Phone App: Portable Armory Chapter 68: Old Friend: Part 11

Phone App: Portable Armory Chapter 68: Old Friend: Part 11

Library. 1500 Hours.

"So you were in a car crash last night?" Iris sipped her cup of tea that Lizeth made for her. 

"Yeah," Lizeth said.

"You have a hell of bad luck with car don't you think?" Iris commented.

"I have no idea about that. How did you escape by the way?" Lizeth wanted to know how she could attend the school today.

"My father SWAT team rescued me," Iris said, but Lizeth knew that it wasn't the real truth. Hell, even the police weren't involved in last night businesses.

"I see. Good for you."

Iris moved closer to Lizeth. She whispered something on her ear, "My father is watching us. I can't be involved in illegal things."

"Good for you. It's bad for your health you know," Lizeth opened a pill tube and swallowed one of the pills. It was the same Oxycodone. She needed a painkiller for her bullet wounds.

"Why are you always taking those drugs? The others said that you are an addict," Iris asked.

"Painkillers. I only take it when necessary. Still, I don't want to be addicted to this," Lizeth showed her pill tube.

"I see. Want to hear some rumors?" Iris offered.


"I heard that Clara is going to move here."


"Yeah, and I heard that a new transfer student is coming with her," Iris said.

"What's her name?"

"I don't know, but it ends with McGrath."

"Hmm, I see," Lizeth had the idea of what the person might be, but she wasn't sure. Clara would live next to her dorm room for sure. She wanted to take a rest for that night. She was still tired from dealing with the terrorist. Besides, she just got two million dollars which made her practically the richest person around there.

Iris left the library, "Well, I have to go now. See you later Lizeth," Iris said.

"See ya," Lizeth waved her hand and she gulped her tea in a single strike. She wanted to leave the library, but someone with a guest tag came into the library. It was a friend. A student from another school. Aline.

She sat down in front of her and drunk Iris's tea. She put her bag below the table, "What do you want?" Lizeth asked.

"Oh my. Why do you have to be so rude?" Aline said.

"Really though, what do you want?" Lizeth asked her again.

"I just really want to visit you," Aline said.


"Nah. I just wanted to check on you."

"Check on what?"

"Did Lynn really show you the ropes?"

"I guess."

"Really? Even she didn't tell you the function of those colorful pens on your medic bag," Aline said her doubt.

"What? Those injections? I don't even know that they were injections," Lizeth said.

"Do you have a dog?" Aline asked.

"No, why? Is it a problem?" Lizeth said.

"Yes, a dog is important in solo operation. He can be your best friend," Aline said.

"Ok. Anything else?" Lizeth was annoyed and wanted her to leave as soon as possible.

"Hmm, Lynn. Yes, that person," Aline said.

"Why are you keep saying Lynn, Lynn, and Lynn?" Lizeth asked her.

"Your death really impacts her. She will need a replacement and Lizeth will be a perfect replacement," Aline uttered her idea.

"Are you nuts?"

"No, I'm not. Lizeth tried to hit a girl in the past, I guess no harm will be done if you try to hit her," Aline said.

"Are you sure? How should I approach her?" Lizeth asked.

"Be yourself," Aline said.

"I see. Well, how should I meet her? We're in a different place after all," Lizeth said.

"Haven't you heard that she will move here?" Aline asked. Lizeth was shocked. So that McGrath was Lynn McGrath. Her friend, where would she live though? Which room would she choose?

"So that McGrath is Lynn McGrath?" Lizeth asked.



"No need to thank me," Aline said proudly.

"Are you nuts? What if she knows that I'm a contractor too?" Lizeth asked Aline.

"So what?"

"So what? What is that reaction? She could kill me or anything," Lizeth complained.

"Really? Sooner or later, the three of you can't keep that secret," Aline said.

"How so?"

"Lynn will find it just from your pattern of leaving the dormitory. The new kid that you recruited will try to kill you sooner or later," Aline explained.



"What should I do? Kill her? I still owe her a favor," Lizeth said.

"So what? Do I look concerned about that? Kill her or you will be killed," Aline said.

"No. Do you think she will kill me easily?"

"No, but I have a bad feeling about it," Aline said.

"Ok, I see. Anything else?" Lizeth asked.

"Mmm, yes, I'm here to change the bandage. It's not good to waste bandage for a single wound on the back of your shoulder," she referred on how Lizeth covered the wound on her back by covering her whole upper area.

"Are you sure it's a good idea doing it here? Besides, I'm fine with my way of bandaging," Lizeth locked the library door so no one would enter or peeped at her. Aline opened her bag and grabbed a bandage and disinfectant.

Lizeth opened her clothes and Alone slowly opened that bandage. It was hurt a bit, "Does it hurt?"

"Can you finish it quickly?" Lizeth said. Aline quickly exchanged the bandage with a new one and a smaller one. She also slapped one patch of Fentanyl on her back. She did it so she could remove more of that pain.

"A free thing from me, don't eat your Oxycodone for tonight ok," Aline said.

"What? Did you just slap something on me?" Lizeth wore her clothes back.

"Yes, a fentanyl patch," Aline said.

"Don't you think I will overdose?" Lizeth asked.

"Nah. Don't worry, it's only for today," Aline packed her bag again and left the library. Lizeth was left alone again in that library, but she preferred it to be that way. She only wanted one person to be there and it was Lynn.

'I wish Lynn is here,' she wondered. She had a myth that if you think about someone, the person would suddenly appear. Luckily, Lynn hadn't appeared yet.

'Eight million dollars left eh, still far enough,' Lizeth wondered as she packed her bag and headed back to the dormitory. Maybe she could see both Clara and Lynn there. As she walked through the hallway, she felt that she was being watched from afar.

Little did she know, she was being observed by the newspaper club from afar, but it gave the impression that she was on someone's rifle scope. One-shot and she would be done since she didn't wear any armor. She looked around to find her stalker.

'Where are you?' she looked around the bushes and hiding spots. She didn't find anyone. Her feeling told her to stop being paranoid. She responded by going straight to her dormitory.

She entered her room and locked the door. She finally felt safe. She grabbed the A/C remote and turned on the air conditioner in her room. She opened her books and started studying the subject for tomorrow. She put a pistol on her table as a precaution. She didn't need someone to suddenly attack her.

She looked out at the window in her room. She saw a car driving to the parking lot, it was similar to Lima's car only with a different license plate. It was Lynn after all.

She wasn't alone, Clara was in the front seat beside her. Lizeth could bet that one of them had a pistol behind their coat. Lynn was most likely to carry a combat knife in her pocket. Well, Lizeth always carried a baton in her pocket.

They got out of the car and Lynn carried her luggage since Clara's stuff had been moved there by her in a chauffeur disguise. Still, the idea of Lynn living beside her was annoying. Lizeth was sure that they would cross paths in the future.

She continued studying because she couldn't be bothered by that. 'Lynn...' she bit on her pencil. She continued writing until she heard a knocking sound from the door. She hid the pistol on her school coat and approached the door. She opened the door and saw that person. Lynn.

"Who's this?" Lizeth asked as she didn't realize that she was still biting her pencil.

"I'm the new transfer student," she said while smiling. The wicked smile that hid the real cold-blooded killer. It was cute since it was Lynn, but it was a different Lynn. She carried a suitcase with her and a backpack on her back.

"And to whom am I speaking with?" Lizeth asked.

"My name is Lynn McGrath, I'm your new roommate. Nice to meet you," Lynn shook her hands. Roommate? It was worse than what Lizeth had expected. She also noticed something, there was a bandage covering her left arm that was his behind the sleeves of her shirt.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Lynn," Lizeth just played along. Lynn must not find out that she had known her before.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Sure," Lizeth let her in and Lynn put her suitcase near the empty bed.

"Which one is my wardrobe?" She asked as she opened her luggage.

"This one," Lizeth pointed another wardrobe that was empty.

Lynn tried to open the wardrobe, but it was stuck. Maybe because the wardrobe was rarely opened by Lizeth. "Do you need help?" Lizeth offered her help as she kept bitting down her pencil.

"Sure," Lynn said as both of them grabbed the handle of the wardrobe and pulled it together.

They pulled the handle, but the wardrobe door didn't even move by an inch. They pulled that until Lynn suddenly lost her grip and hit Lizeth with her body. Both of them fell down on the ground.

'What's this soft feeling?' Lizeth wondered as she tried to figure out what was happening. Well, Lynn was on top of her body and their mouth was meeting against each other. In short, they were accidentally kissing. Lynn's mouth felt soft as her tongue started playing.


Chapter end

113 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
112 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
111 McGrath and Dynn: Part 11
110 McGrath and Dynn: Part 10
109 McGrath and Dynn: Part 9
108 McGrath and Dynn: Part 8
107 McGrath and Dynn: Part 7
106 McGrath and Dynn: Part 6
105 McGrath and Dynn: Part 5
104 McGrath and Dunn: Part 4
103 McGrath and Dynn: Part 3
102 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
101 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
100 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 24 End
99 The Contractor and Russian's Gambit: Part 23
98 The Contractor And Russian's Gambit: Part 22
97 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 21
96 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 20
95 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 19
94 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 18
93 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 17
92 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 16
91 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 15
90 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 14
89 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 13
88 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 12
87 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 11
86 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 10
85 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 9
84 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
83 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
82 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 6
81 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 5
Chapter 80: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 4
80 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 4
Chapter 79: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 3
79 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 3
Chapter 78: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 2
78 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 2
Chapter 77: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 1
77 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 1
Chapter 76: Old Friend: Part 19 End
76 Old Friend: Part 19 End
Chapter 75: Old Friend: Part 18
75 Old Friend: Part 18
Chapter 74: Old Friend: Part 17
74 Old Friend: Part 17
Chapter 73: Old Friend: Part 16
73 Old Friend: Part 16
Chapter 72: Old Friend: Part 15
72 Old Friend: Part 15
Chapter 71: Old Friend: Part 14
71 Old Friend: Part 14
Chapter 70: Old Friend: Part 13
70 Old Friend: Part 13
Chapter 69: Old Friend: Part 12
69 Old Friend: Part 12
Chapter 68: Old Friend: Part 11
68 Old Friend: Part 11
Chapter 67: Old Friend: Part 10
67 Old Friend: Part 10
Chapter 66: Old Friend: Part 9
66 Old Friend: Part 9
Chapter 65: Old Friend: Part 8
65 Old Friend: Part 8
Chapter 64: Old Friend: Part 7
64 Old Friend: Part 7
Chapter 63: Old Friend: Part 6
63 Old Friend: Part 6
Chapter 62: Old Friend: Part 5
62 Old Friend: Part 5
Chapter 61: Old Friend: Part 4
61 Old Friend: Part 4
Chapter 60: Old Friend: Part 3
60 Old Friend: Part 3
Chapter 59: Old Friend: Part 2
59 Old Friend: Part 2
58 Old Friend
57 Clara's Misfortunes
56 Situation 2
55 Situation
54 Welcome Clara
53 Morally It's Right. Practical? Questionable
52 FSB Traitor
51 New Friend, Odd Problems
50 Old Place, New Friends, New Problem
49 First Class. I Can't Understand anything.
48 Back To Normal
47 The Russian's Gambit: No Longer My Business End
Chapter 46: The Russian's Gambit: Part 22
46 The Russian's Gambit: Part 22
Chapter 45: The Russian's Gambit: Part 21
45 The Russian's Gambit: Part 21
Chapter 44: The Russian's Gambit: Part 20
44 The Russian's Gambit: Part 20
Chapter 43: The Russian's Gambit: Part 19
43 The Russian's Gambit: Part 19
Chapter 42: The Russian's Gambit: Part 18
42 The Russian's Gambit: Part 18
Chapter 41: The Russian's Gambit: Part 17
41 The Russian's Gambit: Part 17
Chapter 40: The Russian's Gambit: Part 16
40 The Russian's Gambit: Part 16
Chapter 39: The Russian's Gambit: Part 15
39 The Russian's Gambit: Part 15
Chapter 38: The Russian's Gambit: Part 14
38 The Russian's Gambit: Part 14
Chapter 37: The Russian's Gambit: Part 13 Unlucky
Chapter 37: Russian's Gambit: Part 13 Unlucky
37 Russian's Gambit: Part 13 Unlucky
Chapter 36: The Russian's Gambit: Part 12
36 The Russian's Gambit: Part 12
Chapter 35: The Russian's Gambit: Part 11
35 The Russian's Gambit: Part 11
Chapter 34: The Russian's Gambit: Part 10
34 The Russian's Gambit: Part 10
Chapter 33: The Russian's Gambit: Part 9
33 The Russian's Gambit: Part 9
Chapter 32: The Russian's Gambit: Part 8
32 The Russian's Gambit: Part 8
Chapter 31: The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
31 The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
Chapter 30: The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
30 The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
Chapter 29: The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
29 The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
Chapter 28: The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
28 The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
Chapter 27: The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
27 The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
Chapter 26: The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
26 The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
Chapter 25: The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
25 The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
24 Wholesome Nigh
23 The Scammer
22 Hackerman
21 Another Contractor
20 Done
19 Shutting Down The Ring
18 Operation Anti-D: Final Par
Chapter 17: Operation Anti-D: Part 11
17 Operation Anti-D: Part 11
Chapter 16: Operation Anti-D: Part 10
16 Operation Anti-D: Part 10
Chapter 15: Operation Anti-D: Part 9
15 Operation Anti-D: Part 9
Chapter 14: Operation Anti-D: Part 8
14 Operation Anti-D: Part 8
Chapter 13: Operation Anti-D: Part 7
13 Operation Anti-D: Part 7
Chapter 12: Operation Anti-D: Part 6
12 Operation Anti-D: Part 6
Chapter 11: Operation Anti-D: Part 5
11 Operation Anti-D: Part 5
Chapter 10: Operation Anti-D Part 4
10 Operation Anti-D Part 4
Chapter 9: Operation Anti-D: Part 3
9 Operation Anti-D: Part 3
Chapter 8: Operation Anti-D Part 2
8 Operation Anti-D Part 2
Chapter 7: Operation Anti-D: Part 1
7 Operation Anti-D: Part 1
6 Escorting A Prison Car
5 Another Mission: Escor
4 Walking Is A Drug
3 Another Contractor
2 First Mission: Got shot In The Foo
1 Prologue: Armory System
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