the first emperor of the Ratman Empire."

   Standing on the tower, Thanquol rubbed his paws happily.

  Thanquero, the greatest Gray Seer of this era.

   Darkness that moves, cunning schemer, servant of the Great Lord of Corruption, blessed son of the Horned Rat.

  He is an immortal legend, a strong leader.

   Unfortunately, he did not have a place in the Thirteenth Council.

   This also became his luck.

  Humans raided the seat of the Thirteenth Council and killed all the ratmen lords.

  Thanquol was lucky to become the most powerful lord of the surviving ratmen clan.

  It is said that he holds such an important position in the fate of the world that he will be released soon after being captured by the priests of the Slann lizardmen, the creatures of the Old Ones.

  Those creations of the ancient sages are afraid that after capturing Thanquero, they will disturb the fate and bring about unimaginable and terrible disasters.

  Thanquero is such a Ratman favored by fate.

   In order to save his own race, Thanquol made a perfect plan.

  He planned to take advantage of his viciousness and terrifying power of action to put it into action.

   Countless surviving Ratman clans and those large and small warlords were summoned by him from all directions to become part of the plan.

  Thanquol firmly believes that his well-planned plan will soon reverse the fragmented Skaven Empire.

  The great horned rat will use his hand to descend into the world and sweep away those damned, stupid humans.

   Humans will pay an unimaginable price for offending the Ratmen.

  Those fools who dare to declare war on the Ratmen will howl in a world of darkness, despair, and pain until the end of time.

   Around Thanquoro, the Ratman army has been deployed.

   Rows of powerful ratmen warriors, holding weapons, supervised the work of ratmen slaves.

  The supervisor holds a whip, and as long as the slaves relax a little, they will whip them up.

  The huge rat troll has several times the height and weight of an ordinary human, and its appearance resembles a combination of a rat and a wolf.

  The scarlet eyes were full of fury.

  Sharp, long claws protrude from giant fingers, and the tail slaps the air violently.

  The presence of the rat troll greatly frightened the slaves.

  Who dares to make the slightest change, these behemoths will tear it to pieces without hesitation.

  The era of the Thirteen Councils is over.

  Those fools were killed by the raiding humans and dwarves.

  To be honest, Thanquoro didn't feel the slightest bit of sadness at the death of those idiots.

   On the contrary, I was a little excited.

  This is the perfect time to unify the Skaven Empire.

  The Council of Thirteen has seriously slowed down the great plans of the Horned Rat.

  They always fight among themselves, consuming the Ratman's strength, and they don't take the Horned Rat's plan to heart.

   It is most appropriate to entrust the smart and wise Thanquero to do things like this.

  Look at how I strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away. While talking and laughing, I want to reverse the situation and revive the glory of the Ratman.

  The place where Thanquero now stands is the great city of Nagashizar, once the lair of the darkest and most evil necromancers of ancient times.

  Nagash, an existence that once brought endless suffering to the world.

  The man who almost turned the whole world into a world of undead.

   is also the master of Nagashiza City.

  Thanquero, as a gray prophet, is good at gaining power from those ancient records and knowledge.

  He has the same hobby as other people who are eager to explore the truth, that is, to understand the secrets that exist in this world.

  The story of the confrontation between Nagash and the Skaven Empire is still circulating in the Skaven world.

   Nagash was the eldest son of King Nehekhara.

   There is a custom in Nehekhara, their ancestors had signed an agreement with the gods.

   That is, the eldest son will be sent to the temple, while the second son will be in charge of secular power.

  The sacrificial power is higher than the secular power, and for this reason, it is not considered against the eldest son.

   However, Nagash had briefly tasted power, and he was very dissatisfied with the fact that the eldest son could not inherit the throne.

   But he was powerless to change at that time, so he could only become a priest.

  Nagash was very intelligent, and soon became a high priest with his own means.

  He secretly accumulated strength and learned dark magic.

   When the time is right, this crazy guy kills his younger brother and occupies his beautiful, **** sister-in-law.

   Also developed a life elixir, controlled a large number of diehards, and created immortals.

   Immortals are future vampires.

   In addition to these, he also maintained a reign of terror in Nehekhara for a period of time.

   plundered the wealth of Nehekhara, and built the most magnificent black pyramid in history.

  The whole body of the pyramid is made of black marble, and each brick is engraved with runes, which can automatically absorb and store the wind of magic, and can also increase and strengthen the power of spells.

  Nagash drained the treasuries of the major city-states for this pyramid, sacrificed tens of thousands of slaves, and used their corpses to grind and smear them in the cracks of the pyramid's bricks.

  The magic he studied became more and more evil.

  Until the kings could no longer tolerate it, they joined forces to attack Nagash.

  In the beginning, the coalition of kings was no match for Nagash.

  He summoned the dead with his own magic, created a plague, and defeated the coalition army.

   Also destroyed the city of the covenant, killed his own sister-in-law, and destroyed the channel for the gods to interfere in mortal affairs.

   Let the gods no longer be able to shelter the coalition of kings.

  In order to fight back against the Jedi, the coalition forces of the kings did not hesitate to take out all their wealth.

  Steam-powered Holy Titan and Tomb Scorpion.

  Magic power spaceship fleet, lizardmen mercenaries, ironware purchased by Cathay.

   Relying on these family backgrounds to fight Nagash.

  The arrogant Nagash was defeated by the coalition of kings, and his evil rule was thus ended.

   However, this is not the end.

  Failed Nagash was expelled to the wilderness, but found a rich dimensional stone vein that even the Skaven Empire did not own.

  The giant city of Nagashiza was established.

   Enslaved the local living people and created the undead army again.

  The Ratman also found this place at that time.

  For the dimension stone, the two sides have been fighting for decades.

  Everything from constructs, poisons, to armies of the undead were used.

  In the end, both sides had no way to defeat each other, so they could only shake hands and make peace.

  With the aid of the Warpstone veins, Nagash rose again.

  He forged a set of black armor that could quickly restore himself.

  Its function is equivalent to the black pyramid built before.

   Re-summon to assemble the undead army and resurrect the dead subordinates.

   Prepared a massive revenge.

  At that time, Nagash had become the only one who had a little understanding of the nature of the Chaos Gods without going mad.

  He even set a small goal, which is to stand on an equal footing with Chaos and rule a world where only the undead exist.

   And the source of this great plan is his former homeland - Nehekhara.

  However, at that time a man full of prophetic vision-Akadiza became the leader who ruled the kings.

  Akadiza established various systems targeting the undead, built various fortresses, and prevented Nagash's vicious conspiracy.

   On the frontal battlefield, Nagash can be said to have suffered a crushing defeat.

   was defeated by Akadiza, and nine out of ten of the hard-earned undead army were killed or injured.

  Kan Nagash is good at playing tricks and tricks, with a dark and vicious heart.

  He has a very dire plan.

  If you can't beat it head-on, you decide to play shady means.

  Bring the Ratman to take the poison he made to poison the Fountain of Eternal Life.

   Polluted Nehekhara's water source, causing a terrible plague.

  All creatures, from humans and animals to crops, will be infected, and no one is spared.

   Then he sent his capable general, the black Akhan, to massacre the survivors, and brought back the Arkadiza who stopped his plan.

  Using Akadiza as a spell-casting tool, an unprecedented super-large-scale summoning technique was released, covering half of the continent.

  The guided energy is so strong that the whole world can observe it.

  With the help of this terrible spell, he awakened all the dead who were buried under this land in the past, forming the largest undead army.

  Plan to slaughter all living beings in the world and turn the world into the underworld.

   The Ratman had to create a Fallen Blade.

  This sword is made of dimensional stone and star iron, and has unimaginable god-killing power.

  The Rat Man sent the sharp blade to Alkadiza's cell and opened the cell door.

  Akadiza picked up the Fallen Blade and rushed out, killing Nagash, who had just cast a super undead spell and fell into a weak state.

   Let his plan come to naught.

  In the following years, Nagash was resurrected several times.

  Every resurrection, the world will usher in a disaster.

  Behind the vampires and undead legions that invaded the empire before, there is the shadow of Nagash.

  As soon as he returns to the present world, it will cause the carnival of the dead.

  Many of the ancient tomb kings who are active today are his enemies in the past, and they are the undead summoned by the super-giant undead spell.

  Those guys have gained free will and no longer obey Nagash's orders.

   Nagash was beaten up by those guys and kicked out of Nehekhara.

  Nagash, who had nowhere to go, fled to Nagashza again, planning to hide, recover his strength, and rise again.

   Thanquol chose to cooperate with Nagash considering that he needed a powerful ally who was good at dark magic.

  Nagash is despicable, sinister and vicious, but one of his advantages is that he knows how to assess the situation.

  When strong, the eyes always grow on the forehead.

  When you are down and down, you can often act humble again.

   Knowing that the Rat Man was going to form an alliance with him, Nagash slapped his fleshless thigh, bluntly saying that the past is past, and the two sides cooperate to look forward to the future.

  Thanquero gave Nagash a large amount of dimensional stones, and tried to get him to regain the black pyramid and the crown of witchcraft, so that his strength was greatly restored.

   When all this is done, the other party will fulfill the agreement and use the magical power of the Crown of Witchcraft and the Black Pyramid to help Thanquoro open the passage for the Horned Rat to descend.

   And today is when the ceremony begins.

  Thanquero looked down from a height, and could see eight huge altars that had been completed surrounding the black pyramid where Nagash was.

  The slaves used as sacrifices are ready and kept in cages, tremblingly waiting for the arrival of death.

  The priests standing next to the altar are preparing to cut the throats of those sacrifices with knives.

   Only enough deaths can break the rule that gods cannot be born.

  With the magic of Nagash and a great blood sacrifice, the great horned rat can be summoned back to the world.

   Farther away from the altar, the black pyramid emitting evil green light and flowing with terrifying magic fluctuations is the current residence of Nagash.

  The Nine Scrolls of Nagash, the Crown of Witchcraft, and the Black Pyramid, these things created by Nagash are constantly returning.

   Soon, Nagash will be able to restore his peak state and become the strongest existence in this world.

  The sound of a series of iron boots stepping on the stone slab came.

  Several warriors in black armor with green eyes appeared from the stairs of the tower.

  Their arrival made the temperature in the tower suddenly drop a lot.

   Originally, Chuan Kuiluo felt that it was a bit stuffy today, but now, he felt like he had fallen into a freezer.

   The soldier headed by him was unusually tall, much taller than the other black-armored fighters.

  The runes of the armor on his body are also more complicated, with invisible brilliance flowing faintly.

  A terrifying rune giant sword hangs from his waist, exuding a palpitating aura.

  Green light flows from the position of the eyes. If you look carefully, you will find that they are two green flames.

   This is a resurrected dead.

   It was summoned back from the other side world by Nagash in the form of profane life.

  Thanquero is no stranger to him, the other party is the right-hand man of the evil mage - Black Akhan, it is said that he helped the queen of Lahmia to forge the life elixir and created the vampire.

   "Master is ready." Akhan's voice was very cold, as if it came from the Nine Serenity Hell, it was creepy.

   "Very well, I will order the priests to start the blood sacrifice immediately."

  Tranquero had an ugly smile on his mouse face.

  Akhan suppressed the disgust in his heart, but did not express it.

  The grand blood sacrifice ceremony began soon.

  Following the screams of the first slave before his tragic death, purple-black clouds mixed with thunder surged from the horizon, heading straight for the ancient, dark city of Nagashzar.

  The terrifying dark purple thunder tore apart the night, the sky split open, and terrifying energy like sea water poured down from those cracks, covering the entire world in dark purple light.

   Against the backdrop of the night sky, many weird silhouettes emerged in the air.

   Those screaming, nightmare-born entities are screaming, crying, trying to cross the veil of reality and illusion into the world.

  Wearing a crown of witchcraft and magical armor made of warp stones and star iron, on the top platform of the Nagash War Black Pyramid, ancient spells are recited.

  The slaves built eight giant blood pool altars around the black pyramid.

  The Ratman Priest was constantly cutting the slave's throat, cutting the blood vessels of his limbs, and throwing them into the pool of blood.

  The dead were innumerable, their screams echoing through the Warp.

  The wind was howling, and the clouds above the ceremony site gathered into a vortex of lightning and thunder. With the double blessing of the power of the spell and the sacrificial ceremony, the scale of this storm was growing at an extremely fast speed and intensity.

   Constantly spreading, covering wilderness and mountains.

  Countless beasts howling and crying.

  Countless creatures screamed in the nightmare, and when they woke up, they were still trembling with fright.

  Voices in the darkness grow, whispering excitedly about the chaos to come.

   Primal power poured out from the other shore, drowning everything in this world.

  Nagash could feel the denizens of another world answering his call.

  A terrifying entity, an extremely terrifying creature.

   is coming to this world with his magic power and blood sacrifice.

  Thanquero witnessed the beginning of this grand spell.

  He had to be in awe of Nagash's terrifying strength.

   In time, Nagash will have the power to compete with the Horned Rat for promotion.

   Of course, Thanquol would not let that happen.

   After the Horned Rat arrives, he will immediately let the assassins do it, and stab the fallen blade that has been prepared into the opponent's chest.

  Weaken the strength of the opponent.

   Then let him and the imperial dog bite the dog.

  Despicable and treacherous, but a good character of a Skaven.

  Thanquero will definitely not forget it.

  Let that idiot Nagash do his work for nothing.

   At that time, the other party's angry screams must be very moving.

  Thanquero could even imagine the opponent roaring hysterically.

   "Tranquero, you despicable and shameless rat man, I will not let you go, and I will definitely take revenge on him."

  Thinking of what the other party might say, Thanquiro couldn't help but laugh out loud.

  Dare to cooperate with the smartest and most intelligent Thanquero in the world.

  The famous necromancer will soon fall into his hands.

  In the violent storm, several figures walked into this city full of dead people and rats from the wilderness.

   Their whereabouts are very secretive.

  The dead men and ratmen were unaware of this.

  They put all their attention on the altar.

  The appearance of the strange storm also made many guards lose their usual vigilance.

   All they could hear were horrible screams and wind mingled with ghostly whispers.

  Only when a sharp sword stabs their throat, or shatters their soul core, will they know that someone has invaded belatedly.

  But they couldn't do anything, they couldn't even shout.

  The only thing that greets them is endless darkness.

"This city disgusts me." Teresa flicked the blood from the dagger in disgust, and several ratman guards fell near him, and the mage was using his magic hand to stuff them all into the stinky ditch in.

  The smell of the ditch is pungent and disgusting. Even if the corpse is rotting, no ratman will go to check it. It is a good place to hide the corpse.

   "No one doesn't hate this place." Udi whispered: "This city is filled with an evil force, full of corpses and the smell of rats. If it wasn't for the mission, I would never step here."

   "Stop complaining, let's kill that mouse quickly, and then we can leave." The dwarf-Gorek rolled his eyes, and walked to the thief-Teresa, "Would you like to make a bet."

   When Teresa, who was complaining, heard this, her eyes lit up slightly, and she quickly put it away again, becoming the same as usual.

  He looked at Gotrek and asked casually.

   "What bet?"

   "Who can catch Thanquol first, how about a gamble? The loser will hand over the reward for this mission." Gotrek said.

   "You're a fighter, I'm at a disadvantage." Teresa said, "This bet is not fair to me."

"You also have the armor and weapons of the Empire on your body. There is nothing unfair. Those ratmen are not your opponents at all, let alone you are a thief. You can easily bypass those enemies. Are you afraid? As cowardly and cowardly as all halflings are."

"Fart, halflings have nothing to fear." Teresa said viciously: "Don't use your clumsy aggressive method to deal with me, you have a muscular pier in your head. I'll bet with you to see who can catch Chuan Kui Luo! You will definitely lose everything this trip."

   "Let's see then," Gotrek said, "Let's see who is the one who lost everything."

"I suggest that you two have a clear understanding of the current situation, we are now in the enemy's stronghold." Udi looked at the two men with some helplessness, "I warn you, if this mission is messed up, I will send you two Tie it up, hang it on the boat and bring it back."

   "Don't worry, this mission will never fail. The strongest butcher in history will do it. That damned ratman has no other possibility except to kneel on the ground and wait for us to catch him."

"I hope some of the strongest butchers won't lose without losing their pants. Don't worry, Lord Udi, you don't have to trust guys with muscles in their heads, but you can definitely trust me, and you will see The method of the strongest thieves, taking the head of the enemy among the ten thousand armies is as easy as picking something out of a pocket."

   "That's right, the strongest thief was hanged in the vegetable market for public display."

   "It's better than a butcher losing money and trying to cheat."

   "Fart, can the butcher's business be called cheating?"

"If you keep arguing, I guarantee that both of you will have to be questioned by the judge. The crime of delaying the great cause of the Holy Emperor is enough for the two of you to go to the wilderness to plant potatoes for several years." Udi stopped the two **** quarrel.

   Speaking of the Inquisitor, Theresa and Gotrek fell silent.

   There was still dissatisfaction in their eyes, but they no longer dared to quarrel.

  The judge can't reason.

   Last time a warrior yelled at the city gate to blow up the evil and dictatorial Holy Emperor.

   As a result, he was arrested directly, and it is said that he was assigned to install guardrails on the road on the roof of the world.

  Everything in the empire exists for the great cause of the Holy Emperor.

  Everything can be sacrificed.

  Udi silenced the two with threatening words, then gestured for the team to move on.

  As a mage, Harris quickly used his unique spell to capture the location of the target of this trip.

  They shuttled through this dark, weird city full of dead people and ghosts, heading for their target.

  The members of the team walked through the uninhabited city like ghosts, and walked through the weird factories that emitted green light.

  This city is the city of the dead, who live here in a different way of life than the living.

   Awakened necromancers can be seen everywhere.

   They wander in the dark city in a daze.

  Unexamined, difficult to find the real self.

  Some ghosts emitting white light pass through the walls, roofs, or anywhere.

  When not fighting, they appear harmless, wandering the Primarch weeping or whispering something he said before he died.

  But once they see blood, they will show the hideous and terrifying appearance of ghosts.

  Dressed in ragged clothes that looked like strips of cloth, a rotting face, scarlet teeth, and purple claws.

  With hatred for the living, he let out a scream and completely tore the intruder into pieces.

  Udi grew up listening to stories of the wilderness.

  Tales of vengeful ghosts are often the scariest of all.

   Even more frightening than those demons.

  If he could choose, he would rather fight the devil than wander in a haunted house.

   The dead and undead cannot see the members of the squad.

  The set of imperial armor on them can cover the user's projection in the subspace.

  Ghosts do not have a body, so naturally they cannot see living people through the rules of physics.

  The vision of the real universe depends on the refraction of light.

  Ghosts don't have the organs to receive light, so naturally they can't see things through the refraction of light.

  Most of them use their own eyes that can see the subspace or possess other creatures to see things in the real world.

  The armor hides the projections of the team members in the subspace, and those ghosts naturally turn a blind eye to them.

  Let the members of the team swagger past in front of them.

  The members of the team are very careful, but the strong in this world are not vegetarians.

  Even if there is an insurmountable gap between scientific and technological knowledge and the empire, the existence of the subspace gives those powerful people some capital to fight against human beings.

  When the members of the team lurked near the tower where Thanquoro was, Akhan, who was standing with Thanquoro, felt the breath of a living person.

   "A few pathetic ants dare to break into my lord's territory." Akhan pulled out his giant sword, and the green flames spread along the weird lines, reflecting the tower into a bright green.

  His breath was extremely cold, and frost condensed in the air.

  Hundreds of meters high tower, he jumped down and rushed to where the enemy was.

   "Accept the wrath of the undead king, ants."

  His growls and movements caught the attention of the other defenders.

  Some immortals, high-level vampires, and ratman guards also rushed over here.

   "It's exposed, let's do it." Realizing that camouflage is useless, Udi also pulled out the long sword in his hand, and chopped off the head of a ratman who came.

   Gotrek roared and snarled as he swung a much larger tomahawk and charged like a maddened beast.

   His strong muscles swelled up, making him look more like a prick.

  Although the appearance is funny, its powerful strength is still very daunting.

   Nothing can stop a mad butcher.

  Arkhan, who rushed over, swung the dead man's blade and rushed towards Gotrek, and then flew back at a faster speed.

   Crashed into the tower with a bang, setting off a terrible cloud of dust.

  When Akhan got up, his face showed disbelief.

   With eyes shining green, he looked at the blade of the dead that had killed countless enemies and imprisoned the souls of the losers.

  There was a huge gap in the once perfect sword that shone with a terrifying cold light.

   There are traces of cracks in many places, and they are just about to be shattered.

   "How is it possible?" Akhan said in his heart.

   This sword is a rune sword made of star iron. It is extremely sharp and cuts iron like mud.

Akhan used to hold that sword in his hand and slaughtered all the way from the giant city of Nagashiza to the Gate of Dawn and then to Khamri. Gash laid a great land.

   Now, there is such a big gap just by touching it!

  If it wasn't for the lack of flesh and blood on his face, Akhan would have given himself two slaps to see if he wasn't awake.

  How could his Deadman's Blade be so bad!

   Could it be that it has been left for too long, and it has rusted!


   Sure enough, everything needs to be used frequently. When the time comes, I will ask Queen Lahmia if she needs help.

   If it is not used for a long time, it will also be blocked.

  Screams came from outside, interrupting Akhan's meditation.

  Akhan didn't care about thinking too much, and rushed out again from the gap he made.

   This time, he had no reservations and released all his strength.

  Green flames burned on the black armor.

  It makes him look like a ghost crawled out of hell, and now he is back in the world.


   he roared.

   But the battle outside was somewhat beyond Akhan's expectations.

  The dwarf who sent himself flying with a single blow was as efficient as a slaughter machine.

   Those immortals and vampires were directly chopped to the ground by him, falling over.

   Immortals and vampires have the same essence, the difference is that the former relies on life elixir, while the latter relies on blood.

  They both have terrible recovery abilities.

   is an important force of Nagash's undead army.

   But now, they are all defeated.

  The dwarf stomped on their bodies, slaughtering all that dared come near.

   After a while, there was a pile of corpses under his feet.

   On the other side, several humans and a halfling were also killing.

  They are well-trained and proficient in killing, and the armor and weapons in their hands are incredibly powerful.

  Akhan felt that compared to the armor and weapons of those guys, the artifacts made by Nagash were nothing more than that.

   With a wave of the long sword, no matter what kind of resistance those ratmen and undead make, they will be cut through by the opponent.

  The weapon with the power of the undead is as fragile as a wooden branch, easily cut off by the opponent.

  Those black-armored knights and undead warriors couldn't even block a move in their hands.

  Some liches and necromancers tried to use their magic to deal with the intruders, but when the magic hit them, they would be eliminated by the faint glow shield, which would have no effect at all.

   The arrow feathers of the undead archers and ratman archers kept shooting at the dark armor, but they couldn't leave even a white mark.

  But the team is still in a tight siege.

   Endless undead come from all directions, and there are also countless ratmen.

  The endless waves of enemies could not make the members of the squad retreat.

  They already had a plan for this situation.

   "In the name of the Holy Emperor." Harris roared, and the double-headed eagle scepter held high was dancing with the brilliance of the augmenting force field.

  With this artifact, Harris has gathered unprecedented and terrifying magic power.

  The terrible magic burst out with bright light, just like a rising sun.

   After the condensation was strong enough, Harris thrust the scepter into the ground and called out the name of the spell.


  A terrifying golden flame centered on him and swept away in all directions.

   Akhan who rushed over felt an unprecedented threat from the flame.

  He turned his head and ran away at a faster speed.

  The golden flame surged like a hurricane, igniting the undead and ratmen along the way.

   Let them burn like a torch.

  A shrill scream resounded through the audience.

   Undead suffer the most damage.

  The green flames in their bodies went out, and their bodies turned into ashes in just a few seconds, drifting away with the wind.

  The Ratmen screamed, but didn't kill them completely.

  Purge simply ignites those warp powers attached to the entity.

   Ratmen have their own real bodies.

   This spell cannot completely destroy them.

  The undead that can be cleaned up also greatly reduces the pressure on the members of the team, and the remaining ratmen can no longer stop them.

  Several members of the team rushed towards their target in tacit understanding.

  The tower is nothing to them.

  Harris can make them as light as swallows with a single levitation technique, allowing them to climb up from the outside of the tower.

   The target is on top of the tower.

  Harris also released a space interference technique to ensure that the opponent would not escape through the teleportation spell.

  The sound of booming explosions can be heard endlessly.

  Relying on years of experience, Chuan Kuiluo quickly realized that the other party was coming for him.

  Those guys in armor and with the double-headed eagle emblem on their chests are definitely the humans who raided and killed the Thirteenth Council.

   They are eyeing themselves.

  He should have thought of this long ago, humans will not let the rat people unite again.

   A ratman race that is torn apart and allowed to be slaughtered by them is in their interest.

   Gotrek is the fastest.

  In order to win the bet, let Teresa know how powerful he is, every inch of flesh and blood in his body is full of strength.

   "Protect me." Thanquol said to the Bone Crusher who had been following him.

  Bonebreaker is Thanquoro's bodyguard and the one he trusts the most.

  During the long years, the Bonebreaker died many times. After each death, Thanquol would collect his remains and stitch them to a new rat troll to create a new Bonebreaker.

  Bonebreaker is also extremely loyal to Thanquol, saving him from danger many times.

  Bonecrusher let out a low growl, roaring and rushing towards the enemy.

  The next second, the dwarf who jumped up chopped off the strong legs of the bonebreaker, which was comparable to the body of a rat man warrior, and made him fall down.

  The huge armored body collided with the ground, making a rumbling sound.

  Bonebreaker tried to swing his claws, but was decapitated by the next human rushing up.

   His head was also kicked away.

  Thanquero stared at all this in awe.

  The bodyguard died too quickly, it took less than a few breaths.

   So short that he didn't even realize what was going on.

   When the opponent rushed towards him, Akhan rushed up again.

  When the mage released the purification just now, he ran away decisively and escaped a catastrophe.

   It's not that he was cowardly, it's mainly because the move just now was too terrifying. If he didn't run away, he would probably be seriously injured if he didn't run away.

   Akhan roared angrily.

  His body is tall and strong, and he is wearing heavy armor, which looks full of oppression.

   When running, the ground trembles slightly.

  The green flame from the sword in his hand also became more terrifying than before, making the air condense into frost.

   However, his ending is no better than other immortals or vampires and liches.

   Gotrek split him in two with an axe, and his Deadman's Blade shattered into pieces.

   Before Akhan had time to say some harsh words, he fell into darkness.

   Solve the last obstacle.

   Gotrek smiled, raised his ax and rushed towards Thanquol.

  There was a ferocious smile on the dwarf's generous face.

  There was unconcealable excitement in those wise eyes.

   Let that damned halfling know what the power of a butcher is!

  Let him not get paid a dime, and lose to grandma's house!

   But with the passage of that fraction of a second, Gotrek's smile quickly disappeared, followed by panic.

  Theresa sneaked behind Thanquoro at some point.

  The dagger in his hand had already pierced Thanquoro's neck.

   As long as the dagger is drawn across, Thanquoro's head will fly directly, winning the bet.

  The face of the halfling showed a smile that everything was under control.

  The other hand even extended the middle finger, taunting Gotrek.

  Just when the members of the team thought that the mission would be completed soon and Thanquoro was about to die.

  A fissure with a strange radiance appeared behind Thanquoro.

  The hairy, giant hand that looked like a Ratman's claw several times enlarged protruded from the space-time rift.

   grabbed Thanquol and dragged him into the crack.

  Theresa and Gotrek collided because they were too fast.

   "No!" Teresa uttered a heart-piercing cry, as if what the giant hand took away just now was not Thanquero, but his beloved new wife.

   If I didn't run away with a few wives, I would definitely not be able to shout that voice.

   Just barely, he'd be able to show the muscular-headed fool how powerful halflings are.

   "He's mine." Gotrek rushed out of the tower, and with his keen vision, he saw the pyramid in the center of the giant city at a glance, and Thanquol was taken there.

   Obviously, the horned rat, the **** Thanquoro believed in, made the move.

  The Thirteenth Council has been destroyed, and the elite of the Ratmen have suffered heavy casualties.

  Warlords from all over the world were killed by humans using beheading tactics.

  Big Horned Mouse has very few subordinates.

   If Thanquoro is not rescued, he will really be a poor commander.

   "Keep chasing down." Udi took the lead in jumping off the tower, and flew towards the black pyramid using the gliding technique blessed by Harris.

  The others followed suit.

  Harris is at the end.

  After so many missions, the team members have cooperated very well.

  When the ratmen and undead rushed up the tower, they all flew towards the black pyramid, letting it go straight into the air.

   Chuankuiluo touched his neck with lingering fear, and found that his head did not fly out.

  The mouse used to act as the real body of the horned mouse was already suspended in the air at this time, its eyes were burning with terrible flames, and waves of power visible to the naked eye were agitated all over its body.

  Indescribably terrifying divine power filled that body.

  Using the blood sacrifice and Nagash's mana, the Horned Rat has successfully poured its own strength and will into this realistic body.

  The time for the Ratman Empire to reverse the situation is coming.

  The Great Horned Rat will bring salvation to the Ratmen of this world.

   Just now he was facing a life-and-death crisis, but now he saw the arrival of the great horned rat.

  Thanquero was so excited that he was about to cry.

too difficult.

   was almost slaughtered.

   But revenge will come soon.

   At that time, all those human beings will die.

  As soon as Chuan Kuiluo saw the incarnation of the horned rat, he felt the aura of dominance coming towards him. He knelt down excitedly and shouted "Great."

  Before he finished shouting, a bone hand pierced the horned rat's body in the real world abruptly.

   It let out a shrill scream.

  Even Chaos Gods are strong and weak, and they are by no means invincible.

  The Big Horned Rat is weak compared to the Four Gods.

  Although it has the potential to become a Chaos God, it can still be injured.

   Chuan Kuiluo stared at this scene dumbfounded, unable to believe what he saw.

   It was Nagash who did it.

  He is like a lich, floating three feet above the ground,

   Wearing a set of pure black armor with a cloak behind it.

   A face with only bones can't see the other party's happiness or anger.

  The other party's excitement at this time can only be felt from the violently burning green fire in the empty eye sockets.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

  Nagash reached out his other hand and took control of the head of the avatar of the horned rat.

   Then there was a weird laugh.

   That voice was full of viciousness and viciousness.

  Thanquoro swore he had never heard such a terrible sound.

   "What are you doing?" Thanquiro stared at the impaled incarnation of the horned rat, his questioning tone trembling.

   Nagash is absolutely a complete lunatic.

  How dare he, how dare he attack a god.

"Do you think I'm really here to help you? Stupid mouse." Nagash mocked with a hoarse voice, "I just lied to you, asking you to mobilize those ratmen to help me retrieve these equipment, and then use it The blood sacrifice summons the avatar of the Horned Rat, and I take the divine shard from the Horned Rat's avatar. Everything is so perfect, fool, you will accomplish my great deed."

   "I, Nagash, will not be weaker than others in my life. Others can become a high god, so can I. I will become the **** of gods, the king of all living beings, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

   Nagash is an absolute genius.

  At the beginning, he captured three dark elves and learned dark magic from each other's hands.

  But the talent of human beings is completely inferior to that of the elves, so Nagash found another way, learned to draw power from absorbing other people's souls, and created the undead spell.

   It can be said that he has thoroughly understood the basics of magic, and created a new kind of magic that suits him.

  This kind of learning ability is enough to beat many gods who rely on faith.

  After being expelled, he learned how to use the Dimensional Stone, and learned to master the essential power of the subspace with the help of the wind of magic.

  If his plan had been successful, he would be the out-and-out **** of the dead now.

  The entire human world will be turned into a land of the dead, providing him with continuous power.

   "I, Nagash, will not be weaker than others in my life. Others can become a high god, so can I. I will become the **** of gods, the king of all living beings, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

   Nagash is an absolute genius.

  At the beginning, he captured three dark elves and learned dark magic from each other's hands.

  But the talent of human beings is completely inferior to that of the elves.

   No matter how much you study, you can't compete with the elves.

  Nagash found another way and learned to use other people's souls to draw power.

   It can be said that the foundation of magic, that is, the part of the subspace, has been thoroughly considered.

   Then on this contact, he created a new kind of magic that suits him.

  After being expelled to the wilderness by the kings of Nehekhara, he was in a state of disarray, and all his magical powers were gone.

   It can be said to be extremely bleak.

  But with his own wisdom, he learned how to use the Dimension Stone, and learned to master the essential power of the subspace with the help of the wind of magic.

  If his plan had been successful, he would be the out-and-out **** of the dead now.

  The entire human world will be turned into a land of the dead, providing him with continuous power.

   At that time, there will be no problem in conquering other worlds and sitting on an equal footing with the Four Gods.

  Nagash activated his devouring ability, absorbing the power of the avatar of the horned rat.

   While absorbing, he roared with a weird hoarse voice.

   "The world will tremble at the feet of the great Nagash, and the kingdom of the dead will come. This time no one will be able to stop me, never again."

   owes fourteen chapters

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
Chapter 534
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
Chapter 478
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
Chapter 404
Chapter 403
Chapter 402
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Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
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Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
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Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
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Chapter 357
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Chapter 351
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Chapter 348
Chapter 347
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Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
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Chapter 337
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Chapter 305
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Chapter 302
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Chapter 293
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Chapter 272
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Chapter 270
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Chapter 251
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Chapter 249
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Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
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Chapter 241
Chapter 240
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Chapter 238
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Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
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Chapter 232
Chapter 231
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Chapter 229
Chapter 228
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Chapter 222
Chapter 221
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Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
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Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
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Chapter 157
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Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
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Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
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Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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