Finding Stardust 21 Orange Tree The Herbomancer

Finding Stardust 21 Orange Tree The Herbomancer

Emma sobbed so much until she couldn't cry anymore. The fact that now she could remember what happened 13 years ago turned out to only broke her heart. She still wasn't sure what caused her parents to leave her alone. However, she now knew that they were doing it to protect her because they loved her so deeply.

Where did her parents actually come from? Who was the Crown Prince they were talking about? Why won't he spare Emma's life?

Emma remembered her mother also mentioned about their capsule on the moon. Suddenly, a crazy thought raged in her mind.

It's too crazy to even think about it. But slowly, the thought made more and more sense.

Were her father and mother not from Earth? They seemed to have traveled from somewhere far and landed on the moon. There, they left their capsule before finally coming down to earth.

Their decision to leave their home might not sit well with some people, that they felt the need to protect Emma from whoever was sent to chase after them.

Somehow, something in the girl's heart said that she would not be able to find her parents on earth. That they were actually not from any country in this world...

But... from where?

"Father ... Mother ... where are you? Where should I go to find you? Who is chasing you? Are you still alive?"

The last question was really heartbreaking. Emma didn't know if her parents were still alive ...

What if they were already dead? Then her search would be meaningless...

After she couldn't shed tears anymore, Emma finally paused and tried to think. She knew her tears would not help if she wanted to find her parents.

Emma must be able to find their last tracks. From thereon, she would be able to look for clues about the capsule her parents left on the moon. If necessary, she must also find a way to go to the moon to get more info.

After pondering for some time, Emma felt that everything she knew tonight had made her extremely tired. She then recalled that Arreya Stardust had experienced memory loss for a long time. Arreya said it was because she exerted all her powers to put so many people to sleep so she could flee with Kaoshin.

Emma could now guess what caused the loss of her memory for two days. It must have happened because she had exerted all her powers to try remembering about her parents when she arrived in Paris. Her desire was so great to find her father and mother that she finally managed to free herself from the memory lock that her mother placed on her.

She finally managed to remember what happened in the past and who she was. Naturally, as Emma's memory returns, her knowledge of her powers slowly came back to her.

That's why she could fly so casually, she could control lightning and read other people's thoughts. Emma didn't know if she also had other powers.

Could she... also control plants like her father?

She saw that there was an orange tree in the cathedral yard, and it had several orange fruits on its branches. Could she do something to the tree, like how her father grew plants in a West Africa desert?

"Father, do I inherit your power too?" whispered Emma to the wind. She reached out her right hand towards the orange tree and asked the tree with her thoughts to produce more fruit.

Even though the situation around her was very dark, Emma's sharp eyes could see the changes taking place in the tree. Immediately, her topaz eyes went round in surprise.

The tree suddenly swayed a little, and a moment later, hundreds of oranges began to appear all over its branches.

I can do it! Emma exclaimed inwardly.

She was elated because, apparently, she did inherit something from her father that she had been sorely missing. All this time, she only felt a connection to her mother because of their physical similarities, and also the fact that Emma inherited her mother's powers.

Now, knowing that she also had something from her father, Emma's heart began to tinge with warmth. In the past, she always felt a closeness to her father whenever she was near any plants and trees. Because she remembered how much her father loved plants. But it was nothing more than a distant feeling.

Now, after she learned that she also had the ability, like her father, to control plants, Emma felt a part of her father had stayed with her. She could feel him with her despite not being there with her physically.

"Father ... Mother ... where are you now? Please wait for me. I will come to find you ..." the girl whispered to the wind, now with determination.
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She was now convinced that she was no ordinary human. She was not even from this planet. She was determined to use her powers to find traces of her parents. Then, if necessary, she must go to the moon to find the capsule that her parents left behind and look for more clues.

She didn't care even if she had to go to the end of the universe. Emma was determined to find a way to look for them.


"Your eyes looked swollen ... Did you cry, Stardust?" Haoran asked Emma in concern during breakfast the next day. "I didn't know that going on a date with me could make you so depressed and sad."

Emma glared at Haoran, who was waiting in line for the buffet behind her. "You can't be serious."

"Oh .. thank God. I thought you were crying because of me," Haoran replied with a smile. He knew that if Emma cried, it must be because the girl was missing her parents. That's why he deliberately joked to cheer up the girl.

"You never make me cry," Emma said solemnly. "I was thinking about my parents last night. I think now I know why they left me ..."

Haoran was rooted to the spot when he heard Emma's words. "Do you?"

Emma nodded. "I can't tell you now. Maybe later, when we visit Mr. Neville's place to get the painting."

Haoran nodded quickly. "Of course. There is no privacy here."

Emma saw Nadya come over to them with a tray filled with breakfast, and the girl hurriedly distanced herself a little from Haoran. She did not want Nadya to suspect her closeness to the young man.

"Hi, Emma. How was your sleep last night?" Nadya asked her kindly. She glanced over at Haoran and then decided to greet the young man too. "Hi, Haoran. I didn't know you went on the study trip to Paris. Yolisa said, you registered for the study trip to China."

Haoran watched Nadya for a moment and understood that this girl was one of Emma's friends. So, it must be her other friend who was now stranded in China because she went on the study trip to China to be with him.

"I didn't know that the kids from Class A were so nosy about other people's private lives that they investigated about what study trip I was on," commented the young man.

Nadya opened her mouth to say something but finally opted against it. She just looked away and pulled Emma's hand with her.

"Ssshh ... why did you have a conversation with Haoran? Did you hear the way he was talking? Very annoying," Nadya whispered after plopped herself onto the chair next to Emma. She glanced at Haoran while munching on her croissant with an annoyed expression. "Because of him, Mary cried all night, and now she fell ill in China."

"Mary fell ill?" Emma asked in surprise. "Because Haoran isn't on the study trip?"

Nadya nodded. "She was heartbroken when she found out that Haoran was having a great time in Paris, while she was alone in China without us."

"But ... that's not Haoran's fault," Emma tried to defend Haoran. "He doesn't know anything, why blame him for what happened to Mary?"

Nadya looked at Emma in surprise. "Why did you defend him? Do you like him?"

Emma felt cornered by Nadya's sudden question. She did not reply and only focused on her food. Her silence made Nadya narrowed her eyes and tried to guess if Emma did like Haoran.

Finally, the two did not say anything else during breakfast. Madame Delaval appeared a few minutes before ten o'clock and drove out the students who were still having breakfast at the restaurant. They must immediately leave the hotel and board the shuttle bus that would take them around the city of Paris.

"Today, we will visit the Cathedral of Notre Dame and then the Palace of Versailles. You will certainly be amazed by the splendor of the royal palace where kings and queens of France resided hundreds of years ago," she exclaimed eagerly.

At 10 AM, the 44 students of St. Catherine High School, together with their two teachers, were already on the shuttle bus. They were headed to the Notre Dame Cathedral, which was one of the landmarks of Paris city.

This cathedral was hundreds of years old and had so much history in it. In 2019, this church was burned in a great fire, and the entire roof collapsed. It had to be closed to the public for several years when the government carried out the restoration. Now, the building had resumed its magnificent appearance, and the government made sure it was better protected from such calamity.

"Students, please line up neatly, we have booked access to the tower. We must not be separated," Madame Delaval exclaimed in her high-pitched tone.

An officer suddenly approached them and drove out the students who were going to line up following Madame Delaval's orders.

"Don't go this way. You guys must go through that entrance. This place will be closed for the police," he said in French as he signaled for them to line up through another yard.

"What's wrong, Monsieur? It's not usually this way," Madame Delaval asked in puzzlement.

"I don't know either," the staff could only sigh. "The orange tree over there suddenly experienced an oddity. It was suddenly filled with fruits overnight. The police were interested in investigating what really happened ..."

"Police? Why?"

Haoran and Emma, who were closest to Madame Delaval, could only frown in surprise. Haoran did not understand why an orange tree could cause a problem. So what? He had a lot of orange trees in his house. It's not a unique tree, after all.

While Emma suddenly remembered that last night she ordered the orange tree next to Notre Dame Cathedral to bear fruit. Now, she felt her heart suddenly beating very fast.

What now...? She did not think her actions would attract the attention of the police. Would they look for her? Could they see that it was her who did it? Did they install cameras around here?? Gosh!

Cold sweat began to dampen her hands.




From the author:

Wow! Emma Stardust is apparently a herbomancer too! Wanna make guesses on what else could she do? I was thinking of creating a super woman with endless potential. What can we do, if we have an overpowered character that can do ANYTHING she wants? I am open to suggestions. ^^

Chapter end

156 Daneria Space Base
155 Can We Go Out????
154 Telemancy Training With Therius
153 Like Reading A Love Letter
152 If I Told You, I Would Have To Kill You
151 I Will Not Let Love Overcome Me
150 Why Therius Has Low Alcohol Tolerance
149 Maybe They Could Be Friends
148 What A Heartless Man
147 I'm Doomed!
146 News And Chill?
145 Stop Being Nice To Me!!
144 Obviously You Are Not A Space Master
143 What Do You Know About My Mother?
142 Because I Do Love Him
141 Emma's Frustration
140 Emma's Suspicion
139 This Is Too Easy
138 Ant And Elephan
137 Xion Became Very Confused
136 Time Master Is Useless
135 Studying: Day 1
134 Emma's Personal Assistant 2
133 Emma's Personal Assistant 1
132 I Only Need Sex
131 I Like Strong Women
130 Why Xion Hates Politics
129 There Is Still Hope
128 We Are In The Coralia Intergalactic Spaceship.
127 This Is Not A Dream
126 I Admit Defea
125 If You Want To Fight, Get Out!!!
124 She Hates Him For Being Heartless
123 I Am Not Heartless
122 What Can A Trained Telemancer Do?
121 Emma's Heartbreaking Decision
120 Do You Have Proof That My Father Is Alive?
119 Interrogating The Prince
117 Meeting Therius And Xion
116 Are You Dressing Up??
115 Therius' Dilemma
114 I Want To Talk To The Crown Prince
113 I Will Allow You To Read My Mind
112 If I Don't Want To Go Home, What Will You Do?
111 Emma Went Investigating
110 What A Nigh
109 The Blue Topaz Ring
108 He Had No Place In Akkadia
107 The Unexpected Guests
106 Haoran Lee From Lee Industries
105 Do You Have Another Boyfriend?
104 The Prom
103 We Need To Find New Clothes From Earth
102 Back To School
101 Allan Felt Defeated
100 Two Become One R-18
99 The Relaxing Bath R-18
98 Do You Want To Take A Bath Together?
97 The Wedding
96 The Night Before The Wedding
95 It's A Surprise
94 Such Warm Day In Spring
93 Bedazzled
92 A Place Fit For A Princess
91 I-I Want You...
90 Haoran's Decision
89 I Will Take You Home And Make You Happy...
88 The Message
87 Emma's Decision
86 The Pas
85 Important Announcemen
84 Ah.. How Adorable!
83 The Ship
82 They Called Her AWA
81 The Six Empty Chairs
80 The SpaceLab Annual Presentation
79 The Prince And The Hermi
78 Author's Shameless Promotion
77 Therius & Xion
76 Speed Of Ligh
75 The Time Has Come
74 Pretending Is Exhausting
73 Haoran's Blunt Words
72 My Standards Are Too High
71 Mary's Suspicion
70 The Commotion In School
69 I Already Have A Boyfriend
68 You Can Read My Mind
67 Mind Control Telemancy
66 Dinner Invitation
65 Professor, I Need Your Help
64 Professor Ren Hanenberg
63 Cybersecurity Conference
62 Breakfas
61 For A Moment, Time Finally Stopped
60 Haoran's Birthday 5
59 Haoran's Birthday 4
58 Haoran's Birthday 3
57 Haoran's Birthday 2
56 Haoran's Birthday 1
55 Making Plans
54 9V1HE - Haoran Emma
53 Boyfriend?
52 I Will Make More Tea
51 Stargazing 5
50 Stargazing 4
49 Stargazing 3
48 Stargazing 2
47 Stargazing 1
46 Birthday Plans
45 What An Interesting Girl
44 It's None Of Your Business
43 24 Sunsets
42 Living Like A Lee 2
41 Living Like A Lee 1
40 Learn To Wait And Be Patient Like Haoran
39 Just A Friend?
38 Surprising Developmen
37 Don't Be Too Serious, Emma
36 Graves And Death
35 Plan A, B, and C
34 Moon Bounce
33 Please, Don't Be Sad
32 The Pyromancer
31 The Princess That Was Promised
30 In The Eiffel Tower
29 You Have Really Thought That Far?
28 Can You... Also Control Lightning?
27 She Could Rob A Bank
26 The Painting
25 The Story of Marie Antoinette
24 You're Too Young
23 Ibukun Valley
22 The Abundant Harves
21 Orange Tree The Herbomancer
20 Please, Don't Leave Me...
19 Electromancer & Herbomancer
18 Happy Birthday, Stardust.
17 Haoran's Plan
16 Please?
15 Haoran's 'Room'
14 Sleepwalking
13 Who Am I?
12 Haoran Wants A Reward
11 Preparing For The Exam
10 Are You A Girl Or Not?
9 New Friends
8 Deep Longing
7 The Boys
6 Emma's Five Students
5 Max
4 I Need 2000 Dollars
3 School Trip To Paris??
-1 Princess Arreya & General Kaoshin Stardust 2
1 Cocaine, Not Heroin
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