This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic Chapter 246

This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic Chapter 246

  Chapter 246 Mu You's Magic Talent

   "Chris Jason?"

  Mu You looked confused. It seemed that there was no naming option popped up just now, and a new name was added inexplicably.

   This admission certificate is said to be anonymous, but in fact it still has a name, probably the owner of Coke came to register in advance. 'Chris' is the prefix name of the owner of Coke, and she probably picked up the second half casually.

   It doesn't matter what the name is, and further down, there are grades, credits, medals, permissions and other information.

  Mu You clicked to view one by one.

  【Grade: Red Rose Academy is divided into grades 1 to 7, representing the academic progress level of the students. The spells that can be learned in each grade are different. The higher the grade, the higher the authority.

The way to improve the grade: Learn at least 10 spells taught in this grade (requires class records), get more than 50 red rose medals, and win at least one five-game winning streak in the duel field of this grade, and then you can take the upgrade exam. Those who pass the exam can enter the next grade, and those who pass the exam in the seventh grade can graduate smoothly. 】

  It is similar to the education system on Earth. It is also a system of credit examinations, but it is not as complicated as on Earth. There are only grades one to seven.

  However, in order to qualify for the exam, a variety of conditions must be met first, among which there are combat conditions. That is to say, these wizarding academies not only cultivate theoretical levels, but also actual combat levels.

  Continue to look down.

  【Credit: A score representing the progress of spell learning. Every time a spell is learned in the school classroom, credits vary according to the difficulty of the spell. If there are no special circumstances, those who fail to pass the credits each year will be expelled from school. 】

  【Red Rose Medal: A medal of honor received on behalf of students. Every time you win the duel field, complete various missions issued by the academy, or win special honors for the academy, you can get varying amounts of red rose medals. The Red Rose Medal cannot be traded, but it can be consumed in the grocery store and other on-campus consumption places at the ratio of (1 medal = 2 years of lifespan). Every year, the student who has won the most medals in each grade will receive a "Red Rose Star" medal, which is the highest honor of the Red Rose Academy of Magic. 】

  【Privilege in the school: determine the places in the school that students can set foot in, the privileges that can be obtained in each place, etc. 】

  There is nothing to say about the credits and permissions, as expected.

   Medals, on the other hand, seem to be very important things. They can be obtained by fighting in the duel field, and can be used as currency for shopping. The person with the most medals can also get a special title. Only one is selected for each grade, which is quite precious.

  Cola said before that his master had won three Red Rose Stars, which shows that his master must also be a famous figure in this academy.

  The rest is the walkable area.

   Mu You checked them one by one as usual, focusing on the 'Duel Field'.

  【Duel Field: A specially designed duel field to cultivate students' actual combat ability. The equipment in the duel field is invalid, and no black magic or forbidden spells can be used. Each duel can only use limited recovery medicines. Death will not consume lifespan and experience will not be lost. It is open every night from 20:00 to 22:00, and the interval between each participation is at least five minutes. After participating, the opponent will be randomly assigned in the same grade. After winning, you will get double experience and a red rose medal. 1-7 additional medals (depending on the current grade) for three games. 】

   It really is the kind of "safe duel field" in the imagination, death has no consequences, and it can be used to train fighting skills as much as you want.

   But what Mu You likes is the rewards of this place: double experience after winning, and there are also medals to get, and the medals can be used as currency.

   Each duel has an interval of five minutes and lasts for two hours. That is to say, you can participate in up to 24 duels per day.

  If all of them win, there will be 32 medals, and one medal is equal to two years of life, which is equivalent to a maximum of 64 years of life every day!

   Coupled with double experience, this is much more efficient than going out to fight monsters!

  Mu You immediately decided that every night from now on, he must watch the time and complete the number of duels!

  After reading the information, Mu You manipulated the characters into the academy.

  【You wore a badge and entered the barrier of Red Rose Academy. 】

[The interior space of this magic academy that has been released with the space extension spell is much larger than it looks on the outside. It is divided into seven major areas, including 27 towers and castle buildings, as well as more than 200 ordinary buildings. There are many forests, lakes, mountains and fields, but there are only a handful of places where you are allowed to set foot. Where do you want to go first? 】

   A total of eleven options popped up under the text, which is exactly where he can now set foot as mentioned in the badge.

  Mu You first chose the 'Magic Teaching Building'.

[You came to the first-year magic teaching building, which is a place dedicated to teaching first-year students, but at this time the building is empty, and all the magic lessons are only held from 6:00-20:00 every day. It's school time now, you'd better go back to the dormitory to rest as soon as possible. Do you want to go to the dormitory immediately? 】


  Mu You was not in a hurry to go back, he had come all the time, so he had to explore the way first.

  【You enter the hall of the magic teaching building. 】

  【You can see a row of display racks on the right side of the hall. The display racks hold the 'curriculum', which is worth 10 years of life, but each new student can receive a free class schedule. Do you want to get it now? 】


  【You have obtained the 'Red Rose Academy Curriculum'. 】

   Received a free curriculum, Mu You thought it was just a piece of paper, but when he clicked it out, it turned out to be a thick book!

Opening it up and taking a quick look, Mu You quickly understood that this thing is not a weekly schedule, but a collection of the seven grades, the spell lessons to be taught every day of the year, all in it , made it as complicated as a reference book, no wonder it is so thick.

   Mu You translated the instructions on the first few pages, which mentioned the specific charging standards for spells.

  Each class needs to be paid before entering the classroom. The fee is fixed at 20 years, and it is halved for formal students of the college.

   That is to say, a low-level spell worth 100 years of life can be learned here with only 20 years of life, and even less for formal students, it only takes 10 years.

  The problem is that many spells cannot be learned in one lesson.

  Spell classes at the Academy of Magic are fixed at two hours each.

How much progress you can learn in a class depends on the talent of the magic department. For example, if you can only comprehend 20% of a class, then you have to come to the class for five times, and the fee will return to the market price, instead of wasting time to attend classes , it's better to just buy a spell scroll and learn it in an instant.

Therefore, although the college teaches a total of thousands of spells, not all courses can be learned. The specific spells to learn depends on each student's own magic talent. If you learn fire magic, if you are talented in thunder, you should specialize in thunder, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

This is why wizards from academic schools always specialize in a certain department. Even if they have magic in other departments, they are mostly auxiliary, unlike wandering wizards who learn all kinds of spells but are not proficient in anything. .

   Mu You was really curious about his magical talent.

   Fortunately, the Academy of Magic of course has special props for testing magic talent, and it happens to be in this teaching building.

  【You see on the left side of the hall, there is a row of twelve cylindrical booths, on which are magic crystal balls. 】

[This is a device specially used to detect magical talents. It is divided into thunder, water, fire, earth, wind, strengthening, life, soul, holy light, curse, time and space, and summoning. Enter the magic power in the crystal ball, and you can get your talent number of the department according to the brightness of the crystal ball, but each test takes ten years of life. 】

  Measure once for ten years, twelve **** is one hundred and twenty years!

   That is to say, all the students have to spend 120 years on testing their talents before entering school without learning anything...

   Mu You sighed with emotion, this study is really not something that ordinary people can afford.

   Fortunately, he has the means of whoring for nothing.

  Vivienne said before that he had average earth talent, so Mu You first manipulated the character to go in front of the earth crystal ball.

  【You put your hand on the earth-type crystal ball. Do you want to spend ten years of life to test your earth-type magic talent? 】


  【Life -10. 】

  【You input magic power into the crystal ball, and the crystal ball emits a faint light. 】

  【The test is successful, your soil magic talent is: 3.

  It takes an average of 28.6 hours for you to learn low-level earth magic, 85.8 hours for middle-level magic, and 257.4 hours for high-level magic. 】


   Mu You was taken aback, what level is this number?

   Hastily went back in time, and clicked to view the description of 'magic talent'.

  【The number of magic talents is divided into 1-10. The larger the number, the better the talent, and the shorter the total time required to learn magic.

Special case:

  1. There is no magic of any department, any magic power can be comprehended, and the learning time is calculated based on the highest talent of all departments.

  2, mixed magic, calculated according to the talent of the lowest item in the mixed departments. 】

  Talent is divided into one to ten, and Mu You only has three, which is indeed a low-to-medium level.

   It takes 28.6 hours to learn a low-level magic, that is, 15 lessons. Converted to a lifespan of 300 years, it far exceeds the price of a spell scroll. So it is absolutely not worthwhile for him to learn earth magic.

   Fortunately, Vivienne had informed him of this result in advance, and Mu You was not too surprised. He shook his head and continued to test the next one.

  【Your fire magic talent is: 2.

  You need an average of 66.7 hours to learn low-level fire magic, 200 hours for middle-level magic, and 600 hours for high-level magic. 】


  Mu You was speechless, why did he get even lower.

   Backtracking, next.

  【Your water magic talent is: 1.

  You need an average of 200 hours to learn low-level water magic, 600 hours for middle-level magic, and 1800 hours for high-level magic. 】

  Mu You has nothing to say, another series of magic can't be learned...

   Backtracking, go on!

  【Your life magic talent is: 4.

  It takes an average of 20 hours for you to learn low-level magic of the life system, 60 hours for middle-level magic, and 180 hours for high-level magic. 】

  The life department is Mu You's favorite department, because it is one of the departments that he can transform into black magic.

   The talent of the life department is finally better than the three just now. However, 20 hours, 10 classes, converted into a lifespan of 200 years for a low-level spell, is still a loss!

  According to this rule, the talent must reach at least 5 points before it is possible to enter the stage of not losing money.

   "At least five or more..."

   Mu You prayed secretly, went back in time, and continued the test.


  【Your holy light magic talent is: 1...】

  【Your soul magic talent is: 1...】

   After the first six talents were tested, Mu You lost his confidence.

   What the hell, doesn't he have a passing talent?

   With a slightly apprehensive mood, Mu You continued to test the next one.

  【Your curse magic talent is: 5.

   It takes an average of 13.3 hours for you to learn a low-level curse spell, 40 hours for a middle-level spell, and 120 hours for a high-level spell. 】

   "Finally a good one came!"

   Mu You breathed a sigh of relief, at least he has the talent to pass the passing mark.

Low-level magic takes 13.3 hours, which is 15% of the progress of each class, and it takes seven classes to complete it. In fact, it is still a loss, but don't forget, this is only the speed of the basic talent, and his mysterious man's skin can also increase by 50% .

  Combining the effect of the skin, the progress of each class becomes 22.5%. In this way, one magic can be learned in five classes, just stuck on the line of 'not losing money'.

  Maybe it is Oufei Conservation, after the first few sluggish talents, the next department began to announce the good news frequently.

  【Your time-space magic talent is: 10.

   It takes an average of 4 hours for you to learn a low-level magic of the time-space system, 12 hours for an intermediate magic, and 36 hours for a high-level magic. 】

  【Your summoning magic talent is: 9.

  It takes an average of 5 hours for you to learn low-level summoning magic, 15 hours for middle-level magic, and 45 hours for high-level magic. 】

  【Your enhancement magic talent is: 7...】

  【Your wind magic talent is: 10...】

  【Your thunder magic talent is: 6...】

   After testing all talents, Mu You was quite surprised by the result.

  His only two talents that have reached 10 are actually wind and time and space, these two departments that are usually inconspicuous!

  In addition, the Summoning Department and the Strengthening Department are also departments with outstanding talents, one is nine and the other is seven.

  The magic of the above four departments can be learned through the academy, and it is safe to make a profit.

   As for the others, the Lightning element is 6, including the skin bonus, it takes four classes to learn a low-level magic, and the lifespan is 80 years, which is a small profit compared to the cost of 100 years. Coupled with the opportunity to transform black magic, the Thunder type is also the type that can be seen and studied.

   Further down, life and curse. The curse system does not lose money, and the life system loses money, but it has the advantage of transforming black magic. These two items can be learned selectively. If it is a particularly useful magic, you can also learn it.

  Besides the above, other magics are not worth learning at all. One counts as one, and it is a pure loss!

   After knowing the talent, Mu You looked back at the schedule again.

  The spell class of the first grade is all low-level magic, and seven teachers teach seven kinds of magic every week.

  Each teacher only teaches one class a day, and seven teachers just take up 14 hours of teaching time in a day, which lasts for seven days.

   In the second week, seven new magics will be taught.

   That is to say, there are only seven lessons for each type of magic each year. If you haven't learned the seven lessons, you can only go back to the next year or pay for a teacher to make up the lessons.

  It's Sunday night, and of course this week's classes are all over.

   Mu You rummaged around, and quickly found the seven kinds of magic that the first grade will be teaching next week.

  Levitation spell: low-level wind magic, summon the power of wind to make an object float or move.

  Clear water like a spring: Water-type low-level magic, summon drinkable, clean water at the tip of the wand.

  Small Fireball: Low-level fire magic, summon a small fireball at the tip of the wand and cast it out.

  Electric Arc Sword: Lightning low-level magic, which gathers concentrated lightning energy on a wand or weapon, making it a sword that cuts iron like mud.

  Silence: Enhanced low-level magic, within the duration of the magic, eliminate all sounds around you and you.

  Holy Light Curse: Low-level light magic, summon the power of holy light, heal friendly or damage enemy undead units.

  Stoning Curse: Low-level earth magic, summon a stone and hit it, causing damage and stunning the enemy.

  Seven magic, seven departments.

  To Mu You's surprise, there happened to be the 'Silence Curse' needed to enter the library, the strengthening department, he has a talent of '7', and with the skin bonus, it only takes 5.3 hours to learn it, which is three classes.

   There is no need to consider the rest of the magic, the only thing to learn is the Levitation Curse and the Arc Sword, and ignore the others.

  After writing down the time of the three spell classes, Mu You took out the satellite phone and opened the redemption page of the Longteng website.

   To enter the silent library, in addition to the silent spell, you also need a 'search spell'.

   Mu You searched on Longteng Software, and it turned out that there really was one!

  【Search spell: high-level non-category magic, release magic power, search around and display the location of the thing you need to find, only items or text, the more magic power you input, the larger the search range. Exchange price: 12000 points. 】

  The search spell is a non-category type of magic, and any type of magic power can be used. But what surprised Mu You was that this spell was actually a high-level spell!

   Fortunately, the country just rewarded 10,000 points last night, and he now has a total of 16,000+ points. He can still afford this spell.

  In order to avoid being bought by others, Mu You took a photo on the spot and waited for Zhang Yang to deliver it to his door tomorrow.

   After the problem of the spell was settled, Mu You clicked on the text of 'student dormitory', ready to check out the place to live.

  【You left the teaching building. 】

  【You came to the student dormitory. 】

  【After showing the badge to the housekeeper, the old lady of the housekeeper took you to your dormitory: room 12564. 】

  【This is a slightly old room, with only a bed and a set of tables and chairs in a space of about ten square meters. A small window on the top of the west wall is facing the street outside the school, so it can be predicted that it will be quite noisy at night. It is not so much a dormitory as a prison for torturing prisoners. 】

[The housekeeper looks at your slightly dissatisfied face, and kindly tells you that this room is free, if you are not satisfied, you can add more money, we have exquisite suites and luxurious suites equipped according to royal standards, to ensure quiet, safe, and absolute privacy Domain characteristics, no one can disturb without your permission. The price is not expensive, the life of the exquisite suite is 365 years, and the life of the luxury suite is 1200 years. your choice…】

  【A luxury: buy an exquisite suite. 】

  【Spend a lot of money: buy a luxury suite. 】

  【Accept the status quo: When you don't hear me, stay where you are. 】

   “Accept the status quo.”

  Mu You chose the third option without even thinking about it.

  It's just a temporary place to stay. He flies around the world every day, and rarely has the chance to go back to the dormitory. A free space would be nice. What more bike do you need?

  【Seeing that you don't plan to upgrade your residence, the housekeeper gave you a contemptuous look, and left disappointed. 】

  Mu You also ignored the dorm manager who seemed a bit snobby from the description, and was going to find a bed and bedding to send to the game.

   Who would have thought that at this moment, a new text popped up on the phone.

  【You are walking around in the dormitory, looking for tools to clean the room, when you suddenly find something strange in the space ring. 】

  【You took out a hard card from the ring. This is the "Rhode's student certificate" obtained by killing the mysterious person before. Rhode was also one of the outstanding students of Red Rose Academy, but after he graduated, he didn't seem to transfer all the property left in the academy. At this moment, this card is trembling slightly, floating in one direction, as if it is guiding you somewhere. 】

  【Do you want to follow the card? 】


   Mu You was taken aback. He had indeed seized a card from the Red Rose Academy when he killed the mysterious man Rhodes in the rotting swamp. There has been no movement before, but I didn't expect the incident to be triggered suddenly at this time.


  【You follow the guidance of the card to search all the way, leave the freshman dormitory building, and soon arrive at another dormitory area: this is the exquisite accommodation area. 】

  【Under the flickering of the card in your hand, the enchantment in the exquisite dormitory area will not hinder you in any way. You make it into the area and stop before one of the igloos. 】

  【After swiping the card for authentication, the door in front of you will automatically open to you. 】

  【You discovered 'Rod's Remains'. 】

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 734 New
Chapter 733 New
Chapter 732 New
Chapter 731 New
Chapter 730 New
Chapter 729 New
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
Chapter 609
Chapter 608
Chapter 607
Chapter 606
Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
Chapter 601
Chapter 600
Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
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Chapter 558
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Chapter 547
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Chapter 545
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Chapter 540
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Chapter 138
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Chapter 60
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Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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