Haven Online 115 Gurney

Haven Online 115 Gurney

Xinya watched as Melting Snow ran out of the dimly lit cell to get the table he requested from the Banquet Hall, this left Xinya alone with the badly bruised Mayor. The Mayor who looked like he was about to knock on death's door.

His pitiful appearance made Xinya winch, he could only imagine the pain that the Mayor was in. It was a shame that he didn't have the first aid skill, although he knew that he didn't need it since player's bodies couldn't be covered in wounds, but it would still be good to have since he might run into this type of situation again.

After informing Wei and Wandering Sound that he located the Mayor via party chat, Xinya begins checking the status of the Mayor's health bar, only to find that it was slowly depleting. He had to do something fast or the Mayor would die here and now. Which would be horrible, because they would fail their quest.

Positioning himself by the Mayor's head, he took out one of his high-quality potions from his inventory to give to the Mayor. The high-quality potion would give the Mayor more HP but also keep giving him HP for a certain period of time.

This would put the worry Xinya had that the Mayor might die before the rest of his party arrives. As Xinya was about to pour the potion into the Mayor's mouth he saw that it was shut tight.

Setting the potion bottle to the side, Xinya tried to see if he could shake the man awake, because of the man's unconscious state, this endeavor proved to be pointless. He tried many different ways to awaken the Mayor from his comatose state, from lightly tapping his face to outright slapping him, which he truly regretted having to do, but nothing worked.

Realizing that he had no other choice but to try to force-feed him the potions, Xinya couldn't help but sigh. Bringing his hands to the Mayor's mouth he begins trying to pry open the man's mouth. 

He thought that it would be an easy task, that even someone with his meager strength would be able to do it. That wasn't the case at all, it was like the Mayor jaw was locked shut, it wouldn't open no matter how hard Xinya pulled. After a couple of attempts at it, Xinya became irritated that it wasn't opening.

Stopping the futile action, he began thinking of another way to get the Mayor's mouth open. As he thought, he could see that the Mayor's health bar was almost depleted, making him very anxious.   

After a couple of seconds, it came to him, like a shot in the dark. He almost slapped himself on the forehead, for being so simple. Xinya continued to silently berate himself as he grabbed the Mayor's nose and pinched it closed. It didn't take long for the Mayor to open his mouth to take in a breath of air.

Letting go of his nose, Xinya held his head up once more and begin pouring the high-quality potion into the Mayor's mouth. As Xinya expected, it didn't heal him at all, but the Mayor no longer looked the deathly shade of grey as he did before and with the extra health he seemed to be coming around.

The Mayor begin groaning as he came to, struggling wildly in Xinya's arms, "P..please let me go...let me go..let me."

"It's alright, your okay, I have come to rescue you." The begging voice of the Mayor struck a nerve in Xinya's heart. Rubbing the man's hair, Xinya did the best he could to soothe him as he waited for the others to arrive. 

Minutes passed as Xinya sat there in the dark decrepit cell trying to calm the frightened man. Just as he was about to open his interface and contact his friends through party chat, Melting Snow came running in, carrying one of the long rectangular tables from the Banquet hall that from what Xinya could see, was just the right size for the Mayor to lay on. 

Entering the room, Melting Snow laid the table on the ground right near the Mayor, before kneeling next to Xinya with a worried expression, "Is he doing better?"

"Yeah, I gave him a potion, he should be stable for now, but his health is still going down," Xinya replied.

Just as Melting Snow was about to speak again, a cry echoed throughout the cell. It was so loud that it startled the Mayor awake. He began shaking in fear and groaning due to the pain.

As Xinya calmed the Mayor, Xinya looked up to see who was the cause of the noise, only to see that it was the Mayor's daughter, Elaine. She had arrived along with Wei and Wandering Sound. The young girl looked wretched as she stared at her father's broken body.

Xinya could see that the young girl was shaken up just by looking at the state she was in. Gone was her noble poise, leaving only a scared little girl who was worried about her father.      

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she ran to her father's side, "Daddy?"

The Mayor calmed down at the sound of his daughter's voice. Turning his head to look at her, he struggled to move his arm, very slowly he brought it up to caress her face. An unknown expression appeared in his eyes before his hand fell and he passed out again.

"Daddy! Please wake up! Daddy!" Elaine shouted while looking around as if to search for help.

Checking the man's health, Xinya saw that the Mayor was alright. "Your father just passed out." 

"My father will be fine, right?" Elaine asked while looking at Xinya with teary eyes. "He won't die will he?"

 Xinya shook his head, "As long as we get him patched up he will be fine, but none of us have any first aid kits to do so."

At this moment all Elaine wanted to do was to burst into tears while hugging her father tightly, but she wasn't a young girl anymore and her father needed her to be strong, putting on a brave face she asked, "What do we need to do to be able to save my father?"  

"First, we need to get your father out of this cell," Xinya stated. "Afterwards we get him patched up, then we need to get him out of this town and inform the military about what's going on."

As if something Xinya said triggered a response in the girl, Elaine quickly stood up, "I know! We could use the emergency escape tunnel."

"The what?" Melting Snow asked confused about what the girl was going on about.

"The emergency escape tunnel, my father built it, just in case something happens to the town and we needed a way to leave the mansion unnoticed. It leads out of the mansion to the harbor where we keep a ship." Elaine explains.

After hearing about the escape tunnel and the ship, Xinya let out a sigh of relief. He thought that they would have to carry the Mayor to Danlases on a gurney. Logically speaking that wouldn't make any sense, but in this game, Xinya knew anything was possible.

If there was one thing that Xinya knew for sure, it was that if they had to walk to Danlass carrying the Mayor, there was a good chance that the man would be dead before they arrived. It was the Mayor steadily decreasing health bar that made him very clear on that.

"Alright then, once we load the Mayor onto this makeshift gurney, Elaine will take us to where the emergency tunnel is located," Xinya told everyone. 

Wandering Sound just looked at the Mayor, who looked like he was around 220 pounds and back at Drifting Cloud, "Do you think we can lift him? Because I tell you now my strength is low."

"Oh..um," Xinya replied, this was a problem if he couldn't open the man's mouth, there was certainly no way he would be able to lift the man, even with Wandering Sound help.

"I can do it!" Melting Snow said as he gently picked up the Mayor before anyone could stop him. "I have a lot of strength."  

Watching as Melting Snow held the Mayor's body as if it weighed nothing, was an amazing sight to behold. It also made him want to put some points into strength himself, but Xinya knew that he didn't need that stat and at this level, it would be just a waste of points.

"Do we still need the gurney?" Wei asked. "Melting Snow can carry the Mayor just fine."

"Yes, we do. Although it would be easier to get him to the ship with Melting Snow carrying him, the problem is that his health is dropping faster now that he's not laying down." Xinya told everyone.

After making Melting Snow lay the Mayor gently on the gurney, Xinya poured another health potion down his throat. Checking the Mayor's health bar, he saw that it was dropping at a slow pace once again.

"Okay, let's go," Xinya said, grabbing the homemade gurney along with Melting Snow and Wandering Sound. With the girls leading the way they made their way to the emergency tunnel.

Chapter end

227 2.8
226 2.7
225 2.6
224 2.5
223 2.4
222 2.3
221 2.2
220 2.1
219 See You Later Pt2
218 See You Later Pt1
217 Off to meeting the others Pt 2
216 Off to meeting the others Pt1
215 Buy A Farm
214 Property Management Office
213 Nosy Zixuan
212 The Others Pt 2
211 The Others Pt 1
210 Calling the Others
209 Recapping For Melvin
208 Melvin's Shop
207 Let's Mee
206 Plundering
205 Sightseeing with Melting Snow Pt 2
204 Sightseeing with Melting Snow Pt 1
203 Off we go
202 Up for sale
201 Auction House
200 Dancers
199 Pudding
198 Logging back in
197 Hui Guo Rou
196 Pod Fixing
195 Time displacement syndrome
194 Bridge
193 Scenic view
192 Second Step
191 First Step
190 Arkala
189 Walking & Talking
188 Rock Paper Scissors
187 Let's fight Pt 3
186 Let's fight Pt 2
185 Let's Fight Pt 1
184 Finishing Up
183 Madér Tree Bud
182 Something Unexpected
181 Let's Shop Pt 4
180 Let's Shop Pt 3
179 Let's Shop Pt 2
178 Let's Shop Pt 1
177 Rhiannon's Office
176 Meeting Rhiannon
175 Arriving
174 Ildauland the land of the Fae
173 Fairy Ring Pt 2
172 Fairy Ring Pt 1
171 The Glade
170 Camping
169 Brimree Grove
168 Blooming Flower
167 Waiting Pt 3
166 Waiting Pt 2
165 Waiting Pt1
164 Barbeque
163 Talking
162 Completing Tasks
161 Genovesi Mirrors
160 Walking Around
159 MirStone Village
158 The Video Pt 3
157 The Video Pt 2
156 The Video Pt 1
155 Xinya and the others
154 Mythical Sea Creature Buff
153 What Your Reward? *Edited
152 Like a Firework
151 Playful Xinya
150 Fusion
149 A Series of Thoughts
148 What a Spectacle
147 Let's Swing
146 Diamondback Armored Ctenophore
145 Fishing Frustration
144 Let's Fish
143 Wandering Sound's Perspective
142 Making Bai
141 Back on the boa
140 Planning
139 Phone Call
138 The Talk
137 Dungeon Reward
136 Holiday Bonus pt 3
135 Holiday Bonus Pt2
134 Holiday Bonus Pt 1
133 Dungeon Complete
132 Wei is Saved
131 Wandering Sound is a Fool
130 Melting Snow is Smar
129 Aberration
128 Wei Madness
127 Mormantul Lordului Nebun
126 Entering the Dungeon
125 Intermission
124 Dungeon Found
123 Laetus Fores
122 Battle Interlude
121 Talking to Wandering Sound
120 Off to Laetus fores
119 Rhiannon's bracele
118 Danlases
117 First Aid Ki
116 Emergency Tunnel
115 Gurney
114 Nascent Soul Helps
113 Interlude Frozen Ice *Updated
112 The Tall Man's Death
111 The Banquet Pt 7
110 The Banquet Pt 6
109 The Banquet Pt 5
108 The Banquet Pt 4
107 The Banquet Pt 3
106 The Banquet Pt 2
105 The Banquet Pt 1
104 Finished Produc
102 Junipère
101 The Meeting
100 Melting Snow Arrived!
99 Wrapping up quests
98 Looking at dresses
97 Xinya Goes Shopping pt2
96 Xinya Goes Shopping pt 1
95 Blackmailing Rose Lily
94 Unlocking Shilvak's Journal
93 HouseBoat pt 2
92 HouseBoat pt 1
91 Errinisworth
90 Melting Snow is Coming Back
88 Wyatt's Sword?
87 Talking
86 Battle Ends
85 Battle Continues pt 2
84 Battle Continues pt 1
83 Battle Begins
82 Conviction
81 Four Minutes Earlier
80 Stalling
79 Oozing Spectres
78 Let's Begin
77 The Plan
76 A Funny Acciden
75 Two New Combat Potions
74 Rose Armor
73 With Roaming Wind & Wandering Sound
72 Christopher
71 Quest Triggered
70 Bad Flirting
69 Vex Hound
68 Baldahurh Fores
67 Black Bean Shrimp with Gai-Lan
66 Thoughts
65 What's Normal
64 Wandering Sound
63 Floret Bun
62 Level up!!
61 Transformed Murkmouth
60 Murkmouth
59 Galling Swamp
58 Transfer Letter
57 Nascent Soul
56 Scheming Rose Lilly
55 White Lotus
54 Gold Chain Symbol
53 Contrac
52 Tier One, I think no
51 Butterfly Effec
50 Fishing
49 Wei's Decision
48 Roaming Wind
47 Accomplishmen
46 Frozen Ice
45 Flare Dog
44 Hide
43 Into the Fores
42 Making Potions
41 New Skill
40 The Final Room pt2
39 The Final Room pt1
38 Sliding Puzzles
37 Carnivorous Plants
36 First Room Cleared
35 Going to the Dungeon
34 Hidden Office
33 Shilvak's book
32 Following Strange Women
31 Clue
30 Wei's News
29 Class Change
28 Melting Snow
27 Making BellyBorg Stew
26 Mysterious Woman
25 King BellyBorg
24 Bellyborg pt2
23 Bellyborg pt1
22 Melvin
21 Bellpor
20 Goodbye Beginner Town
19 All Skills Gained
18 Giant bugs again?
17 Fishing Skill
16 Saying Goodbye or No
15 Gem Spider
14 Silverware
13 General Store
12 New Friend
11 Birthday Surprise
10 Cooking Skill
9 Old Wang's Farm
8 Beginner Town
7 Drifting Cloud
6 Character Creation
5 Game Star
4 Moving in
3 Phone Call
2 Recollection
1 Rebirth
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