Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits Chapter 229

Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits Chapter 229

Chapter 229: Chapter 229: What Other Reason Could There Be?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Well, Bro, I need to ask you first… did you acquire some kind of dirty Awakened Ability?” Ren Xingmei asked.

 Ren Xingmei looked at the four beautiful and elegant girls in front, who were talking and laughing to one another while shopping. Each of them was charmingly unique and as they walked in the mall, there was a 50% chance that someone who walked past them would turn back to take a second look—the remaining 50% of people who walked past were phone addicts who constantly looked down at their mobile phones.

 “What do you mean by ‘dirty Awakened Ability'?” the bewildered Ren Suo asked.

 Ren Xingmei said, “For example, abilities to hypnotize, stop time, enhance the senses, make someone your puppet, or appear attractive to everyone…”

 Ren Suo glanced intriguingly at his sister. He pondered for half a minute before saying, “My old computer should have already been formatted accordingly into different partitions, so there should not be a trace of anything for you to discover… Could it be the cabinet which I store my notebook in? I remember that I locked it though!”

 Ren Xingmei blinked and replied, “What's locked?”

 “The cabinet at my computer desk is locked,” Ren Suo said.

 Ren Xingmei shook her head, saying, “No, it isn't. You remembered wrongly.”

 “It… it isn't?” Ren Suo, feeling bewildered, exclaimed. He said, “I thought that it was still locked the last time I went home…”

 “You must have been so busy at work that memories were mixed up, you should rest well. Anyway, did you or did you not awaken some ability which makes girls fancy you?” Ren Xingmei asked, quickly returning to her question.

 Ren Suo dug his nose as he replied, “If I did, your elder sister-in-law would be standing beside me now, not you.”

 (Did he not? It would be quite a challenge to describe the scene in front of me otherwise though…)

 Ren Xingmei looked at the group of girls in front, consisting of the proudly beautiful female team leader of the Countermeasure Division, the calm and reserved female teacher at the Institution, as well as one senior high school girl with long, black and straight hair, and another lively, energetic senior high school girl. She somehow felt that something did not seem right.

 However, the sense of crisis for Ren Xingmei was growing more intense: the female team leader of the Countermeasure Division seemed to be very fashionable. If she became her brother's girlfriend, she would certainly squeeze his wallet dry;

 The female teacher did not have much material desire, but Ren Xingmei felt that she had an extremely strong desire of wanting to be in control. Her dork of a brother would certainly give her full control of his finances;

 The two senior high school girls—one with long, straight and black hair while the other was lively and energetic—appeared to be less of a threat. However, Ren Xingmei was also a senior high school girl. She had met too many girls whose material desires grew as they constantly compared their possessions with others, and Ren Xingmei could not be at ease even if either one of the two girls was her brother's girlfriend.

 (For the sake of Brother's wallet!) Ren Xingmei energized herself and was constantly on her guard. She never once moved away from Ren Suo to prevent any sparks of feelings from arising between him and any of the girls. Ren Xingmei roughly estimated that after Ren Suo went out today, he would not want to go out to shop for the next two months.

 In Ren Suo's words, it was: “Young people like to go out to shop, sing karaoke, have a gathering with their friends, and go to the bar, but only when they return home will they realize—staying at home was better.”

 As long as she pulled through that day, Ren Xingmei would be able to guarantee the safety of Ren Suo's wallet!

 “We don't really know enough to know what to buy,” Lin Xianyu said as she turned around. She asked Ren Xingmei, “Little Star, what do you like?”

 Qiao Muyi laughed and said, “It's cheating if you ask the person herself. The purpose of this game is, firstly, to squeeze Ren Suo's wallet for once, and the second, is to guess what Little Star likes.”

 “In that case… it won't be cheating if I ask Ren Suo, right?” Lin Xianyu asked. Her brain still functioned quite normally when she was not eating.

 Qiao Muyi replied, “Of course, Ren Suo is a participant too. He needs to buy a gift as well.”

 Lin Xianyu turned to look at Ren Suo and asked, “Brother Ren, what kind of snacks do you think your sister likes?”

 Ren Suo replied, “Mmm… Matcha biscuits like Shiroi Koibito?”

 Gu Yueyan queried, “What does she like to do when she has free time?”

 Ren Suo replied, “I suppose she likes to play games.”

 Qiao Muyi asked, “Are there any guys whom Little Star fancies?”

 Ren Suo replied, “No.”

 Everyone turned to look at Ren Xingmei and asked, “Is your brother, right?”

 Ren Xingmei smiled slightly and replied, “Wouldn't I be divulging the answers if I answered the question? Regardless though, he's truly my brother.”

 (None of his answers were right.)

 (I never liked eating matcha biscuits, it was only because my friend gave them to me as a souvenir that I ate them.)

 (I don't usually play games during my free time; catching up on drama series is the best pastime.)

 “Ah,” Qiao Muyi said suddenly. She continued, “Ren Suo, go and find somewhere to wait, we will call you when we are done picking the gifts.”

 Ren Suo looked around and saw that it was the clothing section up ahead. Although he did not have a girlfriend, Ren Suo had still heard before about how long girls took to choose their clothes, so he naturally took up Qiao Muyi's suggestion and hurried away elsewhere.

 “Bro—” Ren Xingmei said, quickly reaching out and trying to hold Ren Suo back.

 “Don't worry about him. Just by looking at his dressing style, you would know that his beauty standard is ‘over the top'. He would not be able to help you in any way!” Qiao Muyi coaxed as she and the rest of them pulled Ren Xingmei away from Ren Suo together.

 Ren Suo was not interested in buying other things either, but he had not eaten snacks like octopus balls, grilled squid, and oden in a long time, which were not sold in the school's dining hall. As such, when the strong fragrance of food wafted into his nostrils, Ren Suo headed directly for the snacks street.

 After eating and drinking his fill, Ren Suo realized that it was about time and walked back towards the part of the mall he came from previously.


 “Be careful!”

 Shouts and screams could be heard from in front, where the escalator was located. Ren Suo looked in that direction and decided to head over to find out what the commotion was about, demonstrating the ‘good qualities' of any ordinary citizen.

 “Little Star, you have such a good figure that you might even be able to become a model with some training. Why do you want to wear men's clothes?” Qiao Muyi remarked. She leaned on Ren Xingmei's shoulder as she smiled at her in the mirror.

 Ren Xingmei still dressed herself similarly in male clothing when they were out that day.

 “I'm used to it,” Ren Xingmei replied uneasily.

 Qiao Muyi asked, “What do you think of this pleated skirt?”

 Ren Xingmei replied, “I think that it would be better if it was jasmine-white in color.”

 Qiao Muyi said, “This sunflower-yellow color is not bad too.”

 “You should try on a pair of white stockings, and change out of your flats at the same time, or it would not match.”

 Dong Chengling chipped in and said, “You should get a hat too!”

 When it came to choosing clothes, even Dong Chengling could not resist but give a suggestion or two. Ren Xingmei initially refused to try on the clothes, but it would have been impolite to object after they asked multiple times, so she eventually gave in reluctantly.

 When she emerged from the fitting room, she was greeted by four pairs of eyes looking at her in amazement and admiration.

 Qiao Muyi pulled her to the mirror and said, “Look, who is that cute girl in the mirror?”

 Ren Xingmei was stunned.

 The girl in the mirror was wearing a white and pink-colored knee-length lace skirt. Wearing the skirt was a girl with long and slender legs, which was covered with white stockings and red shoes. The girl wore a white sun hat on her head, and she had rosy white skin.

 “Doesn't it look great? It's very cute, no?” Qiao Muyi asked as she placed her arm around Ren Xingmei's shoulders. She said, “Just wear this out and give your brother a shock. He doesn't need to pay for this set of clothes, I'll pay and give them to you—”

 “No!” Ren Xingmei exclaimed.

 The rest of them were slightly stunned. Realizing that she was too worked up, Ren Xingmei immediately kept her emotions back in check and said with a smile, “I don't like this kind of clothes… There's no need to buy them, I'll change back into my clothes.” Upon finishing her sentence, she immediately returned to the fitting room.

 While Ren Xingmei was in the fitting room, Gu Yueyan took the chance to walk over to Qiao Muyi and led her to another area. Pretending to look at the clothes, she asked softly, “Why did you come here, Sister Qiao?”

 Qiao Muyi naturally did not say that she came to enjoy the show. She replied, “Didn't you say that Ren Suo's sister acted very strangely, that she could be a sister who fancies her brother and would be a hindrance to you? That's why I specially came down to have a look.”

 “It… it doesn't hinder me…” Gu Yueyan said, somewhat reluctantly.

 “Don't worry, I will help you. I am your love consultant after all!” Qiao Muyi said. She thumped her chest and assured, “Trust me!”

 Gu Yueyan relaxed and turned to look at the clothes for real.

 At that juncture, Qiao Muyi turned and walked over to Dong Chengling, who was looking at clothes in the menswear section. She asked softly, “Chengling, how have things been recently?”

 Dong Chengling said expressionlessly, “My Practice is going smoothly. The enchantment of the Reiki Storage Device is also doing well.”

 “Of course, I'm not asking you about this,” Qiao Muyi said. She held Dong Chengling's hand and continued, “I'm asking if things are going well relationship-wise.”

 Dong Chengling did not reply.

 Qiao Muyi said, “I suppose that you rarely talked to guys in the past, right? You must have been enjoying your time alone throughout junior high school, senior high school and university, no? You look like the kind of person who has great resilience.”

 Dong Chengling nodded.

 “If there is anything you need help with in your relationship, feel free to come to me, I will definitely help you. Just treat me as your love consultant!” Qiao Muyi said. She thumped her chest and assured, “Trust me!”



 After coming out of the clothing section, Dong Chengling called Ren Suo. However, she shook her head and said, “He did not answer the call.”

 Ren Xingmei and the others felt that it was strange for Ren Suo not to pick up the call, but they did not panic. After all, they were in the shopping mall, and it was not possible to lose Ren Suo. Qiao Muyi said, “Let's continue walking while trying to call him, we might bump into him. We will come back to see if he is waiting here if we still cannot find him after ten minutes.”

 “He might well have returned home already, thinking that it was too troublesome,” Gu Yueyan said as she looked at the ceiling.

 “He's not such a person,” Dong Chengling remarked expressionlessly.

 The group of them wandered around the mall, looking for any trace of Ren Suo. Very quickly, they found him a distance away from the snack street—Ren Suo was sitting by the walkway with a little girl. The little girl was playing with a mobile phone, and Ren Suo was touching the girl's body with his hand…

 Alarmed, Lin Xianyu instantly whipped out her mobile phone and keyed in ‘1', ‘1', ‘0'. She said, “I'll get a policeman nearby to come over first…”

 “Hold on,” Gu Yueyan said quickly. She continued, “We are in the middle of a crowded mall, Ren Suo would certainly not do this even if he had gone crazy!”

 When they walked closer, they found that Ren Suo's hands were surrounded by a glow of white. The little girl had serious cuts all over her hands and legs, as well as on her face. It looked extremely painful, but the little girl was focused on the screen of the mobile phone in her hands. There were traces of tears on her face, but she was not crying at that point in time.

 Ren Suo turned and saw Qiao Muyi and the rest of the group. He said, “Have you guys finished buying your clothes? I was about to head back to look for you guys when I saw this little girl falling down from the top of the escalator. She was bawling her eyes out, and her parents were not around either, so I quickly took her to the side to treat her.”

 “Why didn't you answer your phone?” Gu Yueyan asked.

 “Answer my phone?” Ren Suo replied, slightly shocked. He then looked at the mobile phone in the little girl's hands and realized what happened. He explained, “There is a game mode on my mobile phone. When playing a game, it will prevent any interruptions and any incoming calls would not be displayed either. The game mode will only be deactivated when I exit the game.”

 “She was injured quite badly, and I can't treat all of them at once, so I gave her my mobile phone to play and she forgot about the pain.”

 Qiao Muyi immediately said, “I will look for the staff to broadcast an announcement in the mall to notify her parents to head over.”

 The rest of them immediately crowded around the girl and got down to work. Ren Xingmei squatted down at the side and looked at Ren Suo with a smile on her face. Lin Xianyu also squatted beside her and asked, “What's wrong?”

 “It's nothing, I am just reminded of my childhood,” Ren Xingmei replied.

 “Is it something happy?” Lin Xianyu asked.

 “Not really, I suppose. I used to fall sick easily when I was young, and essentially lived in the hospital all year round,” Ren Xingmei replied. She recalled her memories as she said, “To pass my time in the hospital, I would read books, but other than that, I usually waited for my brother to look for me to play.”

 “Later on, when our parents bought each of us a handheld game console, he would come to the hospital every day and ask to link our game consoles together so that I could catch pets with him. We were so noisy that the nurse had to kick him out on several occasions. Sometimes when I fell ill and was in so much pain that I wanted to cry, I would end up playing games with him and forgetting the pain.”

 “Occasionally, when he went to his friend's house and played a new game, he would come to me specifically to talk about how fun and interesting the new game was. He would then get me to keep asking our parents to buy a game console and a computer, so that we could play together… Hmph, he made use of his sister to cheat our parents of their money.”

 Ren Xingmei snapped out of her daze and quickly explained, “Ah, I mean… my brother is actually…”

 “Heh heh,” Lin Xianyu said as she ran away smiling. At that juncture, the parents of the little girl also appeared, and they thanked Ren Suo and the rest of them for their help. The little girl reluctantly returned the mobile phone to Ren Suo and waved her hand to bid goodbye: “See you again, Big Brother”. Then, she hopped away with her parents and left very healthily.

 “It has been quite a long day, it's time to head back now,” Ren Suo said as he looked at the time. He continued, “Since you guys have finished picking the gifts, tell me the name of the shop and the name of the item. I'll go and buy them now.”

 Ren Xingmei waved her hand in the air and said, “You really do not need to buy me anything…”

 Qiao Muyi and the rest of them looked at one another. They each wrote a WeChat message stating the gift that they picked and sent it to Ren Suo. Ren Suo looked at the messages and turned to leave, saying, “Wait for me here, I'll be back.”

 At night, after Ren Xingmei showered, she went up to Ren Suo, who was playing a game and held his arm. She said, “Bro, let me stay here for a few more days!”

 “No, you have to go back tomorrow,” Ren Suo replied. He said, “Dad and Mom have also called to get you to go back. In the beginning, you told them that you were only staying here for two days and one night.”

 “No, I don't want to go back!” Ren Xingmei cried as she continued shaking Ren Suo's arm.

 With his arm being shaken like that, Ren Suo could not continue playing the game, and he put down the game controller. He took out a few shopping bags and said, “These are your gifts.”

 “You really bought them,” Ren Xingmei said as she took the bags over. Pretending to be distressed, she said, “I don't know which one I like the most though…”

 “There's no need to choose, there's actually only one item,” Ren Suo said.

 Ren Xingmei was slightly stunned. She opened the bags and found two sets of skirts, stockings, shoes, hats, and other clothing.

 “You should also start dressing yourself up and not stick to me all day long like a fake tomboy. Be elegant,” Ren Suo said.

 Ren Xingmei whispered, “I don't like women's clothing…”

 Ren Suo replied, “How would I not notice when they could notice it in just a day?”

 Ren Suo picked up the game controller to continue playing the game as he said, “Well, I do not usually pay much attention to anything other than games… but at the least, I do know that when you play games, you especially like to let the female characters wear pretty DLC clothes.”

 Ren Xingmei momentarily did not know how to reply. She held Ren Suo's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder.

 “A key has been found.”

 “The key is in a state of sleep. Starting to retrieve the key.”

 “The key has already been formed fully…”

 The next day, after Ren Suo and the rest of them finished their dinner at Dong Chengling's house, they sent Ren Xingmei out of the school together.

 “Are you able to take the bus to the bus stop on your own? I don't need to accompany you, do I?” Ren Suo asked as they stood at the school gate.

 “No, I'm already old enough,” replied Ren Xingmei, who was wearing men's clothing and a hat. She tugged on Ren Suo's sleeves and asked, “Bro, when do you intend to go home?”

 “Me? Mmm… When I am free, I guess,” Ren Suo replied in a perfunctory manner.

 On the other hand, as Lin Xianyu watched Ren Suo and his sister interact with each other, she said in Gu Yueyan's ear:

 “You saw wrongly.”

 Gu Yueyan quizzed, “What did I see wrongly?”

 Lin Xianyu explained, “Look at that—in order to match her brother's hobby of playing games, she became a skilled gamer; after she completed her college entrance examination and scored well, she immediately came over to celebrate with her brother. She even wanted to stay with her brother and even dressed herself in male clothing on purpose, so that her brother would not need to avoid suspicion…”

 “Isn't that a sister who extremely fancies her brother?”

 Gu Yueyan replied, “I cannot understand why you would fancy your brother. Nonetheless, it is fortunate that she is leaving…”

 At that moment, Ren Xingmei suddenly said loudly, “Bro, it doesn't matter if you do not come home since I will be going to live here in a few months!”

 Gu Yueyan and the rest of them were shocked. Ren Suo asked curiously, “What do you mean?”

 “I chose to study at the Heavenly Institution of Lian—this will be the university I will be studying at!” Ren Xingmei replied.

 Ren Xingmei waved goodbye to the rest of the girls, then carried her bag and flagged down a taxi, leaving bewildered expressions on the girls' faces.


 “What a wasted trip,” Ren Xingmei muttered to herself as she sat in the car. She put on her headphones to listen to music and thought, ‘I was still unable to eliminate the threat to my dork of a brother's wallet…'

 She touched the few shopping bags which contained her clothes, then turned to look at the Heavenly Institution of Lian which was growing smaller in the distance.

 “I'm doing all of this just for money, yes, what other reason could there be?”


Chapter end

262 Chapter 262 - Holy Wine of Desires
261 Chapter 261 - Fulfilling Mission Clearance Requirements Before The Deadline
260 Chapter 260 -There's No Turning Back Anymore
259 Chapter 259 -The Earth Elf That Was Driven Into A Pillar
258 Chapter 258 - You will never know who stands behind the goddess...
257 Chapter 257 - Capturing The Hearts Of Both Men and Women
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251 – Little Nine
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242 – Chapter 242
Chapter 241 – Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239 – Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236 – Chapter 236
Chapter 235 – Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232 – Chapter 232
Chapter 231 – Chapter 231
Chapter 230 – Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228 – Chapter 228
Chapter 227 – Chapter 227
Chapter 226 – Chapter 226
Chapter 225 – Chapter 225
Chapter 224 – Chapter 224
Chapter 223 – Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221 – Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210 – Chapter 210
Chapter 209 – Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207 –
Chapter 206 –
Chapter 205 – Chapter 205
Chapter 204 – Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202 – Chapter 202
Chapter 201 – Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196 – Chapter 196
Chapter 195 – Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193 – Chapter 193
Chapter 192 – Chapter 192
Chapter 191 – Chapter 191
Chapter 190 – Chapter 190 – Level 2 Researcher, Keyboard Warrior (2–in
Chapter 189
Chapter 188 – Chapter 188
Chapter 187 – Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178: Chapter 178 - Battle of Immortals Part 2
Chapter 178
Chapter 177: Chapter 177 - Battle of Immortals Part 1
Chapter 177
Chapter 176 -
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172 – Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170 – Chapter 170
Chapter 169 – Chapter 169
Chapter 168 – Chapter 168
Chapter 167 - Intrusion (Part 3)
Chapter 167 – Chapter 167
Chapter 166 - – Intrusion (Part 2)
Chapter 166 -
Chapter 165 - Intrusion (Part 1)
Chapter 165
Chapter 164 - [Exclusive Level-Up Games (Level 3)] (3-in-1)
Chapter 163 - Lingering Sense of Warmth
Chapter 162
Chapter 161 – Chapter 161
Chapter 160 - Almost Fallen For Me
Chapter 159 - It's Been a While, Nine-Tailed Fox
Chapter 158 - You Must Be Capable Enough To Take The Throne
Chapter 157 - Jolted Awake
Chapter 156 - Awakening
Chapter 155 - Chase
Chapter 154 - Accident
Chapter 153 - Activation of the Reiki Treasure
Chapter 152 - How Envious, How Amazing
Chapter 151 - Heavenly, Palace
Chapter 150 - The Gift is the Gatling Gun!
Chapter 149 - Family
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
146 Chapter 146 - Red Aurora Seen in Tianjing City
145 Chapter 145 - Cultivation with the Heart of Heaven
144 Chapter 144 - “Passing Hats” Game Cleared
143 Chapter 143 -Unless a Miracle Happens
142 Chapter 142 - Beating The Rebellious Teen
141 Chapter 141 - The Shadow Of The Ambulance
140 Chapter 140 - Trial of the Hats
139 Chapter 139 - Trade-in
138 Chapter 138 - Secret Records of Glorious Xuan
137 Chapter 137 - Unlimited Fried Chicken Se
136 Chapter 136 - Aura of Cats
135 Chapter 135 - Flying Bird
134 Chapter 134 - The First Fish in the World
133 Chapter 133 - Settlemen
132 Chapter 132 - “The All-devouring Soul” Cleared!
131 Chapter 131 - An Attack That Separates The Sea And Abuses The Angel
130 Chapter 130 - Take A Hit From Me!
129 Chapter 129 - Monkey King
128 Chapter 128 - Red and Blue Trump Card
127 Chapter 127 - Undercurren
126 Chapter 126 - Before The Clearance
125 Chapter 125 - Nine-Tailed Fox Support Team
124 Chapter 124 - The Seeker In Reality
123 Chapter 123 - The All-devouring Artifac
122 Chapter 122 - National Treasure
121 Chapter 121 - Adding And Patching
120 Chapter 120 - Best Observation Targe
119 Chapter 119- Will The Heavenly Palace Enter The World?
118 Chapter 118 - The Descent of the Nine-Tailed Fox
117 Chapter 117 - Incomplete Reiki Treasure
116 Chapter 116- An Encounter By Chance
115 Chapter 115: Benefitting from the Information Gap
114 Chapter 114 - Dark Blue Trump Card
113 Chapter 113 - Fooling A Small Loli
112 Chapter 112: Re-Encounter With Kallen
111 Chapter 111 - Becoming A Special Consultan
110 Chapter 110: The Identity of “Naisser_Ren” Has Been Exposed
109 Chapter 109: The Heavenly Palace Is Very Powerful
108 Chapter 108 - Real-life In-game Purchase
107 Chapter 107: We Are Sure That He Is A Reborn!
106 Chapter 106: True Communication with the Fis
105 Chapter 105 - Meeting the Earth Elf Again
104 Chapter 104 - The Crimson Trump Card, A True Trump Card!
103 Chapter 103 - The Elf Protection Ac
102 Chapter 102 - Upgraded Reiki Vein
101 Chapter 101 - Reiki Treasure
Chapter 100 - The Hopes of the Pangolin
Chapter 99 - Worse Than A Pangolin
Chapter 98 - -Why Did the Gods Speak Mandarin?
Chapter 97 - One of the Reborn?
Chapter 96 - The Tiles Of The Female Washroom
Chapter 95 - Afterimage
Chapter 94 - A Smelly Sock Too?!
Chapter 93 - Evolutionary Option
Chapter 92 - Deities Are Real
Chapter 91 - How Do I Pretend I Had No Idea?
Chapter 90 - School Medic
Chapter 89 - The All-Devouring Soul
Chapter 88 - Special Lucky Draw Event
Chapter 87 - : In Big Trouble
Chapter 86 - Passed! New Month!
Chapter 85 - Fatty Would Like You To Relay A Message (Part Two)
Chapter 84 - Fatty Would Like You To Relay A Message (Part One)
Chapter 83 - Almost Scammed
Chapter 82 - 2 Merit Points
Chapter 81 - Why Don't You Believe It?
Chapter 80 - No Feeling
Chapter 79 - Why did it have to be me?
Chapter 78 - Time for Change! Golden Ranger!
Chapter 77 - Plug-in, Forming A Team
Chapter 76 - Silent Treatment
Chapter 75 - The Tour Around The Television Drama Location
Chapter 74 - – Family Comedy Drama
Chapter 73 - Poverty Calms A Person
Chapter 72 - Holy Priest: Survival Battle
Chapter 71 - Video Refresh
Chapter 70 - The Start Of The Game
Chapter 69 - Kill and Destroy
Chapter 68 - The Ren Tribe of Luoyang
Chapter 67 - A Matter of Paths
Chapter 66 - Opening the Treasure Chest; He is Called Ren (2-in-1)
Chapter 65 - – Level Two Player
Chapter 64 - Holiday, Upload Appraisal!
Chapter 63 - March On, Cross Over My Dead Body
62 Chapter 62 - Appraisal, Grain Rain Discounts
61 Chapter 61 - The Blessings of the Ancestors!
Chapter 60 - So It's A Game Developed By BOSS?
Chapter 59 - Starving Ghost
Chapter 58 - Trace of the Demons
Chapter 57 - I Am Actually So Great and Mighty
Chapter 56 - What on Earth, Exploiting Nature
Chapter 55 - White-Eyebrowed Ma Liang and The Goddess of the Luo River, Mi Fei
Chapter 54 - Saving Cao Zhi and Finding…The Goddess of the River of Luo?
Chapter 53 - This Is Not A Historical Game!
Chapter 52 - Education is a Problem
Chapter 51 - I Am Still A Kid
Chapter 50 - Countermeasure Division Team 3
Chapter 49 - Saved File Gone to Waste
Chapter 48 - Why Did You Mess With Cao Cao Alone…
Chapter 47 - Why Can't I Witness the Process? Did You Delete It?
Chapter 46 - run-hit-run
Chapter 45 - A Turn-based Game?!
Chapter 44 - Mating, Mating, The Purpose Is To Mate!
Chapter 43: Chapter 43 - The Endless Battle
Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Free Reward!
41 Chapter 41 - What Kind of People Were Supporting Them?
40 Chapter 40 - The People's Goddess 3
Chapter 39: Chapter 39 - The People's Goddess (2)
Chapter 38: Chapter 38 - The People's Goddess (1)
Chapter 37: Chapter 37 - You Can Even Make This Into A Movie?
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: The Dilemma
Chapter 35: Chapter 35 - The Free Game Of The Month Has Been Updated!
Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Young People, Train Diligently, Don't Daydream
Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - Huh? Good-for-nothing?
Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - Slept With One
Chapter 31: Chapter 31- What? I am Hitting on a Girl?
Chapter 30: Chapter 30 - Knowledge From Understood But Unspoken Experience
Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - Clothing and Lock
Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Get Them in Bed!
Chapter 27: Chapter 27- Awakening?
Chapter 26: Chapter 26 - Getting to Know About Reiki
Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Training Camp
Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - Louder, I Can't Hear You
23 Chapter 23 - The Beginning
22 Chapter 22 - The Young Man, Yu Kuangtu
Chapter 21: Chapter 21- Needless Routines
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Shot to Death?
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Improving One's Physical Abilities
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: April Fools' Appraisal
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: I am Weak
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: A Strong Warrior Ascends 10,000 Meters
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: New Game Acquired!
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Key Acquired! (2)
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Key Acquired! (1)
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: A Stirring in the Heart
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Victoria Intelligence Agency and the Extraordinaires
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The Heavenly Debate
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: The Maturing Hitman
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Acting as Lamperouge Family's Butler
Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Special Achievement: Obsessed with a Lolicon
Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Celestial Palace
Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Loading Save File
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – This Game's Pretty Interesting (2)
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – This Game's Pretty Interesting (1)
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Mini Worlds Gaming Console (2)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Mini Worlds Gaming Console (1)
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