Haven Online Xinya

Haven Online Xinya

Basic Information

Name: Yin

Game Name: Drifting Cloud

Lvl: 25

Date of birth: Monday, 20th Apr 2195 (Age 18)

Star sign: Aries

Nationality: Chinese

Ethnicity: Asian

Sexuality: Gay

Education: High school

Relationship status: Single

Career path: Gaming

 Physical characteristics

Height: 5'6

Body Shape: Slim but fit

Hair color: black

Eyes: brown

Face shape: diamond

Other words that might be used: adolescent, average, fair, immature, moderate, normal, ordinary, teen, teenage, teenaged, young

 Game Character Description

Features: His game character has dark green hair that is shaped like leaves, bark-like skin that is the same texture of an ancient tree in a forest he also has dark green vine-like tattoos that were wrapped around his neck and other places on his body. His chest is bare except for those vine tattoos and his bottom half is covered by dark green pants made of that has a look of it being made out of some kind of plant, also his feet are completely bare.

Updated armor: Rose Armor/ the style wasn't different from what he was currently wearing, the only difference was the color and the designs on the clothing. Like his current outfit, it was just a pair of pants and a shirt, the shirt was just the tattoos that would showcase on his chest. The armor was red with black rose prints on it and the shirt tattoos were also black roses in bloom. The armor also had some very nice stats on it, it gave +16 defense, +3 intelligence, +3 Dex and it was also upgradeable to a certain point.


Throw: It's a skill that enables you to throw potions from far away at your enemies. If you have a combat potion in your hands, you can use the throwing attack. Unlike arrows, you can immediately attack an enemy without aiming first.

Dreaming Dust: Dreaming is usually reserved for when you sleep at night, but this potion will allow you to put anything to sleep anytime you want. In fact, enemies who are hit by the dream dust potion will fall asleep in an instant, making it a useful potion in a fight. Sleeping enemies are more sensitive to damage, but they won't stay asleep for long. Unfortunately, stronger enemies are more difficult to put to sleep.

  *The potion required stamina potions and the dewy-eyed fruit

Mini Fireball: the damage is not great and it can only attack two monsters at a time. *The potion required health potions and Glow flowers.

Flora Attack: potion causes the petals of the Dancing Girl flowers to burst forth and wrap around an enemy causing them to become immobile, the petals will then suck out the life force from the monster for 25 sec doing 60 to 300 damage depending on the quality of the combat potion. 

* The potion required Stamina potions u0026 Dancing Girls flowers.

Pulse Strike: is a combat potion that when thrown strikes the surrounding area with electricity and blows all of the nearby enemies away. This potion does 85-400 damage depending on the quality of the potion and it also stuns the monster for 10 seconds.

* The potion required Stamina potions u0026 Blue Belladonna. / Can't make only got the seeds./ 3 packs.

Resurrection Potion:This potion when broken against a player, will envelop a player in smokey white substance before entering that player's body. For one day, the defense of the player would be greatly raised, while if the player should die, they will be resurrected right away, without the loss of any coins or items and won't have to log out right away. *The hour penalty will still be there, the player must log out after 35 minutes.

* The potion required Health potions and the death flower / Can't make only got death flower seeds - also the only way to grow these flowers was to cover the seeds in rotting flesh.

Catering: The true joy of cooking is sharing your dishes with others. Catering allows you to prepare food in larger quantities so that you and your guests can dine together. The more people you have, the better your banquets will be. It creates a Catering Dish out of several other food items. You must have at least two edible food items to merge into one Catering Dish. The Catering Dish produced provides the combined total of the stat bonuses of all the items it is made up with.

Tasting:Cooking is a science where ratios and formulas combine to make something of exquisite beauty. When prepared with a steady hand and a patience mind, food can move hearts and give strength. Tasting: will improve these effects. This skill passively increases cooked Items and Catering stat gain effects while increasing Cooking's base quality rate, stability during Cooking, and EXP provided from Cooking food.

Dryad racial skill: being one with nature being able to blend in with trees, rocks, and other things of nature to be unseen.

Reaction Fusion: Cooking and Potion Making are quite similar indeed, it's only fitting for them to be used together. This is a skill that will allow you to fuse together any type of cooking or potions, but be careful, for the outcome of the fusion can create devastating results.

First Aid: ch 117


Regular Potion recipes: 

Mana/Health/Stamina - These can be upgraded to different tiers :

Reaction Fusion Potions Recipes:

Welch's Fruity Bomb: This strange creation is a mix of a Mini fireball potion and Welch's Fruity Bait. It has a taste that nobody would be able to describe because once it's eaten you won't be alive. This strange creation does 300-400 damage depending on the quality of the potion and the food it was made from. 

Food Recipes:

BellyBorg Stew: +75 MP +75 STA

Cookies u0026 Cream Crepe Cake!: Cookies u0026 Cream Crepe Cake: Each layer of the thinly baked crepes has been smeared with cream and cookies, stacked into a tower to make a cake. The sweetness of the cookies blends seamlessly with the airiness of the whipped cream. After eating it you will gain, depending on the star rating +23-30 MP, +11-14 HP, + 5-9 STA.

Ch: 48 Karry Karry: It was an ice dessert with sweet toppings that included chopped fruit, condensed milk, fruit syrup, and red beans. It was from the Bingsoo region where there are a lot of ice caves located. The recipe was highly sought after in the future but was very hard to get because it only dropped from a monster called the Bigoloo, but that monster was extremely hard to find. HP +29~30 Str +37~38 Int -14~15 Dex -14~15 Luck +24~25.

Welch's Fruity Bait: This bait is said to be a must-have item for wannbe fishermen that wish to reel in a fish or item that could only be caught at a higher level. This bait is also famous for bringing in items as opposed to fish, and when this is used for fishing, the catch rate of fish and of items will double.

Broiled Ctenophore tentacles: A strange recipe of unknown creation, seems to have a special magic effect. Once eaten a player will have the ability to talk to every creature underneath the sea. *the special effect lasts 5 in-game days./ This effect will be able to be stacked with other food bonuses.

Puff Pastry Fruit Pizza: it looks like a fancy dessert that would be perfect for an elegant party, but it's super easy to make! *For four hours, it will give: Mana +50 HP+50 Str+ 21 St50.

Fruit Salad: +24 Hp +30 MP

Apple Juice: +10 Hp +35 Str +9 Dex

*Assume he has other recipes but they haven't been named.


Food Ingredients:Brought a lot from the butcher's grocery store, we will assume he has everything to make anything he wants.

[Quest Items]

Wyatt's Sword: The true owner and name of this sword are unknown. It is a relic of the great war that happened a long time ago. This sword has passed through many hands and each person who owned it died tragically. It's been said that this sword is cursed and only in the hands of its true owner will it's the true potential show. To learn more, find Bajji the master blacksmith. 

Map piece to the hidden land of Moo Moo Pow: According to folklore, Moo Moo Pow is an underwater kingdom that is ruled by the great Lord Krishna. This is a place that is believed to be an old wives' tale, a myth, that is until the clue was discovered.

Tier 3 Treasure Map:because none of the party members died inside of this dungeon, you will be able to skip a chain without losing the reward. When you complete the tier 3 treasure dungeon, you and your party will be able to get double the rewards. *Don't attempt this dungeon until you're at least level 65.

Misc Items: 

Cupcake covered wagon:a two in one transportation device. It was obvious what the main function was but its second function made really want to get it. The wagon could transform into a food stall with a working kitchen. 

Fianna Sìdhe Egg: 

Shilvak's Combat Gloves: Shilvak was the first combat potion master to walk these lands, he was feared and worshiped by the people around him. For his skill with potions was too great, one day he disappeared only leaving behind a manuscript detailing his adventures. Throw enhancement +10 Dex +5

Mutated Ctenophores eggs: These eggs are the babies of the Diamondback Armored Ctenophore, but it's death they have been mutated. They will now only grow to the size of a plum and can be used for breeding. They can be used for food, or harvested for the toxin that they secret from their pores. *An artificial lake needed to grow them.

Rhiannon's bracelet: This bracelet grants up to five people at a time access to a very special shop. The bracelet will only work once, so when you decide to use it, make sure you have enough coins to spend. To activate it, you need to stand in the center of a fairy ring on a full moon.

Automat: is a kind of vending machine, players can put their sellable items into it and leave it somewhere in town. 

Lapis Cut Bracelet: This magical spatial inventory offers a total of 100 slots for storing items. Special effect: It will keep food and ingredients fresh. It cannot be traded.

Lapis Cut Earring: This magical spatial inventory offers a total of 100 slots for storing items. Special effect: gives +3 Strength, +3 Dexterity, +3 Intelligence, +4 Luck (only if you have the stats), +6 Max Damage, +5 Critical, and +3 Defense buff as long as you're wearing it.

Glimmering beetles: These types of bugs were great for farms, they had the ability to allow a player to get double the harvest. After the update, once it gets out what these bugs could do they would be worth around 50 silver for a 100.

Bracelet of Requisite: This bracelet is connected to the four elements: water, wind, fire, and earth. Once the bracelet is equipt it will determine which element is most needed by the wearer. With the water element, the player will be connected to all water sources that are in Haven, just say the name of the water source to use. 


The Fae realm needs your help: The Unseelie has become blinded and has disrupted nature's balance. With them not stopping the anomalies from forming, impurities have begun building up destroying the magical essence of this realm. The magical essence comes from the Madér trees, but they are all now slowly dying. If all of the Madér trees die the Fae realm will collapse upon itself. Rhiannon wants you to completely awaken this Madér bud, and only bring it back once the tree blooms fully. *It is advised to have Level 20 farming skill before attempting to plant this bud in the ground.

Reward: ??? exp / ??? coins / ??? *Racial Skill

Cermin Pantulan (Mirror of Reflection)

Shilvak Dungeon Quest Lvl 50

                                   Titles that matter:

Saviors of Baldahurh Forest: Only the most gallant of heroes deserve such a title as this one. For having rescued Baldahurh forest from its undead state and brought it back to living, the inhabitants of the forest salute you. *This title grants you a 2x exp and coin bonus when fighting dark type monsters and +15 on all stats.

The Fisherman's Recognition: Fisherman's Recognition: 5% fishing bonus/ 2% more of a chance of catching an item. * While this title is activated the player will gain money profits when selling fish to NCPs.

Elements: Chapter 75

Newest stats: 

Name: Drifting Cloud      Title: Fisherman's Recognition

HP: 320/320  Level:23

MP: 280/280  EXP:500600/1300000

Stamina:280/280 Skill points: 25

Str: 4 Dex:15

Int: 4 Luck: 11

Coins: Coins: 0 gold 867 silver 700 bronze

Stat Points 0

Each level they gain 4 stat points.

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Chapter end

227 2.8
226 2.7
225 2.6
224 2.5
223 2.4
222 2.3
221 2.2
220 2.1
219 See You Later Pt2
218 See You Later Pt1
217 Off to meeting the others Pt 2
216 Off to meeting the others Pt1
215 Buy A Farm
214 Property Management Office
213 Nosy Zixuan
212 The Others Pt 2
211 The Others Pt 1
210 Calling the Others
209 Recapping For Melvin
208 Melvin's Shop
207 Let's Mee
206 Plundering
205 Sightseeing with Melting Snow Pt 2
204 Sightseeing with Melting Snow Pt 1
203 Off we go
202 Up for sale
201 Auction House
200 Dancers
199 Pudding
198 Logging back in
197 Hui Guo Rou
196 Pod Fixing
195 Time displacement syndrome
194 Bridge
193 Scenic view
192 Second Step
191 First Step
190 Arkala
189 Walking & Talking
188 Rock Paper Scissors
187 Let's fight Pt 3
186 Let's fight Pt 2
185 Let's Fight Pt 1
184 Finishing Up
183 Madér Tree Bud
182 Something Unexpected
181 Let's Shop Pt 4
180 Let's Shop Pt 3
179 Let's Shop Pt 2
178 Let's Shop Pt 1
177 Rhiannon's Office
176 Meeting Rhiannon
175 Arriving
174 Ildauland the land of the Fae
173 Fairy Ring Pt 2
172 Fairy Ring Pt 1
171 The Glade
170 Camping
169 Brimree Grove
168 Blooming Flower
167 Waiting Pt 3
166 Waiting Pt 2
165 Waiting Pt1
164 Barbeque
163 Talking
162 Completing Tasks
161 Genovesi Mirrors
160 Walking Around
159 MirStone Village
158 The Video Pt 3
157 The Video Pt 2
156 The Video Pt 1
155 Xinya and the others
154 Mythical Sea Creature Buff
153 What Your Reward? *Edited
152 Like a Firework
151 Playful Xinya
150 Fusion
149 A Series of Thoughts
148 What a Spectacle
147 Let's Swing
146 Diamondback Armored Ctenophore
145 Fishing Frustration
144 Let's Fish
143 Wandering Sound's Perspective
142 Making Bai
141 Back on the boa
140 Planning
139 Phone Call
138 The Talk
137 Dungeon Reward
136 Holiday Bonus pt 3
135 Holiday Bonus Pt2
134 Holiday Bonus Pt 1
133 Dungeon Complete
132 Wei is Saved
131 Wandering Sound is a Fool
130 Melting Snow is Smar
129 Aberration
128 Wei Madness
127 Mormantul Lordului Nebun
126 Entering the Dungeon
125 Intermission
124 Dungeon Found
123 Laetus Fores
122 Battle Interlude
121 Talking to Wandering Sound
120 Off to Laetus fores
119 Rhiannon's bracele
118 Danlases
117 First Aid Ki
116 Emergency Tunnel
115 Gurney
114 Nascent Soul Helps
113 Interlude Frozen Ice *Updated
112 The Tall Man's Death
111 The Banquet Pt 7
110 The Banquet Pt 6
109 The Banquet Pt 5
108 The Banquet Pt 4
107 The Banquet Pt 3
106 The Banquet Pt 2
105 The Banquet Pt 1
104 Finished Produc
102 Junipère
101 The Meeting
100 Melting Snow Arrived!
99 Wrapping up quests
98 Looking at dresses
97 Xinya Goes Shopping pt2
96 Xinya Goes Shopping pt 1
95 Blackmailing Rose Lily
94 Unlocking Shilvak's Journal
93 HouseBoat pt 2
92 HouseBoat pt 1
91 Errinisworth
90 Melting Snow is Coming Back
88 Wyatt's Sword?
87 Talking
86 Battle Ends
85 Battle Continues pt 2
84 Battle Continues pt 1
83 Battle Begins
82 Conviction
81 Four Minutes Earlier
80 Stalling
79 Oozing Spectres
78 Let's Begin
77 The Plan
76 A Funny Acciden
75 Two New Combat Potions
74 Rose Armor
73 With Roaming Wind & Wandering Sound
72 Christopher
71 Quest Triggered
70 Bad Flirting
69 Vex Hound
68 Baldahurh Fores
67 Black Bean Shrimp with Gai-Lan
66 Thoughts
65 What's Normal
64 Wandering Sound
63 Floret Bun
62 Level up!!
61 Transformed Murkmouth
60 Murkmouth
59 Galling Swamp
58 Transfer Letter
57 Nascent Soul
56 Scheming Rose Lilly
55 White Lotus
54 Gold Chain Symbol
53 Contrac
52 Tier One, I think no
51 Butterfly Effec
50 Fishing
49 Wei's Decision
48 Roaming Wind
47 Accomplishmen
46 Frozen Ice
45 Flare Dog
44 Hide
43 Into the Fores
42 Making Potions
41 New Skill
40 The Final Room pt2
39 The Final Room pt1
38 Sliding Puzzles
37 Carnivorous Plants
36 First Room Cleared
35 Going to the Dungeon
34 Hidden Office
33 Shilvak's book
32 Following Strange Women
31 Clue
30 Wei's News
29 Class Change
28 Melting Snow
27 Making BellyBorg Stew
26 Mysterious Woman
25 King BellyBorg
24 Bellyborg pt2
23 Bellyborg pt1
22 Melvin
21 Bellpor
20 Goodbye Beginner Town
19 All Skills Gained
18 Giant bugs again?
17 Fishing Skill
16 Saying Goodbye or No
15 Gem Spider
14 Silverware
13 General Store
12 New Friend
11 Birthday Surprise
10 Cooking Skill
9 Old Wang's Farm
8 Beginner Town
7 Drifting Cloud
6 Character Creation
5 Game Star
4 Moving in
3 Phone Call
2 Recollection
1 Rebirth
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