Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 410

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 410

  Chapter 410 Sealed Golden Age Technology (Subscription required)

  Who is the enemy!

  Who is a trustworthy hero!

  A shameful traitor? ?

  A noble defender? ?

   Fate is full of drama and mockery.

  The hovercraft hit the steps directly, making a rumbling explosion.

  The huge impact knocked away the first few rebels.

   The flying fragments directly pierced the chest and limbs of the rebel.

  The bright red blood splashed along their broken bodies that flew out.

  The fallen and accidentally injured people lay on the ground and wailed, screaming again and again.

  The originally bustling celebration full of laughter and laughter turned into hell.

  Screaming people running around.

  Some people who fell to the ground were trampled, their bones were broken, and even their lives were lost.

   Originally brought by their parents, the happy and playful children were crying in the crowd to find their parents.

  The terrified crowd has lost their minds.

  Everyone tries to flee away from the firefight.

  If there are some kind-hearted people, those children will be picked up and fled to those houses with them.

  Some were overwhelmed by the flow of people, trampled to death amid desolate calls for their parents to protect them.

  The people at the bottom who reacted chose to side with Wesker.

  No matter how righteous it is, it must actually fall on everyone.

  For the future of the family, for your own family and friends.

  No matter how vicious the empire's sweet promises are, at least for now, the terms offered by the empire are better than those of the Wotan Alliance.

  The gathered bottom people spontaneously united.

   Join hands to fight against the rebels who are trying to subvert the celebration and rebel against the empire.

  Residents of Planet Velo are allowed to hold small energy weapons to deal with possible interstellar pirates and aliens.

  They took weapons and shot at those who resisted.

  Students and opposition who shouted for the Wotan Alliance and fought for their homeland watched the bottom people shoot at them dumbfounded.

  What an irony!

  They are defending the planet Velo, defending their homeland!

  How dare these guys do this!

   "Stop them." Someone shouted.

   More people joined in shooting those students and rebels.

  They are also defending their homeland, preventing it from being pushed into the abyss by those evil-minded guys.

  The people at the bottom chose the empire.

  They can't shout those noble slogans, but they will use their actions to make choices.

  Wortan coalition business owners and MPs have ignored them for far too long.

  Those big figures thought that with some illusory slogans and righteousness, they could suppress the angry people forever.

  They amended the alliance laws recklessly, and put on a reasonable and legal cloak for all their actions.

  Divide a small circle of oneself and artificially set various thresholds.

   Trampling easily, negating those bottom-level efforts.

  Thinking that by virtue of such means, the rule can be maintained forever.

   Nobody is a fool.

  Resentment for privilege, resentment for injustice, resentment for being treated as an ant will slowly accumulate.

   It's like a volcano slowly accumulating strength.

   When the right time comes, the volcano will erupt with the power to destroy everything, igniting a large area, and burning those big people who once boasted of nobility and regard the bottom as ants to ashes.

  The Wotan Alliance has existed for ten thousand years.

   It is undeniable that it contributed most of the power to the survival of human beings in Andromeda.

   But it has gone bad now.

   Terrible resentment builds up.

  The arrival of the empire was like sparks, igniting those resentments and causing the volcano to erupt.

  It is not unreasonable for the people at the bottom not to agree with the rebels, and even to regard them as enemies

  The big shots of the Wotan Alliance have already left the bottom, forgetting the original intention of their ancestors to escape the galaxy and colonize Andromeda.

  They have been cut off from their own people and have become two completely opposite groups.

   "Why do you want to do this! We are defending the planet Velo, defending our homeland."

  A student shouts angrily at those who stop them.

   His tone was full of indisputable hatred.

  How can these guys be so ignorant, so insensitive.

  Is being a spectator not satisfying them anymore?

   And become an accomplice of that damned empire!

   "Get out, no one wants you to defend our homeland." A man shot in that direction, and the laser shot repeatedly on the bunker where the opponent was hiding, shooting out sparks and scorching marks.

   "A group of blood-sucking beasts are also worthy to represent us."

   "You killed so many people, and you still think you did the right thing?"

   "Has your master's brain been cut off?"

  When those people heard the student's yelling, they all refuted it back.

  The originally good celebration was turned into this by a group of lunatics!

  Look at those people who were trampled to death, you are so kind, go directly to the battlefield.

  Hiding behind your back and doing these little tricks!

   Now I still feel that I did the right thing!

  The voices of noise and reprimand were mixed together.

  The sound of the laser echoed in the air.

  The soldiers who got a respite quickly recovered from the chaos.

  They assembled together, displaying professional military qualities.

   Have a plan to launch an attack on those resisters and compress the opponent's area of ​​activity.

  The rebels are just a mob who have never been to battle.

   At the beginning, it was only by catching them off guard that they could get the initiative so smoothly.

   Now being flanked back and forth by soldiers and spontaneously organized people, they quickly fell into disarray.

   After some people were injured or injured, they fled in a panic into a building decorated with celebration ribbons.

   It was a main building like a big drum.

   There are balconies and tiled eaves for decoration between each floor.

  They used the balcony to defend and prevent soldiers from approaching.

   Yet this is only a desperate choice.

   They have no experience in war, just a bunch of crappy, layman rebels.

  The soldiers threw out a large number of smoke bombs.

  The building was soon shrouded in white smoke.

  Smoke will distract the focus of the laser and weaken the power of the laser gun.

   Also provide cover for the operation.

   Soldiers wear professional military equipment.

  Visual devices mounted on the helmet are not affected by smoke.

  The walls of the building are no obstacle to their helmets.

   As their gaze sweeps across the building, thermal images of rebels are identified.

   Can clearly see the rebels hiding behind the wall.

  The rebels were walking around in a panic, trying to clear the smoke and regain sight.

  After getting ready, the soldiers decisively launched an attack and entered the building under the cover of smoke.

   Shouts came from the building.

  Rebels and soldiers exchanged fire in the building.

  The beams emitted by the laser gun streaked across the air, making a sharp and piercing sound.

  Screams and shouts mixed together.

  The rebels failed to organize a coordinated defense.

   It was easily breached by soldiers.

   Half an hour later, the rebels, who were more than half dead or injured, chose to put down their weapons and surrender.

  Most are young students and loyalists belonging to their families.

   Soldiers brought laser guns to their heads and brought them out.

  The fierce battle made these people flush.

  The defeat made them extremely depressed.

  The leading youth is the student who accused Wesker and others at the airport before.

  He looked very embarrassed.

  The neat clothes are crumpled, and there are stains on the face.

   When he came out, he snarled grimly at the crowd who stood watching.

"You are all a group of disgraceful traitors. You have betrayed your own hometown, your own world, and aided the evil. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a family and country. You **** maggots, you are worthy of your ancestors and ancestors! The great mountains and rivers are handed over to the dictatorial and brutal empire!"

  No one could have imagined that a vigorous and long-prepared resistance movement would end like this.

   Their defeat was not that the enemy was strong in the past.

   It was those who they thought would be allies who stood against them.

   Even took the initiative to take up arms to kill those rebels who dared to say no to the brutal empire.

   However, no one paid any attention to them.

   But no one was touched by his words, and some even wanted to give him two mouths.

   A good celebration is in shambles.

  Families of innocent people who were trampled to death cried loudly.

  The family went out happily, but this was the result.

  Think about how desolate it is that I have been honest and honest all my life, but ended up like this.

  The captured rebels were filled with righteous indignation, wishing to eat those who prevented them from killing several officers of the imperial vassal army.

  These people are really out of their minds, how can they help those imperial minions.

   If your own people don't help your own people, help foreign enemies!

  How can there be such insensitive and stupid people in this world!

   Wesker groaned, and when he woke up, it was already the second day.

   Lying in a white ward filled with the smell of medicine.

   At one point he thought he was dead.

  When the shot hit his shoulder, he seemed to see his grandma who had been dead for many years.

   His nose was filled with the smell of when his grandma grilled meat for him.

  His shoulder was shattered, and a hand was also crippled.

   Can only be replaced with metal prosthetics.

  Wesker's awakening was notified by the soldiers who had been guarding him.

   Not long after, several officers also walked in.

   "Thank goodness, you survived, otherwise things would have been terrible." An officer who worked with Wesker said: "An officer who died on the planet Velo will definitely attract the attention of the empire."

   "How's the situation?" Wesker carefully sat up with the help of the person next to him, and leaned on the hospital bed.

  The rejection reaction of installing a mechanical prosthesis made him feel slight pain.

   It will take a long time to get used to this part that does not belong to the human body.

"They have all been arrested. Most of the masterminds are some students, and some of them are only in their teens." A dwarf officer handed Wesker a data board, which contained all the captured rebels. information.

  The Wotan Alliance is controlled by business owners and companies. Both dwarves and humans basically work for those chambers of commerce and corporate debt.

  Dwarves are even a little more bleak.

  Although they have clans, most of the dwarves are bred by biological machines.

  It is mostly used as labor consumables.

  The Wotan Alliance is also a heavy burden for them.

   "Execute them all?"

   Someone asked Wesker.

  Wesker was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Let's conduct a public trial. These people are basically vested interests. We must seize this opportunity to completely destroy the legal foundation of the Wotan Alliance on the Weilo planet. Let all Weiluo people know The thing is, those guys keep defending their country just for their benefit."

"These guys and we are no longer of the same mind. Those high-sounding slogans are just their sad fig leaf, making them realize that we who voted for the empire are not traitors to our homeland, heinous people, we are just for a better life. .”

   An important Railroad galaxy of the Wotan Alliance - the Torgue galaxy.

   This is an important mineral planet and trading world, belonging to the Cronus military group that advocates war.

  Cronus Military Group is one of the Wotan Alliance forces advocating war against the Empire.

   There is a small amount of evidence that the Cronus military group had some involvement in planning the assassination of Karen Sage.

  The Tolg galaxy is at an important superluminal channel node, and has more than a plurality of colonies.

  Located in the outermost part, the colony built on the celestial satellite orbiting the 6th planet of the Tolg Galaxy is prosperous.

  Because a large number of trade ships followed the waterway, they stayed here for a short time and then went to various parts of the alliance.

  It is located in a major traffic road, so it has a lot of wealth.

   Various magnificent buildings are being built.

  The weapons and equipment owned by the army are also the most advanced.

  In order to defend this main route, the Wotan Alliance mobilized a large number of troops.

  More than 10,000 warships gathered in the Torg galaxy, and a large number of fortresses and artillery were deployed on the surface of each planet, trying to keep the human empire out of the core area of ​​the Wotan Alliance.

  The Torg galaxy is the last line of defense to the capital of the Wotan Alliance - Sorian.

  Once this line of defense is broken, the empire will march straight in and approach Thorian, which will undoubtedly be a disaster for the Wotan Alliance.

  However, from the moment war was declared, the Wotan Alliance was doomed to fail.

  The flames of war broke out when the imperial battleship appeared at the outermost periphery of the Torg galaxy.

   Empire warships jumped out of the subspace one after another.

   Countless light beams, torpedoes filled the void.

  The light of the explosion continued to emerge.

  The bright flames illuminated the boundless and vast void.

  The silent explosion tore apart the giant space stations, weapon platforms, and missile silos that the Wotan Alliance deployed on the outskirts of the Torg galaxy.

  The creation of steel and rock crumbled in the explosion, and the flames engulfed the warriors within.

  In a very short period of time, the empire tore apart the defenses of the Torg galaxy.

  The light of battle gradually spread, and the brilliance of countless explosions erupted with intense brilliance like dying stars.

  The vast void with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers is full of fire ripples that symbolize death and destruction.

  The warships of the Wotan Alliance quickly savored the despair of the troops that were previously destroyed by the empire after contacting the enemy.

  The battleships engraved with the imperial double-headed eagle emblem are like immortal ghosts.

   Destroyed again and again.

  The other party reappeared again and again.

  Desperation quickly brought them to their knees.

   However, the resistance of the Cronus military group is extremely tenacious.

   This is their strategic location.

  Once lost, even if the Wotan Alliance can survive the empire's offensive, they will lose most of their right to speak.

   While the Empire is tearing apart its outer defenses, the colony of the celestial satellite located on planet 6 in the Torg system has activated a global defense.

  Countless light spots are looming, and a huge protective shield covers the entire planet.

   There is also a storm of laser rays and jamming cannons.

  They keep the Imperial fleet out.

  Seth stood on the bridge, watching the orbital defenses of the target satellite.

   Any form of shield needs to be projected.

   They must have generators.

   Destroy the generator to create a gap.

   "Destroy this place." Seth stretched out a hand, which was a giant space station suspended in low-Earth orbit.

   It was a gigantic football-shaped space station.

   It is constructed of carbon steel mixed materials, orbiting a colonial planet of the Wotan Alliance.

  The gun position above is full of interference weapons and various powerful weapons.

   If nothing else, there are over one million Wotan Alliance fighters stationed there.

  Countless void fighters are flying around the space station, like a swarm of bees defending the hive without fear of death.

   They danced deftly, moving around on the battlefield.

  The flames in the gun barrel under the fuselage continued to spew out.

  The lasers and missiles fired interweave into a network of firepower to stop the advance of the empire.

  The Wotan Alliance has inherited most of the technology from the Golden Age of Humanity.

  The Kronos military group is an important military component of the Wotan Alliance.

   Their weaponry is superior to other troops.

"Their shield technology is very advanced, and it will take at least three hours of bombing to completely paralyze them." The think tank standing next to Seth said: "My suggestion is to clear those warships first, just like pulling out the crabs. Feet, so that they can't escape, they can only passively wait for death."

   "We are the tearers." Seth said: "We don't need that long, we just need to punch a hole in that shield, and that's our stage. Let all the brothers get ready, we'll go in."

   It will take several hours of bombing to completely paralyze the shield of the giant space station of the Wotan Alliance.

  But if it's just to tear a gap, it doesn't take so much effort.

   Only one extinction-class beam from a Celestial-class warship is needed.

  The power carried by the beam is eliminated by the shield and transferred.

   Their generators are also overloaded in the process.

   From this point alone, we can also see the advanced shield technology of the Wotan Alliance.

  The energy beams that can tear apart the entire planet can't completely paralyze their shields, but just tear open the gap.

  The Wotan Alliance's shields recovered quickly, and after a few minutes, the destroyed shields would light up again.

  However, this time is enough for the Flesh Tearer to launch a gang-jumping operation.

   Swearing to atone for his sins, Seth, who dedicated a thousand worlds to the Holy Emperor, entered the giant space station with the Flesh Tear Warriors.

   Destroying the space station can tear a gap in the tight global defense shield.

  When the filthy light of the Empyrean faded from Seth, they appeared on a wide platform.

  The flicker from the lasers and the flash from the exploding cannonballs lit up behind them.

  He reacted faster than Wotan's fighters.

   Pulling the trigger made the bolt gun in his hand shoot out a powerful bomb that could shatter steel creations.

  A heavily armored dwarf warrior exploded into a mist of blood and armor fragments.

  The impact force also blasted away the two Wotan Alliance fighters next to them.

  With the help of the Heart of the Empire, Seth burst into fury and rushed towards the enemy, tearing apart the opponent like a raging beast.

  When a Wotan Alliance fighter braver than the others slashed at him with a laser blade.

  Seth made the soldier fly out with just an elbow. The chest of the armor was dented, and there was a sound of bone cracking.

  Just two or three breaths, and the gunshots on the platform disappeared.

  There were blood streams on the floor, and there were stumps all over the place.

  Nothing can stop these flesh-tearing fighters with religious beliefs.

  . Those recalcitrant Wotan Alliance fighters were slaughtered.

  Those soldiers who did not have the courage to continue fighting dropped their weapons and surrendered.

   They were horrified by the brutal slaughter of the Flesh Tearmen.

  The destruction of the space station has come to an end.

  The Torg system will soon be dedicated to the Holy Emperor by them.

  When the news of the fall of the space station reached the ears of the commander of the Wotan Alliance.

  They planned to evacuate.

   The Empire is as unstoppable as ever.

  It is impossible for the ground to stop the empire's attack.

  No matter how tight the defenses are, those damned imperial invaders will pry open those defenses, sowing destruction and despair.

  If they cannot activate those sealed technologies, then failure is a doomed thing.

  The surviving battleships of the Wotan Alliance broke away from the battle, spinning and moving in the cold and boundless void like an elegant dance.

  The imperial double-headed eagle on the battleship was illuminated in the flash of the explosion.

   They continued to fire forward while maintaining their formation and advancing steadily, biting the retreating Wotan Alliance warships

  The defeated Wotan Alliance army fled following the light of the stars.

  Swipe to avoid the wreckage of the space station and weapon platform splashed out one after another.

   After leaving the danger zone, he accelerated straight and fled in the direction of the stars.

   Planning to escape with the help of the remaining defense nodes there.

   Behind them, the imperial warships are destroying all the weapon platforms and giant orbital fortresses on the periphery, tearing apart the fences protecting the flock like wolves.

   The fall of the Torgue galaxy is doomed.

  Peripheral defenses were breached, and the shield protecting the entire planet was pried open by the Empire.

   No matter how tenacious the ground forces are, it will not help.

  The warriors created by the empire are too terrifying. , The complete fall is only a matter of time.

  Like a pack of wolves hunting, the Empire is in hot pursuit.

  The continuous output can be called terrifying firepower.

  Some battleships were torn apart during the escape, and the leaked air threw the crew outside with them.

  The crew members will die quickly, floating in the void like sculptures.

  However, some battleships still escaped and returned to the Thorian galaxy by using the leap.

  The next war will break out there.

   That will also be the battle of the Wotan Alliance to destroy the country.

  The defeat of the defense of the Torg galaxy was transmitted back to the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance along with the withdrawn warships.

   It made people who were already terrified even more terrified.

   Panic spread.

   Many people are planning to escape from the capital planet.

  The strength of the empire is obvious to all.

   Since the start of the war, the Wotan Alliance has not won a single victory.

  The technology of the empire is not at the same level as their technology.

  The opponent is so powerful that the Wotan Alliance is in despair.

  In the Houses of Parliament, an emergency bill is being voted on.

   "We have no choice." The representative of the Kronos military group shouted to a large number of congressmen: "We must activate the sealed arsenal. Only in that way can we win."

   "Doing that will eventually kill us all." Councilor Patin shouted: "We killed an envoy, and we have angered them. Do you still want to use the most extreme means to stimulate them??"

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 539
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Chapter 537
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Chapter 86
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Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
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Chapter 67
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Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
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Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
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Chapter 47
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Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
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Chapter 38
Chapter 37
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Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
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Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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