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The Despised Heiress Is Filthy Rich, She Is The Real Boss

1 Votes
She was once the heiress from the rich family, she was the apple of everyones eye, she was spoilt by her family, she became arrogant but she had a good heart . When the real heiress was brought back home, she was kicked out by her rich family, the news of her being thrown out spread. Due to her ignoble past and the ostracization of her relatives, she was always been bullied by her classmates, partly due to her being abandoned and despised. With her seeing the real faces of people, she undergoes a massive change, returning any bullying she received in the past. With a powerful cheat, a pair of telepathic jade eyes, she is able to easily appraise jade and succeed at gambling. She starts a business, becoming a legendary businesswoman. Theres no need to talk about people who previously mocked her for being poor when they see her billion-yuan net worth. When relatives visit to cozy up with her, they are denied. We are no longer related to one another. Return to whatever foul place you came from! after breaking all boundaries, her husband dots on her, spoils her. "My wife if you want anything your husband will give you" Her sister-in-law: " siister-in-law, i will assign you to the best brands as long as you say a word" her second brother-in-law: " Sister-in-law, if anyone bullies you second brother-in-law is here for you" ………………………………………………………………………… The real heiress is filthy rich, she is the boss.
1 Votes
She was once the heiress from the rich family, she was the apple of everyones eye, she was spoilt by her family, she became arrogant but she had a good heart . When the real heiress was brought back home, she was kicked out by her rich family, the news of her being thrown out spread. Due to her ignoble past and the ostracization of her relatives, she was always been bullied by her classmates, partly due to her being abandoned and despised. With her seeing the real faces of people, she undergoes a massive change, returning any bullying she received in the past. With a powerful cheat, a pair of telepathic jade eyes, she is able to easily appraise jade and succeed at gambling. She starts a business, becoming a legendary businesswoman. Theres no need to talk about people who previously mocked her for being poor when they see her billion-yuan net worth. When relatives visit to cozy up with her, they are denied. We are no longer related to one another. Return to whatever foul place you came from! after breaking all boundaries, her husband dots on her, spoils her. "My wife if you want anything your husband will give you" Her sister-in-law: " siister-in-law, i will assign you to the best brands as long as you say a word" her second brother-in-law: " Sister-in-law, if anyone bullies you second brother-in-law is here for you" ………………………………………………………………………… The real heiress is filthy rich, she is the boss.

The Despised Heiress Is Filthy Rich, She Is The Real Boss


The Despised Heiress Is Filthy Rich, She Is The Real Boss

(1 Votes)
She was once the heiress from the rich family, she was the apple of everyones eye, she was spoilt by her family, she became arrogant but she had a good heart . When the real heiress was brought back home, she was kicked out by her rich family, the news of her being thrown out spread. Due to her ignoble past and the ostracization of her relatives, she was always been bullied by her classmates, partly due to her being abandoned and despised. With her seeing the real faces of people, she undergoes a massive change, returning any bullying she received in the past. With a powerful cheat, a pair of telepathic jade eyes, she is able to easily appraise jade and succeed at gambling. She starts a business, becoming a legendary businesswoman. Theres no need to talk about people who previously mocked her for being poor when they see her billion-yuan net worth. When relatives visit to cozy up with her, they are denied. We are no longer related to one another. Return to whatever foul place you came from! after breaking all boundaries, her husband dots on her, spoils her. "My wife if you want anything your husband will give you" Her sister-in-law: " siister-in-law, i will assign you to the best brands as long as you say a word" her second brother-in-law: " Sister-in-law, if anyone bullies you second brother-in-law is here for you" ………………………………………………………………………… The real heiress is filthy rich, she is the boss.
Aphline_Amondi 1
Comments 1
She was once the heiress from the rich family, she was the apple of everyones eye, she was spoilt by her family, she became arrogant but she had a good heart . When the real heiress was brought back home, she was kicked out by her rich family, the news of her being thrown out spread. Due to her ignoble past and the ostracization of her relatives, she was always been bullied by her classmates, partly due to her being abandoned and despised. With her seeing the real faces of people, she undergoes a massive change, returning any bullying she received in the past. With a powerful cheat, a pair of telepathic jade eyes, she is able to easily appraise jade and succeed at gambling. She starts a business, becoming a legendary businesswoman. Theres no need to talk about people who previously mocked her for being poor when they see her billion-yuan net worth. When relatives visit to cozy up with her, they are denied. We are no longer related to one another. Return to whatever foul place you came from! after breaking all boundaries, her husband dots on her, spoils her. "My wife if you want anything your husband will give you" Her sister-in-law: " siister-in-law, i will assign you to the best brands as long as you say a word" her second brother-in-law: " Sister-in-law, if anyone bullies you second brother-in-law is here for you" ………………………………………………………………………… The real heiress is filthy rich, she is the boss.
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Sep 24, 2024
The series The Despised Heiress Is Filthy Rich, She Is The Real Boss contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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