Become Marvel Daisy Johnson Chapter 60

Become Marvel Daisy Johnson Chapter 60

Daisy's toy should be kept secret temporarily, in preparation for surprising others in the future. About to spend half a day in the warehouse, Daisy's ability to control her abilities has improved to a higher level. At this time, she no longer needs to borrow other external props to make the iron material form the initial rough shape according to her wishes. .

In the changing room of the warehouse, I put on my own oil rubbing vest, steel-embedded safety shoes, loose oil-absorbing pants, clean work gloves, a gun drill for **** screws, and an impact drill for drilling holes. In front of the large mold, the body part of the toy is already 70% complete! You can already see the appearance of the final form.

He nodded pleasingly, quite satisfied. Ask, what is the purpose of making this toy? That's my bad taste. It is very troublesome to build this thing by myself. I thought of the project when I was majoring in the electrical engineering department at the university, but because the project was not only cumbersome but also a huge workload, I made a semi-finished design and piled it aside. The main purpose of completing this toy at this time is to forge his own abilities and enhance his ability to precisely control the amplitude. To be honest, it now looks like this toy has no commercial value and cannot be mass-produced. Maybe the military will make trouble for itself after it is announced, but Daisy thinks that they should not be interested in such a thing.

Uh...you think about the value of everything, isn't it philistine and mediocre to be a human being. Life is alive, you should do it, you should not do it. Among them, the choice is from the heart.

Shaking my head, throwing away my wandering thoughts, I started the journey of self-forging.

Ever since the photo of "the domineering president embraced me" was circulated on the Internet, many things began to change silently. Discussions and quarrels, accusations and insults are not counted here. For Daisy, the biggest impact of this matter is that the Parker couple approached her...

The photo incident allowed them to confirm that Daisy returned to Emma's side, and also confirmed that Daisy was safe. Since Daisy announced her identity as a SHIELD agent to Mr. Parker, the two of them have been worried about her for a long time. After that, I often kept in touch with Daisy by phone, but during the period of Daisy's death, it seemed that Daisy didn't participate in such important things as the release of mobile phones in the new field by Gaochao Studio, and the phone couldn't get through. It broke the Parker couple. Daisy who came back called them to report that she was safe, but they were still worried. The Parkers and Daisy haven't seen each other for a long time, so they took this opportunity to find Daisy in the high tide studio.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time for the Parker couple to come to this high tide studio where Daisy and Emma are jointly in charge of the president. Earlier, the Parker couple visited the Rising Tide office building, which had just taken shape in the early days. At this time, Rising Tide Studio is located in the bustling area of ​​downtown Boston, facing north and south, and the north and south are transparent! Rising Tide Studios took over the best five-story office building in the area. In terms of scale, it can't be compared with other military and physical bosses, but the freehand decoration, relaxed working atmosphere, and layout design that relieves stress all make Chaochao Studio refreshing in the eyes of others.

On the afternoon before Christmas Eve, Daisy was sitting in front of Parker and his wife. The little Parker next to him became more and more naughty with age, and Lego toys in his hands were flying all over the sky. The four of them were in the coffee shop downstairs of Rising Tide Studio, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

"Your Coffee" The waiter came and broke the ice. Since someone was dismissed, there are still vacancies, and no new recruits have been recruited yet. The employee who came to hand the coffee is an old employee. He knows his boss well. Before leaving, he looked at the four of them curiously.

The Parkers and Daisy lifted the cup at the same time and took a small sip. Mom Parker took the lead to break the situation.

"Little Daisy, you've grown thinner." Ever since Parker's father entered Osborne's board of directors, Parker's mother has dressed more and more like a lady?

"Girls, it's better to be thinner..." Daisy responded in a sarcastic manner, the content was not nutritious.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on Parker's father's glasses, reflecting warm colors. At this time, Daisy realized that Papa Parker actually looked very similar to the original Spider-Man. He slightly arched his nose and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Is life going well? Daisy?" Papa Parker asked casually, holding up a delicate coffee cup.

"It's not bad, I go to Chinatown every day." The subordinates continued to make small moves, Daisy found her biological parents, and the relationship with her adoptive parents became very delicate. At this time, the Parkers couldn't feel it, but Daisy was affected by this atmosphere. Talking about the biological parents will make this meeting very strange, but it will have to be said sooner or later.

"We only confirmed that you are here after seeing this photo. You look very tired, little Daisy" Parker's mother took out the photo of Emma's domineering president.


At that time, there were 10,000 mud horses in Daisy's heart, this posture was too much for her, right???????

No, Emma must understand who is the one above!

"You and Miss Emma won't really be like the rumors on the Internet..." Mother Parker continued to ask

"It's just...it's not!" The furious Daisy immediately denied it, and then blushed with a resentful expression, which made Parker's mother, who is also a woman, see the clue.

"Whatever, Richard and I have discussed it carefully, and your father and I can accept this situation." Parker's mother stared at Daisy with a smile, and took a sip of the coffee cup with both hands.

What the hell, what are you two talking about on weekdays!

"A while ago, were you busy? Why didn't you even attend the mobile phone conference?"

Some time ago... Tell Parker's parents about the terrorist attack in the Middle East Air Force Department, the Terrigen crystal mutation incident, or the search for biological parents incident...

The latter seems to be more gentle.

It's not that Daisy is too straightforward to tell lies in front of the Parker couple, it's just that lying to someone she cares about is too cruel. Unless it's unavoidable, or lies out of good intentions, even if it's just the biological mother Jiaying who just met, Daisy will know everything and answer every question.

"Actually..." Just as he was about to say it, Little Parker pushed Daisy's arm, holding two sets of Lego blocks, and asked Daisy's sister for help.

"Sister, help," Little Parker said in a childish voice, with round and cute little eyes.

Daisy took the blocks and helped her younger brother play with the blocks. Little Parker wanted to make a pistol mold. The gun body and the gun handle were completed separately, but the two modules were separated and could not be assembled.

This Daisy is good at it. She looked at the overall structure for a while, and then looked at the pile of Lego blocks in her brother's backpack.

"Let you see what a miracle is." He dismantled some of the building blocks and fixed the reaction chain device on the gun body, so that the pistol model can move the gun body when the trigger is pulled, and the details of the gun are detailed.

The Parker couple looked at Daisy's movements with great interest, and Daisy who was concentrating on it looked so cute at this time.

Daisy disassembled the gun body, and assembled the barrel part and the shell part respectively. Then put it together, it looks very similar to a real gun. Little Parker clapped his hands aside, but Daisy, who was playing with her hand, didn't feel close. The gun handle was dismantled, hollowed out, and a clip model was made, which can be completely fitted with the hollowed out gun handle, or can be pressed and disassembled. After completing these, Daisy felt that it was almost done.

This LEGO toy already has the action of closing the clip, loading the pistol, and pulling the trigger.

Officially playing handsome in front of little Parker, the little brother was stunned at the time. I couldn't put it down and took the pistol transformed by Daisy. The real texture of the pistol and the realistic model function made Parker very happy. He ran out with the Lego pistol to show off.

The Lego pistol assembled by Daisy also has the function of holding a rubber band, which means that this pistol also has a shooting function, but my little brother is about to be in the stage of a child, so I didn't show him this function for the sake of peace in the world. (Search av488.885.27 at station b to find the complete Lego pistol assembly process)

"Amazing, Daisy, how did you do it?" The toy also surprised the Parker couple.

"Not worth mentioning" Daisy shrugged, holding a cup of coffee and looking at the snow outside the window. The snow is falling, and the winter solstice has arrived. The vegetation was covered with thick snow blankets, and some trees were bent down under the pressure. Seeing this situation, Daisy pulled up the clothes on her body. whispered

"I found my biological parents"

"What?" Daisy said so softly that the Parkers couldn't hear what Daisy was saying. He didn't dare to confirm what he vaguely heard.

"Actually." Daisy turned her face, looked at Parker's parents, and mustered up her courage, "I found my biological parents some time ago."

"Really?" Parker's father was moved when he heard the news. Parker's mother immediately got up and came to Daisy, put her arms around Daisy, and put her cheek against her cheek. "Oh, my lucky Daisy. Congratulations on finding own biological parents."

"Who are they? Where are they?" Papa Parker was relieved and laughed.

It seems that the Parkers don't dislike their biological parents, which makes Daisy feel good.

"It's always easy for S.H.I.E.L.D. to find someone."

"Then you can ask them to meet up together, have a meal, or taste the food you cook, they will be surprised."

"Forget it, the meals made by my biological mother are not comparable to me. I have already tasted the lunch made by her, and I can eat that meal for half an hour." Daisy was extremely happy, but

"Richard, Mary. Don't you mind?" The Parker couple looked at each other, and Parker's mother rubbed Daisy's hair.

"If you are happy, it's fine. When you were young, you were often unhappy and fought a lot. Now that you have found your biological parents, Richard and I want you to be happy and do happy things. When you were young, you didn't play with toys. At that time I'm so worried about your dad and me, mua" said Parker's mother and kissed Daisy's forehead.

"Mom~" Double parents, double happiness! Daisy hugged Parker's mother limply, looking quite like a little girl.

"How about your biological parents? Are they easy to get along with?"

"Father is a doctor. He met his mother at a flower planter. My mother is a simple rural woman who cooks delicious food. I... went there. My biological mother looks very similar to me. We looked at each other , we both froze and recognized each other"

"Oh, that must have been a touching scene."

The Parker couple talked a lot about Daisy's biological parents. Little Parker came back with a Lego pistol, sat next to Parker's father, put down the gun, rolled his eyes, looked at his sister and at his parents. The three chatted for a while about their Christmas arrangements.

"Show us around your high tide studio, how about Daisy?" Papa Parker suggested after a while.

"Of course! But let me show you what I've been busy with recently." After saying that, the four of them put on their coats and went out. The feet creaked and creaked on the snow, and the three of them chatted for a while on the road. Little Parker even asked Daisy about the mechanism, but because of his young age, even if Daisy told him in a short time, he would understand no.

If you don't understand, you still have to pretend to understand!

The little head in the scarf nodded vigorously, and asked the little guy but couldn't answer, Daisy laughed to death.

"My goodness…"

"My goodness…"

"My sister..."

When the three saw Daisy's busy toy during this time, they couldn't help sighing.

"Are you busy with this during this period of time? You have to pay attention to safety," Parker's father said again and again.

"Don't worry, safety issues have never been an obvious thing on the table, I have always paid attention to it." Daisy didn't care what she said, she got close to the toy, rubbed the paint on the body, and used the heat generated by superpowers Baked paint, it worked out just fine...

"Is this the latest big move of Rising Tide Studio? This... this toy?" Parker's mother asked, and Daisy felt that she had become a little gossip.

"Of course not, this is just a toy I made in my spare time, how about it, awesome, hehehe" (o﹃o?)

"Sister is amazing! Can you give me this toy?" Little Parker's eyes were full of little stars, and his hand on the Lego pistol relaxed.

Daisy thought for a while, "Theoretically, it's okay." She leaned over and poked Little Parker's cute dumb face

"But you are too young now, such a toy can easily hurt you. When you grow up, my sister will give you another one."

The warehouse is empty, but it is quite dirty by Daisy. Although she has kept the place clean, but there are too many parts, it can't be controlled so much.

A group of people came out of the warehouse and walked towards the office building of Chaochao Studio. Occasionally, a snowplow truck would pass by on the road, and the four of them hid aside and waited for the snowplow truck to pass by.

"So, Mr. Parker. What is the reason for you to spend Christmas away from home and come to my place? Is my turkey better?" While waiting for the snowplow to pass, Daisy asked.

Mr. Richard Parker with his hands in his pockets became a little unnatural. "We all understand your cooking skills, I feel relieved to leave the turkey to you."

"It's okay, I almost ordered the turkey dinner in 2004..." Daisy sighed. Although Little Parker was young, he obviously had a deep memory of that dinner, and he winked at Daisy. Eyes, Miss Daisy patted his little head lightly, he felt the pain and stuck out his tongue.

He led the family around the company, and it was the holiday time, so there were very few people in the company.

Parker's father watched the "League of Legends" department with special attention. Ice Frog is not well-known in the game circle, but Parker's father, who is also a game lover, recognized this young and promising Mr. Ice Frog according to past reports. Greeting friendly, Yangdao on the side also introduced himself shyly. He gave Daisy's father a detailed introduction to the future trend of the game, and introduced how President Johnson created and perfected the game in the early days. Parker's father realized at this time that he confiscated the computer and interrupted Daisy's high school exam. The development progress of this game. Ice Frog Yangdao laughed out loud after hearing this.

Finally, Daisy led the family to the president's office and invited the parents to sit down.

Emma is gone, and I can be lawless in her office again!

"Then you can stay in Boston for a few days. There is nothing interesting in other places when it snows. You can go shopping in Boston Common. It should be very beautiful when it snows." Daisy handed the water glass to Parker's mother.

The offices of capitalists are spacious, and Emma's is no exception. It happened to be less crowded at this time. Sitting on the sofa with the heating and air-conditioning turned on, watching the snow fall outside the window, and chatting with the parents, it was very elegant.

Parents are here, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing urgent to do, and decided not to go to S.H.I.E.L.D. at night, Daisy sent a message to Sharon, telling her not to come to pick her up at night. Together with the Parker couple, go to the star hotel where they are staying and chat about the arrangements for Christmas tomorrow night. Parker's mother wanted to take a shower first, Daisy and Parker's father watched her into the bathroom, little Parker hadn't finished his homework, after Parker's father's intimidation, he obediently put down the Lego pistol in his hand, and went back to the house to do his homework.

At this time, there were only Papa Parker and Daisy left in the living room. Papa Parker wanted to say something more, but Daisy spoke first.

"What happened to the Osborne Group? What happened?"

Inside the Osborne Building, the police rushed to the scene. The floor where the accident happened was extremely chaotic, broken glass fell all over the floor, tables and chairs were crooked, and they felt a huge impact and they fell to one side. Some tables and chairs at close range could not withstand the huge impact and became fragmented. The lights flickered, and there was not a single light tube. The wall was impacted and somewhat twisted and deformed.

"Mary Falk, it feels like a nuclear explosion here, George, did you find anything in the surveillance?" The old police chief took a flashlight to take pictures of the ruins here, and the somewhat steady police officer George huddled in front of the computer and kept going. Fast forward, still can't find any useful clues.

George, who had been looking for him for a long time, spread his hands. The old sheriff approached and said comfortingly, "Be patient, young man, you don't deserve to take over my shift."

"The monitoring was tampered with. It happened around 7 o'clock in the evening, and the monitoring showed that the place was intact until 9 o'clock. Heh," George laughed himself.

The old sheriff nodded, "Maybe it was an experiment conducted by the Osborne Group itself. If something goes wrong, I am afraid that people will find out, so I modified the monitoring. You go over there to see if there is no problem, then lead your men to collect it." team."

"Yes, sir!"

Chief George took out the flashlight on his waist and carefully checked the surroundings. There was a strange smell in the air, which made him take out a handkerchief and cover his nose. I didn't find anything strange at the end of a road, so I got up and walked back. As soon as he turned around, his face bumped into something, and George hurriedly touched his face with his hands.

"What the hell?"

After fidgeting, Officer George then walked towards the exit.

"Have you discovered anything new?"

"No, sir"

"Close the team!"

Such a big company often has such and such moths, and the old sheriff is no stranger to it. A few years ago, the explosion of an offshore oil collection well in the Roxon Group was also due to their own messy experiments. Big companies would spend money to smooth out the incident, so Police Officer George would not take such a large group explosion to heart.

"There are problems within the Osborne Group. Osborne has become very radical recently. I, a new member of the board of directors, has been caught between two forces. I have a headache about these problems, so I come to you." Parker The gentleman spoke very softly, and then said, "The Osborne Group suffered several major defeats, and there was a desire within the group to focus on the video game field, so this time I came to Rising Tide Studio, I came with the task of the board of directors , you don't blame me, do you?"

"Naturally, this is a good thing. Rising Tide Studio is a little-known small company. The upper-level financing is too difficult for our studio to choose. If there is a large group like Osborne as the leader, our capital It will be more comfortable, Dad, you know, the people at the top are always so short-sighted, without a big company as an example, it is difficult for their capital flow to tilt towards the game sector."

Daisy focused on the conflicts within the Osborn Group. Now that she knew something was going to happen, she could ask the S.H.I.E.L.D. staff to keep an eye on the Osborn Group to see what was going on within their group.

Although Osborn has not conducted a complete investigation of his entry into the game industry, Daisy feels that his own Rising Tide Studio should not be the first to be hit. Three minutes of silence for Blizzard...

Because first of all, if Osborn wants to enter the game industry, he will at least acquire a game manufacturer first, so that he will be guaranteed in the game field, and secondly, he can slowly accumulate his own game production experience. The chances of the Osborne Group acquiring Rising Tide Studios are very small, not even 50% by visual inspection. Their own game industry is not within their consideration, because Rising Tide is in full swing at this time, and they may not be able to afford the acquisition of Rising Tide. …

So are there any game companies that have relatively made achievements in this field, the current situation is relatively miserable, and the acquisition difficulty is relatively low?

After being acquired, the upper-level company intervenes in the decision-making of the game company, and the consequences of letting people who don't play games and don't understand the game manage the game are...

three minutes of silence

After driving home, Chief George, who had been busy all day, finally breathed a sigh of relief. After sitting on the sofa for a while, he found that the door light of his little princess was still on, and he walked into his daughter's room without taking off his police uniform.

"Daddy, you're back"

"What are you busy with? Isn't my little princess sleepy?"

"Christmas tomorrow, I can't sleep, thinking about what present Santa Claus will give me tomorrow?"

"What gift do you want?"

"A Lego pistol."


"Parker showed off to me, his sister helped him assemble a Lego pistol, and even recorded a video for me, Dad, please watch."

Police officer George took the iPhone from his daughter, and her deskmate Little Parker really took a photo of a very realistic Lego pistol, which can be loaded with a magazine, pulled the bolt, and can complete the shooting action of the pistol. The well-known Police Officer George in New York City was fooled.

Lego can still play like this?

"Maybe tomorrow you will have the same Lego pistol" comforting his daughter

"Go to bed early, maybe you will have one when you wake up." He said and kissed his little daughter. A small thing in the pocket of the police uniform crawled out at this slanted angle.

He quietly closed the door of his daughter's room, walked around the house, and dumped the Lego toys hidden by his daughter on the kitchen table. The tired police officer George rubbed the corners of his eyes, recalling the appearance of the Lego pistol in the video, and then Looking at the crooked Lego blocks in front of me

"My God..."

At two o'clock in the morning, our dedicated Sergeant George has nothing but a bunch of Legos in his hands...

Girl in the room feels itchy neck, scratches it and talks in sleep

"Thank you dad..."

Police officer George, who woke up from the dinner table in the morning, almost went mad at the pile of building blocks. He can quickly assemble a pistol after touching guns every day, but he has nothing to do with the pile of Lego building blocks in front of him. Then I thought about it and came up with a good idea.

"Gugu doesn't drink milk, don't give milk to Gugu. You will die..."

"It's best to give it some fish. If there is no tuna tattoo or salmon, it can also accept cooked fish the next day, but you have to pick out the fish bones... Gu Gu, it still doesn't pick fish. What? No? Chocolate ? Coffee? Are you crazy? Do you want me to collect your body? You must not give these to Googoo!"

"Okay, let me think about what else Gugu eats... Is there any cheese? There must be no salt, it will hurt it... Nothing? Is SHIELD already so poor? Then Whatever you want, corn, cauliflower and carrot, chopped up, you can mix some yogurt with it, Gugu likes yogurt just like me..."

"I have it in the freezer in my office. Go and give it to me. What are you afraid of on the thirteenth floor...Why are you so lazy in the early morning...Don't forget to cool down the yogurt."

"Yesterday, my Parker parents came to see me. Little Parker also came, so he didn't go to S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a special situation. I won't be able to do it today. I'll come back after eating turkey. Oh, hang up, Dad is here You called me over there, hang up first."

A phone call was made from six to eight in the morning. Daisy rubbed her eyes, lifted the quilt, and stretched her arms.

"Ah, I slept so comfortably. Here you go, Dad Parker!" Wearing the hotel's disposable cotton mop, he rushed to the living room outside, and Dad Parker said, "I have your call, Daisy."

"What the hell, what happened to my phone calling your cell phone..."

"You'll know when you pick it up." Papa Parker handed his iPhone to Daisy, and Daisy glanced at the phone number, making sure it was a stranger.

"Crooked, who are you?" Wrapped in the cotton pajamas provided by the star hotel, Daisy was nestled on the sofa and talking on the phone. Parker's father saw that Daisy didn't look like a lady, smiled and went back to eat the breakfast sent by the hotel.

"Hi, I'm Officer George Stacey of the Central New York City Police Department"

"Who?" What does the police station want from me? And tm is the police in New York City...

Daisy muttered...

"Eh..." George on the opposite side did it out of professional habits, and he found it wrong afterwards. On the morning of Christmas, I received a call from the police station. This... isn't it about mahjong.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Miss Daisy. The matter is like this..." Officer George briefly introduced the ins and outs of the matter.

The brilliant way he thought of was to find the creator himself and find out how to make it. The school has an emergency practice method for each student's parents, and it was confirmed yesterday that Little Parker's sister is with Little Parker. If you find Little Parker's parents, don't you find the Lego pistol?

"Oh~" the voice dragged the elder

After hearing what Police Officer George said, Daisy understood the reason for the incident. I really admire Police Officer George Stacey on the other end of the phone. He went around such a big circle just to give his daughter a small handmade toy.

"No problem, Officer George. May I ask, what is your daughter's name?"

"My daughter's name is Gwen, Gwen Stacy. Been at table with little Parker for a long time."

Gwen Stacy? My brother's official match? Easy to say!

"Okay! Officer George, it's all right. Do you have any video equipment over there? I'll video with you and teach you every step of the way!" Daisy, who was still lying on the sofa with Ge You, regained her spirits instantly, got up and walked around two steps.

George, who heard the accurate reply, was very happy, and smiled unconsciously on his face. "I'm sorry, I still have to disturb you at Christmas. I have a laptop here, and I can video with you."

Speaking of George returning to his room, his wife looked at him curiously and went out to prepare dinner for the evening. George opens his notebook

"Emmmm, it seems that the video effect is not very good, uh, is that an iPhone in your hand?" Daisy couldn't bear the blurry picture quality, and it was difficult to distinguish that the iPhone in Officer George's hand was, and asked road.


"Oh, that's great, you can send me your Chaochao Weibo account, and I'll send you an APP, which can be used for video chatting. Just pretend."

Rising tide Weibo? What is that?

app? What is that again!

Police Officer George is a bit confused. He only knows how to make calls and send text messages with his mobile phone on weekdays... Daisy patiently guided Officer George to complete the instruction on the iPhone, and successfully connected to the video.

"Oh my gosh, I feel so much better now. The iPhone is amazing!"

"It's just a test app, it hasn't been officially launched yet. Officer George, let's get started!"

The decoration of the restaurant is simple and simple. The white restaurant tables are covered with square-like white cloths. The waiters in the restaurant successively replace the blood-red roses in the bottles on each table. The silver tableware has a warm and cold reflection.

At noon, Emma came to this five-star restaurant in Manhattan, New York as promised, wearing a small suit, looking for an inviter.

"The steak here is good, Miss Emma. The taste is very similar to the one made by my chef in Constantinople." The woman opposite looks very elegant, and she is also dressed in white, but it is more layered. Compared with Emma's dress, the woman looks more three-dimensional.

"You mean Istanbul?" Emma thought for a while, because Constantinople has been renamed for some centuries...

"No, I'm talking about Constantinople." The woman wiped her lips gracefully, looking at Emma with sharp eyes. It was the first time for Emma to be frightened by such eyes, and she felt a little flustered. My spiritual perception ability didn't let me see through my eyes? The charm still exists? old woman?

"Okay, Ms. Alexandra. Don't talk about Constantinople or Istanbul. I'm starving." As she spoke, Emma concentrated on cutting the steak in her hand, not understanding what the other party was going to talk about Business, but whoever asks first will basically lose.

"Taste slowly, little girl, this taste is hard to find." Alexandra gently swung the red wine glass.

"Yes, this is the way to install it here. Yes, yes, Officer George, you have completed the assembly of the gun handle."

At the other end of the video, George Stacy proudly showed off the handle of the gun in Xiu's hand. The feel of the gun cannot be compared with that of a real gun, but if it is used as a Lego toy, it is too realistic.

"The rest of the parts need to be assembled"

"Oh, Daisy, I feel like I've got the hang of it."

"It's all an illusion, Officer George. The next part will be more complicated, first..." In order to better demonstrate the internal structure of Lego guns to Officer George, Daisy snatched the gun from Little Parker and disassembled it into pieces One piece, for Police Officer George on the other end of the video to see clearly.

Little Parker looked at the departing Daisy with teary eyes, like a salted fish that had lost its dream. Pidianpidian followed Daisy, and found that Daisy was really having a video call with her father at the same table.

"Long time no see, Mr. George. How is Gwen?"

George greeted little Parker enthusiastically, while working on his Lego pistol. Daisy disliked that little Parker was too noisy, and wanted to drive him back to the room. "No, I want to learn, I want to see how my sister assembles Lego pistols"

"Don't make noise, do you hear me!" Daisy threatened, and little Parker nodded repeatedly, his small eyes fluttering, causing Daisy to scratch his little nose.

"You sister and brother are so close." George sighed over there, and then started chatting.

"It is said that you have already worked? Miss Daisy. You are so proficient in mechanical principles, it is not easy compared to work."

"Hmm, I had to go to work today too? Haha, you made a misspelling. The seventh one on the left is not the sixth one." Daisy reminded.

"What? Today is Christmas! Oh, it seems to be true." George on the other end of the phone disassembled the wrong Lego bricks, and then said, "While employing child labor, where can it not abide by the basic overtime law?"

"Oh, is the righteous Police Officer George of New York City coming to help me out?"

"It's just a professional habit, always ask three questions when encountering things"

"Good habit, Officer George. It seems that you are not far from the position of the chief."

"Then I'll take your word for it, Miss Daisy."

Daisy knocked on the table with Lego blocks, thinking about how to euphemistically explain the nature of her work. "Strictly speaking, I'm a government department. The Logistics Bureau."

"What? What logistics bureau? This is the first time I've heard of it in the police station for so many years." George put down the Lego in his hand and really thought about it for a while. Looking for similar agencies in mind, Defense Logistics Agency? Impossible, this little girl, can enter the Defense Logistics Agency at a young age?

Ah, it's actually about the same. Daisy thought so. It's just that the Defense Logistics Agency does not manage as many things as the SHIELD. The SHIELD belongs to the World Security Council, and the Defense Logistics Agency belongs to Eagle Sauce Logistics. Although for some reason, S.H.I.E.L.D. is more of an exclusive department of Eagle Sauce, the two are still different.

"No, why would the Defense Logistics Agency want a kid like me. It's the Logistics Agency."

"Oh..." George narrowed his eyes. The **** the opposite side was either bragging or real. For the sake of Lego pistols, George preferred the latter.

In the afternoon, Officer George finally completed the Lego pistol on the phone. He was playing happily, and the childlike heart in his heart was a little bit burning.

Little Parker lost his patience after lunch and was not with Daisy at this time. Daisy secretly told George how to play with the rubber band. This made George suddenly realize

"No wonder the design of this place is a bit strange, thank you, Miss Daisy."

"You're welcome, Officer George. Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas"

Turning off the video call, Daisy hurriedly lay down on the table

"Ah, I regret agreeing to him, I might be a good-for-nothing Daisy." He whispered in his mouth, at this time the phone rang, and he looked at the content of the text message. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is Sharon, she arrived at the star hotel.

He warmly greeted Parker and his wife, and kept rubbing Little Parker's head. Take out the gift you prepared. It was a tie for Papa Parker. Damn it for Parker, it's a box of lipstick. What was given to Little Parker was a set of exercises.

In Daisy's temporary room, "And you, Daisy. Dala~" Sharon took out a small book as he said.

"What kind of gift is this? I tm have applied for a permanent driver's license a long time ago."

"What are you doing? I brought it back for you from S.H.I.E.L.D. Anyway, you never prepare gifts for other people at Christmas..." Sharon said seriously, this is the dark history of Daisy who just joined S.H.I.E.L.D. Naturally, it was also because she had no chance to go out, so she couldn't prepare a gift.

"Haha, No, this is for you." Daisy took out a small box from her pocket and threw it to Sharon.

"Really?" Sharon excitedly opened the small box, and there was a diamond ring in it. Shocked Sharon's mouth became O-shaped.

"Ah, sorry, I took it wrong, this is yours. This is what I prepared for Emma..."

"..." The disappointed Sharon was speechless, "What, just give me a small watch?"

"??? Katia limited edition for ladies, what do you think of me? Do you know how difficult it is to find a watch that matches you!"

"It's just a watch. By the way, when are you going to give Emma a diamond ring?"

"Wait for her to come back."

That night, five people enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

And in another five days, it will be January 1, 2006.

Daisy's troubled year has officially begun.

"There are still twelve years..." On the morning of January 1st, Daisy murmured to herself in bed.

Chapter end

Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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