League's All-around Mid Laner Chapter 421

League's All-around Mid Laner Chapter 421

"Who would have thought that Brother Yuanzi would kill three of them by himself, and hacked two to death!" Wang Duoduo couldn't help being dumbfounded: "There is no way to get him on the other side!"

Originally it was a three-on-three situation, and Xiao Huangmao couldn't keep up with him at all, and Xiao Ming's cat was not easy to see, it looked like Chen Yuan was chasing three people by himself...

The RNG fans at the scene were also enthusiastic and cheered for this exaggerated performance.

[Fuck, so fierce! 】

[This is really outrageous, why don't the three people on the opposite side dare to fight back? 】

[Plex this dish made me laugh to death, throwing it at Olaf outside the tower. If he squeezed the ultimate move, how could Olaf dare to jump over the tower]

[I really want to laugh! 】

"It's awesome!" Xiao Ming was also a little amused: "The last one is really the essence of hiding from Q!"

In his eyes as a professional player, Chen Yuan's previous series of operations were actually not difficult, they were nothing more than chasing A all the way.

The only thing with a bit of technical content is the last one who turned around to hide from the grasshopper Q.

"What!" Xiaohu, who was on the road, suddenly said seriously: "Which operation is not the essence? What can you see with your dog's eyes?"

Xiao Ming immediately nodded in agreement: "Indeed, it's my vision that's low!"

"Almost got it!" Chen Yuan stopped his teammates from sing-along: "Isn't it just chasing three people to fight? You can blow it later when I'm chasing five people to fight."

As soon as these words came out, they were all amused: "What's yours..."

The voice atmosphere on RNG's side is a harmonious comparison, on the other side, it is slightly gloomy.

Plex looked at the two corpses under the tower, slightly remorseful.

Of course, he also knew how stupid his big move was.

At that time, he wanted to save Braum with his ultimate move, so he had been concentrating on calculating the time of Olaf's ultimate move, which made him completely unaware that Braum could no longer be saved.

After he released his ultimate move, they no longer had any control on their side. Olaf naturally asked for whatever he wanted.

Although he didn't die in this wave, or even lost his blood, he was the one who was hurt the most...

For the first time, he felt that he was so...

"Brother Yuanzi returned to the city to replenish his state again, and he has another burning gem in his equipment! It's only eight minutes before the time!"

Looking at Olaf's equipment, Wang Duoduo thought it was outrageous, "According to this trend, he is very likely to make a black cut when he was in the Vanguard!"

In ten minutes, what is the concept of Olaf of a black cut + mercury boy, we generally only use two words to describe this kind of person.

Dou Di!

Even if RNG doesn't have the vanguard team in the bottom lane, and let RNG go up to the middle and the jungle three times and five times, Wang Duoduo also thinks that they are likely to win.

Eight minutes later, Karsa and Chen Yuan went out almost at the same time after returning to the city. One went to the middle and the other went to Xiaolong.

They have to control Xiaolong in advance, so as not to give the opponent the opportunity to replace Xiaolong with Vanguard.

LNG originally wanted to take advantage of the bot lane and try to play a team, but they had no choice but to give up when they saw that their mid lane was locked under the tower by the soldiers.

In the ten-minute vanguard group, Chen Yuan, as Wang Duoduo said, held the black cutter in his hand. Sao fans only felt a little dizzy when they saw this scene.

"Karsa and Genzi are taking the lead on the top road, but Sao Fan and Plex are leaning on the bottom road. They want to pack a wave of bottom road!"

But unfortunately, there is a word of stability in the early stage of playing ADC. He knows that he is alone in the bot lane, and he doesn't care whether the opponent is coming or not, and he is planning to withdraw to the second tower.

But at this moment, Chen Yuan suddenly said: "Don't go, old man, just seduce them in the bottom road!"

Gala, who was going down the road, was suddenly startled, and then quickly obeyed the order, standing under a tower waiting to die, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He saw this scene in the last game!

Soon, the prince and the grasshopper appeared behind him.

"LNG took advantage of the opportunity of Karsa and Brother Yuanzi to play the vanguard in the top half, and came to the bottom to play four packs and two!!" Wang Duoduo nodded when he saw this scene: "It's too late to retreat here, then He did a great job with this stop loss!"

"Because the entire lower half of RNG is unoccupied, after they pass the tower, Asura can directly eat a tower in the bottom road! In fact, LNG doesn't lose too much."

The camera moved to the upper half, Kiana sent a punishment, the canyon pioneer's blood was emptied, and the eyes of the pioneer landed at the entrance of the big dragon pit.

Chen Yuan was also unambiguous. As the only eldest father in the team, he picked up his eyes when he went up.

"Let's go, just take him on the road and take the tower. If he doesn't go, he will kill him." When Chen Yuan signaled to go on the road, he went straight to the back of Kainan.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Brother Sheng Gun could only honestly shrink to the second tower.

"RNG has released a pioneer... They want to break a tower directly!"

As the canyon pioneer slammed into it, a tower that had little blood on the road was directly crashed, and it turned into three swords of golden light and disappeared into the bodies of the three of RNG Ue Nakano.

Immediately afterwards, the three kept moving, continuing to press the vanguard towards the second tower!

Brother Saint Gun retreated again and pushed to the front of the high ground.

Beside the three of them, a gun truck took the lead and charged directly into the enemy's second tower, followed by the canyon pioneer and also crashed in.

The special attribute of the cannon car can resist seven attacks from the defensive tower.

That is to say, the defense tower will not be able to turn into the vanguard until the seven hits are finished, and this time is enough for the three RNGs to demolish the second tower of residual blood that has been hit!

Seeing this scene, the two in the commentary already felt something was wrong.

"It's not right!" Sister Yiyi's voice grew louder: "RNG doesn't just want to break down a second tower, they want to go to the highlands!"

Brother Sheng Gun had to continue to retreat, until he retreated to the back of the Highland Tower!

The two looked at each other and felt that they had seen this scene before, but this one is more exaggerated than the previous game!

RNG came to repeat the old tricks. They directly used the ADC as a bait to die in the bottom lane, and then directly released the vanguard in the top lane. Not only did they get a tower first, but they also hit the high ground all the way!

It didn't take a moment for the LNG to hit the road and the highlands were also in ashes.

At this time, the canyon pioneer had only a pitiful 200 blood left, but this purple behemoth was still brave, took on an attacking stance again, and charged towards the highland crystal!

Brother Sheng Gun, who had been at OB, saw this scene, and couldn't help but take two steps forward, wanting to use Q to take away this residual blood pioneer.

However, Chen Yuan's intention was directly seen by Chen Yuan. Olaf took two steps forward and silently blocked the power-generating dart.


The canyon pioneer slammed into it, and also smashed the highland crystal!

The impact this time was a real hit in the deepest part of Brother Saint Gun!

His heart was bleeding.

"The three teammates of LNG have already returned to the defense, but the people of RNG are not planning to retreat yet. They want to dismantle the crystal before leaving, which is very arrogant!"

In order to prevent the front teeth from being knocked out directly, LNG could only reluctantly return to the defense. Except for Han Bing, who was still demolishing the tower alone in the bottom road, all the other three returned to the city to guard their homes.

"Don't go, don't go!" Chen Yuan clicked on the skills on the opposite side, "There are no big moves on the opposite side, you can fight three to four!"

Grasshopper, Bron, and the prince all threw their big moves in the tower jumping operation just now, so their overall combat effectiveness in this wave is actually not strong, and only Kenan is considered a bit of a threat.

But Kenan's ultimate move, in front of Olaf, was just a toy.

The three of RNG retreated while discussing, and were always looking for opportunities to fight back.

On the other hand, LNG is also looking for opportunities to fight with the advantage of the number of people, trying to restore the disadvantage as much as possible.

The ideas on both sides coincide, naturally, dry wood meets fire...

Xiaohu showed his Oscar-level acting skills and turned around and fired a crooked shot, but obviously he didn't have a good grasp of the distance, resulting in the distance between him and the prince being too close.

Almost without hesitation, SofM decisively EQ flashed it to fly, the holy gun brother Kenan also flashed quickly to keep up, and the thunder rolled down on Jess!

Duan's Braum also quickly touched it with a W, and put the Q skill on Jace.

Obviously, in order to restore their huge disadvantage, the LNG side is already a little impatient.

And if you are impatient, you will fall into a hole.

On the other side, Karsa accurately seized the opponent's opportunity to focus on Jace, Kiana resolutely flashed up to counterattack, her E skill was close to her, and the next big move [Shocking Talent] pushed all three of them to the wall!

"Come on!!!"

Olaf immediately roared, and then the whole person entered the state of Ragnarok, and a Q hit three enemies at the same time!

Kenan's ultimate move, the thunder and lightning, was still falling. Karsa was stunned by three layers of lightning just after pushing his ultimate move. Only Olaf was not affected by it, and the double axe slashed at this short electric mouse!

"Heche Olaf's damage is ridiculously high, and LNG can't stop it!" Wang Duoduo looked at Kenan's health bar shortening at the speed of light: "This output is too exaggerated!"

The audience also noticed something was wrong. It seems that this wave of RNG is going to win?

"Sell me, sell me!" Brother Shenggun's many years of gaming experience told him that this wave could not be played deeply, so his Q first took away the tiger's head, and then decided to sell himself.

But he obviously didn't expect that Chen Yuan didn't take him seriously at all. After crippling Kenan, he immediately turned to Prince Huo and Bloom, and threw them with [Counter-Current Throwing], slowing them all down!

I didn't say you could go!

Heiqie had already covered the prince's body with broken armor, and now Olaf's damage was exaggerated, and the prince's small body couldn't hold up a few times.

Another E [reckless swipe] went down, SofM just couldn't handle the second EQ to turn around, and was directly beheaded by Olaf!

Naturally, there was only one Blum left, but he couldn't escape, and was forced to die by Chen Yuan.

What? Where is the grasshopper, you ask?

Is there a grasshopper in this fight?

"My day!"

Now even Brother Sheng Gun was a little angry, he felt that LNG was a clown.

What is this fighting for!

They beat Jace first, which means they beat two of the next four, but they never beat him?

The cheers from the audience also lasted for a long time.

[This Olaf is really outrageous! 】

[Indeed... one chasing four slashes is more exaggerated than the previous wave]

[I have a hunch that Olaf will be weakened]

"After this wave, Brother Yuanzi is completely invincible!" Wang Duoduo couldn't help but tut his tut in admiration: "It's two more heads, and the economic difference on RNG's side is already as high as 5,000!"

Moreover, the LNG side still faces endless pressure on the troops, and although the RNG side eats less troops, they can ruthlessly plunder the monsters in the upper half of the LNG, which is not a loss.

Sister Yiyi couldn't help but say: "Although LNG has always been known for its early rhythm, they seem to be no match for RNG at all..."

As a commentator, she has a certain understanding of each team.

He also understands the rhythm of the LPL game.

Teams like LNG, RNG, and IG that fought fiercely in the early stages of civil wars all have one characteristic.

That is the game will end very quickly.

In fact, only the first ten minutes of the game can be watched. Whoever has the advantage in ten minutes will win the game.

Why LNG will be the same in two consecutive rounds.

Because their fighting concept has been deeply rooted in their bones, they will not "give resources" for stability. If they lose something in the top lane, they must fight back in the bottom lane.

But there is basically no suspense in this ending, that is, the disadvantage is getting bigger and bigger...

But can you say that LNG is delicious?

Although they are currently in the middle of the league, they have given IG and TES the third one and one defeat in the league.

They are competitive in the LPL.

It can only be said that the strength of RNG is too strong.

Especially when there is a huge gap between heroes in the middle of the two sides, the outcome is already doomed.

Twenty-two minutes later, Chen Yuan returned to the city on time after collecting the troops. He went shopping frantically at Grandpa Teemo's place, and had another dance of death in his hand.

The four-piece suit of Heiqi, Bloody Hand and Death Dance, the Quicksilver Boy, Wang Duoduo even doubted that he could chase down five slashes with one...

On the other hand, Malzaha's equipment only has a pitiful big mask, and the second one has no shadow. It looks so miserable and miserable.

"Let's go, go straight to the dragon!" Chen Yuan signaled, "The opposite side will definitely pick up."

He knows LNG too well. He knows that this team will never play an inferior team. As long as they are inferior, they will keep sending them.

Dalong regiment, it is impossible for them not to pick up.

"LNG chose to take over the group! They are now 10,000 behind! How do you say this wave?"

"RNG's speed of fighting dragons is very slow, LNG is too late!" Wang Duoduo looked at the big screen: "But what is Brother Yuanzi doing!"

Chen Yuan didn't plan to enter the Dragon Pit at all this time. Instead, he squatted in the opposite wild area with the cat on scanning, waiting for the opposite side to come over.

SofM opened the scan, and quickly walked to the grass where Chen Yuan was crouching. He saw a red shadow, and he felt bad!

"Come on!"

He just shouted these two words, and the roar of the berserker was already coming from the earphone!

Olaf has cats hanging around, and he can even say that he is a five-piece suit, and it is no problem at all for one to five.

[Ragnarok] opened, and the whole person rushed towards the five people in LNG with the [End Chapter] of the Magic Tome!

A dramatic scene happened. LNG faced Olaf, who was rushing forward, and chose to escape!

No way, he is too fierce.

SofM covered Chen Yuan with a big move, and then opened the EQ, trying to lock Olaf in the big move.

But Chen Yuan is also a trainer. He didn't hesitate to use Q. Flash. The Q skill was just thrown out, and the axe arrived before anyone else. It looked like Olaf caught him and threw it a second before. out the axe.

Under the blessing of 40% CD reduction, Olaf's Q skill is only 4.2 seconds, and picking up Q can reduce 4.5 seconds, the moment he receives the axe, the second Q will shoot at the speed of light!

Two Q's hit the grasshopper in a row, and then rushed over to become a set of AE. The attack power of the cat and the big Olaf had broken through the 400 mark~www.mtlnovel.com~ Under the terrifying damage, The grasshopper here was directly killed by seconds!

Immediately afterwards, before Chen Yuan was finished, he picked up the axe again and threw it towards Han Bing!

Ashura's mechanical flash opened, but his mind was already full of despair.

Because he knew he couldn't escape!

Xiao Ming directly pressed Crown + E, Olaf's movement speed slammed up a lot, and the dump truck reappeared, hitting Han Bing again!

Another set of QA, Han Bing passed away for the second time!

The hard six seconds finally passed, the red light on Olaf disappeared, and the ultimate move disappeared.

Brother Sheng Lian started his ultimate move immediately and wanted to cooperate with his teammates to focus fire.

But they still overestimated their damage. The three-man control chain was full, and they controlled Olaf for a full five or six seconds, but the embarrassment was that, lacking the damage of the C position, they even had Olaf's control. Can't beat the blood...

Outside the venue, only the audience kept screaming and cheering!

"Olav took the cat with one against five, and directly won three kills! The team controlled the dragon by the way, and they can directly attack!"

In this situation, Wang Duoduo immediately recited a poem: "Like the lord of demons from the sky, he is really the Taisui **** on earth! This Olaf!"

After all, he looked at his partner.

Sister Yiyi pondered for two seconds, she wanted to write a poem and write a good story, but she was not literate, so she could only pick up two words in the end.


Chapter end

Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
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Chapter 484
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Chapter 479
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Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
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Chapter 241
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Chapter 235
Chapter 234
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Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
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Chapter 222
Chapter 221
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Chapter 181
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Chapter 151
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Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
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Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
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Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
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Chapter 117
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Chapter 111
Chapter 110
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Chapter 108
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Chapter 106
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Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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