League's All-around Mid Laner Chapter 260

League's All-around Mid Laner Chapter 260

  Chapter 261 The same way to die twice? Give this to you!

   "Come, come, push the wave line together." Chen Yuan has little blood left at this time, and the line in the middle road is stuck in front of the opposite tower. It will be uncomfortable not to advance.

  Wei of course also enjoyed the experience of eating the middle lane. The three AOE skills of the barrel crippled all the middle lane soldiers and gave Chen Yuan two EQs.

  The good brothers from the middle field returned to the city together after clearing the army line, and their happy appearance made the teeth of Beethoven who had just been resurrected tickled.

  He looked at the only four hundred dollars in his hand and thought for a long time, and finally bought a piece of cloth armor with the only money in his hand.

  Young and energetic, he was finally smoothed out by reality.

   "Wei, you can mix with me with this one, okay, wait until my sixth level to overtake this sword girl."

  On the way, Chen Yuan raised his right hand, waving as he spoke, pointing Jiangshan in the voice channel.

  Wei is now the leader of Chen Yuan resolutely defending Chen Yuan, it is a obedience, "do it, I will not go in the middle."

  The midlaners of both sides are back online, and Yasuo with three daggers and one sword girl with cloth armor, needless to say how big the advantage is.

  Chen Yuan still chose to push the line without thinking, and he spared no effort to push the tower as soon as the line came.

  Of course, he is not a fool either. Every time the Sword Girl stacks up her passive under the tower, he starts to shrink, quietly waiting for you to push the line of troops over.

  Because Yasuo Wind Wall can break the E of Sword Girl, so Beethoven has nothing to do. Only two people can push the line between you and me.

   Soon, the game has been on for five minutes.

  At this time, both midlaners have been promoted to level 5.

  Everyone knows that once Yasuo rises to level 6, RNG's Yasuo system will definitely start again.

   "Can you catch the mid lane? He didn't flash." Beethoven marked the flashes of the mid laners on both sides.

  The hero of Yasuo is easy to catch. If the jungler doesn't come and try to catch a wave, it is a crime.

   "Well, come right away, wait for him to push the line." SofM also thinks this is the truth, the prince began to brush his own F6 in the wild area, ready to catch it at any time.

  Central Road, Chen Yuan knew that he would definitely be arrested when he played Yasuo so as to push the line.

  However, he is also a brave artist, and he glanced at his experience bar, "I'm going to level six soon, can Wei come to see me? This wave can be counter-attacked, I'm ahead of the sword girl experience."

  Wei has been waiting for Yuanzi's words a long time ago, "Yes, you can, don't press too deeply."

  Chen Yuan slightly slowed down the pace of pushing the line after hearing this, but the push still had to be pushed, and the **** line began to slowly approach under the SS tower.

When the line of soldiers entered the tower, Beethoven seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. The sword girl rushed up with a small soldier, [Bi Wing Double Blade] The speed of light was released, and the speed was not much better than that of the top sword girl like TheShy. .

  Chen Yuan knew that the wave was stable when he saw him throw two Es directly.

  Your hand speed is fast, but the delay speed of E skills is still that long.

  Chen Yuan's heart was not messy, his hands did not shake, a smooth wind wall was released, and [Double Blades of Bizet] was directly cracked.

   "SofM is here, EQ flash directly hit Yasuo, and fenfen will focus on output!"

  "And the wine barrel also popped out from the grass on the other side, and an E flash backhanded the flying prince. This is a wave of anti-squatting from Wei." Sister Yibi was quite eloquent and explained passionately.

   "Kill the prince first, kill the prince first!" Chen Yuan watched the battle at this time, and decisively chose the target on the prince.

  The prince's hero has a relatively brittle basic HP. In the case of a jungler, he only has 775 HP at level 4 and his armor is only 45.

  The sword sister is now at level five, holding the Dolan sword and cloth armor, her health has reached 956 directly, and her armor is as high as 65.

  The difference between the two heroes is 181 blood points, and the armor difference is also close to 20, so there is no need to say more about this episode.

  In the early stage when the blood volume per capita did not exceed 1,000, this difference in blood volume is actually a huge difference. It can even be said that one is crispy and the other is tank.

  The two slammed on the prince, and SofM's blood volume suddenly dropped a lot in the stormy attack!

"Kill him first!" SofM was also a little anxious at this time, and the signal went crazy to Yasuo. The CD of the prince's Q skill was relatively short. At this time, it has turned better. [Dragon Crash] did not hesitate to hit Yasuo. Poke and hit 15% of the armor piercing effect.

  In addition, the two conquerors of the sword sister and prince are in a state of full stacking, and the damage of level A is really high.

  Two people and one pinged A, which means that the two hundred points of blood are gone, and the damage is indeed a bit scary.

  Chen Yuan also gradually noticed something wrong at this time, Yasuo adjusted his position and angled, threw the hurricane accumulated in his hand, and blew the prince and the sword sister at the same time.

Both the damage of the barrel and Yasuo in the early stage can be said to be good, and because SofM is EQ flashed, no EQ damage is played, and Wei has a back hand advantage. In the end, it is RNG's midfielder. Winner.

   "The prince was hit by Yasuo, Wei threw a Q here, and blasted the barrel to directly kill the prince!"

   "But Yasuo's blood volume is not much, and the Q skill of Sword Girl should be improved soon, this Bo Yasuo may have to be replaced!"

  Chen Yuan glanced at his status bar, the prince's death experience caused his experience bar to rise a lot, and it was already close to its full value.

  About two or three minions away, he can be promoted to the sixth level.

  However, Yasuo's health is only one-fourth left. If you have the experience of these two or three soldiers, it will be a big problem.

  But the current situation was not out of Chen Yuan's control. He suddenly turned around, and Yasuo actually took the initiative to rush towards Sword Sister with an E.

   "What do you mean! Brother Yuanzi is crazy!? What does he want to do?" Wang Duoduo was suddenly a little surprised, and didn't understand the operation of turning his head back.

  Beethoven was also a little confused at this time, but Yasuo was brought to his mouth. Of course, he would not let it go easily. Sword Sister pinched the Q skill in her hand and continued to chase Yasuo A.

  A knife went down, but Yasuo didn't drop a drop of blood.

The extra sword intent bonus provided by the   E skill filled Yasuo's last sword intent slot, and a white shield appeared to help Yasuo resist the damage of the sword.

  Chen Yuan took this opportunity to hit the small soldier with an EQ, and at the same time drew the A, and two melee soldiers died one after another.

  However, the upgraded light did not appear as expected.

  The experience bar has reached its head, but it has not been shot out.

  One more soldier!

   glanced at the soldier line, at this time the nearest melee soldier next to him was almost full of blood!

  But at this time, Sword Sister has already come up with a Q, and the Sword Sister who is full of conquerors has extremely high damage. If a QA goes down, Yasuo will only have a quarter of his blood left, and there is only a trace of blood!

  Chen Yuan had an idea at this time and clicked on the melee soldier madly, "This, this! Punishment!"

  Wei was full of spirituality at this time, and immediately understood what Chen Yuan meant. The barrel directly hit the Sword Sister with an E, interrupting his next level A.

  At the same time, a light of punishment fell, and the melee soldier who was almost full of blood died instantly!


  An upgrade light appeared on Yasuo's body, rising to level six!

  Chen Yuan's hand exploded at this time. After the cask punished the soldier, Sword Sister fell from the fly and landed, quickly press Ctrl+R!

  Slash with the wind, learn!

  At this time, the knock-up of the Keg E skill is not even over!

  Connect big! ! !

   Yasuo once again teleported and appeared behind the sword girl, and the newly learned big move was severely cut out against the sword girl.

The    big move once again refreshes the white shield on Yasuo, and the upgrade also provides 80 points of blood, which is equivalent to providing Yasuo with 150+80=230 points of blood!

  After Chen Yuan landed, there was another Q, and then quickly withdrew!

  Beethoven had already anticipated something bad at this time, Sword Sister tried her best to chase Yasuo, but the ending was the same, she couldn't catch up! !

  Waiting for a few more seconds, another blow was blowing back, and Sword Sister was blown up again.

  Beethoven's eyes were staring at this time, and he couldn't wait to carry a knife into the computer and hack Yasuo to death.

  Unfortunately, I can't rush.

   is another one with two flat A's, and Sword Sister lay down again in the same situation.

   "Oh, I'm not dead! It's so painful!" Wang Duoduo was also in pain for Beethoven at this time. He missed two consecutive shots and was blown back by the blower. Who can stand it?

  ALT+F4, this will give you 15 points!

   "I just don't know if this wave of punishment for the promotion of six was planned long ago or if it was a temporary one. Who can think of it?" Sister Yibi also answered.

   really unexpected.

  Beethoven watched Yasuo with a trace of blood pushing the line of troops into his defense tower again, and he couldn't help but sigh.

  How to play this game! ?

  Why can the other side always play some magical operations?


In the    voice channel, Chen Yuan was yelling frantically. He did have a calculation problem in this wave. Unexpectedly, the two pawns were not enough to get six, so Wei's punishment was also temporary.

  But I didn't expect Wei to understand what he meant, and directly E skills plus punishment.

  It can only be said that playing games with such talented people is easy.

  What is the name of this wave?

  Wei smiled embarrassedly at this time, "It's okay, I almost didn't react."

  Central Road.

  The game between the two sides has lost suspense at this moment.

  The hero, the sword girl, is most afraid of going home for three or four hundred yuan. Without the glory and Tiamat, it will be difficult for the sword girl to usher in a qualitative change in her lifetime.

   But Chen Yuan is different. He is 2-0-1 with a yellow cross in his hand, and his combat effectiveness is no longer a level.

   "Brother Yuanzi started to ride his face directly! This middle road sword girl is out of line!"

  Wang Duoduo just watched Yasuo go directly to AQ. Ou Huang possessed two crits, and Sword Sister immediately lost a third of her blood, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

   Immediately afterwards, the pace of the game was out of control, and Wei was already in a state of self-confidence.

  Eight minutes, a wave of iconic RNG Nakano walks.

  SofM and Beethoven both sent bad signals. Everyone in the team knew that they were going to catch them, but there was no way.

  The barrel was first an E cheating bleeding pool. After the vampire got up, he directly invited him to take the big move. Yasuo followed a violent slash. Xiaohu's Jace fired an accelerated cannon behind him and lay down to take the head.

   Although Chen Yuan did not get the head, but the money for assists and coatings was generous enough, and he made a lot of money again.

  SofM couldn't help but ran to the bottom road and took a dragon.

  But it's hard to say that the head of the order is made a profit by adding three layers of plating to the dragon.

  Ten minutes, the canyon pioneer belonging to RNG was born.

   "Wait for me, I'm more than a hundred short." Chen Yuan clicked on his green cross, and it was one hundred short.

  The green fork is the absolute core equipment of this version of Yasuo. It is an important boost to Yasuo's position in T1, and it is extremely critical.

  And this green fork made in ten minutes is enough to kill the game.

  Although their pioneering rhythm will be delayed for more than a minute.

  Fortunately, after Yasuo makes a green fork, this pioneer can be won absolutely and steadily, even Xiao Minghe will not use it.

  Eleven minutes, Chen Yuan bought the green fork and returned to the line again, pushed the **** line over, and then called the jungler to the vanguard.

   "Should we fight?" Beethoven asked.

  SofM was numb when he heard this, he first clicked on the shining light and the small cloth armor of Sword Girl, and then the green cross of Yasuo.

  Is your combat power at the same level? You just ask me if I can fight or not?

   But turn your head and think about it. If the opponent takes the Pioneer and hits the first tower, then the green fork will be endless for 18 minutes. How can this game be played?

   "Try it, I can play if the EQ is on well." SofM operated the prince to press forward, and at the same time brought the Holy Gun and Beethoven over.

   "Electricity surges!"

  Picheng Gaofushuai let out a strong voice, and hit the prince and the sword sister with one shot, and both of them lost a quarter of their blood.

".never mind."

  SofM is withdrawn directly.

  Beethoven also withdrew.

   Immediately afterwards, Wei operated the cask with a steady punishment to take Pioneer, and Pioneer Eye was also very sensible and gave it to the mid laner Yasuo.

  Chen Yuan was full of ecstasy. Although he won two rounds in the middle, he was left with blood every time he ended. As a result, he could not eat the plating.

  The attractiveness of Chen Yuan to the five-layered middle one tower is directly MAX.

  But at this time, everyone clearly saw that after taking the Pioneer, the RNG members did not return to where they should go, but plunged directly into the opposite jungle!

  The two ran across the red zone on the opposite side, looking for SofM everywhere.

  Because SofM is a scanning start, and the real eyes he arranged have been queued as early as when he was playing Vanguard, he even didn't even know it at this time.

  This strategy is actually quite correct. After all, as long as SofM is there, it is difficult for Chen Yuan to maximize his profits even if he holds the vanguard.

  Lightly eat a three-layer coating, which is not what RNG wants~www.mtlnovel.com~ A few people have been running from F6 to the stone beetle. They are around the corner, and the willows are bright, and they just saw the prince who was beating the stone beetle!

  SofM was taken aback. He didn't expect that the other side was so courageous, he would come to catch him if he lost the line.

  But he didn't panic, ran two steps to wait for the CD, and an EQ retreated.

  Xiaohu didn't hesitate at this time, an E flashed directly when he saw the prince's flag-raising action!

  The priority of Jace's E skill is once again vividly revealed. The prince who had already gone EQ just now was surprised that he was sucked back by the hammer again!

  【Fresh Wind Slash】!

  Although Chen Yuan only walked to the Red BUFF at this time, he rushed through the super long distance through the ultimate move, and directly crossed to the prince's side!

    In the hospital for the past two days, it is really uncomfortable for the codewords. Keeping the finger on the screen is stunned to point out tenosynovitis.

     physical illness +1

     But I can't do anything about it. I'd better try to ensure the update. If the guys feel that the updates these days are a bit lax, please bear with me.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
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Chapter 485
Chapter 484
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Chapter 481
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Chapter 479
Chapter 478
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Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
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Chapter 467
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Chapter 465
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Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
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Chapter 259
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Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
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Chapter 181
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Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
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Chapter 133
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Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
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Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
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