The Buggiest System 102 Kidnapping

The Buggiest System 102 Kidnapping

Zhou Lei had no idea where his parents were, but he was sure that they'd be fine. After all, nothing has ever happened to them for the past 17 years since he was born.

Anyway, enough raising flags...

Zhou Lei headed to his room and removed his clothes. He lied on his bed and it made a little squeak. '...Damn squeaky bed!'

Strangely, even though he had practiced for about 3 hours today, he didn't feel any fatigue whatsoever.

Zhou Lei didn't think anything about this matter. It could be any reason, but he wouldn't care. He was just grateful that his body didn't ache as much as before.

With him spending all his energy on practicing, Zhou Lei expected that his stomach would rumble any second now.


"Ah, there it is..." He stood up and headed to the kitchen, sitting on the chair beside the dinner table. Zhou Zhenya was there, cooking. As her hands moved swiftly, Zhou Lei yawned as he lied his head on the wooden table.

Soon enough, Zhou Zhenya finished cooking the meal and brought it onto the table. As she spotted her brother, her mouth opened. "Oh, you're here..."

Zhou Lei looked at the meal in his sister's hands. It was eggs again...

Moreover, it was only one serving. "Zhenya, where is my portion?"

"Eh, I didn't know you were here." Zhou Zhenya indifferently responded as she took a seat beside him.

"Ugh..." Zhou Lei knew what this indicated. He stood up and cooked his own egg. After that, he sat back down and started eating.

With only him and his sister there, the image gave off a feeling of loneliness...


The next day.

Zhou Lei rubbed his eyes groggily. Removing the blanket off his body, he turned off the annoying alarm.

Just as he started stretching his hands in air, he opened his mouth and out came a yawn as well.

He got off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

Soon enough, he got ready for school and headed off. He remembered his daily routine for now - 'Head to school, practice DDR after, and update my novel.'

Zhou Lei did his best not to get noticed by random people on the street. Eventually, he got to school.

He was 30 minutes early. As such, not much people were here yet. He took his phone out and opened Webnovel.

The popularity rankings stayed the same as he last saw them. His novel was still in the first place. Seeing this, Zhou Lei felt his ego inflating.

"He... hehe..."

After getting tired of browsing his phone, he looked outside a window, leaning his head on his palm. The sounds of a helicopter startled him.

In fact, one such helicopter headed closer and closer.

It eventually disappeared as it soared over the school building's flat roof.

Soon, he got bored, and he buried his head under his hands.


His female classmates turned their heads as soon as they heard his snores. They looked at each other and nodded.

Making their way nearer their target, as they approached him, they took out their phones...

Snap! A picture was taken.

Snap! Another picture was taken.

Snap! The window bars were broken.

"What?!" One of the girls screamed as she retreated slowly.

This prompted the others to raise their heads. What they saw was a group of men dressed in all black. Their imaginations ran wild.

'G- G- Gimp suit!'

Zhou Lei's snores remained consistent amidst all the noise. The men in gimp suits entered through the broken window one by one. They headed toward the sleeping student.

"Shh!" The leader of the group hushed his subordinates as the distance from them and their target went into the inches.

As they placed their hands around Zhou Lei, the girls panicked. 'Oh no, what are they going to do with him?'

They all shouted for help!

"Help! Help...!"

Feeling annoyed and worried by all the sound the girls were making, a tall and lanky man in a gimp suit walked toward them as he cracked his knuckles.

"Hey, you should shut up-"

Before he could finish talking, a girl raised her leg and kicked him in the shin! "I'm not in the martial arts club for nothing!"

As she did that, another one took a stick and began assaulting the tall and lanky man! "Me too!"

Before long, the man couldn't take it anymore and passed out...

"Let's go, attack!"

The girls rushed towards the men abducting their prince!

A full-blown battle ensued between the girls in uniforms and the men in gimp suits...

"Perverts! Lechers!" A girl who couldn't fight stood behind them, screaming insults to provoke the men.

"Ugh, you bitch!" A man that had 10-pack abs got distracted, and as a result, he got combo'd by the girls.

"Hurry, let's hurry!" The three men in charge of taking the student were getting depressed. They were actually getting beaten down by a bunch of high school girls?

A well-known delinquent walked into the classroom. She studied history until late last night, which was extremely unusual for her. In fact, this was the first time she had ever done this.

In a plan to get Zhou Lei's attention, she wanted to be the one to point out the history teacher's mistake today.

"Ah, you're finally here, Lu Xi!"

Lu Xi had the nickname 'Luxifer' within the school, because of how devilish she could be.

As such, it was definitely a first for anyone that saw Luxifer going back two steps at the scene happening before her.

Lu Xi's bag dropped from her arm as she went outside the classroom.

The girls in the classroom were dumbfounded. Why would she get scared? Even enough for her to run away?

However, their worries were soon alleviated.

"Boys!" Her voice echoed through the entire building.

An utter silence followed.

One. Two. Three.

Three seconds had passed since she shouted.

The sounds of doors opening started.

A flurry of footsteps reverberated through the halls.

Students of all shapes and sizes rushed to where their boss was. One thing was for certain, they were all delinquents!

An army of delinquents made their way to Zhou Lei's classroom!

At the topmost floor of the building!

When the delinquents arrived, most of them had sweat coating their body. They panted as they tried to catch up with the more fit ones in the group.

"Yes, boss!" A tall and muscular's eyes sparkled as he looked at his boss in awe.

"No time to explain, let's go inside!"

As Lu Xi entered with her army, the girls inside felt relieved!

On the other hand, the men in the gimp suits looked in worry!

Even if they had the skills, with numbers like the enemy's, they were sure that their mission would be a failure now!

"What's taking you guys so long?!" One of the men fending off the girls got pissed at the men that were supposed to carry their target out!

"Boss, I'm sorry...! He's too heavy!"

Zhou Lei, who was still sleeping, did not even budge one bit!

They expected him to be a little heavy, so they assigned the three weakest among them to abduct him. As such, the three were overjoyed at their easy job!

But never did the three expect that Zhou Lei would have the weight of an obese person!

How was this possible? With his perfect body, he had a weight like this?

Zhou Lei, the man himself, was oblivious to this fact!

He upgraded his Appearance stat, so he thought that he got lighter as well.

However, hidden within the depths of the interface was his Weight stat, which stood at an outstanding number of 80!

What did this mean? No, it didn't mean that he had 80 kilograms nor pounds.

It meant that he was in the 80th percentile when it came to the weights of all the people in the world!

No one would have expected that hidden within this student's chiseled body was a weight that boasted a number higher than 80% of the world!

They were sure to fail this time!

"Ugh, let's escape for now!" The boss looked at the struggles of his underlings and got irritated. He remembered to teach these three weaklings a lesson.

'Hmm, they are already wearing gimp suits anyway... How about I teach then the true purpose of these suits? Muhahahaha...!'

"Wait, boss! Big Tree is unconscious!" One of the underlings told his boss.

"Never mind him, we need to leave!"

"They're trying to escape, after them!" Lu Xi ordered her men to pursue the bastards.

A rope hung outside the window, which was probably the method that they used to enter through the window in the first place. One by one, they jumped out the window and grabbed on the rope.

The sounds of a helicopter engine starting and the rotors beginning to whirl reached the ears of the students. They all panicked.

"They have a helicopter?!"

"For crying out loud, is this an action movie?"

"Ah, they're gonna get away!"

Zhou Lei finally woke up due to the earsplitting sounds of the helicopter! He covered his ears as he exclaimed, "Why is there a helicopter here?!"

Hearing Zhou Lei wake up, they let out a sigh of relief. "We don't need to catch them anymore."

Lu Xi went up to him and hugged his body. "You're safe...!"

Zhou Lei was dumbfounded. "...Huh?!"

'Who is this girl, and why is she hugging me?' He did not know who the heck this blonde girl was.

The class monitor, the one who knew kendo, Ye Muqi, examined Zhou Lei's body. "How much do you remember?"

"Huh? I... fell asleep, and I woke up because of the noisy helicopter outside..." Zhou Lei scratched his head.

"So you don't remember anything?" This time, the one who attacked Big Tree was the one who spoke. "That's a shame..." Fan Xinyue muttered under her breath.

"Never mind that, we're just glad you're safe." Lu Xi unwrapped her arms around Zhou Lei.

One of Lu Xi's underlings saw her longing gaze on Zhou Lei and huddled up with the other underlings.

"Did you see that boss... has a crush?!" Even though he tried his best to lower his voice, this topic still shocked him to his core.

"So, do we help her?" A chubby man intervened.

"I think it's best that we do! She's our boss, we need to assist her in any way we can!" A girl with a big nose answered the big man's question.

"B- but wouldn't it be bad if she gets mad at us?" A dwarf voiced out his concern.

"Don't worry! She won't be mad. Even if she does get mad, I'll take responsibility." A girl with excessive makeup responded.

"So, we're going to help her, then?"


Lu Xi, who was busy talking to Zhou Lei, felt her nose get itchy. 'Is someone thinking about me?'

Chapter end

153 Sleeping at the Same House?! How Lewd...
152 Coffee Time!
151 Coffee Time!
150 Secret Revealed!
149 An Actual Goddess
148 Up, Down, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Pink Left Side! Pink Right Side, Up, Down, Up, Bottom, Top, Down, Left, Top, Left, Pink Left Side, Pink Right Side, Up, Down, Up, Bottom!
147 Pink Eye-row
146 Twisting Like a Top, As Still as a Tree
145 There's Still Hope! ~The General Against the Overwhelmingly Large Number of Enemies in the Battlefield~
144 Hellish
143 Sleuthing
142 The Ran
141 Reminisce
140 The Ramblings of a Critic Who is Superior at Cooking in Every Way Possible ~Scaring Them Off With a Long and Domineering Speech About the Minor Faults of a Single Piece of Meat~
139 Is She A New Harem Member? Find Out on Next Week's Dragonball Z ~The Mysterious Girl~
138 Descent Into Madness
137 Of Course, As Is Suitable For A Background Character, The Girl Got Offscreened In No Time
136 Lunch Rush
135 You Don't Have to Act Tough
134 Crush on You? Wanna Bet?
133 My Life is Becoming Like a Harem Protagonist's
132 Who Is This Girl?
131 I Left My Homework at Home
130 In Middle School
129 Sandwich and Absolute Shock
128 Memories of a Beggar
127 A Tired Couple Still Has the Ability to Flir
126 Hiatus?
125 Bizarre Emotions
124 The Special Side
123 I Don't Like I
122 A Whole New World~
121 The Thickface
120 Challenge!
119 Saving Grace
118 Flirting Master
117 Pursuit!
116 Secret Plan
115 Absence
114 Plan J: Jealousy Quest!
113 Unfocused
112 Talk in the Café
111 Ordering a Vanilla Latte
110 An Open Drawer
109 Ditched
108 Girls
107 Sharing Sentiments
106 Intimidation
105 Fear
104 Spoon Switch
103 Jealousy
102 Kidnapping
101 Workplace
100 Performance
99 I Met My Idol!
98 Secret Popularity
97 Inconvenience
96 Stalkers
95 Holy Sandwiches
94 External Pressure
93 The New Teacher
92 Monday
91 Intensive Training
90 Hmph
89 Breakfas
88 From the Head to the Other Head
87 Is It Cheating Though?
86 I Completely Forgot About Tha
85 Teacher's Pride
84 Mentor
83 A Whole Hour
82 Slander!
81 Hide and Seek
80 Dance Dance Revolution
79 Sudden Interruption
78 No Skills
77 Mom's Reques
76 Mysterious Blank Space
75 Earning Money Through Speedreading
74 Prey and Predator
73 Worldwide Chaos
72 Mass Release!
71 Incompetent Worker
70 Lightning Speed Level Up
69 And So Ends Another Un Eventful Day
68 Panicking Leader
67 What Do Logical Arguments and Fourth Walls Have in Common? They Exist Purely to Be Broken Except If It's a Particularly Good Argumen
66 Desperate Times Call for Desperate Calls
65 Surprise Squared
64 A Goddess Enters the Room
63 Who is That in the Mirror?
62 After So Many Fillers, She Finally Applies the Makeup
61 Faux Sleep
60 Fetching Makeup
59 Thank You, Bus Driver
58 Assertiveness
57 Deterren
56 Worried
55 Spacing Ou
54 A Surprising Gif
53 Excitement and Anxiousness
52 Astonishing Rise
51 Call
50 Drawing a Comic Adaptation
49 Cover Ar
48 Tile Renovation
47 Thinking of an Initial Premise
46 Retrieving Items from the Inventory, a Mundane Task
45 They're All Gone!
44 Disintegrated
43 Book Bug
42 Writing
41 Collateral
40 Human Error
39 Sleep with Me
38 Meeting
37 Hypnotism?
36 Follow Me!
35 Piling Up
34 Capturing Yet Another Person
33 Anxious Again
32 Taste
31 Egg or No Egg
30 Inferiority Complex
29 Resolved
28 119
27 Peephole
26 9-eleven Convenience Store
25 Showdown
24 Too Delicious
23 Cats and Egg Worship
22 Vomi
21 The Series of Unfortunate Events Associated with a Fried Egg
20 Master Chef Book
19 Impecabble Voice
18 System's Insistence
17 Rever
16 Dog S**
15 I'm a Superstar, Really
14 Homework
13 Transfer Studen
12 School
11 Red
10 Not Knowing Whether to Laugh or Cry
9 Inadvertent Bragging
8 Doctor
7 Sneaky Sickness
6 What's the Matter?
5 Unknown Person
4 Bug
3 Ques
2 Prototype System
1 Worthless
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