The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time Chapter 153.2

The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time Chapter 153.2

Regarding the strength of Vida's races (An excerpt from manuscripts held by the Mages' Guild branch of the city of Niarki in the Hartner Duchy)

In addition to their Jobs, those of Vida's races that originated from monsters have Ranks displayed in their Statuses like monsters.

Depending on these Ranks, their Attribute Values can become higher than those of races such as humans.

They possess both bonuses from Jobs and the physical abilities of monsters, and they are capable of equipping themselves with arms.

Thus, they are capable of undergoing repeated Job-changes, and if they are in an environment where they can equip themselves well, it is obvious that races like Arachne, Scylla and Lamia can become stronger than the average human adventurer. This is also the reason why Vampires and Majin are viewed as threats.

While there are many monsters that never increase their Ranks even once during their lifetimes, the members of Vida's races that increase their strength in these environments increase their Ranks at least twice on average. (The time required for this depends on the individual and the race that they belong to.)

Also, it is dangerous to judge the strength of members of Vida's races from their Rank alone. When they have bonuses to their Attribute Values and Skills from their Jobs and are well-equipped in addition to that, it can be assumed that they are more effective in combat than their Rank may suggest.

Whether for better or worse, members of Vida's races that originated from monsters are often restricted from becoming adventurers or members of the national army as soldiers and knights.

But caution should be taken, as there are Vampires who have penetrated deep into human society.

An introduction to races – written by Luciliano

The following accounts might differ in parts from those of the Adventurers' Guild and Mages' Guild, but I have written them after directly seeing and talking to members of each race within the Boundary Mountain Range and conducting my own investigations.


One of the two races born between Vida, the goddess of life and love, and Zanalpadna, the evil god of carapaces and compound eyes.

They possess the upper body halves of beautiful women and the lower body halves of spiders. At present, they are divided into three types – large-build, medium-build and small-build – each with their own special characteristics.

Immediately after the birth of the race, it is thought that only one type of Arachne existed, likely the medium-build Arachne, and they diverged into three types after the war between Vida and Alda that took place a hundred thousand years ago.

Incidentally, according to materials that I borrowed from Zanalpadna's Chief Mage Bakotshi, it seems that aquatic Arachne do not exist.

It is likely that the aquatic Arachne described in the Adventurers' Guild's manuscripts refer to Arachne that have developed cultural practices, such as using their thread to create pouches filled with air, that make an aquatic lifestyle possible. It seems that their biology is no different from other Arachne.

Because they are a race of only females, their upper halves are those of beautiful women from the perspective of humanoid races, and many Arachne resemble humans. They have compound eyes on their foreheads and backs, but if those are kept hidden, it would be difficult to tell whether they are Arachne just by looking at their upper halves.

Unlike Scylla, the features of their upper halves can vary greatly; individuals can have hair, eyes and compound eyes of a variety of colors.

But if they give birth to males of a certain race over multiple generations, it seems that the characteristics of those males appear in the upper bodies of the Arachne.

Their spider-like lower bodies have an armor-like exoskeleton and eight legs with strange claws at their ends. Small-build Arachne often have bright colors reminiscent of fish that live in tropical regions, while medium-build Arachne are divided roughly evenly into those with plain colors and those with venomous-looking colors. Many large-build Arachne have plain colors but have tufts of fur growing on their lower bodies.

Medium-build Arachne still have the traits of the race's founder and are the most common type of Arachne. Their base Rank is 3.

Their upper bodies look like those of women in their late-teenage years to their twenties, and they have lifespans of about three hundred years. They have a good balance of qualities for combat and magic. They are well-suited to become adventurers of all kinds.

Also, they are the type of Arachne that can produce the highest quantity of thread in a single day, and their threads are the most stable in quality as well.

Small-build Arachne are a type of Arachne specialized in using threads in an agile and dexterous way, and many of them have an affinity for the wind attribute. Their base Rank is 2.

They are even smaller in size than adult human men. Their upper bodies have the appearances of women in their early-to-mid teenage years, and they have lifespans of about two hundred years. They are well-suited to becoming scouts.

Many of them have childish personalities that match their appearance, often playing pranks with their threads. Even during my short stay in the nation, I witnessed Master falling for these several times.

They produce the highest-quality thread among Arachne, and they are adept in creating delicate structures with their thread. However, the amount of thread they can produce in a single day is less than the medium-build Arachne.

Large-build Arachne are the type of Arachne that are fewest in number, and they are powerful, heavy warriors. Though they do not have much talent for magic, they make up for it with exceptional physical qualities. Their bodies are about as large as a carriage, and they have considerable horsepower as well. Their upper bodies look similar in age to medium-build Arachne, but their proportions match their lower bodies; the upper bodies are about the same size as those of Titan women. They have lifespans of four hundred years, and with a heavy weapon in hand, they could easily scatter a group of average adventurers.

But as they are not good at tight turns, even if they become adventurers, there are many places that they cannot go… or at least, places that they would not be able to go in human societies. This does not apply in Talosheim or the region enclosed by the Boundary Mountain Range.

But perhaps because their ability to create thread has retrogressed, their thread is of low quality and they produce far less in quantity than small-build Arachne.

All three of these types are categorized as Arachne, and there is a chance of any of these being born to parents of any type. It is possible for a small-build mother to have a large-build daughter and vice-versa.

Also, the ability to cover ground quickly is another feature that all Arachne have in common.

In Zanalpadna and the rest of the area enclosed by the Boundary Mountain Range, there are almost no Arachne living as ordinary citizens, but it seems that they all generally become craftsmen that create cloths, clothing and arms from their own thread. This is the same for Arachne outside the Boundary Mountain Range as well.

The difference is that they acquire their own original Jobs such as Spider Tamer, Samurai and Kunoichi. The existence of these Jobs was not recorded in documents in the Amid Empire, Mirg shield-nation or the Orbaume Kingdom.

There is the possibility that the Arachne outside the Boundary Mountain Range are in hiding, but it is likely that the worship of Zanalpadna and the knowledge of the culture from another world left behind by the champion Hillwillow are the reasons for this.

Zanalpadna's citizens mainly live on materials hunted and gathered from nearby Devil's Nests and Dungeons, as well as grains such as wheat that is harvested in low-difficulty Dungeons such as the Shell-less Open Field.

But they generally enjoy meat and fish. It seems that mammoth meat is their soul food.

In Zanalpadna's case, their romantic behavior comes down to group marriages; it is ordinary practice for multiple men and women to live in the same tower-shaped dwelling. It seems that nothing is considered an affair as long as one dates one of the men or women within their group.

Incidentally, it is apparently also normal for individuals to leave their group and move to another group.

It seems that for a long time, there have been cases of Arachne leaving Zanalpadna and marrying into families of other races in other nations – Noble Orcs and the other main races of the other nations. The Arachne likely see this as a rare opportunity for themselves to find partners that are stronger than themselves – in other words, companions that they can rely on.

Outside of the Boundary Mountain Range, they form settlements like the Scylla and live together with males of other races.

They give birth about once every ten years, and they lay several eggs at once. They often repeat this process several times over their lifetimes. All Arachne children have similar appearances regardless of which type of Arachne they are, but as they repeat their yearly molting, their sizes and the colors of their exoskeletons change and their fur grows, allowing them to be distinguished.

This molting allows the healing and regeneration of any injuries in their legs or exoskeletons, as well as the compound eyes of the upper body. However, it seems that multiple molts are required to regenerate legs that have been completely lost.

In Zanalpadna, there is a culture of using the molted husks to create 'necklaces of deep affection,' which are used as presents to symbolize friendship and love. Accepting such a necklace as a male is equivalent to accepting a proposal, so caution should be taken.

There is a ritual used to turn a member of a non-Vidcreated race into an Arachne. A priest of Zanalpadna blesses a special spider (which takes several years to raise), and the spider and the target (limited to females) are wrapped in thread. It is said that the target is reborn as an Arachne after ten years.

Many who undergo the ritual become medium-build Arachne. But there are apparently rare cases of the target becoming a small-build or large-build Arachne if a small-build or large-build spider is used for the ritual.

Incidentally, there is a race known as Andro Scorpions that live in deserts; could they possibly be related to the Arachne? I am interested in this topic, but it seems that at the very least, they do not exist within the Boundary Mountain Range.

I shall have Master assist me in researching this when he steps foot into human society.


One of the two races born between Vida, the goddess of life and love, and Zanalpadna, the evil god of carapaces and compound eyes.

They have appearances that look as if praying mantises and women have been combined, and they have a pair of sickle arms in addition to a pair of arms that look like those of a human.

But like praying mantises, it seems that they have a limited ability to fly and they are unable to fly freely over long distances. Their wings are mostly used to glide.

Many Empusa individuals are tall compared to human women, and some have heights of over two meters.

Their existence has been forgotten outside the Boundary Mountain Range for a long time, but they are certainly a fully-fledged, Vidcreated race.

Their exoskeletons are about as strong as those of small-build Arachne, about the same as leather armor. But the sickles of even Empusa children are far stronger and sharper than cheaply-made weapons.

The sickles of those who have increased their Rank multiple times are apparently not inferior even when compared to magic swords made of Mythril or Adamantite.

Empusa have a base Rank of 4. But they are a race with a meager talent for magic, so few of them use elemental magic.

They have lifespans of four hundred years, and in Zanalpadna, they co-exist with the Arachne and live in the same marital groups. It seems that when they marry into other nations, they adopt the marital customs of those nations.

There are even less Empusa living as civilians than Arachne; it is safe to say that they are non-existent. As their bodies resemble those of humans more closely, it is likely that they can work as adventurers in a greater variety of environments.

About half of Empusa choose to be scouts while the other half become frontline warriors, and there is no small number of offense-oriented shield-bearers who use their sickle-arms to attack and their other two hands to hold shields.

Like the Arachne, many Empusa individuals yearn to become Ninja and Bushi. Like the Arachne, they can acquire the Samurai and Kunoichi Jobs, but with Zanalpadna's divine protection, they can acquire the Mantis Tamer Job, a special Tamer-type Job that allows them to tame praying mantises rather than spiders.

The Empusa's view on love is… so strange that one cannot help but to question whether they are really women.

When appealing to members of the opposite gender, they put a heavy emphasis on showing how strong, attractive and rich they are.

This is the reason the Empusa Berserker Gaol invites Zeno to clear Dungeons and go hunting.

It would seem that the gender roles are reversed, but if one thinks about it rationally, the Empusa are a race specialized for hunting and combat as their sickles would suggest, and this might be only natural if one considers that they live within the Boundary Mountain Range, an environment surrounded by Devil's Nests.

I very much hope that Gaol and Zeno can overcome this cultural difference.

Empusa have the same culture of giving necklaces of deep affection as the Arachne; they symbolize friendship if given to members of the same gender and love if given to members of the opposite gender. They use the husks from their molts to create the necklaces like the Arachne, but as Empusa cannot produce threads, they request Arachne individuals with whom they have close relationships to provide threads in order to assist in the creation of the necklaces.

For the Arachne being requested to do this, this holds the same meaning as being given a necklace of deep affection.

They produce children at the same pace of once every ten years or so like the Arachne, laying clutches of multiple eggs twice or three times over their lifetimes.

The ritual to turn a member of a non-Vidcreated race into an Empusa requires the same methods as the Arachne ritual. The difference is that a praying mantis is used instead of a spider, and they are wrapped in foamy mucus instead of threads.


Human societies, not only Alda's followers but Vida's followers as well, believe the Majin to be a race created between Vida and a powerful monster. They are believed to be evil and peerlessly cruel. They are thought of as manifestations of evil that enjoy every immorality there is in this world, and requests to exterminate them are sent out by the Adventurers' Guild as soon as they are discovered.

But the truth is that they are a race born between Vida and Zantark, the war-god of fire and destruction, who fused with two evil gods.

They are a separate race from the Kijin, whom human societies believe to be a single race with the Majin. It seems that this misunderstanding stems from the fact that the ancestor of the Majin race and the ancestor of the Kijin race are twins, just like the ancestors of the Arachne and Empusa.

They do not have particularly virtuous personalities, but they are not evil or peerlessly cruel, nor do they enjoy every immorality. They do have strong pleasure-seeking, hedonistic tendencies, but compared to Master or myself, many of them seem to be within the realm of being ordinary.

In the region within the Boundary Mountain Range, it is said that Zantark's child that inherited more of the evil gods' blood founded the Majin race, while the one that inherited more of Zantark's own blood founded the Kijin race.

At present, the Majin race is divided roughly into three types, but like the Arachne, only a single type of Majin existed before the war that occurred a hundred thousand years ago, and the other types appeared after the war. There are records of Pure-breed Majin left in the Majin nation, so I shall include them and describe the four types of Majin.

First, the Pure-breed Majin that were simply called Majin at the time, from which the current Majin race originated. From legends and such that are left, it can be concluded that they had a base Rank of 5. They apparently had the simple appearances of humans with blue skin and a pair of horns on their heads.

Because they didn't have wings, they could not fly through the air, but just like the Majin of the present, they possessed exceptional physical qualities and dispositions for the use of magic, so it seems that they were still a powerful race.

Next, the Battle-Majin Diablos. Godwin, the current king of the Majin, belongs to this category.

They possess two horns, membranous wings, a tail with a triangular tip and blue skin. They also have muscular bodies that are as large as those of Titans. They are a combat-oriented race, exceptional both in combat techniques and the use of magic, and their base Rank is 7.

The Adventurers' Guild fearfully refers to these Majin as Majin of flames; many of them are masters of Fire-Attribute Magic and possess a strong resistance to fire. There are eyewitness accounts of them swimming in lakes of magma.

Obscene-Majin Succubi… Males are referred to as Incubi. Iris Bearheart has transformed into this type of Majin, and Gerazorg, the one responsible for the failed coup d'état, apparently belongs to this category as well.

Features such as their horns, membranous wings and the color of their skin are the same as the Diablos, but their physiques are similar to those of humans, with many individuals having balanced bodily proportions… Also, there are rumors that many have tails with heart-shaped tips rather than triangular ones.

Their base Rank is 6, and though their physical abilities are not poor by any means, their magical qualities are more exceptional. However, the most characteristic thing about this type of Majin is that they all possess the Allure, Spirit Siphon and Illusory Transformation Skills.

It is said that Succubi use these Skills to seduce men while Incubi use them to seduce women, and they suck the 'spirit' of their victims.

But because their Illusory Transformation Skill does not work on members of the same gender, it was said in human societies that couples with poor relationships that slept in separate rooms were suitable targets for Obscene-Succubi.

When I said this to Obscene-Succubi, they told me that it would be more normal to target unmarried people living on their own. This is a very reasonable argument.

In addition, it seems that they have no problem in continuing to live without using Spirit Siphon. Human 'spirit' is apparently nothing more than a luxury item like alcohol to Obscene-Majin.

Beast-Majin Vandals. Other than having two horns and blue skin, they have little in common with the other two types of Majin. It is a mere coincidence that their name is similar to Master's.

Their bodies have beast-like characteristics … or rather, they simply possess beast body parts, and it is possible for two Vandals to appear to be completely different races.

Those who simply have fur, scales or shells covering over half of their bodies and those with beast-like ears, tails, fangs and claws are the plain ones. There are some with the upper bodies of wolves or tigers, and some with the lower bodies of enormous four-legged beasts or serpents.

Their base Rank is 6, and they have better physical ability than aptitude for magic. It seems that many of them have beast-like personalities as well.

What all Majin have in common is that they have no lifespans; unless they encounter unexpected accidents, become sick or die in battle, they continue living forever. Perhaps because of this, they have a strong sense of unity as a race.

They treat those who have relations with them with particular importance. Thus, they have strong bonds within the groups that they belong to. But as this is not limited to members of their own race, it seems difficult to say that they are exclusive.

As for Gerazorg, who betrayed the Majin nation, it is thought that he felt more of a bond with Bugitas and his subordinates than he did with Godwin and the other Majin.

There are generally no ordinary civilians among Majin. Those of the Majin nation believe it right to polish one's skills and fight, so all Majin acquire combat-related Jobs. However, as they have unlimited lifespans, it seems that many of them become absorbed in hobbies to keep themselves busy and end up becoming as skilled as first-rate craftsmen.

Their suitability for becoming adventurers does not even need to be written about.

Several unique Jobs that only Majin can acquire have been confirmed. The most well-known among these is the Demon Tamer Job. Demons are likely creatures that are coagulated masses of the contaminated Mana of one or perhaps both of the evil gods that fused with Zantark. This is likely the most well-known Job because the Majin with these Jobs can command Demons, or perhaps because the Demons resemble them.

Because of this Job, there is an overwhelming number of people in human societies who believe that Majin are a superior race of Demons.

To explain this as a former citizen of human society myself, Arch-Demons and Greater Demons do resemble Diablos, and Lesser Demons, which have the heads of goats, have many features in common with Vandals. While they are rare, there are also Demons that resemble Succubi, so I do not think that this misunderstanding is surprising.

There are many other unique Jobs such as Beast Majin Warrior, Majin Swordsman and Battle Majin General.

The Majin's views on love and marriage depend on the individual. While many live an ordinary married life with a certain man or woman, there are also those who assist each other in raising children and then separate once the children are raised. There are also some who do not stay together even with children, and the mother raises the children with her parents and siblings.

There is no marriage system in the Majin nation; they have a system where men and women can have relationships with each other as they like. In other words, the nation's official stance is, “Do what you like.” But it seems that if one is too irresponsible, one will end up like Gerazorg.

Perhaps as a side-effect of Majin having unlimited lifespans, the race as a whole has difficulty creating children, and it seems that many of them do not feel the need to have children. As a result, many of them have more than one child, but it is not uncommon for it to take them many years to do so.

However, though this is an extreme exception, there was apparently an Incubus who had over a dozen children, so it seems that there are still large individual differences.

That applies for the development of Majin children as well; there are those who develop at the same rate as humans and become adults after fifteen years, and those that develop like Elves and half-Elves, their development slowing down in their early teenage years and requiring between twenty to thirty years in order to reach adulthood. There are also those whose appearances remain fixed as those of children.

That is why in the Majin nation, a system has been adopted where the individual and their parent must acknowledge that the individual has become an adult and the individual must pass an examination at a government office before they are certified as an adult.

As adulthood for Majin is a certification, it can be invalidated or revoked if individuals do very foolish things.

Incidentally, Gerazorg did such foolish things repeatedly, and planned his coup d'état after having his adulthood certification revoked multiple times… nobody approved of him.

Regarding rituals to turn members of other races into Majin. Majin are able to turn not only humans, Elves and Dwarves, but other races of Vida that do not originate from monsters (Those with no Rank in their Statuses), into Majin as well.

The most well-known ritual is… It is questionable as to whether it can be called a ritual, but it is the method of repeated intercourse with an Obscene-Majin. Simply having repeated, continuous intercourse with an Obscene-Majin over a long period of time can turn one into a Majin, so if one ignores the time and process, it is the simplest method.

It is thought that the Mana in the Obscene-Majin's body is transferred to the partner through intercourse, and once it passes a certain threshold, the partner transforms into a Majin.

The required time is… As no detailed records remain, it cannot be said with certainty, but it is a year at most. As for the required frequency… I will deliberately refrain from recording it here. It seems that the higher the Rank the Obscene-Succubus is, the less time it takes and the less frequent the intercourse must be.

If such a thing is possible, one might think it strange that the Majin population is not exploding. But a partner that an Obscene-Majin would have repeated, continuous intercourse with would naturally be someone who is special to that Obscene-Majin… so it seems that the population will not explode.

The next most well-known ritual is the one used by Godwin on Iris Bearheart, the Battle-Majin's 'Blood Cocoon' ritual. The required time period is as short as seven days and seven nights, but a special magic circle and a holy grail are necessary, and a great quantity of live sacrifices must be prepared. It is normally a very difficult ritual to carry out.

Thus, this ritual was not conducted very often in the Majin nation. Human societies are not even aware of this ritual's existence.

The last ritual is the Beast-Majin Vandals' 'Beast Majin Den,' but it is a bloody ritual that involves the candidate being placed inside a small, consecrated hole in the ground and then fed only the flesh and blood of Vandals to finally emerge as a Majin.

It is likely that the same effect as intercourse with Obscene-Majin is being used through the act of eating. There are even fewer cases of this ritual being conducted than the 'Blood Cocoon,' and there are almost no records of them, so the details are unknown.

The kind of Majin that the target of a ritual becomes is determined not by the race of the Majin that conducted the ritual, but the birth… the body of the target.

Those of races less than two meters in height, such as humans, Elves, Dwarves and Dark Elves, almost always become Obscene-Majin.

Those with heights of a little over two meters, like Titans, become Battle-Majin.

And Beast-people and those who have inherited remarkable beast-like characteristics often become Beast-Majin.

But the Majin nation also possesses records of Incubi with muscular, three-meter tall bodies, Battle-Majin as tall as the chest-height of an adult and Succubi with the ears of beasts being born as a result of these rituals.

Half-Noble Orc

A race born when Master conducted a pseudo-reincarnation for the first time… indeed, it is a new humanoid race rather than a new monster. She can acquire Jobs, so there is no doubt about it.

She is a young girl with special characteristics such as ears and a tail resembling those of a pig's, and an enormous… at this point in time, three-meter-tall, body. Judging from her current pace of development, it can be assumed that she will reach the appearance of a fifteen-year-old human by the age of ten; in other words, she will become an adult by that age.

Would she likely be mistaken as a half-Titan, half-Beast-person by those who look at her appearance? Boar-type Beast-people do not exist, so they may realize that something is strange about her afterwards.

She has possessed great strength since birth, and her stamina is exceptional. She is still six years old at present… in human terms, she would be just short of nine years old, but she already possesses the muscular strength to crush a Rank 3 monster with her bare hands.

But it seems that she is not adept with magic. It is unclear as to whether this is a characteristic of her race or whether learning magic is too difficult for her at this age.

… It is meaningless to compare her to Master, even if they are of the same equivalent age, so I shall refrain from doing so.

There is still only a single individual of this race, so investigating the race as a whole is impossible. It is also unknown as to whether males of this race can exist. After hearing that Master would advance into the Noble Orc empire, I had thought that this would be a chance for the birth of a large quantity of new half-Noble-Orcs, but…

Once Master works as an adventurer in human societies, I would very much like him to accept many requests to exterminate Orcs and Minotaurs.

If he does, we will likely know whether Orcs can become half-Orcs and Minotaurs can become half-Minotaurs.


They are a human. Some would disagree, but… they are a fully-fledged human that can acquire Jobs.

Their appearance is that of a sphere made of around a dozen mannequins made of flesh (different from being skinless with their muscles exposed) entwined around each other… and there are countless pieces of flesh that look exactly like human limbs and heads protruding from the sphere's surface.

Of course, this is only their original form; they can change their size and form at will with the Size Alteration and Form Alteration Skills.

Their body does not contain skin, hair, bones, viscera, hearts… or even brains; they are simply made of flesh.

They are like a Slime made of flesh, but even if they are to be compared to a Slime, Slimes possess a core inside their body. Legion does not even have such a core. In other words, there are no parts of their body that can be considered vital spots. In addition to this, they possess a tremendous amount of Vitality and astounding regenerative abilities.

They were weak to heat and lightning before, but as they have acquired a resistance Skill, it can be said that this weakness is now gone.

And the thing that I find most difficult to believe is that Master is not the one who caused Legion's birth.

Master simply created the 'base form of life' and the 'base form of spirit' that became Legion's foundation, and the ones mainly responsible for Legion's birth were Ricklent, the genie of time and magic, Zuruwarn, the god of space and creation and the god of the foreign world of Origin.

Have these three gods not surpassed Vida? However, I will deliberately refrain from recording which aspect they have surpassed her in.

Their personalities, or rather, their minds, are… extremely difficult to comprehend. They have shared memories and senses, so it is apparently similar to Master's clones that he often creates through Out-of-body Experience, though they all possess different personalities.

It seems that Pluto generally takes leadership of them most of the time, but this apparently does not mean that she is the center of their personalities. In fact, even when her personality separates from the rest with the Long-distance Control Skill, the remaining personalities of Legion can continue functioning with no problems in her absence.

According to Enma, one of Legion's personalities, “One person is everyone, and everyone is one person.”

And since they are a race, they should be able to reproduce… produce children, but that is a mystery as well.

One could assume that it is highly likely that they can reproduce through fission like Slimes… In fact, there is a theory that Slimes can reproduce by laying eggs rather than through fission.

This is a theory that an egg of the same color as the Slime grow inside its body, and the egg hatches as it is laid, making the process appear to be fission.

As for which method Legion would use… I would certainly like to know.

Luciliano put his pen down and let out a deep sigh. “My lifespan is not long enough for me to find that out. Should I become a Vampire after all? I can't imagine my own appearance if I were to become an Incubus… But which of them would I choose a 'parent' from? I suppose for now, I will ask Master to increase my lifespan through Youth Transformation.”

As if setting this matter aside, Luciliano set aside the paper upon which he had written details about the half-Noble Orc and Legion, and then prepared a fresh piece of paper.

“I must record the details of the Vidcreated races living within the Boundary Mountain Range while I can. Master will likely not hold back in influencing them in a way that will greatly change their culture and lifestyles. Once that happens, it will be a lot of trouble to find out how things were before.”

Luciliano was supposed to be an Undead specialist, so why was he making these natural-history-like records?

He did ponder this question himself, but he didn't think that this was a bad thing.

Chapter end

Chapter 316
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 296
Chapter 280
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270.4 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 2 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 2
Chapter 270.3 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 1 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 1
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 203.3 – Volume 9 Character Summary
Volume 8 character part2
Volume 8 character part1
C363– Chaos will stay until autumn
C362– Occupation– Vandalieu
C361– The royal capital, occupied by Undead, Demons and, bizarre beings
C360: The stakes are swung, and post–battle Orbaume
C359– The True Demon King Vandalieu
C358– I… *I* am Vandalieu
C357: The former Demon King clashes with a self–proclaimed human and his companions
C356: The fierce battle continues – The Demon King's pawns VS the Demon King's companions
C355– The Demon King uses the power of humans
C354– The roar of an unleashed Evil Elder Dragon
C353– A truth revealed and Guduranis resurrected
C352– A goddess descends into the chaos of the city
C351– Orbaume faces a trial
C350– The instinct awakens
C349– The battlefield expands and an identity is revealed
C348– The battlefield expands as expected
C347: The battlefield of a self–proclaimed god, one proclaimed to be a god by others, a god, and heroes
C346– The great plan stumbles in the beginning
C345– The teacher who remains a mystery for a little longer
C344– The potential heroes endure
C343– Insincere gods and the neighborhood that almost became a nightmare
C342– Rikudou Hijiri misses an opportunity
C341– I haven't come to fight, but I don't mind a battle to the death
Chapter 340.1 – Side Chapter 62: The unending worries of the former emperor, the general, and the gods
C340– The growing number of searching mice
C339– Failure to move on from being a lackey
C338– What do the new family members taste like?
C337– One is trapped in a dream, and one is on the verge of having his dreams become reality
Chapter 336.1 – Side Chapter 61: Rikudou Hijiri's Third Reincarnation
C336– The duke peers into the abyss
C335– A harmless banquet
C334: The changing hospital and a mother–daughter picnic
C333: While the half–Vampire is away…
C332– The patient is a monster
C331– The emperor who lies down and the emperor who crawls
Chapter 330.1 – Side Chapter 60: Tyranny and the emperor, and the boys and girls of around the same age
C330– Nobles with colorful ambitions
C329– Practical cooking, and the end of a duty
C328– The friendship between lackeys and a contract with an honor student
C327– Two people confront each other
C326– The current state of the party members
C325– Those around the Demon King and those who are after the Demon King
C324– A discussion of the past, and an ideal land
C323– The broken magic sword, and the one approaching the Great Demon King
C322– Training inside and out
C321– A day in the life of Vandalieu, a certain instructor, and a noble lady
C320– Those squirming in the shadows of school life
Chapter 319 – Death Mage 319 – A little bit of effort from the Great Demon King
C318: A not–so–peaceful school life
C317– Escaping from solitude
Chapter 316.2 – Chapter V13 Character Summary (2)
Chapter 316.1 – Chapter V13 Character Summary (1)
Chapter 315.9 – Side Chapter 57: An imperfect Utopia
Chapter 315.8 – Side Chapter 56: The battlefield descends into chaos
Chapter 315.7 – Side Chapter 55: A new god and a demigod descend
Chapter 315.6 – Side Chapter 54: Rikudou's reincarnation
Chapter 315.5 – Side Chapter 53: The god of death
Chapter 315.4 – Side Chapter 52: The threats group up
Chapter 315.3 – Side Chapter 51 – Reincarnated individuals fly
Chapter 315.2 – Side Chapter 50: Reincarnated individuals clash
Chapter 315.11 – Side Chapter 59: A place that seems far but is close; seems separate but is connected
Chapter 315.1 – Side Chapter 49: The time for hiding comes to an end
C315– Talk of other worlds
C314– The second half of the examination begins, and the Tamers' Guild is tested once more
C313– A mysterious examiner appears
C312– Let's invite the first guests to the cursed mansion
Chapter 306.5 – Chapter V12 Character Summary (2)
Chapter 306.4 – Chapter V12 Character Summary (1)
Chapter 306.3 – Side Chapter 48: The threat closing in on Origin
Chapter 306.2 – Side Chapter 47: The peaceful Alcrem Duchy
Chapter 306.1 – Side Chapter 46: A god who claims that they are not a god
C306– The Great Demon King learns of the heroic god's resurrection
C305– The God of Sinful Chains and Bellwood, bound by chains
C304: The madness of the God of Law and Fate, and the Five–colored Blades' progress
C303– The battle of the Demon King's Continent reaches its conclusion
C300: The Mother–Goddess's declaration
C299– The goddess's revival and the Great Demon King who carries the names of the champions
C298– Time for food
C297– The second stage begins
C295– A distraction, but a fierce battle nonetheless
C294– The one who spreads death through muscles
C293– The first stage begins
C292: The back–shield with phantom thorns
Chapter 291.1 - Side Chapter 45 – A peaceful moment before a certain storm
C291– A moment after battle, and cannibalism
C290– The horseman of the apocalypse decides not to ride
C289– With Five Sins
Chapter 288.1 – Side Chapter 44 – The various gods
C288– Perseus and Skanda
C287– Firstborn child
C286– The Dragon Emperor God
C285: A peaceful tea–time
C284– Those who are nurtured between attacks
C283– Another Guider and shaken gods
C282– A thrilling battle
C281– One statue is canceled, another is built
Chapter 279
Chapter 278 – 278 – A rematch… or rather, observation
Chapter 277 – 277 – Things are hard for former members of the Demon King's army
Chapter 276 – 276 – The Saint of Darkness
Chapter 275.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 43 – In the absence of their natural enemy
Chapter 275 – – The barrier that wounds the Demon King, and an underground world
Chapter 274 – The escaping Demon King's party and the reinforcements that were not in time
Chapter 270.5: Side Chapter 42
Chapter 270.2 – Side Chapter 41 – The puzzled nobles and Urðr who longs for yesterday
Chapter 270.1 – Side Chapter 40 – The god of reincarnation's suspicions (Origin)
Chapter 270 – 270 – The secret exchange between the Great Demon King and the Alcrem Duchy
Chapter 269 – 269 – A story is fabricated and the truth is buried
Chapter 268 – 268 – I am me, and I am already non–existent
Chapter 267 – 267 – The evil god Zerzoregin reveals himself
Chapter 266 – 266 – The fearsome Mimic Humans vs the menacing army of the Demon King
Chapter 265 – 265 – Alcrem unites as one, and the Demon King returns
Chapter 264 – The Knight of the Collapsed Mountains bares his fangs, and the former Demon King strikes back
Chapter 263 – 263 – The Collapsing Thousand Blades and the Hounds of Cannibalism
Chapter 262 – 262 – The troubled tea party
Chapter 261 – The friend of the Demon King whom even the gods couldn't foresee
Chapter 260 – A friend of the heart, met once more
 Chapter 259 – A large airborne battle
Chapter 258 – The hard–fighting Pentagram
Chapter 257 – The relief of the 'Knight of Keen Insight'
Chapter 256 – Death Mage Side Chapter 39 – Those acting secretly in the Demon King's blind spot
Chapter 255.1: Death Mage Side Chapter 39
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243.5 – Death Mage Side Chapter 38
Chapter 243.4 – Death Mage V10 Character Summary Part 2
Chapter 243.3 – Death Mage V10 Character Summary Part 1
Chapter 243.2
Chapter 243.1
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241 – The Demon King's cover
Chapter 240.1
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237.1 – Chapter 34 – Everyone's battles – shape
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231 -
Chapter 230.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 33
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224.1
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 31
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203.4
Chapter 203.2
Chapter 203.1 ss 29
Chapter 203
Chapter 202.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 29
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198.1
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192.1
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181.1
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178.4
Chapter 178.3
Chapter 178.2
Chapter 178.1
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155.1
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153.3
Chapter 153.2
Chapter 153.1
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 148
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142.1
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 133
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 132
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 131
Chapter 130.1
Chapter 130
Chapter 129.1
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 123
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120.6
Chapter 120.5
Chapter 120.4
Chapter 120.3
Chapter 120.2
Chapter 120.1
Chapter 120
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 119
Chapter 118.5
Chapter 118.4
Chapter 118.3
Chapter 118.2
Chapter 118.1
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 113
Chapter 112.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 112
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 111
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 110
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 109
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 108
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 107
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 106
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 105
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 104
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 103
Chapter 102.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 102
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 101
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 100
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 99
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 98
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 97
Chapter 96.5
Chapter 96.4
Chapter 96.3
Chapter 96.2
Chapter 96.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 96
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 95
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 94
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 93
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 92
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 91
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 90
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 89
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 88
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 87
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 86
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 85
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 84
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 83
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 82
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 81
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 80
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 79
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 78
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 77
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 76
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 75
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 74
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 73
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 72
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 71
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 70
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 69
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 68
Chapter 67.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 67
Chapter 66.4
Chapter 66.3
Chapter 66.2
Chapter 66.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 66
Chapter 65.3
Chapter 65.2
Chapter 65.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 65
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 64
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 63
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 62
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 61
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 60
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 59
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 58
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 57
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 56
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 55
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 54
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 53
Chapter 52.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 52
Chapter 51.2
Chapter 51.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 51
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 50
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 49
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 48
Chapter 47
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 46
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 45
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 44
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 43
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 42
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 41
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 40
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 39
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 38
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 37
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 36
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 35
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 20
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 19
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 16
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 15
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 14
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 13
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 12
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 11
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 10
Chapter 9.203
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 9
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 8
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time Prologue
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