Phone App: Portable Armory 113 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12

Phone App: Portable Armory 113 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12

Tuesday, 2nd of December 2020. 1600 Hours. Highway. KM +20.

With the helicopters and fighter jets gone, the contractor could transport the weapon crates to the Blackhawk safely. All of those crates that they stole were transported to the FOB.

Echo: "How many things do we have so far?"

Kilo: "Three MK47 grenade machine gun, twelve crates of HK416A7 SOPMOD II, six GM-94, Two M2 Heavy Machine gun, six AT4 launchers, Two Javelin, two crates of GPNVG-18, two crates of body armor and military uniform combo, Six crates of C4, and still counting."

Echo: "Copy that."

Lynn moved those crates to the helicopter beside Echo, she asked Echo's plan, "What will you do with this weaponry?"

"I have a dream. How about we establish our own Private Military Contractor?" Echo said as he put the crate on the helicopter and it took off from the ground. Lynn wasn't surprised with that bold plan, but she didn't like it either.

"Sure, but I'm afraid I can't join that thing now," Lynn said.


"Loose ends," Lynn said as a Blackhawk approached them. She ran to the container truck and picked up another crate of weaponry.

Echo: "Delta, is the sky clear?"

Patrick: "If the sky isn't clear, you can't fly here. Don't worry, I shot down a stealth plane, they won't be bothering us for now."

Echo: "Great job Delta."

Lynn threw a weapon crate to Echo and he caught it. He put the crate to the Blackhawk, "Well, you're the only one who refused as of now. The others have given their agreement."

"Delta, Serval, and I still have a loose end that needs to be solved. We'll join, but not now," Lynn said as she threw another crate of weaponry.

"Well, PMC has a 90% budget cut. Your 3000$ SCAR-H that I gave to you should only worth 300$ now," Echo said and Lynn paused for a bit.

"Ok... Now I'm interested, but still, our loose end is my priority as of now," Lynn continued throwing the weapon crates to Echo.

"Well, we can buy equipment to grow faster. We should be a big company in no time," Echo bragged before Lynn threw him a bigger weapon crate.

"Look, I'll consider your offer. Now, let's just get this over with," Lynn said as Clara jumped to the container truck and helped Lynn moved the crates.

"Agree," Echo caught the crate and moves it into the helicopters.


Tuesday, 2nd of December 2020. Trinity high school. Lynn and Lizeth's room. 2340 Hours.

"El Castillo del Diablo and Paholaisten Talo. Both means devil, the one in the castle while the other is the house, any idea?" Lynn said as she read the files on that flash disk. She was sitting on her table.

"I don't know. It must be a location, it could be anything as far as we know," Clara commented as she read that official document.

"We requested an autopsy on that body though?" Lynn asked Clara.

"Yeah, we asked for an autopsy on Iris's body," Clara said.

"How was the result?" Lynn asked.

"Be patient, we only have waited for less than twelve hours from the time we found that body. At least, all of us knew what happened to Iris, including Lizeth/Patrick," Clara said.

"I've to do this you know. I've been through this," Lynn said to Clara.

"You were raped and almost murdered? When? No offense, but I will take them as an overstatement," Clara took that statement as a joke, but Lynn was deadly serious about it.

"Look, what I was, and what I'm now is different. If not for Echo, I won't be here. Either I will be buried six feet under the ground or I'll be turned into ashes and spread across the ground," Lynn said as she continued scrolling the files.

"Was it that bad?" Clara asked.

"Trust me, it was that bad," Lynn said.

"How did you survive then?" Clara asked.

"Contractor, more or less, we're almost the same. I became a contractor at the lowest point of my life," Lynn said. It might sound overdramatic, but that was the truth.

"So, how many assassins have you murdered?" Clara asked her.

"Well, at the start, I only killed them varietally, but after it became too often, a simple hand grenade should do the job," Lynn said to Clara.


"The kidnappers usually kidnapped me using cars. When they pulled me to their car, I pulled a pin on the hand grenade. And boom, they're gone," Lynn said as she mimicked the move that she did when she got pulled into an unknown car.

"Was it your biggest stunt?" Clara asked.

"Not really. I've tried Claymore, but the aftermath was quite bad for me, I've to rest for five days since there was much blunt force trauma from that claymore projectiles," Lynn said, "But I think I can use claymore as easy as a hand grenade now."

"Wow, that's quite impressive," Clara said as Lynn finished her business of researching the files that they found on Iris's body.

Both of them saw no point in staying any longer at that school. It was only about time when would they kidnap Lynn or Clara. They needed to formulate a plan fast before they were caught off guard. They wanted to solve the mystery of Iris without shooting the whole school down.

"I have a dumb idea, will you listen?" Lynn asked.

"Sure, we can't go any dumber than this, to be honest," Clara referred to their plan of staying on that school.

"I'll update the database for the school and let myself be eliminated," Clara responded with a big opened mouth.

Even her facial expression clearly stated, "what the fuck?" Clara knew that's the most terrible idea Lynn could come with. Clara asked, "Are you sure? How are we supposed to help you then? Patrick and I won't know your location either."

Lynn stood up from the chair. She walked to her wardrobe, it made Clara confused about her intention, "What are you doing?"

Lynn was looking for something, it was something important, "Ah, got ya," Lynn held something very specific. It was a tube with a silver thing inside of it. Lynn injected it to her chest.

"What's that?" Clara asked as Lynn buttoned her clothes again.

"It's an unidentifiable tracker. It should be enough to track me down at the very least. Don't worry, I can remove it using my hands if I want to, but it will be painful," Lynn said as she waved her combat blade. It was most likely that she would slit her torso just to remove that tracker.

"So you'll be entering the devil's house and you expect us to rescue you?" Clara asked.

"Yeah, more or less, now, will you help me putting my name on the database?" Lynn grabbed her phone as she stood up near the window. She opened the window and changed into her combat loadout.

"Yeah," Clara changed into her combat loadout and a rope was thrown from the window. They attached the rope to their bodies and begun rappelling down to the bushes.



"Whatever happened. Don't tell Patrick about this, I want you to tell Lizeth."

"I understand, but why?"

"He'll finish what he started with what she started."

"I understand. I don't know if this is a good idea, but I'll follow you whatever you do, but I doubt I can convince him to change back to that form."

"Look, this is my personal request, he'll understand."

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Chapter end

113 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
112 McGrath and Dynn: Part 12
111 McGrath and Dynn: Part 11
110 McGrath and Dynn: Part 10
109 McGrath and Dynn: Part 9
108 McGrath and Dynn: Part 8
107 McGrath and Dynn: Part 7
106 McGrath and Dynn: Part 6
105 McGrath and Dynn: Part 5
104 McGrath and Dunn: Part 4
103 McGrath and Dynn: Part 3
102 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
101 McGrath and Dynn: Part 1
100 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 24 End
99 The Contractor and Russian's Gambit: Part 23
98 The Contractor And Russian's Gambit: Part 22
97 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 21
96 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 20
95 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 19
94 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 18
93 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 17
92 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 16
91 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 15
90 The Contractor And Russian's Stratagem: Part 14
89 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 13
88 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 12
87 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 11
86 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 10
85 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 9
84 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
83 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 7
82 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 6
81 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 5
Chapter 80: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 4
80 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 4
Chapter 79: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 3
79 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 3
Chapter 78: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 2
78 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 2
Chapter 77: The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 1
77 The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 1
Chapter 76: Old Friend: Part 19 End
76 Old Friend: Part 19 End
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75 Old Friend: Part 18
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74 Old Friend: Part 17
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73 Old Friend: Part 16
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72 Old Friend: Part 15
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71 Old Friend: Part 14
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70 Old Friend: Part 13
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69 Old Friend: Part 12
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68 Old Friend: Part 11
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67 Old Friend: Part 10
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66 Old Friend: Part 9
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65 Old Friend: Part 8
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64 Old Friend: Part 7
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63 Old Friend: Part 6
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62 Old Friend: Part 5
Chapter 61: Old Friend: Part 4
61 Old Friend: Part 4
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60 Old Friend: Part 3
Chapter 59: Old Friend: Part 2
59 Old Friend: Part 2
58 Old Friend
57 Clara's Misfortunes
56 Situation 2
55 Situation
54 Welcome Clara
53 Morally It's Right. Practical? Questionable
52 FSB Traitor
51 New Friend, Odd Problems
50 Old Place, New Friends, New Problem
49 First Class. I Can't Understand anything.
48 Back To Normal
47 The Russian's Gambit: No Longer My Business End
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46 The Russian's Gambit: Part 22
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45 The Russian's Gambit: Part 21
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44 The Russian's Gambit: Part 20
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43 The Russian's Gambit: Part 19
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42 The Russian's Gambit: Part 18
Chapter 41: The Russian's Gambit: Part 17
41 The Russian's Gambit: Part 17
Chapter 40: The Russian's Gambit: Part 16
40 The Russian's Gambit: Part 16
Chapter 39: The Russian's Gambit: Part 15
39 The Russian's Gambit: Part 15
Chapter 38: The Russian's Gambit: Part 14
38 The Russian's Gambit: Part 14
Chapter 37: The Russian's Gambit: Part 13 Unlucky
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37 Russian's Gambit: Part 13 Unlucky
Chapter 36: The Russian's Gambit: Part 12
36 The Russian's Gambit: Part 12
Chapter 35: The Russian's Gambit: Part 11
35 The Russian's Gambit: Part 11
Chapter 34: The Russian's Gambit: Part 10
34 The Russian's Gambit: Part 10
Chapter 33: The Russian's Gambit: Part 9
33 The Russian's Gambit: Part 9
Chapter 32: The Russian's Gambit: Part 8
32 The Russian's Gambit: Part 8
Chapter 31: The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
31 The Russian's Gambit: Part 7
Chapter 30: The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
30 The Russian's Gambit: Part 6
Chapter 29: The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
29 The Russian's Gambit: Part 5
Chapter 28: The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
28 The Russian's Gambit: Part 4
Chapter 27: The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
27 The Russian's Gambit: Part 3
Chapter 26: The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
26 The Russian's Gambit: Part 2
Chapter 25: The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
25 The Russian's Gambit: Part 1
24 Wholesome Nigh
23 The Scammer
22 Hackerman
21 Another Contractor
20 Done
19 Shutting Down The Ring
18 Operation Anti-D: Final Par
Chapter 17: Operation Anti-D: Part 11
17 Operation Anti-D: Part 11
Chapter 16: Operation Anti-D: Part 10
16 Operation Anti-D: Part 10
Chapter 15: Operation Anti-D: Part 9
15 Operation Anti-D: Part 9
Chapter 14: Operation Anti-D: Part 8
14 Operation Anti-D: Part 8
Chapter 13: Operation Anti-D: Part 7
13 Operation Anti-D: Part 7
Chapter 12: Operation Anti-D: Part 6
12 Operation Anti-D: Part 6
Chapter 11: Operation Anti-D: Part 5
11 Operation Anti-D: Part 5
Chapter 10: Operation Anti-D Part 4
10 Operation Anti-D Part 4
Chapter 9: Operation Anti-D: Part 3
9 Operation Anti-D: Part 3
Chapter 8: Operation Anti-D Part 2
8 Operation Anti-D Part 2
Chapter 7: Operation Anti-D: Part 1
7 Operation Anti-D: Part 1
6 Escorting A Prison Car
5 Another Mission: Escor
4 Walking Is A Drug
3 Another Contractor
2 First Mission: Got shot In The Foo
1 Prologue: Armory System
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