Haven Online 124 Dungeon Found

Haven Online 124 Dungeon Found

The deeper the group traveled into Laetus forest, the stranger the scenery around them became. The brightly colored fir trees from before, became sparse, replaced by giant orange flowers that were taller than everyone in the group put together.

These flowers glittered and shone like they were disco balls. Although they looked out of place in this wacky forest, Xinya felt that they were a vast improvement over the fir trees. Basically anything would be in his opinion.

It wasn't just the scenery that changed, the monsters did too. Xinya couldn't believe that there could be stranger monsters than that caterpillar-hamster hybrid they saw earlier. To his disbelief, there were, as he walked he saw that the monsters became more peculiar-looking than even he could have expected.     

Xinya couldn't even start describing how they looked if someone asked him to describe the monsters he seen in the Laetus Forest, he would say that they ranged from something out of a Dr. Seuss nightmare to a Tim Burton's wet dream. All in all, Xinya was very impressed by the monster designs of this forest. 

If he had to make a guess as to why this forest was so out of the norm, he would presume that it was the production team did. He figured they asked the designers to think outside the box as they were making this place, and out of spite, because of their meddling they decided to just throw the whole box away.

Xinya smile at that thought of the designers getting so pissed at the production team and decided to do whatever. 'They probably just got drunk while they were making this place, and when they saw what they had done, they decided to roll with it.' He thought to himself, amused.

"This place is simply amazing, It's like we are on another planet." Xinya heard Melting Snow mummer next to him. He couldn't help but agree silently. 

"Who would want to live on a planet like this," Xinya asked, turning to look at him.

Smirking, Melting Snow cocked his head towards the only female in their group, "Roaming Wind would love living here."

"I bet she would," Xinya said, laughing slightly.

Hearing the sound of Xinya's laughter, Wei turned her head to look at him. What she saw brought a small smile to her face. She loved how much Xinya was enjoying playing this game. He was more carefree now than he ever been in the past. She was glad he found a friend that could bring out that childish side of his.

Although she was glad that he was happy, she was also a tad envious of Melting Snow, for being able to get Xinya to smile like that. She knows she makes him happy too, but she feels like he is always taking care of her when they should be taking care of each other.

Inside the game and outside of it, Xinya has been helping her in some sort of fashion. Even when he was trapped in that house with that 'woman', he inadvertently helped her by not trying to contact. If he did, she knew his stepmother would have made trouble for her and her mom. 

Although she appreciates his help, she feels useless. She had previously talked to Wandering Sound about how she was feeling, and he told her that maybe she was subconsciously relying on Drifting Cloud and she needed to experience the game on her own.

She thought about what Wandering Sound told her really hard and realized that it was the truth. After they finish with this dungeon, she will sit down and talk to Xinya about parting ways and go with Wandering Sound to gain experience on her own. Once she was stronger and could match up to Xinya, is when she would rejoin him.

As if sensing that she was thinking about him, Xinya turned to look at her. Giving him a bright smile she asked, "What are you two laughing about over there?"

"Nothing at all," Melting Snow quickly said. "Isn't that right Drifting Cloud."

"If you say so," Xinya said laughing at how silly the boy was being. He wondered if Melting Snow was really scared of Roaming Wind.

Cocking her eyebrow at the two of them, she said, "Sure, have your little secrets."

Wandering Sound who was walking a little behind the three, smiled at the interaction between them. He could tell that Roaming Wind was a little jealous of how close Melting Snow was to Drifting Cloud. He saw the signs all the way back in Errinishworth.

He wouldn't tell her this, but he found it really cute. The way she was acting was similar to how a child acts when they get a new sibling and have to share their parents' attention. Walking to her side, Wandering Sound nudged her, before giving her a knowing smile.


Xinya watched Wei and Wandering Sound playfully poke each other for a minute, before turning back towards his map. It looked as though they were close to where the dungeon was located. Only a couple more miles and they would be there.

They continued walking for quite a while, the brightly colored fir trees made a second appearance, this time they were densely packed together than before. Which made it more difficult to walk through, without aggroing the monsters within them. Just as Xinya was about to check the map once more he heard Melting Snow gasp.

Turning to see what was wrong, he saw that Melting Snow was looking at something in the distance. Xinya looked in the direction he was facing and saw an amazing sight. There was a tall purple tree that stood above the rest, it was pulsating slightly with a yellow glow and fluttering all around it was the largest butterflies that he had ever seen. 

"That's where we need to go," Xinya told everyone, while still looking at the beautiful looking tree.  

With a bright smile, Melting Snow said, "Then let's go! What are we waiting for."

Melting Snow took off running before Xinya could even speak, dumbfounded he turned and looked at  Wandering Sound and Wei as if to say, 'What am I going to do with that kid.' Wei just gave a small shrug, before rushing off also. 

Laughing at her antics, Xinya and Wandering Sound followed behind. They ran through the forest quickly, making sure to bypass any monsters they saw on the way until they made it to a clearing.

The clearing was huge, and in the center of it, stood the purple tree in all of its magnificence. Now that they were closer, Xinya could see why the tree was larger than the others, It was growing on top of something. 

"It's a temple," Wei said as they got nearer to the tree.

Xinya could see that Wei was right it was a temple of some kind, a ruined one at that. He could tell, even in its ruined state that at one point the temple was very beautiful. Even with a large tree growing over it, he still thought it was lovely, but in a different way.   

"I found the entrance!" Melting Snow yelled from the other side of the tree.

Going over to where he was, Xinya saw that Melting Snow did find the entrance. There was a dark opening hidden in between the giant roots of the tree. It was completely dark inside the opening, and Xinya had a feeling that his glow flowers would come in handy, while they were in the dungeon.  

Giving him a pat on the head, he said, "Good Job, let's set up camp here for the night and go inside the dungeon in the morning."

"Alright, I'll go get some firewood." Melting Snow said, before rushing off.

Wandering Sound had already started building the fire pit, while they were talking. As Xinya was about to go over to help him, he was stopped by Wei.

"Drifting Cloud, I saw a small pond over on the other side of the temple, do you need to soak your feet?" Wei asked.

Looking at his interface, Xinya realized that he should go soak his feet, his bar was very low. "Thank you for reminding me."

"No problem, you go soak your feet, I will help finish setting up the camp. Afterward, maybe we can fish together." Wei said.

"That would be great," Xinya told her, walking in the direction of the pond.

As she watched him go, Wei gave a small smile, before turning to help Wandering Sound set up camp.

Chapter end

227 2.8
226 2.7
225 2.6
224 2.5
223 2.4
222 2.3
221 2.2
220 2.1
219 See You Later Pt2
218 See You Later Pt1
217 Off to meeting the others Pt 2
216 Off to meeting the others Pt1
215 Buy A Farm
214 Property Management Office
213 Nosy Zixuan
212 The Others Pt 2
211 The Others Pt 1
210 Calling the Others
209 Recapping For Melvin
208 Melvin's Shop
207 Let's Mee
206 Plundering
205 Sightseeing with Melting Snow Pt 2
204 Sightseeing with Melting Snow Pt 1
203 Off we go
202 Up for sale
201 Auction House
200 Dancers
199 Pudding
198 Logging back in
197 Hui Guo Rou
196 Pod Fixing
195 Time displacement syndrome
194 Bridge
193 Scenic view
192 Second Step
191 First Step
190 Arkala
189 Walking & Talking
188 Rock Paper Scissors
187 Let's fight Pt 3
186 Let's fight Pt 2
185 Let's Fight Pt 1
184 Finishing Up
183 Madér Tree Bud
182 Something Unexpected
181 Let's Shop Pt 4
180 Let's Shop Pt 3
179 Let's Shop Pt 2
178 Let's Shop Pt 1
177 Rhiannon's Office
176 Meeting Rhiannon
175 Arriving
174 Ildauland the land of the Fae
173 Fairy Ring Pt 2
172 Fairy Ring Pt 1
171 The Glade
170 Camping
169 Brimree Grove
168 Blooming Flower
167 Waiting Pt 3
166 Waiting Pt 2
165 Waiting Pt1
164 Barbeque
163 Talking
162 Completing Tasks
161 Genovesi Mirrors
160 Walking Around
159 MirStone Village
158 The Video Pt 3
157 The Video Pt 2
156 The Video Pt 1
155 Xinya and the others
154 Mythical Sea Creature Buff
153 What Your Reward? *Edited
152 Like a Firework
151 Playful Xinya
150 Fusion
149 A Series of Thoughts
148 What a Spectacle
147 Let's Swing
146 Diamondback Armored Ctenophore
145 Fishing Frustration
144 Let's Fish
143 Wandering Sound's Perspective
142 Making Bai
141 Back on the boa
140 Planning
139 Phone Call
138 The Talk
137 Dungeon Reward
136 Holiday Bonus pt 3
135 Holiday Bonus Pt2
134 Holiday Bonus Pt 1
133 Dungeon Complete
132 Wei is Saved
131 Wandering Sound is a Fool
130 Melting Snow is Smar
129 Aberration
128 Wei Madness
127 Mormantul Lordului Nebun
126 Entering the Dungeon
125 Intermission
124 Dungeon Found
123 Laetus Fores
122 Battle Interlude
121 Talking to Wandering Sound
120 Off to Laetus fores
119 Rhiannon's bracele
118 Danlases
117 First Aid Ki
116 Emergency Tunnel
115 Gurney
114 Nascent Soul Helps
113 Interlude Frozen Ice *Updated
112 The Tall Man's Death
111 The Banquet Pt 7
110 The Banquet Pt 6
109 The Banquet Pt 5
108 The Banquet Pt 4
107 The Banquet Pt 3
106 The Banquet Pt 2
105 The Banquet Pt 1
104 Finished Produc
102 Junipère
101 The Meeting
100 Melting Snow Arrived!
99 Wrapping up quests
98 Looking at dresses
97 Xinya Goes Shopping pt2
96 Xinya Goes Shopping pt 1
95 Blackmailing Rose Lily
94 Unlocking Shilvak's Journal
93 HouseBoat pt 2
92 HouseBoat pt 1
91 Errinisworth
90 Melting Snow is Coming Back
88 Wyatt's Sword?
87 Talking
86 Battle Ends
85 Battle Continues pt 2
84 Battle Continues pt 1
83 Battle Begins
82 Conviction
81 Four Minutes Earlier
80 Stalling
79 Oozing Spectres
78 Let's Begin
77 The Plan
76 A Funny Acciden
75 Two New Combat Potions
74 Rose Armor
73 With Roaming Wind & Wandering Sound
72 Christopher
71 Quest Triggered
70 Bad Flirting
69 Vex Hound
68 Baldahurh Fores
67 Black Bean Shrimp with Gai-Lan
66 Thoughts
65 What's Normal
64 Wandering Sound
63 Floret Bun
62 Level up!!
61 Transformed Murkmouth
60 Murkmouth
59 Galling Swamp
58 Transfer Letter
57 Nascent Soul
56 Scheming Rose Lilly
55 White Lotus
54 Gold Chain Symbol
53 Contrac
52 Tier One, I think no
51 Butterfly Effec
50 Fishing
49 Wei's Decision
48 Roaming Wind
47 Accomplishmen
46 Frozen Ice
45 Flare Dog
44 Hide
43 Into the Fores
42 Making Potions
41 New Skill
40 The Final Room pt2
39 The Final Room pt1
38 Sliding Puzzles
37 Carnivorous Plants
36 First Room Cleared
35 Going to the Dungeon
34 Hidden Office
33 Shilvak's book
32 Following Strange Women
31 Clue
30 Wei's News
29 Class Change
28 Melting Snow
27 Making BellyBorg Stew
26 Mysterious Woman
25 King BellyBorg
24 Bellyborg pt2
23 Bellyborg pt1
22 Melvin
21 Bellpor
20 Goodbye Beginner Town
19 All Skills Gained
18 Giant bugs again?
17 Fishing Skill
16 Saying Goodbye or No
15 Gem Spider
14 Silverware
13 General Store
12 New Friend
11 Birthday Surprise
10 Cooking Skill
9 Old Wang's Farm
8 Beginner Town
7 Drifting Cloud
6 Character Creation
5 Game Star
4 Moving in
3 Phone Call
2 Recollection
1 Rebirth
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