Phone App: Portable Armory 107 McGrath and Dynn: Part 7

Phone App: Portable Armory 107 McGrath and Dynn: Part 7

Monday, 1st of December 2020. 1440 Hours. A coffee shop near Trinity High School.

"Hmm, why are both of you risking your lives just for the sake of information by staying in an experiment?" Patrick asked Lynn and Clara.

But Patrick had known the answers, both of them were not afraid of the concept of death since both of them had cheated death at least twice. It also included Patrick.

"Is that question needs to be answered?" Clara asked back. Patrick shook his head. He knew they wouldn't answer. At least, Lynn seemed to be the one with the highest motivation to solve that case.

"I don't know love, maybe we just like to live dangerously," Lynn said.

"Yeah, I know that Lynn. I'm still trying connecting dots here, even though those dots can't be connected," Patrick said as he put the file on the table.

"You just said that Trinity program is the main reason why Iris is gone. Is it a guess or a conclusion from your research?" Patrick asked Clara.

"Guess from my research," Clara said.

"So a hypothesis?" Patrick asked.


"I want to believe that Iris is kidnapped by the Cartel too, Patrick. But the facts don't add up," Lynn said as she handed down another file. It was a document about Iris, the documents that they gave before was blackmail for Agent Herring in the CIA since Lynn wanted to stay close to him.

Patrick read the document a bit, "So... Iris was considered to be an obstacle? I know that she scares people with airsoft guns and participate in multiple arms dealing, but why does she become an obstacle in the social experiment?"

"Yeah, her two-faced behavior isn't a good thing for the experiment. The experiment needs a person that will choose sides between the smart and the delinquent," Clara said.

"When did you guys get all of this by the way?" Patrick asked.

"I did a lot of Intel gathering by breaking into the school building with my SCAR-H at night when both of you were in a coma, and yesterday Clara did the same thing when I was busy with you," Lynn said.

Patrick sighed, "I honestly never thought that we will encounter a crazier thing than the nuke."

"Me neither, but look where we are now, investigating the death of our friend that might get us killed as well," Lynn said.

"Yeah, I agree. Well, what do you guys want from me?" Patrick asked.

"We need you to retrieve some information about Commissioner Dunn, either by going to the main police station or by going to his house," Clara said.

"Well, I will do it tonight. Did you call for a backup?" Patrick asked Lynn.

"Sierra has returned from offshore. I also ask Bravo for his help, I will give the rendezvous point for you," Lynn said as both of them left the table. Lynn gave Patrick a kiss on the cheek and Patrick also gave her another kiss on the cheek.

Both of them left into their car and Patrick's manager approached him from his back, "you have a lot of beautiful friends, aren't you? Now get back to work!"

"Aye bossman."


Monday, 1st of December 2020. 2240 Hours. Rendezvous Point. Task Force Vienna.

Three of them were near the entrance of a flood channel. It was raining at the moment and the flood channel was full of water. Three of them were wearing a wetsuit and using an HK416A7 with a suppressor. Most of them were called by their battle buddy with the exception of Sierra.

"Ok, so we have to swim for an hour through this storm drain and enter the Commissioner Dynn house through his fish pond. Nothing too hard isn't it?" Patrick said as he explained his plan near that flood channel.

"Ok, mind explaining why can't we go to his house directly?" Bravo asked as he released the oxygen valve on his diving gear.

"Less security, less hassle, less door to be unlocked, and easier extraction," Sierra said as he told them to follow his lead. He dived down first and Patrick followed afterward and Sierra was the last.

They dived on the floor channel, below the surface of the water. The channel was very dark, but they were using an NVG on their helmet that projected it to their diving mask.

Sierra gave them the direction to take a turn to the left direction at the next interchange. They swam to the left direction and according to the directions that were provided, they were heading straight for Commissioner Dynn's house.

Their plan was simple, access that room that Dynn had his files on and get out as soon as possible. If possible, find Iris, if not, then just get out of there. Clara and Lynn would be on standby if they needed anything related to remote access from Trinity.

After 20 minutes of continuous swimming, they finally arrived at a pipe that led straight to Commissioner Dynn's pond. All they had to do was to swam up to his pond, but there was a problem there. The entrance was blocked by a steel gate.

Sierra grabbed something from his back, it was a hydrogen cutter. He started cutting the gate lock so they could open it and gained access to that house. The glowing cutter almost blinded them, Bravo and Delta looked away while Sierra was cutting the gate with that cutter.

The gate was opened and they swam into that gate. The tunnel led to the pond where there were a lot of fish there. The gate purpose might be to prevent the fish from escaping. 'Hell, don't ask me why someone built a fish pond that led directly to the flood channel.'

They swam carefully to the surface and Sierra used his wrist computer to turn off the lights on Commissioner Dunn's house. It should be good since stealth and dark connected well.

They arrived at the surface and they immediately spreader into multiple directions. Patrick immediately gave them the instructions.

"Sierra, you go to the east, Bravo, you go to the west, I will head to the north. Keep me contacted," Patrick said as all of them moved inside the house with their assault rifle on their shoulder. All of their rifles were loaded with less-lethal bullets that were made from soft rubber.

Patrick walked in the dark hallway with his night vision goggle on his head. That hallway was very empty since there wasn't anyone there. In that hallway, he didn't notice any of Iris's maid or driver. They might be asleep. Patrick lockpicked every single room that he could see since he needed to know where Commissioner Dynn's personal computer was.

Patrick: "Sierra, Bravo, found something?"

Bravo: "Negative Delta."

Sierra: "Nothing too important, just a very curious maid that woke up."

Patrick: "Copy that. Delta out."

Patrick walked in the hallway and he saw a picture in the living room of that house. It was Iris's with her parents. She was the only child of Dynn's family. Patrick felt sorry for her mother that probably didn't know anything about her child's sudden kidnapping.

Patrick continued walking on the dark hallway of that house. There were several bookracks on that house, most of them were filled with Iris's father's achievement as a good police commissioner. It made Patrick doubt that Commissioner Dynn had something to do with this thing. Well, the fact could say otherwise to be honest.

Suddenly, a door was opened in front of him. Someone got out of that door, Patrick readied his baton to take anyone that came out of that door. As it turned out, the door wasn't locked and was opened by the wind. It scared Patrick.

Sierra: "I have something. Come here!"

After Patrick got that message, he immediately proceeded to walk to Sierra's direction. He met Bravo on the way and both of them walked to the room where Sierra was located.

That room was Commissioner Dynn's working room. There was a computer in that room and Sierra was sitting in front of that computer while placing a hard drive beside that computer.

"What do you find?" Bravo asked as he saw the computer screen.

Sierra was typing some sort of coding that made the aura that he was hacking the computer. Well, Sierra was capable of hacking after all, but what kind of files he was looking for. All Patrick could see was a lot of numbers and a lot of mumbo jumbos. Patrick was used to the TIMS hacking app, but the app didn't work on the computer.

"A juicy intel, but I need help from the others. Delta, could you contact your friends to give us access?" Sierra said as Patrick was on standby with Clara and Lynn on the phone. Patrick walked outside of that room. He contacted the others.

Patrick: "Task Force Freia. Now it's your turn."

Lynn: "Copy that. We are standing by on position."

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Chapter end

113 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
112 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
111 McGrath and Dynn: Part 11
110 McGrath and Dynn: Part 10
109 McGrath and Dynn: Part 9
108 McGrath and Dynn: Part 8
107 McGrath and Dynn: Part 7
106 McGrath and Dynn: Part 6
105 McGrath and Dynn: Part 5
104 McGrath and Dunn: Part 4
103 McGrath and Dynn: Part 3
102 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
101 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
100 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 24 End
99 The Contractor and Russian's Gambit: Part 23
98 The Contractor And Russian's Gambit: Part 22
97 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 21
96 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 20
95 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 19
94 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 18
93 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 17
92 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 16
91 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 15
90 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 14
89 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 13
88 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 12
87 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 11
86 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 10
85 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 9
84 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
83 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
82 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 6
81 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 5
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80 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 4
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79 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 3
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78 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 2
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77 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 1
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76 Old Friend: Part 19 End
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75 Old Friend: Part 18
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74 Old Friend: Part 17
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73 Old Friend: Part 16
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72 Old Friend: Part 15
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71 Old Friend: Part 14
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69 Old Friend: Part 12
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68 Old Friend: Part 11
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67 Old Friend: Part 10
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66 Old Friend: Part 9
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65 Old Friend: Part 8
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64 Old Friend: Part 7
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63 Old Friend: Part 6
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62 Old Friend: Part 5
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61 Old Friend: Part 4
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60 Old Friend: Part 3
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59 Old Friend: Part 2
58 Old Friend
57 Clara's Misfortunes
56 Situation 2
55 Situation
54 Welcome Clara
53 Morally It's Right. Practical? Questionable
52 FSB Traitor
51 New Friend, Odd Problems
50 Old Place, New Friends, New Problem
49 First Class. I Can't Understand anything.
48 Back To Normal
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46 The Russian's Gambit: Part 22
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45 The Russian's Gambit: Part 21
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44 The Russian's Gambit: Part 20
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42 The Russian's Gambit: Part 18
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41 The Russian's Gambit: Part 17
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40 The Russian's Gambit: Part 16
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38 The Russian's Gambit: Part 14
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37 Russian's Gambit: Part 13 Unlucky
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36 The Russian's Gambit: Part 12
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35 The Russian's Gambit: Part 11
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34 The Russian's Gambit: Part 10
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33 The Russian's Gambit: Part 9
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32 The Russian's Gambit: Part 8
Chapter 31: The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
31 The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
Chapter 30: The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
30 The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
Chapter 29: The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
29 The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
Chapter 28: The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
28 The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
Chapter 27: The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
27 The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
Chapter 26: The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
26 The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
Chapter 25: The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
25 The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
24 Wholesome Nigh
23 The Scammer
22 Hackerman
21 Another Contractor
20 Done
19 Shutting Down The Ring
18 Operation Anti-D: Final Par
Chapter 17: Operation Anti-D: Part 11
17 Operation Anti-D: Part 11
Chapter 16: Operation Anti-D: Part 10
16 Operation Anti-D: Part 10
Chapter 15: Operation Anti-D: Part 9
15 Operation Anti-D: Part 9
Chapter 14: Operation Anti-D: Part 8
14 Operation Anti-D: Part 8
Chapter 13: Operation Anti-D: Part 7
13 Operation Anti-D: Part 7
Chapter 12: Operation Anti-D: Part 6
12 Operation Anti-D: Part 6
Chapter 11: Operation Anti-D: Part 5
11 Operation Anti-D: Part 5
Chapter 10: Operation Anti-D Part 4
10 Operation Anti-D Part 4
Chapter 9: Operation Anti-D: Part 3
9 Operation Anti-D: Part 3
Chapter 8: Operation Anti-D Part 2
8 Operation Anti-D Part 2
Chapter 7: Operation Anti-D: Part 1
7 Operation Anti-D: Part 1
6 Escorting A Prison Car
5 Another Mission: Escor
4 Walking Is A Drug
3 Another Contractor
2 First Mission: Got shot In The Foo
1 Prologue: Armory System
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