Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits 23 Chapter 23 - The Beginning

Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits 23 Chapter 23 - The Beginning

Half an hour later, the large crowd started streaming out of the main auditorium. Some people were excited about what awaited them while some remained deep in thought, pondering over what they had just heard and seen. Others were bewildered and at a complete loss for words while the rest appeared calm and composed.

Within the past 30 minutes, Branch 18 of the Ministry of State Security had thoroughly changed and reshaped everyone's three fundamental views—their views on life, their worldview, and their values. Although they were all still surrounded by hills and mountains outside the camp, and the tiny stars still shone dimly in the night sky, they felt as if their entire world had changed, and even the air felt fresher and more pleasing. 

They now realized that this was the power of Reiki—energy healing and rejuvenation.

In Eastern cultures like that of Xuan Nation, this would be termed as Reiki rejuvenation, while in Western cultures as headed by the Pacific Federation, this would usually be termed as the opening of the mind's eye, or the awakening of one's superpowers.

Regardless of the term used, the unique characteristic of this was that there were only very few people who had 'extraordinary abilities'. These people would unconsciously awaken their own abilities and be able to control the vast amount of 'Reiki' in the air, similar to dark energy. They would feel as if they were born with an extra leg or hand, with which they could perform extraordinary abilities.

According to Yu Kuangtu, an 'Extraordinaire' had already been sent into space in a man-made spacecraft launched by Xuan Nation three months ago. He was able to test the control of Reiki in the vacuum of space, which showed the possibility of Reiki being able to be garnered and recovered throughout the universe, and not just on Earth.

Consequently, with the existence of those with 'extraordinary abilities', people who possessed 'ordinary abilities' must also exist. Xuan Nation discovered through research that most of these people with extraordinary abilities appeared gradually over the last six months, and this was true in other nations as well.

Most of these Extraordinaries became more prominent in society after they discovered their extraordinary abilities and attempted to use their abilities to garner fame and wealth while only a minority chose to remain discreet about it. In many foreign countries, many of these Extraordinaires set up their own religions or gangs, or even threaten prominent figures and top leaders into submission.

Xuan Nation had been no exception. However, such Extraordinaires were quickly apprehended by the police and sent to a research center for abnormal people, for observations to be carried out. 

Yu Kuangtu also mentioned that while most of the extraordinary abilities were related to fighting and martial arts, there were also abilities that allowed one to create things. For example, some of the Extraordinaires in the research center were able to produce superconducting materials. They were able to generate massive wealth from selling these materials, so much that they could afford to live lavishly for the rest of their lives. 

On the other hand, Extraordinaires who attempted to use violence to seize the wealth of civilians had become criminals. After they were arrested, they were not given the death penalty, but were instead sent to the research center for further research as 'disposable and destructible material'. 

Yu Kuangtu's tone was playful and casual when he talked about the Extraordinaire criminals, and it was clearly a deliberate warning to the civil servants who were listening below the stage. He was just trying to warn them not to commit any crimes with their acquired abilities.

To date, Xuan Nation had yet to discover a way to identify people with 'extraordinary abilities', nor could they pick out the nature and characteristics of these 'extraordinary abilities'. However, after months of intense research and overtime work, they soon found a way to identify people with 'ordinary abilities'.

They had already put the method to test in the military and very quickly identified a group of talents. This group of talents collaborated with the nation's Reiki researchers while practicing the nation's Reiki rejuvenation techniques. Their physical abilities strengthened rapidly, and they soon mastered many special techniques to utilize Reiki.

Thereafter, these talents were dispatched to different regions over the entire nation and collaborated with the civil sector and medical sector to pick out civil servants who had 'ordinary abilities' through health examinations. They would then teach and guide the selected civil servants to become the foundational practicing body of Reiki of Xuan Nation.

Indeed, the members of Branch 18 of the Ministry of State Security who were all clad in black vests were the first batch of Practitioners, who had been selected from the nation's military! 

On the other hand, civil servants like Ren Suo were those with 'ordinary abilities'.

During the training, Ren Suo and the other selected civil servants would be taught by the men clad in the black vests the methods to practice Reiki, to master basic Reiki techniques, and be accustomed to the ways of the Practitioners.

Yu Kuangtu also mentioned that all the civil servants who were listening to his speech in the auditorium were newly-appointed civil servants who had cleared the background checks. When they had mastered how to practice Reiki, their information would be stored into their files within the Ministry of State Security, and both their immediate family and themselves would not be allowed to emigrate to other countries.

When they leave the training camp, they would be allocated to different departments under different ministries based on their learning progress as the nation's foundational Practitioners. They would be in charge of leading and guiding civilians to learn and practice Reiki while setting appropriate guidelines and restrictions on their practice!

"Indeed, I was right!" exclaimed Xie Qiansi. The moment the group left the auditorium, Xie Qiansi blurted uncontrollably, "Haha! Joining the civil service sector indeed has its benefits. We are now going to become the country's first batch of Practitioners…"

"The first batch of Practitioners are those in the black vests," said Ren Suo.

"…Although those black cats are the first batch of Practitioners, they must not have been practicing for a very long time. As long as we work slightly harder, we will definitely be able to leap ahead of them in the large, competitive world of Reiki rejuvenation! Moreover, our Xuan Nation is the only country in the world so far to be so generous as to let civil servants like us start practicing Reiki immediately. We are going to become extraordinary people!" Xie Qiansi continued.

After Xie Qiansi's plan to form a mini group failed, he remained determined and fell into the fantasy of having the world revolve around him. However, Ren Suo was not intrigued. Most of the people around him, regardless of gender, had smiles on their faces, as if they were going to become the next king of the world.

Their generation of civil servants was definitely not as grounded or down-to-earth as those who laid the foundation of Xuan Nation tens of years ago. In recent years, they were provided with many entertainment sources like anime, games, and novels, and this naturally influenced them to have an extremely strengthened divergent thinking.

Even if the older generation perceived the younger civil servants to be more mature for their age, it was not surprising that society was moving away from collectivism and advancing towards individualism, with the emergence of such heroic ideals that they were 'heroes who could reshape history'.

"I wouldn't be fascinated by that though. I'm confident that other countries will soon develop their own departments catered towards extraordinary abilities," Ren Suo said. He smiled as he continued, "I am sure that this technique of identifying people with 'ordinary abilities' would be easily discovered by other countries too. If not, our nation would definitely not be so aggressive in searching for people like us with such abilities. Putting everything else aside, news of us attending this training camp could well have spread to other countries."

Xie Qiansi did not understand. He asked, "Why do you say so?"

"If the screening method could not be easily replicated or had many technology barriers, our country would not have wanted to train so many people at once. Even though all of us here are civil servants who have passed background checks, we would still be sent out to different locations within our country. How would the government be able to ensure that all this information remains a secret? Furthermore, all of us are just those who were selected from Lian Province. According to the Deputy Director, the entire Xuan Nation is conducting training camps for the selected civil servants. It would not be difficult for such information to be leaked out," Ren Suo explained.

"That's right," a round-faced young man beside them who had overheard their conversation said. He added, "The only reason for training so many people at once is that the screening method is so simple that other countries would be able to figure it out in no time if they started researching on the Extraordinaires. That is why our country is wasting no time to train as many people as possible to gain an edge over other countries."

"Furthermore, with Reiki rejuvenation, the individual's power will soon be stronger than the group's ability. The more Practitioners are trained, and the earlier people start practicing, the stronger the collective might of the nation," the young man said.

Jealousy was written all over his face as he continued, "If only we could stay here to practice for a longer time…We are only going to be practicing for five days and then be sent out to work, but these soldiers are able to train here for a much longer period." 

Ren Suo nodded his head in agreement. Although Yu Kuangtu had not disclosed these details directly, it would be easy to uncover these minute details if one were to think of Reiki as a global practice. 

Ren Suo said, "This is just like playing a game. We are engineers who are sent into the field after a short production period. On the other hand, those soldiers who continue training in the camp would have to take on much greater challenges than us. Indeed, every cloud has a silver lining."

"Nonetheless, the faster we progress, the larger the advantage we obtain," the young man said with a sigh. He turned around and introduced himself to Ren Suo and Xie Qiansi, "I'm Yuan Dang. Let's train together as a small group over the next few days." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The three men exchanged greetings. Xie Qiansi glanced deliberately at Ren Suo, seemingly trying to ask, "Does this person have fate with you?" Naturally, Ren Suo did not make any comments but instead went over to Li Qingxuan's group in an attempt to strike a conversation.

However, Li Qingxuan and Qiao Muyi had also gotten closer to the other girls in Group 8, and Ren Suo had no opportunity to chip in amidst the incessant chattering between the group of girls. 

Soon, the large group dispersed and they headed towards their respective dormitories. Zhao Jingzhong, their instructor, led Group 8 to the sixth block. There were clothes piled according to their tagged sizes at the foot of the block.

"I will now split everyone into your respective rooms. When I call your names, come out to retrieve your keys and uniforms. The females would be staying in the rooms on the top three floors while the males would be staying in those on the bottom three floors. There would be four people allocated to each room. Your pillows and blankets are already inside the rooms. Do you guys remember the large supermarket we passed by just now? All your daily necessities can be purchased inside directly," Zhao Jingzhong said.

"Do they sell condoms?" asked a voice from the group.

Everyone turned silent immediately. They looked around to find out just who had such great confidence in his looks such that he or she was brave enough to ask such a question. Everyone here was all civil servants who did not know each other well—how could someone be so direct about his desires?! 

However, just like before, they could not identify the source of the question.

Zhao Jingzhong took out the roster and started going down the list. He called the girls out first, and Ren Suo looked on gloomily as Qiao Muyi retrieved her room key and uniform and headed upstairs while talking and laughing. It seemed that touching her in the night to retrieve the key was not going to be possible.

Zhao Jingzhong then started calling out the names of the guys. Ren Suo was in the same room as Xie Qiansi. At this moment, Yuan Dang came over and expressed his intention of staying in the same room as Ren Suo and Xie Qiansi. He exchanged keys with another young man.

"Why do you want to sleep in the same room as us? We don't know each other prior to this," Ren Suo asked curiously.

Yuan Dang laughed as he replied, "Since we don't know each other beforehand, wouldn't it be the same regardless of who slept in the same room as you? Anyway, I feel like I can have more interesting conversations with both of you."

Apart from Yuan Dang, they had another roommate named Zhao Huo. He was a tall and handsome lad who wore earrings. Were civil servants allowed to wear earrings these days? 

Zhao Huo seemed to notice that they were looking at his earrings. He pointed at his ears and said, "I am from one of the ethnic minorities, and this is an ethnic tradition. A girl gave this to me." 

"Wow…such lovebirds," everyone remarked as they formed an impression of Zhao Huo. They headed upstairs to their room 6-213 and put down their uniforms before heading down again to the supermarket to purchase their daily needs. 

When they reached the ground level, Ren Suo told the rest to go ahead without him. He waited for some time at the bottom of their building until Qiao Muyi and her roommates appeared. It was just like what Ren Suo had predicted—he recalled that they had not gone to the washroom ever since they had their dinner, so he had already expected that they would spend some time to use the washroom before coming back down.

"What a coincidence!" Ren Suo greeted confidently. He asked, "Are you all going to the supermarket? Let's go together!"

Qiao Muyi whispered something into Li Qingxuan's ears, and Li Qingxuan nudged Qiao Muyi with a shy look. The four girls started to laugh, and Ren Suo was clueless as to what Qiao Muyi had told them.

Nonetheless, Ren Suo did not fret over it. At the very least, they did not hate him.

Once we all get to know each other better over the next few days, Qiao Muyi might even allow me to touch her for a few minutes after she falls asleep…

At the same point in time, within the Tedamia mountains in the Wei Er region, a beautiful, golden-haired girl donning a training suit appeared…

Chapter end

262 Chapter 262 - Holy Wine of Desires
261 Chapter 261 - Fulfilling Mission Clearance Requirements Before The Deadline
260 Chapter 260 -There's No Turning Back Anymore
259 Chapter 259 -The Earth Elf That Was Driven Into A Pillar
258 Chapter 258 - You will never know who stands behind the goddess...
257 Chapter 257 - Capturing The Hearts Of Both Men and Women
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251 – Little Nine
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242 – Chapter 242
Chapter 241 – Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239 – Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236 – Chapter 236
Chapter 235 – Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232 – Chapter 232
Chapter 231 – Chapter 231
Chapter 230 – Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228 – Chapter 228
Chapter 227 – Chapter 227
Chapter 226 – Chapter 226
Chapter 225 – Chapter 225
Chapter 224 – Chapter 224
Chapter 223 – Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221 – Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210 – Chapter 210
Chapter 209 – Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207 –
Chapter 206 –
Chapter 205 – Chapter 205
Chapter 204 – Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202 – Chapter 202
Chapter 201 – Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196 – Chapter 196
Chapter 195 – Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193 – Chapter 193
Chapter 192 – Chapter 192
Chapter 191 – Chapter 191
Chapter 190 – Chapter 190 – Level 2 Researcher, Keyboard Warrior (2–in
Chapter 189
Chapter 188 – Chapter 188
Chapter 187 – Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178: Chapter 178 - Battle of Immortals Part 2
Chapter 178
Chapter 177: Chapter 177 - Battle of Immortals Part 1
Chapter 177
Chapter 176 -
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172 – Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170 – Chapter 170
Chapter 169 – Chapter 169
Chapter 168 – Chapter 168
Chapter 167 - Intrusion (Part 3)
Chapter 167 – Chapter 167
Chapter 166 - – Intrusion (Part 2)
Chapter 166 -
Chapter 165 - Intrusion (Part 1)
Chapter 165
Chapter 164 - [Exclusive Level-Up Games (Level 3)] (3-in-1)
Chapter 163 - Lingering Sense of Warmth
Chapter 162
Chapter 161 – Chapter 161
Chapter 160 - Almost Fallen For Me
Chapter 159 - It's Been a While, Nine-Tailed Fox
Chapter 158 - You Must Be Capable Enough To Take The Throne
Chapter 157 - Jolted Awake
Chapter 156 - Awakening
Chapter 155 - Chase
Chapter 154 - Accident
Chapter 153 - Activation of the Reiki Treasure
Chapter 152 - How Envious, How Amazing
Chapter 151 - Heavenly, Palace
Chapter 150 - The Gift is the Gatling Gun!
Chapter 149 - Family
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
146 Chapter 146 - Red Aurora Seen in Tianjing City
145 Chapter 145 - Cultivation with the Heart of Heaven
144 Chapter 144 - “Passing Hats” Game Cleared
143 Chapter 143 -Unless a Miracle Happens
142 Chapter 142 - Beating The Rebellious Teen
141 Chapter 141 - The Shadow Of The Ambulance
140 Chapter 140 - Trial of the Hats
139 Chapter 139 - Trade-in
138 Chapter 138 - Secret Records of Glorious Xuan
137 Chapter 137 - Unlimited Fried Chicken Se
136 Chapter 136 - Aura of Cats
135 Chapter 135 - Flying Bird
134 Chapter 134 - The First Fish in the World
133 Chapter 133 - Settlemen
132 Chapter 132 - “The All-devouring Soul” Cleared!
131 Chapter 131 - An Attack That Separates The Sea And Abuses The Angel
130 Chapter 130 - Take A Hit From Me!
129 Chapter 129 - Monkey King
128 Chapter 128 - Red and Blue Trump Card
127 Chapter 127 - Undercurren
126 Chapter 126 - Before The Clearance
125 Chapter 125 - Nine-Tailed Fox Support Team
124 Chapter 124 - The Seeker In Reality
123 Chapter 123 - The All-devouring Artifac
122 Chapter 122 - National Treasure
121 Chapter 121 - Adding And Patching
120 Chapter 120 - Best Observation Targe
119 Chapter 119- Will The Heavenly Palace Enter The World?
118 Chapter 118 - The Descent of the Nine-Tailed Fox
117 Chapter 117 - Incomplete Reiki Treasure
116 Chapter 116- An Encounter By Chance
115 Chapter 115: Benefitting from the Information Gap
114 Chapter 114 - Dark Blue Trump Card
113 Chapter 113 - Fooling A Small Loli
112 Chapter 112: Re-Encounter With Kallen
111 Chapter 111 - Becoming A Special Consultan
110 Chapter 110: The Identity of “Naisser_Ren” Has Been Exposed
109 Chapter 109: The Heavenly Palace Is Very Powerful
108 Chapter 108 - Real-life In-game Purchase
107 Chapter 107: We Are Sure That He Is A Reborn!
106 Chapter 106: True Communication with the Fis
105 Chapter 105 - Meeting the Earth Elf Again
104 Chapter 104 - The Crimson Trump Card, A True Trump Card!
103 Chapter 103 - The Elf Protection Ac
102 Chapter 102 - Upgraded Reiki Vein
101 Chapter 101 - Reiki Treasure
Chapter 100 - The Hopes of the Pangolin
Chapter 99 - Worse Than A Pangolin
Chapter 98 - -Why Did the Gods Speak Mandarin?
Chapter 97 - One of the Reborn?
Chapter 96 - The Tiles Of The Female Washroom
Chapter 95 - Afterimage
Chapter 94 - A Smelly Sock Too?!
Chapter 93 - Evolutionary Option
Chapter 92 - Deities Are Real
Chapter 91 - How Do I Pretend I Had No Idea?
Chapter 90 - School Medic
Chapter 89 - The All-Devouring Soul
Chapter 88 - Special Lucky Draw Event
Chapter 87 - : In Big Trouble
Chapter 86 - Passed! New Month!
Chapter 85 - Fatty Would Like You To Relay A Message (Part Two)
Chapter 84 - Fatty Would Like You To Relay A Message (Part One)
Chapter 83 - Almost Scammed
Chapter 82 - 2 Merit Points
Chapter 81 - Why Don't You Believe It?
Chapter 80 - No Feeling
Chapter 79 - Why did it have to be me?
Chapter 78 - Time for Change! Golden Ranger!
Chapter 77 - Plug-in, Forming A Team
Chapter 76 - Silent Treatment
Chapter 75 - The Tour Around The Television Drama Location
Chapter 74 - – Family Comedy Drama
Chapter 73 - Poverty Calms A Person
Chapter 72 - Holy Priest: Survival Battle
Chapter 71 - Video Refresh
Chapter 70 - The Start Of The Game
Chapter 69 - Kill and Destroy
Chapter 68 - The Ren Tribe of Luoyang
Chapter 67 - A Matter of Paths
Chapter 66 - Opening the Treasure Chest; He is Called Ren (2-in-1)
Chapter 65 - – Level Two Player
Chapter 64 - Holiday, Upload Appraisal!
Chapter 63 - March On, Cross Over My Dead Body
62 Chapter 62 - Appraisal, Grain Rain Discounts
61 Chapter 61 - The Blessings of the Ancestors!
Chapter 60 - So It's A Game Developed By BOSS?
Chapter 59 - Starving Ghost
Chapter 58 - Trace of the Demons
Chapter 57 - I Am Actually So Great and Mighty
Chapter 56 - What on Earth, Exploiting Nature
Chapter 55 - White-Eyebrowed Ma Liang and The Goddess of the Luo River, Mi Fei
Chapter 54 - Saving Cao Zhi and Finding…The Goddess of the River of Luo?
Chapter 53 - This Is Not A Historical Game!
Chapter 52 - Education is a Problem
Chapter 51 - I Am Still A Kid
Chapter 50 - Countermeasure Division Team 3
Chapter 49 - Saved File Gone to Waste
Chapter 48 - Why Did You Mess With Cao Cao Alone…
Chapter 47 - Why Can't I Witness the Process? Did You Delete It?
Chapter 46 - run-hit-run
Chapter 45 - A Turn-based Game?!
Chapter 44 - Mating, Mating, The Purpose Is To Mate!
Chapter 43: Chapter 43 - The Endless Battle
Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Free Reward!
41 Chapter 41 - What Kind of People Were Supporting Them?
40 Chapter 40 - The People's Goddess 3
Chapter 39: Chapter 39 - The People's Goddess (2)
Chapter 38: Chapter 38 - The People's Goddess (1)
Chapter 37: Chapter 37 - You Can Even Make This Into A Movie?
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: The Dilemma
Chapter 35: Chapter 35 - The Free Game Of The Month Has Been Updated!
Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Young People, Train Diligently, Don't Daydream
Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - Huh? Good-for-nothing?
Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - Slept With One
Chapter 31: Chapter 31- What? I am Hitting on a Girl?
Chapter 30: Chapter 30 - Knowledge From Understood But Unspoken Experience
Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - Clothing and Lock
Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - Get Them in Bed!
Chapter 27: Chapter 27- Awakening?
Chapter 26: Chapter 26 - Getting to Know About Reiki
Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Training Camp
Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - Louder, I Can't Hear You
23 Chapter 23 - The Beginning
22 Chapter 22 - The Young Man, Yu Kuangtu
Chapter 21: Chapter 21- Needless Routines
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Shot to Death?
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Improving One's Physical Abilities
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: April Fools' Appraisal
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: I am Weak
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: A Strong Warrior Ascends 10,000 Meters
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: New Game Acquired!
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Key Acquired! (2)
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Key Acquired! (1)
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: A Stirring in the Heart
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Victoria Intelligence Agency and the Extraordinaires
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The Heavenly Debate
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: The Maturing Hitman
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Acting as Lamperouge Family's Butler
Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Special Achievement: Obsessed with a Lolicon
Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Celestial Palace
Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Loading Save File
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – This Game's Pretty Interesting (2)
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – This Game's Pretty Interesting (1)
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Mini Worlds Gaming Console (2)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Mini Worlds Gaming Console (1)
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