League's All-around Mid Laner Chapter 251

League's All-around Mid Laner Chapter 251

  Chapter 252 Successfully come back!

  At this time, the TOP side was a five-on-two situation. They only pushed down the second tower in the middle because they needed to wait for the line. With the resurrection of the players on the RNG side, the high ground became an unbreakable fortress.

  RNG has the help of Dalong BUFF, it is difficult for TOP to go further and can only retreat.

   Immediately afterwards, RNG began a race against time for development. Dalong BUFF four minutes, and they have to make up a three-piece suit.

  The time soon came to 28 minutes, the big dragon BUFF has disappeared at this time, and the TOP side, who still holds the four thousand economic advantage, is making a comeback again.

Uzi has successfully made the third endless blade at this time. Chen Yuan's economy is a little bit worse, but the mage equipment is relatively cheap. He also made Luden, the ghost book, and the three-piece suit at this time. In addition, Still holding a stopwatch in his hand.

   Looking at the equipment of Kai'Sa on the opposite side, in addition to his own three-piece suit, he also has an extra stopwatch and a storm sword in his hand, and is about to make a resurrection armor.

  QE is fully evolved, plus there is a stopwatch in his hand, which is really hard to kill.

  At this time, the fifth dragon, the fire dragon, descended into the canyon.

  At this time, the players on both sides gathered one after another, looking at the fire dragon.

   "We can't drive, play a backhand." Chen Yuan commanded calmly, Demon Ji was standing at the forefront of the team at this time, trying to find opportunities.

   There is Nightmare and Ice Girl on the opposite side. If you take the initiative to start a group on your own side, the ADC will lack protection and will definitely be unable to survive.

  Uzi is now in the second position of the team, madly compared, but he has double moves and big moves, self-protection ability is pretty good, so TOP has nothing to do for the time being.

  Chen Yuan manipulated Demon Ji to continue riding her face, and Loken on the opposite side had a natural fear of Chen Yuan, and he didn't dare to come up to fight, and honestly backed away.

  Kasha retired, and the other four people on TOP had to retreat together.

  In this way, TOP unexpectedly gave up the position of Xiaolong inexplicably.

   "Brother Yuanzi forced the other five back alone?" Long Mao was a little silly, "What is TOP doing here?"

  Uzi who got the position was also unambiguous, and directly started the dragon.

  Although they can't start a group, they can fight the dragon. As long as the dragon is crippled, the opponent can't help but start a group.

  The damage of the three-piece Xia is not low. The feathers are tied to the dragon one by one, and the dragon will not even survive for five seconds!

   "Little dragon is going to be second! Isn't TOP here yet?" Cat King said loudly.

  As soon as the voice fell, TOP moved.

  Knight's Lisandra crampons stretched out, directly reaching the middle of RNG's camp.

  Under pressure, Uzi can only step back and hand the dragon to Wei.

  Wei is also unambiguous, and a punishment is accepted safely.

  In the next second, Li Sang Zhuo appeared directly, and in the next instant, he flashed directly to Xia's side, raised his right hand, and threw his big move [Frozen Tomb].

  But Uzi's reaction was so fast. At the moment Li Sang Zhuo flashed over, he decisively handed over the big move [Storm Feather Blade], and then the same flash opened the distance.

  Ice Girl raised her hand and retracted it again, and the crisis was instantly resolved.

  Ice Girl's ult is the most critical point in the opposing team. The control provided by his ult can be used as the key to Kai'Sa.

   And he can't release his big move now, it is difficult for Kai'Sa to enter the field.

   Immediately afterwards, the next moment, the canyon is dark, and XX's nightmare, as the second hand in the cut, opens the big move and flies towards Xia Fei.

  But Uzi didn't put this two-piece nightmare in his eyes at all, and directly turned on W [Death Feather Robe].

After the nightmare rushed up, an assassin and an ADC began to be passionate about A, but at this time, how could the nightmare, who only had the wild sword and the resurrection armor, be Xia's opponent? As soon as the big move landed, he was seconded by Xiaoming's WQ Top it up.

   Before hitting the ground, he was ruthlessly killed by Xia Jifa Ping A and entered the resurrection state.

  At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, after Wei punished the dragon, an EQ rushed towards Kai'Sa. His prince was out of flesh. His move after the EQ cut was to sell himself.

  The prince turns on the gargoyle stone plate armor, and his blood volume is directly doubled, making him like a **** of war in the battlefield.

  At this time, Loken's Kai'Sa is equipped with invincible equipment. Naturally, when you see who kills who, Kai'Sa directly activates the E skill, and after stealth, with a very fast speed of movement against the prince crazy output!

   "Opportunity is here!"

  Chen Yuan, who has been waiting for the opportunity by his side, has a heartbeat.

  The demon girl decisively W went up.

  In the battlefield, various AOE skills flew together, and the demon girl just moved past with a W, and she directly lost half of her blood.

  At this time, Knight, who had been observing the battlefield, keenly spotted the demon girl who was trying to cut back, and held Chen Yuan with a big backhand.

  This big move surprised everyone, but Chen Yuan was still calm.

  Chen Yuan once again purged the control in seconds, and then decisively dodged the QW after Li Sangzhuo.

  At this time, the blood volume of the enchantress is still one third.

  Chen Yuan flashed onto Kai'Sa's face at this time.

  At this time, Chen Yuan's hands were terrifying, and Yao Ji's left hand threw things out frantically. The QRE was poured into Kai'Sa almost instantly.





  Three skills plus electrocution, all four segments of damage burst out.

  At this time, Kai'Sa's Q skill [Icacia Rainstorm] was also released, and countless bullets flew toward the enchantress.

  But Chen Yuan immediately pressed the golden body after losing three skills, and the whole person was still in a state of throwing the E skill. The countless bullets were all shot out, and the taunts were full.

  On the other side, Kai'Sa's health bar disappeared almost instantly, and returned to the spring with his unused stopwatch!

  "Ka'Sa was in seconds! Yuanzi's hand speed is so fast!" Changmao yelled instantly, "Uzi is still outputting, it is difficult to win this wave of teamfights with TOP!"

  Looking at the teammate who was running away in a rout in the black and white screen, Loken was stunned, he couldn't help holding his glasses.

  He was actually greedy in this wave. Seeing the one-third blood Demon Ji rushed up, his first reaction was not to press the stopwatch, but to directly take the Demon Ji with an AQ, so as to save a stopwatch.

  AD can actually understand if they want to save the stopwatch. After all, they don't make a gold body, and the stopwatch can only be used once.

  But in this province, there is no problem.

"RNG is chasing all the way, Prince Wei has an EQ to pick Fei Li Sangzhuo, TOP has no survivors!" Long Mao said passionately: "RNG played a wave of zero for five, and they received three bounties. The economy has leveled off!"

   "This wave of groups undoubtedly makes RNG's odds of winning a little bit bigger." The cat king analyzed: "But there is no chance on the TOP side. After all, the economy is still balanced. It is still the last wave."

  "Go on, fight around Uzi, we can win!" Chen Yuan didn't know why he was full of self-confidence. The remaining four teammates hugged and continued to act.

  29 minutes.

  This time RNG did not do much entanglement. They dared to open the dragon if they were four thousand behind. Now that the economy is leading, it is not to mention that the five people directly started the dragon that just went to work.

  They just took a fire dragon, and the speed of fighting the big dragon has been slightly improved, but it is still unhappy, and the five people on the opposite side gradually surrounded it.

  At this time, Uzi has already made the mercury ribbon, and it is still flashing and big, and is not too afraid of the opposite cut.

  "This wave can be opened, Wei can try to find a chance, Xiao Ming don't come, stay to protect it." Chen Yuan quickly divided the work, "Little Tiger. You can play by yourself."

  Xiaohu's Swordsman, she has no control, and can't carry it. The teamfighting role is almost only a big move to disarm. Chen Yuan has nothing to command, let Xiaohu play by himself.

  On the side, RNG is constantly attacking the dragon, while Chen Yuan's demon girl is constantly swaying in the river to see if they can find a chance.

  At this time, Loken on the opposite side has already synthesized his unused stopwatch into a resurrection armor, but this may be a good thing for the enchantress.

  After all, the stopwatch can be much easier to use than the resurrection armor at certain times.

  Chen Yuan's position is quite dangerous. Standing on the opposite face like this, he always feels that the opposite can hit him, but in fact he can't.

  【Supervisor, right? 】

  [This person is really arrogant]

  【I'm numb, so pretend? 】

  The barrage was all talking about at this time, at this time Chen Yuan suddenly took a step forward, stepping into the attack range on the opposite side!

   Immediately afterwards, an E skill [Phantom Chain] that Yao Ji had downplayed stretched out and hung it silently on the nightmare in front.

  Jungler XX didn't take this chain to heart. He had a W shield and didn't worry about being controlled. Nightmare retreated while turning on W [Dark Asylum].

  But just before the E skill was about to burst, the enchantress suddenly moved her right hand, and a Q [Malicious Demon Seal] hung on Nightmare's body!

  At this time, the E skill just burst, the nightmare shield was eliminated, and the malicious magic mark was just dropped.

   "It's over!" Knight also has a good knowledge of the enchantress, he knows that this wave of nightmares is already a dead person.

  The demon girl releases the ultimate move [Replay the old skill], throw the second [Malicious Demon Seal], and then receive W [Magic Shadow Lost] in seconds!

  Two consecutive crit numbers appeared, and the nightmare with only one mercury shoe on the body that provided magic resistance couldn't withstand this outbreak, and the blood evaporated directly!

  The team battle between the two sides started instantly, and Knight was also approaching at this time. At the moment of nightmare death, an R froze the demon girl, Chen Yuan was arrested before W could even go back, and returned to the spring as well.

  But Chen Yuan's death was worthwhile. Under such a big dragon group environment, it is not a loss for the mid laner to change to the jungler, not to mention that he also seduce Li Sang Zhuo's big!

  At this time, the remaining four people on the RNG side saw that the opposite jungler was dead, and instantly changed their strategy and began to gather the fire dragon.

  TOP can't sit still here, and hurried up!

  "Fighting dragons and dragons! We have punishment!" Chen Yuan began to serve as the commander of the spring water and began to command his teammates. At this time, Uzi was outputting against the dragon pit, and the position was quite dangerous.

  However, Uzi was also courageous. Xia turned on W and shot fiercely at the dragon, and soon reached the beheading line of punishment.

Xiao Ming took the initiative to open the big move [Strong Will] and stopped all the four people on the opposite side, but he couldn't stop it for long. The 369 crab opened the glory of justice and rushed directly into the dragon pit, and at the same time, an E flash rushed towards Xia. .

  Uzi decisively threw a big move to the sky, while Wei beside him took down the dragon without any haste!

  The prince instantly turned around and joined the lineup to protect AD.

  At this time, the remaining four people of RNG are like iron buckets, the sword sister, the prince, and the bull head are firmly in front of them, protecting the AD behind them.

  Xia's damage is also worthy of their protection. After he landed on the ground, he immediately retracted the feathers with an E, and immediately dried the crab for nearly half of the blood, and then followed a few rounds of A. The crab fell to the ground first.

  Xiaohu also threw out a big backhand move, the sword formation lay across Kai'Sa's face, neither on Loken nor on Loken, nor on it.

  Wei's prince rushed up directly with an EQ, and the big move once again covered Kai'Sa and started the 1V1 real man battle.

  Seeing this, the situation is actually very clear. The lineup on the RNG side is too good. The TOP side has already messed up in order to fight the dragon.

  Finally, Ben's Thresh made a desperate hook before he died, heading towards Xia Gou.

  Uzi didn't dodge or evade, he released the control with a mercury second on his backhand, and then tied the A with two rounds to take away Thresh and Kai'Sa.

   "RNG used the support and the death of the mid laner to win this wave of dragons again and completed two for five!" Long Mao said loudly: "The situation has been reversed. RNG has taken a three-thousand economic lead!"

   At this time, TOP has all SM faces, and it takes ten minutes to lose two waves in a row. No one can stand this.

  Loken and XX, the faces of the two people who were caught by the second were extremely gloomy, and the scene of being caught by the enchanting girl in a second was lingering in their minds.

  What kind of monster is this?

  Is he not afraid of my teammates?

   Immediately after, RNG once again started their 41-point push after getting the big dragon. Xiaohu's Sword Girl did not die in both groups. At this time, she finally stood up, single-band invincible, and the TOP side was suddenly under pressure.

  Xialu No.2 Tower, Middle Road No.2 Tower, Middle Road Highland.

  Under the blessing of the big dragon BUFF, TOP pushed all the way from the second tower to the high ground.

   "No way, we have to start a wave." 369 knew that not opening a group would be tantamount to chronic death, so he decisively returned to the city and TP around, with the help of the home guard to start a group battle.

  But the current TOP was already unable to fight in teamfights, and now there are still such dry teamfights, let alone win in a team.

  Uzi's Xiaping A is messy, his hands are all soft, and the damage is not known how high he hits.

  Li Sangzhuo came up and lost the big, Uzi would pay the mercury, the nightmare flew over, Uzi would pay the big move, if it didn't work, it would be called flash.

  Moreover, Xia still has the protection of his teammates. There is really no way for TOP here.

  What's the joke, if Uzi is so good to cut, is it still called Uzi?

The crab of   369 entered the battlefield. UU read www.uukanshu.com but found that only one bull head was willing to play with him, and the two tanks that did not cause much damage were happily fighting at this time.

  Chen Yuan's enchanting girl was playing with Kai'Sa and staring, anyway, he didn't go up, and Loken didn't dare to output, the two of them stayed so embarrassed.

  Ka'sa always kept a thousand yards away from the enchanting girl. The person who can A can only be the person A, and the person who can't A can just walk in place.

  In the end, RNG won the team battle easily. Only Kai'Sa was the only one on TOP, and he didn't even play well in the entire team battle.

  RNG everyone won the third wave of team battles, successfully pushed down the TOP base, and completed the comeback!

  【Ten seconds of team battle, nine seconds of walking, too classic】

  【Who should this ADC be visiting? 】

  [Don't be embarrassed, brother Yuanzi across the street, you can go shopping as well]

  [Don't be embarrassed by the hacking career, I should have been caught in seconds]

   Thank you for this nickname, no one has grabbed it for a reward of 100 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
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Chapter 497
Chapter 496
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Chapter 493
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Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
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Chapter 243
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Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
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Chapter 235
Chapter 234
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Chapter 231
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Chapter 229
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Chapter 190
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Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
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Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
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Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
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Chapter 119
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Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
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Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
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Chapter 12
Chapter 11
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