Dark Star Survivor 78 Corruption

Dark Star Survivor 78 Corruption

In the aftermath of the explosion, Zoey found herself running towards where Athena had been standing, hoping that her friend was OK. She did not know if the Alpha Gnoll's detonation was due to something Athena had done, or if it was a last-ditch-effort to harm Athena.

However, Zoey's concerns were alleviated when she saw the still standing form of Athena through the smoke and haze that the explosion had thrown up.

"Athena! Are you OK?" Zoey called out as she approached.

"I'm good hun, just... I think I may have stood too close to this one." Athena replied with exasperation coloring her voice.

A moment later Zoey realized what she meant. Athena was splattered from head to foot with blood and parts of the Alpha Gnoll that had been scattered in the explosion. Since she had been the closest to the event, she had not been spared from the aftermath.

Zoey grimaced as she handed Athena a towel from her inventory. It didn't just look bad, it smelled bad too. What was left of the Gnoll corpse was a steaming pile of flesh and bone that in no way resembled its original form.

"Did you do something to make it blow up?" Zoey asked Athena. "All I saw was you stabbing it with your spear after I shot it."

Athena wiped her face clean before responding, "Yeah, that was me. My spear has an ability that causes a reaction when it encounters a corrupt essence stone. This time though, the reaction was more than I expected."

Zoey was a little confused by what Athena had said. "Wait, what is a corrupt essence stone?" she asked while handing Athena another towel.

"I'll answer that."

The two of them were startled by a low, melodic voice that suddenly came from behind them. They both spun around wondering how someone got so close without being noticed, and found themselves face to face with a person that they both recognized instantly.

Short, raven black hair and rose colored, almond shaped eyes, and wrapped in a silky black cloak that seemed to bend the light around it, Sethrii herself was standing there barely two meters away. Zoey and Athena both had similar reactions as they realized who it was. Their expressions showed shock, surprise, then curiosity as Sethrii approached.

"You may have plenty experience with these corrupted creatures Athena, but this is likely the first that Zoey has seen, is it not?" Sethrii asked as she walked over to inspect the Alpha Gnoll corpse.

Zoey nodded in answer. She had never even heard of whatever a corrupted creature was.

Sethrii continued, "This corruption occurs when a creature or person of sufficient strength gets infected by a corrupt essence trace. These corrupt essence traces are exceedingly difficult to track down. The only thing we can do is try and destroy them when they show up. When one of these corrupt essence traces infects a suitable host, it will completely take over the mind and body, increasing the strength of the host by several-fold and beginning a transformation that cannot be stopped without killing the host.

Read The Original Here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/12925715505004905/Dark-Star-Survivor

We have yet to see what the finished transformation is capable of because none of the infected we have found have lived long enough to completely transform. It takes a large amount of life force for the transformation to complete, and we are usually able to respond in time to prevent these corrupt creatures from getting enough of it to complete the transformation."

Athena nodded in confirmation as Zoey looked at her questioningly. According to this information, this was some kind of ongoing conflict that Athena and Sethrii had long been a part of.

"So these corrupted things have been showing up randomly and you have been trying to stop them and figure out who is causing it?" Zoey asked.

Sethrii answered her question with a nod as she lifted her hand and extracted an essence stone from the Alpha Gnoll's corpse. The stone was cracked, but Zoey could see a strange corrupted growth growing from the cracks on the stone's surface. Sethrii encased the essence stone in a prism of pure energy and stored it away, then turned back to Athena and Zoey.

"I originally found Athena when she was attacked by one of these corrupted creatures, and by some twist of fate, you two managed to meet each other and actually kill one of them. Ever since these creatures started appearing here on Darren I have been investigating their origin. Athena asked if she could help me when I saved her, and she has been acting as my Arbiter to hunt them ever since."

Athena nodded with a cheerful grin at Zoey, confirming the story.

"So what now? Do you know where the next one will appear?" Zoey wondered aloud.

"No," replied Sethrii. "But they do have a habit of showing up anywhere there is a person that is connected to a deity of this universe," Sethrii said as she pointed at Zoey's left arm where her tattoo was. "Since the two of you are linked to me, you will likely attract this corruption or whatever it is more often."

Sethrii turned thoughtful for a moment, then she looked at Zoey said, "I never intended to involve you in this since you are a new arrival in this universe, but how would you like to work with Athena and me to hunt these creatures? In return I can officially recognize you as one of my Arbiters."

Zoey was surprised at the offer. She was not sure about it though...

"I have a few questions before I can agree with that," She said apologetically.

Sethrii simply nodded and motioned for her to ask away.

Seeing the go-ahead, Zoey laid out her concerns. "First, these corrupted creatures. Why are you hunting them? I do realize that they don't seem like a good thing, but I don't know why. Second, what exactly is an Arbiter and what does it entail?"

Surprisingly, it was Athena who stepped up to answer her questions. "To answer your first question hun, right now we are in a dungeon, so the damage a corrupt creature can do is not apparent. If we had encountered this thing outside? there would be an entire area around us sucked completely dry of all life. This happens anywhere these things show up, and nothing grows there for years after. If they are left to their own devices, they spread the corruption around everywhere they go. The worst thing is they get stronger the more corruption they spread. The Alpha Gnoll was about as strong as a Rank 7 veteran warrior in their prime would be. If we fought it outside the dungeon, it would have been even stronger."

Athena paused to see if Zoey was still following, then continued. "Second, the Arbiters act as connections for the gods to the world we live in. Without the Arbiters, Sethrii would have to expend a tremendous amount of energy to monitor what is happening on Darren, so we act as her eyes and ears on the ground. Also we have access to Sethrii's power which is extremely effective on the corrupted. That's the ability I used on my spear to kill the Gnoll. Plus, it makes it easier for her to protect us if we end up in a bad situation."

After Athena finished, Sethrii nodded to confirm, and then they waited as Zoey thought about what they had said. In the end, Zoey decided to accept Sethrii's offer. She was already connected to Sethrii in a way after all, and becoming an Arbiter was not a bad deal for her. If she would continue to run into these corrupted creatures in the future, she would need every edge she could get.

She looked up and met the eager eyes of Athena, who was clearly hoping Zoey would take the offer, then to Sethrii, who's rose colored eyes showed approval.

After a moment, Zoey spoke. "I agree. I will be one of your Arbiters." She said with her voice filled with purpose.

Zoey was immediately grabbed by an exited Athena in a big hug that swept her off her feet. She couldn't help but smile at Athena's happy excitement. She was clearly happy that Zoey had agreed to join their group. Sethrii on the other hand just waited patiently until they separated and calmed down a little before she continued.

"Let me see your hand Zoey."

Zoey rolled up her left sleeve and presented her arm to Sethrii as asked, presumably for the process of becoming an arbiter. She couldn't deny she was a little excited about it. Sethrii lightly laid her fingers onto Zoey's tattoo and closed her eyes. A moment later Zoey felt a warm magical energy flowing into her body. Zoey also closed her eyes as this took place, letting the process complete its work.

When the Sethrii's magical energy reached Zoey's inner world and gently dripped into her essence lake for the first time, Sethrii's eyes flew open in astonishment. Shock and surprise was clear on her face, and Athena was the only one to see it as Zoey was still in a trance from the process. Athena was alarmed when she noticed Sethrii's expression, but after Sethii collected herself and quietly assured her that everything was OK, she calmed down. Only Sethrii knew what had given her that shock, and for now, the goddess of the Exta universe would keep that to herself.

Maybe one day soon, she would get to see something amazing bloom from this young flower called Zoey.

Chapter end

243 Infirmary
242 Remembrance in the Sky
241 From Inside the Storm
240 Back on Board
239 Tested by Chaos
238 Primordial Chaos
237 Leader's Return
236 Machine Manifesto
235 Alternative Function
234 Futile Running
233 Defection
232 Battle of Titans
231 Sorrow and Loss
230 Display of Power
229 Salvation
228 Embracing the End
227 Call of the Dead
226 Facing the Storm
225 Sacrifice
224 Seeking Solutions
223 Limited Options
222 Fist of Urgency
221 Machine Vs. Engineer
220 From Fear to Purpose
219 The Noble's Irony
218 Doubting the General
217 The Plan to Silence the City
216 Volaia's Fate
215 Athena's Journey
214 Goals
213 City of Sunset Storms
212 Falling Flames
211 Falling Shadows
210 Connected Origins
209 Machines of Confusion
208 Siren's Fall
207 The Machines
206 Cacophonous Song
205 Sky City of Mystery
204 Zoey's Turmoil
203 Stalking Prey
202 Voice of a Friend
201 Signals
200 A Noble End
199 Struggle for Survival
198 Transforming Desperation
197 Leviathan
196 Depth Pressure
195 Truth of the Pas
194 Altered Memories
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
191 Volcanic Volaia
190 Zoey's Friends
189 Encounter with the Stranger
188 Zoey's Conviction
187 Reflections of a Foe
186 Memoirs of a Dead Homeworld
185 Zoey's Remembrance
184 An Asurai With Purpose
183 Saigo's Retaliation
182 Azure Flames
181 Taigen's Doub
180 The General, The Shark, The Siren
179 The Ant, The Titan, The Survivor
178 The Little Guardian's Purpose
177 Unlikely Cooperation
176 Ancient Industry
175 Iron Bones
174 Toll of the Bells
173 Inside the Storm
172 Driven To Fury
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
162 Old Enemies
161 Flight of Duality
160 Little Guardian
159 Mystery of the Shard
158 The Dungeon Core
157 Eve, Mother of Knowledge
156 Migration to Deck 2
155 The Alchemist's Journal
154 A Good Dream
153 Closing the Dungeon
152 Fate of the Universe
151 Depths of the Dungeon
150 Battle Finale
149 Drawing Blood
148 Orchestra of Horror
147 Locating the Source
146 Descent into Fog
145 Descent into Fog
144 Life In Fligh
143 Thrusters Engaged
142 Loaded Up
141 Into the Wasteland
140 One Small Step
139 Naomi's Guiding Hand
138 Remembering
137 Will to Live
136 Rain in the Nigh
135 Zoey's Promise
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
132 All Impending Doom
131 Bird of Illest Omen
129 Old Acquaintances
128 Finding Purpose
127 A Moment of Res
126 A Mother's Farewell
125 Precognition
124 Signs of Filth
123 Dance of Pain and Death
122 Anchors Aweigh
121 Artificial Copilo
120 Captain on the Bridge
119 A Ship's Hear
118 Bring Me the Sky
117 The Arbiter's Fis
116 The Scion's Anger
115 Scion of the Sun God
114 Zoey's Choice
113 Ignorance is Bliss
112 Hidden Battle
Chapter 111
110 The Beast Tide
109 Empty Eyes
108 Self Realization
107 Swarm
106 Downfall of the Asurai
105 The Grey Sky of Brumau
104 Approaching Brumau
103 Complacency
102 Eastward on the Wind
101 Seven Oh Four
100 Premonitions and Enmity
99 The Arbiter's Mark
98 Request from a Goddess
97 Speak Softly
96 Pursui
95 Sails Underway
94 Small, but Heavy
93 Not The Only One
92 Exodus Preparation
91 Future Plans
90 Sixty Years Ago
89 Reunion
88 Sails in the Nigh
87 Emergent Firepower
86 Character Through Comba
85 New Heights
84 Inverse Summi
83 Descending
82 Setting Goals
81 The Older Brother
80 Inner Change
79 Back to Sand Pi
78 Corruption
77 Opportunis
76 Gnoll Tenacity
75 Trus
74 Tricked Ou
73 Dark Falling Star
72 The Amber Cage
71 Shine Bright, Dark Star
70 Humming Along
69 Catching a Ride
68 Creepy Crawlies
67 Squabbles
66 Doris
65 Distant Desperation
64 The Cube
63 Savannah
62 All Inked Up
61 Determination
60 Close Encounter
59 Chance Encounter
58 Scent of Pine
57 Into Darkness
56 On the Edge
55 Here Comes the Boom
54 A Light in the Dark
53 The Coming Storm
52 Cohesion
51 Viridi
50 Connections Through Blood
49 Growth
48 Life in the Underground
47 40 Versus 1
46 Shadows in the Caves
45 Repercussions
44 The Beating of a Hear
43 Engineering and Vengeance
42 On the Edge
41 Scrap Metal
40 Friends on the Hun
39 New Additions
38 A Gift From the Mad Smith
37 Nito the Grea
36 Out of the Dungeon
35 The Final Trial Part 2
34 The Final Trial Part 1
33 Trial Complete
32 Rewarded
31 The First Trial
30 Secrets of the Exile Frontier
29 Modifications
28 Perspective
27 Ascension
26 Essence Stone
Chapter 25
24 The Hun
Chapter 23
22 Heritage
21 Nito
20 Across the Rooftops Part 2
Chapter 19
18 Cornered Silver
Chapter 17
16 The City of Colten
Chapter 15
14 Encounter
13 Equipped
12 Rules of Magic
Chapter 11
10 Unexpected
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
7 Arrival
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
4 Evolution
3 Quietly into the Nigh
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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