The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 113 - Desperate Situation

The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 113 - Desperate Situation

Chapter 113: Desperate Situation
The roar of the storm outside the windows can no longer be considered to be just in the background. Along the onset of the flood came the rage of the oceans.

Humans had conquered the most fertile lands for far too long. As the victors of the previous Sacred War, they do possess the right to be proud. The Seafolk are chased into the dark and cold ocean, the Beastmen lost their grasslands and plains while the Undead disappeared into the marshlands and deserts. Even the Elf who belong to the Order Faction just like the human was forced into secluding in one corner of the world under the aggression of the humans.

The losers of the previous Sacred War have been suffering in agony for the past 1700 years. Those surviving long lifespans still remember how their kin and homelands were destroyed in the war. They hate and fear war, but yet they crave for it. They detest the destructive war which took everything away from them, but yet their desire is to return to the homeland of their ancestors. They hope that they will be able to vent their resentment and hatred through a war of vengeance and snatch back everything they lost.

In contrast, the short lifespan humans already view themselves as the core of the world, the blessed ones of Eich, the kings of all beings.

Bianluya Plains is the sacred land as well as the land of origin of the Beastmen. The black land is so fertile that it is reputed that a seedling would grow from even raw rice. Yet, in the endless territories of the Saint Antonio Empire, it is considered one of the land of lesser importance. On the other hand, its original owner, the Beastmen, are slaughtering others mercilessly in the Underground World for the sake of survival or scavenging for food on barren lands, 

Back then, when the Seafolk were known as Water Tribe, they could be found in every river, reservoir, sea and lake. However, if a Seafolk were to appear in a lake on the continent now, an army would be mobilised to exterminate it in an instant, not to mention the adventurers who are attracted by the bounty on them. The Elf Kingdom which should have been an ally could always find their own kin in slavery markets. The skirmishes that occur between the Elves and human kingdoms by the borders  have never stopped.

The heroic Knights of back then had become slothful. Compared to the other races, the humans had been living too peacefully and their easy life made them arrogant and egocentric. Being born without longevity, their short sightedness made them forget their ancestors’ hard work and glory. They feel that they are the leader of all beings and that the other life-forms should be their servants.

"Beastmen? Aren't those just barbarians who can't even speak properly? In the face of our new technology and war machines, these wild barbarians are not worth mentioning. Elves? Heh, a bunch of foolish antiques. If the Sacred War were to recur, any two of our superpowers would be more than sufficient to sweep through the whole continent. We could probably end up as the easiest victor of the Sacred War."

The victors of the previous Sacred War are still gleeful over their dominance and devoted their body and soul into waging an internal conflict among their own race. On the other hand, the losers are suffering in agony, bearing all pain as the bided their time for a chance to flip the tables.

The different attitudes of both sides towards war has caused the original victors of the Order Faction to unknowingly descend into an absolute disadvantageous situation.

In the plains in the South, the Earth Elemental God and the Beastmen had started walking together. On a frigid night, sitting by the bonfire to warm themselves up, the Chieftains point to the homeland that they dream of as they roar and cry. The Beastmen Warriors share a drink of their blood as a symbol of alliance while preparing to set off. On a barren island in the South, there are the Blackwings who have been reduced to a mere pirating tribe. Yet, under the assistance of the Wind Elemental God, they regained their ability to fly. Activating their ancient floating island and picking up their sacred spears, they are ready for the new hunting season.

If it wasn't for Elisa consuming the Fire Elemental God as tonic, when the four Ancient Elemental Gods move out together, the Elemental Tide of the entire Dimension will rise exponentially. Magic, Divine Arts and supernatural abilities will become easier to learn and use. As the origin of all Elemental Magic, the four main Elemental Magic will find its prowess increasing explosively

At the same time, it would be easier for guests from other dimensions to traverse over. The Elementals will become a usual guest in the Main Dimension while the Demons of the Chaos Faction has already embarked on a new bloody battle of elimination. The new warlords will gain the opportunity to lead the Demons to reap the souls of the surface dwellers.

Perhaps, this may just be the prelude battle to the eternal Sacred War. However, if the humans are unable to even withstand the prelude, then calling it the final battle isn't wrong as well.

Other than the humans, the next strongest faction in the Order Faction should be the Elves, who had fractured into countless kingdoms, race and tribes. However, from a hundred years ago, the Elf kingdoms had begun sealing their territory up. Despite receiving an omen of the onset of Sacred War, the Elves and their Gods didn’t have the intention to notify their ‘allies’. After all, they know that even if they were to inform them, they would most probably only meet with indifference and sarcasm by the arrogant humans.

You can praise an Elf for their looks, for their kindness and for their intelligence. However, you can never praise them for being forgiving. In the Elf language, forgiveness and short-term memory are synonyms. For those narrow-minded long ears, the resentment they have accumulated for a thousand years ago feels fresh as though it was from yesterday. For them who had wanted to stay out of the battle, it is already considered kind of them to not put the humans down.

Also, there had been information that the Elf Gods have been in contact with the Malevolent Gods of Chaos all along. It is unsure whether these rumors are true but it is a fact that the Human Gods have relationships with the other Gods. After all, there would always be some estrangement between an ex-leader and a current leader. It is just like an ex-celebrity looking at an idol that is popular at the moment. Even if they say nothing on the surface, they would bound to have complicated emotions about it. It is impossible for their relationship to be good.

Alright, back to the main topic at hand. The current situation is already apparent before us. The Chaos Faction has been sharpening their knives for the past thousand years. In comparison, the human kingdoms are still in a state of peace and expending themselves in an internal struggle. At the very least, the result of the war in the early stages is bound to be disastrous for them.

Afterwards, while I was reflecting on my actions, I realised that I made the same mistake as the Celestial Tower. They were too reliant on prophecies while I was too reliant on my 'history prophecy'. Even if that 'history' is the projection of true events that occurred and the portion in the beginning is accurate, this doesn't mean that it would go down the way it is written. Other than my existence that causes a butterfly effect on the world, just the very fact that there isn't any other 'players' existent means that everything would be different.

In a real world without 'players' blessed by the heavens, the three great Elemental Gods can't possibly be killed by some ridiculous plot. The level of the Elemental Calamity far surpasses what was projected in the walkthrough. Perhaps, compared to the entire Sacred War and the continent, it could only be considered as the appetiser before the meal. But, this prelude battle would definitely be much more gruesome than in 'history'.

Alright, even if I predicted the events accurately, even if I wasn't squatting in the prison called Liu Huang Mountain City while studying and refining the laws, I am still helpless in the matters which involves countless powerful Gods.

The current situation has already diverged from 'history'. If things were to go down as projected in the walkthrough, when the four Elemental Gods are eradicated, three of them were sealed and only the Fire Elemental God managed to escape from his seal in the Underground World. He worked together with the Underground Alliance which freed him, causing the conflict between the Underground World and the Surface to escalate. At present, due to my influence, the Fire Elemental God which should have been a big headache is completely gotten rid of. On the other hand, the other three Elemental God found their own helpers, becoming a source of huge trouble.

It is meaningless to debate which history would be better. Assumptions do not hold in history and there are no 'ifs'. It is impossible to debate for sure which side would is better.

At the current moment, I have to face the storm that was created by the wings of the butterfly of fate, the great wave that is stirred by the Water Elemental Goddess.

Right after walking out of the reception room, despite experiencing numerous wars, I was still shocked by the sight before me.

Tornadoes fill the entire sight outside the windows. They seem like a giant dragons pulling  water to the sky while the ominous dark clouds continue to rain at a fixed pace. The entire city has already been converted into a City of Rain.

"A phenomenon of God!"This isn't a description but a judgement towards the situation. Only God Power can create such a bizarre sight.

Inside the sparring field, the hall on the first floor is already in a mess. Water floods the interior of the location and on a temporary stage that was built for this event, nobles are communicating urgently with their subordinates.

The moment Darsos walks down, informants rush up and surround him. Innumerable glow of the Mystical Arts flickers. The valuable high-tier Mages have become the only reliable messenger here.

"The defense line along the coast has been broken through, there are too many Seafolk! These Sea Giants cannot be stopped!"

"Head of Court Mages Halso has died in battle. The defense line of Court Mages is collapsing. The White Wolf Guards from different locations are being surrounded and exterminated by the Seafolk. They can't break out of the encirclement!"

"All roads for the movements of troops to assist the defense lines have been blocked by the escaping refugees. Nobles are commanding their private army to kill them to open a way through."

Bad news come floating down like snowflakes. However, what that gripped the hearts of the crowd here are the displays sent here by the Mages who are stationed at different streets.

In a certain display, the Auland's prided White Wolf Guards who are equipped with top-tier equipment are blocked by the short Fishmen. It is difficult for the war horses they bred carefully to move even a single step in the flood. In order to move in the flood, a Knight got off his horse and unequips his prided Missilor mythril alloy equipment helplessly.

In the water, it is impossible for them to conduct a fearless charge which they are known for. The indestructible Savage Heavy Sword couldn't find its targets. In the heavy rain, it is impossible to throw the exploding Savage Javelin at all. The Knights walking in the water couldn't catch up at all with the Fishmen swimming away. Their heavy armor and weapon became their greatest burden. The powerful White Wolf Guards fought poorly in the water, their performance not even matching up to a fisherman.


Even though the voice that is sent along with the display isn't loud, the distorted face of the Knight in pain, the spear that is stabbed into his back and the blood flowing out from his wound is clear to see.


Cheering delightfully, the head of the Fishman who killed the Knight pops out from the water surface. Then, he dives back in again and he bides his time for another opportunity to conduct an assault.

The short figures of the Fishmen which had been mocked at by the other races usually have become their strongest weapon in this flood. Mud is mixed into the river water, making it impossible for the Knights to discover the Fishmen hiding in the water.

On the other hand, a sturdy-looking Knight got captured in a net. Then, with a jerk, he is pulled down. He is still wearing his armor as his powerful body is able to carry it. He struggles in the net, unable to climb back up at all. He uses all his might in an attempt to tear apart the net but to no avail. In the end, he could only widen his eyes with his hands clutching onto his neck. Just like that, he drowned to death in front of everyone else.

"...That is little Mickey, the youngest Silver Knight of the guards. His ability to maneuver his horse in a charge is the strongest in the 7th Squadron. For him to die like that to a lowly Fishmen! Hauk, the strongest Knight of the 7th Squadron, for him to drown to death just like that! Lord, please think of a solution. We can't all die like this meaninglessly!"

The furious roar of the White Wolf Guard in the hall makes everyone feel desolate. One of the core values of the Knight is that they do not fear sacrifice. However, there is also a rule that their sacrifice has to hold some meaning. If they were to die in a charge towards a Giant Dragon, then that would be an honor. However, dying in the hands of the weak Fishmen who don't mean a thing on other days is an insult to the Knights.

Given how the powerful White Wolf Guards are already in such a dire situation, the Aulanders in the other displays are in a worse position.

A beautiful Mermaid dances under the water. The pouring rain reminds her of the waterfall in her hometown. Thus, she fondles the magic seashell in her golden hair and starts to sing.

The singing of the Mermaids is well-known in the world. The beautiful and elegant figure of them dressed in seashells are even more enchanting. However, the Warriors on the battlefield didn't have the leisure to enjoy the performance. That is because along with the song of the Mermaid, threats lurk in the waters.

"AHHHH! A carnivorous fish! There are carnivorous fishes under the water!"

The Warrior who cries in agony falls into the murky water. A few seconds later, a pile of white bones with teeth marks on it floats on top of red water.

"Jellyfish, there are poisonous jellyfishes! Everyone, leave the water surface!"

The transparent and colorless jellyfishes are undetectable under the water. Their tentacles and skin are filled with deadly venom that would cause even the strongest Warriors to be numbed to death unknowingly.

"AHHHHHH! Swordfish!"

This Warrior can be considered fortunate. At the very least, he knows who is the one who got rid of him. The swordfish's long mouth stabs into his waist. Clutching his intestines, he struggles slightly for a bit before falling into the water, dead.

Along the sweet singing of the Mermaid, the delicacies of the sea in the restaurants on previous days turned into deadly predators.

Everyone knows that staying in the water even a moment longer could mean death. However, in the City of Rain blessed by the two Gods using God Power, there isn’t a single part of the city that isn't flooded. There isn't any place for the Warriors to escape to.

Although there are people who abandon everything to climb to the roof, looking at the fins from a group of sharks below, what await them is still their doomsday.

A large amount of Seafolk surge into the city. If the low middle-tier fighting power of the Seafolk made their opponents sigh helplessly, then the strength of the top-tier fighting power made them feel despair.

"Summon Explosion Flames!"

In despair, a battle Mage who specialises in Fire Magic summons the Fire Spell he is the most adept in. However, before the flames could even take shape, a young Naga claps her hands together and a wave of water rushes towards him, extinguishing the flames.

As an incarnation of the Water Snake Spirit, every Naga would at least be capable of a little bit of Water Magic. Perhaps, on the continent, it would be only sufficient to quench their thirst. But in the water, they are raise menacing waves capable of great destruction.

Furthermore, she was only an apprentice. The Seafolk's fighting power has increased exponentially under the blessings of the Water Goddess and Sea Goddess. The shockwaves from the footsteps of the Sea Giants generate giant waves that are capable of breaking through the sturdiest fortress easily. The Spellcasters of the Seafolk laugh sinisterly as they summon giant waves while hiding under the water to scour everything.

The ones here today are the elites from more than a hundred tribes. The human Warriors who are separates from their group by the billowing waves are surrounded and killed. Even in terms of the quantity of high-tier fighting power, the human faction aren’t in an advantageous situation.

"Never fight with the Seafolk in water, unless you possess fins and don't need to breath."

It is unsure who is the one to say this ancient adage. The hall in the sparring field remains eerily silent. Then, faint sobbing could be heard.

Yes, no one is able to defeat the Seafolk in the sea. Just like how I almost died from the encirclement of a group of Fishmen just a few days ago, the fighting prowess of the Seafolk in water is unimaginable. This is also the reason why the two Goddesses can rest peacefully after they finished their blessings on the City of Rain at all costs. In their opinion, there is no need for them to interfere in the situation anymore.

The current situation proves that their judgement is accurate. From the moment when the city became flooded, the victors have already been decided. The Auland Empire is fated to lose its extravagant City of Pearls.

No one expected that the powerful Empire would meet with a calamity of this level on such a joyous day of celebration. Everyone sets their gaze on Darsos as they wait for his final decision.

A city isn't the only thing an Empire possess. In their vast lands, they can still form new armies. As long as they remain alive, there will still be hope and the day of their vengeance would come.

It is meaningless for them to give up their lives right now. Everyone knows and understands what they have to do now, but the cruel call has to be made and bore by the inaugurating Emperor.

"...Abandon the defense line. All those who can leave, retreat out of the city!"

Shouting these words from the gaps between his teeth, Darsos seemed to have aged 10 years.

"NO!! My parents are still at home. Your majesty, please save them!" A son of nobility cries out and this is only the start.

"My precious little son is still fighting, how can we give up now! This is the most despicable betrayal!" An old general roars at the Emperor. His soldiers are dying tragically one after another. The moment a retreat occurs, they will all turn into sacrificial cannon fodders. There would be no possibility for their survival.

"Kagersi is our capital. Losing our capital, how can we still stand with our heads up high in the Eich Continent. We will become the laughingstock of the entire world." The old Duke laughs miserably. What he said is true. The only ones who smile cheerfully at this situation are those envoys of the states who are forced to submit to the Auland Empire. Even though they are worried about their safety, happiness could be seen on their face.

To the envoys, even if they were to die, as long as they do not sign on those clauses which brings shame to their country, as long as their descendants can live with their heads up high, it would allbe worth it even if they were to die at this instant.

"I said, retreat!"

The Scarlet Conqueror emits a blood-like glow as the Emperor stabs the sword into the ground.

"Staying in this city to await death? Foolish! So what if we lose our White Wolf Guards? We can build the White Lion Guards and White Tiger Guards. So what if we lose our capital? There are vast lands to our Auland, there are countless cities similar to Kagersi. We can just pick a new one. Indeed, we have lost today. We just have to mark this shame and tomorrow, our great armies will repay everything back to them!"

"I say, we retreat! Take away anything of value and discard those useless monetary objects. Take away all of our nation's treasures. Prioritise our technology, children, women and elderly. Other than that, only those of high standing will be prioritised. All young males whose limbs are intact, pick up your weapons and stand alongside me. My Knights and I will maintain a defense line here to the final moment!"

When his rage escalates past a certain level, the tone of the King of Winter Wolves turned calm instead. Just that, his trembling beard of his proves that he is furious.

The Emperor's calmness and initiative to stall for time stabilised the situation at an important moment. His declaration to stand guard without second thoughts allowed him avoid the most tragic ending. As for me, it is time for me to make a decision as well.

"My apologies, I didn't expect for it to turn out like this. You can leave together with the first wave of those retreating. No, I should say, please leave with them."

"The Gnome Bank of Green Bay. If you fulfill the terms of the contract, you can claim the key from there at any time. However, it would only be there a month later."

I didn't reply straight to his words and as usual, my words do not bear truth. I am still in the midst of making final preparations for my departure, so why would I tell the other party that the key is still on me.

Leaving right now? How can this be possible! Little Reyne, following my requests, is walking around town to recruit talents while Krose is still guarding at the Church. They are definitely in danger at this moment. If I were to take the crucial key and escape at this moment, not only will my comrades on the surface die for certain, even the fellows who are in the underwater base will starve to death.

"You intend to save your comrades? Stop joking around. The entire city is filled with Seafolk. Even if it is you, fighting with a Seafolk in water is suicidal! A pointless sacrifice, that is the shame of a Knight!"

"Heh, suicidal? I don't agree with your words."

There is no point in explaining anything to him. I shake my head and walk down to the main hall. I take out my Dimension Pouch and search through my old items.

Yes, even for me, there is not a chance of victory if I were to cross blows with the Seafolk in the water. Furthermore, the War Angel Form is extremely limited. The moment I enter the water, I won’t be able to escape the pursuit of the Seafolk. If so, there is no way I can achieve my goals. However, as long as I have that item, it isn't entirely impossible."

"There isn't a chance of victory if I were to fight in water. However, things would be differently if it is on ice. Here it is!"

After pouring out a bundle of prune, marbles, handmade poker cards and many other miscellaneous object, I finally found the item I was searching for. It is a hand carved wooden dagger. It is only slightly bigger than my hand. It is obviously a child's toy. Its handicraft is coarse and there are a few squiggly words carved on it, as though written by a child.

"Karwenz's sword. Roland cannot secretly take and play."

Those few words are really written by a child. That is the signature Karwenz left behind on his treasured wooden sword. Back then, when he was younger, he was unwilling to address me, who is only a few minutes older than him, as his elder brother. Normally, he would just call me by my name.

Fondling the scars on the sword, I feel as though I have returned back to that warm and worry-free childhood. I could almost see that rash and straightforward foolish little brother of mine.

Shaking my head, this isn't the time for me to be reminiscing the past. What I need now isn't the wooden sword itself but the soul sleeping within it.

"Erebella, I need your help."

Chapter end

Chapter 841 [END] – Side Story 4
Chapter 840
Chapter 839 – Side Story 2
Chapter 838 – Side Story 1
Chapter 837
Chapter 836
Chapter 835
Chapter 834
Chapter 833
Chapter 832
Chapter 831
Chapter 830
Chapter 829
Chapter 828
Chapter 827
Chapter 826
Chapter 825
Chapter 824
Chapter 823
Chapter 822 – Double
Chapter 821
Chapter 820
Chapter 819
Chapter 818
Chapter 817
Chapter 816
Chapter 815
Chapter 814
Chapter 813
Chapter 812
Chapter 811
Chapter 810
Chapter 809
Chapter 808
Chapter 807
Chapter 806
Chapter 805
Chapter 804
Chapter 803
Chapter 802
Chapter 801
Chapter 800
Chapter 799
Chapter 798
Chapter 797
Chapter 796
Chapter 795
Chapter 794
Chapter 793
Chapter 792
Chapter 791
Chapter 790
Chapter 789
Chapter 788
Chapter 787
Chapter 786
Chapter 785
Chapter 784
Chapter 783
Chapter 782
Chapter 781
Chapter 780
Chapter 779
Chapter 778
Chapter 777
Chapter 776
Chapter 775
Chapter 774
Chapter 773
Chapter 772
Chapter 771
Chapter 770
Chapter 769
Chapter 768
Chapter 767
Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
Chapter 757
Chapter 756
Chapter 755
Chapter 754
Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723 - Framed
Chapter 722 - Source of Chaos
Chapter 721 - Truth
Chapter 720 - Truthful Dream
Chapter 719 - Getting Closer to the Truth
Chapter 718 - Meeting Gift
Chapter 717 - Truth and Rumors
Chapter 716 - Coincidental Meeting
Chapter 715 - San Antonio
Chapter 714 - Ogres
Chapter 713 - Choice
Chapter 712 - Karwenz's Goal
Chapter 711 - Sword and Personality
Chapter 710 - Subtle Development
Chapter 709 - Sister-in-law
Chapter 708 - Divine Punishment
Chapter 707 - Information
Chapter 706 - Chaos Girls
Chapter 705 - Casually Digging a Pitfall
Chapter 704 - Theocracy
Chapter 703 - Finally Remembering the Main Storyline
Chapter 702 - Revival
Chapter 701 - The Broken Potions of Calamity
Chapter 700
Chapter 699 - Breakthrough
Chapter 698 - Bad Luck Combination
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692 - Ice and Snow
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689 - Elemental Hunting
Chapter 688 - Revenge
Chapter 687 - Mortal Enemy of Yongye
Chapter 686 - : Revenge
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682 - Volcano
Chapter 681 - Awkward Situation
Chapter 680
Chapter 679 - Reinforcements
Chapter 678 - New Shawen
Chapter 677 - The Newest Elemental Plane
Chapter 676 - Change
Chapter 675 - : Spy
Chapter 674 - Progress
Chapter 673 - Shadowy Alliance
Chapter 672
Chapter 671 - Most Unreliable Alliance
Chapter 670 - Old Residence and Temptation
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648 - Goal
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644 - Battle of Ice and Snow
Chapter 643 - Beginning the Rescue
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638 - Intervention
Chapter 637 - Worsening Combat Situation
Chapter 636 - Civilization's Evolution
Chapter 635 - First Wave
Chapter 634 - Dusk's Arrival
Chapter 633 - Concubine and Rumors
Chapter 632 - Miracle Airship Squadron
Chapter 631 - Truthful Lie
Chapter 630 - Chaotic Revival
Chapter 629 - Precious Fruits
Chapter 628 - Awkward Reinforcements
Chapter 627 - Proper Status
Chapter 626 - Demon Wave
Chapter 625 - Beginning of the End
Chapter 624 - Request
Chapter 623 - Ironic Fate
Chapter 622 - Responsibility
Chapter 621 - Riddle and Emergency Report
Chapter 620 - Fate and Elves
Chapter 619 - Difference Between Life and Death
Chapter 618 - Status
Chapter 617 - Guide and Parting
Chapter 616 - Gathering of Those Who Are Single
Chapter 615 - Bloody Ritual
Chapter 614 - New Target
Chapter 613 - Victory Without Glory
Chapter 612 - Battle Without Honor
Chapter 611 - Schemers
Chapter 610 - Dual Hearts
Chapter 609 - Unexpected
Chapter 608 - Decision
Chapter 607 - Too Calculating
Chapter 606 - Recovery
Chapter 605 - Reunion
Chapter 604 - Pit digger
Chapter 603 - Warrior's Honor
Chapter 602 - Scheme
Chapter 601 - Dawn
Chapter 600 - Death
Chapter 599 - Coincidence
Chapter 598 - Mystery
Chapter 597 - Trap
Chapter 596 - The Warhorns of Dimensional War
Chapter 595 - Information Brokers
Chapter 594 - Acquaintance
Chapter 593 - Ashen Furnace
Chapter 592 - Unexpected Harvest
Chapter 591 - Seal
Chapter 590 - Counterattack
Chapter 589 - Being Hunted
Chapter 588 - Unreliable Reinforcements
Chapter 587 - Unexpected
Chapter 586 - Hunter
Chapter 585 - Tieflings
Chapter 584 - A Little Present
Chapter 583 - Chaos Abyss Survival Plan
Chapter 582 - The Opportunity to Improve in Power Level
Chapter 581 - Triangular
Chapter 580 - Snake God's Invitation
Chapter 579 - Stare of the Hell God
Chapter 578 - Cursed Magic Sword
Chapter 577 - Evil Gods and Devils
Chapter 576 - Lucky Hunters
Chapter 575 - The Devils' Actions
Chapter 574 - Teasing the Cat
Chapter 573 - The Bloodspear Tribe Leader's Frustrations
Chapter 572 - Heading Out
Chapter 571 - New Goal
Chapter 570 - Accidental Meeting
Chapter 569 - Spreading Law
Chapter 568 - Chaotic
Chapter 567 - Vicious Dragon
Chapter 566 - Balls on Top
Chapter 565 - Light of Salvation
Chapter 564 - The Second Companion to Join Roland
Chapter 563 - Well-known Terrible Reputation
Chapter 562 - How the Chaos Abyss Conducts Business
Chapter 561 - Deal
Chapter 560 - Onibaba Market
Chapter 559 - Progress
Chapter 558 - Magic Swords
Chapter 557 - Unfortunate Black Dragon
Chapter 556 - Depressing Start to the Journey
Chapter 555 - Sword Training
Chapter 554 - Companions
Chapter 553 - Revived
Chapter 552 - Reinforcements
Chapter 551 - Scheme
Chapter 550 - Shooting One's Own Foot
Chapter 549 - Reunion
Chapter 548 - Inheritance
Chapter 547 - Myth Rank
Chapter 546 - Queen Knight
Chapter 545 - Digging a Pitfall
Chapter 544 - Divine Self-destruction
Chapter 543 - The Threat of the Scattered Undead
Chapter 542 - Traitor
Chapter 541 - Sly Harloys
Chapter 540 - Ongoing Shuraba
Chapter 539 - Turning Point
Chapter 538 - Burning Legion
Chapter 537 - The inferno troops are back
Chapter 536 - Dawn
Chapter 535 - Betrayal
Chapter 534 - Scam
Chapter 533 - Trap
Chapter 532 - Powerful yet Weak Copy
Chapter 531 - Unexpected Obstacle
Chapter 530 - Shuraba
Chapter 529 - Ideal Partner
Chapter 528 - Real Intention Revealed
Chapter 527 - Dawn of Peace (False)
Chapter 526 - Slyness
Chapter 525 - Two Scammers
Chapter 524 - Sky Tower's Rebellion
Chapter 523 - Conservation
Chapter 522 - Prophecy
Chapter 521 - Great Snow Mountain Magical Realm
Chapter 520 - Dawn's Beginning
Chapter 519 - Restart of Battle
Chapter 518 - Breakthrough
Chapter 517 - Key
Chapter 516 - Combat results and reinforcements
Chapter 515 - Tree of Holy Light
Chapter 514 - Chess Game and Change
Chapter 513 - Mage Duel
Chapter 512 - Yongye City
Chapter 511 - Fight
Chapter 510 - Bug
Chapter 509 - Vicious Dog
Chapter 508 - Guarding
Chapter 507 - Stare of the Hell God
Chapter 506 - Start of Battle and Spies
Chapter 505 - Everyone's Schemes
Chapter 504 - Artificial Soul
Chapter 503 - Flying Skates
Chapter 502 - Splitting Up
Chapter 501 - Religious Reform
Chapter 500 - Spreading Teachings
Chapter 499 - Schemers
Chapter 498 - Intersection
Chapter 497 - The Power of Hell
Chapter 496 - Revenge in the name of justice
Chapter 495 - Deserters
Chapter 494 - Artificial Soul
Chapter 493 - Undead Army
Chapter 492
Chapter 491 - Tracking
Chapter 490 - Bardi and the Undead
Chapter 489 - Conservation
Chapter 488 - Dragon and Hero
Chapter 487 - Dragon Lich
Chapter 486 - Anton and the Ancient Dragon
Chapter 485 - Intervening
Chapter 484 - Karo's Hope
Chapter 483 - Katerina
Chapter 482 - Darling of the New Generation
Chapter 481 - Famous Detective
Chapter 480 - Change
Chapter 479 - New Beginning
Chapter 478
Chapter 477 - Epilogue
Chapter 476 - Final Battle
Chapter 475 - Trust
Chapter 474 - Difficult Decision
Chapter 473 - Black and White
Chapter 472 - Ambition of the Traitor
Chapter 471 - Catfight
Chapter 470 - Hostage
Chapter 469 - Fire and Water
Chapter 468 - Beast of Armageddon
Chapter 467 - Lover
Chapter 466 - Sudden Change in the Situation
Chapter 465.1 - Hidden Aces
Chapter 465 - Borealis Transformer
Chapter 464 - Mountain Inferno
Chapter 463 - God Equipment Combo
Chapter 462 - Holy Light of Salvation
Chapter 461 - Brothers
Chapter 460 - Discussion
Chapter 459 - Hell Dragons
Chapter 458 - Chess Match
Chapter 457 - Wrath
Chapter 456 - Ace
Chapter 455
Chapter 454 - Three Layers
Chapter 453 - Four Elemental Towers
Chapter 452 - Choice
Chapter 451 - Truth of the River Styx
Chapter 450 - By the River Styx
Chapter 449 - Contract with the Powerful
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446 - Infallible
Chapter 445 - Inevitable Confrontation
Chapter 444 - Hell Devils
Chapter 443 - Ambushers
Chapter 442 - Duelists
Chapter 441 - Truth
Chapter 440 - Sibling Rivalry
Chapter 439 - Goddesses of Order and Chaos
Chapter 438 - Starting Point
Chapter 437 - Grand Scheme
Chapter 436 - Coconspirators
Chapter 435 - Fool
Chapter 434 - Demons and Devils
Chapter 433 - Summoning
Chapter 432 - Butterfly Effect
Chapter 431 - Waves
Chapter 430 - Thus Fell the Holy Light
Chapter 429 - Battle Between Angels and Mortals
Chapter 428 - Holy Light and a Choice
Chapter 427 - Two Battlefronts
Chapter 426 - Commencing the Scheme
Chapter 425 - List of Threats
Chapter 424 - Fairies
Chapter 423 - The True Nature of Ice
Chapter 422 - International Negotiations
Chapter 421 - Falling Water
Chapter 420 - Ice Hallucination
Chapter 419 - Return
Chapter 418 - Oath
Chapter 417 - Schemer
Chapter 416 - Reaching the Peak
Chapter 415 - Chaotic Situation
Chapter 414 - Scammer
Chapter 413 - Giants and Dragons
Chapter 412 - Profitable Job
Chapter 411 - Secret Information from the Past
Chapter 410 - The Unknown Past History of Dragon City
Chapter 409 - Everyone Has Their Own Schemes
Chapter 408 - Dragon City
Chapter 407 - God Equipment Set
Chapter 406 - A Gift from the Past
Chapter 405 - Hectic Times
Chapter 404 - Summoning
Chapter 403 - Tiger God
Chapter 402 - Making Others Suffer Deeply
Chapter 401 - Trade
Chapter 400 - Researcher
Chapter 399 - Immigration
Chapter 398 - Plains and the Eternal Thunder Tribe
Chapter 397 - Dragon World
Chapter 396 - Giving up on a Cure
Chapter 395 - Summoning
Chapter 394 - Northlands, Home of the Mist
Chapter 393 - Cultivation
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150 - Secret
Chapter 149 - Reunion
Chapter 149-150
Chapter 148 - Hunting and Being Hunted
Chapter 148
Chapter 147 - Overture
Chapter 147
Chapter 146 - War Breaks Out
Chapter 146
Chapter 145 - Torch Festival
Chapter 144 - Chaotic Situation
Chapter 143 - Short Letter
Chapter 142 - Ominous Clouds and Changes
Chapter 141 - Greenhouse
Chapter 140 - The Lies of the Demoness
Chapter 139 - Hidden Currents
Chapter 138 - Zombies VS Plants
Chapter 137 - Sharal Autonomous Region
Chapter 136 - Return and Reunion
Chapter 135 - Sword Seals and Army Division
Chapter 134 - Revolution
Chapter 133 - Distance and Expectations
Chapter 132 - A New Era
Chapter 131 - Ghost Festival
Chapter 130 - The Sinless City
Chapter 129 - Returning Home
Chapter 128 - The Northern Lands
Chapter 127 - Legend-rank Quest
Chapter 126 - Changes
Chapter 125 - Voyage and Confession
Chapter 123 - Competition
Chapter 122 - Old Friend
Chapter 121 - Decisive Battle (2)
Chapter 120 - The Decisive Battle (1)
Chapter 119 - Unexpected Rewards
Chapter 118 - Two Liars
Chapter 117 - Dragon Hunting
Chapter 116 - Judgement and Assassin
Chapter 115 - Ice Secret Sword
Chapter 114 - Erebella
Chapter 113 - Desperate Situation
Chapter 112 - City of Rain
Chapter 111 - The Arrival of the Storm
Chapter 110 - Dragon Slayer and True Love
Chapter 109 - Borealis
Chapter 108 - The Secret of the Lich
Chapter 107 - SemiGod Equipment and Gamble
The Experimental Logs of the Crazy Lich Chapter 106
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