Twenty Seven Years Chapter 179

Twenty Seven Years Chapter 179

  Chapter 179 Comprehensive Advancement

  In another distant country, there exists an organization that goes further and more correctly than equality. They have also fought for equality, perhaps even with unprecedented success.

  Verak was ecstatic, except for Li Meng who was called to translate.

   They are not fighting alone.

   This is not a question of whether they are alone or not. Loneliness will not be an obstacle to their progress. This shows that not only is there an awakening in the Republic of Bresci, but there are also like-minded people in other countries.

  When this is not a matter of one place, but a wave of the whole world, it means that the moment has really reached the key point of the transition from the old to the new.

"So, the Pruman Empire also has organizations like ours..." Morais always went out to smoke cigarettes, but after deriving this result from "Internationale", he sat in his seat, Can't help but pick one up immediately.

"More than that, their thinking is much more advanced than ours, and we don't know much about 'internationalism', but it must be an epoch-making concept." Keating emphasized, "No surprises, there Those who fought should have opened up a feasible revolutionary road with an end in sight."

  Verak closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Chris is on the wrong path. The tenth chapter of the theory of equality can't be written. We have to think about how to go next."

   "You mean the theory of equality is wrong?" Li Meng finally understood a little.

"The theory of equality is not wrong, it just discusses the inequality that exists in the current society. What is wrong is that Chris has always followed the line, which is basically the same as what Chloe and the others insist on now, without changing the entire country. The method of reaching a consensus with the government to improve the system." Verak shook his head slightly, "We died of this road a few months ago, and started to change another one to fight the government to the death, completely subvert the country, and let us reset everything new route."

"As for this road, the revolutionaries of the Pluman Empire started to walk at least a year ago, and they are very likely to obtain huge gains now." Keating took the conversation tacitly, "If we can Obtaining their information before implementation can avoid many detours and unnecessary sacrifices."

   This is the most important point for the Equal Society.

  Learn the thoughts and experiences of others.

   Morais looked around at the few people present: "You all think that we should contact Pruman's organization and learn from them, don't you?"

   "Hmm." Several people said in unison.

"This is indeed a good way. If there really are organizations that are more advanced and successful than us, we have no reason not to contact them, sacrifice our comrades in vain, and catch up with them with blood." Morais There is also no opinion, this is something that anyone who chooses will make a decision without hesitation, "I will immediately contact the station closest to the Pruman Empire, and let the comrades there go to find them."

  Before Veraker was arrested and imprisoned, the Equality Association had arranged for 38 backbone members to go to 11 cities at home and abroad to support the original establishment and the establishment of new stations.

  Now it is too far away and time-consuming to send people from Laizein, these comrades who are relatively close to the Pruman Empire are beginning to show their effects.

"Okay, if the next plan to capture the government building goes smoothly, and get in touch with Pluman's advanced organization and learn from their experience, our development speed will be much faster." Verak finally stopped being confused, he The road ahead gradually became clearer.

   "That's right." Morais nodded and looked at Li Meng, "Li Meng, go and notify the other cadres, I want to formally explain this to them."

   There is another organization similar to the Equality Association that has fought tenaciously in other countries and has gone further than the Equality Association.

  This will greatly cheer up the comrades of the Equality Society.

  However, everything has not been thoroughly confirmed. If all the speculations of Verak and the others are just coincidences, and there is no organization in the Pruman Empire, then there will be a big mess.

   Therefore, Morais intends to only talk about this among the cadres, and wait for foreign sites to go to the Pruman Empire to confirm and contact this organization, and then carry out publicity to let all comrades know that resistance is everywhere.

   "Okay." Li Meng himself was half-knowledgeable at the moment, he opened the door and left, went to find other cadres, and prepared to hold another meeting.

"Villac, great job." Morais praised Verac, "I have read this poem by Internassner many times, and I was deeply moved, but I never realized that it was not written by Chris, nor was it written by Chris. I never thought of the possibility of other organizations.”

"This is the credit of Mr. Keating." Verac didn't think it was on his own. In his opinion, Keating was the main reason for this matter to come to light. "I was the same as you before. I never doubted that it wasn't created by Chris. It was Teacher Keating who raised many doubts, so I made a bold guess."

Morais laughed heartily: "Absorbing you is really one of the most correct choices I have ever made. Look, you have only been here for a long time, and you have helped us formulate a new plan and discovered this It is a major event that we have been ignoring before our eyes."

   "Coincidence." After confirming the matter of "Internationale", Verac talked about another idea he had last night, "But I came to you today not only to talk about this."

   "The combat training of the training class?" Morais guessed that Verak would bring up this matter next, which was what they agreed to talk about last night.

   "More than that."

   "Oh?" Morais' eyes lit up, looking forward to Veraker, "Could it be that you have any novel ideas?"

  Villac didn't keep secrets. Considering the urgency of the time, he hurriedly said: "It's about our promotion of the idea of ​​the Equality Association."

"Any questions?"

"As far as I know, our current method of propaganda is to print the theory of equality in large quantities, and spread it out for the public to read, so as to achieve the goal of awakening." Verac said, "But a considerable proportion of the public can't even read, Books on the theory of equality are a bit obscure, so many words are difficult for them to read, let alone understand."

  Morais sighed: "This is indeed a problem. We are also considering a simpler method, such as simplifying the content of the theory of equality."

"Don't you think that the poem of Internassner is more suitable for publicity than the theory of equality? Although it is not as detailed and profound as the theory of equality, it is precisely because it is easy to understand, full of emotions, and direct in expression. A preliminary understanding of the concept of equality and awakening will be of great advantage." Verac said.

   "It's not bad." Morais thought for a while, "Internasional" has low printing cost, fast printing time, and it is easy for people to hide, so it is definitely more suitable.

  In the past few months, they invested a lot of money in printing "Theory of Equality", and most of them were confiscated by the government in the end, resulting in little effect in the final dissemination of the concept of equality.

  If it were changed to "Internationale", the matter of two sheets of paper would not be any more convenient.

"It seems that the investment in this area can be reduced in the future, and the effect will be greatly improved. I have to consider how we should deal with more people willing to join the Equality Association." Morais quickly thought of the consequences of doing so. The resulting influence is that the "Theory of Equality" which has not had a great dissemination effect has brought them 20,000 reserve members. If "Internationale" is spread, the number of people may increase exponentially.

   "No." Verac interrupted Morais's train of thought, "I guess you want to turn around and print Internaxonel. But this is still too slow, and there is still a threshold for the public."

   "Do you have a better way?" Morais asked in surprise.

  Printing "Internationale" is actually nothing. Morais and the others are also considering negotiating for a simpler one. Even if Verac doesn't show up, they will organize a simpler material for dissemination.

  But they couldn't think of a better way than this.

"Don't you think that the poem of Internaxonelle is very suitable for singing? A catchy song can be spread more easily than words." Verac pushed the two sheets of "Internaxonelle" to Morais, Piaf, let them take a closer look.


  Morais patted the table and looked at the content of the poem "Internationale": "That's a good idea!"

   "Very good, the emotions in it can be expressed more perfectly with singing." Piaf also agrees very much.

   "When did you think of it?" Keating asked Veraker with a smile.

   Seeing that everyone had no objections, Verac breathed a sigh of relief: "It came to my mind unexpectedly last night, and I also thought of a pianist who can compose Internationale's grandeur to the maximum."

   "Ross?" Keating thought of Rose.

  The pianist that Verac talked about could only be Ross.

   "Who is Rose?" Morais asked.

"We met a pianist in prison. He was deeply influenced by us and eventually escaped with us. I think he can empathize with this poem and compose the most suitable piece of music for it." Verac recalled Rose's devotion and obsession when playing music in prison, "After escaping from prison, he will also go back to Laizein, but we did not go the same way, and we don't know if he will come back."

   "This..." The person doesn't know where he is now, and Morais has a bit of a headache. "I'll arrange someone to keep an eye on him first. If I can find the best one, I can't find another candidate."

  Ross drove back from the southernmost part of Bresci by himself, and the speed should not be as fast as Verak and the others. If he is not captured by the government now, he should still be on his way. It's just that it happened that there was such a heavy snowfall, and Verak and the others avoided it, but for Ross, his return journey was bound to be several times more difficult and dangerous.

   "Okay... I hope he can come back." Verak didn't want any accidents for Rose.

  The government's reason for arresting Ross was very far-fetched. He was imprisoned innocently for so many years. Now that he has a chance again, fate should stop playing tricks on him.

   "My business is over." Verak looked at Piaf, indicating that she could talk about the combat training of the training class.

"Then let me talk about the combat training. This is a little information I compiled." Piaf handed a piece of information to Morais, talking about the current priority of the Equality Association, "We confirmed last night For a moment, this training class must take into account the plan to capture government buildings, so all training content will first focus on serving this plan, and combat training will account for a high proportion."

   "Do you need to transfer someone from me, and get some professional advice?" Morais asked after flipping through the information.

"Yes, those of you who have combat experience are definitely better at this. It's up to you to determine which combat capabilities are most in need of training based on the plan to capture government buildings, and then send people to assist us in training." Piaf Pointing to the information, "The specific proportions are all above, you have determined it here, and we will start to implement various tasks according to the training cycle."

  Morais looked carefully at the information Piaf made late at night: "That is to say, if I don't finalize it here, you can't push forward with the follow-up things?"

   "We will use this time to solve other training projects." Piaf said.

   "I will try to finalize it as soon as possible, so as not to delay your progress." Morais collected the information.

As the person in charge of the southern and western districts of the Equality Association, Morais's coordinating work has become several times more due to the comprehensive implementation of the plan. He has to start listing the next things to be done one by one, so as to avoid being too busy Missing one.

   "That's all I want to report to you. Don't delay your meeting and handling affairs. Let's implement other training content." After Piaf finished speaking, Keating got up and prepared to take people away to do their work.

"Well." Morais watched several people get up and leave, "I am very relieved to leave the training class to you. You are also relieved, contact the Pruman organization, look for the musician named Ross, and finalize the specific content of the combat training I will immediately start arranging everything.”

   "Don't be too tired, you can't collapse during this time." Before leaving, Verak told Morais.

   Morais, with bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair, grinned: "Don't worry, no matter how tired I am, I will stand until the day when the new world comes."

  Verak chuckled and left.

  Out of the main conference room, the three of them went to the small conference room next door to talk about training content other than combat training.

"The theory of equality must be taught, but after today's events, I think International can also be included in the course content, so that everyone can understand that only by resolutely fighting and we have power can we change the world." Keating said, "In addition, I will prepare some simple training on international situation, economics, management, etc. I will pass these tests to see what they are good at."

   "Well, I will assist you in preparing for the training of the Equality Theory and Internaxonel. For the rest, I can help you at any time if I can." Verac took on the task within his ability.

   "Leave the selection of training members to me, and then I will consider the training content I am responsible for." Piaf also followed.

   Keating always smiled: "Then let's get started."

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 531
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Chapter 51
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Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
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Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
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Chapter 4
Chapter 3
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Chapter 1
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