This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic Chapter 525

This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic Chapter 525

  Chapter 525 Borrowing a knife to kill someone

  【The rest of the vampires present watched their leader die tragically, subconsciously looked in the direction of the gunshots, and soon spotted you. 】

  【A dozen vampires are attacking you angrily. 】

  【You hurriedly retreated to escape, and at the same time turned around and shot again and again, blocking everyone's footsteps. 】

  【Fortunately, Genzhong Tasaki has freed his hands in the rear, immediately returned to help, and jumped into the crowd again. 】

  【Many vampires instinctively wanted to turn around and fight back, but instead activated Genzu Tasaki's talent of 'Bloodway'. 】

  【Tazaki Genchu ​​turned into the **** of war again, jumping repeatedly in the crowd, his figure was erratic like a ghost, one after another, the vampires screamed and died under his knife...】

   Next, there is no need for Mu You to do anything. These younger brothers obviously don't understand the effect of the blood path like their bosses. At this time, they foolishly choose to resist. As a result, the more they resist, the faster they die.

  【A few minutes later, the last vampire who tried to escape was also caught up by Tasaki Genchu, stabbed through the chest and killed with a single knife. 】

  【The battle is over, this empty underground factory is filled with a strong smell of blood. Looking at the corpses of blood races all over the floor, the symptoms of thirst for blood in your body faintly attack, making you unable to help but want to rush up to eat. 】

  【Fortunately, your rationality restrained your impulse in time: cannibalism is strictly prohibited in blood clans, especially when outsiders are present. 】

  【Tazaki Genchu ​​came back to you, and nodded approvingly at you: "Very good, the timing and angle of the attack just now were perfect, it seems that you are born with a talent for fighting!"]

[Tazaki Yuanzhong first praised you, and then changed his voice: "But because of this, you need a strong fighting talent to make full use of your strengths! How about it? Do you want to absorb my heart immediately? Blood, if you are lucky, you might be able to inherit my blood line for the first time!"]

  【Faced with the bewitching suggestion of Genzhong Tasaki, you choose...】

  【You didn't answer directly, but asked the other party, how is the injury? 】

Just now, this man seemed to be showing great power, and he overturned more than a dozen by himself, but in fact he was not unscathed, on the contrary, he was almost **** at this time, and most of the wounds in the previous battle with the bald head were It was caused by a restrained attack, and it was extremely slow to recover at this moment.

【"Don't worry, this is a small injury. Go out later and find a human being to **** blood for a while, and you will be able to recover." Tasaki Yuanzhong waved his hand indifferently, and continued to look at you with urging eyes, his expression was a little impatient : "I fulfilled my promise and did my best to help you complete the task. You should obey my promise, right?"]

  【"Of course, as long as you are not afraid of your own problems, I can do it anytime!" You laughed. 】

【"Well, it's not too late, we're here now." Tian Qi Genzhong was overjoyed when he heard the words, first looked around vigilantly, and pulled you into the shadows under a corner: "Hush down, don't Let that guy see..."]

  【While talking, Tasaki Genchu ​​stretched out his hand, and a drop of deep red blood quickly condensed in his palm. And with the coagulation of blood droplets, Tasaki Genchu's face quickly turned pale. 】

  【You have obtained a drop of 'heart blood', generation number: 8th generation, blood law that can be inherited: unknown, after taking it, you can be promoted to a 9th generation vampire. 】

  【Looking at you receiving the blood drop, Tasaki Genzhong looked at you hurriedly, urging you to take it as soon as possible, regardless of his weakness. your choice…】

  【You suddenly told Genzu Tasaki that you have one thing to confess to him before taking Heart Blood. 】

  【"What's the matter?" Genzu Tazaki looked at you strangely. 】

  【"Actually, the first blood law I learned was not super sense, but 'talent absorption'!" You said calmly. 】

【"What?" Genzu Tazaki was stunned for a moment, and suddenly rushed over, grabbed your collar, and stared at you with rounded eyes: "So, no one followed you at all, you have been lying to me? "]

  【"I'm sorry, without your help, I couldn't complete this task, so I can only make a bad move..." You answered honestly, and then quietly pulled the trigger in your hand. 】

  【"Bah bah..." Amidst the sound of the gunshot, several silver bullets flew into Tasaki Genchu's stomach, and the opponent's already weak life dropped again. 】

【"You... court death!" Along with your attack, Genzu Tazaki quickly guessed your intentions, after getting the blood of Heart Vein, and then killing him who is dying, you can get Heart Vein without any side effects The benefits of blood. 】

[Realizing that he was completely used as a tool, Tian Qi Genzhong was furious, and rushed towards you enduring the severe pain: "I really thought that you can kill me if I have blood left? How naive! Let me show you now Look at the gap between the 8th generation and the 10th generation!"]

  【Tazaki Genzu exploded with all his rage, and the speed was as fast as an afterimage. Before you could react in time, you were already kicked and flew by the opponent. You could only feel that all the internal organs in your body were displaced, and your life dropped violently...】

[Before you can react, Tasaki Genchu ​​appeared in front of you again like a teleportation, and looked at you with a smirk: "Boy, you are dead! But I won't let you die so easily, I will first Cut you into a stick, make you a collectible in a medicine vat, you can't live, you can't die, when I inherit the 'talent absorption', maybe I will give you a good mood..."]

  【Tazaki Genchu ​​held a machete, rushed over with a ferocious expression, and was about to chop at your legs...】

  【In the nick of time, you suddenly heard a crackling sound in the sky...】

   Mu You's eyes lit up, and he really came!

  He confessed that he didn't learn super sense, which caused the other party to subconsciously think that no one was following them.

  Actually, after a little thought about this matter, many problems can be found. For example, if he really didn't learn super sense, why can he indicate the distribution of enemies so clearly along the way?

  Unfortunately, Mu You attacked suddenly, leaving no time for the opponent to think. The opponent was also charged with anger, and instinctively started to fight back, which completely fell into his trap.

  Because he has already tried it once, Mu You knows very well that the masked man in the distance will not watch him have an accident. If this person makes a move at this moment, he will definitely be killed by the masked man.

   As for the blood of the heart, as long as the main body dies, it will be inactivated immediately, so Mu You must absorb the energy in it before this person is killed.

  【In the face of the attack that was close at hand, you did not dodge, but quickly swallowed the blood of your heart...】

  【Blood drops into the entrance, a burst of turbulent energy explodes in your body...】

  【At the same time, several silver hidden weapons flew over and exploded around Genzhong Tasaki. 】

  【Tazaki Genzu was instantly blasted out, maintaining an unbelievable expression, fell to the ground, and soon fell silent...】

  【A broad figure lands in front of you...】

   Mu You knew that the masked man must be there, but he didn't have time to pay attention.

   At this time in the game, prompts about promotion are popping up one after another.

  【You used the blood of the low-generation heart, your bloodline was greatly purified, and you were promoted to the ninth generation of vampires! 】

  【The purification of the blood makes you awaken a blood talent from your own blood: charm. 】

  【'Charm' has become'Awakenable Blood Law'. 】

  【Because of the promotion, you got blood law points: 2 points. 】    【You have inherited two random blood laws from Heart Blood: 'Backstab' and 'Patience'. 】

  【'Backstab' and 'Patience' have become 'Awakenable Blood Law'...】

  【Because of absorbing the blood of the Heart Vessel, you have obtained blood rhythm points: 1 point. Currently available: 3 o'clock...]

  A string of text pops up, Mu You glances at it briefly, and immediately backtracks according to the table.

From this string of reminders, it can be seen that the acquisition of blood rhythm comes from two aspects. The first is the dormant talents in his own genes. For example, Mu You is from the Rhine family, and his genes are born with the nine major talents of the Rhine family: Super speed, giant force, giant killer, talent absorption, atomization, charm, iron block, super sense, deflection.

Among them, the four talents of giant killer, talent absorption, super sense, and super speed have been activated in sequence in his previous title promotion. After coming to this scene, they can be learned directly. can become an actual combat power.

  The remaining five talents are invisible, and need to be lit up one by one in the future algebraic promotion until all blood talents are completely unlocked. Of course, it's just lighting up. If you want talents to become real blood rhythm, you also need to invest blood rhythm points into them first.

  The second source of blood law is the heart blood of others.

  Each time you take Heart Blood, you can randomly inherit 1-3 blood talents from it.

  It doesn't matter if you have hidden talents, you will all be able to awaken them sooner or later anyway, Mu You's goal now is to brush out the rare 'blood path' in the blood of the heart.

  【...You have inherited a rare blood law 'blood path' from the heart blood! 】

  Random this time is a little more difficult than expected. In this Japanese bloodline, besides the blood path, there are more than ten ordinary talents.

   After more than 30 random attempts, the blood path finally appeared for the first time. Unfortunately, only one talent was released this time.

   Muyou continues to be random, ready to roll a perfect result.

  However, he soon discovered that every time 'Bloodway' appeared, there was always only one talent.

   Once or twice can be regarded as a coincidence, but it happened more than ten times in a row, which made Mu You have to doubt: Could it be that rare talents can only appear alone?

  After guessing this, he didn't do any more useless work, and then rolled hundreds of times. While randomly "blood path", he also rolled his hidden talent by the way.

  【...You have awakened the blood rhythm talent from your own blood: iron block! 】

  【...You have inherited a rare blood law 'blood path' from the heart blood! 】

   It was not until seeing the result that Mu You stopped pressing the table.

  【Iron Block: Make your body as hard as iron during battle, greatly improving your defense against physical attacks. 】

  Although there is a rumor in the folks that "dogs with iron blocks don't learn it", the iron block here is not a waste skill like in anime that can only stand and wait to be beaten, but a passive ability that can always take effect as long as it is learned.

  In addition to permanently improving the defense, this blood law has another important meaning for vampires that cannot be ignored: it can prevent silverware attacks!

  Silverware is the most common means of restraining vampires. Other light, fire, and thunder types are all magical attacks. Among all vampire talents, they are rare abilities.

   Therefore, in the civil war of vampires, the damage caused by silverware can be said to bear more than 80% of all damage! Among other things, even that masked man had to use hidden silver weapons to kill people. It is conceivable that silver weapons are widely used in this city.

  The hardness of iron is higher than that of silver, so it is difficult for silver attacks to penetrate the defense of iron, and it is even difficult to leave scratches. Therefore, the talent of 'Iron Nugget' is extremely cost-effective in this vampire city, and it can almost ignore all future attacks from silverware after one level, which is definitely not a loss.

  【You have learned the blood law 'Blood Road', currently LV1. 】

  【You have learned the blood law 'Iron Block', currently LV1. 】

  【You have learned the blood law 'Super Speed', currently LV1. 】

  After rolling out two blood laws, Mu You spent a little blood law point without even thinking about it, and each of the two practical abilities has a level.

  As for the last blood rhythm point, after a little thought, he still focused on the universal ability of 'Super Speed'.

  【You stand still, quickly sorting out the harvest of promotion. 】

[The masked man stood aside with his chest folded, looking at you expressionlessly, until he saw that you had dealt with your own affairs, and then he said leisurely: "You are indeed very smart! But in this city, you'd better keep quiet. Speaking of your cleverness, not all vampires can tolerate your use like me, and I need to warn you, if there is a next time, you will be the one who dies."]

  【The masked man's voice sounds flat, but you can still feel its weight. You immediately understand that if you use the same method to use the other party in the future, the other party will definitely kill you without mercy. 】

   After reading this, Mu You sighed. Sure enough, this 'bodyguard' was not so easy to handle. Of course, he didn't plan to use this method of borrowing a knife to kill someone a second time.

  【"What new blood law did you learn?" The masked man asked suddenly. 】

  【"Blood road, iron block and super speed." You answer truthfully. 】

  Because Mu You clearly pointed out where the masked man was hiding from the very beginning, in the masked man's cognition at this moment, he is still the first to learn super-sense.

And after this wave of promotion, he declared to the public that he still "hasn't learned" talent absorption. This is not difficult to understand. After all, this blood law seems to be a hot potato now. He is safe when he doesn't learn it. If he learns it, he will become a target .

  【The masked man nodded when he heard the words. He didn't doubt it, and he didn't ask you to prove it. Instead, he swung his right hand, and a large amount of flames swirled in his palm, flying towards all the corpses present. In just a few breaths, the dozens of corpses near you are engulfed in flames and burned to ashes. 】

  【After doing all this, the masked man turned his head and walked towards the exit of the underground factory: "Come with me, it's time to meet the regent."】

   "Tsk, be careful..."

   Mu You curled his lips. If he was allowed to absorb these remains with the Blood Shrine, at least he would be able to advance one more time.

  Unfortunately, they were all burned by this guy.

  Of course, it wasn't that the other party deliberately targeted him. If these vampire corpses are not disposed of, they will be discovered by humans sooner or later. As a member of the law enforcement department, it is a normal habit to dispose of corpses casually in order to maintain the iron law of avoiding the world.

   Mu You shook his head, controlled the character to put away all the remaining firearms, silver weapons, etc. on the ground, and then followed the other party to leave.

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 734 New
Chapter 733 New
Chapter 732 New
Chapter 731 New
Chapter 730 New
Chapter 729 New
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Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
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Chapter 713
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Chapter 706
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Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
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Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
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Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
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Chapter 615
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Chapter 603
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Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
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Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
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Chapter 558
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Chapter 51
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Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
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