The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time Chapter 243.5 – Death Mage Side Chapter 38

The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time Chapter 243.5 – Death Mage Side Chapter 38

Death Mage Side Chapter 38 – Religious devotion is work

The Gehenna Bees, who were born after the Cemetery Bees' queen bee underwent pseudo-reincarnation and became Quinn, did not differentiate between day and night. They worked every day, and each day was divided into three shifts. This was because their hobby was to work, and their goal in life was to become able to work more.

The Gehenna Bees made clicking noises as they talked to one another.

At first glance, they had the appearance of female knights wearing armor with bee motifs. But the objects extending from their foreheads were not hair, but antennae. What appeared to be their armor was an exoskeleton. Each of them also possessed a total of four arms extending from their shoulders, transparent wings on their backs and a tail-like bee stinger.

Their eyes were not those of mammals, but the compound eyes of insects. Although they were difficult to tell apart from Vida's races that possessed bug-like features, like Empusa and Arachne, these Gehenna Bees were a race of monster.

Naturally, they were a race of monster that existed nowhere in this world other than in Talosheim, and their main place of residence was the nest that they had built attached to Talosheim's castle. It was a bizarre structure that was over a hundred meters tall with the appearance of a number of stacked mudballs. The other races knew it as the Gehenna Bee castle.

However, its interior was surprisingly similar to something that humans would dwell in.

When the Gehenna Bees were still Cemetery Bees whose appearances were simply that of enormous bees, the nest had been an ordinary nest. However, even with extra arms, antennae and wings, Gehenna Bees were very close to humanoid, so trying to live in the same structure that they had lived in as enormous bees was inconvenient.

Thus, the Gehenna bees had rebuilt the nest through trial and error, gathered the various goods they needed in their everyday lives and endured the difficulties that were needed for them to become accustomed to their new bodies.

However, the Gehenna Bees were not sorrowful about this. They were truly happy that they had become closer in form to humans. The reason for this was that they loved their work.

Work progresses! one Gehenna Bee said excitedly.

Working with fingers is faster than when we only had jaws! said another.

It feels good to use tools! It is very easy!

The Gehenna Bees' work productivity had improved drastically since they transformed from their original bee-like forms.

Creating building materials by mixing their saliva with wood chippings, knitting items with bee silk, hunting – All things ordered by Quinn were 'work' for the Gehenna Bees born from the eggs she laid.

Thus, resting was also work. Therefore, when they rested, they rested with all of their effort. They would not show any reserve in resting, no matter how profusely their senior brethren sweated as they worked. They were performing the work task known as 'resting.'

Still, sweating as they worked was the ideal lifestyle for Gehenna Bees.

But still, I want to sweat hard and work! one of them said.

However, the only Gehenna Bees who could work for longer than eight hours a day were those whose Ranks had increased and Quinn's attendants that nested within Vandalieu's shadow.

These Gehenna Bees had not increased their Ranks, nor were they attendants of Quinn. In order to attain the long work hours that they dreamed of, they had no choice but to work hard, earn Experience Points, improve their Skills and increase their Ranks.

That was why the Gehenna Bees got fired up with conversations about what race they would become after their Ranks increased and what kind of work they would do.

The stars are the Gehenna Bee Workers, said one of the Gehenna Bees.

It's hard to pass up being a Gehenna Bee Knight, though, said another.

Mages are good in their own way, piped up a third.

The 'work' of resting included communicating with their fellow workers, so they conversed with fervor.

The Gehenna Bees perceived every Gehenna Bee, except for the queen bee Quinn, to be equal workers. They just had different tasks – Soldiers had the task of fighting, Mages performed nonmanual labor, and Workers did things like nest-building and honey-harvesting.

Of course, the loss of Gehenna Bees that commanded and supervised others had a big impact, so it was necessary for non-commanding Gehenna Bees to be sacrificed to reduce the losses of the commanding ones. However, there was a problem with this task.

After all, each individual would always return as long as Quinn and that person were there.

Today's day of enjoyable physical labor was about to begin.

It's time, a Gehenna Bee thought as she set out.

Gehenna Bees had different preferences for tasks depending on their individual qualities. In order for them to discover which tasks they preferred, those who had not yet increased in Ranks after hatching from their cocoons performed a different task every day.

The task given to this one particular Gehenna Bee today was construction. However, the construction was not an expansion of the nest in which she and the others lived.

The main material she would be working with was stone, not wood and sand mixed with her saliva. And even after this object was built, nobody would live in it, nor would it provide any protection from enemies like a fortress's walls would.

That was the strange nature of the object that was being built.

If she were to be honest, neither she nor any of the other Gehenna Bees knew why it was necessary to build this object. However, it was a task that had been ordered of them by the queen bee Quinn, and she knew that it was a task that many residents of Talosheim wanted them to carry out. She knew that there was value in building this object, even if she did not understand it.

With these thoughts running through her mind, the Gehenna Bee headed for the construction site with her fellow workers and began putting the stone parts together.

“Ah, the Gehenna Bees for the afternoon shift!” said an Undead Titan stonemason. “I'll be asking you to put these stone parts together! As for where to take them –”

The Gehenna Bee obeyed the stonemason's orders and worked in a group of four to lift a cube-shaped mass of stone, about two meters in length, width and height, and fly it off. They would be joining this block of stone to the enormous, halfway-built statue of Vandalieu.

The adhesive would be a mixture of Gehenna Bee saliva and sand rather than mortar.

In the sky above the Gehenna Bee were other groups of Gehenna Bees, flying around with blocks of stone. Gehenna Bees that could fly with their wings and also possessed the 'Superhuman Strength' Skill were valued as workers who could operate at high altitudes.

The Gehenna Bee carried some stone and attached it to the statue as she had been instructed.

She let out a quiet noise of wonderment.

She could clearly see just how huge this object was. And yet, this was only half the final height it would eventually reach – Wouldn't this become the largest object in the city following Talosheim's castle and the Gehenna Bee nest?

The materials and labor expended to create it were surely significant, although the Gehenna Bee could only imagine how great they were, as she was but a lowly worker.

But would this enormous statue be of such value that it warranted this cost?

It would serve no function. Perhaps it would if it were to be turned into a Golem, but as things were currently planned, it would simply be an enormous statue even once it was completed.

But it seemed that nobody from any of the other races, which were supposed to have far greater power of imagination than Gehenna Bees, thought of this to be a problem.

Races with physical strength would move the stone, and the stonemasons and sculptors would decorate it.

“Stone coming through!” said a Titan.

“Back, please,” a Leshi groaned.

“Bugobugoh!” an Orcus grunted.

Meanwhile, Black Goblins, Empusa and Arachne climbed the statue's surface to carve the detailed features.

“It's starting to look like King! The way its eyes are all hollow is just like him!” one of the Black Goblins said.

“I don't think the face has been built yet…” said an Empusa.

“What exactly is he seeing?” an Arachne wondered.

There were also those who were maintaining order around the construction site and others monitoring the workers' health.

“Safety is priority number one in construction! Helmets are strictly required to be worn! If you are injured, call the medic team right away! That goes even if you're Undead!” an Undead supervisor shouted.

“Don't go neglecting your water intake just because it's winter! Make sure you keep yourself hydrated unless you want to turn into an Undead!” a safety officer told the nearby workers.

“Praise be, praise be,” a worker murmured as he carried out his tasks.

For some reason, there were people like him who worked only for a short period of time before going home. It seemed that they worked a few hours in order to show something called 'religious devotion,' which the Gehenna Bee didn't understand.

Watching this scene, there was no doubt that many individuals of the races that made up this nation desired the completion of this statue.

But there were some that did not desire it. The ones standing wordlessly at the end of the road that led to the construction site… the Demon King Familiars, which were a part of Vandalieu, who was essentially the father of the Gehenna Bees.

'Oppose the construction of the enormous statue! A small one will do, won't it!'

'Let's put more thought into how we use our taxes!'

'Stop, please.'

The Demon King Familiars were standing there wordlessly and silently, holding signs bearing messages like this. They were so quiet that one would forget they were there at all if they didn't have appearances that were bizarre even from a Gehenna Bee's perspective.

They… or rather, their main body Vandalieu, was the only person in Talosheim who opposed the enormous statue's construction.

However, despite the protests, the Demon King Familiars were not interfering with the construction at all. They were not standing in the way of the people carrying the stone and other materials, nor were they making noise to try and distract the workers.

And –

“Excuse me, could you please help me a little over here?!” one of the workers asked.

“I'll be right there,” said one of the Demon King Familiars.

The Demon King Familiars didn't hesitate to help with the construction when asked for help. Naturally, their work was done properly with no sabotage. They worked enthusiastically, sometimes even giving advice, and they would return to their protesting positions once they were finished.

From the perspective of the Gehenna Bees, it was a mysterious thing to do.

But many Gehenna Bees, despite finding it mysterious, didn't doubt it. They simply thought that it was some complicated decision that they were unable to comprehend.

After all, they were a unit that had a role to carry out. They would carry that role out, but they had no interest in anything else, as everything else was the role of other units.

But for some reason, this particular Gehenna Bee made a clicking noise, curious as to why. She thought that there must be some important clue for understanding the meaning in building this enormous statue.

And so, she decided to talk to the Demon King Familiars, once her work was finished in eight hours' time.




Eight hours later, with the night shift Gehenna Bees having taken over for her, the Gehenna Bee spoke to the Demon King Familiars at the end of the road and expressed her doubts.

“My behavior is strange, you say? Well, I do think it probably is strange,” one of the Demon King Familiars said as it waved its tentacles around, its own body glowing faintly to illuminate the letters on its sign.

Father, you oppose. But why don't you command them to stop? the Gehenna Bee asked.

“Well, you see, the reason for my opposition is a tiny, insignificant thing,” the Demon King Familiar replied.

The Gehenna Bee was taken aback by this reply. The majority of the Gehenna Bees believed that the Demon King Familiars' actions were due to deep thought processes and some kind of very complex decision.

“I see that I've surprised you. And it seems that I've betrayed your expectations. I'm sorry,” the Demon King Familiar said.

“The reason I'm opposed to building an enormous statue of me is because it's embarrassing,” explained another. “I've gotten used to the life-sized statues and the palm-sized statues, but I do feel some hesitation in having a statue that's probably going to be so large that you could see it from the mountain range.”

“I don't have any strong desire for attention. But I suppose that's all it comes down to,” said a third Demon King Familiar in conclusion.

As the Gehenna Bee continued to stand there in astonishment, the Demon King Familiars continued their explanation.

Almost all projects in Talosheim were public projects. The construction of residences, the publication of newspapers, the operation of public bathhouses and the Explorers' Guild, the production and sales of weapons – Vandalieu was the one making all of these happen. The exceptions were restaurants, food carts and some clothing stores, but… it was Vandalieu's projects that provided most of the food ingredients and cloth.

However, taxes were low. To begin with, Talosheim's tax was not the poll tax, taken from each liable person, that many nations levied on their citizens. Talosheim's system was an income tax system.

And most structures in the city were built using Vandalieu's 'Golem Creation' Skill. That wasn't the case for the citizens' residences, but the defensive installations such as the city's walls had all been created by Vandalieu.

On top of that, even though armies normally cost nations vast sums of money, Talosheim's army required a relatively small sum considering its size. This was because the army would hunt monsters for training, and the materials gathered from the monsters would be used for their weapons and food.

Thus, Vandalieu's claim that taxes should be spent in better ways was nothing more than an excuse.

The true reason for his opposition to the statue was his own embarrassment.

The Demon King Familiars turned their gaze towards the construction site, where work was continuing throughout the night.

“I think I should have cast that embarrassment aside the moment I became the ruler of a nation, though.”

“But one's human nature isn't so easily discarded. Even so, I can't deny the will of so many citizens on the account of my personal feelings of embarrassment.”

“However, I still want to express my own will. That's why I'm making this half-hearted effort. Well, perhaps the fact that I am refusing to use my 'Golem Creation' Skill in the first place can be considered to be hindering the construction.”

Just as many people were working now as there were in the afternoon. Nobody believed that they were being forced to build the statue. The people had gathered here and were building the statue of their own wills.

The Gehenna Bee looked at their faces and didn't see a single trace of discontent towards the fact that Vandalieu wasn't using his 'Golem Creation' Skill to make the task easier.

I see, so there was a meaning to it after all, the Gehenna Bee murmured, looking up at the starry night sky and the enormous, partially-constructed statue of Vandalieu.

Vandalieu did not desire this statue, and it served no practical function. But this enormous statue had a purpose – the very important purpose of defying Vandalieu's will.

Vandalieu's thoughts were not as deep as the Gehenna Bees, nor was his decision so complex. But he was constantly watching over them. He was like the moon during the day, going unnoticed but still always there.

But for many people, this was not enough. They wanted an idol; they wanted something that reminded them of Vandalieu's existence, something that they could gaze upon and pray to, no matter where they were.

“I am very happy that a Gehenna Bee like you, one that is capable of thinking, has come to me,” one of the Demon King Familiars said. “If possible, I'd like you to help me with my protests… Hmm?” it said, stopping mid-sentence.

That's right, religious devotion isn't a duty… it's a right, just like work! the Gehenna Bee declared.

Feeling a refreshing sense of release, not unlike the sensation Gehenna Bees felt immediately after shedding their exoskeletons, she stretched out her back and her wings, and extended her hands towards the moon.

Her body glowed, and her Rank increased.

She was now a Gehenna Bee Priestess. She was the first of her kind, a Gehenna Bee that had the role of carrying out the work of expressing religious devotion. With her efforts, the construction proceeded even more smoothly.

“Talking to someone who is essentially my daughter has caused her Rank to increase and lead the construction,” one of the Demon King Familiars lamented.

“I don't understand,” another sighed.



Incidentally, on the Dark Continent, Tiamat, Deeana, Zantark and the others had gathered a number of suitably-sized rocks, and were carving a statue like a DIY project.




Monster explanation (Written by Luciliano):

Gehenna Bees

At first glance, these appear to be women wearing armor with bee motifs. Their size is roughly similar to that of human women, with their height being approximately 170 centimeters. They have four arms, a tail (?) in the shape of a bee's abdomen on the back of their waists, and bee wings on their backs.

They are highly intelligent and understand human language, but are unable to speak. The main methods of communication amongst themselves are making clicking noises with their jaws, touching their antennae together and performing bee-like dances.

… Incidentally, Master is able to communicate with them using these methods without any problems.

The appearance of Gehenna Bees is similar to that of humans, but their thoughts and sense of values are similar to when they were still Cemetery Bees. They believe that work is supreme above all, and view even rest and consuming food as work. They also do not have a strong sense of individuality, and instead view the entire swarm as a single organism.

They are born from eggs laid by the queen bee Quinn, go through a period of growth as larvae and then become Rank 6 adults.

Higher races are Rank 7. There are Soldiers that are larger than ordinary Gehenna Bees, Mages that are no different in experience but are capable of casting magic and are left to do non-manual labor, and Workers that are in charge of everyday activities such as nest-building.

There are even higher races such as Knights that guard the queen bee Quinn, Riders that mount other monsters or other Gehenna Bees, and Worker Chiefs that work as foremen. It seems that their labor has diversified since they were Cemetery Bees.

The fact that they have become humanoid in form has improved their strength in battle even more significantly than their higher Ranks, as they are now able to acquire combat-related Skills and use martial skills.

Even more importantly, Gehenna Bees are a race with a very short history. They are certain to change and evolve in response to a variety of different factors.

One could say that the birth of a new Gehenna Bee race, the Gehenna Bee Priestess who is in charge of religious activities and festivals, is one example of this evolution.




Name: Gikiririjigiri (Impossible to pronounce with human vocal cords) Rank: 7 Race: Gehenna Bee Priestess Level: 0 Passive skills: Dark Vision Superhuman Strength: Level 5 Rapid Regeneration: Level 2 Venom Secretion: Stinger: Level 5 Special Saliva Secretion: Level 5 Self-Strengthening: Work: Level 5 Strengthened Body: Exoskeleton: Level 4 Fatigue Resistance: Level 3 Strengthened Attribute Values: Creator: Level 3 Strengthened Attribute Values: Religious Devotion: Level 1 Active skills: High-speed Flight: Level 2 Surpass Limits: Level 5 Coordination: Level 5 Unarmed Fighting Technique: Level 3 Spear Technique: Level 3 Armor Technique: Level 3 Stonemasonry: Level 2 Housework: Level 1 Unique skills: ヴァ■■■■'s Divine Protection [Va]

Chapter end

Chapter 316
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 296
Chapter 280
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270.4 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 2 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 2
Chapter 270.3 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 1 – Volume 11 Character Summary Part 1
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 203.3 – Volume 9 Character Summary
Volume 8 character part2
Volume 8 character part1
C363– Chaos will stay until autumn
C362– Occupation– Vandalieu
C361– The royal capital, occupied by Undead, Demons and, bizarre beings
C360: The stakes are swung, and post–battle Orbaume
C359– The True Demon King Vandalieu
C358– I… *I* am Vandalieu
C357: The former Demon King clashes with a self–proclaimed human and his companions
C356: The fierce battle continues – The Demon King's pawns VS the Demon King's companions
C355– The Demon King uses the power of humans
C354– The roar of an unleashed Evil Elder Dragon
C353– A truth revealed and Guduranis resurrected
C352– A goddess descends into the chaos of the city
C351– Orbaume faces a trial
C350– The instinct awakens
C349– The battlefield expands and an identity is revealed
C348– The battlefield expands as expected
C347: The battlefield of a self–proclaimed god, one proclaimed to be a god by others, a god, and heroes
C346– The great plan stumbles in the beginning
C345– The teacher who remains a mystery for a little longer
C344– The potential heroes endure
C343– Insincere gods and the neighborhood that almost became a nightmare
C342– Rikudou Hijiri misses an opportunity
C341– I haven't come to fight, but I don't mind a battle to the death
Chapter 340.1 – Side Chapter 62: The unending worries of the former emperor, the general, and the gods
C340– The growing number of searching mice
C339– Failure to move on from being a lackey
C338– What do the new family members taste like?
C337– One is trapped in a dream, and one is on the verge of having his dreams become reality
Chapter 336.1 – Side Chapter 61: Rikudou Hijiri's Third Reincarnation
C336– The duke peers into the abyss
C335– A harmless banquet
C334: The changing hospital and a mother–daughter picnic
C333: While the half–Vampire is away…
C332– The patient is a monster
C331– The emperor who lies down and the emperor who crawls
Chapter 330.1 – Side Chapter 60: Tyranny and the emperor, and the boys and girls of around the same age
C330– Nobles with colorful ambitions
C329– Practical cooking, and the end of a duty
C328– The friendship between lackeys and a contract with an honor student
C327– Two people confront each other
C326– The current state of the party members
C325– Those around the Demon King and those who are after the Demon King
C324– A discussion of the past, and an ideal land
C323– The broken magic sword, and the one approaching the Great Demon King
C322– Training inside and out
C321– A day in the life of Vandalieu, a certain instructor, and a noble lady
C320– Those squirming in the shadows of school life
Chapter 319 – Death Mage 319 – A little bit of effort from the Great Demon King
C318: A not–so–peaceful school life
C317– Escaping from solitude
Chapter 316.2 – Chapter V13 Character Summary (2)
Chapter 316.1 – Chapter V13 Character Summary (1)
Chapter 315.9 – Side Chapter 57: An imperfect Utopia
Chapter 315.8 – Side Chapter 56: The battlefield descends into chaos
Chapter 315.7 – Side Chapter 55: A new god and a demigod descend
Chapter 315.6 – Side Chapter 54: Rikudou's reincarnation
Chapter 315.5 – Side Chapter 53: The god of death
Chapter 315.4 – Side Chapter 52: The threats group up
Chapter 315.3 – Side Chapter 51 – Reincarnated individuals fly
Chapter 315.2 – Side Chapter 50: Reincarnated individuals clash
Chapter 315.11 – Side Chapter 59: A place that seems far but is close; seems separate but is connected
Chapter 315.1 – Side Chapter 49: The time for hiding comes to an end
C315– Talk of other worlds
C314– The second half of the examination begins, and the Tamers' Guild is tested once more
C313– A mysterious examiner appears
C312– Let's invite the first guests to the cursed mansion
Chapter 306.5 – Chapter V12 Character Summary (2)
Chapter 306.4 – Chapter V12 Character Summary (1)
Chapter 306.3 – Side Chapter 48: The threat closing in on Origin
Chapter 306.2 – Side Chapter 47: The peaceful Alcrem Duchy
Chapter 306.1 – Side Chapter 46: A god who claims that they are not a god
C306– The Great Demon King learns of the heroic god's resurrection
C305– The God of Sinful Chains and Bellwood, bound by chains
C304: The madness of the God of Law and Fate, and the Five–colored Blades' progress
C303– The battle of the Demon King's Continent reaches its conclusion
C300: The Mother–Goddess's declaration
C299– The goddess's revival and the Great Demon King who carries the names of the champions
C298– Time for food
C297– The second stage begins
C295– A distraction, but a fierce battle nonetheless
C294– The one who spreads death through muscles
C293– The first stage begins
C292: The back–shield with phantom thorns
Chapter 291.1 - Side Chapter 45 – A peaceful moment before a certain storm
C291– A moment after battle, and cannibalism
C290– The horseman of the apocalypse decides not to ride
C289– With Five Sins
Chapter 288.1 – Side Chapter 44 – The various gods
C288– Perseus and Skanda
C287– Firstborn child
C286– The Dragon Emperor God
C285: A peaceful tea–time
C284– Those who are nurtured between attacks
C283– Another Guider and shaken gods
C282– A thrilling battle
C281– One statue is canceled, another is built
Chapter 279
Chapter 278 – 278 – A rematch… or rather, observation
Chapter 277 – 277 – Things are hard for former members of the Demon King's army
Chapter 276 – 276 – The Saint of Darkness
Chapter 275.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 43 – In the absence of their natural enemy
Chapter 275 – – The barrier that wounds the Demon King, and an underground world
Chapter 274 – The escaping Demon King's party and the reinforcements that were not in time
Chapter 270.5: Side Chapter 42
Chapter 270.2 – Side Chapter 41 – The puzzled nobles and Urðr who longs for yesterday
Chapter 270.1 – Side Chapter 40 – The god of reincarnation's suspicions (Origin)
Chapter 270 – 270 – The secret exchange between the Great Demon King and the Alcrem Duchy
Chapter 269 – 269 – A story is fabricated and the truth is buried
Chapter 268 – 268 – I am me, and I am already non–existent
Chapter 267 – 267 – The evil god Zerzoregin reveals himself
Chapter 266 – 266 – The fearsome Mimic Humans vs the menacing army of the Demon King
Chapter 265 – 265 – Alcrem unites as one, and the Demon King returns
Chapter 264 – The Knight of the Collapsed Mountains bares his fangs, and the former Demon King strikes back
Chapter 263 – 263 – The Collapsing Thousand Blades and the Hounds of Cannibalism
Chapter 262 – 262 – The troubled tea party
Chapter 261 – The friend of the Demon King whom even the gods couldn't foresee
Chapter 260 – A friend of the heart, met once more
 Chapter 259 – A large airborne battle
Chapter 258 – The hard–fighting Pentagram
Chapter 257 – The relief of the 'Knight of Keen Insight'
Chapter 256 – Death Mage Side Chapter 39 – Those acting secretly in the Demon King's blind spot
Chapter 255.1: Death Mage Side Chapter 39
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243.5 – Death Mage Side Chapter 38
Chapter 243.4 – Death Mage V10 Character Summary Part 2
Chapter 243.3 – Death Mage V10 Character Summary Part 1
Chapter 243.2
Chapter 243.1
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241 – The Demon King's cover
Chapter 240.1
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237.1 – Chapter 34 – Everyone's battles – shape
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231 -
Chapter 230.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 33
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224.1
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 31
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203.4
Chapter 203.2
Chapter 203.1 ss 29
Chapter 203
Chapter 202.1 – Death Mage Side Chapter 29
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198.1
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192.1
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181.1
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178.4
Chapter 178.3
Chapter 178.2
Chapter 178.1
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155.1
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153.3
Chapter 153.2
Chapter 153.1
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148.1
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
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Chapter 143
Chapter 142.1
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
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Chapter 138
Chapter 137
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Chapter 135
Chapter 134
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Chapter 130.1
Chapter 130
Chapter 129.1
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 123
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120.6
Chapter 120.5
Chapter 120.4
Chapter 120.3
Chapter 120.2
Chapter 120.1
Chapter 120
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 119
Chapter 118.5
Chapter 118.4
Chapter 118.3
Chapter 118.2
Chapter 118.1
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 113
Chapter 112.1
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 111
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 110
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Chapter 102.1
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 101
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 100
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Chapter 96.5
Chapter 96.4
Chapter 96.3
Chapter 96.2
Chapter 96.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 96
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 91
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 90
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 89
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 88
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 87
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 86
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 85
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 84
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 83
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 82
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 81
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 80
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 79
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 78
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 77
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 76
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 75
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 74
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 73
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 72
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 71
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 70
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 69
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 68
Chapter 67.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 67
Chapter 66.4
Chapter 66.3
Chapter 66.2
Chapter 66.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 66
Chapter 65.3
Chapter 65.2
Chapter 65.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 65
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 64
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 63
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 62
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 56
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 55
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 54
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 53
Chapter 52.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 52
Chapter 51.2
Chapter 51.1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 51
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 50
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 49
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 48
Chapter 47
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 46
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 45
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 44
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 43
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 42
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 41
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 40
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 39
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 38
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 37
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 36
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 35
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 20
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The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 14
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 13
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 12
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 11
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 10
Chapter 9.203
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 9
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 8
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time Prologue
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