Become Marvel Daisy Johnson Chapter 223

Become Marvel Daisy Johnson Chapter 223

When Daisy learned from the S.H.I.E.L.D. files that Stark had become Iron Man, it was already the fourth hour after the incident.

During the period, Wade escorted Stark back to his villa, and helped Stark take off the Mark Mecha with difficulty. Later, on the way to S.H.I.E.L.D., he was blocked by a group of people again. Originally, Stark was already annoyed by Wade to death, but later, based on Wade's heroic performance, he successfully helped him obtain the status of Stark's bodyguard, which was on an equal footing with Happy.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was unable to find out who the mercenaries attacking Stark were, so they dispatched Wade, who had already returned, to be Stark's bodyguard.

Eagle Banner is so free and unrestrained, it is completely impossible to judge where the enemy is based on the weapons used. After all, Eagle Banner is the number one weapon-producing country, and there are countless companies that make a living selling weapons. The funniest thing is that Stark Industries' ammunition has the best quality and powerful firepower. This point was complained more than three times by Wade, who was still with Stark and helped him out.

The systems between the continents are chaotic, the positions are unclear, and the responsibilities of interaction are ambiguous. This puts the FBI in a bind when it comes to tracking down people. If S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to make a difference in this regard, it is hard to compare it to landing on the moon. After investigation by several people, under the deliberate concealment, almost no useful information could be found.

Daisy pushed the trolley and pushed a pile of books to the bookshelf in her office. When passing by Fitz, who was busy in the open space, he greeted him warmly. In the end, Anna, who was concentrating on measuring her level, kicked her because of her desertion.

The dust on the ground lifted up, revealing a small footprint on Fitz's leg. When Fitz and Anna get along these few days, it feels like they have gone back to school and rebuilt themselves, completely thanks to Anna's wisdom. Dissatisfied with Anna, the somewhat mature Fitz returned to his youthful appearance.

After his villa was destroyed, there were still a bunch of intact books left, some of which were Daisy's hard work, and Klein asked Klein to help him collect them. Daisy doesn't care whether it is read by others afterwards. Anyway, on the third floor of the trolley, the book of the dark **** is still lying there quietly. Like other books, she was stuffed into the bookshelf by Daisy as one of the books, used to fill the appearance that Daisy's office should have.

But at this time, Daisy's office has undergone a huge change from her original appearance. Except that behind her desk, she abruptly placed a very huge and simple bookshelf, and she also filled it with books of various colors. The right side of the office and the rooms on the original right side have now been completely opened up. This was originally a load-bearing wall, but Anna insisted on tearing down the wall to expand the experimental site. Daisy had no choice but to tear it down, and made a load-bearing pillar on the original wall. The connection between the two rooms tripled the space of Daisy's originally empty office.

Now Anna is pulling Fitz to work as a coolie, assembling a miniature particle hedge. The matter was relatively confidential, and not too many people knew what happened to Daisy underground. During this period of time, Daisy wanted to deal with the company's affairs, and she basically went upstairs to deal with them. This makes the employees who have not seen Daisy all year round very satisfied.

After Daisy's bookshelf work, she turned her head to look at Fitz's homework, and saw that his electric welding skills were very beautiful. Anna was wearing a blindfold, nodded emotionally, and continued with the next section of work. Daisy said a few words to Anna, but Anna at work was very serious, so serious that she couldn't smile. Daisy said something to Fitz and returned to her office chair. Looking at Anna like this, she didn't tell her about his father or his father for the time being.

Regarding who attacked Stark, Daisy's first reaction was Stan. It was the first time such a thing had happened to him, and the second time was a bit strange but reasonable. But what happened at noon today was really not Stan's doing. There's no evidence pointing to him, and it's not that Stan's been perfect this time around. If S.H.I.E.L.D. possesses substantive evidence, it can directly arrest Obadestein if it is transferred to the Department of Justice. But this matter is neither under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D., nor does S.H.I.E.L.D. have any real evidence. Daisy deduced from the first attack that it was Stan's handwriting. It was because there was indirect evidence leaning towards Stark Industries, and she herself Know the plot.

After thinking about it for a while, Daisy felt that she was meddling again. Iron Man's death is in Daisy's best interest. As long as she didn't kill him herself, Daisy is the biggest vested interest in whoever makes Iron Man die.

From a humanistic point of view, well, Daisy admitted. Even though Stark has made Daisy feel very annoying in the past 10 years, but emotionally speaking, I still don't want to see him die too casually.

Dazed for a while, Daisy shook her head. She evoked the three-dimensional projection on the table, and looked at the battle suit of the goddess of dawn that she had designed in the past.

It turned out that what Anna saw in the secret room of the villa was the final version of the dawn suit designed by Daisy. But judging from the hardness, Daisy's clothes seemed to be unable to withstand the bomb made by Anna, and it was a failure.

It's that set of glittering clothes. Daisy's secondary school focused all her technology points on the luminescence, and her talent point was crooked.

I used to think that to be a superhero, you should just wear casual clothes. But after several battles, the clothes ended up in tatters. Daisy was always very upset. In the latest test, Daisy melted off her clothes again. She wanted to create an outfit that could fully carry her high energy state. At this time, Daisy received an email from Jessica, and she sent over the blueprints she got from Miss Potts.

It's the blueprint for the amusement park designed by old Howard Stark for Tony.

Daisy called Anna, who was still complaining to Fitz.

"Goods to"

Anna was shocked when she heard this, and immediately ran over. Daisy immediately analyzed the drawing into a three-dimensional model, and Anna enthusiastically analyzed the topic Howard Stark left behind. For Anna, it was as simple as reciting pi.

After getting the atomic structure model of the new element, Anna's enthusiasm for calling on Fitz grew even higher. Daisy didn't quite understand why Fitz was willing to be instructed by the kid. The three went out for dinner together, and Monica joined them after returning from injury.

Originally injured in the foot basin, she was recuperated in the garrison army for a period of time, and then was picked up and sent back to the country. It took two days for her to fully recover. Five days ago, because of the doctor's diagnosis, SHIELD's mission did not place her on the reserve team, so she was still free for the time being.

When Fitz saw her, his eyes lit up immediately, and then she was pulled by Anna and Fitz. The four of them spent the night in Daisy's office working on the particle hedge.

Several people worked together until about eight o'clock in the evening, before Anna nodded in satisfaction. It means that the accuracy of this unit is enough.

Fitz and Monica breathed a sigh of relief, and the two gasped in a very inconspicuous manner. After Anna supervised the assembly of the machine, it looked like my business was over for today. Holding the bottle with the suspension in it, I am happily sucking it there. Daisy blinked, looked at the three of them, and started to fiddle with the battle clothes again.

Daisy admits that she has a little difficulty in choosing, and it is difficult for her to draw conclusions about the design of the battle suit, from function to color to style. As for his own abilities and demands, he is more and more designed in the style of Captain Marvel, whose memory is a little fuzzy.

It is red and blue, and there is an unknown hexagram flashing on the chest, and the pattern on the chest also shows a w. The more Daisy looked at this design, the weirder it became, and she always felt that there was a mix-and-match style.

The movement here caught the attention of Fitz and Monica, and then driven by the two, Anna reluctantly came over.

Everyone present knew Daisy's identity, Fitz and Monica couldn't understand Daisy's distress.

"In the Battle of Fame, I took off the clothes I found randomly and put them on. And I was wearing S clothes, no matter how you looked at it, it was very casual. Whether it was the clothes or the title of Goddess of Dawn, now that I think about it, it really is true. Some mentally retarded. I want a new title and a new uniform."

Fitz scratched his head, he understood what Daisy said. But he is good at physics, and has no reference value in clothing and name.

Monica saw the final appearance designed by Daisy, her face was indescribable, and the facial features on her face were almost shrunk together.

Anna waved to Daisy with the bottle, and Daisy reluctantly brewed another bottle for her. Anna hugged happily, and then gave a suggestion.

"Why don't you call Captain Marvel."

"no" x2

Daisy and Monica answered almost in unison. Monica looked at Daisy strangely, and Daisy also looked at Monica strangely, and then Daisy continued the reasons for her objection.

"At first, I was called the Goddess of Dawn because of s's oolong. Now that I want to maintain a good heroic image, I should have my own unique name and a unique battle suit."

Anna complained, "But from the design of your clothes, this is not unique."

Anna raised her hand, Daisy raised her eyebrows, Monica scratched her face, and Fitz looked at the three people's reactions in confusion.

"Why isn't the name Captain Marvel unique?"

Monica said "Of course" casually, then realized that she had lost her composure, and cleared her throat.

Monica glanced at Daisy, thinking that Daisy was Nick Fury's right-hand man, and she was relieved that Daisy knew about Carol.

"Isn't your previous outfit very good?" Anna was referring to Daisy's original finished product in the secret room. Daisy blinked.

"It's good, but unfortunately it's not environmentally friendly."

Anna tilted her head, thinking of the shiny golden clothes, "Ah, yes."

"How about Ms. Marvel"

Fitz was still offering his urgent advice, and Daisy shook her head, even disgusted.

Anna thought of a bunch of names that favored the science department, but was rejected by Daisy.

Monica thought of a bunch of names that favored the mechanical department, but they were rejected.

Just as Fitz was about to speak, he was rejected.

This made the three of them slightly dissatisfied with Daisy, but they still enjoyed it. They felt that, according to Daisy's requirements, it was basically a cool, flamboyant, coquettish, humorous, connotative, catchy name, leader, and close to the people. This Nima is outrageous.

"Why don't you call Spectrum" was the last suggestion Monica gave, and Daisy still shook her head regretfully. For the first time, Anna felt that thinking of a title was more troublesome than building a Gundam.

"Just use your name and it's over, Daisy Johnson, so domineering and worry about it." Anna said decisively, which made Daisy startled. Then Daisy resolutely gave up the part of choosing a name, and began to devote herself to the part of battle clothes.

Designing this thing, there is no best but better. Putting this matter on Stark, he would be hesitant. Even Stark's nano armor from the beginning to the end has a total of 85 sets of evolution. Every update iteration is an exploration and innovation in a certain field. It would be asking for trouble if one set of battle suits were nailed to death at once.

At first, the four of them were chatting in a serious manner, but as Daisy rejected more and more proposals, the interest proposed by the several people became lacking~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then they let themselves go. Several people who were drunk didn't make up their minds, but they had fun.

Fitz and Monica left first, while Daisy and Anna lived in the underground office.

Tonight, for Stark, it was definitely a sleepless night. For the first time, he felt such a huge malice attacking him. Uneasy, he came to the basement and began to modify the Mark armor.

At night, Anna hung on Daisy like a rogue bear, and her little feet rubbed against the soft flesh of Daisy's waist, which made Daisy feel weird.

"Aren't you going to lose weight? It's already almost a ball."

After slapping off Anna's restless feet, Daisy complained naturally.

"I'm only eight years old and you want me to lose weight"

Anna said aggrievedly, her voice was desolate, as if she was wronged, Daisy almost thought she had done something wrong, and then Anna immediately changed her tone and teased, "I don't want to lose weight."

This suddenly extinguished Daisy's poor heart.

"No, starting from tomorrow, you have to lose weight, as fat as a ball, as fat as a house"

The two frolicked under the blanket for a while, and then Anna collapsed in Daisy's arms, giggling.

Since the two were honest, their relationship has been very good, and such things often happen.

After laughing for a while, she said, "Hey, you really don't plan to solve the problem of not sweating?"

Chapter end

Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
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Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
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Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
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Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
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Chapter 6
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Chapter 1
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