Become Marvel Daisy Johnson Chapter 234

Become Marvel Daisy Johnson Chapter 234

New York, nukes, panic.

The subway, the elderly, the mobile phone.

When the incident happened, the innocent woman crawled tightly under the man's bed, the room and her heart trembled violently, panic and despair coexisted. Three minutes ago, everything was fine.

Life is the present, and people yearn for a comfortable and stable life, as well as the stimulation of shallots mixed with tofu.

People who have nothing to do have an empty heart, and they often embark on a series of intense and exciting journeys accompanied by late-night social behaviors. In order to appease this lonely and unbearable emptiness.

Some people can directly see the deeper things hidden behind this inner activity. It is the sense of malaise brought about by the emptiness of the highest spiritual level, and it is the metaphysical pursuit of all kinds of believers. Generally speaking, it is faith.

In the backward period of ancient civilization, under the order of curfew accompanied by the old dynasty, they could pray the purest prayers to the imaginary gods in the lonely night. Pray for all good things to happen, and pray for bad endings and attempts.

The more appeals, the more concrete the gods become. There are many concrete gods, with different species, forms, and responsibilities. Some control life and death, some control wealth, some are worshiped military gods, and some represent ghosts and gods.

The behavior of human beings to their prayers is consistent with their original intentions, but with the development and climbing of civilization, and the broadening of people's understanding of the world, managers have made these pure behaviors no longer pure. With the prevalence of pragmatism, everything becomes utilitarian. When praying to the gods, it becomes more and more directional and practical.

At the same time, with the advancement of human science and technology, people began to disdain theology and sneer at "God". This belief has become more idealistic in the process of historical evolution, and cogito is the truth. In the accumulation of knowledge, humble human beings feel their own insignificance more and more, trying to find a new fulcrum to prove that they can raise everything—human beings are the strongest. Among those who believe in it, many people have struggled and dedicated to it in history, but in modern times they have developed two rather strange branches. One is the "Spaghetti Religion". This strange sect came into being, and it contains an irony to the sect of reality. The other is more intense,

"The moment you jump on your fingertips is my unchanging belief in this life"

Simply from a certain concrete image, from the initial love to fanaticism, to the belief we are talking about today. Daisy said that she doesn't understand the second dimension.

There are only 7 billion parts left. A very small number of people are in awe of the unnamed god.

After a long history, there are only very few pure prayer people in the world. There are very few people who believe in religion, and even fewer people who simply and purely pray. They are not within the scope of this base number, and they are less than one ten-millionth of the population of religious fanatics.

These purest prayers no longer adhere to the gods believed by mainstream or non-mainstream sects such as [Christ], [***], [Buddha], etc. They only do the purest prayers. Like the ancient sages, there is no absolutely clear goal, and I pray for the benignity of everything. They firmly believe that there is a higher-dimensional power above human beings that affects everything, and they are eager to get a response. There once was a promising young man named Saron who did something similar.

There are a few extremes, and not many pure ones. 99.9999% of the self-considered higher organisms are still unknown people, the kind of [passengers] who are annihilated into molecular quarks with the destruction of the universe, but cannot prove their existence at any point in time.

I muddle through in a hurry, but I think I am superior, but I have lost myself in the luxurious world.

Apparently, such people often indulge in looking for excitement as a matter of course for personal freedom, and they also practice [predation] in the name of freedom.

Looking at all this with rational common sense, there is no escape from biological instincts. Beast first, always predation.

This is Eagle Flag Dream, the illusory [Western World], where knives and coins encourage crime and vanity. Vanity has built up a nihilistic Beijing view, which looks like flowers at first glance, but in fact it is white with white bones.

But people have a relatively gentle consensus on the code of conduct. If you say to the most evil person here, "Let's nuke this place", the other party will definitely give you a [punch. gun. slap. iron rod], etc. Wait for a bunch of aggressive damage, because he must think you're crazy.

Even though they grow up in chaos, people must yearn for the final peace in their hearts.

Regarding the detonation of nuclear bombs in the city, such a topic must drive people into madness. The unreasonableness shown by the victim would be unreasonable for a person who has not suffered such horror. But it is also difficult for people of different social status in different regions to express their own views to unify their views.

For example, there was an explosion in Pudong...

For example, there was an explosion in Tokyo...

For example, there was an explosion in Washington...

For example, there was an explosion in New York...

People in different regions will not resonate too much with places that have little relationship with them because of their identity, status, and responsibilities. It is precisely because of such a complicated and chaotic thinking that the chaotic world is created today.

From the perspective of ordinary people and civilians, this time the great danger produced an explosion no less than the movement of a nuclear explosion, which was hopeless and chaotic. Most of these people understand the dangers of [radiation], but it is difficult to control the spread of rumors. Just like a virus without an effective vaccine, it can spread unscrupulously to every corner.

It is said that rumors stop with the wise.

But most people are not wise men, and it is difficult for a wise man to prove that he is a wise man, and it is also difficult to prove that those so-called self-proclaimed wise men are not wise. 【Nuclear Explosion Hazard Theory】Like bamboo shoots after rain, it spreads word of mouth among ordinary people in a non-paper-based and simplest way, and its effect will even mutate qualitatively like a virus. No matter whether your compulsory education is nine years or twelve years, the previous level of education and life experience are mixed together, making yourself lose rational and objective considerations, and you will fall into a disorderly and brainless crazy retaliatory consumption behavior among.

Twelve short hours after the incident, public areas in New York, including large and small metropolitan cities near New York, were paralyzed. In order to maintain normal order, the police have all dispatched the police, leaving only a few guards in the police station. Chaos created turmoil, such a group of people rushed to the prison, and a group of people rushed out of the prison. This is just a corner of the chaotic Ukiyo-e. There are ups and downs, and there are panics of various sizes in the middle and lower districts of various places.

All of this is still within the scope of normal behavior, but your eyes are temporarily covered by short-sightedness, and the inner fear occupies the only remaining reason. In the minds of this group of people, they expect and yearn for the appearance of a brilliant figure. Like the delete button, all unreasonable and terrible things are deleted at once. When they are eager for the simplest and rude behavior, they don't want their own interests to be violated too much. But obviously, the employees of Stark Industries headquarters lost their jobs.

Physically literally lost.

Stark, as the person involved, was able to benefit from the excellent shock absorber system built into Mark's armor, which minimized his actual damage. That night, after S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Coulson had finished arguing with Daisy, Stark woke up before he got close to Iron Man. With a face full of scars, he shook his head and watched all this.

Ordinary people have a huge panic because of ignorance, and people in management can naturally see more. Afterwards, they still had lingering fears about the sudden explosion, but they understood how terrifying the huge troubles caused and produced were behind this incident. Stark, who understood this, showed such upset on his face, and then accepted the investigation of S.H.I.E.L.D. as if he had nothing to do with him.

The Pentagon immediately mobilized General Kang and his fleet, who were still patrolling the open sea, and ordered them to return to their original deployment positions. The entire New York City was under martial law, and General Ross accepted the order to send his air force units to New York City on wartime terms to maintain local order. The last time the Federation issued such a decisive order was after the Pearl Harbor incident.

The upper echelon's view of this incident is serious, but also flustered. Because of the asymmetry of information, the orders induced by wise leaders are radical. Under such a reaction, there is no difference in thinking between them and irrational ordinary people for the time being.

A nuclear explosion in New York is a big deal, and it might even mark the beginning of a third. Five minutes after the incident, Washington was lit up like an incandescent lamp being turned on. Powers from all walks of life, all divisions, all parties and all parties surged up like ghosts walking in the night. In the face of this sudden and huge difficulty, the intertwined and stunned rights had a rare short-term coordination and worked together in one direction. It has become the heart that supplies blood to the whole body.

A heart beat wildly after having a nightmare. In the mood of confusion and anger, it played a decisive role on the table.

It's just that on a stormy night, their eyes are too high, and their eyes are too far away. The functional departments have achieved the fastest response, but ignored the uneasiness of the people at the bottom. Immediately after the explosion, they raised their safety awareness to the issue of national security and sovereignty, but did not take into account the spreading rumors.

The life and death of the people at the bottom is closely related to the people at the top. Most of the time, the bottom layer acts as a pillar, supporting the upper layer. The high-ranking upper class has long been accustomed to the upper position, and the entire upper class circle is an elite circle. These people, including Daisy Emma, ​​have taken the bonus of the bottom-level people to step up step by step.

An oversight in Washington will not cause the entire lower class of the metropolitan area centered on New York to be in dire straits. And from the perspective of time, only 12 hours have passed since the incident occurred, and there is still a lot of time to make up for the short-term mistakes. It's just such contempt for the lower ecosystem that caused the rumors to breed like a virus for a while.

The first to notice something was wrong was Anna. At that time, she still didn't care, and just talked to Emma a little bit.

She, Fitz and Monica from S.H.I.E.L.D., and Emma who came back to care about her later, went back upstairs together. Out of routine evacuation measures, the four ran out of the building and waited for further developments.

First, there was the Osborne Building incident. After the huge turmoil, many people, like Anna and the others, ran out for their lives and hid in the huge nearby square to prevent the violent vibration caused by the subsequent explosion. resulting in collapse of the building.

Anna didn't care. When she was carried by Emma and ran out, she kept muttering the amplitude formula in her mouth to prove the safety of the Chaochao company floor. It's just such a scientific and rigorous example, but Emma's here can't match the shock of seeing the picture of the collapse of the lower building next door.

After a little panic subsided, the people gathered here also left here with peace of mind. However, as the financial circle in the most prime location in New York, there are resident reporters stationed nearby, so for such a situation to happen. The reporter who was still interviewing passers-by on the news about the "mysterious robot" felt lucky for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and immediately reacted. Pick up the machine and start interviewing the gold-collar workers gathered here indiscriminately.

Out of ignorance or maybe out of worry, Anna felt intuitively that the reporters might be trying to make a big news. In short, during the interview process, the reporters intentionally or unintentionally exaggerated the extent of what happened this time. Some smart and visionary gold-collar workers responded to the reporter's topic without knowing the reason, chatting about 911, nuclear explosion, radiation and other topics inexplicably. The boastful appearance made Anna snort. She thinks that everyone here is an idiot. If a nuclear explosion really happened, how could everyone here still be so rosy and talk to themselves about areas they don't understand.

She told Emma her point of view tactfully, and Emma frowned but before she could say anything, she was interrupted by the sudden camera.

"They're talking nonsense, it's not that serious."

This was the last sentence that Anna reminded Emma. It was just that Emma saw the reporter who came over at that time, and after such a thing happened, her own attention was long gone. He didn't react to what Anna said for a while, and appeared in front of the camera of the interview hastily.

Emma learned that the place where the incident happened was the Stark factory, and her heart became alive. She secretly thought about how much benefit this incident would bring to Rising Tide. She doesn't quite understand what Anna said about the 1% positive cycle, but she understands what the 1% green means, and she can do a lot of operations.

Due to this kind of fermentation, in the next three hours, all the radiation protection products in the nearby stores were sold out, and paper was expensive in New York.

Sitting up in shock from a dying illness, the dark wind blows rain into the cold window.

A few people who understood the cause of the matter and took control of the overall situation unexpectedly smiled from ear to ear, like a villain. Generally, the characters who can still laugh out loud at such times are big boss-level existences in film and television dramas, or are particularly evil pure villains. Of course, this is a narrow subjective judgment. The emotional flow behind an action is diverse, and it is impossible for a person to be a bad person by birth. A measure that does not serve the overall interests of a diverse group of people becomes a bad guy.

I was a robber in Afghanistan, burning, killing and looting, sounds like all kinds of evil, right? But if I don't do these things, I will be burned, killed and looted by others, and I won't be able to survive. Just like the village Barbara saved, if they hadn't been lucky enough to catch up with Barbara's team, the whole village would make watermelon stomachs, children would be recruited as soldiers, and all grown men would eat guns. So am I the bad guy? Naturally, I'm downright bad. But I don't do this, the one who was shot by ntr is myself. People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, and social turmoil made me prefer bad choices. If I do it all over again, the society is stable, the country is safe, the neighbors are harmonious, and I make money in a proper way, will I choose the bad side without hesitation?

Today I make a fortune, build bridges and roads for the village, and even repair villas for every household. In the future, because of the uneven distribution, a few households felt resentful and came to kick my house. The whole village took my peace of mind for granted, but still complained that I was useless in building roads, and my family didn't have a good car, and they talked bad things about me on weekdays. I am doing good deeds, but in the mouths of the villagers, I am a complete villain. So am I the bad guy?

A thing is diverse, and an objective judgment has many subjective perspectives.

Mr. Pudding, who still lives in the White House today, is very satisfied with the moths that Daisy and Stark have made separately.

The end of October 2008 is a very sensitive period for this president.

I participated in the presidential election four years ago, and that should be the most exciting moment on the road to the presidency. When I entered the White House, when I pressed my hand on the Bible, the White House was like a tortoise shell weighing tens of thousands of catties, pressing on my body. Not to mention the great responsibility of the president, on the contrary, if he does nothing during his term of office, he may be much better than individual presidents. The White House bears too many symbols. People who settle here not only have an account for their colleagues and the country, but also have an extraordinary mission for themselves. Becoming president represents a victory at a certain stage, and it also means that the four-year re-election campaign has begun.

Presidential re-election is a big headache for every president.

Therefore, there is no such thing as "govern by doing nothing" when the president is in office, because every president's expectation is to be re-elected, and if he wants to be re-elected, he must have a good political performance. In order to obtain sufficient benefits for the party you represent, you must also win the support of the opposing party to implement your own policies. Becoming president is no longer just about being responsible to the voters of the state you represent, but also about giving a good account to the voters across the country.

If the party behind him no longer supports him, it must be because the party that he is in line with has not been satisfied during his tenure. You can imagine that after a president comes to power, he must first satisfy the interests of his own party, and then satisfy the public. At the end of the term, you must hold a high score of 90 in your hand to be eligible to submit a re-election application. Those who have just passed 60 points are not eligible to submit an application for re-election. If you want to be re-elected, you must achieve great achievements

But as a result, the financial crisis, monsters haunted, and the world panicked.

When he was in office, he did not have outstanding political achievements. In addition, the current situation was unfavorable. Within two years of his tenure, a financial crisis occurred, which caused a sharp decline in the domestic economy. Although this is not his main responsibility, if this is mapped to the re-election conditions, he will be given a failing grade. This almost directly ruined the possibility of re-election. Washington is still alive and irreversible mess! The market economy has not been able to recover in time due to the financial crisis, but ancient creatures have been exposed. Eagle Flag's market hasn't recovered to the industrial level it should be able to support the No. 1 power. The current financial report of the industrial system has experienced a very serious decline, which has led to a shake in its international status. There is a disadvantage in international communication, which will be a very bad influence. Tuzai, who is far away in the east, is eyeing the signs of the internationalization of Huabi. This move will completely shake the hegemony of Yingqi. The responsibility for all these crimes would have been borne by this former president. Of course, he would not become the most shameful one in history, and that would be a big joke.

But now it is different. New York was attacked by unknown terrorists, and the people panicked! The entire national system suddenly went into a state of alert, and the hearts of the people across the country were like tight strings. This is his worst situation. No president has ever encountered such a troublesome crisis. But crises are often accompanied by opportunities. As the top manager, he found an opportunity to manipulate and reverse the situation in this incident, and he could play the strings to his heart's content to compose his favorite music.

For this reason, he lit a cigar for the first time, and leisurely turned the wheelchair in the oval-shaped eagle flag presidential office, closing his eyes and resting his mind. With a very cute smile on his face, he was thinking about something in his mind.

On the 13th hour since the incident, the place was at the White House in Washington.

Wearing a small white suit, Daisy got off the S.H.I.E.L.D.-marked car surrounded by Cynthia and Hill. This is the second time she has come to the political center of Yingqi, and she has come to the center in a real sense. The first time I came here was not long ago, to report Stark Industries. At this moment, the lawsuits between the two are still in full swing in the judiciary not far away. After the fermentation of this incident, Daisy felt that the mutual accusations between the two parties were insignificant, and even more like cooperation. Now the mainstream media are focusing on this severe disaster, and many media have given up the result of this defense. The memory of the media is only short-lived, like the memory of a fish, but also like the wind.

Daisy smoothed the ends of her hair that had been reckless due to the autumn wind, and put her hair behind her ears very cautiously. There was a "bang bang bang" sound behind them, and several accompanying vehicles came down. The officers of SHIELD, all of them were dressed in suits and field boots, with their hands clasped down and crossed, wearing sunglasses, and their expressions were tense. .

The White House immediately had these officers from the White House Secret Service and S.H.I.E.L.D. hand over the work. After checking the documents one by one, they confiscated the S.H.I.E.L.D. guns. During this process, the S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives relaxed, as if a hot potato had finally been thrown out.

Daisy saw all this in her eyes and found it amusing for a while, and let her smile hang on her face under the complicated emotions. He laughed and joked at the handsome Hill, leaving Cynthia aside.

Like Daisy deliberately ignoring Cynthia, the picture gradually faded away, but Cynthia herself would not pay attention to this on this occasion. After the two officially confirmed their relationship, they had very little contact with each other for more than ten days. Daisy had her own things to do, but she still helped her silently as before. During these days, she supported and stabilized a group of backbones who were sincerely loyal to Daisy.

Cynthia's identity is a bit subtle here, even though she is surrounded by people from S.H.I.E.L.D., not all of them belong to Hydra. This means that when there are special circumstances, not all people from S.H.I.E.L.D. will help Daisy. The protection measures of the White House made this meeting a bit of a sharp point of view. This kind of malice is not aimed at S.H.I.E.L.D., but a certain person present at the moment.

Cynthia looked at Daisy with her delicate and lovely face, and the white house and Daisy's face were reflected against the blue sky and light clouds. The national flag of the eagle flag was beating manically.

Adhering to the principle of mutual prosperity, Cynthia was a little worried about Daisy's visit this time. For the time being, there is no one on earth who can stand in the capital of a superpower with a blush and heartbeat, laughing and wrangling without tension in the face of the upcoming malice. Unless that person is absolutely ignorant, the ignorant is fearless. But Daisy knew too many things in her heart, and knew how to advance and retreat. The core of superior success lies in the skill of communication. As a person close to her, Cynthia hasn't seen Daisy compromise for the time being. Standing here at the door at this moment, what kind of pressure is in her heart, Cynthia has never known. She stood beside Daisy, listening to Daisy's not-so-naughty jokes. She was worried that this matter would get out of hand, and if Daisy turned her face here today, they would have no future. Cynthia's mind was in a mess, and she felt her cheeks burning.

Cynthia beside her leaned over silently, and the two of them put their arms together, Daisy rarely smiled knowingly. Hill, who was messing with himself and not showing a good face from time to time, also approached the other side of him, intentionally or unintentionally leaning against the car behind the three of them, pinching Daisy like a sandwich biscuit. A subtle feeling made Daisy stand out, like a prisoner under guard.

"Is your clothes too close-fitting? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you were a little fatter?"

In smart attire, Hill has never disappointed Daisy. In all workplaces, she always wears a tight shirt that looks like it has been cut by a knife. This makes her back look thinner, making her overall visually thinner. The enemy basically suffers like this. It is said that Hill's fighting is not inferior to Mei's.

Seeing that Daisy was still pretending to be calm at this time, Shirpi responded with a smile. What happened today is self-evident from the atmosphere. Even Hill himself wouldn't feel the oppressive chest tightness. She knew that Daisy was a smart person, and what kind of huge trouble was hidden behind today's malicious invitation. Hill is not like Cynthia, who has never seen the world. On the contrary, she has dealt with more difficult things than the half-stepped director. Protecting high-ranking UN officials is even more commonplace. It's just that in today's situation, I have always been a straight-forward bodyguard role. If I put my heart into Daisy's role, I may not be able to do better.

At 3:30 in the morning, Nick's order was received at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Emergency Control and Takeover Center. When Daisy was received at the airport in the morning, she almost missed wearing a pair of special restraining handcuffs for Daisy. She escorted Daisy here today.

This is the first doubtful point of this invitation. The White House only invited Daisy.

Daisy is from S.H.I.E.L.D., and the White House knows it.

Daisy represents Rising Tide to the outside world, and the White House knows it.

Daisy is the goddess of dawn, the White House still knows.

In principle, the shocking noise last night had nothing to do with Daisy, which SHIELD made clear in its report to the Pentagon last night. Daisy just watched as a bystander. Tony Stark, who was a direct participant, was not summoned, but instead summoned Daisy alone. The malice in the middle rushed out from this white building. So far, the only thing Daisy has done to resist is to fold her arms across her chest, silently expressing her dissatisfaction.

This kind of unreasonable and illogical accountability, the official statement is to encourage the contribution of Rising Tide in Asia.

With such a serious incident happening in New York, it was completely wrong to ask Daisy to discuss the Asian market in the first place.

The work of checking SHIELD operators is a bit cumbersome, and the progress is very slow. The three of Daisy got out of the station and looked at the door for a long time. Such a careful and meticulous search made these agents of SHIELD unable to face possible unexpected situations. During the confiscation process, a small commotion occurred, causing the three of them to look over there. Rumlow, the field agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., was pressed against the wall with his mouth broken. Although the men beside him had no helpers, the displeasure was also floating on their faces. Rumlow was smart, and didn't fight back immediately, obviously restraining himself. When being pressed against the wall, Rumlow didn't act excessively. The captain of the Secret Service seemed to know Rumlow, and after a few adjustments, the Secret Service of the White House quickly acted as if nothing had happened.

Daisy's chest rose and fell, and this was the most violent breath she had taken in a calm state since she became a super soldier. This is due to the arrogance and prejudice of the Eagle Flag White House. At least the three of them stood at the door for five minutes without any officials coming over to say hello. The only person who interacted with Daisy was the attention from the captain of the Secret Service.

The other party has a simple and honest face, sincere eyes, and a slightly fat face with Chinese characters. It is said that he is a veteran soldier who has retired from the war. He became an agent with excellent grades, and he should be Rumlow's former boss after listening to the communication. He was promoted to become the captain of the Secret Service. Mainly responsible for the security of the White House and the arming of the president when he travels, the position ≈ Chief of Ouchi Guards.

Taking advantage of the time when the other party left, Daisy probed her consciousness into the whole house for a while. There were a lot of equipment for signal shielding inside the fully defended White House building, and Daisy's detection was not very clear. The situation inside is much more normal, with no too disturbing arrangements. This made Daisy let go of her conjecture about the "Hongmen Banquet", at least she still has the attitude that a superpower should have. Just when Daisy was slightly relieved, she unexpectedly detected a movement at the southwest entrance of the White House, and it was suspected that many people were entering in a row. This made Daisy's complexion change. These people were not fully armed anti-terrorists, but reporters with credentials.

At this point in time, such a group of reporters obviously came here for themselves.

Daisy's face became playful, she simply closed her eyes and began to meditate.

Inviting Daisy, this is a very ill-considered move, the White House knows Daisy's ability. So in future negotiations, they will not embarrass Daisy too much. But there are contingencies in everything. From the perspective of the other party's usual position, there is a high probability that Daisy will not agree to this negotiation. The only way the White House can operate is coercion, but if the two sides tear their skins apart, it will obviously put the White House in a desperate situation. So during this meeting, the White House was extra careful. First of all, don't offend this woman at the beginning, and secondly, find a suitable plan to stabilize the other person's emotions. And in the process of negotiation, keep your home court advantage.

All this was not so troublesome in the first place, and the White House did not need to look at the faces of any entrepreneurs. But Daisy's affairs are a bit troublesome, she is the goddess of dawn, and she is a superpower!

It stands to reason that national public rights should not yield to personal will, but the superhero image of Daisy, the goddess of dawn, can bring huge international influence to the country, and many actions can be justified. Not all the staff in the White House are idiots, and they are more concerned about wooing Daisy than she imagined. They noticed Daisy's cautious approach to the camera every time, and only then did Daisy's live report after returning from the footbath. Originally, the White House wanted to help her be a favor and promote the glorious image of the Goddess of Dawn with great efforts, but it never expected that it would be at odds with Daisy's ideas.

Now the press conference is a very good deterrent. If there is any excessive behavior in the future negotiations, the live broadcast can ensure that Daisy keeps a clear mind during the negotiation process.

Pierce emerged from the shadows of the White House, the midday sun shining on the old man's platinum hair. Reflecting the green lawn of the White House and the majesty of the building, Pierce walked over in a gentle and calm manner, and when he saw Daisy, he showed a kind smile.

"What are you still doing standing here, go in quickly."

He waved his hands, shaking his cheeks, and treated Daisy very friendly. Seeing him, Hill and Cynthia straightened their bodies without realizing it. Daisy rolled her eyes at first, and then also straightened her chest. The old man's cautious hand leaned against Daisy's back, pushing gently. The other hand made a stretching motion, guiding Daisy forward. Daisy then Panasonic hugged her chest to express her displeasure.

"What's going on!" Daisy whispered to her boss.

"It's good for you to face it calmly."

Pierce glanced at other places as if he had done something wrong, but the tiny voice in his words was extraordinarily real. This sound was more real than that in front of Hotwell. Even though Daisy could not let go of her original cautious vigilance, but the identity of the two Hydras and Pierce could not betray Hydra to betray Daisy, Daisy reluctantly listened to him. Pushed by the old guy's rough hands, he was pushed all the way into the garden of the White House. After taking two steps, Pierce put down his hand very generously and chatted with Daisy. He raised his hand to interrupt the captain of the secret service who came to ask questions, and told the other party to be calm.

Hill and Cynthia followed closely behind, and simply walked into the white palace with the team.

Many people came into Daisy's eyes, many of them were senior officials that Daisy could only see on TV and mission reports. Their faces had different complexions, especially after seeing Daisy, most of them couldn't help but gasp. Pierce kindly introduced everyone to Daisy one by one, but the White House acted vigorously, especially on such a serious and important occasion today. Daisy went through it like a quantum reading. Daisy didn't get to know most of them in time, she just said hello and hurried forward to meet another big guy, and repeat. From the looks of it, no matter in terms of behavior or psychological activities, Daisy at this time is very much like the way her family introduces distant relatives who don't get along very often during the Chinese New Year. As the distance progressed, the officials introduced by Pierce became more and more senior.

Party leader and whip, chief of staff to the Secretary of State.

Who they were, Daisy didn't care at all. The presidential election is coming, and the new president will form his own staff, and most of the people here will experience major job changes. As a public power that has already sunk into the sky, Daisy has no interest in getting to know them. After the president who is manipulated by elephants steps down, it will be the stage for donkeys, that's for sure. At that time, the White House will undergo a major change, with generations of gods. So such a government team found this opportunity, and Daisy could probably guess a thing or two about the purpose behind it, but she had nothing to say to them. In all fairness, Daisy leans more toward donkeys after learning about a certain political structure. The donkey's proposition is more in line with Daisy's point of view. For the important concepts of democracy and equality, the donkey completely smashes the elephant. But the concept is one thing, the actual operation is another. Daisy didn't want to touch either side if possible.

The two stopped in front of Mr. Frank, the Vice President. Behind him was the wooden gate of the Oval Office of the White House Presidential Palace. He was short but tall. When he saw Daisy's arrival, he immediately embraced Daisy and shook hands with Daisy cordially. Said a lot of scenes.

"He has been waiting for a long time, come in with me."

As he said that, Mr. Frank opened the door, making a gesture of invitation with his hands. It was a great honor for Daisy. She expressed her gratitude ecstatically, with a surprised and happy smile on her face, and her nasolabial folds appeared. Frank, who was half-stepping into the old man, seemed to have done something very obscene but unspoken, and his body was about to get goose bumps.

Daisy turned her head and glanced at Cynthia who was stopped behind her. Hill was with her. The two stood on the side of power in astonishment, and they belonged to the exchange of coffee. Cynthia looked back with a tacit understanding, and Daisy looked at each other. In her field of vision, Daisy disappeared behind the door.

"I'm very happy to finally be able to meet you with my own eyes."

First up is Laura Pudding, the First Lady. Her egg yolk dress, fluffy hair, and old nasolabial folds make her look no longer young, but the other party's fullness of spirit and eye-catching but not eye-catching lip color make people feel that this person is not easy to mess with. With a smile on her face, her twinkling eyes made Daisy very uncomfortable, as if she was stripped naked by a robber, too impatient and breathtaking. The old woman's smile was warm, and the corners of her mouth were sincere, which made the meeting between the two parties not too abrupt. This half-half feeling is too political, and Daisy doesn't like it very much.

"Do you like cookies? I made some bear cookies. You must try them after we finish talking. We still have a lot of time today, so come on."

Laura held Daisy's hand but didn't let go. She only spoke a few words to Daisy when they met, but she gave people an undeniable attitude, especially familiar. Thinking about these years, no one in her life could say no to her. Daisy marveled at her communication skills with the other party, and she actually made herself dumb, feeling bitter and indescribable. Daisy, who fell into the lower class, was pulled by Laura's hand and walked two or three steps to the center of the room. During the period, the other party exchanged a glance with Pierce who followed. There were also quite a few people in the room, countless swollen clothes and buttons flashed in front of Daisy who was being dragged. The house is full of big fat people, their brains are full of fat, their heads are greasy, and there are few young people in the house. As the youngest, Daisy seemed to be dragged to the sofa by Laura.

The old man had a small smile on his face. The moment he saw Daisy appear, he stood up, took it from Laura's hand, held Daisy's hand heavily, and shook it three times.

"Seeing is worse than seeing, the famous Daisy Johnson! Dawn girl."

Daisy has always felt that the smiles on the faces of politicians in public are fake, but things can be reversed when things go too far. At this time, she has an illusion that the other party is very sincere. She was extremely disgusted by such an occasion, and was surrounded by many "weird millet" at this time, like a certain scene in an action movie with a foot basin. She was sad at first, then flushed, and moved her least favorite behavior - socializing. Under the feedback of multiple emotional streams, Daisy involuntarily became the look she hated the most.

Closing hands together, Daisy shook hands with each other. A back molar grin unconsciously appeared on his mouth, and he forced himself to be flushed, looking extremely honored.

"You are joking. The official version should be the Goddess of Dawn."

"Yes, Goddess. Young people like this kind of gimmick now. Times have changed, haven't they?"

The two held hands briefly, and the opponent quickly let go. The two of them were in the center, and the old wooden floor-to-ceiling windows at the back of the room were full of life, but the office space inside seemed a little crowded. A group of people stared intently at the conversation between Daisy and the first target, not daring to neglect at all, for fear that something bad would happen if they missed it.

Daisy can be sure that the other party will not just invite her to blow the rainbow fart of the goddess of dawn, and secondly, the other party's true intentions and the measurement of the guess are not something she can accurately guess. So what can be said next is very extensive.

"This year is a magical year, the wheel of the times is rolling forward."

As the two came and went, the content of the conversation was considered normal, and there was no outlier or temptation. It's just that if you really go down with such a topic, you can practice Tai Chi here. Daisy doesn't care, the Bob people can't stand it. Their thinking is yesorno, everything is only yes or no, and they are good at straight-forward thinking.

Mr. Pudding likes to talk big, and was about to follow Daisy's topic, but his wife, who was familiar with him, immediately interrupted her husband's speech and gave the most friendly reminder.

"Stop standing and chatting, sit down quickly. I'll make some coffee for you, and a new batch of coffee beans arrived today. I need a helper, come with me." After finishing speaking, he turned and left the room quickly. Raising his hands, he moved his body back a bit, and sat down on the blue and black velvet retro sofa behind him.

"Let's stop standing there too, there are a lot of things to talk about today."

He said this to his staff around him, but pointed at Daisy. Daisy sat down calmly, half-hitting on the edge of the sofa, carefully. Pierce sat down next to her, and then another person sat next to Pierce. The other party also had three people sitting in the same order, the president, the vice president, and the chief of staff. The sofas in the two rows are very large, and it doesn't look crowded when three people sit together. With 12 eyes facing each other, it looks like a 3v3 happy game. Sitting on the soft sofa, there are psychological hints of seriousness from actions to feelings. This is mutual, and it is also aimed at Daisy alone. Daisy knew that today was actually a 1v5 start.

The sofa was slapped, and the waiba was facing the desk that symbolized rights, and the national flag was fluttering behind the desk. Daisy looked out the window unconsciously again. After exchanging a look with Pierce, she didn't look at others, but looked at the scenery outside the French windows behind the national flag. At that time, she felt that the greenery outside was really green, and she really wanted to go for a walk.

After a short fugue, she came back to her senses after a while, and she looked at Mr. President directly opposite with a fake smile on her face. Apparently Mr. President was more nervous than Daisy himself. He felt that he was fighting a tiger right now. Even though his side had a lot of people, the other side didn't seem to care. Daisy's fugue made him feel guilty.

"Frank, today's schedule." Mr. President first asked Vice President Frank about the schedule.

Frank's astonishment was fleeting. He quickly glanced from the president to Daisy and back again.

"At 12:00 noon, we will have a press conference. Before that, we must discuss and close two issues. Miss Daisy and lunch."

He turned to Daisy.

"The chef's steak here is amazing."

"Really (//?//), cough cough, in fact, I'm not a picky eater, as long as the food is delicious, I can eat anything." Daisy touched her chest, and the smile on her face grew even bigger. .

Mr. Pudding took the conversation, and he said to Pierce beside Daisy, "Alexander likes the steak here very much, last time he ate it the fastest."

"The essence lies in the black pepper juice." Pierce replied with a half-smile.

"Then I'll eat two (double) servings! If it's really delicious, I can eat three servings!"

"No problem, you have a good appetite."

"Haha, as you know, I'm still growing. I'm only 18, and I'm at the age to eat more."

Little Pudding burst out laughing when he heard this, he kept laughing and blushed

"It's really a blessing, my daughter will envy you very much. You are graceful and exquisite now, but my daughter has begun to pay attention to the problem of fat and thin. She often talks about losing weight and drags her mother to do yoga. Much I thought it was the new fad for young people to eat one bite to die for and make calories a point of view. You're beautiful and different, Daisy."

Seeing the smile on the other party's face, Daisy thought that the other party was trying to ease the embarrassment of the good words, but the normal speed of the conversation made Daisy not stay too much on this small issue. Daisy paused for a moment and said

"The beauty of a woman's body is achieved through practice, but over-training or improper diet can easily cause hidden diseases. In this regard, you should pay attention to your daughter. I have been training since I was a child, and it is not excessive and appropriate, so I have been healthy since I was a child. .As for my appetite, Mr. President, you know the reason, my body consumes a lot."

"I really want to find a time for you to have a good communication with her, she will go crazy with joy." The people around nodded in response.

"Miss Daisy, do you mind if we have a deeper chat about your physical problems?"

"Do you want me to show off my measurements?" Daisy spread her hands, causing everyone to laugh, and then she immediately sat with her legs crossed, so that her knees perfectly overlapped and her legs were parallel.

"Then let's talk about my Goddess of Dawn."

Daisy's actions immediately raised her temperament a lot, and the people around slowly stopped smiling and looked at Daisy relatively seriously. Then Mr. Pudding responded to Daisy more gently, making the atmosphere less rigid.

"I have a proposal"

The president is very curious about Daisy's superpowers and wants to see them before bringing up the topic. This made the nerves of the others tense up, Daisy nodded indifferently, and made a small demonstration. Let a flag move for no reason. The other party was stunned, and let the other party exclaim for a long time, wide-eyed and angry, which can't be forgotten for a long time. Judging from the overall objective picture, Mr. President's indecent expression is to ease the tense and even nervous expressions of other people around him, but Daisy does not have God's perspective, and there is no time to observe other people's reactions. Daisy reminded the other party a little, and then brought the topic back.

"God, did you make your clothes yourself? Brin Bling, it's twinkle, it's beautiful. I've heard that your design inspiration has been copied by many companies. I express my regret. If I wish, I can inform the judiciary and take this matter seriously."

"Ha, it's okay, as long as the children like it. Dawn belongs to the world."

"That's right, we love seeing you as the light of day for the world, it's an honor for us and an honor for this country."

Little Pudding clapped his hands after saying this, and showed a slightly serious look to the other people beside him who showed happy faces.

"The next thing we are going to talk about is the top secret of S.H.I.E.L.D. I hope you can fulfill your duties, keep your responsibilities, and shut up about the content of the next conversation after you go out, and never leak it." Guang glanced at Daisy, his eyes seemed a little fierce to Daisy. Maybe it was a delay, but he immediately turned his eyes into a stream of soft water.

On the surface, this is a warning to White House staff to keep secrets. But secrets are never told. Daisy was the only thing he really cared about in this meeting, and he didn't care what other people would say about Daisy afterwards. He announced the secret in such a public place, which meant that he didn't care about the secret at all. Many media reporters are gathering in another part of the White House. During the conversation, the Vice President clearly stated that there will be a press conference next. In fact, the code word is threatening Daisy.

"I just talked about your physical condition." He took out a document from the side. "I have pulled out your file on purpose, and I am very unfortunate about your origin. Thanks to having such an excellent agent, you have been able to obtain such a successful study with us, and have made you such an outstanding and indispensable person today." talent."

Daisy frowned slightly when she heard this, but since the other party is the boss with a radius of 9.37 million square kilometers, she will not refute the other party's sb-style point of view.

The other party glanced at Daisy, and found that Daisy's face was displeased, thinking that she was annoyed for exposing the other party's unfortunate past, and said in a panic.

"Let's turn over this page and take a look at your follow-up. Emmm, regarding your physical condition, it records that there are mutations in your DNA that are different from ordinary people. This is the key to becoming a superhero .You absorbed the fog-type crystal named Terrigen and obtained the supreme power. Miss Daisy, do you think it is possible for others to reproduce the ability in your body. Use this ability for justice behavior. I did not offend you by saying this, did I?"

"It doesn't matter, you have the right to question me." Daisy glanced at Pierce beside him, and the other party's eyes were wandering, but secretly gave Daisy a message that made Daisy feel at ease. Daisy turned her head back naturally and quickly, and continued:

"Polyoxyribonucleic acid stores a large amount of genetic information. Its content is rich and diverse. Each person's sequence is different and it is difficult to find the same one. This is the key to the growth of a person as he grows up. The Terrigen crystal brought me the superpower I have now, and it may mutate into other people if I change it to other people. This matter is not stable, and it is very dangerous to use it on other people in clinical trials."

Daisy said something very serious, but the other party was obviously not a scholar immersed in science. As a person who has been immersed in officialdom all his life, all scientific reports are just results and beliefs and disbeliefs. He treated Daisy's feedback in a daze, but unfortunately he didn't mean it, and didn't linger too much on this issue.

"Of course, I know that you have been secretly researching this matter for a long time. I am holding a wait-and-see attitude towards this matter. It's just that you dare not release the data to anyone for the time being. For your views on this matter, I suggest you look at the specific results. Data. This kind of experiment is blind, and you lose more than you gain in the end. Maybe you can reproduce my ability, maybe you can reproduce my ability, and of course you can produce someone stronger than me. But I believe that in most cases, After the DNA mutation is induced, most of them will become desperate. There is a one in ten thousand probability of being intact like me. In most cases, it will cause body alienation, making yourself not human, ghosts not ghosts .”


"Because DNA is uncontrollable, it is irreversible after mutation, not to mention whether it will have superpowers. Exciting a sequence may lead to changes in the skin, changing the body shape from a human to another shape, which may be a dog or a hedgehog. Humans are still It is impossible to completely read out all the contents of the entire DNA, let alone the experiments based on it."

Daisy's explanation made the other party understand a little bit, he nodded silently, with regret written all over his face. Daisy felt that the other party did not regret a breakthrough in scientific research, at least the regret on his face at this time was not so superficial.

"Well, it seems that it will take some time to become a hero like you. Pierce, the plan proposed by SHIELD seems to be delayed."

Pierce frowned and nodded with a silent smile. Daisy looked at him in surprise, obviously surprised by SHIELD's little tricks behind her. It's just that Daisy is very disgusted with the other party, this sentence is too much to alienate the relationship between herself and Pierce. If it weren't for everyone working for Hydra, under normal circumstances, such an unintentional sentence would directly cause a rift in the relationship between the superior and the subordinate. Daisy has been managing the high tide for a long time, and she has a certain understanding of such sarcasm and malicious provocation. The other party obviously wanted to break up the only person present who could speak for him in the midst of wrangling.

"The young people nowadays like you very much, look at what you have done..."

Unexpectedly, or unexpectedly. The other party actually flattered Daisy, and the words were very advanced, not nasty, like light rain pattering through people's hearts, making people feel like a spring breeze. Generally speaking, there are no more than five words of praise, but each sentence blows Daisy to a higher level, just like holding Daisy in the palm of your hand to climb to the highest peak. Even though Daisy had seen a certain amount of people in the market, she couldn't stand up to the compliments of people of such status. Gradually, she felt that she was in a fog, and she was beginning to be confused.

After the graceful and elegant flattery, finally came the word that Daisy had been waiting for for a long time.


At this time, the other party put Daisy's information aside, took out another report, and spread it out in front of Daisy with the folder.

"Not long ago we supported the work of S.H.I.E.L.D. and agreed to allow you to deploy actions among various countries, but you did not safeguard the interests of the country. As the initiator and commander of this operation. Miss Daisy, you The Shield Bureau has a lot of responsibilities, and it is said that it is also in control of the most elite special agent team. Privately seize guns and ammunition, in this matter, you need to have an explanation to the White House."

It's finally time to dance the sword!

Daisy thought in her mind.

After Daisy entered the White House, she didn't have much time to think alone. Regarding possible problems, several questions briefly appeared in her mind. She didn't expect that the United Nations confiscated it. Because of the matter itself, her participation is only at the initiation level. The scheduling and control behind the stage does not occupy much room for manipulation. She naturally thought that this matter would not have anything to do with her. But who would have thought that the other party would be so troublesome. First, a "unnecessary" card was played, and Daisy didn't have many cards in her hand.

Daisy didn't dare to speak nonsense, took the file, frowned and pretended to read, secretly thinking about the pros and cons. His fingers gently stroked the soft texture of the wooden file. If you reply that this is the decision of the Security Council, and you have not participated in it at all, this will put your identity at a disadvantage and will make subsequent negotiations at a disadvantage. However, if you confirm your participation, you will be identified as an accomplice in undermining the interests of the country, which is even more disadvantageous. Predominant responses are almost non-existent.

"That's not what S.H.I.E.L.D. meant, sir."

Daisy went through the content of the document for a while, closed the file, straightened her back, and formally responded to it.

"But S.H.I.E.L.D. must carry out the orders of the Security Council."

"Don't you think this is unreasonable?" The other party's voice began to tremble, as if excited and cautious. "An organization located in the country is against the interests of the country, has no consideration for taxpayers and national property, but speaks so casually, as if it is commonplace, this is simply treason..."

"Sir, you are worrying too much." Daisy interrupted the other party's speech in time before the other party had the word "going abroad".

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is affiliated with the World Security Council, serving the United Nations wholeheartedly, maintaining justice in the world, and maintaining the hard-won peace at this moment. Eagle Flag, as the first director of the Security Council, submits reasonable membership dues to the United Nations. In recent years, some low-level countries have defaulted on dues, which has led to a shortage of funds for the World Security Council. There are complaints, but they still insist on investing most of the funds in S.H.I.E.L.D. They hope to vigorously cultivate the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. and kill all turbulent factors in the cradle. They will vigorously prevent the possibility of using peacekeeping troops to come Minimize the occurrence of mass destruction as much as possible. The addition of this batch of weapons has guaranteed the combat effectiveness of the peacekeeping force. Mr. President, you should feel lucky. I don't think all officials and soldiers of the United Nations will be able to forget the friendship of the Eagle Flag Since Sokovia, the peacekeepers have not received any weapons allocations, which is a gift in time, sir!"

"Hahaha" Mr. Pudding was very happy when he heard it, and he blushed again with a smile, and the other staff members around him also laughed, making the sound of a pig laughing again.

Literally speaking, Daisy eased the conflict between the two sides this time, speaking as nicely as possible in a very nice and flattering way. If it sounds good, even Mephitos from **** will be useful, let alone a relatively simple politician. And Daisy's boasting in the whole paragraph is not rigid and deliberate, just like the other party praised Daisy before, moistening things silently.

There is a sentence in the middle that says friendship with the United Nations. This is a fact that Daisy deliberately reminded everyone present.

The matter of confiscating Stark's weapons has already been settled and cannot be changed. But this matter broke out along with the Stark Industries scandal. This has risen to the level of an international scandal. From a politician's point of view, it is as embarrassing as tearing a fig leaf. But Daisy has a different view on this matter from the perspective of a businessman.

Make the best use of everything and stop losses in time. It is one of the businessman's founding rules.

Now that the outcome of the matter is irreversible, it is better to push the boat forward and vigorously publicize the donated military supplies. Strengthen the unshakable international status, deepen the world's understanding of Eagle Flag's status as a superpower, and fully demonstrate the magnanimity and generosity that it has. Isn't it beautiful?

Daisy said this too bluntly, and it was too much on such an occasion. Besides, there are tens of thousands of think tanks behind the White House staff, and such a reverse thinking advice is not bad. After mentioning it a little bit, Daisy only saw the other party laughing in satisfaction. It was impossible to tell whether the other party really understood what she said, or agreed to this cryptic plan. It's just that in the subsequent conversation, the other party kept silent and stopped talking about this matter. Daisy could only wait for the subsequent events to know what happened next.

"It seems that today's misunderstanding has been resolved. Even though you are still suspected of exonerating yourself, I like you and appreciate your conduct. Let's talk about the light-hearted topic of the goddess of dawn. The press conference at noon will be held at lunch After that, but now it's still some time before lunch, I really want to talk to you, this is very amazing things. Some interesting things about you, I want to get to know you deeply, so that in the future the two of us can There will be a tacit cooperation."

"Huh~" Daisy gave a very teasing look. "I'm not as old as your daughter, am I? But I can think about it."

"I like your wit, then" Little Pudding stretched out his hand, motioning to hand back the document in Daisy's hand. After taking back the file, he continued. "Forget about this unpleasant annoyance."

"Mr. President, isn't your time very tight? You actually took extra time today to listen to my ramblings? I'm full of gossip and unbearable past."

"But the story is legendary enough, isn't it? Not everyone can fight against that big guy. What is it called? Ghidorah? Or King Kong? Frank, are they called this?"

The vice president was stunned again, and Daisy scratched her ears and answered quickly:

"Godzilla, Muto. These two creatures appeared in the footbath."

"Could you give me a brief introduction? I haven't looked at this information very carefully."

Facing the earnest eyes of the other party, Daisy didn't know if what she said was true. Therefore, he briefly described the information related to these two creatures in the status of reporting tasks.

Then Mr. Pudding said rainbow farts for a while. For Daisy who has adapted, this is not a torment. Many things became clear during Daisy's fugue.

At this moment, the first lady Laura interrupted the conversation in the room. She ordered a few helpers to deliver the coffee to everyone. The moment Mrs. Laura and coffee appeared, the atmosphere in the room froze. The turbid air was emptied one by one, in exchange for vitality and freshness. All the people with coffee in their hands were smiling, and they gathered in twos and threes in the open space of the room like an intermission, chatting with each other in low voices. Daisy's unfamiliarity with the place made her isolated instead.

Being alone didn't last long, and Mrs. Laura, who was also a woman, soon resolved Daisy's embarrassment. The other party is gentle and generous at this time, which is very different from when Daisy first met. She is skilled in self-regulation and control, and she can feel like a very scary woman just by looking at her. She took the initiative to come to Daisy to talk about the ways of beauty and health for girls, like an old man imparting experience. Daisy blinked and let it go like an accident.

During the period, Daisy looked at her boss, Pierce, who was supposed to be on the same front as her, as if performing a show. There were seven people in the room, and I was only acquainted with him, but so far they hadn't even looked at me. It seemed that they were really frightened by Little Pudding's warning. Daisy's actions were seen by others, and these Daisys naturally knew it. She could even hear the whispers of other people, and it sounded like they were telling the truth. However, a few of them always complained a few words about the truth because they couldn't continue acting. When they sneaked a glance at Daisy, they found that they were being watched by Daisy, and panicked eyes immediately appeared on their faces. However, seeing that Daisy was still calm and calm, her slightly flustered expression recovered, and she returned to her most normal appearance, continuing to sip coffee with the people around her.

Tea please?

Please drink coffee?

I felt absurd for a moment in my mind, so I didn't pay attention to what the old woman in front of me was going to say. Anyway, smiling and nodding is always right.

Two or three minutes after the meeting with Mrs. Laura, Mr. President, who had finished chatting with other staff members, came over and casually interrupted the topic. Such actions gradually made Daisy the center of the room, and everyone's eyes returned to Daisy once again.

Daisy could see that everyone present was a little nervous. Mrs. Laura should be the one who didn't get into the show the least. She asked Daisy to talk about some things when she was in the show, but she was at a loss. Her husband, on the other hand, excited Daisy's face as soon as he opened his mouth, evidently having investigated enough.

"I heard about the farce between you and Johnson some time ago. If I remember correctly, Miss Daisy's mother should be a rabbit of a flower planter. No wonder you are particularly interested in planting flowers on weekdays. If you want, I can contact you through diplomacy. Relationship can help you with this little favor."

This topic is considered new, Daisy's handy left and right, the three of them gradually walked back to the sofa, the lady helped them take the coffee cups, and then left. Daisy smiled gratefully at Mrs. Laura, and after seeing off the coffee cup, Daisy naturally followed the other party's topic.

"The S.H.I.E.L.D.'s business capability hasn't dropped to such an extent. Thank you for your kindness. If I remember correctly, the international relations between the two sides need to be eased. If it is used on me, is it a big deal?"

The Lord is seated, and the gods return to their places. The others also returned to their positions one after another.

"I believe that Miss Daisy must have conducted a series of investigations in private, and I understand it. After all, she is a mother. Mothers are great, and a child without a mother is like a grass. So will it be in terms of commercial constants, you will Let your company's interests be transferred to the flower planter?" He said very cautiously, especially the last word [transfer], with an extraordinarily calm look in his eyes. As if questioning.


Daisy knew the second wave was coming when she saw the other party's expression. The other party took out a new file from nowhere, lowered his head and quickly flipped through the pages, making a rattling sound, especially in a hurry.

"Miss Daisy, there are data showing that Rising Tide Company has sent a large number of technical engineers to Zhonghua since 2006. There are also data showing that your company's internal funds are heavily skewed towards the Huahua continent. My think tank uses computer deduction, which will lead to future In five years, 4 billion yuan of funds will be swallowed up by the flower growing market. This is really a disturbing ending."

Daisy took the document again, and scanned the content of the document with her eyes. Daisy raised her head and the trembling eyelashes were in his eyes, feeling that time passed very slowly. Daisy didn't speak immediately, but turned to look at the surrounding president's staff. Time seemed to have stopped, and the chief of staff next to Vice President Frank pouted his mouth in panic, his jaw bulging with muscles that didn't match his age.

Looking back lightly, as if nothing happened, Daisy actively ignored the nervous eyes of other people around her. Flicking the report in his hand, he said jokingly.

"In the past, the documents of the White House in movies and TV shows were all in one hand. It seems that they are all fake. I feel tired of handing over documents like this. Sir, if you have any other documents, just take them out in one go."

"Miss Daisy, don't get me wrong. This is not a harsh rebuke, but..."

"I still want to thank you very much, Mr. President. At least, you used transportation instead of directly labeling me a traitor." Daisy said quickly, which made other people around a little nervous. Pierce beside him tugged at the corner of Daisy's clothes, and a grin appeared on Daisy's face, her expression looked extraordinarily harmless to humans and animals.

This was already the worst situation, and Daisy was feeling extremely irritable. The moral standards here are all granted by their dear God. Children do not have a clear view of good and evil, and often call Daisy a yellow-skinned sow. When Daisy was a child, only when you hit, and the people around you were afraid, would others respect you. I don't know when it started, but the people around became a lot more friendly. For almost a long time, almost ten years, no one would maliciously use the topic of Daisy being yellow. Daisy does not and cannot hate her own identity, but this country that tends to the Darwinian social system is very exclusive.

Why do things that humiliate flowers often happen, let me give a simple example.

One piece of cake is divided into five pieces, which happens to be one piece for each of five people. Suddenly there is one more person at this time, and the others must try their best to drive this person away. The method of driving them away is roughly kicking, slapping, spitting, cnm.

The extra person really wants to eat this piece of cake, what should I do? The roommate in the dormitory bought takeaway food, and you said [just one bite], but the roommate refused. Then you will definitely say good things to him with a smile on your face, and even do him a little favor by talking bad things about his opponent.

Daisy hates such a character, it's so disgusting and shameful!

Once upon a time, she wanted to leave here more than once, and return to the Flower Continent to live, but the fallen leaves always come back. Such thoughts intensified after finding her biological mother, Jiaying. But Daisy understood that this was indeed the Marvel world, not that she was familiar with that world line. Everyone I was familiar with on that world line no longer existed, and it was meaningless to go back. Going back to planting flowers can't avoid the crisis of Thanos, and the immediate crisis about Hydra is also very urgent. These troubles cannot be avoided by escaping, but must be faced.

Here I can fight, fight, and change.

"I originally thought that the White House would worry about social security all day long, and would know some basic business models. This was originally a T0-level business secret for the internal operation of my Chaochao company, but since I was specifically asked to talk about this matter today, I am willing to explain it to you. Confused. The 4 billion marked in this report is not accurate according to your standards. Because our standard for this figure will be around 15 billion, which is indeed our plan for the past five years. So far, I feel that such resource investment is still far from enough~www.mtlnovel.com~ If it is not estimated that the upper limit of the vitality of the market after I Chaochao goes public, we will invest more. This is not my idea alone, but Chaochao The common sense of the entire high-level."

"Isn't this crazy? You take the property of the country, but heavily subsidize other countries."

"But sir, don't forget that where there is investment, there is a return. There is no bottomless pit. On the contrary, the financial market for growing flowers has matured after this financial crisis. Their market is huge, and their potential has been exposed after this crisis. Nothing. Longmen has gradually lost its proper financial status. I predict that Pudong, Guangzhou and other places will surpass Longmen in the near future. It is a country with a population of more than one billion, and it is not a country where the class is severely solidified like India and other places. Social system. Many children from impoverished families have become engineers or multi-millionaires in various industries in the middle and high levels of the country. Today's timely cooperation is a timely stop loss for us in the future.”

The other party raised his eyebrows indifferently, stood up, took out a book from the desk, and handed it to Daisy.

"I'll give you a good book, which is written by Zhonghua himself, "Zianhua Will Collapse", which clearly points out that Zhonghua's time is numbered. Even if they help the world and alleviate the financial crisis. It's just overdrawing yourself in exchange for international sympathy. I hope you can see the reality clearly and stop losses in time.”

"Stop the loss in time..." Daisy fumbled with the book, not knowing what to say for a while.

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Chapter end

Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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