This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic Chapter 512

This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic Chapter 512

  Chapter 512 If only as first seen

  The energy of the wind burial dissipated, and the black snake also turned into dust and disappeared, leaving only a pile of fly ash, which fell to the ground one after another, forming a layer of black residue on the ground.

  Shadow Pompom exposed a head from the nearby ground, opened its huge mouth, sucked all the residue into the mouth, and began to chew.

  These snake-like body tissues, even if they become scum, still contain extraordinary energy, which is a great tonic for it.

  In the sky, the black smoke representing snake consciousness has become faintly visible after losing its physical support, and it is about to disappear.

   Under the instinct of survival, the black smoke immediately drifted towards the direction of the snake itself. As long as he can return to the main body as soon as possible, this consciousness can still be preserved.

  Unfortunately, if it were so easy to transfer the mind, it wouldn't be trapped for tens of thousands of years.

  The speed of the black smoke is getting slower and slower, and the black air all over the body is also dissipating rapidly, becoming smaller and smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  This consciousness that is about to escape from prison occupies more than 90% of the total snake consciousness! This is not a small amount. Once this part of the mind disappears, it will take hundreds of thousands of years to recover. The snake body will be in a state of confusion for an extremely long time in the future.

  Hei Yan looked unwillingly at the main body that was still a hundred meters away, and wanted to try to float over, but he had no strength left, and fell to the ground unsteadily, and his consciousness gradually sank into a blur.

   In a daze, it seemed to feel that someone was coming, and a palm held it up carefully.

   After a few seconds, it suddenly felt that it had been thrown into a warm place. The surrounding atmosphere made it feel very familiar, but it also felt a little inexplicable resistance. The thoughts that were disappearing on the surface of the body quickly gathered again, allowing Hei Yan to gradually regain his spirit.

When the snake's mind opened its eyes again, it was greeted by a big human face in the sky, hundreds of times larger than its size, and it was smiling and waving at it: "Great!" Now, Xiaoba, we don't need to be separated anymore, we can always be together!"

  The snake was speechless, never been so speechless in this life.

   Carefully calculated and planned a prison escape for four thousand years, but ended up going from one cage to another...

   Moreover, it has already felt that the remaining part of its consciousness is being forcibly bound to the life of the other party.

  This is not good news for it, because it means that its consciousness will completely depend on the existence of this person in the future.

  If it wants to survive, it must ensure the survival of this person. This is a kind of kidnapping in disguise.

   "Phew, the seal is complete..."

  Deng Shen withdrew his hand from the beater's head and wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling very tired.

   "So what's the situation now?" The watchman scratched his head and asked.

  He was pulled over by the herbal picker and the lamp **** just now without knowing it. The two quickly directed him to perform a series of incomprehensible operations, and then the consciousness of a snake appeared in his mind.

  This situation is somewhat similar to his connection with the consciousness of Gu Snake in the enchantment before. The difference is that the two sides have switched positions now, and Gu Snake has become the little one who is sealed in the central enchantment, and he has become the center of the conscious world.

   "In the future, the consciousness of the snake will reside in your body and share life with you. If you die, its consciousness will also disappear."

The lamp **** explained: "Of course, even if it's just consciousness, it still has the consciousness of a snake. It still contains amazing potential, but it doesn't have a body for it to play. If you lend it your body, it can still play enough. Amazing fighting power."

   "Huh? Then I am not Jinjuriki now?" The watchman's eyes lit up.

   "Renzhuli?" The Genie looked at him in confusion, unable to understand the meaning of the word.

   "Well, when I didn't ask, change the question, can I sleep normally in the future?"

"Of course, although your consciousness is still connected now, but the snake has become the boarding party. You are the master of the consciousness world, and you can unilaterally block its consciousness. If you still maintain the previous communication habits, it should be the one in the future. It begs you to work and rest normally." The lamp **** said, hesitated for a while before saying: "However, because it resides in your body, it is not your own body after all, and its consciousness will still slowly dissipate over time. , so you need to feed it some negative emotions on a regular basis as an energy supplement."

  "Negative emotions? Feeding?" The watchman was a little confused: "How do I feed this?"

   "It's simple, you just need to do some bad things on a regular basis, and your emotions will be directly transmitted to it." The lamp **** said indifferently.

"Ah, this... It's too embarrassing for me to take the initiative to do bad things or something. I'm a good-hearted avatar... In other words, since I knew this was the case, why did you find me? Isn't it more appropriate to ask him to be Jinzhuli?" Pointing to the herbal picker beside him.

   "Do you think anyone can do it?"

The herbal picker shook his head: "Even if it has no body now and can no longer do any 'prison escape', the spiritual influence on the host body still exists, just like the previous goblin king, after a long time, the thoughts will subtly change Most of them are eroded by snakes, and in this regard, only you can bear it here."

   "So you planned to let me be this Renzhuli from the beginning?" Da Gengren looked at him in surprise.

Just now he has synchronized his memory with Mu You, so he knows the plan to capture the snake. The herb picker has been planning since the beginning of this era. Obviously, he has already thought of everything at that time, and he will use the beater as a future capture tool. The container behind the snake.

"No, you are just a candidate at the beginning. It depends on your performance. If you can keep your will pure despite the four thousand years of snake-like consciousness, it proves that you have the ability to be a container. Otherwise, I will Then look for other containers, or cancel the plan ahead of time." The herbal picker said calmly.

   "You are so unfeeling, I regard you as my own brother, and you treat me as a pawn?" The watchman rushed forward, shaking the herb picker by the collar and questioning.

  The body of the herbal picker is like a child compared to the watchman. At this moment, his head is shaking like a rattle, but he insists on not saying a word, holding his hands in front of his chest, maintaining a cold expression.

  Mu You didn't care about the fighting between the two clones, he was relieved when the battle was over, and sat down against the mountain wall.

Now that the seal has been successfully strengthened, Gu Snake has lost most of his consciousness, and there is no need for a watchman to continue to stay here as a watchman. With the current state of the seal, at least until the next fear season comes, Gu Snake is impossible Turn up any storms.

  A black fur ball emerged from the shadow beside him with a head, it was the shadow pompom.

  The shadow pompom swam to his hand and rubbed against his palm, but he was still chewing **** the undigested food.

   Mu You looked a little strange, isn't it just a few mouthfuls of ashes? Why haven't you finished eating for so long?

  Just as he was thinking about it, Shadow Pompom suddenly stopped chewing, as if choked, puffed up his cheeks, opened his mouth, brewed for a long time, and spit out a finger-sized scale.

  Shadow Pompom obviously took a lot of effort to spit out this scale, and after spitting out, his body immediately limp next to Mu You, looking weak.

Mu You was surprised to see that what it swallowed was the 'ashes' of the dead snake. It is said that all the shapes of the black snake had been torn into dust by the wind, and it could still be preserved in the wind burial cannon. something down?

   Mu You hurriedly picked up the scale and took a look.

This scale is undoubtedly one of the scales of a snake, but it is different from the snake he saw before. The whole body of the snake is dark black, but this scale is transparent milky white. It is said to be a snake scale, but it is more like a snake. It is a decoration carved from white jade.

  At this time, the omniscience crystal also fed back information about this thing.

  【Snake's inverse scale: one of the few inverse scales on a snake's body, it has almost infinite hardness and is indestructible.

   Has the ability to automatically absorb and store the negative emotions of the holder. The stored negative emotions can be used as "emotional shells" to kill the enemy. 】

   "Inverse Scale..."

Mu You was surprised. Conceptually speaking, such things as reverse scales are the inverted scales under the neck of snakes or dragons. Out of hundreds of thousands of scales on a dragon's body, only one or a few scales may be born, which is undoubtedly extremely rare. s things.

  He didn't expect that such a small snake incarnation would actually have a reverse scale condensed?

   It's no wonder that this thing can be preserved under the wind burial cannon. This Nilin is born with the characteristic of 'indestructible'.

  As for the effect, it is also quite eye-catching, it can automatically absorb negative emotions, and can also be stored as a means of hurting the enemy.

  Seeing this effect, Mu You immediately thought of the fairy girl.

The jealousy of a fairy girl is obviously a kind of negative emotion, so it is said that as long as you carry this scale, the jealousy will be absorbed automatically as soon as it arises. Recharge!

   Mu You got up immediately, wanting to go to the fairy girl to try it out.

  However, when he tried to feel the position of the fairy girl, he suddenly stopped.

  He couldn't perceive the existence of the fairy girl at all!

  There are only two possibilities in this situation, one is that the contractor is dead, and the other is that the fairy girl unilaterally broke the contract with him.

But no matter which one, as long as the contract is broken, the deviation value bonus brought to him by the fairy girl will also disappear, and without the suppression of the fairy girl, the influence of the poison of chaos will automatically appear, so it is said that his current deviation value It should be improving rapidly.

  However, Mu You took a look at the order in his body, but found that it was still pure white, and the deviation value remained stable at zero, without any tendency to increase.

   "Could it be..."

   Mu You has already thought of a possibility.

  The other party broke the contract in one direction, but before breaking it off, she passed all the poison of chaos on to herself...

   Mu You couldn't help frowning, but felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something important.

   Not everyone can bear the poison of chaos. Because Mu You is the heir of order, he can barely resist it. If other people are poisoned by this poison, they will not even have a chance to resist, and can only watch helplessly as they are swallowed.

  If she really took all the poison of chaos on her own, she's now...

   Half an hour later.

  Mu You and his party appeared on the desert at the entrance of the dark cave.

  Looking around, several cities in the distance have already turned into a sea of ​​flames.

  At the same time, the sky was full of mist, and the drizzle kept falling. The rain blocked the spread of the fire, and smoke rose from many places, making the entire Sky City look hazy.

   Mu You looked at the dark cloud above his head, which was obviously formed by magic, reached out his hand to catch a few drops of rainwater, put it in his mouth and tasted it.

  After possessing the memory of the herb picker, Mu You easily identified the ingredients of the potion. The rainwater mixed with the sweet potion and the forgetting potion at the same time.

  The sweet potion is harmless to humans, but the amnestic potion has a big impact. If it is sprayed on it, the creature will forget the memory of the recent period.

   Fortunately, perhaps because the raining area is too large, the concentration of the two potions is not high, which greatly weakens the efficacy. If the strength is sufficient, a short period of rain will not have any effect.

  The herbal picker behind him has consciously taken out a few umbrellas and distributed them to everyone.

   "Tina hates getting wet..."

  Tina shivered seeing the raindrops in the sky, hurriedly shook off the rainwater on her wings, and quickly flew under the umbrella held up by a watchman to hide from the rain.

   "It seems that Linglong has done a good job, the riots in the city should be temporarily stopped." said the herbal picker.

  He told Linglong that in addition to preparing a large amount of sweet potion, he also prepared a batch of forgetting potion. Linglong obviously understood what he meant, and mixed the two medicines into the rainwater with a weather spell, and it landed on a large area in the entire city.

  The people and elves who have been drenched by the rain will quickly forget everything that happened today, and those elves who are becoming weird will temporarily return to normal after being washed by the sweet potion.

   "However, the effect of the diluted sweet potion won't last long. The problem here must be resolved within five hours," said the herbal picker.

   Then a group of people began to split up.

  The others took the map fragments and went to meet Linglong, while Mu You left alone to find the fairy girl.

  He can no longer know the location of the fairy girl, but by guessing, he can immediately think of several places.

   An hour later, Mu You flew to the edge of the bitter garden.

   What appeared in front of my eyes was a large garbage dump, full of corruption and stench, and the sweet rain in the sky could hardly cover up the smell here.

Mu You walked into the garbage dump, among the garbage on the ground at this moment, you can see fleshy worms everywhere, all crawling blankly in the garbage and filth everywhere, each one looks weird, but there is no black air on its body, Didn't show aggression either.

  Mu You knew that these were actually monsters that had turned into fairies, but under the watering of the sweet potion, the weirdness was forcibly stopped, and they were slowly turning back into fairies.

   Mu You quickly scanned the worms, and quickly fixed his eyes on one of them.

   This worm seems to be no different from other worms, but the blue features revealed in many parts of its body allow Mu You to recognize it at a glance.

   Mu You walked up to the worm.


   Sensing Mu You approaching, the worm's mouth suddenly let out a sound like a baby crying. It got out of the mud and garbage, and wriggled towards him with difficulty.

   Mu You reached out to stroke the worm's head, but the worm seemed to regard its hand as food, opened its mouth to swallow it, and gnawed hard, but because it had no teeth, it seemed that it was just sucking.

   Mu You sighed, pulled out his hand, and comforted the worm's head.

  The reason why he can confirm that this is the fairy girl is because at this moment, from the perspective of order, the whole body of this worm has been completely swallowed by red.

   Sure enough, the fairy girl helped him bear the poison of chaos, but the price was that he was irreversibly turned into a chaotic creature.

  The worm seemed to have sensed his kindness, and stopped biting him. Instead, it stuck to him, wanting to hold him in its arms.

   Mu You shook his head, took out the archiver, and brought the archiver close to the worm.

  Now the deviation of the fairy girl has already exceeded the upper limit, and it can no longer be repaired by the pen of order. The only way is the archiver.

  When the Calamity Era was about to pass, Tina Fairy Girl and Gargamel also stored their states once in the archiver in order to preserve their memories.

  Now as long as they touch the archiver, they can immediately restore all characteristics to the state when they were archived, and even the deviation that is now disordered can be reversed.


  Worm didn't know what this metal short stick was, so when Mu You handed it over, it subconsciously caught it and held it in his arms.

  The moment it touched the metal short stick, the two-meter-high worm began to shrink rapidly. In just a few seconds, it shrank into a crystal chrysalis the size of a palm and fell to the ground

   Inside the cocoon, there is a curled up caterpillar sealed up. The whole body emits a faint blue light, and there are still a few teardrops hanging from the corners of its eyes.

Mu You hurriedly felt it, and sure enough, the contract between him and the fairy girl had been re-established, and the poison of chaos returned together, but the difference was that this time, the fairy girl became the body suffering from the poison of chaos, and he became the body suffering from the poison of chaos. A contractor who helps fairy girls share the difference.

   "You have protected me for four thousand years, so for the next four thousand years, I will protect you..."

  Mu You carefully picked up the crystal worm cocoon, and rinsed off the dirt and dust on it with clean water.

  When everything returns to the archive, it means that she no longer has the memory of the next four thousand years, and when she hatches into a fairy again in the future, everything will start from scratch.

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

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Chapter 659
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Chapter 655
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Chapter 653
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Chapter 649
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Chapter 646
Chapter 645
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Chapter 639
Chapter 638
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Chapter 635
Chapter 634
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Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
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Chapter 618
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Chapter 598
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Chapter 585
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Chapter 31
Chapter 30
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Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
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Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
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