Phone App: Portable Armory 106 McGrath and Dynn: Part 6

Phone App: Portable Armory 106 McGrath and Dynn: Part 6

Sunday, 30th of November 2020. 2220 Hours. 165th Fencer Street Apartment. Outskirts of capital.

"Hmm, I hope it fits your accommodation," Aline said as both of them stood up in front of that expensive-looking 30-floored-apartment building.

Alone had arranged the preparations for Patrick's arrival on the capital, she took 12,000$ from his account just for the sake of preparing all of the things he needed for his last time living normally.

It was an apartment building located on the outskirts of the capital, almost near to the highway that Lynn used to escape from the capital. Well, the highway was located three kilometers away from the apartment after all.

"Here's the key, enjoy," Aline entered her car and Patrick entered his car too. He immediately drove to the parking garage that was located on the bottom of that apartment. The garage door immediately opened before he drove through it. He parked his car on that garage and set that position as his personal garage.

He walked to the elevator near in that parking garage and there was a security guard there, "Mr. Grant, your apartment is on the 30th floor," The security pressed the elevator key and Patrick thanked him.

He entered the elevator that took him to the top floor of that luxurious apartment. She looked at his room key. He entered his room and he immediately greeted by the pleasant view of the capital from his room. The city was sparkling in lights, from the fire, and from the lights.

'Hmm, I can finally rest easy,' Patrick opened his wardrobe and noticed that Aline had moved all of his clothes from his boarding house to that apartment. She also didn't forget the extra details for Patrick like the addition of his MP5 and body armor on the wardrobe.

Patrick was happy. He walked between the rooms in that apartment and she saw his bedroom that was very spacious. He almost couldn't believe that all of those things were his. Patrick just smiled as he looked at that bed. There was also a TV in that bedroom.

'Dang bruh, this apartment is luxurious,' Patrick looked at the common room. He suddenly heard the door knocked from outside. He walked to the door. In there, he peeked who was knocking on the door, after he opened the door, he noticed who was there. It was his friend, none other than Alex Waterson.

Alex put away the present that he held on his hand and immediately said, "I thought my new neighbor is someone, but it's you. Haha, welcome to this apartment friend."

"Bruh, where have you been?" They shook their hands. Both of them didn't know each other's whereabouts for more than six months. Both of them might have disappeared, but hey, who knew?

"Patrick, what happened to you? The last time we met, you rely on me just to survive, but now, you're able to get this expensive thingy," Alex said as he entered the apartment as he brought the present on his hand.

Alex sat down on the couch of that room, "Hmm, Aline told me that you're moving to our school, I will say congrats. You will meet us again, the 11-H."

"We have a reunion?" Patrick asked.

"Not really, but everyone besides Lynn is in that school. Welcome to Garret High School, please enjoy your stay," Alex gave him the present and it was a school uniform.

Patrick opened it and it contained a red school coat with six black pants. There were six white shirts. There was also a P.E uniform, but it just an ordinary P.E uniform. It was a good overall uniform.

"Hmm, Nathan will surely miss you. Welcome back to 11-H, or should I say, 12-G. It's our class," Alex said.

Patrick nodded, he glad that he would meet his best friend again. Well, it was sad that Lynn wasn't included in the school, it might be due to Clara or the fact that she was still investigating Iris's disappearance.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to school. It's not that far from here, we can commute," Alex said as he left that room.


Monday, 1st of December 2020. 0620 Hours. Garret High School. Outskirts of capital.

Patrick stood in front of that school gate. Alex and he were looking at that school building. It wasn't as big as Trinity high school, but it gave him a more proper high school vibe. They stepped right inside that school, but Patrick was immediately got rammed from behind.

"What in the actual?" Patrick took a peek. It was his friend, the dictator, Shaddam Hussain. They immediately did a bro hug.

"Bruh, welcome back. Dang, where have you been?" Shaddam said as three of them walked to the school. They walked to a classroom and Patrick immediately saw a familiar face there.

He saw Aveline, Nathan, Laura, Aiden, Lisa, Aline, Ryan, and the others. They were looking at Patrick like they missed a very old friend.

"Patrick, where have you been?" Aveline was cleaning the whiteboard as usual. Nathan was looking at the board right behind the classroom that contained the class organigram.

"Hmm, hi Patrick. It has been a long time since Anti-D op isn't it?" Ryan said to Patrick.

"Hi guys, I'm back," Patrick said as he walked to his usual chair, beside Shaddam. Shaddam gave him a very welcome back to the insanities of 12-G.

Nathan approached Patrick's desk, "Hmm, welcome back, the tool division is still empty."

"Nah, don't worry, I will take it," Patrick said and Nathan smiled. The bell on that school rang and the teacher came. Unlike before, Patrick didn't have to do any introduction since everyone in that class had already known him.

That teacher was an English teacher. The subject was easy thanks to their teacher easy to understand explanation. It was nice. The teacher wasn't boring like in the Trinity high school either, it might have something to do with the fact that the school had B O Y S.

"Class, could anyone make a sentence using whom?" The teacher asked and the whole class raised their hands.

The teacher pointed his hand at one student, Andre Garrett. Andre Garrett was a student with an average build, but he was pretty buffed.

"Let's go whom," Andre said and the whole class chuckled. The teacher just smiled while scratching his head. He knew that he did that when he was still at school.

The next subject was math, all of the students understood it. Well, the class was felt short due to the fact that the school duration was shortened due to the riot. So, they could go back home at 11:00 instead of the usual 14:00. It was a very good decision since they could laze around and do some practical work, like working.


Monday, 1st of December 2020. 1420 Hours. A coffee shop near Trinity High School.

Lynn and Clara were sitting on the chairs on the counter of that coffee shop. Patrick was on his break and he sat down there too. Clara put a document on top of the table, "You join in too?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, it won't hurt me if I join since it won't take long until the nation declares a national emergency," Clara said to Patrick. She knew that Patrick was Lizeth, but she couldn't be bothered by that. She wouldn't be bothered by any weirdness at that point since she had seen too many weird things.

"Yeah, I agree with Clara. We have dug far into Commissioner Dynn, Trinity Experiment, and Ambrosia Cartel files. As far as we know, the problem with Iris is the lack of information, but we have some of the nation's dirty secrets," Lynn said as Patrick read those files.

It wasn't useful, it was more like blackmail that would definitely put an interest in any of the big three. Still, it wouldn't help them, it was better off for Lynn to just give him to agent Herring.

It was more like a favor for a friend rather than a proper investigation for a foreign intelligence agency. At that point, if it was a request from an IA, they would stop and it would be done, but no, they would keep digging until they couldn't get out.

Trinity experiment was a combination of a social, chemical, and psychological experiment. The details were there, but the point was that Lynn and Clara had to inject an antidote that lasted a week for those drugs that were forcefully put on the AC and their food.

"But I cooked there, how do I know they put drugs on my food?" Patrick said as he finished reading the report.

"You won't, it was hidden between the food supplies. And we wondered why all of us were so violent there," Clara said.

"Yeah, I agree. So, what is the problem with Iris?" Patrick asked.

"She's gone, you can blame this Trinity program."

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Chapter end

113 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
112 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
111 McGrath and Dynn: Part 11
110 McGrath and Dynn: Part 10
109 McGrath and Dynn: Part 9
108 McGrath and Dynn: Part 8
107 McGrath and Dynn: Part 7
106 McGrath and Dynn: Part 6
105 McGrath and Dynn: Part 5
104 McGrath and Dunn: Part 4
103 McGrath and Dynn: Part 3
102 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
101 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
100 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 24 End
99 The Contractor and Russian's Gambit: Part 23
98 The Contractor And Russian's Gambit: Part 22
97 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 21
96 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 20
95 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 19
94 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 18
93 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 17
92 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 16
91 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 15
90 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 14
89 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 13
88 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 12
87 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 11
86 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 10
85 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 9
84 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
83 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
82 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 6
81 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 5
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80 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 4
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79 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 3
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78 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 2
Chapter 77: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 1
77 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 1
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76 Old Friend: Part 19 End
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75 Old Friend: Part 18
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74 Old Friend: Part 17
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73 Old Friend: Part 16
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72 Old Friend: Part 15
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71 Old Friend: Part 14
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70 Old Friend: Part 13
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69 Old Friend: Part 12
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68 Old Friend: Part 11
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67 Old Friend: Part 10
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66 Old Friend: Part 9
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65 Old Friend: Part 8
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64 Old Friend: Part 7
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63 Old Friend: Part 6
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62 Old Friend: Part 5
Chapter 61: Old Friend: Part 4
61 Old Friend: Part 4
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60 Old Friend: Part 3
Chapter 59: Old Friend: Part 2
59 Old Friend: Part 2
58 Old Friend
57 Clara's Misfortunes
56 Situation 2
55 Situation
54 Welcome Clara
53 Morally It's Right. Practical? Questionable
52 FSB Traitor
51 New Friend, Odd Problems
50 Old Place, New Friends, New Problem
49 First Class. I Can't Understand anything.
48 Back To Normal
47 The Russian's Gambit: No Longer My Business End
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46 The Russian's Gambit: Part 22
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45 The Russian's Gambit: Part 21
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44 The Russian's Gambit: Part 20
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43 The Russian's Gambit: Part 19
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42 The Russian's Gambit: Part 18
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41 The Russian's Gambit: Part 17
Chapter 40: The Russian's Gambit: Part 16
40 The Russian's Gambit: Part 16
Chapter 39: The Russian's Gambit: Part 15
39 The Russian's Gambit: Part 15
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38 The Russian's Gambit: Part 14
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37 Russian's Gambit: Part 13 Unlucky
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36 The Russian's Gambit: Part 12
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35 The Russian's Gambit: Part 11
Chapter 34: The Russian's Gambit: Part 10
34 The Russian's Gambit: Part 10
Chapter 33: The Russian's Gambit: Part 9
33 The Russian's Gambit: Part 9
Chapter 32: The Russian's Gambit: Part 8
32 The Russian's Gambit: Part 8
Chapter 31: The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
31 The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
Chapter 30: The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
30 The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
Chapter 29: The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
29 The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
Chapter 28: The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
28 The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
Chapter 27: The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
27 The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
Chapter 26: The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
26 The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
Chapter 25: The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
25 The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
24 Wholesome Nigh
23 The Scammer
22 Hackerman
21 Another Contractor
20 Done
19 Shutting Down The Ring
18 Operation Anti-D: Final Par
Chapter 17: Operation Anti-D: Part 11
17 Operation Anti-D: Part 11
Chapter 16: Operation Anti-D: Part 10
16 Operation Anti-D: Part 10
Chapter 15: Operation Anti-D: Part 9
15 Operation Anti-D: Part 9
Chapter 14: Operation Anti-D: Part 8
14 Operation Anti-D: Part 8
Chapter 13: Operation Anti-D: Part 7
13 Operation Anti-D: Part 7
Chapter 12: Operation Anti-D: Part 6
12 Operation Anti-D: Part 6
Chapter 11: Operation Anti-D: Part 5
11 Operation Anti-D: Part 5
Chapter 10: Operation Anti-D Part 4
10 Operation Anti-D Part 4
Chapter 9: Operation Anti-D: Part 3
9 Operation Anti-D: Part 3
Chapter 8: Operation Anti-D Part 2
8 Operation Anti-D Part 2
Chapter 7: Operation Anti-D: Part 1
7 Operation Anti-D: Part 1
6 Escorting A Prison Car
5 Another Mission: Escor
4 Walking Is A Drug
3 Another Contractor
2 First Mission: Got shot In The Foo
1 Prologue: Armory System
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